Case Studies! All of These Cases Are Based Off of Real Western Conditions. See If You Can

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Case Studies! All of these cases are based off of real Western conditions.

See if you can diagnose the Eastern side and for fun, see if you can guess the Western diagnosis. Some of these conditions are extremely common and you will see them frequently. I can guarantee that every one of you either knows someone with or has had! one of these conditions are "ersonally have or ex"erienced it. #lease include your $ #rinci"les and %ang &u 'x. (nderline or bold all the keywords you find and write down all the "ossible indications they may mean. )ou can work in grou"s, *ust submit your own work on +ivetext by next week. If you want to add "oints, "lease do I ex"ect semester , and u" to do so!-

.! A "atient comes into the office com"laining of "ain in her toes bilaterally. She doesn/t know when it started, but it has to have been bothering her off and on for at least , months. She has not seen anyone else for this. She says that sometimes her toes hurt, sometimes they feel tingly. )ou "al"ate her toes and notice that the big toe feels more than the "inky side, but it still doesn/t feel the same as the ankles. 0he "atient is slightly overweight and out of sha"e. She is visibly sweating and her face has red cheeks. 1er diet is not that great as she is a busy "erson and resorts to fast food often for convenience. 1er *ob is very stressful, which she says causes her to eat often. She isn/t coughing, has no low back "ain, her bowel movements seem normal, as is her menstrual "eriod, but she thinks she urinates more than the average "erson. 1er tongue is swollen with a large crack in the middle and her "ulse is rolling and full.

2! A new "atient comes into the clinic almost unable to walk. 1e has shar" stabbing "ain in the right lower quadrant of his abdomen. It started late last night and he thought it would go away if he *ust sle"t on it. It get steadily worse and now it is unbearable. It is a .34.3 "ain. 0his has never ha""ened to him before. 5othing makes it better, it seems like everything makes it worse. 0o to" it off, he feels nauseous. 1e has thrown u" twice today. 1e feels di66y and he has a cold sweat. 1e can/t think about his hunger, bowel movements, urination, or anything else when you start asking him your other acu"uncture questions. 1e *ust wants to get out of "ain. 1is "ulse is wiry and cho""y. 1is tongue is "ur"le.

7! A "atient comes into your office com"laining of hy"ochondriac "ain. 0he "ain is only on the right side. It feels dull and kind of annoying and it isn/t constant. 1e seems to notice it after he eats a meal. )ou ask what he diet is and it consists of a lot of 8&9 since he/s from the South. 1e rarely eats fruits and veggies. #ressure in the area makes it worse. 5othing seems to make it better. It has been going on and off for several weeks and seems to be getting slowly worse. 1is a""etite is great, he/s not coughing. 1e seems thirsty, and satisfies his thirst by drinking cold 9okes often. Sometimes the "ain seems to migrate to his lower back, but not often. 1e says his urination and energy levels seem "retty normal and so is his slee". 1is stools "ass regularly, but sometimes they are hard to get out. 0here have been times where he notices that there is blood after he wi"es. When he does do :2, it usually comes out in "ieces and ;"lo"s< into the toilet. 1e doesn/t know if it/s relevant but somewhere in the conversation he mentions that he has difficulties making decisions. 1is tongue is wiry and slightly ra"id. 1is tongue is on the redder side.

=! A graduate student comes to the office feeling a little down. She com"lains of having a hard time concentrating while in school. She says ;you know how it is, whenever I/m in class, I want to do anything but be in class.< Although she wants to do well, she often finds herself day dreaming about other things. When she tries to do her homework, she is easily distracted and then hours later finds out that nothing has been done. 0o her it seems like while she/s in class, she/s a bird that/s stuck in a cage. She feels a lot of "ent u" energy that has to be released and while that occurs, she has a hard time concentrating. 0he lectures seem to blur together and she forgets a lot easily. 1er a""etite is fine, she/s not coughing, no low back "ain, no bowel, bladder, or menstruation issues. She does get head aches often and when she has to study, she often feels a warm sensation in her forehead and her eyes will sometimes burn. 1er "ulse is ra"id and wiry. 1er tongue has cracks with no moisture on it, has red s"ots on it, and the sides seem swollen.

>! A "atient comes into the office com"laining about feeling sluggish and having no energy. She is slightly de"ressed because she seems tired for most of the day. She mentions that she must be a ;night owl< because even though she/s tired during the day, when night comes along, she/s full of energy and has a hard time going to slee". 0hat/s when everything seems to ha""en- Working out does give her more energy. She wakes u" because she has to but has to hit the snoo6e 7 times a day. She also wants to work on her weight. She doesn/t know what she can do to lose weight because she already admits to not eating as much as other "eo"le. She is slightly overweight and blames a slow metabolism. 1er thirst is ok, she/s not coughing, and has no +?#. She does say she gets cold more often than not and normally wears some sort of sweater. 1er "ulse is weak or deficient and her tongue is "ink, swollen, and has a slight white coating.

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