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Year2013 Project Proposal

The Addition Of Turnstiles and Reopening of Gate Along College of Liberal Arts Lobby

Name of Students: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Aguinaldo, Lindsay R. Alfonso, Elaica Marie S. Bandillo, Veron Lopez, Michelle Joanna Marie B. Miranda, John Morrel D. Ocampo, Jude Michael A. Perez, Gilberto T #1 #2 #8 #24 #30 #32 #34

Revision Details Release No. Rev. 1 Rev. 2 Rev. 3 Date 09/27/2013 0 0 Revision Description Project Proposal Title


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INTRODUCTION 1.0 PROJECT SPECIFICATION 1.1 Project Needs 1 1.2 Project Objectives 1 1.3 Project Boundaries 1 2.0 3.0 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS FEASIBILITY STUDY Is the Problem Worth Solving? 3.1 Technical Feasibility 2 3.1.1 Technical Feasibility Hardware 2 3.1.2 Technical Feasibility Software 2 3.2 Scheduling Feasibility 2 3.3 Financial Feasibility 2 3.4 Operational Feasibility 3 3.5 Social and Ethical Considerations 3 4.0 STUDENT JOURNAL

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Way back year 2009, the University installed the turnstiles or baffle gates and placed it in the gate along CLA lobby for security purposes. To avoid the entry of outsiders, for the safety of the students. These were removed due to software related problems. It lasts for almost a year and the gate was temporarily closed due to implemented order of our university president Dr. Olympio Caparas. Recently, the University reinstalled the turnstiles in gates 1 and 2. The software issues were solved. However, due to the population of the University the 2 baffle gates cannot accommodate all the students at the same time. This causes the students to wait in line that reaches all the way to Sta. Isabel and be late in their class. The researchers came up with a proposal that would solve this problem or at least lessen the burden of the students. The addition of Baffle gates in each entrance and reopening the gate along CLA lobby which is said to be the main gate 4 years ago.

1 PROBLEM SPECIFICATIONS 1.1 Project Needs Money is a necessity in this project. Turnstiles are quite expensive so the university should have enough budget for this. Space/location; where should the additional turnstiles be placed? Time; will it take too much time to install new ones? A project proposal letter sent and approved by the president and the board members. A computer specialist for computer system application Cooperation of students, faculty and admins


Project Objectives The main objective of this proposal is to avoid being late because of the very long line in the entrance of the University, and this is because aside from having the guards check the bags you also have to tap your ID for verification. The line reaches all the way to sta. Isabel and it will take approximately 20 minutes before reach the gate. TUP has two entrances, but either has the same situation. Yes, you may have to wake up early for you to arrive early and avoid the line. But if you live somewhere far from TUP. Lets say Laguna, your daily routine before is to wake up at 4:00 am, so now youd have to wake up 3:00 am or if your somewhere farther, 2:00 am. Why not meet halfway? Add maybe two or more turnstiles and reopen the gate in CLA. We will have security without being late.


Project Boundaries

This project covers having additional turnstiles and reopening the gate in the CLA lobby. The approval of the president and the board members is needed to start with. The supply and equipment department, UITC and Security Office are also involved. This will be in the gates of TUP, including the gate in CLA lobby.

2 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS UITC- University Information Technology Center TURNSTILE- A turnstile, also called a baffle gate, is a form of gate which allows one person to pass at a time. It can also be made so as to enforce one-way traffic of people, and in addition, it can restrict passage only to people who insert a coin, a ticket, a pass, or similar. Thus a turnstile can be used in the case of paid access (sometimes called a fare gate when used for this purpose), for example public transport as a ticket barrier or a pay toilet, or to restrict access to authorized people, for example in the lobby of an office building. CLA- College of Liberal Arts SOFTWARE- Computer software, or just software, is any set of machine-readable instructions that directs a computer's processor to perform specific operations. The term is used to contrast with computer hardware, the physical objects (processor and related devices) that carry out the instructions. Computer hardware and software require each other and neither can be realistically used without the other.

BUGS- The term "bug" had been in use for any malfunction or error of a machine long before electronic digital computers existed. HANG- In computing, a hang or freeze occurs when either a single computer program or the whole system ceases to respond to inputs. In the most commonly encountered scenario, a work station with a graphical user interface, all windows belonging to the frozen program become static, and though the mouse cursor still moves on the screen, neither typing on the keyboard nor clicking the mouse produces any effect in the program's windows. The mouse cursor may also be stuck in a form indicating that it is waiting for some operation to complete, such as an hourglass or a spinning wait cursor. ID-Identification card OSA-Office of Student affairs USG-University student Government TUP-Technological University of the Philippines

3. FEASIBILITY STUDY IS THE PROBLEM WORTH SOLVING? Entrance is one of the most important system that a corporation, company or even schools/universities should be developing because of its significant effect in the organization and safety of everyone. Our University is developing its Entrance system with the aid of turnstiles or baffle gates. The turnstiles are used to support the needs of students in terms of security and safety, but because of deficiency of turnstiles, the main function of the machine is being neglected due to its negative effect towards the students. The main issues that the students experience are the following: Waiting in line seems to be very inconvenient and a waste of time. Causing them to be late. Because of being late their missing their lectures and it affects their class standing.

This study is an attempt to develop our Entrance system. In which the main purpose is to put in additional turnstiles for convenience. It is not guaranteed that the additional turnstile can completely solve the problem but It can lessen the effects.

The turnstile system is a smart idea. It can benefit both the students and the university in terms of the assurance that all the students are officially enrolled. With the help of UITC, security, administration and the students this project will be a great success.

3.1 Technical Feasibility

3.1.1 Technical Feasibility Hardware There are two turnstiles or baffle gates in the university, it consists of a monitor, computer, turnstile and the magnetic chips in our IDs, these are tapped on the sensor of the turnstile and the chip on it will be recognized by the system. Students information will then appear on the monitor. The major parts of the machine itself are the body, three elongated rotating metals and a light indicator. It is connected to a monitor and ran by a computer system/software.

3.1.2 Technical Feasibility Software Four years ago, the university already has the turnstile which last for almost a year only. It was removed because of some technical errors on the system. However, the UITC was able to reconstruct it after three years. They made the software used by the system called program board. They installed it a few months ago and still working up till now .Hopefully they will able to add more and the university will be able to use it.

3.2 Scheduling Feasibility According to Mr. Michael Narisma of UITC, installation of turnstiles lasts for approximately 1 month. They will have to buy the machine by parts (turnstile itself and the computer system) and assemble it. They will work on the software to be used by the system. They will then place it in the gate along CLA lobby. IDs will be validated and will have a dry run or testing of the system if there are some errors or technical problems.

3.3 Financial Feasibility According to the Supply and Equipment Department a turnstile costs 120,000 way back 2009. They were able to buy two of it that year. Only that it was removed because of technical problems. They were able to reinstall it 4 years after without spending a dime. The UITC reconstructed the system. According to Mr. Elvin Adviento of Urduja, head of the Security Department of the University, they were able to converse with the Office of the Student Affairs and the University Student Council regarding the entrance situation and they came up with a plan of adding two more turnstiles and reopening the gate along CLA lobby. Today, a turnstile costs almost 150, 000 and there are almost 15,000 students which tuitions range from 6,000 to 10,000 per semester. So the University has 90,000,000 up to 150,000,000 each semester, not including the budget that the government provides. Adding two or four more turnstiles will only cost less than half a million and reopening the gate in CLA wont cost any.

3.4 Operational Feasibility The University Information Technology Center (UITC), are the ones in charge of the system, from installing the turnstiles, validating the IDs, dry run and keep the system working. The new turnstile will be placed on the CLA lobby main gate. Basically students will have to tap their IDs on the turnstile, it will then verify the information of the student and will appear on the monitor. Only official students of the University will be able to enter.

3.5 Social and Ethical Considerations The Following should be considered in order for the proposal to be successful: security of data and information accuracy of data and information appropriate information use The possibility of having a virus on the system

Because the turnstile is run by a software program there is no doubt that it can be hacked. In that situation, all the information and data of a student will be exposed. The UITC should secure all the data for the safety of the students The Data should match the students so that there will be no mismatch or any information related problem that the students will encounter.

STUDENT JOURNAL On the 27th of September 2013 was presenting the problem which to be solved, together with the project proposal, Friday afternoon around 11:00 to 12:00. The proposed project was approved on the same day. On the 30th of September, Monday, questionnaires were submitted to the professor for approval. On the 2 nd and 3rd of October, surveys and interviews were conducted. Gathered information are compiled and deliberated by the researchers. On the 4th of October, was organizing and editing.

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