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Gbenga Sesan Paradigm Initiative Nigeria @gbengasesan

TECH: Whats Trending?

WimBiz Conference 2013. Lagos, Nigeria. November 4, 2013

From Clones to Appropriate Tech


Africas Twitter to addressing local communication needs " Study Black Box " Replicate " Customise " Innovate " Improve " Own cloning sign of local progress



Access Democratisation

accounts for ~87% of Internet access in Nigeria applications: Life, play, business, learning, governance gradual unfreezing of social mobility



BoP Tech Application


all about improved livelihoods, not the sexiness of devices awaiting result to positive peer pressure

!! From


is the last and most lucrative market

Dark Clouds Gathering


2013. Edward Snowden revelations. Trust broken million Internet Surveillance equipment from Israel just about rights. Lets not choke the space for innovation

!!Nigeria: $40


Isnt That A Rainbow?


is the new GSM. Broadband Plan (2013-2018) ICT Ministry. Consolidation. Consultation. Policy sophistication in user taste and demands



Let The Children Code


they dont code at 13, they cant rule the world of tech at 30 rise of Hubs, Code Camps and Contests Gathering: November 26-28, 2013



May The Best (Wo)Man Win!

!!Competition. Great

for industry development one-phrase rule of tech: Innovate or die. Hi5. MySpace. ETC of small vs 10% of BIG


!!Collaboration. 100%

Recalibrating Literacy

+ Write " Computer Literacy " Adaptive Literacy Manuals. Unpack and unleash fast can you unlearn, learn and/or relearn tech tools?



Classrooms and Computers


1 Computer in Every Classroom to >1 Classroom in Every Computer degree programs (US): 2002 = 34.5%. 2012 = 62.4% has to embrace MOOCs

!!Universities online


Big Data

networks and connected Nigeria in Data Generation Data meets Big Problems. Health, security, education, etc, data over 53 years who holds data holds tomorrows key



Gbenga Sesan


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