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Evoland FAQ

TABLE OF CONTENTS- Press ALT+F to search through the guide. !rac"eted letters#nu$!ers to %ind that &art o% the FAQ easil'. CO((ON Q EST)ONS *CQ+ T,E BE-)NN)N- *E.+ C/0STAL CA1E *E2+ O1E/3O/L4 *E5+ NO)/A ()NES *E6+ )TE( COLLECT)ON *E7+ SECON4 A( LET P)ECE *E8+ F)/ST A( LET P)ECE *E9+ BLAC: C)TA4EL *E;+ BAC:T/AC:APALOO<A=== *E>+ EN4-A(E *E.?+

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CO((ON Q EST)ONS *CQ+ Question .@ 0ou $ade a $ista"e#thereAs a s&elling error# 'ou $issed so$ething. AnsBer@ None o% these are CuestionsD !ut i% 'ou see an' o% these things are trueD &lease contact $e through ga$e%aC or e$ail $e at arrestedga$ingEg$$D along Bith 'our userna$e. )All %iF or add in the in%o 'ou give $e and credit 'ou at the !otto$. Question 2@ 3here do ) %ind the cards#starsG AnsBer@ Search using *SS+ %or the starsD and *SC+ %or the cards. )All out as $an' as ) %ind in the original &la'through Bhere 'ouAll %ind the$D !ut an' cards#stars ) $iss Bill !e added in the BAC:T/AC:APALOO<A=== SectionD along Bith an' end o% the ga$e side Cuests.

T,E BE-)NN)N- *E.+ 3ell... /ight o%% the !atD Be have so$e di%%icult &uHHles= #sarcas$ So head rightD touch the chestD learn 'ou can $ove le%tD and noB head u& to the to& chest. 3ith the ga$e noB !eing a!le to scrollD head u& and Iust %olloB the &ath. A%ter getting i$&roved scrollingD head across the !ridge to the rightD then doBn &ast the chest on the right to a di%%erent chest !eloB. This gives 'ou the sBordD and 'ou are noB a!le to attac" ene$ies and deadl' !ushes Bith the ENTE/ or E !utton. Cut doBn the grass to !loc"ing the chest Be &assed earlier to s&aBn $onsters= These onl' ta"e one hitD !ut 'ou can onl' ta"e one hit as Bell. -o ahead and "ill these $onsters !e%ore &ic"ing u& the chest Bith $usic. NoBD 'ouAll see a strange s'$!ol on the groundD !ut that BonAt activate until 'ou gra! the chest a %eB $ore ste&s north. O&en that to unloc" save &oints. All 'ou have to do is Bal" in the save &oint and the ga$e auto saves %or 'ou. NoB Be get a little eF&loration Jseriousl'D onl' a littleK. ,ead to the u&&er le%t %irst and gra! the chest holding a Lsecret star.L *SS+ Behind a cou&le $ore !ushes to the le%t is a Bat card *SC+ Be can use later. NoBD head !ac" to the save &ointD and go right. Pic"ing u& the chest Iust over the !ridge unloc"s color= A%ter de%eating the $onsterD head right over the !ridgeD as the &ath doBn has nothing. ,eading north lets 'ou see a neB ene$'D !atsD Bhich $ove $uch $ore s&oradicall' so Batch out. A!ove that is another save &oint and a chest housing the dee& and $oving stor'line. & and right o% the save &oint is a chest containing another hidden star. *SS+ The' donAt see$ to !e ver' good at hiding these thingsD do the'G NoBD i% Be head le%tD a%ter de%eating the octo&usD there is another chest Bith u&graded gra&hics. North o% here is another chestD giving 'ou sign &ostD along Bith Cuite a %eB ene$ies. Ta"e the$ out as 'ou head le%tD o&ening the chest to unloc" %ree $ove$ent. 0ou are no longer restricted to the old school LgridL st'le $ove$entD noB alloBing 'ou to $ove in ; directions and to hel& navigate tight areas. )% 'ou read the %irst signD 'ou Bould see it said the &ath Bas onl' %or agile Barriors. 3eAre &rett' agile noBD so head !ac" and sli& !etBeen the roc"s to get into a neB area Bith a neB save &oint. )n this neB areaD Be %ind tBo statues and a chest. Touching a statue !rings it to li%eD and these things are a !it tougherD ta"ing three hits eachD and 'ou canAt attac" head on since their shields Bill de%lect the attac" and &ush 'ou !ac" a !it. A%ter ta"ing these tBo doBnD a stone to the north eF&lodesD o&ening $ore %or 'ou to see. -ra! the chest to unloc" 'our inventor'D Bhich is &rett' !arren so %ar. Travel u& to Bhere the !oulder BasD and 'ouAll %ind 'oursel% in a !rand neB overBorld=

The ga$e Barns 'ou a!out rando$ encountersD !ut that BonAt co$e into &la' until 'ou gra! the %irst chest along the &athD changing the co$!at s'ste$ into a turn !ased /P-. 0ou onl' have !asic attac"s and a &otion in the ite$ $enuD !ut thatAs all 'ou need %or noB. FolloB the dirt &ath to the neFt chestD !ringing (ode 9= AhhD the good olA da's. Must "ee& %olloBing the dirt &athD %ighting all sli$es along the Ba'. Crossing the !ridge u& north !rings 'ou !ac" into the action /P- st'le as 'ou leave the overBorld. -ra! the chestD head north to the saveD and %ight o%% the 6 "nights one at a ti$e. A%ter the $essage &o&s sa'ing 'ouAve unloc"ed a chestD head right to see a neBl' s&aBned chest. O&en it u& and Pa&uni"a 1illage literall' %or$s around 'ou. Tal" a!out service= ,ead all the Ba' le%t to %ind a chest alloBing 'ou into &eo&leAs ho$es. (ight as Bell test this neB %ound &oBer on the !uilding to 'our north. The roo$ on the le%t has an inn"ee&er insideD alloBing 'ou to rest here %or .? glisD %ull' healing 'ou and alloBing 'ou to save. FolloB the stone &ath !ac" to the center o% toBnD and tr' to the !uilding here. )n the right$ost roo$ is a chest unloc"ing sho&"ee&ersD and eFa$ining the !arrel in the sa$e roo$ nets 'ou 7? glis= The sho&"ee&er does nothing so %arD so head out and head north. ThereAs a chest here o&ening u& NPCsD !ut no one tells 'ou an'thing since L0ouAre Iust a "id.L ,ead %urther north and eFa$ine the Bell to %ind a secret area. FolloB the &ath east to %ind a 3or$ card *SC+D and go !ac" around to the Best noB. Eat the strange nut to groB u&D and gain so$e res&ect %ro$ the villagers. The house neFt to the Bell is loc"ed %or noBD so letAs head southeast to the last house. The !arrel in the le%t$ost roo$ has a &otion insideD and the chest has a Tor" card *SC+. Outside to the east is a gu' !loc"ing the !ridge Bith a !arrelD sa'ing 'ou need to u&grade 'our eCui&$ent !e%ore he %eels sa%e letting 'ou &ass. ,ead !ac" the sho&"ee& and !u' the longsBord and co&&er ar$or. )tAs 27? -lis totalD so i% 'ou donAt have itD itAs ti$e to grind= -et the sBord %irst since it Bill alloB 'ou to one shot the $onsters to the southD $a"ing grinding that $uch easier. )% 'ou BantD 'ou can grind another 7?? -lis to get the /are Card E$u". *SC+ Each ene$' gives 7? -lis u&on !eing de%eatedD so it honestl' shouldnAt ta"e long. -rind i% 'ou Bant an' $ore &otions or Bant a &hoeniF doBn. /est u&D and head !ac" to the gu' !loc"ing the &ath to resu$e 'our Iourne'.

C/0STAL CA1E *E2+ O&en the chest !loc"ing 'our Ba' to get &ulled into a %orced !attle. 4e%eat the $onsters and the unconscious girl Bill Ba"e u&. SheAll as" 'ou to hel& her %ind a cr'stal in the caveD and in true /P- %ashionD thou $ust. NoB Aeris JBhoo&sD ) $eant :aerisK Ioins 'our &art'= She doesnAt have as $uch

strengthD !ut does co$e Bith a nice heal s&ell. 3al" co$&letel' around the la"eD ignoring the cave to the northD and go to the !otto$ right corner o% the %orest to %ind the ,idden (eadoB. ,ere 'ouAll %ind a Sli$e card *SC+. NoB head on !ac" to the cave to &rogress the ga$e. The &ath to the le%t has nothingD so head north and o&en the chest Bith cave $onsters. Even though 'ou have the overhead ca$eraD 'ouAll still !e using turn !ased co$!at. The neFt s&litD go le%t and eFa$ine the !arrels and crates %or 7? glis and tBo &otions. The le%t &ath once again has nothingD so letAs continue north. At the neFt %or"D go le%t as the right is !loc"ed. The neFt treasure chest holds ENP &ointsD alloBing 'ou to noB level and gain stats= This is ver' use%ul %or o!vious reasons. Continue around %ull circle to get to the chest that Bas !loc"ed on the right &ath. ,ere is our neFt star= *SS+ Ta"e the &ath north noB to get a chest o&ening li%e s&rings Bhich %ull' heal 'ou and alloB 'ou to save. )% 'ou Bant to grindD noB is the !est ti$e. Continue along and ta"e the loBer &ath to %ind a chest Bith another card *SC+D and a sBitch 'ou can ste& on to activate Lso$ething.L ,ead u& north and eFa$ine the cr'stal to start our %irst !oss !attle=

BOSS BATTLE@ -host o% :e%"a This %ight is &rett' eas'. )% 'ouAve !een %ighting ever'thing 'ou co$e acrossD 'ouAll &ro!a!l' !e around level 6 Bhich is &lent' high enough. :e%"aAs -host onl' has tBo attac"s. A !asic attac" that does an'Bhere %ro$ .2-27 da$age to one $e$!erD and a counter attac" that onl' activates i% 'ou attac" it Bhen it gloBs light !lue. This attac" does around 2? da$age to !oth &art' $e$!ers. Must attac" Bith the $ain character J(C %or short %ro$ noB onK and heal Bith :aeris. ThereAs no (PD so use that cure s&ell %or all itAs BorthD onl' attac"ing Bhen 'ouAre %ull health. 3hen the ghost starts gloBingD Iust Bait until it sto&s to attac". ThereAs no de%end or Bait o&tionD so Iust sit still until it sto&s.

O1E/3O/L4 *E5+ A%ter 'ouAve de%eated the ghostD the ga$e Bill go 54= ,ead to the circle onscreen and 'ouAll !e trans&orted out o% the dungeon. The chest !ehind the tree has u&graded soundD and the chest neFt to the &ath has li%e containersD $eaning no $ore one shot "ills in the Action-/P- sections. Fro$ the chestD head southD cutting through all the grass in 'our Ba' to get another star *SS+D and the <oo$!a card. *SC+ -et !ac" to the trail and %olloB it until 'ou reach the area Bhere there are red %loBers on !oth sides o% 'ou.

Turn le%t and start cutting doBn grass again. FolloB the la"eAs edge to reach a chest containing the Pa""un card= *SC+ ,ead !ac" u& the &ath and %ind a ga& in the trees to the right. :ill all the ene$ies here and &ic" u& the chest near the !otto$ to get teFtures. -o over the stone and tada= 0ouAre !ac" near the !eginning o% the ga$e= 3eAve got a little !it o% !ac"trac"ing to do= FolloB the &ath !ac"D crossing tBo !ridgesD and 'ou should !e !ac" to a save area Be used Ba' !ac" Bhen. ,ead southD and go over the stone that !loc"ed our Ba' earlier. The %irst tBo chests 'ou see contain a cine$atic ca$era Hoo$ and li%e &ic"u&s the ene$ies noB dro&. :ee& %olloBing the &ath until there is a &atch o% grass in !etBeen sections o% the &ath. ,ead south and cut through the grassD then head Best at the crossroads to reach a chest Bith a 3as& card. *SC+ ,ead !ac" u& to the &ath and go directl' right to see a roB o% grass. Cut it doBn to %ind another star *SS+ in the chest. -o a !it south then head straight eastD &ic"ing u& the tBo chests here %or !etter teFtures and another star= *SS+ -o !ac" and ta"e the little clearing heading south and 'ouAll reach the overBorld again. -ra! the chest !loc"ing 'our Ba' to turn the Bhole Borld 54. ,ead into the cave to start u& the neFt dungeonD the Noira (ines=

NO)/A ()NES *E6+ ,ead straight u& and gra! the chest to o&en the $ines %or eF&loring. Ta"e the north &ath !ecause the le%t and right &aths are !loc"ed %or noB. -ra! the chest to get the a!ilit' to !rea" &ots. These tend to dro& heartsD so it can !e ver' use%ul to !rea" ever' one 'ou %ind i% 'ouAre running loB on health. FolloB the &ath to %ind a chest containing &ressure &lates. Ste& on the$ !oth to unloc" the door !loc"ing 'our Ba'. The neFt chest $a"es red BiHards a&&ear. These gu's are anno'ing !ecause the'All shot a %ire!allD then Bar& aBa'. :ill the BiHardD then head Best and o&en the chest to trigger a tra&= :ill the !ats that s&aBnD then o&en the neB chest %or a "e'. -o all the Ba' !ac" to the !eginning o% the dungeon to... LolD Iust "idding. se the "e' on the door i$$ediatel' to 'our right. This chest !rings s"eletonsD Bhich have an anno'ing tendenc' to !loc" 'our stri"es. Must "ee& attac"ing and 'ouAll !rea" through its de%ense. Must continue %olloBing the &athD Bhich Bill lead 'ou to a &ressure &late and another BiHard. Ste& on the &ressure &late to raise a &ath. Cross over and o&en the chest. Ti$e %or $aHes= The easiest route to the "e' 'ou needD is u&D rightD u&D le%tD

u&D rightD u&. NoB that Be have the "e'D go doBnD then right. FolloB the &ath to another star= *SS+ FolloB the &ath !ac" to Bhere the chest Bas. Fro$ the chestD go doBnD le%tD doBnD le%tD u&D le%tD u&D rightD u&. FolloB the &athD ta"ing out the s"eletons to get to a neB chest Bith &usha!le !loc"s. Push all the !loc"s 'ou %ind as %ar u& as 'ou can to &rogress. )n the neFt roo$D a tra& Bill trigger and 'ouAll have 5 s"eletons to %ace. )n the neFt roo$D 'ouAll have to o&en the chest to de%eat the $onster. )n the neFt areaD &ic" the right sBitchD as the le%t Bill s&aBn tBo s"eletons. )n the neFt roo$D 'ouAll unloc" the tornado tra&. The' %ire in Baves o% 5D so Iust Bait %or three to %ireD then &ass !' during their oBnti$e. 4e%eat the BiHards in the neFt roo$ and gra! the chest to unloc" the light &uHHle. Start at the !otto$ right cornerD and head in a circle Jeither Ba' Bor"sD and hit the last !utton to unloc" the door. )n the neFt roo$D Bal" through the clearing o% the s&i"es and Batch the BhirlBind &atteren. )t goes in a &atternD co$ing %ro$ the rightD it starts at the !otto$ then Bor"s u& in order. -et to the %ar right to get a "e' %or the &revious roo$. ,ereAs a save &oint and a chest $a"ing lava a&&ear. Lava onl' does hal% a heartD !ut 'ou still need to !e care%ul. )n the neFt roo$ :aeris gives 'ou a hint to Batch 'our ste&D and sheAs not "idding. TA:E 0O / T)(E= This roo$ %or$s a $aHeD and as 'ou Bal"D &arts o% the %loor dro& out %or 'ou to %all in. As long as 'ou go sloBD 'ouAll see Bhich !loc"s dro& and 'ou can $a"e it to the !otto$ o% the roo$ easil'. The neFt roo$ has %ire!alls that &ush 'ou into the lavaD so itAs all a!out ti$ing. The second roo$ is Bhere it gets tough. A%ter the %irst %ire!all &assesD go doBn one !loc"D diagonal doBnle%t a !loc"D then doBn 2 another !loc"s to reach a sa%e s&ot. 3ait %or the neFt %ire!all and %olloB it to $a"e it through Bith no da$age. Must $a"e sure 'ou go to the end o% the &ath !e%ore going doBnD !ecause the ga$e has a troll !loc" that Bill dro& 'ou i% 'ou tr' to cut corners.The neFt roo$ is %airl' toughD Bith tBo BiHardsD tBo s"eletonsD and a!out 5-6 !ats. A%ter !eating all the ene$iesD the door to the le%t Bill o&enD !ut %irstD go to the right to get a chest Bith the !oss roo$ "e'. NoB !e%ore heading to the !oos doorD go north at the %or" to go !ac" into the dungeon Bhere 'ou can noB reach a chest holding a secret star. *SS+ NoB go through the !oss door to %ight...

BOSS F)-,T@ ShadoB (C ShadoB (C has 5 attac"sD The %irst is here shoots 5 %ire!alls in a s&read %or$ation Bhich isnAt too hard to dodge as long as 'ou run aBa' as 'ou $ove u& or doBn to dodge. The second attac" is he su$$ons 2-5 shadoB !ats that %ight Iust li"e regular !ats. The third attac" is his charge attac". ,eAll envelo& hi$sel% in lightD then dash %orBard. )tAs si$&le to dodge as long as 'ou "ee&

$oving. The onl' Ba' to do da$age to the !oss is to tric" hi$ into charging into a Ball. ,eAll get stuc" a%ter 'ou dodge his attac"D and this is 'our chance to hit hi$. 8 hits and heAs dead=)n the neFt roo$ is the legendar' sBord= ,ead out o% the dungeon and o&en the chest to get 54 !attles. Bac" to turn !ased !attles= Must head east to %ind Aogai 1illageD :aerisA ho$e. ,ead north u& the &ath to $eet her uncle Sid. ,eAll tell 'ou that 'ou need to %ind the tBo halves o% the A$ulet o% -orn to get to the $ain !addieD !ut 'ou need !o$!s to get there. ,eAll &oint 'ou in the direction o% a !ald card &la'er in the $ar"et. First thoughD BeAll head right %ro$ this screen to %ind a chest Bith !etter gra&hics. ,ead !ac" to the %irst screen o% the villageD and head east noB. The chest all hold NPCsD the le%t$ost one holding the card &la'er 'ou need to tal" to= n%ortunatel' he no longer has the !o$!sD directing 'ou to the nurse to the north. The other gu' actuall' &la's 'ou in a card ga$eD so Be can %inall' &la' Bith those cards BeAve !een %inding. This &la's ENACTL0 li"e Tri&le Triad %ro$ Final Fantas' ;. The NPC is ha&&' to eF&lain the rulesD and 'ouAll catch on Cuic". -o tal" to the healerD and sheAll tell 'ou the old Bo$an !ac" Bhere Be got i$&roved gra&hics noB has the !o$!s. FETC, Q EST -O= ,ead !ac" to the old Bo$anD and sheAll as" 'ou to "ill a dragon !e%ore giving 'ou the !o$!s. Tal" to the gu' near the saveD and heAll tell 'ou to tal" to the Bo$an near Sid. The Bo$an is the $other o% the child running la&s in the $ar"etD and sheAll tell 'ou he Bas &la'ing Bith the !o$!s. T,E/E )S NO 4/A-ON= Tal" to the child to F)NALL0 get the !o$!s. :aeris Bill $eet u& Bith 'ou and tell 'ou sheAs learned a neB s&ell. She can noB actuall' attac" and do so$e nice da$ageD !ut 'ouAll still &ri$aril' use her %or healing. NoB !e%ore Be head south to the grove to continue the stor'D letAs go !ac" to the $ines Be Iust le%t. ThereAs so$e secrets to get= )% 'ou BantD 'ou can s"i& this &art !ecause BeAre going to do a lot o% !ac"trac"ing !e%ore the %inal !oss to get all the collecta!les.

)TE( COLLECT)ON *E7+ Bac"trac" through the $ines JdonAt hit the &ressure &late in the !oss roo$. )t Iust $a"es 'ou %ight ShadoB (C again. )n the &ath to the !oss roo$D 'ou &ro!a!l' saB a crac"ed Ball. Bo$! it to %ind a chest Bith a star. *SS+ ,ead !ac" into the dungeon and !loB u& the neFt crac" 'ou see %or another star= *SS+ That should !e .? so %arD $eaning BeAre .#5 through %inding all the stars= :ee& going

until 'ou get to the lava $aHe roo$. There is another crac"ed Ball on the north side o% the roo$ hiding another star. *SS+ ThatAs all %or noB in the $inesD and Be have tBo o&tions noB. 3e can either %olloB Bhat the' ga$e tells us and go south to the grooveD or Be can ta"e another route to get the second &art o% the a$ulet noB. The choice is 'oursD !ut )All ta"e 'ou the other route %irst !ecause it gives 'ou one 1E/0 nice thing in a chestD Bhich is the $ini$a&= PlusD i% 'ouAre tr'ing to grind $one' %or an' reasonD such as tr'ing to get the rare card %ro$ the $erchant in toBnD this area gives TONS o% glis.

SECON4 A( LET P)ECE *E8+ ,ead !ac" to the village and head north o% the screen Bith the healer. FolloB the &ath until 'ou reach a caveD and Be have a neB st'le o% co$!at. 3elco$e to 4ia!lo#Torchlight= -ra! ever' chest 'ou see as 'ou eF&lore %or things li"e a li%e !arD co$!o attac"sD and the chance to &la' as :aeris= The $ost dangerous %oe here !' %ar are the $agicians. The' can attac" %ro$ a distanceD and their %ire!alls do signi%icantl' $ore da$age than the nor$al ene$' attac"s. EF&lore ever' noo" 'ou %ind and 'ouAll %ind tBo stars *SS+ and a card= *SC+ Continue to %olloB the &athD destro'ing ever'thing in sight until 'ou reach an area on the $ini$a& Bith a s"ull. &on

o&ening the chestD Be start a !attle Bith the toughest !oss 'et. That isD i% 'ou donAt cheese it.


ndead :ing

This !oss has three $aIor attac"s. The %irst is a claB sBi&eD Bhich does ver' little da$age. The second attac" is a radial %ire!all !last. This is !' %ar the $ost da$aging $oveD and &rett' hard to dodge at Bell. The third attac" is su$$oning !atsD !ut Iust li"e the ShadoB (C %ightD the !ats are a Io"e. Since Be have no Ba' o% healingD this %ight can !e ver' tough. The %ire!alls are hard to dodge and do a good chun" o% da$age. )% onl' there Bas a Ba' o% co$&letel' !loc"ing the attac". Luc"il'D there is a Ba'D and )All share this su&er secret ti& %or Iust > eas' &a'$ents o% O>.>>= Or %or %ree noB ) guess. An'Ba'sD all 'ou need to do is &osition one o% the to$!stones in the area !etBeen 'ou and the !oss. 3hen he uses the %ire!all attac"D the attac" is !loc"ed !' the to$!stoneD !ut 'ouAre still a!le to hit hi$ through it= ,eAll still hit 'ou Bith his sBi&esD !ut the' do ( C, less da$ageD and heAll still tr' the %ire!all $ove on occasionD $eaning %ree hits %or 'ou= The LtrueL Ba' o% %ighting this gu' is &la'ing a lot o% hit and run. /un u&D do a co$!oD then run aBa' so the %ire!alls can s&read out and 'ou can dodge !etBeen the shots. This ta"es $uch $ore ti$e and e%%ortD !ut ulti$atel' %eels $ore %ul%illing. ) guess. ) cheesed the shit out o% this !ossD so ) donAt "noB. A%ter de%eating the !ossD head !ac" to Bhere the door Bas !loc"ing 'ou !e%ore to get the second &iece o% the a$uletD and a tele&ort !ac" to toBn.

F)/ST A( LET P)ECE *E9+ NoBD Be %inall' do Bhat the ga$es !een telling us to do. ,ead south o% the village and head to the %orest o% orange and red leaves.

Sadl'D the $ini$a& doesnAt Bor" in these areasD !ut itAs not that !ig a deal. Bo$! the crac"ed roc"s to $a"e a &ath %or 'oursel%D and Iust %olloB the cleared area. Cross the !ridge and s$ac" the cr'stal to revert !ac" to 24. ,ead !ac" the Ba' 'ou ca$e and head north at 'our %irst chance. That tin' tree !loc"ed 'ou in the 54D !ut is not Iust &art o% the tile in 24D so Be can head north and eF&lore= S$ac" the neB cr'stal and head underground though the hole in the clearing ahead. )n this areaD Be Iust have one giant lava $aHe. Li"e last ti$eD ta"e it sloBD and donAt !e a%raid to !ac"trac" i% 'ouAre stuc" in a !ad situation Ste& !' ste& thoughD 'ouAll Bant to hug the le%t Ball until the second lava dro& o&ens. Turn right hereD and then go south tBo !loc"s Bhen 'ou hit the lava &its. Turn right and go straight until 'ou hit the end o% the %loor. FolloB the right Ball all the Ba' u& to the crac"ed Ball. Bo$! it and 'ouAll %ind a star. *SS+ Ta"e one $ore ste& the Ba' 'ou Bere going !e%ore !o$!ing the BallD and go doBn tBo !loc"s. -o one !loc" le%tD then 5 $ore doBnD tBo rightD and head doBn to get a !oB %ro$ the treasure chest. NoB retrace 'our ste&s to get !ac" out into the o&en. Ti$e to sBitch !ac" to 24. se 'our neB !oB to shot an arroB through the %ireD

!urning doBn the s$all tree. NoB Be can sBitch !ac" to 54 and $ove %urther into the grove. SBitch di$ensions again at the neFt cr'stal and &ass !' the tin' tree. 0ouAll have to %ire an arroB through the %ire to light the !urnt out torchD then another arroB through that %ire the !urn doBn the tree. se the sa$e tric" on the s$all tree

to the right a%ter !loBing u& the roc" in %ront o% it to %ind our .7th star= *SS+ 3eAre hal%Ba' done Bith the stars noB= Ta"e the

south &ath to continueD and 'ou should %ind a roc" !loc"ing 'our &ath north. BloB it u& and ta"e out the ene$ies in the area to get another star= *SS+ NoBD Be Bant to head doBn over the !ridgeD and shot the cr'stal %ro$ this area. )n 24D Be can 'et again &ass !' a s$aller tree. Circle around and !loB u& the roc" directl' !ehind the lit %ire. ,ead doBn and cut a &ath through the grass to the loBer section. 0ou can !loB u& the roc"D !ut 'ou NEE4 to cut doBn the grass. Pass anther tin' treeD cutting an' grass standing in 'our Ba'. Shoot an arroB through the %ire !oth u&D and one le%t. The u& one Bill !urn the treeD and the le%t one Bill light another %ire. Shoot u& through the neB %ire to light another %ireD and then shoot the cr'stal to revert to 54. ,ead !ac" the Ba' 'ou ca$eD and !oth torches should !e lit Bhere there Bas once a statue. NoB itAs gone !ecause the torches are litD and Be can go underground again. Push the tBo %ire &illars onto their &ressure &lates to o&en the doorD then get read' %or a $onster roo$. TBo BiHardsD and 6 s"eletonsD &lus s&i"es that hinder $o!ilit'. se !o$!s to ta"e out

the s"eletons easil'D then slash the BiHards Bith 'our sBord. For so$e reasonD arroBs do nothing to these gu's. An'Ba'sD de%eating the$ gives 'ou a chest Bith the other hal% o% the a$ulet. NoB !e%ore Be leaveD !loB u& the Ball to uncover a secret star. *SS+ NoB that Be have this hal% o% the a$uletD the stone to are le%t is noB active. SBitch to 24 again and %ire an arroB north through the %ire !eloB. This Bill light one o% the torches need the !eginning. NoBD Be need to sBitch !ac" to 54D go !ac" to Bhere the la"e is Bith the cr'stal and the tBo %ireD and shoot the cr'stal again to

go !ac" into 24. Cross !ac" into the area Bith the neBl' lit %ireD and %ire le%t to start another %ireD then shot doBn %ro$ the neB %ire. (ore sBitching di$ensions as Be shoot this cr'stal to revert to 24D &ass over all the tin' treesD !ac"trac" !ac" to the &ond to hit that cr'stal %or 54D then head to the cr'stal Be need the a$ulet %orD and revert to 24. This ga$e sure has a lot o% &addingD huhG An'Ba'sD noB Be should !e a!le to reach a neB cr'stal. ,it it to again change to 54D and cross over the stone !loc" that Bas !loc"ing us in 24 to the northBest. ,ere Be %ind the :aeris card. *SC+ ,ead !ac" to the cr'stal and head south over that stone to leave the Sacred -rove. )% 'ou %olloBed $' guideD 'ou noB have !oth &ieces o% the a$ulet and 'ouAll have to go tal" to Sid. )% 'ou Bent to the Sacred -rove %irstD 'ouAll have to tal" Sid an'Ba'sD and heAll tell 'ou Bhere to %ind the second &iece o% the a$ulet. /ead higher u& %or the guide o% that area.

BLAC: C)TA4EL *E;+ NoB Be need to head to the toBer. Ta"e the sa$e route as i% Be Bere heading to Bhere the second a$ulet &iece BasD !ut instead o% heading u& over the !ridgeD "ee& going right. Cross the !ridge and BeAll %ind the $ain villain. )n this !oss %ightD 'ou canAt BinD so Iust go all out until 'ou die. A%ter the cut sceneD use 'our neB %ound s"ill to de%eat <e&h'ros %or noB. A%ter the !attle head !ac" to Aogai 1illage and tal" to Sid to receive the airshi&. ,ead out the %ront o% the village to %ind 'our airshi& and get read' %or...

BAC:T/AC:APALOO<A=== *E>+ Co$ing soon... Sorr'.

EN4-A(E *E.?+ Ta"e the airshi& !ac" to Bhere the toBer isD and head north %ro$ there to %ind the (ana Tree Bhere Be reall' %ight...

BOSS BATTLE@ <e&h'ros The !oss starts Bith Iust one attac". )t Bill sla$ itAs hands doBn and then !reathes %ire in !etBeen its hands. Start running right and as it !egins to trac" 'ouD run le%t. <e&h'ros Bill continue turning to the right then sla$ its handsD giving 'ou a chance to sla$ at the ge$s on its hand. :ee& doing this until the ge$ shattersD then do the o&&osite to destro' the ge$ on <e&h'rosA right hand. NoB the !oss Bill lean %orBard and !reathe %ire Bhile s&inning. )t Bill do one %ull circle !e%ore it sto&s. /un along Bith the %ire and 'ouAll !e sa%e. A%ter it sto&sD hit the ge$ on <e&h'rosA chest onceD then start running around the ring again to s$ac" the or! that shots %ro$ its !ac". A%ter a cou&le o% attac"sD <e&h'ros Bill lose his ar$or and start %iring %ire!alls. Must "ee& running to dodge the tri&le %ire!alls the !oss shotsD and Bhen he %ires the !lue !allD %ace the center and hit the !all !ac". )t Bill trac" to <e&h'ros as long as 'ouAre %acing the center Bhen 'ou hit the !all. A%ter a cou&le hitsD <e&h'ros Bill go doBn and 'ou deserve congratulations %or !eating Evoland=


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