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BACKGROUND OF STUDY Saving plays an important role in the process of economic growth and development from over the

past decades. Saving can be defined as the part of an individuals income that is not spent. (Chia, Fong, Lew and Tan, !" # The rising costs of higher education in the $alaysia have made financial planning for college and university students increasingly important. $a%ority of the college and universities e&perienced financial independence without a parents supervision. university students had low levels of $ac'onald,(ira and $asud, $alaysian college and literacy (Sabri, financial

!"!#. Therefore, college and universities

students will have high possibility to have financial problem. The ability to save determined the speed of economic growth because high savings rate will drive up the rate of investment and conse)uently stimulate economy growth. ((arrod, "*+* and 'omar ,"*,-#. .s many students borrow money for education fees and easily falls into debt due to the lac/ of financial planning, the study on the financial behaviour of university students is )uite popular for many $alaysian scholar (0a/ara, $asud 1 2usoh3 4brahim, (arun 14sa, 16thman, !!7# !!*3 Sabri, $ac'onald, $asud, 5aim, (ira

STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM 8owadays, there are triple number of university students compare to two decades ago (9conomic 5lanning :nit, !!-# which it is good for the country. (owever, in the same time it creates new problems to the country. This is because ma%ority of them will e&periences the first time financial independence without their parent supervision when enter the university. Therefore, this report is aimed to investigate how many students practice saving, why they saving and how do they saving their money.


The followings are the ob%ectives of the report; ". To investigate how many 0$ habits of saving money. . To identify how these students do their saving. +. To e&amine their reasons for saving. RESEARCH QUESTIONS ". (ow many 0$ . (ow do the 0$ +. =hy do the 0$ 5art ,. students practice the habits of saving< 5art ,. students save their money< 5art ,. students save their money< 5art ,. students practice the

SIGNIFICANCE OF STUDY ". This research is designed to e&amine the 0$ 5art ,. students

regarding their saving habits which to /now that how many of them are practicing saving habits, how do they save their money and the reasons of their saving. . This study then will indicate the percentage of how many students do practice the saving habits and its impact to the students life in the future if they practicing the saving habits.

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY This section discusses the methodology of the research. The main purpose of this research is to obtain information about saving behaviour of 0$ part ,. students in :iT$ Shah .lam. 4n order to get data of the research, data were collected through )uestionnaires. 4t is to ma/e sure the accuracy and the )uality of the research findings. 0y using appropriate )uestionnaires, research sampling techni)ues and data analysis method, the researchers are confident to develop a relevant, valid and reliable research finding. This is because it is one of the easy ways to get the

accurate information. There are several advantages of this method which are ine&pensive, )uic/ and efficient of data collection method. The )uestionnaires distributed to the 0$ the population of the research. 5art ,. students. The sources of data collection can be gathered by specifying the sampling frame from

LIMITATION OF STUDY This study has several limitations. Time constraint. 9nough time in conducting research is needed in order to collect accurate information. The period of time for this semester is only fourteen wee/s. Thus, it is hard to have proper management of time.

Sincerity of respondents Second limitation is about sincerity of the respondents when they respond to the )uestions. 4ncorrect data might be collected. 0esides, some of the respondent might be lying about their information because they feel shy about themselves. 0ecause of all these limitations, it will affect the finding of this research.

$isinterpretation The respondent misunderstanding the term that have been written in the )uestionnaire because maybe they did not familiar with the term used.

SECTION A: DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE Please in i!a"e #$% in "&e a''()'(ia"e in*)(+a"i)n a,)-" .)-(sel*/ Ea!& 0-es"i)n s&)-l s"(i!"l. !)n*i en"ial/ ". >ender; $ale Female . .ge; "7 and below "*? ! +. $arital status; Single $arried ,. =here did you get your monthly allowance< 5arent allowance Scholarship 5art?time %ob Studies Loan@5T5T8 6thers 5lease state; AAAAAAAAAA "? + and above )nl. &a1e ONE ans2e(/ All (es')nses a(e

B. (ow much allowance do you get per month< C$! ? C$ !! C$ !" ? C$B!! C$B!! ? C$7!! -. 'o you engage in part?time %ob< Des 8o C$7!" ? C$"!!! $ore than C$"!!!

". (ow many 0$ . (ow do the 0$ +. =hy do the 0$

5art ,. students practice the habits of saving< 5art ,. students save their money< 5art ,. students save their money<

SECTION B: INDEPENDENT AND DEPENDENT VARIABLES 5lease tic/ (@# your answer to each statement using Li/ert scale; " ? Strongly disagree3 agree N)/ ". . +. ,. B. Q-es"i)ns O,8e!"i1e 3 4 dont save because it is hard. =hen 4 get money 4 always spend it immediately (within " or days#. 4 en%oy spending money on things that arent practical. =hen 4 set saving goals for myself, 4 rarely achieve them. 4 am more concerned with what happens to me in short run than in the long run. 4 always failed to control myself from spending money. O,8e!"i1e 4 4n order to save, 4 often compare prices before ma/e a purchase. =hat do you do before you ma/e a purchase< a. Compare price b. 0uy spontaneously c. 4n order to save, 4 plan to reduce my e&penditure. 4n order to save, 4 always follow a careful monthly budget. 4 save until the end of my semester. 4 always have money available in the event of emergency. 3 4 5 6 7 E 'isagree3 + E 8eutral3 , E .gree3 B ? Strongly

-. F.

7. *. "!. "".

" . "+. ",. "B. "-. "F. "7. "*. !.

4 save money in my unit trust account. 4 always save money in my saving account ban/. 4 /eep my saving money at home. O,8e!"i1e 5 4 save to achieve certain goals. 4 save money for emergency. 4 put money aside on a regular basis for the future. 4 save money because of encouragement from my parent. 4 save for the marriage purpose 4 save money for the vacation purpose

5art .; demography 5art 0; savings habit 5.CTC; $ethods of savings 5.CT '; Ceasons for savings

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