Request For Quotation (RFQ) : Chemin de Blandonnet 8 1214 Vernier Geneva, Switzerland

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Chemin de Blandonnet 8

1214 !ernier

"ene#a$ %&it'erland

REQUEST FOR QUOTATION (RFQ) Issuance date: 4 January, 2010 Closing Date: 8 January, 2010 Closing Time: 4 PM Gene a Time !u"#ect: $e%uest &or 'uotation (o) : TG&*10*001 For Purchase of a Digital Asset Manage ent (DAM) S!ste Dear !ir+Madam: T,e Glo"al &und to &ig,t -ID!, Tu"erculosis and Malaria .t,e /Glo"al &und01, ,ere"y solicits your %uotation 2or a Digital -sset Management !ystem 2or t,e Glo"al &und and related ser ices as descri"ed in t,e attac,ment - to t,is $&') T,e 3ro3osal s,all include %uotations 2or t,e D-M 2unctionalities as 4ell as ot,er related ser ices) 522erors s,all also indicate to 4,at e6tent t,e re%uirements can or cannot "e met To t,is end, t,is $&' is "eing issued and consists o2 t,is co er letter and t,e 2ollo4ing: 1) -ttac,ment -, entitled /!ystem $e%uirements0 2) -ttac,ment 7, entitled /Terms and Conditions0 'uotations must "e recei ed no later t,an 4:00 PM Gene a time on t,e closing date) Pro3osals must "e su"mitted electronically "y 8*mail attac,ment in Microso2t 9ord and+or 86cel using t,e $&' $es3onse &orm) 8lectronic co3ies s,ould "e addressed as 2ollo4s 3atricia)c,atsi:a;t,eglo"al2und)org) T,e su"#ect line o2 t,e 8*mail must read /your com3any<s name, $&' = TG&*10*001 Purc,ase o2 a Digital -sset Management !ystem)0 522erors s,all con2irm 4it, Patricia C,atsi:a at 3atricia)c,atsi:a;t,eglo"al2und)org "e2ore t,e closing date and time, t,at t,eir su"missions 4ere success2ully recei ed "y t,e re%uired due date and time) &a6ed 3ro3osals are not acce3ta"le) T,e Glo"al &und may, at its sole discretion, e6tend t,e deadline 2or t,e su"mission o2 %uotations, re ise t,e s3eci2ications, or cancel t,is $&' "y issuing an amendment to t,is solicitation) T,e Glo"al &und may a4ard one or more contracts on t,e "asis o2 initial %uotations recei ed, 4it,out discussions or negotiations) Cost 4ill "e a determining 2actor in our selection 3rocess t,ere2ore, eac, initial 3ro3osed cost s,ould contain t,e o22eror>s "est terms) T,e Glo"al &und reser es t,e rig,t ."ut is not under o"ligation to do so1 to enter into discussions 4it, one or more o22erors in order to o"tain clari2ications, additional details on t,e s3eci2ications, "udget, or ot,er as3ects related to t,is $&' or negotiate t,e cost 3ro3osal) 522erors are re%uested to ,old t,eir 3ro3osal alid 2or ?0 days 2rom t,e deadline 2or su"mission) T,e Glo"al &und 4ill ma:e its "est e22ort to select a 2irm+institution 4it,in t,is 3eriod) T,e Glo"al &und 4ill "e under no o"ligation to re eal, or discuss 4it, any o22eror, ,o4 a %uotation 4as assessed, or to 3ro ide any ot,er in2ormation relati e to t,e selection 3rocess)


522erors 4,ose %uotations are not selected 4ill "e noti2ied in 4riting o2 t,is 2act, and s,all ,a e no claim 4,atsoe er 2or any :ind o2 com3ensation) 522erors are solely res3onsi"le 2or t,eir o4n e63enses, i2 any, in 3re3aring and su"mitting a %uotation in res3onse to t,is $e%uest 2or 'uotations) T,is 4ould include any costs incurred during 2unctional demonstrations .i2 any1 and su"se%uent meetings and negotiations .i2 any1) T,is letter and attac,ments s,all not "e construed as a contract or a commitment o2 any :ind) T,is re%uest 2or %uotations in no 4ay o"ligates t,e Glo"al &und to a4ard a contract, nor does it commit t,e Glo"al &und to 3ay any cost incurred in t,e 3re3aration o2 t,e 3ro3osal) -ny %uestions concerning t,is $&' s,ould "e su"mitted in 4riting ia email to t,e undersigned at 3atricia)c,atsi:a;t,eglo"al2und)org)

!incerely yours, Patricia C,atsi:a Contracts 522icer Cor3orate Procurement !er ices T,e Glo"al &und


ATTA"#MENT A $ S%STEM REQUIREMENTS &' (ac)groun* T,e Print and -udio isual Communications Team is res3onsi"le 2or t,e selection o2 3,otos 2or a ariety o2 3ur3oses li:e 3rinted materials, 3resentations, t,e Glo"al &und 4e"site, social media and 3ress releases) In order to en,ance t,e Team<s a"ility to 3ro ide Glo"al &und !ta22, 3artner organi@ations and e6ternal agencies 4it, a33ro3riate images, a digital asset management system is re%uired t,at ma:es it easier to organi@e, 2ind and s,are image 2iles) 5ur collection o2 o er 4A000 images is o2 a %uality rarely seen in similar organi@ations and ,as tremendous alue in our e22orts to communicate T,e Glo"al &und<s mission and ac,ie ements) Bo4e er, since currently t,ere is no 3ro3er arc,i ing system in 3lace, our a"ility to ma:e 2ull use o2 t,ese assets is rat,er limited) - digital asset management system 4ould greatly en,ance t,e a"ility o2 t,e Communications Cnit to %uic:ly 3ro ide ,ig, %uality and ,ig,ly s3eci2ic images 2or a ariety o2 3ur3oses In t,e long run, time 4ill "e sa ed, more re%uests can "e 3rocessed and larger audiences can "e reac,ed) In accordance 4it, T,e Glo"al &und Communications !trategy 2010*2012, im3ro ed 3,oto co erage 4ill contri"ute to our o"#ecti es o2 1: "eing seen as a 3o4er2ul ad ocate 2or continued in estment, 2: ,ig,lig,ting to donor audiences t,at t,e Glo"al &und is a ia"le, success2ul and uni%ue mec,anism to distri"ute 2unds, and D: ma:ing reci3ient audiences "etter understand t,e mec,anisms 2or o"taining 2unding) +' O, T,e o"#ecti e is to ma6imi@e t,e alue o2 t,e 3,oto li"rary to ,el3 ac,ie e Glo"al &und<s communication goals "y 1) 8n,ancing t,e communications unit<s a"ility to meet current and 2uture demand 2or 3,otogra3,ic images .e)g) /2aster 3,oto selection01 2) Ma:ing ,ig,ly s3eci2ic images more easy to 2ind t,roug, im3ro ed searc,ing 2unctionalities .e)g) /"etter 3,oto selection01 D) 8n,ancing t,e communications unit<s a"ility to s,are and distri"ute images among Glo"al &und sta22, 3artner organi@ations, media and e6ternal agencies .e)g) /2aster 3,oto s,aring01 /' Descri0tion of S!ste Re1uire ents

In order to meet t,is o"#ecti e, a Digital -sset Management .D-M1 system needs to "e 3ut in 3lace t,at meets t,e 2ollo4ing re%uirements: 5 erall Tec,nical $e%uirements T,e D-M system is to "e installed on a local .onsite1 ser er Total .initial1 amount o2 data to "e migrated is around 1)2 T7 - total o2 10 users 4it, arious le els o2 administrator rig,ts


T,e D-M system s,ould "e 2le6i"le enoug, to allo4 2or modi2ications in inter2ace layout+2unctionalities at any stage, i2 necessary acce3t and generate a 4ide range o2 image 2ile 2ormats "ased on Glo"al &und de2ined standards, s3eci2ically t,e most common $-9 2ormats, as 4ell as ti22, 3sd, and #3g "e a"le to read, im3ort and e63ort .EMP1 metadata em"edded 4it, t,e images "e a"le to 3ro ide statistics on t,e num"er o2 do4nloads, geogra3,ical location o2 do4nloads, etc) "e a"le to store ot,er media assets, 3articularly ideo in mo , 2l and 4m 2ormats "e accessi"le+searc,a"le in -do"e 7ridge t,roug, -do"e Fersion Cue e entually "e accessi"le t,roug, T,e Glo"al &und<s CM! system ."asic -PI1

-dministrators s,ould "e a"le to manage access to t,e arc,i e "y creating and assigning users and user rig,ts ma:e certain s3eci2ic sections o2 t,e arc,i e a aila"le or una aila"le to users add ca3tions, create categories and assign :ey4ords to digital assets a33ro e re%uests 2rom users to do4nload s3eci2ic images instantly send selected images t,roug, e*mail ."y 3ro iding a lin: 4,ere t,ese images can "e do4nloaded1) T,e e*mail s,ould ,a e a cor3orate design a33ro e images deli ered "y content 3ro iders .e)g) 3,otogra3,ers1 to "e u3loaded to t,e system

Content Pro iders s,ould "e a"le to u3load images to t,e system 2rom any4,ere in t,e 4orld -dministrators s,ould "e a"le to manage and control access to t,e arc,i e "y creating and assigning users and user rig,ts ma:e certain s3eci2ic sections o2 t,e arc,i e a aila"le or una aila"le to users add ca3tions, create categories and assign :ey4ords to digital assets a33ro e re%uests 2rom users to do4nload s3eci2ic images

instantly send selected images t,roug, e*mail ."y 3ro iding a lin: 4,ere t,ese images can "e do4nloaded1) T,e e*mail s,ould ,a e a cor3orate design a33ro e images deli ered "y content 3ro iders .e)g) 3,otogra3,ers1 to "e u3loaded to t,e system Content Pro iders s,ould "e a"le to u3load images to t,e system 2rom any4,ere in t,e 4orld Csers s,ould "e a"le to searc, t,roug, assets "y :ey4ord, category, date or 4ords in .IPTC1 ca3tion te6t


do collection*4ide 2iltering o2 images do4nload images in di22erent si@es and 2ormats .e)g) /3rint0, /3resentation0 and /4e"01 create irtual sets o2 images .4or: 2olders1 do4nload+s,are ,i*resolution multi3le images %uic:ly 3re ie4 document .9ord or 3d21 3ages

Other (o0tional) Re1uire ents Integration in user management systems ."y GD-P1

Re1uire* Ser.ices Pro#ect Management !etu3 and Con2iguration in coo3eration 4it, t,e Glo"al &und IT and Communications units Testing o2 t,e system De elo3ment o2 Customer Modi2ications Migration o2 e6isting 2ile structure into t,e ne4 system Cser+administrator training .10 3eo3le onsite1 5ngoing /Bel3des:0 su33ort! Im3lementation starting &e"ruary 1 Im3lementation 2inis,ed "y Marc, 1A !ystem 2ully 2unctional and ready "y t,e second ,al2 o2 Marc,



T,e Terms and Conditions set out "elo4 constitute an integral 3art o2 any contract 2or t,e 3ro ision o2 goods and ser ices to t,e Glo"al &und to &ig,t -ID!, Tu"erculosis and Malaria .T,e Glo"al &und1 and any Purc,ase 5rder issued t,ereunder) In t,ese Terms and Conditions, 3urc,ase order means t,e 3urc,ase order issued "y T,e Glo"al &und to t,e Contractor setting out T,e Glo"al &und re%uirements 2or Goods or !er ices) &' 2OODS OR SER3I"ES' &'&' 2oo*s an*4or Ser.ices' T,e Contractor 4ill 3ro ide t,e e%ui3ment, su33lies or ot,er items ./Goods01 and+or 3er2orm t,e ser ices ./!er ices01 descri"ed in eac, e6ecuted Purc,ase 5rder or attac,ment t,ereto signed "y an aut,ori@ed re3resentati e o2 t,e Glo"al &und) &'+'! an* Acce0tance' T,e Glo"al &und 4ill e aluate t,e Goods or t,e !er ices u3on deli ery 2or con2ormity 4it, t,e s3eci2ications in t,e a33lica"le Purc,ase 5rder or attac,ments t,ereto) I2 t,e Glo"al &und reasona"ly considers t,at any 3art o2 t,e Goods or t,e !er ices do not con2orm to t,e said s3eci2ications, t,e Contractor 4ill "e so noti2ied and s,all "e gi en a reasona"le 3eriod o2 time to ensure, at Contractor<s o4n cost, t,at t,e %uality, %uantity and descri3tion o2 t,e Goods meet t,e s3eci2ications or t,at t,e !er ices ,a e "een correctly 3er2ormed) I2 t,e Contractor 2ails to deli er Goods t,at con2orm to t,e %uality, %uantity and descri3tion o2 t,e s3eci2ications, or to 3er2orm t,e !er ices to t,e satis2action o2 t,e Glo"al &und 4it,in a reasona"le time to "e agreed "et4een t,e 3arties, t,e Glo"al &und may terminate t,is Contract) I2 so terminated, t,e Contractor agrees to re2und any amounts 3re iously recei ed 2rom t,e Glo"al &und in connection 4it, suc, non*con2orming Goods or !er ices, 4it,in ten .101 days 2rom t,e termination) &'/' 2oo*s 5 Ser.ices S0ecifications "hanges' T,e Contractor understands t,at t,ere may "e additions, deletions or ot,er c,arges t,at may a22ect t,e 3urc,ase o2 Goods or t,e !er ices s3eci2ications during t,e term o2 t,is Contract) C3on recei ing t,e Glo"al &und<s notice o2 any c,anges, t,e Contractor 4ill 4or: in good 2ait, to accommodate t,ose c,anges to t,e a33lica"le s3eci2ications) &or any material c,ange to t,e Goods or !er ices s3eci2ications, t,e 3arties 4ill negotiate in good 2ait, 2or e%uita"le ad#ustments to t,e amount 3aya"le to t,e Contractor and t,e deli ery sc,edule under t,e a33lica"le Purc,ase 5rder or attac,ment t,ereto) +' 2ENERA6 PRO3ISIONS' +'&' Pa! ent) a1 T,e Glo"al &und 4ill 3ay 2or all Goods and !er ices 3er2ormed in accordance 4it, t,e a33lica"le Purc,ase 5rder or attac,ment t,ereto) T,e Glo"al &und 4ill also 3ay to t,e Contractor any e63enses aut,ori@ed under t,e a33lica"le Purc,ase 5rder or attac,ment t,ereto) "1 T,e Contractor ac:no4ledges and agrees t,at t,e Glo"al &und may re2use to ma:e 3ayments under t,is Contract in "an: accounts t,at are not ,eld under t,e name o2 t,e Contractor) c1 -ll 3ayments 4ill "e made in t,e currency indicated in t,e a33lica"le Purc,ase 5rder) T,e Glo"al &und 4ill acce3t no lia"ility 4,atsoe er 2or t,e delay in 3ayments due to national or international restrictions to t,e e6ecution o2 3ayments in t,e "an: account indicated "y t,e Contractor) d1 &inal acce3tance o2 t,e Goods or !er ice 3er2ormed in accordance 4it, !ection 1 a"o e is a condition 3recedent to t,e Glo"al &und<s o"ligation to ma:e t,e corres3onding 3ayment installment) +'+' In.oices) a1 Cnless indicated ot,er4ise in t,e a33lica"le Purc,ase 5rder or attac,ment t,ereto, t,e Contractor 4ill, on a mont,ly "asis, 3ro ide a detailed in oice 3ertaining to eac, 3ayment installment and any reim"ursa"le e63enses 4it, su33orting documentation .e)g), recei3ts, unless reim"ursa"le e63enses are "eing "illed on an interim allo4ance arrangement1 su22icient to 3ermit t,e Glo"al &und to eri2y t,e amounts in t,e in oice) "1 8ac, in oice must include a re2erence to t,e num"er o2 t,e a33lica"le Purc,ase 5rder and s,ould "e sent to:


-ccounts Paya"le De3artment T,e Glo"al &und to &ig,t -ID!, Tu"erculosis and Malaria Post 7o6 AD0, 1214 Fernier, !4it@erland) c1 T,e Glo"al &und 4ill endea or to 3ay eac, in oice 4it,in t,irty .D01 days a2ter recei3t o2 any suc, in oice) In oices 4,ic, are incorrectly addressed or 4,ic, do not include t,e Purc,ase 5rder num"er 4ill "e returned to t,e Contractor) +'/' E70enses' Cnless ot,er4ise s3eci2ied in t,e a33lica"le Purc,ase 5rder or attac,ment t,ereto: a1 t,e Contractor is 3ro,i"ited 2rom incurring any lia"ilities or e63enses on "e,al2 o2 t,e Glo"al &undH and "1 t,e Contractor "ears sole res3onsi"ility 2or all e63enses incurred "y t,e Contractor in connection 4it, 3er2orming t,is Contract) +'8' In*e0en*ent "ontractor' T,e Contractor at all times 4ill "e an inde3endent contractor) 8m3loyees, agents and inde3endent contractors o2 t,e Contractor .i2 any1 3ro ided to t,e Glo"al &und to render !er ices ,ereunder ./Contractor 8m3loyees01 4ill remain in t,e em3loy o2 t,e Contractor and are not agents or em3loyees o2 t,e Glo"al &und) (eit,er 3arty 4ill "e lia"le to any agent, su"*contractor, su33lier, em3loyee, or customer o2 t,e ot,er 3arty 2or any commission, com3ensation, remuneration, "ene2it, damage, or claim o2 any nature 4,atsoe er) +'9' Ta7es' Pursuant to !ection I o2 t,e Bead%uarters -greement "et4een t,e Glo"al &und and t,e !4iss &ederal Council dated 1D Decem"er 2004, t,e Glo"al &und is e6em3t 2rom t,e im3osition o2 alue*added ta6 .F-T1 on all 3urc,ases intended and ser ices 3ro ided 2or o22icial use in !4it@erland) -ccordingly any 3ayments "y t,e Glo"al &und to t,e Contractor in res3ect o2 3urc,ases intended, and ser ices 3ro ided, 2or o22icial use in !4it@erland s,all re2lect any ta6 e6em3tions to 4,ic, t,e Glo"al &und is entitled "y reason o2 t,e ta6 immunity it en#oys) -s regards duties and ot,er indirect ta6es, t,e Contractor s,all list suc, c,arges on in oices as a se3arate item and, to t,e e6tent re%uired, coo3erate 4it, t,e Glo"al &und to o"tain t,e reim"ursement t,ereo2) T,e Glo"al &und 4ill not "e res3onsi"le 2or any 2oreign, 2ederal, state or local ta6es arising as a result o2 or in connection 4it, t,e Goods or !er ices under t,is Contract, including, 4it,out limitation, any ta6es im3osed in connection 4it, any net or gross income, or u3on any Contractor 3ro3erty) !a e 2or t,e ta6es t,at under !ection 2)A)a1 a"o e may "e 3ro3erly "illed to t,e Glo"al &und, t,e Contractor 4ill indemni2y and ,old t,e Glo"al &und ,armless 2rom any ta6es, ta6 3enalties, interest, or additions to ta6 t,at are asserted or assessed against t,e Glo"al &und) /' :OR; PRODU"T' D)1) T,e Contractor agrees t,at any re3ort or ot,er 4or: ./9or: Product01 de elo3ed 3ursuant to t,is Contract is trans2erred to and is deemed t,e sole and e6clusi e 3ro3erty o2 t,e Glo"al &und under t,is Contract) T,e Contractor ,ere"y irre oca"ly and unconditionally assigns to t,e Glo"al &und all rig,t, title, and interest in and to all suc, 9or: Product) D)2) T,e Contractor agrees t,at t,e Glo"al &und s,all "e entitled to all intellectual 3ro3erty and ot,er 3ro3rietary rig,ts including "ut not limited to 3atents, co3yrig,ts, and trademar:s, 4it, regard to 3roducts, or documents and ot,er materials 4,ic, are 3roduced or 3re3ared or collected in conse%uence o2 or in t,e course o2 t,e e6ecution o2 t,is Contract) -t t,e Glo"al &und<s re%uest, t,e Contractor s,all ta:e all necessary ste3s, e6ecute all necessary documents and generally assist in securing suc, 3ro3rietary rig,ts and trans2erring t,em to t,e Glo"al &und in com3liance 4it, t,e re%uirements o2 a33lica"le la4) 8' PU(6I" ANNOUN"EMENTS AND AD3ERTISIN2' 4)1) -ny communications "y t,e Contractor to t,e 3u"lic, and in 3articular to t,e mass media or any 3u"lic 2orum 4,atsoe er .including 3ress, radio, tele ision, cinema, internet1 relating to t,is Contract s,all "e su"#ect to 3rior aut,ori@ation in 4riting "y t,e Glo"al &und) I2 t,e Glo"al &und aut,ori@es t,e Contractor to su33ly t,e 3u"lic 4it, in2ormation, t,e Contractor s,all ensure t,at suc, in2ormation is 3ro ided accurately) 4)2) In no case s,all t,e Contractor use t,e name or logo o2 t,e Glo"al &und, or any a""re iation t,ereo2, 4it,out t,e ad ance 4ritten consent o2 t,e Glo"al &und) 9it,out t,e Glo"al &und<s


3rior 4ritten a33ro al, t,e Contractor s,all not, in any statement o2 an ad ertising or 3romotional nature, re2er to its relations,i3 4it, t,e Glo"al &und or to t,is Contract) 9' :ARRANTIES' 9'&' Ser.ices an* :or) Pro*ucts' T,e Contractor 4arrants and re3resents t,at: a1 It ,as t,e 2ull 3o4er to enter into t,is Contract and ma:e t,e assignments set 2ort, in !ection DH "1 -ll !er ices under t,is Contract 4ill "e 3er2ormed in a 3ro2essional and 4or:manli:e mannerH c1 T,e 9or: Product is and 4ill "e original to t,e Contractor and does not and 4ill not in2ringe any co3yrig,t, trademar:, trade secret, 3atent or ot,er 3ro3rietary rig,t ,eld "y any t,ird 3arty) 9'+' 2oo*s' T,e Contractor 4arrants t,at t,e goods: Con2orm in %uality, %uantity and s3eci2ication stated in t,e a33lica"le Purc,ase 5rder or attac,ment t,eretoH a1 -re o2 sound material and 4or:mans,i3H "1 -re e%ual in all res3ects to any sam3les 3ro ided to t,e Glo"al &undH c1 -re 2it 2or t,e 3ur3ose as e63ressed in t,e a33lica"le Purc,ase 5rder 9'/' Ethical ,eha.ior' T,e Contractor also 4arrants t,at it com3lies 4it, t,e internationally recogni@ed standards 2or ,uman rig,ts, la"or, t,e en ironment and anti*corru3tion) <' INDEMNIT%' T,e Contractor 4ill de2end and indemni2y t,e Glo"al &und and its 3resent and 2ormer o22icers, directors, em3loyees, and agents and ,old it and t,em ,armless 2rom and against any costs, losses, damages and 2ees incurred "y t,e Glo"al &und, including "ut not limited to attorneys< 2ees and e63enses in connection 4it, any: a1 negligence or 4ill2ul misconduct "y t,e ContractorH "1 "reac, or alleged "reac, o2 t,e Contractor<s re3resentations, 4arranties or 3romises in t,is ContractH or c1 claim "y a t,ird 3arty t,at t,e Goods or t,e 3ro ision o2 t,e !er ices "y t,e Contractor or t,e use "y or on "e,al2 o2 T,e Glo"al &und o2 t,e Goods or o2 any assets used or 3ro ided "y t,e Contractor in connection 4it, t,e 3er2ormance o2 t,e ser ices in2ringes Intellectual Pro3erty $ig,ts o2 t,at t,ird 3arty) =' TERMINATION' I)1) In t,e case o2 de2ault "y t,e Contractor o2 any o"ligation under t,is Contract, t,e Glo"al &und may, "y 4ritten notice to t,e Contractor, terminate t,is Contract in 4,ole or in 3art, 4it, immediate e22ect) I)2) I2 t,e Glo"al &und considers, in its sole discretion, t,at t,e 3ur3ose o2 t,is Contract can no longer "e ac,ie ed, it may terminate t,is Contract in 4,ole or in 3art "y gi ing 4ritten notice o2 termination to t,e Contractor) T,e notice s,all include t,e e22ecti e date o2 t,e termination, 4,ic, may "e immediately or at some time in t,e 2uture) I)D) In t,e e ent o2 a termination, t,e Contractor s,all immediately deli er and trans2er all 9or: Products and materials so 2ar 3roduced to t,e Glo"al &und in accordance 4it, t,e Glo"al &und o4ners,i3 rig,ts re2erred to in section D a"o e) I)4) !ections D, 4, A, J, I)D, I)4, ?, 10, 1D, 14 and 18 o2 t,ese Terms and Conditions o2 t,is Contract s,all remain alid and sur i e a2ter its com3letion or termination 2or 4,ate er reasons) >' FOR"E MA?EURE' (o 3arty to t,e Contract s,all "e res3onsi"le 2or a delay caused "y force majeure: t,at is, a delay caused "y stri:e, loc:*out, 2oreign or ci il 4ar, or any ot,er similar e ent outside ,is control, it "eing agreed, ,o4e er, t,at t,e Glo"al &und s,all "e entitled to terminate t,e Contract .or any 3art o2 t,e Contract1 2ort,4it, i2 t,e im3lementation o2 t,e 4or: is delayed or 3re ented "y any suc, reason 2or an aggregate o2 D0 days) !uc, termination s,all "e su"#ect to 3ayment o2 an e%uita"le 3art o2 t,e contract sum and+or ot,er reasona"le c,arges) In t,e e ent o2 suc, termination, t,e Contractor s,all, in accordance 4it, t,e Glo"al &und o4ners,i3 rig,ts re2erred to in !ection D, deli er to t,e Glo"al &und all 4or: 3roducts and ot,er materials so 2ar 3roduced)


@' 6IMITATION OF 6IA(I6ITIES' (eit,er 3arty 4ill "e lia"le to t,e ot,er 3arty 2or any conse%uential or indirect damages arising in connection 4it, t,is Contract) &A' "ONFIDENTIA6IT%' 10)1) T,e Contractor s,all not utili@e any notes, data, designs, s3reads,eets, or ot,er materials relating to t,e Glo"al &und t,at 4ere generated "y t,e Contractor in connection 4it, t,e 3er2ormance o2 t,e !er ices under t,is Contract, ot,er t,an solely 2or internal 3ur3ose) 10)2) T,e Contractor s,all :ee3 con2idential all in2ormation and documentation to 4,ic, t,e Contractor may gain access during, or as a result o2, t,e im3lementation and e6ecution o2 t,e Contract) -ccordingly, t,e Contractor s,all not use or disclose suc, in2ormation 2or any 3ur3ose ot,er t,an t,e 3er2ormance o2 its o"ligations under t,e Contract) (or s,all t,e Contractor at any time use suc, in2ormation or documentation to 3ri ate ad antage) T,ese o"ligations do not la3se u3on termination o2 t,is Contract) T,e Contractor s,all ensure t,at eac, o2 its em3loyees and+or ot,er 3ersons and entities ,a ing access to suc, in2ormation s,all "e made a4are o2, and "e "ound "y, t,e o"ligations o2 t,e Contractor under t,is 3aragra3,) 10)D Bo4e er, t,ere s,all "e no o"ligation o2 con2identiality or restriction on use, 4,ere t,e Contractor is clearly a"le to demonstrate t,at suc, in2ormation and+or documentation: .i1 is 3u"licly a aila"le, or "ecomes 3u"licly a aila"le, ot,er4ise t,an "y any action or omission o2 t,e Contractor, or .ii1 4as already :no4n to t,e Contractor .as e idenced "y its 4ritten records1 3rior to "ecoming :no4n to t,e Contractor in t,e im3lementation and e6ecution o2 t,is contractH or .iii1 4as recei ed "y t,e Contractor 2rom a t,ird 3arty not in "reac, o2 an o"ligation o2 con2identiality) 10)4 -t t,e 4ritten re%uest o2 t,e Contractor, t,e Glo"al &und may issue a 4ritten statement releasing t,e Contractor 2rom its o"ligations o2 con2identiality in res3ect o2 certain in2ormation 2or scienti2ic or de elo3ment 3ur3oses only) &&' SU""ESSORS AND ASSI2NEES' T,is Contract s,all "e "inding on t,e successors and assignees o2 t,e Contractor and t,e Contract s,all "e deemed to include t,e Contractor<s successors and assignees, 3ro ided, ,o4e er, t,at not,ing in t,is Contract s,all 3ermit any assignment 4it,out t,e 3rior 4ritten a33ro al o2 t,e Glo"al &und) &+' SU(B"ONTRA"TIN2' In t,e e ent t,e Contractor re%uires t,e ser ices o2 su"*contractors, t,e Contractor s,all o"tain t,e 3rior 4ritten a33ro al and clearance o2 t,e Glo"al &und 2or all su"*contractors) T,e a33ro al o2 t,e Glo"al &und o2 a su"*contractor s,all not relie e t,e Contractor o2 any o2 its o"ligations under t,is Contract) T,e terms o2 any su"*contract s,all "e su"#ect to and con2orm to t,e 3ro isions o2 t,is Contract) &/' INSURAN"E' 1D)1 T,e Contractor is solely res3onsi"le 2or all a33lica"le ta6es, "ene2its, 4or:er<s com3ensation, ,ealt, and ot,er insurance) T,e Contractor must ,old a alid 4or: 3ermit and ensure t,at it o3erates in com3liance 4it, a33lica"le la4s) 1D)2) T,e Contractor 4arrants t,at it s,all o"tain and maintain ade%uate insurances against all ris:s in res3ect o2 any 3ro3erty and any e%ui3ment used 2or t,e e6ecution o2 t,is Contract) &8' SETT6EMENT OF DISPUTES' &8'&' "onciliation' -ny dis3ute, contro ersy or claim arising out or relating to t,e Contract, including t,e "reac,, termination, or in alidity t,ereo2 s,all, unless settled amica"ly "y direct negotiation, "e settled "y conciliation according to suc, 3rocedure as may "e agreed "et4een t,e 3arties) &8'+' Ar,itration' In t,e e ent o2 2ailure o2 conciliation, t,e dis3utes 4ill "e settled "y ar"itration) T,e ar"itration 4ill "e conducted in accordance 4it, t,e modalities to "e agreed u3on "y t,e 3arties, or in t,e a"sence o2 agreement, 4it, t,e rules o2 ar"itration o2 t,e International C,am"er o2 Commerce) T,ere s,all "e one ar"itrator) T,e language o2 t,e ar"itration s,all "e 8nglis,) T,e 3lace o2 ar"itration s,all "e Gene a, !4it@erland) T,e 3arties s,all acce3t t,e ar"itral a4ard as 2inal)


&8'/' Reference 6aC' -ny matter relating to t,e inter3retation or a33lication o2 t,is Contract 4,ic, is not co ered "y its terms 4ill "e resol ed "y re2erence to t,e la4s o2 !4it@erland .including t,e !4iss Code o2 5"ligations, -rticle D?4 and 2ollo4ing1) &9' SE3ERA(I6IT% AND :AI3ER' I2 any 3ro ision in t,is Contract is deemed unen2orcea"le, suc, unen2orcea"ility 4ill not in alidate or render unen2orcea"le any ot,er term in t,is -greement) -ny 2ailure "y t,e Glo"al &und to en2orce t,is Contract in a 3articular instance s,all not "e construed as a relin%uis,ment o2 its rig,ts in 2uture instances) (o 4ai er o2 any 3ro ision o2 t,is Contract 4ill "e e22ecti e unless it is in a signed 4riting, and no suc, 4ai er 4ill constitute a 4ai er o2 any ot,er 3ro ision or o2 t,e same 3ro ision on anot,er occasion) &<' NO :AI3ER OF PRI3I6E2ES AND IMMUNITIES' (ot,ing in or related to t,is Contract may "e construed as a 4ai er, e63ress or im3lied, o2 t,e 3ri ileges and immunities accorded to t,e Glo"al &und under .i1 international la4, including international customary la4, any international con entions, treaties or agreements, .ii1 any national la4s including "ut not limited to t,e Cnited !tates o2 -merica<s International 5rgani@ations Immunities -ct .22 Cnited !tates Code 2881, or .iii1 under t,e Bead%uarters -greement "et4een t,e Glo"al &und and t,e !4iss &ederal Council dated 1D Decem"er 2004) &=' ENTIRE A2REEMENTSD AMENDMENTS' T,is Contract, including any Purc,ase 5rder and attac,ment t,ereto 4,ic, are ,ere"y incor3orated "y t,is re2erence, constitutes t,e entire agreement "et4een t,e 3arties 4it, res3ect to t,e su"#ect matter ,ereo2 and su3ersedes all 3rior and contem3oraneous communications and 3ro3osals, 4,et,er electronic, oral or 4ritten, "et4een t,e 3arties 4it, res3ect to suc, su"#ect matter) T,is Contract 4ill not "e modi2ied e6ce3t "y a 4ritten agreement dated su"se%uent to t,e date o2 t,is Contract, e63ressly amending t,is Contract and signed in a 3a3er 4riting .e)g), not ia email1 on "e,al2 o2 Glo"al &und and t,e Contractor "y t,eir res3ecti e duly aut,ori@ed re3resentati es) &>' "ONTRA"TOR T#AT IS A (USINESS ENTIT%' T,e 2ollo4ing additional terms and conditions are a33lica"le in case t,e Contractor is a "usiness organi@ation: &>'&' Recor*s an* Au*its' &or t,ree years a2ter t,e e63iration or termination o2 t,is Contract, t,e Contractor must :ee3 2inancial and !er ices related records su22icient to ena"le t,e Glo"al &und to audit t,e Contractor as necessary to eri2y t,e 3er2ormance o2 !er ices and t,e amounts c,arged 2or suc, !er ices) -ny audit 4ill "e 3er2ormed 4it, at least 10 days ad ance 4ritten notice, during t,e Contractor<s standard "usiness ,ours and in a manner intended not to unreasona"ly inter2ere 4it, t,e Contractor<s "usiness) &>'+' Insurance' T,e Contractor 4arrants t,at it s,all o"tain and maintain: a1 ade%uate insurances against all ris:s in res3ect o2 any 3ro3erty and any e%ui3ment used 2or t,e e6ecution o2 t,is ContractH "1 ade%uate 4or:ers com3ensation insurance or e%ui alent insurance 2or its sta22 mem"ers, consultants or su"*contractors to co er claims 2or accident, illness, in#ury or deat, in connection 4it, t,e 3er2ormance o2 t,is ContractH c1 lia"ility insurance in an ade%uate amount to co er t,ird 3arty claims .including t,e Glo"al &und1 2or deat, or "odily in#ury, or loss or damage to 3ro3erty, arising 2rom or in connection 4it, t,e 3er2ormance o2 t,is Contract, reasona"ly acce3ta"le to t,e Glo"al &und, "e2ore t,e commencement o2 t,e 4or:H d1 suc, ot,er insurance 4it, 2inancially res3onsi"le insurers in suc, amounts and co ering suc, ris:s as are in accordance 4it, normal industry 3ractice 2or com3anies engaged in "usinesses similar to t,ose o2 t,e Contractor 4it, regard to contracts o2 t,is ty3e) T,e Contractor s,all, u3on re%uest, 3ro ide t,e Glo"al &und 4it, satis2actory e idence o2 t,e insurance re%uired under t,is !ection)

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