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Mendoza RN, MD

GENERAL PRINCIPLES Definition of Terms A. Growth: increase in size of a structure. Human growth is orderl and !redicta"le, "ut not e#en$ it follows a c clical !attern. B. Development: Development: maturation of !h siologic and !s chosocial s stems to more com!le% state. C. Cephalocau al: head&to&toe !rogression of growth and de#elo!ment GENERAL PRINCIPLES Definition of Terms D. Pro!"mo "#tal: trun'&to&!eri!her (fingers and toes) !rogression of growth and de#elo!ment E. Ph$lo%en$: de#elo!ment or e#olution of a s!ecies or grou!$ grou!$ a !attern of de#elo!ment for a s!ecies &. 'nto%en$: de#elo!ment of an indi#idual within a s!ecies Rate# o( Development

A. *etal !eriod and infanc : the head and neurologic tissue grow faster than other tissues. +. ,nfanc and adolescence: adolescence: fast growth !eriods -. Toddler through school&age: school&age: slow growth !eriods D. Toddler and !reschool !eriods: !eriods: the trunk grows more ra!idl than other tissue. .. The lim"s grow most during school&age !eriod. *. The trun' grows faster than other tissue during adolescence. adolescence.

NE'NATAL ASSESS)ENT ,nitial assessment /ngoing assessment 0h sical assessment Sensor assessment +eha#ioral assessment

In"t"al A##e##ment Airwa suctioning and /1 if needed +od tem!erature 0ositioning head lower than the trun' A!gar scoring -ord clam! "leeding, A2A 2oiding and meconium *oot!rints and finger!rints

,dentification "ands Mother infant "onding APGAR SC'RING Heart rate Res!irator effort Muscle tone Refle% irrita"ilit S'in color 3 minute initial ada!tation to e%trauterine life 4 minutes o#erall status APGAR SC'RING INTERPRETATI'N 5 to 36 7ood condition 8 to 9 *air condition 6 to : ,n danger resuscitation 'n%o"n% Ph$#"cal A##e##ment 2ital Signs 2ital statistics 7estational age assessment Administer medications 0erform la"orator tests

'n%o"n% Ph$#"cal A##e##ment *"tal #"%n#: RR :6 to 96 "!m A!ical 0ulse

336 slee!ing 316 ; 396 awa'e 3<6 cr ing Tem!erature :9 :9.< +lood 0ressure <6=89 mmHg *"tal Stat"#t"c#: >eight 1,466 ; 8,666 g ?ength 3< ; 13 inches Head -ircumference 3: ; 38 inches -hest -ircumference 31 ; 3: inches

'n%o"n% Ph$#"cal A##e##ment 7estational Age 0reterm Term 0ostterm ?a"orator Test Mother Rh neg or "lood t !e / +lood t !e +iliru"in le#el Direct coom"@s test Reticuloc te count Hct Administer Medications 2it A (ABuame!h ton) .4 to 3 mg ,M 0re#ent transient deficienc of coagulation factors .r throm cin ointment .4C

3 to 1 cm Neisseria gonorrhea, chlam dia P+,SICAL ASSESS)ENT S'in Head . es .ars Nose Mouth and throat Nec' -hest 7enitalia .%tremities +EAD

. es Normal -olor gra A"sence of tears Searching n stagmus A"normal Dellow sclera +lue e es 0urulent discharge -ongenital cataracts .ars Normal 0inna to! is horizontal line with outer cantus of the e e, fle%i"le, cartilage !resent A"normal ?ow !lacement of ears A"sent of startle refle% in res!onse to loud noise

)'UT+ AND T+R'AT .!stein !earl Refle%es Suc'ing 7ag .%trusion -andidiasis (thrush) ,na"ilit to !ass N7T High !itch cr or a"sent Nec' Normal Short, thic', usuall surrounded " s'in folds Tonic nec' refle% A"normal Resistance to fle%ion *ractured cla#icle No tonic nec' refle% -hest Normal A0D E TD Slight sternal retractions e#ident during ins!iration A"normal As mmetr of the chest De!ressed sternum GENITALIA MA?. Normal Frethral o!ening at ti! of glans !enis 0al!a"le tetes A"normal H !os!adias

.!is!adias *.MA?. Normal ?a"ia and clitoris usuall edematous Frethral meatus "ehind clitoris 0seudomenstruation A"normal *used la"ia Meconium in the #aginal area A"sence of #aginal o!ening E-TRE)ITIES N/RMA? Ten fingers and toes *ull range of motion Nail "eds are !in', with transient c anosis immediatel after "irth .Bual "rachial !ulses Sole usuall flat A+N/RMA? 0ol dact l S ndact l fused or we""ed digits Dellowing of nail "eds FneBual gluteal folds Sole co#ered with creases SENS'R, ASSESS)ENT Tactile +eha#iors Sensation to touch, !ain and !ressure /lfactor "eha#iors 2ision +eha#iors -an see 5 to 31 inches Auditor +eha#iors Taste +eha#iors BE+A*I'RAL ASSESS)ENT 0eriod of Reacti#it :6 minutes after "irth

Awa'e and acti#e 2S are increased Mother infant "onding "reastfeeding Resting 0eriod 1 to 8 hours 2S returning to "aseline 3 G slee! and difficult to "e aroused Second 0eriod of Reacti#it 8 to 9 hours


7.N.RA? ,N*/RMAT,/N ?oses 4 to 36C and regain within 36 da s 7ain of 1<g =da 3st 9 months 7ain of 38g=da 1nd 9 months >eight gain 1% 9 months :% 3 ear 8% 1 G ear DA,?D NFTR,/NA? R.HF,R.M.NTS -alories 366 to 166 'cal='g *luid 346 to 3<6ml='g -H/N 1.1g=Ag 3.9g=Ag *at :6 to 96C of dail calories +IG+ RIS. IN&ANTS According to size ?+> I 1466g .?+> I 3666g M?+> I 3466g S7A +irth weight falls "elow 36th !ercentile on intrauterine growth cur#e ?7A a"o#e J6th C According to age 0remature *ull term 0ostmature

DE*EL'P)ENTAL T+E'RIES P#$cho#e!ual mo el /&reu 0 1. 'ral a. 6&3< months ". 0leasure and gratification through mouth c. +eha#iors: +eha#iors: de!endenc , eating, eating, cr ing, ing, "iting d. Distinguishes "etween self and mother e. De#elo!s "od image, aggressi#e dri#es P#$cho#e!ual mo el /&reu 0 2. Anal a. 3< months & : ears ". 0leasure through elimination or retention of feces c. +eha#iors: +eha#iors: control of holding on or letting go d. De#elo!s conce!t of !ower, !ower, !unishment, am"i#alence, concern with cleanliness or "eing dirt P#$cho#e!ual mo el /&reu 0 3. Phall"c4'e "pal a. : & 9 ears ". 0leasure through genitals c. +eha#iors: +eha#iors: touching of genitals, genitals, erotic attachment to !arent of o!!osite se% d. De#elo!s fear of !unishment " !arent of same se%, se%, guilt, guilt, se%ual identit P#$cho#e!ual mo el /&reu 0 5. Latenc$ a. 9 & 31 ears ". .nerg used to gain new s'ills in social relationshi!s and 'nowledge c. +eha#iors: +eha#iors: sense of industr and master d. ?earns control o#er aggressi#e, destructi#e im!ulses e AcBuires friends P#$cho#e!ual mo el /&reu 0 6. Gen"tal a. 31 & 16 ears ". Se%ual !leasure through genitals c. +eha#iors: +eha#iors: "ecomes inde!endent of !arents, !arents, res!onsi"le for self d. De#elo!s se%ual identit , a"ilit to lo#e and wor' P#$cho#oc"al )o el /Er"7#on0 1. Tru#t v# m"#tru#t a. 6 & 3< months ". Significant relations: mother c. 0s chosocial #irtues: ho!e, ho!e, faith d. Malada!tations K malignancies: sensor distortion& withdrawal P#$cho#oc"al )o el /Er"7#on0 2. Autonom$ v# #hame an ou8t a. 3< months & : ears ". Significant relations: !arents c. 0s chosocial #irtues: will, determination d. Malada!tations K malignancies: im!ulsi#it && com!ulsion

P#$cho#oc"al )o el /Er"7#on0 3. In"t"at"ve v# %u"lt a. : & 4 ears ". Significant relations: famil c. 0s chosocial #irtues: !ur!ose, courage d. Malada!tations K malignancies: ruthlessness && inhi"ition P#$cho#oc"al )o el /Er"7#on0 5. In u#tr$ v# "n(er"or"t$ a. 9 & 31 ears ". Significant relations: neigh"orhood and school c. 0s chosocial #irtues: com!etence d. Malada!tations K malignancies: narrow #irtuosit && inertia P#$cho#oc"al )o el /Er"7#on0 6. I ent"t$ v# role con(u#"on a. 31 & 16 ears ". Significant relations: !eer grou!s, grou!s, role models c. 0s chosocial #irtues: fidelit , lo alt d. Malada!tations K malignancies: fanaticism && re!udiation P#$cho#oc"al )o el /Er"7#on0 9. Int"mac$ v# "#olat"on a. 16 & 14 ears ". Significant relations: !artners, !artners, friends c. 0s chosocial #irtues: lo#e d. Malada!tations K malignancies: !romiscuit && e%clusi#it P#$cho#oc"al )o el /Er"7#on0 :. Generat"v"t$ v# #ta%nat"on a. 14 & 84 ears ". Significant relations: household, wor'mates c. 0s chosocial #irtues: care d. Malada!tations K malignancies: o#ere%tension && rejecti#it P#$cho#oc"al )o el /Er"7#on0 ;. Inte%r"t$ v# e#pa"r a. 84 ears to end of life ". Significant relations: man'ind or Lm 'indM c. 0s chosocial #irtues: wisdom d. Malada!tations K malignancies: !resum!tion && des!air 1. In(anc$ a. 6 & 3< months ". /thers will satisf needs 2. Ch"l hoo a. 3< months & 9 ears Interper#onal )o el /Sull"van0

". ?earn to dela need gratification 3. <uven"le a. 9 & J ears ". ?earn to relate to !eers Interper#onal )o el /Sull"van0 5. Prea ole#cence a. J&31 ears ". ?earn to relate to friends of same se% 6. Earl$ a ole#cence a. 31&38 ears ". ?earn inde!endence and how to relate to o!!osite se% 9. Late a ole#cence a. 38&13 ears ". De#elo! intimate relationshi! with !erson of o!!osite se% A. = > 2 $ear#: #en#or"motor &refle%es, refle%es, re!etition of acts Co%n"t"ve Theor$ /P"a%et0

B. 2 > 5 $ear#: preoperat"onal &no cause and effect reasoning$ egocentrism$ use of s m"ols$ m"ols$ magical thin'ing C. 5 > : $ear#: "ntu"t"ve &"eginning of causation Co%n"t"ve Theor$ /P"a%et0 D. : > 11 $ear#: concrete operat"on# > uses memor to learn - aware of re#ersi"ilit E. 11 > 16 $ear#: (ormal operat"on# &realit , a"stract thought &can deal with the !ast, !resent and future .'+LBERG?S STAGES '& )'RAL DE*EL'P)ENT

PREC'N*ENTI'NAL LE*EL Sta%e 1 De#cr"pt"on: 0unishment or o"edience (heteronomous moralit ) A child does the right things "ecause a !arent tells him or her to a#oid !unishment PREC'N*ENTI'NAL LE*EL Sta%e 2 De#cr"pt"on: ,ndi#idualism, ,nstrumentalism, and .%change Age : 8&5 Age: 1&:

-hild carries out actions to satisf own needs rather than societ @s. The child does something for another if that !erson does something for him in return

C'N*ENTI'NAL LE*EL level 2 Sta%e 3 De#cr"pt"on: N7ood "o =girlN /rientation to inter!ersonal relations of mutualit Age : 5&36

A child follows rules "ecause of a need to "e a good !erson in own e es and in the e es of others C'N*ENTI'NAL LE*EL level 2

Sta%e 5 De#cr"pt"on: ?aw and /rder

Age : 36&31

Maintenance of social order, fi%ed rules and authorit -hild follows rules of authorit figures as well as !arents to 'ee! the s stem wor'ing P'STC'N*ENTI'NAL LE*EL level 3 Sta%e 6 Age :older :older than 31 De#cr"pt"on: social contract, utilitarian law ma'ing !ers!ecti#e child follows standards of societ for the good of all !eo!le P'STC'N*ENTI'NAL LE*EL level 3 Sta%e 9 Age :older :older than 31 De#cr"pt"on#: 0rinci!led -onscience un"ver#al eth"cal pr"nc"ple or"entat"on child follows internalized standards of conduct NE'NATAL RE&LE-ES

Refle%: Refle%: S mmetric tonic nec' Stimulus: Stimulus: nec' fle%ion, nec' e%tension Res!onse:arm Res!onse:arm fle%ion, leg e%tension, arm e%tension, leg fle%ion /nset: /nset: "irth&3month Su!!ression: Su!!ression: 8 mos

NE'NATAL RE&LE-ES Refle%: !ositi#e su!!orting

Stimulus: tactile contact and weight "earing on sole Res!onse:leg e%tension for su!!orting !artial "od weight /nset: 1 months Su!!ression: :&5 mos, re!laced " #olitional standing NE'NATAL RE&LE-ES Refle%: rooting Stimulus: stro'ing the corner of the mouth,u!!er or lower li! Res!onse:mo#ing the tongue, mouth and head towards the site of stimulus /nset: "irth Su!!ression: 8 mos NE'NATAL RE&LE-ES Refle%: !almar gras! Stimulus: !ressure or touch on the !alm, stretch of finger fle%ors Res!onse:fle%ion of fingers /nset: "irth Su!!ression: 8&9 mos NE'NATAL RE&LE-ES Refle%: 0lantar gras! Stimulus: !ressure on the sole just distal to the metatarsal heads Res!onse:fle%ion of toes /nset: "irth Su!!ression: 31&3< mos NE'NATAL RE&LE-ES Refle%: Automatic neonatal wal'ing Stimulus: contact of the sole in #ertical !osition tilting the "od forward and from side to Res!onse: automatic alternating ste!s /nset: "irth Su!!ression: :&8 mos RE&LE-ES +lin'ing or corneal refle% 0u!illar refle% Doll@s e e fi%ation de#elo!s


Sneeze refle% Suc'ing refle% 7ag refle% Rooting refle% : to 8 months RE&LE-ES .%trusion refle% 8 months -ough refle% +a"ins'i refle% Moro refle% : to 8 months Dance or ste! refle% : to 8 wee's NE'NATAL SENSES H.AR,N7: a"le to hear in the utero within hrs after "irth, hearing in N+ "ecomes acute 2,S,/N: focus on "lac' and white o"jects distance of J&31 inches !u!illar refle% !resent at "irth NE'NATAL SENSES TAST.: de#elo!ed "efore "irth T/F-H: well de#elo!ed at "irth react to !ainful stimuli SM.??: !resent as soon as the nose is cleared of mucus a"ilit to res!ond to odors can "e used to document alertness In(ant A. 0h sical tas's

3. Neonate (+irth to 3 month) a. >eight: >eight: 9 & < l" (1546 & :91J g)$ gains 4 & 5 oz (381 & 3J< g) wee'l for first 9 months ". ?ength: ?ength: 16 inches (46 cm)$ grows 3 inch (1.4 cm) monthl for first 9 months In(ant A. 0h sical tas's

3. Neonate (+irth to 3 month)

c. Head growth 3) head circumference :: & :4.4 cm (3: & 38 inches) 1) head circumference eBual to or slightl larger than chest :) increases " 3=1 inch (3.14 cm) monthl for first 9 months In(ant A. 0h sical tas's

3. Neonate (+irth to 3 month) d. 2ital signs 3) !ulse: 336 & 396 and irregular$ count for a full minute a!icall 1) res!irations: :1 & 96 and irregular$ neonates are a"dominal "reathers, "reathers, o"ligate nose "reathers :) "lood !ressure: 54=8J mm Hg In(ant A. 0h sical tas's

1. Neonate /B"rth to 1 month0 e. Motor de#elo!ment 3) "eha#ior is refle% controlled 1) fle%ed e%tremities

1. Neonate /B"rth to 1 month0 f. Sensor de#elo!ment 3) hearing and touch well de#elo!ed at "irth 1) sight not full de#elo!ed until 9 ears a) differentiates light and dar' at "irth ") ra!idl de#elo!s clarit of #ision within 3 foot c) fi%ates on mo#ing o"jects d) stra"ismus due to lac' of "inocular #ision

In(ant A. 0h sical tas's

2. 1 > 5 month# a. Head growth: growth: !osterior fontanel closes ". Motor de#elo!ment 3) refle%es "egin to fade (e.g., Moro, tonic nec') 1) gains head control$ control$ "alances head in sitting !osition :) rolls from "ac' to side 8) "egins #oluntar hand&to&mouth acti#it In(ant A. Ph$#"cal ta#7# 2. 1 > 5 month# c. Sensor de#elo!ment 3) "egins to "e a"le to coordinate stimuli from #arious sense organs 1) hearing: locates sounds " turning head and #isuall searching :) #ision: follows o"jects 3<6O 3<6O In(ant A. Ph$#"cal ta#7#

In(ant A. Ph$#"cal ta#7#

3. 6 > 9 month# a. >eight: >eight: "irth weight dou"les$ dou"les$ gains :&4 oz (<8&386 g) wee'l for ne%t 9 months ". ?ength: ?ength: gains 3=1 inch (3.14 cm) for ne%t 9 months

3. 6 > 9 month# c. .ru!tion of teeth "egins 3) lower incisors first 1) causes increased sali#a and drooling :) enz me released with teething causes mild diarrhea, diarrhea, facial s'in irritation 8) slight fe#er ma "e associated with teething, "ut not a high fe#er or seizures In(ant A. Ph$#"cal ta#7#

In(ant A. Ph$#"cal ta#7#

3. 6 > 9 month# d. Motor de#elo!ment 3) su!!orts weight on arms 1) sits with su!!ort

3. 6 > 9 month# e. Sensor de#elo!ment 3) hearing: can localize sounds a"o#e and "elow ear 1) #ision: smiles at own mirror image and res!onds to facial e%!ressions of others :) taste: suc'ing needs ha#e decreased and cu! weaning can "egin$ chewing, chewing, "iting, "iting, and taste !references "egin to de#elo! In(ant A. Ph$#"cal ta#7# 5. : > @ month# a. Teething continues 3) 5 months: u!!er central incisors 1) J months: u!!er lateral incisors ". Motor de#elo!ment 3) crawls$ crawls$ ma go "ac'wards initiall 1) !ulls self to standing !osition :) de#elo!s finger&thum" o!!osition (!incer (!incer gras!) In(ant A. Ph$#"cal ta#7#

In(ant A. Ph$#"cal ta#7#

6. 1=>12 month# a. >eight: >eight: "irth weight tri!led ". ?ength: ?ength: 46C increase o#er "irth length c. Head and chest circumference eBual d. Teething 3) lower lateral incisors eru!t 1) a#erage of eight deciduous teeth 6. 1=>12 month# e. Motor de#elo!ment 3) wal's with hel! or cruises 1) ma attem!t to stand alone 3. Neonatal !eriod a. -ries to e%!ress dis!leasure

In(ant A. Ph$#"cal ta#7#

In(ant B. P#$cho#oc"al ta#7#

". Smiles indiscriminatel c. Recei#es gratification through suc'ing d. Ma'es throat sounds In(ant B. P#$cho#oc"al ta#7#

2. 1 > 5 month# a. -r ing "ecomes differentiated at 3 month 3) decreases during awa'e !eriods 1) ceases when !arent in #iew ". 2ocalization distinct from cr ing at 3 month 3) coos, coos, "a""les, "a""les, laughs$ laughs$ #ocalizes when smiling

2. 1 > 5 month# c. Socialization 3) stares at !arents@ !arents@ faces when tal'ing at 3 month 1) smiles sociall at 1 months :) shows e%citement when ha!! at 8 months 8) demands attention, enjo s social interaction with !eo!le at 8 months In(ant B. P#$cho#oc"al ta#7#

In(ant B. P#$cho#oc"al ta#7#

3. 6 > 9 month# a. 2ocalization: "egins to imitate sounds ". Socialization: recognizes !arents, stranger an%iet "egins to de#elo!$ comfort ha"its "egin In(ant B. P#$cho#oc"al ta#7#

5. : > @ month# a. 2ocalization: #er"alizes all #owels and most consonants ". Socialization 3) shows increased stranger an%iet and an%iet o#er se!aration from !arent 1) e%hi"its aggressi#eness " "iting at times :) understands the word Lno M LnoM In(ant B. P#$cho#oc"al ta#7#

6. 1= > 12 month# a. 2ocalization: imitates animal sounds, can sa onl 8 & 4 words "ut understands man more (ma, da) ". Socialization 3) "egins to e%!lore surroundings 1) !la s games such as !at&a&ca'e, !at&a&ca'e, !ee'&a&"oo :) shows emotions such as jealous , affection, anger, fear (es!eciall in new situations) In(ant C. Co%n"t"ve ta#7# 1. Neonatal per"o : refle%i#e "eha#ior onl 2. 1 > 5 month# a. Recognizes familiar faces ". ,s interested in surroundings c. Disco#ers own "od !arts In(ant

C. Co%n"t"ve ta#7# 3. 6 > 9 month# a. +egins to imitate ". -an find !artiall hidden o"jects 8. 5 & J months a. +egins to understand o"ject !ermanence$ !ermanence$ searches for dro!!ed o"jects ". Reacts to adult anger$ cries when scolded c. ,mitates sim!le acts and noises d. Res!onds to sim!le commands In(ant C. Co%n"t"ve ta#7#

6. 1=>12 month# a. Recognizes o"jects " name ". ?oo's at and follow !ictures in "oo' c. Shows more goal&directed actions

1. B"rth to 9 month# a. +reast mil' is a com!lete and healthful diet$ su!!lementation ma include 6.14 mg fluoride, 866 ,F #itamin D, and iron after 8 months. months. ". -ommercial iron&fortified formula is acce!ta"le alternati#e$ su!!lementation ma include 6.14 mg fluoride if water su!!l is not fluoridated. c. Puices ma "e introduced at 4&9 months, diluted 3:3 and !refera"l gi#en " cu!. In(ant D. Nutr"t"on

In(ant D. Nutr"t"on

1. 9 & 31 months a. +reast mil' or formula continues to "e !rimar source of nutrition. ". ,ntroduction of solid foods starts with cereal (usuall rice cereal), which is continued until 3< months. In(ant D. Nutr"t"on

2. 9 > 12 month# c. ,ntroduction of other food is ar"itrar $ most common seBuence is fruits, #egeta"les, meats. 3) introduce one new food a wee'. wee'. 1) decrease amount of formula to a"out :6 oz. as foods are added. d. ,ron su!!lementation can "e sto!!ed. In(ant D. Nutr"t"on

2. 9 > 12 month# e. *inger foods such as cheese, meat, carrots can "e started around 36 months. months. f. -ho!!ed ta"le food or junior food can "e introduced " 31 months g. >eaning from "reast or "ottle to cu! should "e gradual during second 9 months. months. In(ant .. 0la (Solitar )

1. B"rth to 5 month# a. 0ro#ide #ariet of "rightl colored o"jects, different sizes and te%tures. ". Hang mo"iles within <&36 inches of infant@s face. In(ant

.. 0la (Solitar ) 2. 6 > : month# a. 0ro#ide "rightl colored to s to hold and sBueeze. sBueeze. ". Allow infant to s!lash in "ath. c. 0ro#ide cri" mirror. 3. ; > 12 month# a. 0ro#ide to s with mo#a"le !arts and noisema'ers$ noisema'ers$ stac' to s, "loc's$ !ots, !ans, drums to "ang on$ wal'er and !ush&!ull to s. s. ". 0la s games: hide and see', see', !at&a&ca'e. !at&a&ca'e. In(ant &. &ear#

1. Separat"on (rom parent# a. Searches for !arents with e es. ". Shows !reference for !arents. c. De#elo!s stranger an%iet around 9 months (!ea's at < months). 2. Pa"n To ler /12 month# to 3 $ear#0 A. Ph$#"cal ta#7#: th"# "# a per"o o( #low %rowth 3. >eight: >eight: gain of a!!ro%imatel 33 l" (4 'g) during this time$ "irth weight Buadru!led " 1 3=1 ears 1. Height: Height: grows 16.: cm (< inches)$ :. Head circumference: circumference: 3JG & 16 inches (8J & 46 cm) " 1 ears$ anterior fontanel closes " 3< months To ler /12 month# to 3 $ear#0 A. Ph$#"cal ta#7#: th"# "# a per"o o( #low %rowth 8. 0ulse 336$ res!irations 19$ "lood !ressure JJ=98 4. 0rimar dentition (16 (16 teeth) teeth) com!leted " 1 3=1 ears 9. De#elo!s s!hincter control necessar for "owel and "ladder control To ler /12 month# to 3 $ear#0 B. P#$cho#oc"al ta#7# 3. ,ncreases inde!endence$ inde!endence$ "etter a"le to tolerate se!aration from !rimar caregi#er. 1. ?ess li'el to fear strangers. strangers. :. A"le to hel! with dressing=undressing at 3< months$ dresses self at 18 months. months. 8. Has sustained attention s!an. 4. Ma ha#e tem!er tantrums during this !eriod$ should decrease " 1 3=1 ears. 9. 2oca"ular increases from a"out 36 & 16 words to o#er J66 words " : ears. To ler /12 month# to 3 $ear#0 B. P#$cho#oc"al ta#7# 5. Has "eginning awareness of ownershi! (m , mine) at 3< months$ shows !ro!er use of !ronouns (,, me, ou) " : ears. <. Mo#es from hoarding and !ossessi#eness at 3< months to sharing with !eers " : ears. J. Toilet training usuall com!leted " : ears. a. 3< months: "owel control ". 1 & : ears: da time "ladder control c. : & 8 ears: nighttime "ladder control


ler /12 month# to 3 $ear#0

C. Co%n"t"ve ta#7# 3. *ollows sim!le directions " 1 ears. 1. +egins to use short sentences at 3< months to 1 ears. :. -an remem"er and re!eat : num"ers " : ears. 8. Anows own name " 31 months$ refers to self, gi#es first name " 18 months$ gi#es full name " : ears. 4. A"le to identif geometric forms " 3< months. To ler /12 month# to 3 $ear#0 C. Co%n"t"ve ta#7# 9. Achie#es o"ject !ermanence$ !ermanence$ is aware that o"jects e%ist e#en if not in #iew. 5. Fses LmagicalM LmagicalM thin'ing$ thin'ing$ "elie#es own feelings affect e#ents (e.g., anger causes rain). <. Fses ritualistic "eha#ior$ "eha#ior$ re!eats s'ills to master them and to decrease an%iet . J. Ma de#elo! de!endenc on Ltransitional o"jectM such as "lan'et or stuffed animal. To ler /12 month# to 3 $ear#0 D. Nutr"t"on 3. -aloric reBuirement is a!!ro%imatel 366 calories='g=da . 1. ,ncreased need for calcium, iron, and !hos!horus. :. Needs 39 & 18 oz mil'=da . 8. A!!etite decreases. 4. A"le to feed self. 9. Negati#ism ma interfere with eating. 5. ,nitial dental e%amination at : ears. To ler /12 month# to 3 $ear#0 E. Pla$ 3. 0redominantl & L!arallel L!arallel !la M !eriod. 1. 0ro#ide to s a!!ro!riate for increased locomoti#e s'ills: !ush to s, s, roc'ing horse, horse, riding to s or tric cles$ cles$ swings and slide. :. 7i#e to s to !ro#ide outlet for aggressi#e feelings: feelings: wor' "ench, to hammer and nails, drums, !ots, !ans. 8. 0ro#ide to s to hel! de#elo! fine motor s'ills, s'ills, !ro"lem&sol#ing a"ilities: !uzzles, !uzzles, "loc's$ "loc's$ finger !aints, cra ons. ons. To ler /12 month# to 3 $ear#0 G. &ear#: #eparat"on an!"et$ 3. ?earning to tolerate and master "rief !eriods of se!aration is im!ortant de#elo!mental tas'. 1. ,ncreasing understanding of o"ject !ermanence hel!s toddler o#ercome this fear. To ler /12 month# to 3 $ear#0 G. &ear#: #eparat"on an!"et$ :. 0otential !atterns of res!onse to se!aration a. 0rotest: 0rotest: screams and cries when mother lea#es$ attem!ts to call her "ac'. ". Des!air: Des!air: whim!ers, clutches transitional o"ject, curls u! in "ed, decreased acti#it , roc'ing. c. Denial: Denial: resumes normal acti#it "ut does not form !s chosocial relationshi!s$ when mother returns, child ignores her Pre#chooler /3 to 6 $ear#0 A. Ph$#"cal ta#7# 3. Slower growth rate continues a. >eight: increases 8 & 9 l" (3.< & 1.5 'g) a ear ". Height: increases 1 3=1 inches (4&9.14 cm) a ear c. +irth length dou"led " 8 ears 1. 2ital signs decrease slightl

a. 0ulse: J6&366 ". Res!irations: 18&14=minute c. +lood !ressure: s stolic <4&366 mm Hg diastolic 96&J6 mm Hg Pre#chooler /3 to 6 $ear#0 A. Ph$#"cal ta#7# :. 0ermanent teeth ma a!!ear late in !reschool !eriod$ first !ermanent teeth are molars, molars, "ehind last tem!orar teeth. 8. 7ross motor de#elo!ment a. >al's u! stairs using alternate feet " : ears. ". >al's down stairs using alternate feet " 8 ears. c. Rides tric cle " : ears. d. Stands on 3 foot " : ears.

Pre#chooler /3 to 6 $ear#0 A. Ph$#"cal ta#7# 8. 7ross motor de#elo!ment e. Ho!s on 3 foot " 8 ears. f. S'i!s and ho!s on alternate feet " 4 ears. g. +alances on 3 foot with e es closed " 4 ears. h. Throws and catches "all " 4 ears. i. Pum!s off 3 ste! " : ears. j. Pum!s ro!e " 4 ears. Pre#chooler /3 to 6 $ear#0 A. Ph$#"cal ta#7# 4. *ine motor de#elo!ment a. Hand dominance is esta"lished " 4 ears. ". +uilds a tower of "loc's " : ears. c. Ties shoes " 4 ears. d. A"ilit to draw changes o#er this time 3) co!ies circles, circles, ma add facial features " : ears. 1) co!ies a sBuare, sBuare, traces a diamond " 8 ears. Pre#chooler /3 to 6 $ear#0 B. P#$cho#oc"al ta#7# 3. +ecomes inde!endent a. *eeds self com!letel . ". Dresses self. c. Ta'es increased res!onsi"ilit for actions. 1. Aggressi#eness and im!atience !ea' at 8 ears then a"ate. :. 7ender&s!ecific "eha#ior is e#ident " 4 ears. ears. 8. .gocentricit changes to awareness of others$ rules "ecome im!ortant$ im!ortant$ understands sharing. Pre#chooler /3 to 6 $ear#0 C. Co%n"t"ve evelopment 3. *ocuses on one idea at a time$ time$ cannot loo' at entire !ers!ecti#e. 1. Awareness of racial and se%ual differences "egins. a. 0rejudice ma de#elo! "ased on #alues of !arents. ". Manifests se%ual curiosit . c. Se%ual education "egins. d. +eginning "od awareness. awareness.

Pre#chooler /3 to 6 $ear#0 C. Co%n"t"ve evelopment :. Has "eginning conce!t of causalit . 5. Un er#tan "n% o( t"me evelop# ur"n% this !eriod. a. ?earns seBuence of dail e#ents. e#ents. ". ,s a"le to understand meaning of some time&oriented words (da of wee', month, etc.) " 4 ears. 4. Has 1666&word #oca"ular " 4 ears. 9. -an name 8 or more colors " 4 ears. 5. ,s #er inBuisiti#e (wh Q, wh Q wh Q). Q). Pre#chooler /3 to 6 $ear#0 D. Nutr"t"on 3. -aloric reBuirement is a!!ro%imatel J6 calories='g=da . 1. Ma demonstrate strong taste !references. !references. :. More li'el to taste new foods if child can assist in the !re!aration. Pre#chooler /3 to 6 $ear#0 &. Pla$ 3.0redominantl associati#e !la 1. .njo s imitati#e and dramatic !la . a. ,mitates same&se% role functions in !la . ". .njo s dressing u!, dollhouses, truc's, cars, tele!hones, doctor and nurse 'its. :. 0ro#ide to s to hel! de#elo! gross motor s'ills: tric cles, cles, wagons, wagons, outdoor g m$ m$ sand"o%, wading !ool. Pre#chooler /3 to 6 $ear#0 &. Pla$ 8. 0ro#ide to s to encourage fine motor s'ills, s'ills, self&e%!ression, and cogniti#e de#elo!ment: construction sets, "loc's, car!entr tools$ flash cards, illustrated "oo's, !uzzles$ !uzzles$ !aints, !aints, cra ons, ons, cla , sim!le sewing sets. 4. Tele#ision, Tele#ision, when su!er#ised, can !ro#ide a Buiet acti#it $ some !rograms ha#e educational content. Pre#chooler /3 to 6 $ear#0 G. &ear# 3. 7reatest num"er of imagined and real fears of childhood during this !eriod. 1. *ears concerning "od integrit are common. a. Magical and animistic thin'ing allows children to de#elo! man illogical fears (fear of inanimate o"jects, o"jects, the dar', dar', ghosts). ghosts). School>a%e /9 to 12 $ear#0 A. Ph$#"cal ta#7# 3. Slow growth continues. a. Height: 1 inches (4 cm) !er ear ". >eight: dou"les o#er this !eriod c. At age J, J, "oth se%es same size$ size$ age 31, 31, girls "igger than "o s 1. Dentition a. ?oses first !rimar teeth at a"out 9 ears. ". + 31 ears, has all !ermanent teeth e%ce!t final molars. School>a%e /9 to 12 $ear#0

A. Ph$#"cal ta#7#

:. +one growth faster than muscle and ligament de#elo!ment$ #er lim"er "ut susce!ti"le to "one fractures during this time. 8. 2ision is com!letel mature$ mature$ hand&e e coordination de#elo!s com!letel . 4. 7ross motor s'ills: !redominantl in#ol#ing large muscles$ children are #er energetic, energetic, de#elo! greater strength, strength, coordination, and stamina. 9. De#elo!s smoothness and s!eed in fine motor control. School>a%e /9 to 12 $ear#0 B. P#$cho#oc"al ta#7# 3. School occu!ies half of wa'ing hours$ hours$ has cogniti#e and social im!act. a. Readiness includes emotional (attention s!an), !h sical (hearing and #ision), and intellectual com!onents. ". Teacher ma "e !arent su"stitute, su"stitute, causing !arents to lose some authorit . School>a%e /9 to 12 $ear#0 B. P#$cho#oc"al ta#7# 1. Moralit de#elo!s a. +efore age J moral realism !redominates: strict su!erego, su!erego, rule dominance$ things are "lac' or white, right or wrong. wrong. ". After age J autonomous moralit de#elo!s: recognizes differing !oints of #iew, sees Lgra M areas.

School>a%e /9 to 12 $ear#0 B. P#$cho#oc"al ta#7# :. 0eer relationshi!s a. -hild ma'es first real friends during this !eriod. ". ,s a"le to understand conce!ts of coo!eration and com!romise (assist in acBuiring attitudes and #alues)$ learns fair !la #s com!etition. com!etition. c. Hel! child de#elo! self&conce!t. d. 0ro#ide feeling of "elonging. School>a%e /9 to 12 $ear#0 B. P#$cho#oc"al ta#7# 8. .njo s famil acti#ities. 4. Has some a"ilit to e#aluate own strengths and wea'nesses. 9. Has increased self&direction. self&direction. 5. ,s aware of own "od $ com!ares self to others$ others$ modest de#elo!s. School>a%e /9 to 12 $ear#0 C. Co%n"t"ve evelopment 3. 0eriod of industr a. ,s interested in e%!loration and ad#enture. ad#enture. ". ?i'es to accom!lish or !roduce. !roduce. c. De#elo!s confidence. School>a%e /9 to 12 $ear#0 C. Co%n"t"ve evelopment 1. -once!t of time and s!ace de#elo!s. a. Fnderstands causalit . ". Masters conce!t of conser#ation: !ermanence of mass and #olume$ conce!t of re#ersi"ilit .

c. De#elo!s classification s'ills: understands relational terms$ ma collect things. d. Masters arithmetic and reading. School>a%e /9 to 12 $ear#0 D. Nutr"t"on 3. -aloric needs diminish in relation to "od size: <4 'cal='g. 1. LPun'M LPun'M food ma "ecome a !ro"lem$ e%cess sugar, starches, fat. :. /"esit is a ris' in this age grou!. 8. Nutrition education should "e integrated into school !rogram.

School>a%e /9 to 12 $ear#0 E. Pla$ 3. Rules and ritual dominate !la $ indi#idualit not tolerated " !eers$ 'nowing rules !ro#ides sense of "elonging$ Lcoo!erati#e Lcoo!erati#e !la .M 1. Team !la : games or s!orts a. Hel! learn #alue of indi#idual s'ills and team accom!lishments. ". Hel! learn nature of com!etition. com!etition. :. Huiet games and acti#ities: "oard games, collections, "oo's, tele#ision, !ainting 8. Athletic acti#ities: swimming, hi'ing, "ic cling, s'ating School>a%e /9 to 12 $ear#0 G. &ear#: more realistic fears than ounger children$ include death, death, disease or "odil injur , !unishment$ !unishment$ school !ho"ia ma de#elo!, resulting in !s chosomatic illness. A ole#cent /12 to 1@ $ear#0 A. Ph$#"cal ta#7# a. 7irls: 7irls: height increases a!!ro%imatel : inches= ear$ slows at menarche$ sto!s around age 39. ". +o s: s: growth s!urt starts around age 3:$ height increases 8 inches= ear$ slows in late teens. c. +o s dou"le weight "etween 31 and 3<, related to increased muscle mass. A ole#cent /12 to 1@ $ear#0 A. Ph$#"cal ta#7# d. +od sha!e changes 3) "o s "ecome leaner with "roader chest. 1) girls ha#e fat de!osited in thighs, hi!s, and "reasts$ !el#is "roadens. e. A!ocrine glands cause increased "od odor. odor. f. ,ncreased !roduction of se"um and !lugging of se"aceous ducts causes acne. acne. A ole#cent /12 to 1@ $ear#0 A. Ph$#"cal ta#7# 8. Se%ual de#elo!ment: girls c. De#elo!ment of secondar se% characteristics and se%ual functioning under hormonal control d. +reast de#elo!ment is first sign of !u"ert . 3) "ud stage: areola around ni!!le is !rotu"erant. 1) "reast de#elo!ment is com!lete around the time of first menses. A ole#cent /12 to 1@ $ear#0

A. Ph$#"cal ta#7# 4. Se%ual de#elo!ment: "o s

a. De#elo!ment of secondar se% characteristics, characteristics, se% organs and function under hormonal control. ". .nlargement of testes is first sign of se%ual maturation$ occurs at a!!ro%imatel age 3:, a"out 3 ear "efore growth s!urt. c. Scrotum and !enis increase in size until age 3<. d. Reaches re!roducti#e maturit a"out age 35, with #ia"le s!erm. A ole#cent /12 to 1@ $ear#0 A. Ph$#"cal ta#7# 4. Se%ual de#elo!ment: "o s e. Nocturnal emission: emission: a !h siologic refle% to ejaculate "uildu! of semen$ natural and normal$ occurs during slee! (child should not "e made to feel guilt $ needs to understand that this is not enuresis). f. Mastur"ation increases (also a normal wa to release semen). g. 0u"ic hair continues to grow and s!read until mid 16s. h. *acial hair$ hair$ a!!ears first on u!!er li!. A ole#cent /12 to 1@ $ear#0 A. Ph$#"cal ta#7# 4. Se%ual de#elo!ment: "o s i. 2oice changes due to growth of lar ngeal, cartilage. j. 7 necomastia: necomastia: slight h !ertro!h of "reasts due to estrogen !roduction$ will !ass within months "ut causes em"arrassment. A ole#cent /12 to 1@ $ear#0 B. P#$cho#oc"al ta#7# 3. .arl adolescence: adolescence: ages 31&38 ears a. Starts with !u"ert . ". 0h sical "od changes result in an altered self&conce!t. c. Tends to com!are own "od to others. d. .arl and late de#elo!ers ha#e an%iet regarding fear of rejection. e. *antas life, da dreams, dreams, crushes are all normal, hel! in role !la of #ar ing social situations. f. ,s !rone to mood swings. swings. g. Needs limits and consistent disci!line. A ole#cent /12 to 1@ $ear#0 B. P#$cho#oc"al ta#7# 1. Middle adolescence: adolescence: ages 34&39 ears a. ,s se!arate from !arents (e%ce!t financiall ). ". -an identif own #alues. c. -an define self (self&conce!t, strengths and wea'nesses). d. 0arta'es in !eer grou!$ conforms to #alues=fads. e. Has increased heterose%ual interest$ interest$ communicates with o!!osite se%$ ma form Llo#eM relationshi!. A ole#cent /12 to 1@ $ear#0 B. P#$cho#oc"al ta#7# :. ?ate adolescence: adolescence: ages, 35&3J ears a. Achie#es greater inde!endence. inde!endence. ". -hooses a #ocation. #ocation. c. 0artici!ates in societ . d. *inds an identit . e. *inds a mate. mate. f. De#elo!s own moralit .

g. -om!letes !h sical and emotional maturit . A ole#cent /12 to 1@ $ear#0 C. Co%n"t"ve evelopment 3. De#elo!s a"stract thin'ing a"ilities. 1. ,s often unrealistic. :. ,s ca!a"le of scientific reasoning and formal logic. logic. 8. .njo s intellectual a"ilities. 4. ,s a"le to #iew !ro"lems com!rehensi#el . A ole#cent /12 to 1@ $ear#0 D. Nutr"t"on 3. Nutritional reBuirements !ea' during ears of ma%imum growth: age 36&31 in girls, 1 ears later in "o s 1. A!!etite increases. increases. :. ,nadeBuate diet can retard growth and dela se%ual maturation. 8. *ood inta'e needs to "e "alanced with energ e%!enditure. 4. ,ncreased needs include calcium for s'eletal growth$ iron for increased muscle mass and "lood cell de#elo!ment$ zinc for de#elo!ment of s'eletal and muscle tissue and se%ual maturation. A ole#cent /12 to 1@ $ear#0 &. Act"v"t"e#: grou! acti#ities !redominate (s!orts are im!ortant)$ acti#ities in#ol#ing o!!osite se% " middle adolescence. G. &ear# 3. Threats to "od image: image: acne, o"esit 1. ,njur or death :. The un'nown Ch"l ?# Re#pon#e to Death 1. to ler# & ma insist on seeing a significant other long after that !erson@s death. 2. Pre#chooler# & See death as tem!orar $ a t !e of slee! or se!aration. 3. School>a%e ; See death as a !eriod of immo"ilit . & *eel death is !unishment. !unishment. 5. A ole#cent# & Ha#e an accurate understanding of death. AD2ANTA7. BREAST &EEDING

Readil a#aila"le .conomical 0romotes facial muscles, jaw and teeth Mother infant "onding Reduced incidence of allergies Reduced incidence of maternal "reast cancer Transfer of maternal anti"odies ,g A ?actoferrin ? soz me ?eu'oc tes


D,SAD2ANTA7. 0re#ents other from feeding the infant ?imits !aternal role in feeding -om!els the mother to monitor her diet carefull Ma "e difficult to a wor'ing mother Digest Buic'l more feeding

AD.HFAT. QQQ >ets 9 to < dia!ers a da 7aining weight B'TTLE &EEDING


0ermits the father to feed Mother medications *ewer feedings

*eeding !u"lic em"arrassment D,SAD2ANTA7. -ost 7reater !re!aration and effort Hands clean ReBuires refrigeration and storage No transfer of maternal anti"odies Doesn@t "enefit mother !h siologicall I))UNIAATI'N +-7 ,nfants .64 ml ,ntradermal Right deltoid School .ntrants .3ml ,ntradermal ?eft deltoid D0T

9, 36 and 38 wee's .4ml ,ntramuscular F!!er outer !ortion of the thigh I))UNIAATI'N He!atitis 9, 36, and 38 wee's .4ml ,ntramuscular F!!er outer !ortion of the thigh /02 9, 36 and 38 wee's 1 dro!s Mouth I))UNIAATI'N Measles J months .4ml Su"cutaneous ?eft outer !art of the u!!er arm 2itamin A -ontraindication: *e#er -om!romise ,mmune s stem Seizure disorder must "e controlled Ne#er gi#e gluteal IN&ANC, /= to 1 $r0 , ; ron su!!lement (8 to 9 months), immunization N ; o cho'ing hazard * ; ear of stranger !ea's at < months A ; llow to use a !acifier if N0/ N ; ote the weight changes T ; rust 2.S. mistrust

S ; olitar !la T'DDLER /1 to 3$r0 T ; al' to the child at sim!le terms / ; ffer choices to the child to !ro#ide some control D ; on@t lea#e alone near the "athtu" or swimming !ool D ; ou"t and shame 2.S. Autonom ? ; earns a"out death R age : . ; limination !attern R ; rituals and routines T'DDLER 0 ; ush&!ull to s (mo"ile), !arallel !la (forget sharing) R ; rituals and routines (e es and consistenc ), regression A ; utnom 2S shame and dou"t, accidents (death) , ; n#ol#e !arents S ; e!aration an%iet . ; limination and e%!lore C'))'N ACCIDENTS

0 ; re#ent further a"sor!tion / ; ff, shower or wash off , & dentif S & u!!ort / ; ngoing safet education N ; otif local !oison control center

PRESC+''L /3 to 9 $r0 0 ; la is associati#e=coo!erati#e R ; gression is common . ; %!lain !rocedures S ; ame age grou! for room assignment - & urious H ; ighl imaginati#e / ; "ser#e for initiati#e 2S guilt

/ ; ff limits to the 'itchen (ris' for !oisoning and "urn) ? ; oss of "od !art is a common fear PRESC+''L M & utilation A ; associate !la , a"andonment 7 & uilt , ; nitiati#e, imaginar !la mate, imagination - ; urious LDM SC+''L AGE / 9 to 12 $r0 S ; ame se% stage - ; om!etiti#e !la H ; eroworshi! / ; "ser#e for industr 2S inferiorit / ; ff limits to #ehicles ? ; oss of control is a common fear . ; %!lain !rocedurse R ; egression is common SC+''L AGE D ; eath ("oge man), honest funerals and "urials , ; ndustr 2S inferiorit (collections) M ; odest (!ri#ac ) 0 ; eers (own se%) ? ; oss of control hos!italization, encourage decision ma'ing . & %!laination of !rocedures AD'LESCENT /12 to 1; $r0 0 ; eer grou! acti#ities, !eer !ressure A ; ltered "od image don@t want to "e seen different , ; dentit ; image college or career

R ; ole diffusion S ; e!aration from !eers SA)PLE BUESTI'NS Two month old Aristin is "rought to the health clinic for his first immunization against D0T. >hat route should the nurse use to administer the #accineQ /ral ,ntramuscular ,ntradermal Su"cutaneous

The nurse should teach Aristin@s mother a"out the normal reaction an infant can e%!erience a!!ro%imatel 31 to 18 hours after D0T. /ne of these reactions could "e: ?etharg Mild fe#er Diarrhea Nasal congestion

Mrs. /rtega "rings her 8&month&old child 0aula, to the clinic. She sa s, LThe soft s!ot near the front of the 0aula@s head is still "ig. >hen will it closeQM The nurse@s res!onse should "e guided " 'nowledge that most often the anterior fontanel closes when the infant@s age is "etween a"outQ

1 to 8 months 8 to < months < to 31 months 31 to 3< months

Mrs. /rtigas "rings her 8&month&old infant, Timm , to the clinic. He a!!ears well. Mrs. /rtigas as's the nurse when she should wean Timm from "reast&feeding and ha#e him use a cu!. The nurse should e%!lain that Timm will show readiness to "e weaned when he is: Ta'ing solid foods well Slee!ing through the night Shortening his nursing time .ating on a regular schedule

,n counseling a teenage mother on the first&solid food to introduce to her 4&month&old child, least allergenic foods are gi#en. >hich of the following should "e recommended in the usual order in introducing solid foodsQ

.ggs 0ureed chic'en +ananas Rice cereal

A nurse is o"ser#ing all of the following "a"ies in the clinic. >hich "a" ma "e e%!eriencing a de#elo!mental dela Q A 3&month&old who does not coo A :&month&old who does not crawl An <&month&old who does not wal' A 36&month&old who does not sit

A first&time mother is concerned that her 9&month&old infant is not gaining enough weight. The "est res!onse for the nurse to ma'e is which of the followingQ L+irth weight dou"les " 9 months of age.@ L+irth weight dou"les " : months of age.M LThe "a" will eat what he needs.M LDou need to ma'e sure the "a" finishes each "ottle.M

The nurse discusses ?uc @s motor s'ill de#elo!ment with her mother. The nurse e%!lains to ?uc @s mother that at a"out 5 months of age, ?uc will most li'el to "e a"le to

>al' with su!!ort *eed herself with a s!oon Stand holding onto furniture Sit alone using her hand with su!!ort

A mother of an infant as's the nurse when she can e%!ect her "a" to sit u!. The nurse informs the mother that an infant can generall sit u! without su!!ort at: 8 months 9 months < months 36 months

A mother of a 36&month&old "a" as's a clinic nurse a"out a!!ro!riate and safe to s for the "a" . The nurse tells the mother that the most a!!ro!riate to s for a 36&month&old is which of the followingQ cradle g m

Tedd "ears ?ow roc'ing horses +loc's >hich is the "est wa to deal with a toddler who is ha#ing a tem!er tantrumQ

Reason with the child Threaten the child S!an' the child ,gnore the child@s out"urst

The nurse o"ser#es a grou! of 1& ear&old children at !la in the "each. The nurse would e%!ect to see: *our children !la ing soft "all Three children !la ing tag Two children !la ing sand"o% "uilding castles side " side /ne child digging a hole

>hen assessing a 1& ear&old child "rought " his mother to the clinic for a routine chec'& u!. The nurse would e%!ect the child is a"le to do which of the followingQ Ride a tric cle Tie his shoelaces Aic' a "all forward Fse "lunt scissors

Mrs. Sara tells the nurse that her 8& ear&old son, -harles does not seem to 'now the difference "etween right and wrong. She e%!lains that he 'nows he should not !ush other children, "ut the onl reason for not !ushing them is that he a#oids trou"le. Mrs. Sara is descri"ing t !ical "eha#ior of a child who has reached with le#el of moral de#elo!ment as descri"ed " Aohl"ergQ

Autonomous -on#entional 0recon#entional 0rinci!les

A mother "rings her 4& ear&old son to the !ediatrician@s office for a com!lete health a!!raisal "efore he enters 'indergarten ne%t moth. The nurse should focus !art of the assessment on the child@s achie#ement of !s chosocial tas's. At this age, he should "e tr ing to accom!lish a sense of Autonom ,dentit

Master ,nitiati#e

The mother of a 36& ear&old student is concerned a"out her daughter@s com!ulsion for collecting things. The nurse e%!lains that this "eha#ior is related to the cogniti#e a"ilit to !erform: -oncrete o!erations *ormal o!erations -oordination of secondar schemas Tertiar circular reactions

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