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Kindergarten Plans

Week: 12

November 4- 8, 2013

Morning Meeting Phonics/ Vocabula ry
Introduce Sight Words: he, she, up, down Write words on individual white boards. Say sentences aloud with the words.


Introduce and glue weekly poem in journal: Maps Read and highlight sight words. Review weekly sight words.

Daily 5

Round 1

Daily 5

Round 1

Daily 5

Round 1

How can symbols be used to describe objects? TTW discuss how we can compare two things that are not similar such as a person being sweet as sugar. Read Skin Like Milk, Hair Like Silk. Discuss the meaning of several examples of similes in the book. AssessmentComplete the simile rainbow as a class or in groups. RLK7

How do authors use symbols in their writing? TTW will discuss character traits. TCW orally list character traits of a familiar character, such as Clifford. TCW create similes to describe the character based on the character traits discussed. Read Quick as a Cricket and discuss how the similes describe the character. TTW use the Quick as a Cricket flipchart to discuss similes in the book. Assessment-TLW illustrate and write a simile to describe themselves. RLK7

Reading Workshop

Daily 5

Round 2 & 100 BC

Daily 5

Round 2 & 100 BC

Daily 5

Round 2 & 100 BC

How can I use story elements in my own writing? Review Setting and Characters. Read a short literary text. TCW identify the setting and characters. Discuss how they can add these story elements to their story. TCW write a narrative quick write including setting and characters. Students can write on a topic of their choice (ex. Trick-orTreating, Halloween, What I Did This Weekend, etc.) Assessment- TTW assess using the narrative LC (Lucy Caulkins) W.K.2 W.K.2Wk22222W.!.checklist What are the different reasons we use

Election Day No School


TTW create an introductory video on maps and their importance prior to teaching. TCW view the video. TTW lead a discussion about how the map helped the teachers find the kindergarten side of the school. TTW talk with students about all of the exciting things we will learn about maps and our community around us. Assessment: student participation in class discussion. K-1.1 How can a number of objects be represented with a written numeral 0-20?

How can labeling help me in my writing? Introduce mentor text, My Map Book by _____. During the reading, TTW focus on the labels in the pictures, the various types of maps, and why the child may have included those in his writing. After reading, TTW write student responses on a "Labeling book" noticings chart. TCW create their own My Map Book this week. Today's focus- create a cover page for the book. Assessment- student responses on chart; title on book W.K.2 What are the different reasons we use maps? TTW tell the students that there is a hidden treasure and ask what can help us find it? Compose a list of student responses and show examples of maps (globe, state map, school map, etc.) How do maps help us?- list student responses. Assessment- student responses on the chart. Extended activity- use the treasure map of the school to find the hidden treasure. K-1.1, K-1.4

Science/ Social Studies

Writers Workshop

Mini Lesson: TTW write the number 16 on a half size piece of poster board. The class will discuss and show many different ways to show the number 16 (including a double tens frame) Math by Myself: Practice writing numerals, number detective hunt, matching number to quantity game, more and fewer on a tens frame, building numbers on a double tens frame and writing them. Math with Someone: dice, counters, and tens frame/double tens frame game, dominoes more or less game, and add 1 game board, war game with tens frames, memory game (numerals, dice, and tens matching) Math Technology:, math IPad apps Guided Math: work with making and representing numbers on a double tens frame. Wrap Up Lesson: counting to 40 practice, tens frame flash, building numbers on tens frame on active board K.CC.1, K.CC.3, K.CC.4a, K.CC.5, K.CC.6, K.CC.7, K.OA.4

How can a number of objects be represented with a written numeral 0-20?

Mini Lesson: TTW write the number 17 on a half size piece of poster board and add it to our class book. The class will discuss and show many different ways to show the number 17 (including a double tens frame) Math by Myself: Practice writing numerals, number detective hunt, matching number to quantity game, more and fewer on a tens frame, building numbers on a double tens frame and writing them. Math with Someone: dice, counters, and tens frame/double tens frame game, dominoes more or less game, and add 1 game board, war game with tens frames, memory game (numerals, dice, and tens matching) Math Technology:, math IPad apps Guided Math: work with making and representing numbers on a double tens frame. Wrap Up Lesson: counting to 40 practice, tens frame flash, building numbers on tens frame on active board K.CC.1, K.CC.3, K.CC.4a, K.CC.5, K.CC.6, K.CC.7, K.OA.4

Math Workshop

Kindergarten Plans

In poem: read the poem and circle rhymes Morning Meeting

Read the poem. Draw a picture to illustrate 2 places that a map can show as listed in the poem.

Important Notes Maps and Community PBL Week 1 Sight Words: he, she, up, down ELA Big Idea: Recognizing common types of texts, students understand that authors write for different reasons and different purposes. Writing Big Idea: Authors use labeling to describe their pictures. Science Big Idea: Maps can communicate information about our community. Math Big Idea: Numbers can be represented in many different ways.

Daily 5

Round 1

Daily 5

Round 1

How do authors use symbols in their writing? TTW discuss how using pictures can help the reader gain understanding. Read Muddy as a Duck Puddle. Using pictures in the story choose multiple similes to convey meaning. Assessment-evidence students provide to support meaning during class discussion RLK7

Shared Reading

How do authors use symbols in their writing? TTW read Crazy Like a Fox. Choose various similes in the story for the students to pantomime. Assessment-pantomimes RLK7

Daily 5

Round 2 & 100 BC

Daily 5

Round 2 & 100 BC

How can labeling help me in my writing? (Map of My Face) Review My Map Book. Discuss how all the illustrations were drawn by the child. Review the purpose of a map and labeling. TCW draw an illustration of their face and label eyes, nose, mouth, teeth, eyebrows, etc. Assessment- Map of My Face page- labeling SS- K-1.2, W.K.2

How can labeling help me in my writing? (Map of My Bedroom) Review My Map Book. Discuss how all the illustrations were drawn by the child. Review the purpose of a map and labeling. TCW draw an illustration of their bedroom and label areas of the room- bed, rug, lamp, bookshelf, etc. Assessment- Map of My Face page- labeling SS- K-1.2, W.K.2

Writers Workshop

How can I find my home on a map?

Science/ Social Studies

TTW show the students where we live on a globe, world map, or state map. TCW use Google earth, to view different places and landforms in our area. Assessment: TSW contribute to class discussion by naming places or landforms, which personally connect to them, in their community to find on the map or on Google Earth. K-1.1, K-1.3, K-1.4

How do the symbols on maps help us gain more information?

TTW explain that we dont always have to be able to read a word to tell what something is. We can use symbols to express an idea. A symbol is a drawing, line, or dot that stands for something else. TCW compose a list of symbols that we have seen around our community (handicap, women bathroom, men bathroom, school, no smoking, hospital, etc.). TTW close by showing a student a map of the US. Identify our city and discuss that mapmakers cannot draw a picture of each city because the US is so big. Mapmakers use symbols and those symbols help us find our city, school, or home on a map. Assessment: Student participation in discussion K-1.1, K-1.3

How can a number of objects be represented with a written numeral 0-20?

Mini Lesson: TTW write the number 18 on a half size piece of poster board and add it to our class book. The class will discuss and show many different ways to show the number 18 (including a double tens frame) Math by Myself: Practice writing numerals, number detective hunt, matching number to quantity game, more and fewer on a tens frame, building numbers on a double tens frame and writing them. Math with Someone: dice, counters, and tens frame/double tens frame game, dominoes more or less game, and add 1 game board, war game with tens frames, memory game (numerals, dice, and tens matching) Math Technology:, math IPad apps Guided Math: work with making and representing numbers on a double tens frame. Wrap Up Lesson: counting to 40 practice, tens frame flash, building numbers on tens frame on active board K.CC.1, K.CC.3, K.CC.4a, K.CC.5, K.CC.6, K.CC.7, K.OA.4

How can a number of objects be represented with a written numeral 0-20?

Mini Lesson: TTW write the number 19 on a half size piece of poster board and add it to our class book. The class will discuss and show many different ways to show the number 19 (including a double tens frame) Math by Myself: Practice writing numerals, number detective hunt, matching number to quantity game, more and fewer on a tens frame, building numbers on a double tens frame and writing them. Math with Someone: dice, counters, and tens frame/double tens frame game, dominoes more or less game, and add 1 game board, war game with tens frames, memory game (numerals, dice, and tens matching) Math Technology:, math IPad apps Guided Math: work with making and representing numbers on a double tens frame. Wrap Up Lesson: counting to 40 practice, tens frame flash, building numbers on tens frame on active board K.CC.1, K.CC.3, K.CC.4a, K.CC.5, K.CC.6, K.CC.7, K.OA.4

Math Vocabulary: Double tens frame, teen numbers, number line, tallies

Math Workshop

Next Week Writing: Map of my classroom Map of my school Map of my neighborhood Map of my community

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