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1) The master pulls the horse Matteo pulls Cristina by the hand 2) The cowboy pulls the buffalo

with the lasso Marco pulls the cord of the sleeve (1) Marco pulls the rope (4) Marco pulls the wire of the dryer (1) Marco pulls the dog with the leash (1) The fisherman pulls the net (1) Marco pulls the rope (1) Marco pulls Cristina inside the car Marco pulls Cristina by the hand Marco pulls Luca s arm (1) !) Marco pulls the cor" from the bottle with the cor"screw Marco pulls the thread from theT#shirt ($) Marco pulls the chain of the toilet (1) Marco pulls the cor" from the bottle (1) Marco pulls the nail from wood (4) Marco pulls the cluster from the vine (1) Marco pulls the cor" with the cor"screw (1) The midwife pulls the child out (1) Marco pulls the arms of the glasses (1) Marco pulls Cristina s hair % Marco pulls the cord of the toy 4) Mar" pulls the handbra"e Marco pulls the handbra"e (1) Marco pulls the lever (!)

$) Marco pulls the &ar with a rope The cat pulls the thread along the floor ') Marco pulls the blan"et by the edges Marco pulls the collar of his shirt (1) Marco pulls the fabric of the doll Marco pulls the blan"et (1) Marco pulls the page of the boo" Marco pulls the paper wrapper of the candy by the edges (!) The &owls pulls the s"in of the nec" of the dog (1) The patch pulls the s"in of the arm (1) Marco pulls Luca s ear Marco pulls the elastic(2) Marco pulls the plasticine () Marco pulls the toy car with a wire (2) Marco pulls the toy car with a rope (4) The horse pulls the chariot (2) Marco pulls the toy car (1)

1)Matteo spills the content )of the bo*+ ,iccardo spills the glass containing the pasta (1) -iulio spills the content )of the bo*+ (1) .abio spills the games on the carpet Matteo spills the bo* of chocolates on the ground (1) .abio spills a basin )of water+ on the head )of Matteo+ (1) /ilvia spills the water on the ground (1) .abio spills the games on the carpet (1)

Matteo spills the dice on the ground (1) Cristina spills the contents of the cup on the table (1) Matteo spills the contents of the bo* on his feet 2)Matteo spills the coffee Matteo spills the detergent (1) Matteo spills the pieces (1) Mario spills the contents of )the &ar+ (1) Matteo spills the coffee (1) The plate of soup spills the &ar spills (2) the plate of soup spills (1) the li0uid spills (1) the games spill (1) Matteo spills beer on himself

1) .abio rips a sheet )of paper+ Matteo rips the sheet )of paper+ (2) The usherette rips the tic"et (1) Matteo rips the page )of the boo"+ (1) The rapist rips the s"irt (2) The rapist rips the clothes (2) .abio rips the cardboard folder (1) .abio rips the sheet (2) .abio rips the page )of the noteboo"+ (1) .abio rips the cover )of the boo"+ (1) Matteo rips the boo" (1)

The washing machine rips the lace 2)The gardener pulls out the weeds (1) /ara pulls out the fur from the teddy bear (1) Cristina pulls out the daisy (1) The officer pulls off the the soldier s epaulettes (1) The dressma"er pulls off the the tissue paper from the fabric (1)

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