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6 theSun | MONDAY AUGUST 3 2009

news without borders

Narsco debt woes may be

in Kuala Lumpur and won the man and director-general, prom-
case against Narsco’s subsidiary ised suppliers that all monies owed
company Narsco Commodities by Narsco will be paid as soon as
Sdn Bhd in 2005. possible.
theSun carried a front page Narsco was formerly under
report on Tuesday revealing how Risda but both entities parted ways
the Rubber Industry Smallholders following mounting debts in 2006.

resolved this week

Development Authority (Risda) The debts were blamed on poor
issued undertaking letters dating management and fluctuating rub-
back to 2002 on behalf of Narsco. ber prices by Narsco’s new chair-
The letter, signed by its chair- man Datuk Jamaluddin Tot.

by Tim Leonard propriate settlement with its creditors theSun had on July 15 highlighted soonest possible”. how the cooperative, which was set

PETALING JAYA: The Rural and

Regional Development Ministry hopes
“The ministry is in the last stages
of negotiations (with Narsco) to solve
the problem and the outcome will be
up to help rubber smallholders in the
country, chalked up debts of more
than RM60 million to suppliers and
DAP Jawi rep hits
all parties linked to the debts incurred
by the National Rubber Smallholders
Cooperative (Narsco) can reach an
known (this week). The minister wants
Narsco’s issues to end soon because he
is unhappy with the negative publicity
business partners.
After paying the bulk of its debts,
Narsco still owes more than RM20
back at accuser
amicable solution by this week. it has been receiving lately,” he said. million.
A senior aide of Minister Datuk Meanwhile, Shafie, when met at the theSun also highlighted the case DAP Jawi assemblyman Tan
Seri Mohd Shafie Apdal told theSun re-
cently that the minister was personally
GiatMara-JHEOA and Proton training
partnership programme launch on
of N. Appalanaidu, 55, who almost
became a bankrupt after Narsco failed
Beng Huat, who was accused of
corruption by the party’s Nibong Press Digest
looking into the problem and hoped Thursday, refused to comment on the to pay for the supply of latex. Tebal division chief Teh Hock by Kong See Hoh
the cooperative “can negotiate an ap- Narsco issue. He filed a suit with the High Court
Yong, hit back with the revela-
tion that Teh is a bankrupt, China
Press reported yesterday. of several organisations, and he
Tan, who was cleared by holds two stall licences issued
the Malaysian Anti-Corruption by the local council,” he said.
Commission (MACC), told a He said he has written to the
press conference in Jawi on party central, the party’s state
Saturday that liaison committee, Chief Minis-
Teh is not qualified to hold ter Lim Guan Eng, the MACC,
party posts or positions in other Seberang Perai Municipal
organisations. Council, Seberang Perai South
Earlier this year, Teh lodged police chief and the Seberang
four MACC reports against Tan Perai district officer asking the
for alleged abuse of power, relevant parties to look into the
misappropriation of allocations matter.
and using the state logo on a Meanwhile, Teh said he will
letter to raise RM5,000 for a quit all posts in the party and
Chinese temple, but last month associations today to show he is
the MACC found there was no a responsible person.
evidence to implicate Tan. Contacted by the daily, Teh
Last week, Tan demanded an pointed out that he only knew
apology from Teh and initiated he was declared bankrupt after
legal action when Teh ignored checking with the Insolvency
his demand. Department.
A check with the Bankruptcy He said he believed a man
Database by Tan’s lawyer re- to whom he sold a car in 1997
vealed that the High Court in failed to settle his car loan with
Penang had declared Teh a the bank, resulting in his being
bankrupt on July 19, 2004 over declared bankrupt.
a bank loan. He said he will lodge a police
Tan said that as a bankrupt, report today to trace the man.
Teh is not qualified to hold any Teh criticised Tan as having a
post in the party or any regis- personal agenda for going public
tered organisation. with the bankruptcy information
“But what surprised me is that instead of first informing him or
he is still a committee member the party.

Parents upset over

ill-treatment of
children in school
A GROUP of parents have lodged a police report against
the senior assistant and the disciplinary teacher of a
national secondary school in Bahau, Negri Sembilan,
for allegedly ill-treating their children.
The irate parents called a press conference on
Saturday to express their dissatisfaction and vowed
to take the matter up with the state education depart-
ment, Oriental Daily News reported yesterday.
One of the parents, Lai Jin Hwa, said the duo had
Iran’s been finding fault with his three children who were
Khatami formerly from a Chinese school.
Lai had recently transferred his children to the
denounces national school due to its proximity and because he
trial of wanted them to strengthen their English and Bahasa
protesters Malaysia language skills.
He said apart from uttering abusive words, one of
pg 9 them also spit in front of his children.
Lai said his children were also given stern warnings
for minor mistakes and made to stand under the sun.
Another parent, identified only as Liao, said the
teacher not only frequently scolded his son but also
threatened to expel him.
He said he will take up the matter with the educa-
tion department to get the disciplinary teacher and
senior assistant transferred.
A third parent, Mrs Lu, complained that her son was
caned and told to stop coming to the school for not
tucking in his shirt.
She said she has asked to transfer her son to an-
other school.

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