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Disturbing pattern
of custodial deaths
ONCE is an accident, – makes it essential the
twice is a coincidence and terms of reference of the
three times is a pattern. Royal Commission of
This well-worn maxim Inquiry into the MACC’s
springs to mind when re- procedures should be
calling the deaths over a broadened to include
nine-year period of more the circumstances
than 2,000 Malaysians resulting in Teoh’s body
and foreigners while being found on the
they were in the custody 5th floor roof of Plaza
of various authorities in Masalam on July 16.
this country.
In a written reply to
MakingSens While Attorney-
General Tan Sri Abdul
a parliamentary ques- by Tan Siok Choo Gani Patail has ordered
tion, the Home Ministry an inquest – currently
said 2,571 detainees have died of being held to determine if anyone
illnesses, suicides and fights while was criminally liable for Teoh’s
they were being held in Malaysian death – the problem is some past
prisons, rehabilitation centres and inquests were unsatisfactory.
illegal detention depots between Lee Quat Leong, a mechanic
1999 and last year. During the with no previous criminal record
same period, 153 detainees died in according to Aliran, was arrested
police custody, the ministry said in for a bank robbery and died in po-
the written reply. lice custody on May 12, 1995. The
This roll-call of deaths in death certificate stated the cause of
On the move ... a section of anti-ISA protesters near the National Mosque in Kuala Lumpur on Saturday. custody, coupled with the some- death as “haemorrhage consistent
times unsatisfactory official rea- with blunt trauma to most parts of
sons given for the cause of death, the body”. In plain language, Lee
tracks, places like India, Malaysia and wait. They have to be fought “It isn’t nice to block the doorway highlights the biggest problem the was beaten up.
and many others would still be for, and gained. It isn’t nice to go to jail authorities face in handling public Although a judicial inquiry
colonies today, apartheid would still And if you still want to ask: There are nicer ways to do it outrage over Teoh Beng Hock’s determined 11 policemen were
be thriving in South Africa, Nelson why march; I can go on and on But the nice ways have all failed untimely demise – the authorities’ responsible for Lee’s death, only
Mandela would still be scribbling until the last tree is felled. But I shall It isn’t nice; it isn’t nice lack of credibility. two were charged and found
on the walls of Cell 5, and Obama obviously not. You’ve told us once, you’ve told us Some would argue it is wrong to guilty of causing hurt to Lee. They
would probably be a slave some- I will end with the following twice say Teoh, the aide of Seri Kemban- received 18-month sentences.
where in Mississippi plotting to lines from one of the songs sung in But if that’s freedom’s price gan state assemblyman Ean Yong On appeal, these sentences were
make his next midnight dash for the 1960s by civil rights marchers We don’t mind ...” Hian Wah, was in the custody of the doubled to 36 months.
the river. in the US, without whom Obama Malaysian Anti-Corruption Com- Moreover, the public often have
And because liberty, freedom would not be able to even sit with mission (MACC) when he died. a higher regard for a royal com-
and dignity are not free vouchers the whites in a bus, let alone reside Yeo Yang Poh is a former Bar Coun- However, the last time Teoh was mission than an inquest. Unlike an
posted out to each household. They in the White House: cil president. Comments: letters@ seen alive was on July 15 while he inquest, instead of a single person,
do not come to those who just sit was in the Selangor MACC’s offices decision-making in the commis-
on the 14th or 15th floor of Plaza sion is by a group of people often
Masalam in Shah Alam. And it is selected because they enjoy high
undeniable he was alleged to have public esteem.
millions in taxpayers’ ment to demand an ex- left the Selangor MACC’s premises Given the many unanswered
money. Enough has planation as to why they only after officials who were inter- questions surrounding Teoh’s
been said and writ- failed to exercise care and viewing him allowed him to do so. death, the commission must ensure
ten. This is the caution in ensuring that Given the Selangor MACC’s the hearings on the MACC’s pro-
right opportunity public money is spent moral responsibility for Teoh’s cedures satisfy the demands of the
for our enforce- wisely? well-being, the institution should highest court – the court of public
ment agencies The chief secretary, disclose fully and without fear all opinion.
to dispel any who is doing a brilliant the circumstances involving Teoh’s Teoh’s death should be treated
notion that they job of transforming the untimely demise. by the government and the com-
practise selec- civil service, has to get Moreover, past instances of mission as a loss of a life that held
tive prosecu- these officials to answer deaths in custody are likely to add the promise of imminent marriage
tion. for their actions or inac- to public disquiet. Aliran, a non- and fatherhood. Going forward, the
The three re- tion. After all, as directors, governmental organisation (NGO), commission should be empowered
ports on the biggest they enjoyed the perks such studied 14 deaths in police custody to ensure the procedures adopted
financial scandal as allowances and having that occurred from March 1995 to by the MACC, the police and other
– even bigger than the benefited, they cannot wash August 2002. Some of the 14 de- regulatory bodies contain sufficient
Bumiputra Malaysia Fi- of the boards in the past and the their hands and claim that “we did ceased also showed signs of physi- safeguards to prevent unwarranted
nance case of the eighties – provide lack of submission to the boards’ not know”. cal injuries. Official causes of death deaths while in custody.
more than a starting point. They authority by the chief executive/ There should be a concerted in these 14 cases included meningi- Teoh’s unborn child deserves
provide accurate and authoritative general manager of PKA. Foremost, effort by all parties concerned to tis, tuberculosis, liver failure due to a better outcome than being left
information, complete with dates, it reflects a gross negligence of past bring the crooks to book and if need alcohol, suicide and a heart attack. fatherless at birth. Similarly, 28
times, events and even documents board members in not discharging be, recover the ill-gotten gains of a The last was the reason given for million Malaysians also deserve a
to warrant immediate prosecution. their fiduciary duty diligently. few. Anything less would only lead the death of a healthy 27-year-old satisfactory outcome. Unless care is
How about demanding explana- There are enough provisions in the rakyat to come to the conclusion Indonesian national named Kasim taken to assuage public anger over
tions from the former chairmen and the Companies Act and other pieces that the rich, the titled and famous Buadi, a finding questioned by the Teoh’s death, the MACC – which
members of the board under whom of legislation to start with this. can get away with anything. Indonesian embassy. was intended to instill confidence
these scandalous practices were They were appointed to the posts While Aliran acknowledged in the probity of government insti-
carried out? They can’t claim in- as trustees of public money and some policemen were found tutions – may find itself the target of
nocence because even before these their primary duty was to ensure R. Nadeswaran will endeavour to responsible for three deaths out public odium.
three reports, the auditor-general in that public funds are disbursed for finish what he started four years ago of these 14 cases, the NGO wrote
his 2003 report had already warned specific purposes and not to line the – making those responsible in the “cases such as these must raise the
of the impending disaster. pockets of any selected individual. PKFZ debacle to be accountable. He suspicion that there is something Opinions expressed in this article
The ad hoc committee has given Ironically, some of them are senior is prepared to accept more brickbats seriously amiss in the police sys- are the personal views of the writer
a damning report on their perform- civil servants and continue to oc- in this long and lonely battle. He is tem”. and should not be attributed to any
ance: “The numerous violations cupy high places in government editor (special and investigative re- This pattern of deaths – includ- organisation she is connected with.
of governance that are highlighted service. Wouldn’t it be incumbent porting) at theSun. He can be reached ing another three deaths in police She can be contacted at siokchoo.
are symptoms of the ineffectiveness on the chief secretary to the govern- at custody since May last year

Looking for antiviral drugs It should be Jabatan Insolvensi

I WISH to point out a factual error in Malaysia” under the Prime Minister’s
I REFER to “Docs told to be more illness to have maximum benefit istry to ensure the availability of “Let the facts speak for themselves” Department. One of my siblings
alert and suspicious” (July 30). (Interim guidance on antiviral: antiviral therapy only in selected (CitizenNades, July 29). In the first worked in that department (located
Presently, the two companies recommendations for patients centres, can the names of these paragraph, it was stated “... clearance then in Bangunan Bank Rakyat) until
distributing antiviral drugs in with novel influenza A (H1N1) hospitals be widely publicised from the Official Assignee’s Office. the late 1980s.
Malaysia have run out of stock virus infection and their close so that patients with suspected Little did he know that such an office The department should rightly be
and are not even taking purchase contacts; May 6. Available at H1N1 infection can go directly does not exist and it is now known as known as Jabatan Insolvensi Malaysia.
orders since they are unsure to them and not waste valuable Amanah Rakyat.” Amanah Rakyat is the Public Trustee
when new stock will arrive. mendations.htm). time being accessed in places There was such a department 15 Department which has different func-
The Centres for Disease The Health Ministry does have where antiviral treatment is not years ago. That was the official name tions.
Control and Prevention in the a stockpile of antiviral drugs, but available? for the department known to the
United States advises that anti- it is distributed only to selected layman as the “Bankruptcy Office”. Teh Seng Hin
viral therapy should be started public and private hospitals. Helpless Doctor It is now called “Jabatan Insolvensi Via email
within 48 hours of the onset of If it is the policy of the min- Penang

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