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2 theSun | TUESDAY AUGUST 4 2009

news without borders

TI-M chairman

Focus on KRAs and KPIs, gets invite to PKA

board meetings
by Giam Say Khoon

Najib tells civil servants

KLANG: Port Klang Authority (PKA) has ap-

pointed Transparency International-Malaysia
(TI-M) chairman Datuk Paul Low to sit in on its
board of directors’ meetings for the next six

by Husna Yusop months, as proposed by Transport Minister Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat, to ensure that the
recommendations of the ad hoc committee
PUTRAJAYA: Prime Minister on administration and corporate governance
Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak wants for the Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) are fol-
civil servants and administrative lowed through .
members to focus their mindset PKA chairman Datuk Lee Hwa Beng, who
on the six Key Result Areas (KRAs) announced this yesterday after chairing a
and the Key Performance Indicators four-hour meeting to discuss the report of
(KPIs). the ad hoc committee released last week,
He said now is the time to take said although Low was invited to sit in and
action and implement the national speak at the meetings, he is not a board
KRAs to achieve the ministries’ KPIs member.
which he announced recently. “We have agreed to invite Low and Ma-
“We are now in action mode. laysian Institute of Corporate Governance
We are no longer talking about (MICG) secretary-general Paul Chan, as an
goals or targets but action. All of alternate member, to attend our board meet-
us must have a focus in our mind- ings for the next six months starting today,”
set so that our actions are aimed Lee said.
towards implementing the KRAs He said PKA will appoint at least two
and KPIs with full commitment,” more board members, to meet the recom-
Najib said at the monthly assembly mendations of the ad hoc committee, so
of the Prime Minister’s Department that one-third of the board members are
yesterday. independent directors with no political or
“Hopefully, we could achieve government background.
the two main targets, namely to “The minister had commented in his
fulfill the people’s aspiration and Najib and his deputy Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin (centre), ministers and deputy ministers in the Prime MInister’s blog ( that we should
expectation, and to see a huge Department, and Chief Secretary to the Government Tan Sri Sidek Hassan (second from left) at the monthly implement it. We have six members on the
transformation of the country.” assembly of the Prime Minister’s Department yesterday. board and we still have four vacancies, so
The six KRAs are to fight crime, we definitely have to implement and find the
combat corruption, upgrade public that have been determined. countability towards the people, “This is because the most right persons for the positions,” Lee said.
transportation, provide greater “They are closely associated we bravely set the KRAs and KPIs meaningful assessment is per- “According to the specifications men-
access to quality and affordable with the question of accountabil- which we need to achieve in a formance – not in terms of slo- tioned in the report, there is only one
education, improve rural infra- ity, which means we are willing certain time.” gans, rhetoric or quality debates, qualified independent director – former PKA
structure, and improve the condi- to put aside our interest, willing to He said the most effective but in the final analysis, it’s all general manager Datuk M. Rajasingam – (so)
tion of low-income households. be criticised, or even penalised, if way to achieve transformation is about performance,” he said. we need to find at least two more independ-
“Each of the six KRAs is closely we failed to achieve the KRAs we by having a performance-based “And if we could have a very ent directors.”
related to the aspiration and expec- have set,” he said. leadership, be it to attain devel- meaningful and effective achieve- Asked why Low has not been appointed
tation of the rakyat,” Najib said. “However, as a government oped status, be a high-income ment, I am confident we could an independent director, Lee said Low is
They are the government’s which realised the importance country, or be a knowledge-based accomplish the huge transforma- one of the candidates but the board is still
commitment to achieve the goals of instilling the principle of ac- innovative nation. tion.” open to suggestions, and recommendations
will be made to Ong for the members to be

Bankruptcy Act to be more client-friendly On whether the board had discussed ac-
cepting a Selangor state executive councillor
as a member, Lee said it had rejected the
MALACCA: The Bankruptcy Act 1967 may be bankruptcy cases from January 2005 to June suggestion by the state government as the
amended to keep up with the changing times, 2009. There were 7,521 cases in the first half board already has a state representative
Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department of the year. – deputy state secretary Datuk Noordin
Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz said They comprised vehicle hire-purchases Sulaiman – who was removed by the state
yesterday. (15,176 cases) followed by business loans government after its proposal to place exco
He said the Insolvency Department had (6,949), personal loans (6,129 cases), out- member Dr Xavier Jayakumar on the board
been entrusted with the responsibility of standing credit cards (3,767), corporate loans was rejected.
reviewing the act and, if necessary, propose (3,566), social guarantors (2,678 ), income tax “We do not have a state representative
amendments. defaulters (660s), education loans (138) and now on the board,” he said.
“The department will have to look into ways other debts (20,795). Asked if PKA will act against any previous
to make it more client-friendly and correct the On the arrest of a Terengganu state assem- board members for alleged mismanagement
misconception that it is aimed at making the blyman in Kijal, Kemaman by the Malaysian of the PKFZ, Lee said this will be only be
clients bankrupt,” he said after opening the Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) on decided after going through the report by
department’s senior officers conference here. Sunday, he said: “If there is a complaint and the PKA task force, which will be released
“Actually, we have been extending help it has enough evidence, go ahead and press on Monday.
in managing governance and discharging charges. We fight corruption irrespective of “The task force will present the report to
bankrupts.” who they are.” PKA and the transport minister by Aug 10
Mohamed Nazri said the negative percep- On Parti Keadilan Rakyat (Keadilan) adviser (Monday). I do not want to make a decision
tion should be corrected in efforts to diversify Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s remarks that the now. We will decide after that and we cannot
the government services and cut down bu- police’s action against demonstrators in the comment further,” he said.
reaucracy. capital on Saturday was unwarranted, Mo- Lee also said since the report prepared
“Outdated work processes, which are time- hamed Nazri said Anwar should not humiliate by the ad hoc committee was very detailed,
consuming, such as dissolving companies that the police for carrying out their duties. the board had ordered PKA’s new general
can take up to two years, are very ineffective “Anwar had served as deputy prime min- manager, Kee Lian Yong, to go through the
and cause the government to be at the losing ister. If he is back in the government, will he recommendations and report back in a
end,” he said. stop the police from carrying out their duties?” month.
He said the department handled 64,072 he asked. – Bernama

Also remanded until Friday are two Police deny videotaped they were clearly not the police International Quran
friends of the assemblyman. uniform.
assault recital from tomorrow
The remand order was issued by “As such, it is highly speculative
Kemaman sessions court judge Rofiah PETALING JAYA: The police have to infer that the clip shows a sus- KUALA LUMPUR: The 51st Interna-
Mohamad. denied that a videotaped assault of pect being beaten while in police tional-Level Quran Reciters’ Assembly
All three are now held at the Kema- a man by several uniformed men in custody.” will be held at Dewan Merdeka, Putra
Rep remanded in nan police district headquarters. a room – as posted by several blogs Mohd Bakri said the police are World Trade Centre (PWTC) from to-
The assemblyman and his friends – took place in a police station. taking concrete steps to ensure morrow to Aug 12.
bribery probe were arrested at a hotel in Kijal, near In a statement yesterday, the abuse of detainees does not The public relations officer of the
KEMAMAN: A Terengganu state as- here, for allegedly demanding bribes of national Criminal Investigation occur and one of the major steps Malaysian Islamic Development Depart-
semblyman arrested by the Malaysian between 10% and 13% of the value of a Department (CID) director Datuk is the remodelling of the interro- ment (Jakim), Asiah Alkharib Shah, said
Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) landscape project worth RM2 million. Seri Mohd Bakri Mohd Zinin said: gation rooms and installing video yesterday 69 male and female reciters
on Sunday was remanded for five days The MACC found RM5,000 on the “There is no indication whatsoever cameras to record the process of from 43 countries had confirmed their
yesterday to assist in investigations of assemblyman, who is alleged to have that the persons involved were interrogations to also help protect participation, including from Saudi
being suspected to have received bribes received RM15,000 from the company. police personnel. Several people officers from false claims of abuse Arabia, Afghanistan, China, Croatia and
from a company. -- Bernama in the video were in uniform but or coercion. India. – Bernama

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