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theSun | TUESDAY AUGUST 4 2009 5

news without borders

Exco seeks
State cautions land owner China
to stop Liow
against demolition
seals off
town on temple
pg 7 by Opalyn Mok

by Himanshu Bhatt He said he hoped they would cooper- we are biased towards the koperasi and GEORGE TOWN: State executive council-
and Bernard Cheah ate by leaving the area without trouble. developer. In order to move forward, lor Wong Hon Wai is having a legal notice of Lim maintained the state’s stand, each party has to move a step backward. demand sent to MCA vice-president Datuk Seri
stressing that the developer, Nusmetro Otherwise, all of us will go backwards,” Liow Tiong Lai to stop him from making mali-
GEORGE TOWN: As an eviction dead- Ventures (P) Sdn Bhd, had been issued Lim said. cious remarks on the demolition of an illegal
line for Kampung Buah Pala residents with a letter informing it of the state’s He also noted that the full council structure on a playground in Butterworth.
lapsed yesterday, tensions escalated, powers under the Act. meeting of the Penang Island Municipal Wong, who is also the housing, town and
with the state cautioning the new land He also said the state had to respect Council that approved the project under country planning committee chairman, said he
owner against bringing bulldozers in, a Federal Court decision awarding the Barisan Nasional had included three had instructed his lawyers to issue the letter to
lest it find approval for its development land to the co-operative. MIC councillors. Liow to remind him not to continue to make
project terminated. “Likewise, the koperasi should also Meanwhile, Ng Wei Aik, the chief inflammatory and false remarks on the issue.
Speaking at a press conference at his respect the law in that the state can minister’s political secretary, said the “I am sending this legal notice in my capac-
office yesterday morning, Penang Chief revoke its approval for development.” state had instructed the Penang Water ity as the chairman of the Non-Muslim Houses
Minister Lim Guan Eng said Section Lim said negotiations for a new deal Supply Corporation not to cut off supply of Worship Committee to say that the words he
25 of the Town and Country Planning should be pursued by all parties. In a to Kampung Buah Pala, and was work- was quoted to have used in an article which
Act empowered the state to revoke the meeting with him on Saturday, Kam- ing on asking Tenaga Nasional Bhd to appeared in an English national newspaper
permit for the condominium project, pung Buah Pala residents had agreed to maintain power to the village. on June 27 are false, highly malicious and
dubbed “The Oasis”. consider moving to an adjacent site as He also said Sri Delima assemblyman calculated to incite racial disharmony,” Wong
However, the land owner, Koperasi an intact heritage community, pending a R.S.N. Rayer was filing an application said at his office yesterday.
Pegawai Kerajaan Negri Pulau Pinang, detailed proposal from the developer. in court to invoke Section 116 of the In the article, Liow, who is also Penang
said it was planning to begin demolition Abdul Razak, however, had report- National Land Code, in an attempt to MCA liaison head, blamed the current state
today, Bernama reported. edly said on Sunday that the cooperative stop the demolition. Residents government for allegedly demolishing a Taoist
Its chairman, Abdul Razak Man- would not entertain any request from The section stipulates that a building and temple in Butterworth and demanded that the
sor, said the co-operative had deferred the state to negotiate the matter until the on alienated land cannot be demolished, represent- state government apologise to the public.
demolition by one day on humanitarian houses were demolished. altered or extended without the prior atives of Wong said the notice would also serve as
grounds, to allow residents to move their “The koperasi says we are biased consent in writing of the appropriate NGOs and a reminder to other MCA leaders not to use
belongings. towards the residents, the residents say authority. political the demolition of the illegal structure as an
groups in issue for the upcoming Permatang Pasir by-
Kampung election.
High Chaparral still stands after deadline Buah Pala
“The notice states that I reserve the right to
take legal action against Liow and any MCA
GEORGE TOWN: Some 400 resi- leader who insists on spreading lies and mali-
dents gathered in Kampung Buah cious talk on the issue.”
Pala, popularly known as Penang’s The issue in question is the demolition of
High Chaparral, in tense anticipation an illegal structure built by the Tua Pek Kong
of bulldozers flattening their village Temple committee on a playground on state
yesterday. land in Tanjung Indah, Sungai Puyu.
The crowd, however, was left The original temple was located just 20m
waiting as there was no sign of from the playground and had been squatting
a demolition team or uniformed on private property since 2004, after the temple
personnel from the police or the was given compensation to relocate to another
Federal Reserve Unit. private land earmarked for development.
A few lorries were seen collect- Facing eviction by the current land owner,
ing chairs and tents that had been the temple had initially started to build a struc-
put up for a cultural celebration, ture on the playground without the approval of
which had included a bullfight, at the local council.
the village on Sunday. The council had torn down the partially-
Present to lend support were built structure following complaints from
non-governmental as well as political residents. The original temple however, being
organisations such as the Marginal- on private land, was left intact.
ised People’s Network (Jerit), Parti Liow and other MCA leaders including
Socialis Malaysia, Hindraf and MIC. MCA Youth chief Datuk Dr Wee Ka Siong
A group of villagers and their sup- have issued media statements that the current
porters then adjourned to submit a state government had allowed a temple in
memorandum to Chief Minister Lim Butterworth to be torn down.
Guan Eng at his office, calling on the Sungai Puyu assemblyman Phee Boon Poh,
state to stop any demolition of the showing a picture of the temple, denied that
century-old settlement – the oldest the temple had been torn down.

Indian village in Penang. “What was torn down was an illegal struc-
Lim’s political secretary Ng Wei Aik ture. The temple is still there. As it is in my
received the memorandum from the constituency, I am willing to resign if Liow or
village association’s chairman M.J. Wee can prove that it has been torn down,”
Sugumaran. Police then ordered the he said. “If they don’t respond to this within a
group to disperse at about 11.30am. week, I will label them liars.”

residents in the area the option Bhd official Liza Ali con-

‘MPSP failed to allocate land for briefs

of using the Kesas Highway.
He said the project had
been deferred due to financial
firmed that the tugboat had
been released. She however
said the tugboat was still
non-Muslim places of worship’ constraints and that an al-
location was approved by the
in a zone considered to be
dangerous. – Bernama
Work on Kesas government only in 2007.
GEORGE TOWN: No land “The Penang Island is currently using in approving
has been allocated for non- Municipal Council (MPPP) any development plan.” link resumes State assembly
Muslim houses of worship is adhering to this guideline He said the MPPP and Pirates release sits on Monday
in Butterworth since 2003 but the MPSP has failed to do MPSP were also instructed the Kinrara Utara junction M’sian tugboat GEORGE TOWN: The 12th
despite new guidelines for so, resulting in no new land to build a database of non- connecting the Shah Alam KUALA LUMPUR: The tugboat Penang State Assembly will
the Seberang Perai Municipal being allocated for non-Mus- Muslim houses of worship by Highway (Kesas) to Jalan Klang Masindra 7, hijacked by pi- reconvene on Monday. Speaker
Council (MPSP) to make lim houses of worship on the compiling information on land Lama that had been on hold rates off Somalia on Dec 16 Datuk Abdul Halim Hussain said
such allocations for new dev- mainland,” he said. allocated for the purpose. since 1995 has resumed and last year, had been released a motion was expected to be
elopment projects. Wong, who is also the “The database will need to is expected to be completed on Sunday. tabled at the two-day meeting.
Non-Muslim Houses Of housing, town and country be submitted to the Non-Mus- by October next year. It is understood all 11 It is understood the motion
Worship Committee chair- planning committee chair- lim Houses Of Worship Com- Works Minister Datuk Shazi- Indonesian crew members would call on the federal gov-
man Wong Hon Wai said the man, said this weakness in mittee every three months.” man Abu Mansor said work on are safe and in good health. ernment to allow local govern-
council had not adhered to the system had been identified Wong also said any appli- the connection and building Masindra 7 was hijacked ment elections in Penang.
guidelines under the Penang and the issue raised at a state cation by a developer to pay of the RM13.6 million 380m by pirates while on the Deputy Chief Minister (I)
Structural Plan which stated executive council meeting last a token sum instead of al- three-lane interchange started return trip to Malaysia after Mansor Othman will be sworn
that each development must week. locating land for non-Muslim in mid-July and would reduce completing a contract job in in as assemblyman following
allocate for each resident “The state exco has decided houses of worship must be congestion on Jalan Klang the Middle East. his victory in the Penanti by-
0.1sq m to construct houses of to instruct the MPSP to adhere referred to the committee for Lama, besides providing some Masindra Shipping Sdn election on May 31.
worship. to the guidelines that the MPPP a decision.

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