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8œ theSun | TUESDAY AUGUST 4 2009

speak up!

A friendly makeover for Home Ministry

Scene: Coffee Bean, Jaya One Azman: Maybe you are right, of policemen into enforcers who ment in Alor Star we teachers would know.
Chong, the home minister wants a are clean, incorruptible, efficient You see the resthouse in Kuah, Langkawi, was
MOHAN: Wah, our young home minister, better image. For instance during a and friendly will take some time. also our only watering hole.
Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein, seems to meeting the editors had with him Chong: I don’t know whether Chong: Of course, one other reason why
be very busy, doing this and doing that. Now recently, he gave the impression of a changing their uniforms from police stations have to have a friendly image
here, now there. On Thursday, he announced friendly home minister. He chuckled beige or grey and khaki to a dark and sophisticated equipment is because more
that he would be making surprise visits to and laughed a lot. He told us to write blue about a decade ago was the politicians visit them nowadays.
police stations. whatever we like. right thing. Azman: Why huh?
Chong: Saturday’s demonstration against Chong: He said that? Zain: In the 1950s and 1960s, Chong: To make police reports lah!
the ISA is probably something of a baptism by Azman: Yes, he did – as long as the policemen and policewomen Azman: Yes, that’s right. Nowadays police
fire for him after hardly four months on the what we write and print does not wore a small oval badge showing stations seem to have become popular desti-
job. affect or undermine or goes against WhatTheySay a handshake, to indicate that the nations with politicians, including MPs and
Mohan: Maybe it would nudge him to the interests of the nation. law enforcers were friends of all. members of the state assemblies.
move forward quickly to amend the ISA which Chong: What do you think, by Zainon Ahmad I don’t see them anymore. Chong: Some young politicians seem to
he had already said he would. Cikgu? Mohan: I think making visits think that they have not arrived until they
Mohan: Meaning that if he did it at the next Zain: I think we should leave it at that for to police stations to ensure that those who man have marched to a police station to file a report
meeting of the Dewan Rakyat it has nothing to now. Anyway I am impressed by his effort to them understand that they too are part of the against a government action or another politi-
do with Saturday’s demonstration. clear the backlog of applications for citizen- attempt at image change is a good thing. Also cian. It has also happened when politician A
Chong: Yes. But whatever it is I seem to get ships. And the newspapers flattered him by to understand their problems and their needs. lodges a report against politician B and the
the impression that Hishammuddin is trying to frontpaging a picture of him going through the Chong: Surprise visits? next day politician B files a report against A.
change the traditional forbidding, malevolent application forms surrounded by boxes and Mohan: Yes, surprise visits. Mohan: No one seems to have been spared.
and cold-hearted image of the ministry to one boxes of them. I am happy and I am sure many Azman: I don’t think in these days of Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, when he was
that is people-friendly. other people are happy too. handphones there can be any real surprise prime minister, also had reports against him.
Azman: Ya, man. As a journalist I always Chong: Why are you happy? visits. Now that he has announced the visits, Of course reports have also been filed against
shudder at the prospect of being formally Zain: Some nephews of mine who studied policemen at airports who see him arriving Datuk Seri Najib Razak.
invited – or summoned, if you like – to meet abroad came back with foreign wives. These will call their friends to say “he’s here.” Zain: Making police reports seems to have
some officials or other of the ministry. women have been here for years and have Zain: I agree with you. Even in those days provided such joy and delight to politicians
Mohan: What do you expect of a ministry many children who are citizens but they them- of no handphones no one could really be sur- that a group of 29 assemblymen decided to do
responsible for internal security. Under him selves are still not citizens. Unfair, I think. prised. When I was a teacher in Langkawi in the filing together, probably exulting in the or-
are agencies like the police and that special Mohan: A little patience, Cikgu. 1973 no inspector of schools could surprise us. giastic feeling that the togetherness brought.
section known as the Special Branch, often Azman: It is not easy to change an image. We always knew when they would be in town. Chong: And to top it all one politician even
associated with knocks on your doors an hour Take the police for instance. You know what There was only one rest house and when told a rival politician that if he didn’t do it he
or two after midnight. the force’s image is like. To change the image rooms were booked by the education depart- would do it for him.


Anti-ISA protesters don’t represent majority

I REFER to “Why do Malaysians march?” time, such as when the majority of the rakyat to this sort of tactics. The holding of the dem- because even if I am put on trial, I can’t afford
(Comment, Aug 3). The protesters are a negli- are really oppressed and we, the rakyat, really onstration is a routine game for PR especially the high fees charged by lawyers. So the best
gible minority. Just because they are loud and do not have other avenues to seek relief. the PKR. course for me is to obey the law.
obnoxious does not mean that they are the As shown by the last election, the rakyat How many lives will be improved by abol- The holding of this demonstration has only
majority. can have their say. If the majority of the rakyat ishing the ISA. Twenty, 30,100, 2,000? For that convinced me that the ISA must stay. Actually,
Even developed countries such as the US is really sick of the ISA, they will throw the matter, I am not even sure whether the lives I would be pleased if the government locks up
have their own version of the ISA such as the present government out. of the majority of the 15,000 protesters will the masterminds of the demo under the ISA.
Patriot Act. In Malaysia, only sharks, those who I am sick of politicians and their cohorts improve as a result. Sure the demonstration However, I am sure the government would
hang around criminals and who commonly who exploit people who do not know better leaders might get promoted in the party, but not take their bait and act wisely instead by
associate with them, are the only ones con- than to put their body and perhaps life on the the ordinary members would only have gained charging them under some other law, like
cerned with the ISA. line just to earn some mileage for their political a few bruises.. disturbing the peace, etc. I just hope that the
Ordinary law-abiding rakyat are more con- agendas while these politicians themselves Come on PR, wake up and get serious. magistrates will have the common sense to
cerned about getting food on their tables, the enjoy a fat allowance, luxurious and comfort- There’s always two sides to an argument, throw them in jail for the maximum time al-
improvement of the economy, the increasingly able living. people who want to climb to power like to lowed.
high cost of goods, etc. I am disappointed that the Pakatan Rakyat argue that the ISA is draconian. They put the
I am not against demonstrations, but it has not done more to improve the livelihood of fear in you that one day you could be arrested Pro ISA
must be for the right cause and at the right the common rakyat and has instead resorted and locked up without trial. I am not afraid Via email

Allow PTAs to meet on science and maths

THE role of the parent-teacher association is education office. This is in contravention of the
tested more than ever now. Its main respon- law that protects the rights of the parents, who
sibility is to represent the interests of the are members, of the PTA.
parents of its school as far as the welfare of As the registrar of the PTA, the director of
the students is concerned. the state education department, must ensure
The issue of the teaching and learning of that the staff of district education offices do not
science and maths in English warrants just interfere with PTAs wanting to exercise their
that. Being a national issue and having a direct legal rights. Principals should be advised and
impact on our children, parents as guardians to reminded of their roles as advisers to their PTAs
the largest stakeholders in the education sys- and to not obstruct the voice of the parents
tem, the “rakyat”, are being unjustly obstructed who only want to do what is correct in accord-
by the authorities to speak their mind on the ance with the law, being civil and legal.
issue at hand. Parents are keen to speak and act on this
The prime minister had earlier stated that important issue. A civil and legal avenue, such
the government will listen to the “rakyat” on as through convening an EGM, exists but ob-
this issue. He is open to suggestions before its stacles have been placed to inconvenience and
implementation in 2012. disallow such a platform to be exercised.
There is a growing group of parents who If parents are not allowed to speak for their
want their children’s schools to be considered children on educational matters, legitimately
being given the exemption or option to retain through the PTA, where are we expected to
the existing policy. Such an exemption – a good go? Another public demonstration? At the next
government initiative – will create a tremen- general election?
dous amount of goodwill and allay the anxiety As much as we abhor public demonstra-
of many parents. tions, sometimes this appears to be the only
The PTA constitution provides for the chair- way out for the “rakyat” to be seen and heard,
man, the committee members or the parents as exemplified by recent public outcries.
to compel the PTA to convene an extraordinary We are civilised parents who want what we
general meeting (EGM), subject to a minimum believe is best for our children and expect the
of seven days’ notice, to discuss a specific mat- Education Ministry to do the same. Therefore,
ter of importance. allow PTAs to exercise their rights immedi-
However, in recent days, a number of PTAs, in ately.
several states, have had their desire to convene
such meetings to address this issue stymied by Datin Noor Azimah Abdul Rahim
either the principal of the school or the district Chair Parent Action Group for Education

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