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No. 4817 PP 2644/12/2009 (023092)

August 5, 2009

No Surprise » High tension at “High Chaparral’ pg6 » Australia detains four in terror plot pg10 News without
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Chua pleads
for chance
to serve HMs need nod to
close schools
by Giam Say Khoon


president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek » 03-88810200/300
faced the party’s disciplinary board
» 03-88834414/415
yesterday over his sex DVD scandal,
pleading to the party leadership to
give him a chance to perform the
responsibilities mandated to him.
UTRAJAYA: School heads can He said as of now, there are no worsens, additional intervention steps

The inquiry was to probe a com- National Security Council will issue
plaint, since withdrawn by Simpang no longer exercise the discre- guidelines on closing of schools and plans to bring forward the August may have to be taken, like providing
Renggam division chief Eng Cheng tion to close the school or a institutions due to A(H1N1). school holidays or re-schedule this adequate beds in the ICU.
Guan last week, that Chua’s involve- classroom if students fall sick “Closing down of schools must be year’s public examinations like UPSR, He said it is important for Malay-
ment in the scandal last year had with flu-like symptoms, but must made only upon the advice of health PMR and SPM. sians to always take care of
tarnished the party’s image. instead get the green light from the officers or directors. Headmasters or “Those who are sick There is their personal hygiene and
After an almost three-hour inquiry state health department to do so. principals must wait for their deci- can take the exam from adhere to advice from the
by the board chaired by Ng Cheng They have also been told to con- sion. This will be done as soon as hospitals. And if a par-
no blanket health authorities.
Kiat, Chua told a press conference duct health checks on students at the possible on the same day,” he said. ticular school happens directive that if Elaborating on the deci-
that he had resigned his party vice- start of school daily to isolate those Speaking to reporters after chair- to be closed during the there is one case, sion to increase anti-viral
president and health minister posts who are unwell so that lessons can ing the committee meeting, Muhyid- exams, those involved the whole school stockpile to cover 20% of
on Jan 2 last year so that the incident continue. din, who is also education minister, in the exams can come is closed.” the population, from 10%
would not tarnish the party and the Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri said: “We have decided on this; so to school while others now, Muhyiddin said it
government’s image. Muhyiddin Yassin said the inter- there is no blanket directive that if remain at home,” he – Muhyiddin would involve an addi-
ministerial committee on the H1N1 there is one case, the whole school added. tional allocation of RM20
» Turn to Page 2 pandemic decided yesterday the is closed.” A total of 41 schools in the country million. The additional
had been closed for one week each stockpile is needed so that private
since June 22 due to H1N1 cases. clinics and hospitals can get their
Asked about a World Health supply from the ministry.

Organisation (WHO) report that the On Monday, minister Datuk Seri

worst case scenario would see be- Liow Tiong Lai said all high-risk
tween 5,500 and 28,000 H1N1 deaths groups (pregnant, obese, asthmatic,
among Malaysians, Muhyiddin said chronic lung disease, diabetic and
the government acknowledges it. low immunity level) with influenza-
According to the report too, for the like illness (ILI) will be given anti-
country’s 27.7 million population, if viral treatment immediately within
20% were at risk and exposed, some 48 hours of onset.
5.5 million people would contract the Muhyiddin explained that they
H1N1 and based on other serious flu need not take the H1N1 test, unless
statistics, if 2% to 9% requires hospi- they are hospitalised because at the
talisation, some 110,000 to 500,000 moment, 95% of ILI cases in the
people would need hospital care. country are caused by H1N1.
“If the estimate is at 30%, it means On a recent report in Mexico
some 8.319 million Malaysians will about cases of Tamiflu resistance,
be infected with the disease,” Muhy- Liow said these were isolated cases
iddin said, adding that, however, the and in Malaysia, all H1N1 cases were
government is prepared and had not resistant to Tamiflu.
rolled out intervention programmes. “The Institute for Medical Re-
While he admitted the projec- search conducts surveillance and
tions are “big”, he said the govern- confirmation every day. We always
Chua faces the ment hopes to at least maintain the monitor this. So far there has been no
cameras after the current situation with intervention such case,” he said.
disciplinary hearing. programmes in place.
However, he said, if the situation » More stories on Page 5

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