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2 theSun | WEDNESDAY AUGUST 5 2009

news without borders


Royal Commission only The

has to be
right ... the

There is still a long way to go for
after inquest, says Najib first.”
– Najib

women in politics here. But the PEKAN: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib
Razak said yesterday the Royal Commis-
to the Selangor MACC on the 14th floor
of the building.
ters that would give significant impact on
the Ecer economy:
environment now is conducive. sion of Inquiry to study the interrogation The investigation by MACC was into » high-value manufacturing, agro-
– Kelana Jaya MCA chief Ong
Chong Swen methods of the Malaysian Anti-Corrup- the alleged misuse of state allocations based industry;
tion Commission (MACC) would only by a number of Selangor state executive » gas and petrochemical;
begin its work after the inquest into the councillors and assemblymen. » tourism/real estate; and
death of political aide Teoh Beng Hock is On the statement by Communication » knowledge/education and ICT as
completed. Information and Culture Minister Datuk well as logistiscs.
He said the inquest into Teoh’s death Seri Dr Rais Yatim that several people The zones make up only 6% of the total

was going on and all quarters must wait who took part in Saturday’s anti-ISA ille- Ecer area, but has a big economic impact,
Kugan’s for it findings. gal rally in Kuala Lumpur had been hired including its capacity to contribute 50% of
mum “We have to go through the inquest first by certain quarters to do so, Najib said the the job opportunities compared to Ecer as
as it will identify the causes of (Teoh’s) police were investigating the claim. a whole, and contribute 80% of the eco-
fails to death, and after that the Royal Commis- “It’s up to the police to act. They have nomic products for the whole of Ecer.
Guard and pathologists get back sion of Inquiry will look at the MACC’s to look at the laws and the extent of the Najib said, Kuantan Port would also be
to testify today evidence procedures and take into consideration individuals’ involvement in the illegal upgraded and expanded so that it would be
the findings of the inquest. The sequence rally,” he said. capable of handling more than 30 million
SHAH ALAM: The inquest into the death pg 4 has to be right ... the inquest first,” he told Earlier, Najib launched the East Coast metric tonnes of cargo annually by 2020
of Teoh Beng Hock, which was postponed reporters when asked about the latest de- Economic Region’s Special Economic from 16.8 million metric tonnes now.
last week, resumes today. velopments on the Royal Commission. Zone (Ecer SEZ) and the Pekan agropoli- It would also be able to play its roles as
Several witnesses who had been sub- Attorney-General Tan Sri Abdul Gani tan project in Runchang, near here. a major port in the East Coast and a trade
poenaed earlier are expected to provide Patail had said the members of the com- He said Ecer SEZ is expected to cre- gateway for the Asia Pacific market.
testimony before coroner Azmil Muntapha mission would be announced soon. ate more than 220,000 job opportunities Najib also announced that the Ecer
Abas. Najib had announced the Royal Com- and attract RM90 billion in domestic Development Council had kicked off
Among those expected to be called mission on July 22 to investigate the and international investments by 2020. the agropolitan project – an integrated
today are the security guard who found interrogation methods used by MACC It is the first special economic zone in development project whose main objec-
Teoh’s body, and pathologists handling the when they questioned Teoh. Malaysia. tive is to eradicate poverty among local
case. Forensic experts and more than 20 Teoh, 30, was found dead on the 5th Najib said four free zones would be residents. – Bernama
Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission floor of Plaza Masalam in Shah Alam created in Ecer SEZ to encourage and
(MACC) officers and men are due to testify
on Friday or next Monday.
after he gave his statement as a witness promote chains between industry clus- » More on Ecer SEZ on Page 14
A total of 77 witnesses have been

We did nothing wrong: Projass

subpoenaed to provide testimony in the
inquest. Fifteen days have been set aside
for the proceedings. – Bernama

No apology to Anwar, by Llew-Ann Phang and Eva Yeong Kedah and Perak. The largest station – in Hulu
says Muhyiddin Langat – was being made a museum.
It was implied that Projass Engineering failed
PUTRAJAYA: Deputy Prime Minister Tan PETALING JAYA: There was no failure in the to perform and TNB was taking the stations
Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said yesterday he outsourcing project of the rehabilitation and back.
has received a letter from Datuk Seri maintenance of mini-hydro stations in the “There were 42 mini-hydro plants built
Anwar Ibrahim’s lawyer demanding an peninsula, Projass Engineering Sdn Bhd said throughout the peninsula, and when we took
apology or damages of RM100 million yesterday, in clarifying its agreement with charge, only 26 were running,” Mohd Zain said.
for calling Anwar “the biggest traitor Tenaga Nasional Bhd (TNB). “Seven were non-operational and beyond
to the struggle of the Malays”. The company said its agreement had run its repair, even at the time. They weren’t dams but
He said he is leaving it to his lawyer first 10-year course and it was willing to carry the supply was from a run-of-the-river scheme
to respond to the letter but insisted on with the optional 10 years but TNB decided and the operating plants were only running at a
that he will not make an apology. to hand over the 26 operating mini-hydro sta- maximum of 20% capacity.”
“I won’t apologise. I did make the tions to its subsidiary company, TNB Energy He said a government grant of RM70 mil-
statement. I didn’t lie. I stand by what Services. lion was spent to build the mini-hydro stations,
has been reported,” he said. Projass Engineering director Mohd Zain aimed at supplying electricity to the rural areas,
Yusoff told theSun the repair, rehabilitation but this became irrelevant when the areas
and maintenance of the mini-hydro stations in started getting their supply from the national
the peninsula, when the company took on the grid.
contract in 1994, had cost them RM10 million. Projass Engineering started bidding for the
He was referring to theSun’s front-page contract in 1992, proposing to utilise TNB’s as-
report on Monday which said TNB was going sets that had been neglected and underutilised
to fork out another RM10 million to rehabilitate in various parts of Peninsular Malaysia.
almost half of the 37 mini-hydro stations. The contract meant that Projass Engineering,
TNB had claimed only 17 stations were run- while bearing the cost of repairing and refur-
ning while 10 were under maintenance. bishing the mini-hydro stations, had to generate
Ten others were inoperable and are located a minimum power supply as stipulated by TNB
in Selangor, Negri Sembilan, Terengganu, Pahang, in the contract.

Let me fulfil responsibilities, says Chua

» From Front Page
“I took part in the party election last year lawyers Datuk Cecil Abraham and Rishwant
because I wanted the members to decide my Singh. He also invited the previous disciplinary
fate in the party and if they could not accept board members – former deputy president Tan
me, they would not have voted for me. To let Sri Chan Kong Choy and veterans Tan Sri Dr Sak
members decide my fate was the best way Cheng Lum, Tan Sri Wong See Wah and Datuk Ho
rather than allowing irresponsible people to Lim Teck – to explain to the current board.
film me illegally and to privately kill my political All, except Chan, attended but the board only
career,” he said. allowed Sak to testify.
Chua said now that he has been elected the Chua said Sak told the inquiry the previous
party deputy president as well as the Barisan board had decided to stop the hearing last year
Nasional (BN) chief coordinator, he has respon- because he had resigned all party and ministe-
sibilities to fulfil. He pleaded for that chance to rial posts. However, he said Sak was informed
fulfil them. by the board there was no such record of the
He said he had openly said he was not inter- decision.
ested to become a minister, and asked the people Chua said there were members who were
not to speculate that he had his own agenda. lawyers who advised him not to attend the
“Many politicians only want to be ministers, inquiry because the complaint had been with-
but when I said I am not interested, ‘he’ should drawn.
be calm and easy and why would ‘he’ want to be “They said I should not go because it could
over-suspicious about my behaviour and wherea- be a second attempt to kill my political career.
bouts? There is no need for that,” he said. However, I still opine that as a party leader, we
Chua arrived at the MCA headquarters with must uphold discipline in the party,” he said.

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