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Sex, sensationalism and salacious reports But should we be surprised? No, police report against Al Islam magazine solution, is it? Additionally, we know what they’ve done without being held
Comment and yes.
No, because media companies
for going undercover at a Catholic
mass and partaking of the holy com-
that these recent examples are not the
only instances where sensationalist
accountable. Indeed, for that reason
alone, the protest letter by journalists
by Jacqueline Ann Surin understand what sells. As two former munion for an “investigative” report and irresponsible reporting have oc- and former journalists against Kosmo!
editors have reminded me before, “Sex about Muslims purportedly converting curred in Malaysia. is an important gesture – it is one way
THE MEDIA are at it again. Sensation- sells!” So, for guaranteed sales and to Christianity. The Catholic community What does this tell us? It tells us for media practitioners to hold their
alising the news, reporting inaccurately profits, sensationalism, salacious re- was understandably outraged, as were that despite these laws to control the peers in Kosmo! to account.
and unfairly, and worst of all, having ports, sex, sexy women, and scandals several Muslims, at the lack of ethics media, the media can’t be stopped But is that enough? As a media
no regard for the personal damage a will all work on any given day. demonstrated by Al Islam. from reporting unethically whether professional, I believe that we can only
report may have on a party. Media companies, like any other en- And then on July 20, Bernama it’s on women, religion, transsexuals, a be held accountable through a code of
The latest of irresponsible and un- terprise, need to be profitable in order revealed that a Harian Metro report, political party or any other issue. journalistic ethics. Other internation-
ethical reporting was in Kosmo!’s July to, at the very least, stay afloat. And headlined “Restoran Berahi”, about an In any case, how would the PPPA ally-recognised media around the
27 edition that front-paged celebrated if sex and scandal sell, and we know erotic restaurant, was fabricated by resolve an issue of unethical reporting world voluntarily adopt these codes.
filmmaker Yasmin Ahmad who passed they do, it shouldn’t be surprising that two reporters who were subsequently such as the articles published by Ko- Why shouldn’t we?
away from a stroke the day before. The Kosmo! and Mangga did the kind of called in by the police to be questioned smo! and Mangga Online? And should If only we would, then those who
story in itself had a journalistic logic to reports they did on Yasmin. under Section 8(A) of the Printing law enforcement be tasked with ensur- don’t uphold such ethical codes would
it. It was for a section called Di Sebalik What is appalling is that in some Presses and Publications Act (PPPA). ing that professional codes of ethics be shamed, lose credibility and le-
Berita. It interviewed people who knew media’s pursuit of profit, under the On the very same day, Tamil-lan- are adhered to? gitimacy, and be taken to task by their
Yasmin previously, in another life. It guise of rigorous journalism, editors guage newspaper Makkal Osai ran a These examples show that media professional peers and the public.
described who she was before she remain oblivious or uncaring about the report about the launch of the Human repressive laws don’t serve the func- At the end of the day, protesting
became an acclaimed, award-winning impact of their reporting. Not just on Rights Party by Hindraf leader P. Uthay- tion the government claims they do. against Kosmo! shouldn’t just be about
film maker. someone who has already died, and akumar which has been described as These laws only ensure that the media Yasmin and her family. It should be
Mind you, the Kosmo! reporting hence has no right of reply, but on her “false and malicious”. cannot report fearlessly and independ- about upholding journalistic principles
was even more rigorous than what family. That’s quite a few unethical reports ently on vested political interest and and public interest. But that can re-
entertainment magazine Mangga Commendably, Kosmo! issued a in such a short span of time. Which is power. And ironically, that is exactly ally only happen if media practitioners,
Online attempted to do to disclose the front-page apology to Yasmin’s family really troubling. And surprising consid- what prevents the media from report- the government and the public care
same information it had about Yasmin. on July 30. But that doesn’t negate the ering that every time the government ing responsibly. enough about what really is at stake.
So, what was the problem with the argument that its unnecessary exposé tries to justify having media repressive The truth is, so long as the media
Kosmo! report? of Yasmin’s identity could have been laws such as the PPPA, they say that in Malaysia choose not to adopt a
The problem wasn’t the lack of avoided if the newsroom was guided it’s to ensure the media report fairly code of ethics to demonstrate their Jacqueline Ann Surin, editor of news site
journalistic rigour or even shortage of by the principles of ethical reporting. and responsibly. commitment to responsible, fair and, believes it is in
empathy involved, as one protest letter Mind you, the reporting on Yasmin Quite apart from the inappropriate- ethical reporting, citizens can expect the media’s interest to adopt a code of
against the Kosmo! report pointed out. aren’t the only instances of unethical ness of treating unethical reporting as more of the kind of reporting we’ve ethics to ensure continued credibility.
The problem was the lack of journalistic reporting that has taken place over the a crime against the state, these recent seen in recent weeks. Profits alone will The report first appeared under the title
ethics involved in both the Kosmo! and past few weeks. examples demonstrate that having be motivation enough, especially if the “Kosmo!’s offence”. Comment: letters@
the Mangga Online reports. On July 8, two Catholics lodged a media repressive laws isn’t really the media know they can get away with

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