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David Ogilvy


9 Advertising corporations 10 How to advertise foreign travel 11 The secrets ofsuccess in business-to-business advertising 12 Direct mail, my first love and secret weapon 13 Advertising for rood causes 14 Competing with Procter & Gamble 15 18 Miracles of research 16 What little I know about marketine 17 Is America stdl to^ nation? 18 Lasker, Resor, Rubicam, Burnett, Hodins and Bernbach 19 What's wrong with advertising? 21) I ~redict 13changes

117 127 137 143 150 155 158 167 173 189 206 2 17

Reading list Indsr

Ahbott, David 147 ABN Bank 96,97 Arcaunt erecutirrs20,32-5,45,47 Actors. cornrnwci;~l 113 Adams, ?,m 56 AdvcrtisingCouncil l50 Advertising Hall ofFame92. 197 Advocacy adwrtising 122-6,152, 153 Nrica 183 Aga cmkingstoves 2539.2 16 Aim tmthpastr 157 Alcoholism campai,gms 152, 1.54, 187 employrcs53-4 Alexander, Henry52,87 American Express 18,52,57,58,63,102, 127 American Telephone Co. 47,63, 117 American Tobacco 196 Araldite 94 Arlen, Michael 113 ARMCO 125 Artdirecton 31,32,65, 113,190 Art trade 83 Asia31, 182, 183 Aspercreme medicine 89 AudienceResearch lnstitute36, 158,194 Austin can82,83 Australia 181, 182-3 Austria 181 Automobiles, 11, 12,14,26,57,83,85,182, 208,216 Avenir 27 Aviation 143 Avis rentals 12,205 Ayer, Mani 183, 184

Bethlehem Sterl 122. 123 Better Business Bureau 143,208 Bermuda 192,133 Bernhach. Bill 7 . 12. 135. I66,l108.204-5: JCIPCO[SO I k y l c ~ k Bernlnch r Bemhard, Hank 216 Berry Norman 176 Bia Top peanut buttrr 157 Billbuimds213-15.217 Bissell C a m t Swmrrrs 2 % ) Black and hhitcad<~crtisrmrnts 79, 139 Blirz-Weinhad beer IOY. 1 1 415 Bmksellins 143, 147 Bcx,ks ror Cliildrrn 147 Bnunry 156 Bower, Manin 52,54,69,172 Branch oflices 55.63 , 14-15, 110, 111 Brand image 7 Brand managers 20.3 1,33

Carioca rum 18 Carl Ally 63 Camation Milk81 Camqie, Andrrw49 Cam~gie, Dale 147 Cars, stt Automobiles Carter,Jimmy 211,212,2l3 Caranns22,lOY Catrrpillar Tkctor 125 Crcil, Geolqr47.205 CeIrb~iryadvcrtising8,83,102-3, 109, 113, 146, 161,193 Census (American) 150, 192

. , Charactercommcrcials 108 Charities 150-4.204

Cheese, French 164 Chesapeakeand Ohio 123, 124 Chiwzaschml'aradvertisine 199-200 Childers, Erskine 193-4 Children 109.164-6 China 187-8 ChubbSafes 83 Churchill, Winstan 35 ClGA Hotels 178 Cigarettes 14. 15.26.70. E Clark, Howard 52 Clients 33.34 meetines 46.60-1 Close-ups 111 Club Med 178, 179 CocaCola 15.61 c o ~ e 111,168, e 172 Collett Dickenssan Pearce 104. 177 Color advertisements 79, 139' Calumnsofcopy 90, 91,96,101 Commander Whirehead 14,20 Cornmerdals, seeTelwision Commission payment system 55 Communist muntries 184-8 Competitor comparison advertisements 108,137 Compton agency 48,56 Computer mailing lists 143 Cone, Fax 61 Conrectionery 168-9 Gmtessimofm Adm* MII~ (1963) 7,34,58,83,113, 166,206 ContainerCorporation 117, 126 Contests 184

Bread 16, 19,176 s Breakfast ~ n d u c t 164.166.168 Bristol ~ i e r s 5 8 Britain39,40,150, 170,171, 173-7,178,213 advcrtisements30,94,104, 109, 173-6, 177,178, 179,181 tourism 77,127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 133,135,156 British Intelligence52 British Labour Party l23 British Travel 162 Brower, Charlie 52 Brown, George Hay9 Brown, Pat214 Buick 194 BuFett, Warren 54 Burnett, Leo 18,21,56,199-202,206 Bums, Max6I Burpeeseeds 98 Business-to-business advertising 137-42, 171

Ball, hichael37 Banking85, 123 Bames, Clare,Jr. 58 Bates 32,56 Bates, Ted 24,56,62 Bayles, Hagen 56 Baysol plant treatment 79 BBDO 52,205 Beauty products 26,29 Beecham's Ells 20 Beerg, 14,85,92,95, 114,170,208 Belgium 128,177 Bell Brand potatocrisps 157 Benton & Bowles 24,50,62,196

Cadillac 199 Cadagan, William 53 California, University 0114-15 Call-outs 89 Carnbio IG(Spain) 90 Camel cigarettes 192 Campaign Palace (Australia) 182 Campbell Soup 39,58,71,79,169,198 Canada61,62,63, 128,173, 181,215 Cancer in India 153, 183 Canter, Stanley 158 Caples, John 9,74,81 Captions89,90,9 1,139, 162 Career paths 31-44


Edwards, Charles 8 8 Ehrenberg, A.S.C. 169,172 EicoKAl113.149 Eisenhower, h g h t 36,2 13 Eli LiUv 123 ~lliott, jack M Emotion, useof 109, 157, 176 Engel, Louis 84 Era deaner 156 Envin Wasey 199 Envitt, Elliott 76, 135 EssoGI, 123, 181 Exp705, L'(France) 90 Erp~~s L'(1taly) o, 90 E u o n 63 Gasoline 80,85,105,123, 124, 181 Gaycbrd Hauscr29 Geddcs, Lord 162 GeneralElectric63, 117, 119, 191 General Fods58,61,63, 123,125, 196 GeneralMotors51,61,63,119,193 Germany 28-9,61,84-5, 107, IOR, 128,173, 177,180 adv~rtisements 17,27,28,61, 100, 178, 179,180, 181 Gladstone, William 52,80 Glass 66 Glendinning, Ralph 37 Glue 107 Goldsmith,Jimmy 49 Goldwater, Bany204,211,212 Gone WithIhc W i n d 164 Gccd Ludtmargarine 11,87,110 Gossage, Howad 152,153 Grand Dad whisky 14 Grant, General 52 Greece 128, 133 Grey agen,q 204 Greyhound Bus 61 Gribbn, Gmrge 194 Guinness 43,58,59,92,94 Gunther,John 191 Hod Hun I


IBI Illu In< In< In! In In In In Ir I1 Is

FabergC 109 Fablicsofieners 109 Family Planning Clinics (UK) 3 U Faucettairlinc (PcN) 129 FCB-Impact 78,84,90,92 Fedenl Express 140 Fee paymentsystem 55 Fclton, Happy PI0 Field, Clillod 130, 176 Films, see Motion pirturr industry Financial advertisemen&94 Fitzgerald, CliK56 Flannery, Vaughn 21,64,194,196-7,205 Fonda, lane 121 Fontoura, Jose 181 F o d ~ m d u c t s 111.158.159.





FourRases Whiskev 198 Franc? 26-7,40,@-5,90,92-3, 107,213 advertisements 26,78,92, 100, 105, 106, 164,177,178,180,I81 tourism 100,127, 135, 136,166 Fricdman, Milton 'L08 Fund-raisins 150-4,204 E Wallis Armstrong 194

Haines, Douglas 80 Hall, William K. 1401 Hansaplaststnps 180 Hansgrohe 27 Harness, Ed 155, 156 HnnvrrdBununnersR& 122, 140 Hathaway shirts 23,58,59,79,81,83,166 Headlincs41,70,71-6,87,88.9,92,96,119, 138,146,147,148, 160,166 Hcalth EducationCouncil (UK) 28 Hcrcules plastic rrsins 138 Henhcy Ban l69 Hcrshey, MiltonS. 168 Hrrtzrcntals 12 High Point 156 Highway Beautificadon Act 214,215 Hill, Gmze Washington 196 Hinks, Kcn 192 Hit Parademusic20 Hiion,Carl l99


HovisBread 104, 109, 176 Humor in advertisements28,32,47,103, 140,157 Hungary 185, 187 Huxley, Aldous 81

Koenig,Julian 12 Korda, Rno. 38 Kotexsanitary towels 190 Kroll, Alexander 173 Krone, Helmut 12,48,88

IBM58,122,140 Illustrations 7680,87,88-9,W, 91,99, 190;s e a h Drawings, Photographs lndia31, 108,153,182-3 Industrial advertisingscc Business-tobusiness advertising Insulation, house 141 International CorrespondenceSchool81 International Paper 107 Interpublie56 Inte~ewen 36, 164 Investment556,117 ~rish, J U ~ S O " 18 Islam 26,28 Italy 79, 128, 173, 181 Ivory Bar 156

Jack Daniel's whiskey 14, 15 lawbv. " ,,Professor 113 Jamaica 135 ,Japan28,123,182, 187, 188, 197 Jargon37 let16 " . Ellerton 83 Jingles 111 Jobs31-44 John Deere machinery 98 Johnny Walker Whisky 187 Johnson, Arno 192 Jahnson, Howard 52

Lacrok 179 Lambert,J?rry 168, 169, 193 Lambert PharmaceuticalCo. 168 Lasker, Albert 16,38,56, 189-91,198,202 Lasker, Mary 191 Latin Ametica 181 Launch advertising 172 Layouts 32,60,81,87,88-94,96, 138, 146 Leading (line-spacing) l01 Legal aspects 62,208 Legislation, advertisinginflucnce121-6 Lemonnier, Pierre W, 92 Lennen & Newell 60 Leht, Henry 194 Lever Brothen 34,58,160 Levitt, Professor 140, 1 7 R Lgemagazine 147 Lire Saven wnfectionaly 194, 195 Liehten 81 ~Gclcaner 157 Lincoln, Abraham 52. . 117. . 121. . 163 ~i~uor26,292 Listerine 168, 169, 193 Lloyd George, David 52 Lord &Thomas56, 189-91, 198,202, 203-4 Loudon,John 49 Louis XIVofFranceffi Luxsoap 193

Johnsan,Samuel l60 Tones aeenw 62
iMrCdlS magazine 22, 197


Kelstadt,Charlie67, l19 Kennedy,John E. 1% Kennedy,John E 53, 112 Kenya 184 Kenhaw, Andrew 49 Kettering,Charlie 51 Kinney, Gilkrt 192 Klcinman, Philip 173 KLM87,127

M c ~ a h kHany , 24 Magazines copy readenhip 80 desien87.W-l. . .96 direct responseadvertising 143, 1458 rditorial content 21-2 ~ubscriptions143,144 Magnavox GO Mailing,g;s Direct mail advertising Mapes & Rms l03 Margarine 11,85, 109, 116,170

Malin, Mliioz 69 Markdowns 83 Marketing 167-72 Market research, see Research Marlborocigarettes 18,76,201 Marlborough, Duke or53 Manhall, Bob 130 Marsteller, Bill 56 Matches I08 Mathes,Jim 56 Maxim Instant CaEce 108 Manvell HauseCoKee20.57. 108. 111.169 Maynard, William 32 Media departmenu 37 Media ldtitute 122 Medici, Casimode 3 1 Meek, Sam 192 Menninger, William 47 Men's wlogne 30 Mercedes-Benz 11,35,88, 145, 182,216 Merckpharmaceutids 167-8 Mertill Lynch 16,58,84,112, 118 Metropolitanopera 117 Metropolitan Police (UK) 177 Meyer,Grethe 17 Mikoyan, Anastas 185 Milton Biow SO Miswmprehension ofadvertisements8 1, 112 Mithune, Ray 56 Mitterrand, Franwis 40 Mnemonics 112 Mobil 123,125 M&, Le (France) 92 Mojo (Australia) 182 Montgomery, Field Marshall 53 Murrtgurr~c~y Ward202 Moonlighting39 Morals 206-16 Morgan Guaranty 52,58,87 Margan, J.P. 48,49,58 Morgens, Howard 206 M o d l70 Moscoso, Ted 52,68 Moscow OlympicGamcs wins 144,145 Moses, Bob214 Motion pictureindustry32,158, 163 Multinational advertising61-2,17841 Murphy,Bev 169 Music 110, 111, 113, 157

Nader..Raloh , 125 Namingprcducts 168 NBC 113 Needham, Halper & Steers32 Nau Ymk Herd52 New York Philharmonic 150, 152

Paper 107 Paris 26-7,40 Parity products 19 Parlin Award for Marketing 167 Patrick, Ted 39 Pearl, Leslie 124, 176 Penn, l n i n g 78 PepperidgeFarm bread 16, 19,107, 108 Pcpsdent 203 Petrol, see Gasoline Peugmt 88,2 16 Pharmaceuticals 167-8 Phillips, Bill 150 Photographs captions 90,91, 162 story appeal 7680 Pillsbury Cake Mixes 199 Pitard, Monsieur 51 Plantrwd 79 P&0127 Poinl,Le (France) 90 Poland 187 Political advertisemcnts209-12,217 Politz 203 Pollution, water 125 Poly kolT, Shirley 48 Ponds 193 Ponche SS Positioningorprducts 12, 159 Posters94-5,214-16,217 Premiums 144, 161 Price-offdeals 119, 169 Pricingpducts83, 160, 170 Pringles potato chips 157 Print advertising 70-101 Practer & Gamble31,32,37,63,149, 155-7,206 Profit 54-6, 61 Promotions 169-70 Publiccompanies 54-5 Publicopinion 1216 PuertoRiw 27,52,68,76 industrial development 24,87, 133,207 tourism 68,76, 127, 128, 133,207

Red, Whiteand Blue Beer 114-5 Reed, Virgil 192 Reese's Peanut Butter Cups 169 Reeves, Rosser24,25,205 Refrigerators83 Reinhard, Kcith 32 Reisz, Proressssor 170 Repertory "[brands 172 Republican Party 189 Rcscarch36-7,103, 155,158-66,217 account racts8, 11-12,34 children 164-5 wmpclitor 12, 159 nnvpraducts 158, 167-8 readenhipmeasurement21-2, 159 salesmadels 158, 167 Researchers 35-7 Resor, Hclen 193 Resor, Stanley 21, 19'24, 198 Revlon 6 1 Rwson,Charles 61 Rigby, Sir Hugh 21 Rinev. ,, Hal32., 109. , 112. , 114 ILnso 74,75,77 Roadside Business Association 215 Rahbins, Norman 194 Rockefeller,Jay 213 Rogen, Will 2W Rolls-Royce 10, 11,57,58,59,216 Roman, Kenneth42,49, 155 Romania 187 Raosevelt, Eleanor 109 Rmsevelt, Franklin 189,206 Raoswelt, Thmdare63, 189 Rosebrmk,Jack 194,205 Rosenmann, Judge 53 Rosentiel, Lnv 61 Rothman's cigarettes 58 Royal,Jahn 113 Rubicam, Raymond 40,64, 162, 193-8,

m a L o Young & Rubicam

Rudalph, Hatald 22-3,76 Ruml, Beardsley 87 Rupert, Anton 58

Radio advertising 113-6, 197,208 China 187-8 Kcnya 184

S U B 12 Saalburg, Philippe 78,92 Saatchi, Charles 101



. . . .

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Talkinghcadscommcrcials 108, 157, 173 Taylor, Bill 173, 176 Tavlar whiskev 14 TBWA 178, lj9 Teel liquid detergent 157 Telephoneadvertisem 23 Televisiun 7,70, 103-16, 161, 169, 172, 2089 business-to-businessadvertising139.40 direct selling.23, 149 Pructer & Gamble 156-7 publicopinion 121, 126 tips 110-16 types 103-10 Templeton,Nex 111 Tcstimonialsinadvertiscments82-3, 105, 137, 138, 146, 157 Tescs direct response 70, 144 marketing 156, 157, 158,203 Thailand 3 1. 182. 183 ~ h o~ hc C g n s h o e78 s Tide 156.169 Tiger beer96 Tim magazine82, S O Em, T T h c (London) 162 Tinker, Professor95 Toigo, Adolph 60 TopJob cleaner 156 Townsend. Robert 12 Toynbee,Amold 206 Toys 165-6 Trade advertising, PP Business-tobusiness advertising Trademarks 95-6 Train matches 108 Training-2 1-3,3 1,39 Travel advertising 78, 127-36 Treasure, lohn 172 Truman,kany 189 Tschichold 88 Type90-1,92, 96-101, 138 black 90,146 bold 99

USGovemm~nt 125,208,214,215 US Savings Bonds 150 US Steel 117. 119 us'rmst 87 USSR 185, 187

Vanderbilt, William H. 121 Vaseline 184 Vicary,Jamcs 209 Viyella 86 Voices in commercials 111 Volkswagen 12, 13,73,74,110,205

WallachsStorm 124 Ward, Sid 194 Warshaw, Paul 167 Washing machines 105 Washington, George 56 Webb Young, Tmdel. 147 Weed, Bill 168-9 Weherhaeuser 122 Wcintraub 204 Wcllirlgton, DukeoC53-4 Wells, Rich, Greene63 Whalen, Graver 2 M Whiskey 14-15,84 White, E.B. 161 White, Hwper 113 Whittier, Roy 194, 198 Williams, David 56 Wilson, Edwin Bird 94 Women in advertising32,38 World Fair. New York 204 \Vorld War 11 170, 197 World WildlireFund58.87. 150. 151.207 Wrangcll, Baron 79 Wngley's chebLinggum 171

Xcmx G I

lower-case 95 rwene8,21,91,97,98,99,101, 146,191 serifand sanselirSO,96 size 92,95, 101

Yvung.,james Webb82, 147, 1T2,205 Young,John Orr 194 Young & Rubicam 7,21,56,6l, M, 162, 175, 188, 194-8,205

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