Samsung GT B5722 Device Specifications

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Samsung Duos GT-B5722

Everything about the Samsung Duos GT-B5722 Phone, full spe ifi ations, te hni al information, features, pri e, revie!, photos an" a essories
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An advantage of the Samsung Duos GT-B5722 is the possibility of using two mobile ca ie s! a Dual-SIM device with two S"# ca d slots$ "t%s wea& on connectivity! this device has Bluetooth 2$' ve sion with A2D(! but it doesn%t have )i*i to connect to inte net$ Device with '+5 g ams! including the batte y! the Samsung Duos GT-B5722 phone is elatively thin with ',$, mm thic&ness$
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Model and Physical Features Brand: Model: #lso $nown as: &elease Date: Samsung Duos GT-B !"" Samsung B !"" Duos% Samsung Duos GT-B !""C Decem'er% "(()

Design * Type: Depth: Si-e .width / height0: 1eight: 2werty $ey'oard: #ntenna:

Bar +,., millimeters ,.) / +(, millimeters +( grams 3ot supported 4nternal antenna

Scratch-resistant glass: 3ot supported 1ater protection: 5perating System .5S0 5S: 5S 6pgradea'le: Proprietary 5S 4n7ormation not registered 3ot supported

8ardware% Microprocessor% Chipset% Memory and Storage capacity CP6 * Processor: 4n7ormation not registered

Processor Cloc$ * Cores: Single-Core &#M Memory: GP6 Graphical Controller: 4nternal Storage: 4n7ormation not registered 4n7ormation not registered 9(MB 6ntil ;GB microSD

:/ternal Storage:

Cellular Phone and Data Dual S4M: S4M Card Type: Dual S4M Stand-'y - Call acti<e on one sim card Standard Mini S4M ." /+ 0

S4M Card Slots: GSM Mh-: Cellular 3etwor$s: Data 3etwor$s:

" slots Dual-S4M 2uad-Band ; (*)((*+;((*+)(( GSM ; (*)((*+;((*+)(( GP&S% :DG:

Cellular 3etwor$s S4M": GSM )((*+;(( Data 3etwor$s S4M": G 3etwor$: Ma/imum Speed Download: Ma/imum Speed 6pload: Messaging and Calling SMS: MMS: :-mail: Push Mail: Spea$erphone: >ideo Calling: SMS Supported Supported 3ot supported Supported 3ot supported GP&S "G :DG: (."9= M'ps

4n7ormation not registered

Display and Graphical System Screen 4nches: Display Type: Touchscreen: Display &esolution: ".;? TFT @CD Capaciti<e Monotouch ",( / 9"( pi/els

Pi/el density .dot pitch0: Colors:

+,9 PP4 "=( thousand

Digital Camera * Camcorder Primary Camera: Primary Camera &esolution: Flash: Aoom: #uto7ocus: Face Detection: Secondary Camera: Secondary Camera &esolution: Multimedia >ideo &ecording: >ideo &ec Secondary Camera: &adio: T>: >ideo 7ormats: #udios 7ormats: 2>G# .9"( / ",( pi/els0 + 7ps 3ot supported FM with &DS 3ot supported MP,% 8."=,% 8."=9 MP9% 1#>% 1M#% e##CB 9.+ MegaPi/els .9.+ 0 "(,; / + 9= pi/els @:D Flash 3ot supported 3ot supported 3ot supported 3ot supported 3ot supported

Connecti<ity and 4nter7aces 6SB: 6SB ".( - Proprietary connector

T> output: #udio output: Bluetooth: 1i-Fi: 3FC: GPS: 5ther Functions >oice Control: &ingtones: >i'rating #lert: 1e' Browser: Flash Player: Da<a: Sensors:

3ot supported 5utput owner ".+ <ersion with #"DP 3ot supported 3ot supported 3ot supported

>oice recorder Polyphonic and customi-ed Supported 8TM@% C8TM@ 3ot supported Supported 3ot supported - Colors: Blac$% Dar$ Brown% :legant Pin$ - Samsung Touch1i- @ite <+.( - D3Se .Digital 3atural Sound :ngine0

5ther 7eatures:

Power Supply% Battery and #utonomy Battery Technology: Battery Capacity: Battery Model: Tal$ Time: Stand'y: @ithium-ion - &emo<a'le +"(( m#h 4n7ormation not registered "!( minutes E ,. hours E (." days ",((( minutes E ,(( hours E +=.! days

Speci7ic #'sorption &ate .&adiation0 S#& 6S#% Me/ico% Colom'ia: S#& :uropean 6nion% 6F: (.!! 1*Fg .head0 E (.=) 1*Fg .'ody0

(.=; 1*Fg .head0

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