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Steve Parkinson CV - English & version Español

Sales and Marketing

Customer Services Manager
Graphic Design and
Internet, Website Creation
and Google Positioning
Telecommunications Engineer

Available Immediately

To Whom it may concern,

My name is Steve Parkinson, born in Manchester England, currently

living in Almanzora, Almeria.

I am currently looking to work with a company more prospects and

exciting challenges. I am looking to work in a city environment, ideally
in the Barcelona region of Spain, however I will happily consider all
large areas; Madrid, Valencia, Alicante, Murcia, Almeria, Granada etc

I am single and have a daughter of 5 years, whom lives with her

Spanish mother here in Almeria.

Brief career resume:

I am a computerholic!

I left school with qualifications in: English, Mathematics, Physics, Art,

Metalwork, Technical Drawing, History and Geography

After serving 12 years in Her Majesties Armed Forced – Royal Corps of

Signals as a Telecommunications Engineer I went to work as a first a
Project Manager and later a Business Development Manager in the
structured cabling business. During this role I sold Europe’s largest
cable infrastructure at a cost of approximately 8,000,000 euro’s to
NyNex CableComms.

I moved to Spain in September 2000 to seek a new life in the sun.

After reforming a Spanish country residence I became involved in the
estate agency business in 2002 until the sector began to fall into
decline around 2005. I then set up a small TV advertising and
marketing company servicing local businesses.

During my time here I was the only foreign member on the board of
directors of the local chamber of commerce AEPA (references
available on request) and took an active part in developing strategies
for developing new business in our area. During this role I worked
closely with the Alcalde and the Ayuntamiento (Town Hall). I recently
stood down from the post to concentrate my efforts in seeking
employment in other areas of Spain.

I was the marketing manager of 2 of the areas largest real estate

businesses for short periods of time. During my time with these
companies I had the following duties:

* Design of advertising and co-ordination with various publications

* International Real Estate Exhibitions – Organisation and Planning
* New Website Design – co-ordinating with subcontract company
* Online Marketing
* Flash banners
* Video production
* DVD production
* Business Plan strategy – assisting the General Manager in drawing

Having a young child changed my life for the better but restricted my
time for work as my partner was in a position with very long irregular
hours (Dentist), which meant I had to stay close to home. Now that
we have amicably separated and she is taking care of our daughter, I
am able to pursue my career without restrictions.
I can speak conversational Spanish (which I am about to resume
studying) and understand more than I can speak.

I am registered autonimo (self employed) and have a social security

card, though I would prefer to be permanently employed.

I have many years experience working on computers and a very good

understanding of many popular software programs such as (but not
limited to):

Operating Systems
Windows XP
Vista Ultimate
Linux (very basic knowledge)
Microsoft Office 2003, 2007 professional plus
Power Point
Access Database
Web Design
Dreamweaver CS3
Cute FTP
Macromedia Flash 8
Multimedia – Video and Audio
Sony Vegas up to version 8
Sony DVD Architect up to version 4
Pinacle Studio version 11
Sound Forge (9)
OtsAV Broadcast TV (basic)
Design Graphics
Photoshop CS3
Adobe Bridge
Illustrator CS3
Indesign CS2
3D studio max
Web Knowledge
Video hosting
Website optimisation, keywords, placement
Website analysis

I also have the ability to learn new programs and systems quickly.

As mentioned above I have a very good understanding of how to

utilize the internet to promote business.

I am loyal, hard working and dedicated.

I enjoy leading and creating teams but can work alone.

I can present to clients or staff at board level.

I have much sales experience and have no problems closing sales or

asking for the business at the highest levels.

I can work with existing clients or secure new ones, through sales
leads or my hands on experience with “cold calling”

I have my own transport and if it is required and within reason and

depending on the salary offered, can travel anywhere for various
promotional events etc.

I am a non-drinking, non-smoker, though I can tolerate working in

smoking or bar environments.

If you feel you have a position that I may be interested in, please do
not hesitate to contact me.
Best Regards

Steve Parkinson (the 0 is a zero)

Tel: 0034 638751746

CV - Version Español

Marketing, Ventas, Diseños Gráficas y


A quiencorresponda:

Mi nombre es Steve Parkinson, nací en Manchester, Inglaterra

y ahora vivo en el centro de Albox, Almeríapero estoy
buscando vivir circa Solsona, LLerida o Manresa, Barcelona.

Después de servir 12 años en el ejército como técnico de

comunicaciones,trabaje como director de proyectos y
entonces pase a ventas, convirtiéndome endirector de
crecimiento de dos empresas medianas en el sector de voz y
datos porcable. Durante este tiempo fui de laventa a Europa
de la infraestructura más grande de cable por valor de 8
millonesde euros.

Actualmente busco empleo en el sector de ventas, marketing

o dirección deempresas. Estaría agradecido si me considerase
para cualquier vacante actual ofutura que tenga.

Tengo conocimiento de español. En los últimos años

hetrabajado en el sector inmobiliario y he ayudado a algunos
clientes a construirnuevas propiedades..

Además he trabajado con otros promotores locales como

jefede los departamentos de marketing y ventas (Clover
Estates y Procosona). Durante el tiempo que ha estado con
estasempresas he estado encargado de tareas como:

- Diseño de anuncios y coordinación con variaspublicaciones

- Asistencia en planificación y organización de

feriasinmobiliarias en Reino Unido, incluyendo diseño y
producción de stand,asistencia al personal, vuelos y

- Diseño de vallapublicitarias

- Producción de videos testimoniales de clientes, y

sucolocación en la Web

Además he dirigido una pequeñaempresa publicitaria, “Bar-

Telly” , la cual llego a tener televisiones en
40establecimientos mostrando anuncios que yo vendía y
producía. Además heproducido algunos DVDs corporativos
paraalgunas empresas constructoras.

Tengo excelentes habilidades informáticas y un

buenconocimiento de muchos programas, incluyendo pero no
limitado a:
- Aplicaciones de Microsoft Office (hasta versión2007)

- Frontpage, Dreamweaver

- Producciones de video y dvd:Sony Vegas y DVD Architect

- Sound Forge 8

- Adobe Photoshop CS3,Fireworks, Indesign CS2 (studying)

3ds Studio(basico)

Operating Systems
Windows XP
Vista Ultimate
Linux (very basic knowledge)
Microsoft Office 2003, 2007 professional plus
Power Point
Access Database
Web Design
Dreamweaver CS3
Cute FTP
Macromedia Flash 8
Multimedia – Video and Audio
Sony Vegas up to version 8
Sony DVD Architect up to version 4
Pinacle Studio version 11
Sound Forge (9)
OtsAV Broadcast TV (basic)
Design Graphics
Photoshop CS3
Adobe Bridge
Illustrator CS3
Indesign CS2
3D studio max
Web Knowledge
Video hosting
Website optimisation, keywords, placement
Website analysis

- Various video conversionprograms.

Además tengo un excelente conocimiento de Internet y como

utilizarlo parala promoción de empresas. Actualmente estoy
avanzando en mi conocimiento yexperiencia de la nueva
tendencia de portales de video on- line ( YouTube,LiveVideo,
UncutVideo, Veoh, y muchos otros), Con el conocimiento que
ya tengopuedo ayudar a empresas a promocionarse mejor.

Trabajo duro y condedicación.

Puedo trabajar bien soloo dirigiendo personal y puedo liderar

aun grupo exitosamente dándome las herramientas y libertad
para ejecutar mispropias ideas basadas en las necesidades de
la empresa.
Me gustaría unsalario que refleje mis habilidades y

Estoy disponible para empezarinmediatamente pero debido a

mis compromisos de una familia joven no puedotrabajar fines
de semana.

Si sientes que tu empresa podría hacerlo mejor con

nuevapersonal con ideas brillantes por favor no dudes en
contactar conmigo para unaentrevista.

Un Salud
Steve Parkinson, (el
0 es unzero)

Tel: (0034) 638751746

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