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Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs (scratch, pay, be, fry, stay, pass, play, try, enjoy, miss) It's Saturday evening. My cousins always (1) ............... me a visit on Saturdays. We usually (2) ..................... at home and (3) ............... the piano. My grandmother often (4) ............... some fish and we (5) ............... our delicious meal. George, the youngest of us, usually brings his cat and it (6) ................. my furniture. He often (7) .................... to leave it outside but he (8) .................. it, so we have to let him keep it. Time always (9) .................. quickly on Saturdays. That (10)................... it for today, dear diary, so I'll have to say goodbye. 2. Match the Present Tense Simple to the correct descriptions: 1. You grate some cheese and you sprinkle it on the salad. 2. You turn left in Brown Street and the cafe is on the right. 3. James Harrow works in a restaurant as a chef. 4. I usually drink three cups of coffee a day. 5. She visits her father-in-law every day. 6. Wood floats on water. 7. Snow melts in spring. a) for permanent states b) for sports commentaries c) to give instructions d) for reviews e) for general truths f) to give directions g) for narration h) for habitual actions i)for repeated action j) for programme k) for laws of nature l) for timetables PRESENT TENSE CONTINUOUS 1. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs (have, plan, write, cry, tie, dig, feel, cut, lie, enjoy, dye, drop, study, see, wait) 1. Tom and his grandfather .................the garden right now. 2. Jerry .................. a ribbon because he wants to offer a gift. 3. She always....................something when she eats out. 4. Mary ................. a poem at the moment. 5. Caroline ......................German right now. 6. I ................. my hair because I want to make a change. 7. The baby .................. at the moment so I have to prepare its food. 8. I ................. my optician tomorrow morning. 9. You ................... the bread with a sharp knife. 10. We ................. well today, so we'll go to Preadeal. 11. The dogs ................. on the floor right now. 8. The plane takes off from Madrid at 7:25 in the morning. 9. The movie on Channel 5 starts at 7:10. 10. Jackson tackles Morrison and the ball is caught by Collins. 11. Jack Williams acts wonderfully in his latest movie. 12.T he princess sees the seven dwarfs and can't believe her eyes.

12. I .................. my lunch at the moment, so please call back later. 13. They ....................their summer holiday. 14. The police officer ................... for his partner right now. 15. She ................ an important test at the moment. 2. Match the Present Tense Continuous to the correct descriptions: 1. Why are you being so noisy today? 2. We are flying to Athens tomorrow morning. 3. More and more dolphins are becoming extinct these days. 4. Technology is developing faster nowadays. 5. She is always borrowing pencils from me instead of buying ones herself. 6. They are watching their favourite TV shows at the moment. 7. I'm looking for a house to live in these days. a) for actions that are going on around now, but not at the actual moment of speaking b) to express a temporary action c) to express a frequent repetition of an action which shows our irritation, sarcasm, annoyance d) for actions taking place now, at the moment of speaking e) to express an arrangement in the near future f) to express changing situations g) to express gradual development PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE 1. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs : 1. The students (borrow) ............... some books from the library. 2. Our cats (play)................. on the sofa so far. 3. George(clean) .............his bedroom this morning. 4. I (tidy up) ............... my room so far. 5. You (type) ................. seven letters up to now. 6. We (work) ................. in the garden until now. 7. They (solve) ............... several exercises this morning. 8. Diana (apologize)................ to her father. 9. My friends and I (listen) ................. to Christmas carols. 10. I (travel) ................ to Egypt and France. 2. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs (sing, light, choose, send, eat, have, hear, be, leave, sell) 1. You ................. this pen for two years. 2. She ................. to her parents in Paris for the last few months. 3. I ................ two cars so far. 4. She ................. only hits recently. 5. John and Jane ...............only expensive gifts for their son. 6. It food since last year. 7. We ............... the good news. 8. They ................ us with great sadness. 9. I .............. the fire in the bedroom. 10. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson ...............some clothes to the children in the orphanage. 3. Match the Present Perfect Simple to the correct descriptions: 1. They are unhappy because they have got bad marks. 2. She has painted five portraits this year.

3. She hasn't phoned him for seven days. 4. Tom hasn't eaten strawberries since he was eleven. 5. The Mitchells have given us several magazines. 6. Our neighbours have just returned from their trip to Predeal. 7. A lion has escaped from the zoo; the caretaker noticed its disappearance and the police was informed. 8. My cousins haven't visited their grandparents yet. a) an action which happened at an unstated time in the past b) an action which has not been done yet c) the beginning of a period of time that has continued up to the present time d) an incomplete period of time e) in newspapers and broadcasts to introduce an action which will be described in the Simple Past Tense f) the result or consequence of a past action in present g) a complete activity in the immediate past h) a period of time up to the present moment PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS 1. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs. 1. I (dust) ................the furniture for an hour. 2. She (fix) ................the TV set since half past eight 3. They (talk) ................. to their brothers-in-law for several minutes. 4. Catherine (have) ............... a shower for the last seven minutes. 5. The baby (cry) .................. for the last two hours. 6. The mice (eat) ............... the cheese in the cupboard for the past few weeks. 7. The police officer (chase).................... the criminal for the past few months. 8. The plumbers (repair) ................ the pipes since it started to snow. 9. The soldiers (climb) ................ the mountains since August. 10. The carpenters (build) .................... some houses since last spring. 2. Match the definitions to the examples given: 1. The students have been writing their essays for 45 minutes. 2. We are cold because we have been playing in the snow. 3. My twins have been feeling sick all night. 4. Who has been eating my French fries? a) to express anger, irritation, ignorance b) the result of an action visible in the present which started and finished in the past and lasted for some time c) to express a particular emotion d) to put emphasis on the duration of an action which started in the past and continues up to the present MISCELLANEOUS PRESENT TENSES 1. Put the verbs in brackets into Present Simple or Present Continuous A: Why (1. you/not/finish).................. your homework and come and watch TV? B: Because(2.not/understand)................... it. It is too difficult. A: Why ( your teacher to explain it? B: Because I (4.not/like) .................him. A: And why ( him? B: Well, he (6.always/shout) me?

A: Why (7.he/shout) you? B:Well, I (8.not/work) class and I (9.not/do) homework. A:Well, no wonder he (10.shout) you. Give me your book now . We'll try and do it together. 2. Put the verbs in brackets into Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous Dear Linda, I'm glad to hear that you are enjoying yourself in Australia. Things at home are the same as usual. Your Father( hard. Susan (2.just/pass)................her driving test. Alex (3.not/write) .................. for weeks , probably because he ( hard for his exams. Uncle Tom ( ............ a shed in the garden. I think it will be ready next month. Mr. Brown (6.not/feel) well ..................recently. He (7.visit).......................the doctor four times this month. The dog (8.have)... ..........three puppies. Mrs. Smith (9.not/open)..................her new shop yet. The decorators (10.paint) for weeks. I hope you enjoy the rest of your stay in Australia. ( the famous Opera House yet? Tina sends her love. Write to me soon. Love, Mum 3. Fill in with Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous. Tom: ( state of this kitchen? Someone (2.wash).............................clothes in the sink and they're still there! Fred: Yes, I know. I usually (3.use).........................the bath, but it ( dirty at the moment. Tom: Why didn't you clean it? You ( for two months now and I (6.never/see) do any housework. Fred: What do you mean? I (7.wash)................................ the dishes at last three times and I always (8.make) bed. Tom: Rubbish! You (9.always/make)......................... a mess and not cleaning up afterwards. Fred: What about you? You (10.always/drink) milk! Tom: Don't be ridiculous! Where ( Fred: Out! I (12.see) girlfriend this evening. Tom: What about the kitchen? Fred: Bye!

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