Seerah of The Prophet

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Secret Preaching

As Makah was the centre for the Arabs, it was also the hub of idol worship. The Prophet soon realised the mission lay ahead of him. In this atmosphere, the call to Islam was first cloaked in secrecy, to make sure a gradual conversion, in order to make it difficult for the Quraysh to interfere. The Prophet began this task on the first with his family relatives. Among his family, Khadijah was the first Muslim, followed by his adopted son, Zaid ibn Haritath and his cousin Ali and very close friend Abu bakr. These people cherished Islam on the first day of the Prophets call because they loved him so much and knew that he could not tell a lie. After this, Abu Bakr called many others to Islam, including Uthman, the third caliph. The Prophet used to meet and teach the new converts and Islam in private as Islam was still under secrecy. He reminded his fellow Muslims not to tell this secret without permission, as this may anger the Quraysh tribe. The revealing of verses was now more common and they revolved around subservience to God, the life of the Hereafter and Prophethood. They would learn on how to pray to Allah. This period of secrecy lasted three years. However, in this period, the word got out. The Makkans were not at first worried about the teachings of the Prophet. Gradually, they became more concerned after they realised the teachings were having an effect on people. They would talk about how the mission was manipulating the religion of their forefathers. After three years, Allah commanded Muhammad to start preaching publicly, to his own clan. He called together a group of his clan of forty five people, including Abu Lahab. This is when Abu Lahab, his own uncle, became one of the fiercest enemies of Islam. Abu Lahab said that it was better to follow the religion of their forefathers as otherwise the other Makkans and Arabs would destroy them. The Quraysh would try and stop the message from spreading by scoffing and ridiculing Prophet. They accused him of being insane, possessed, or merely a soothsayer or a poet. But these words were unfitting of the Prophets character and therefore the called a meeting of twenty five leaders of Quraysh, and they appointer Abu Lahab as the chair of the meeting. They decided to utilise all channels of resistance at their disposal, to the extent of torture for the weak. Abu Lahab used to throw stones at the Prophet and forces his sons to divorce his daughters, another clan, Banu Mukhzam, tortured Ammar and his mum, who were the first martyrs of Islam.

In light of such inhumane practices, the Prophet told the converts to hide their faith. He called everybody to take measures to insure their safety. He avoided confrontation with the polytheists as the Ummah was still in its initials stages and could not resist the torture of the Quraysh. During this period, Islam became much talked off throughout Arabia. Some spoke of Muhammad (pbuh) and his preaching in bad terms whilst others spoke of the truth of Islam very highly. Things in Makah were certainly getting more difficult for the few Makkans that had accepted Islam. The Makkans considered Islam to be a threat to their way of life. Anyone who accepted the pure teachings of Islam was becoming a target for their aggression. They wanted to rid themselves of Islam and this man Muhammad (pbuh) whos teaching were a direct threat against their evil practices. The first migration By now, the oppression and persecution of the Makkans had now increased that torture and murder was now a routine. Therefore, the Prophet Muhammad decided to send the Muslims to escape in a nearby land called Abyssinia, now known as Ethiopia. The Prophet said there ruled a just and fair Christian king, known as Negus. The Muslims only wish was to live in peace, and they were sure they could get it there. The group that left consisted of sixteen people, including Uthman. The Makkans were too late and became very angry that these Muslims had managed to escape from their evil grasp. The Prophet then sent another group of 102 people to Abyssinia. This time the Makkans were mad. They went to the king Negus with expensive gift and asked him for their people back as they had abandoned the religion of their fore fathers. Jafar then explained how Makkah was corrupt before and how the Prophet changed this and how he was prosecuted for teaching the message of God. The Makkans now said that the Muslims were against Jesus. Jafar explained to him the verses in surah Maryam which were about the birth of the Prophet and how Muslims respect him. This brought tears to Negus eyes and he said It seems that our two religions are like tow rays of light, originating from the same source. He let them live in his land in peace. He later converted to Islam but he kept it a secret. Back in Makkah, the Makkans were making attempts to convince the prophets uncle, Abu Talib to stop supporting the Prophet. These requests were all rejected and

Hamza and Umar accept Islam The conversion of Hamza and Umar did a lot for the religion, as it was by these two people that pride and honour was finally restored to the religion.
Hamzas conversion, although first out on anger due to the oppression of his kin (Muhammad) proved to be extremely fruitful in strengthening Islam and the Muslims. Abu Jahl was insulting the Prophet on the hill of Safa. The Prophet ignored him and so Abu Jahl got angry and threw a stone at the Prophet, which caused him to bleed. When Hamza was informed of this, he went straight to the Kabah, with a lot of offense and anger. He hit Abu Jahl on the head and then said to him: Ah, you insult Muhammad when I too follow his religion? His conversion proved to be a great strength to Islam and he was known as the Lion of God. Umars conversion happened three days after Hamzas. Umar thought it would be a good idea to scare the Prophet when he was praying. As he came closer, he realised how beautiful the verses he was reciting were and thought to himself that these must be the words of a great poet. The next ayah said And it is not the word of a poet little that is you believe. He then thought the Prophet could be a soothsayer, and then the Prophet recited; Nor the words of a soothsayer, little do you remember. By this Umar was amazed and Islam entered his heart. However, the bigotry and big ego the Makkan society had implemented in him made him persist on the oppression of Muslims. His short temper led him on a hunt for the Prophet. He soon found out that his own sister and brother in law had converted to Islam so he went tom see them first. Full of rage towards his brother in law, he punched him severely and his sister tried to intervene but he punched her as well, making her bleed on the face. When he realised what he had done, he was full of regret and said softly, Let me see what you were reading. After reading it, his heart was in awe and the seed of Islam finally began to sprout in his heart. He wanted to be led to the Prophet and so he went to one of his secret meeting where he took his Shahadah. The Prophet was so happy by this; he said Allahu Akbar so loud it could be heard throughout the sanctuary. Umars conversion had a great effect on the Ummahs morale and because everyone respected Umar, they began to have confidence in themselves.

The Boycott The Makkans had had enough. They drew up a document in which they vowed to boycott the Banu Hashim tribe. This meant that they would not give or take daughters in marriage and not buy or sell anything with them. They drew this up as written contract and put it up inside the Kabah to show its importance. The Makkans were now more violent with the Prophet and Abu Talib was forced to

take Banu Hashim into the valleys, but Abu Lahab, originally from Banu Hashim too, abandoned his clan and sided with the Quraysh in the prosecution of Muhammad. The Quran said to the Prophet, Allah does not burden a soul with more than it can bear. During the boycott, the supply of food was almost stopped. The Makkans would buy all the food imported into Makkah, to make sure the Muslims wouldnt get any. The Muslims were so overstrained that they began eating leaves and the skins of animals in order to survive. On a few occasions, some compassionate Makkans smuggled food into the valley but this was very little. News spread about the inhumane treatment of the Makkans against their own people. All over Arabia, people were curious of what this new religion was and why the Makkans were so against it. In the four holy months, the Muslims were a little freer. They would be allowed to buy food but it would usually be so overpriced that they would fall short financially. The Prophet would usually continue preaching people during these months. After three long years, Abu Talib said to Abu Jahl that the Prophet said that the contract of boycotting the Muslims had been destroyed by ants, apart from the name of Allah. To Abu Jahls astonishment, this turns out to be true and therefore the boycott was revoked because the ban could no longer be enforced. The Muslims were overjoyed at the news of the boycott being revoked; they could go back to their normal lives. However, the boycott took its toll on Abu Talib and he was reaching an age of 80, above the life expectancy of the time.

The Year of Sorrow On his deathbed, Abu Talib was visited by Abu Jahl to discuss matters of the city. The Prophet was also there and was begging him to become a Muslim before he died, so he would not face the torment of hell. Abu Jahl told him not to, as he would be leaving the religion of their forefathers. Abu Talib gave in to Abu Jahl and died without becoming a Muslim. Muhammad was very much grieved at this.
He asked Allah to forgive his uncle for a while but soon Allah told him not to as it was not fitting for a Muslim to ask forgiveness of a non-believer. The Prophet then asked Allah to make his punishment easier for Abu Talib and Allah did so. The Prophet was also very worried about his wife Khadijah, who was also in a bad state. She was now at the age of 65 and had supported the Prophet through 25 years, and when he received the Prophethood. She was the first person to accept Islam and had full faith in the Prophet. When she passed away, the Prophet mourned and remembered all the memories with her.

Now that the Prophet was less protected, the Makkan were even more hostile towards him. The Prophet thought that he would have to leave the Makkans for a while and got to a different city. He chose Taif, about 60 kilometres away from Makkah. When he got there, although the people were less hostile they would also not listen. They tried to chase the Prophet (S) out of the city and threw stones at him. Zayd was hit by a stone in the head and the Prophet (S) was also bleeding to the point that his boots were filled with blood. When they had travelled a short distance, they came to a vineyard to rest and they met a man called Addas. He was a Christian and after talking, he came to know the Muhammad was the Prophet (S), and kissed him on the hand. The Angel Jibraeal soon came to the Prophet with the angel of the mountains and said if the Prophet wanted, he could crush the city of Taif with eh two mountains it lay between. The Prophet refused this offer as suggested that their offspring may come to worship Allah. On the way back to Makkah, the Prophet asked the nobles to protect him. All of them refused but Mutim and therefore the Prophet was led safely to the Kabah where he preached. It was now hajj season so the Prophet tried to preach as much as he could. One of the tribes that came was from Yathrib, and they were amazed by his message and accepted Islam straight they also wanted to tell it to their enemy Aws in Yathrib.

Isra wal Miraj One day, the Prophet was next to the Kabah and fell asleep. He was woken up by an angel that cut out his heart and washed it in a gold basin and filled it with faith and the resealed it inside his body. He led him out of the mosque and took him on a white animal which was in between the size of a horse and a donkey, with wings reaching as far as the eye could see. The angel sat on it and they flew to Jerusalem with speed. He was met by a group of the messengers ad he led the prayer. This part is known as Isra.
He then ascended to the heavens, beyond space and time. He met various Prophets on his ascension, who praised him. He then ascended up to the lote tree where he spoke to Allah. Allah told him to tell his people to pray fifty times a day. He came back down but Musa said fifty would be too much for the people to bear. He kept on ascending and descending until Allah finally reduced it to five. Musa still insisted that five would be too much but the Prophet was too embarrassed to ask for any more. The Prophet witnessed some amazing sights such as heaven and hell and the suffering and the peace.

When the Prophet returned to Makkah, he told one of his companions who advised him not to tell people about this because they would ridicule him. The Prophet said the truth is the truth and he told the people. The Makkans were ecstatic. The Prophet had finally said something that they could use to ridicule and they did so. They taunted him on how he could make a two month journey in a night and ascend to the heavens. The Prophet told them about things he saw that could prove his journey, but they didnt listen. Abu Bakr was told about his incident and he said that if the Prophet has said it, it must be true. Following this act of loyalty and trust in the messenger of Allah, Abu Bakr was given the name of As-Sidq meaning the truthful. Following this event, the Makkans were even more hostile towards the Prophet and things were worse for him.

The treaty of Aqabah As the hajj season came again, more people came to Makkah from Yathrib. The Prophet agreed to meet these people at Aqabah. He went with his uncle Abbas who was not yet Muslim and Abbas warned the people of Yathrib that if they are going to hurt the Prophet, they should go. The Prophet said if the people protect him like his own women and children then he would form an alliance with them.
The people from Yathrib agreed that they would take him despite all threats to property, wealth and life. The Prophet said that if they fulfil this oath then their reward will be paradise and then the covenant was completed.

Migration to Medina The people from Yathrib returned to their city, preparing for the Prophet. The Prophet too was getting ready for the migration and persuaded the believers to come, without commanding it. If somebody felt that this step was beyond their ability, then the Prophet did not force them to make it.
During the summer in 622, the about seventy Muslims set off to Medina. Once the Quraysh realised the plan, they found no alternative then to kill the Prophet as they feared that Medina may turn against them. The Prophet went to Abu Bakrs house and told Ali to sleep in his bed and promised him that no harm would come to him. Abu Bakr and the Prophet escaped to the cave of Thawr where they hid for three days. When the Quraysh came looking for them, Allah commanded a spider to cast a web, this made they Quraysh say that they could have not hid in here because the spider alalal. The Prophet then realised it was safe to travel to Makkah and they did. The Quraysh said they would reward someone a hundred camels if they killed the Prophet. A man tried to do this but his horse kept sinking into the sand. Amazed

at this, he asked the Prophet to forgive him and became a Muslim. He returned to Makkah and foiled the plan of other Makkans trying to kill the Prophet. The Prophet finally arrived in Medina and was welcomed a lot by the Medina people. They were overwhelmed.

New Society in Medina Building of the new mosques. Bilal was the first muadhin.
The Prophet assigned one muhajir to one Ansar and they cared for each other as if they were brothers. Another community in Medina were the Jews. They benefitted from the tribal warfare but the Prophet brought this to an end. They tried to stir things up. They had signed a treaty in which all of the people would join in protecting Medina and their advice and opinions would be taken into consideration.

The battle of Badr The Makkans were still trying to incite hate in Medina by exploiting past relationships.
Abdullah ibn Ubai, the previous Medina leader was jealous of the Prophets power and gathered a small army to fight him. The Prophet met them and told them that the Makkan should not intervene and the situation was pacified. The Prophet sent out a group of people to find out information about a passing caravan. He told them not to do any war but they did. He was angry at them. There was also another caravan which was carrying all the goods that belonged to the Muhajiroon. This caravan was led by Abu Sufyan. The Prophet also sent out people to monitor this caravan because he wanted to retrieve their goods. Abu Sufyan soon found out about the plan. He asked for backup from Makkah. The Makkan prepared 1300 soldiers and sent them. Abu Sufyan managed to escape and said that he did not need the army; however they wanted to fight the Muslims.

The Muslims found out about this and the Prophet consulted the Sahabah, both the Muhajiroon and Ansar said that they would be happy to fight behind the Prophet and not hesitate to complete his commands. The Muslims gathered near the well of Badr and were confronted by the Makkan army - who were almost three times their size. After setting up camp, the Muslims had a light nap. The Makkan army had about a thousand men with horses and armour. He Prophet loved peace but when there was no other option then he would choose the hard way to fight. Although his friends told him not to, Abu Jahl was determined to fight against Islam because he had wanted revenge after so many years; he thought this was the opportunity to final crush Islam. The future of Islam was here. The Prophet supported his army. At first, six Makkan soldiers were going for water, but the Muslims killed them. Then Ali, Hamzah and Ubaidah went to fight three Makkans. Ali and Hamzah killed their opponents and then helped Ubaidah who lost his leg and died. This started the full battle. Allah then sent angels to help out. Bilal killed Umayyah, his previous master who had tortured him. Abu Jahl died. Hamzah, Ali and other Muslims forget their small number and killed many men. They won

After the battle of Badr The booty was shared out

The prisoners were returned at a ransom There was also a bad thing that happened between the Jews. The Jews were angry at the Muslims for beating the Makkans. The Jews said they the Muslims may have beaten some inexperienced army but they could not beat them. Then, a young Jew did something to expose a young Muslim woman in the market place. A Muslim saw this and killed the Jew, and then he was killed by bystanders. This sparked up a battle. The Muslims marched towards Qayuna. The Jews hid in their forts for 15 days and then surrendered. They were exiled from the land and moved to Syria

Battle of Uhad The Prophet knew that the Makkans would want revenge.
After about a year, the Prophet received news from his uncle that an army of 3000 men were coming towards him from Makkah. The Ansar and Muhajiroon were happy to help and went towards the battle field. When they got there, in the night 300 of the hypocrites left in the night. Now there were only 700 people to 3000, however they fought when Hamza made the battle cry. The Makkans had come with a slave who was well known for throwing javelins and they had planned to assassinate Hamza. The Prophet had arranged about 50 archers to remain on a small hill in case the Makkans decided to make a surprise attack from the back. The javelin thrower killed Hamza but the army carried of fighting, not losing hope. The Muslims killed a lot of Makkans and then they thought they had won. The archers, thinking they had won, came down to collect their fair share the booty, disobeying the Prophets command. The Makkans were about to retreat when they realised this and made a surprise attack from the back. This caused the Muslims to be surrounded from all directions. To add to the confusion, there were rumours the Prophet was dead and this disheartened the Muslims. He was in fact hit by a stone which had put the armour of his helmet into his wound and a Sahabi broke his front two teeth trying to pull it out. Both armies regroup and said we will meet again at Badr. Abu Sufyan was unhappy that the Prophet was not killed.

After Uhad After the Muslims defeat, some surrounding tribes began to think less of the Muslims and began to prepare a raid on them.
The Prophet prepared for this by sending out a small army of 150 men and the Bedouin ran way.

There was also possible danger of another tribe, led by Khalid ibn Sufyan to attack Medina. The Prophet told one of his followers to assassinate this man and he did so. Therefore that tribe was scared and left. In revenge for this, the Hudayl tribe killed six Muslims who were spreading Islam. They killed four there and crucified one. Muhammad married Zaynab and their tribe leader came over for tea. He was inclined towards Isla but did not convert. The Prophet was afraid of these people because of past events so sent out 40 Muslims because he offered his protection. However, there were still disputes if he was the leader and his nephew wanted to be so he got neighbouring tribes to kill the Muslims. This greatly grieved the Prophet and made Abu Bara, the tribe leader to seek revenge on his nephew through his son. On the way back, the two survivors of this massacre killed two innocent people of the tribe because he was angry at the tribe. Then Prophet was angry at them and ordered for blood money to be paid. He went to the Jews to collect the money because they were in a treaty in which they would share out the blood money. The Jews however had planned to kill the Prophet and Allah warned the Prophet through Angel Gabriel. The Prophet exiled the Jews and told them if they did not leave then they would be killed. They left.

The Battle of the Trench However, the hypocrites offered help to the Jews and they began to rethink their position. They went to Makkah and agreed with Abu Sufyan that they should fight together against the Muslims.
A huge army of 10000 men marched towards Medina. The Prophet heard about this about a week before and Salman al-Farsi told him to build a trench around the city, because they could not possibly defeat the army. All of the people of Medina enjoined in making the Trench. It was completed in six days.

The excess mud was used to create a wall to protect the tents of the Muslims When the enemies arrived, they were amazed. They tried throwing javelins but that is all they could do. The siege lasted a month but it had a big strain on the resources of Medina. The Muslims would often be late to Salah and Umar cursed the Kuffar for having made him miss his Asr. The Jewish tribes went to see their old friends, Banu Qurayzah. They didnt let them into their forts at first. After much coaxing, they agreed on a special tactic to beat the Muslims. They betrayed the Muslims. One day, Safiyah saw a Banu Qurayzah warrior and asked her husband to kill him. He said he couldnt so she did herself and hung his body over the wall to deter the other Jews. Banu Qurayzah continued to send supplies to the Kuffar. The hypocrites return to their homes, saying that they needed to protect their women and children. A Jewish man sneaked into the Muslim land and became Muslim. The Prophet told him to go back and create tensions between the enemies to separate them. The Muslims were now tired of waiting and scared. Then Allah sent a violent storm to destroy the tents of the enemies. All of the men retreated and the Kuffar went away. Everybody was happy and the Prophet was told by Allah to seek revenge for Banu Qurayzah betraying them. The Muslims went the Banu Qurayzah and had a siege there. Their army was well equipped so the Muslims were scared. However, Allah put fear in their hearts and therefore they were terrified and did not know what to do. They called a truce. They called a just man, known as Sad bin Muadh to judge them and decide what should happen. He said that all of the Jewish men should be killed and the women and children be sold into slavery. So this is what happened.

The hypocrites carried on stirring trouble though, for example on an expedition, the Prophets wife Aisha was accompanying him. On the way back, she lost her necklace and was looking for it and fell asleep. Luckily, Safwan recognised her and escorted her back to Medina. The hypocrites started horrible rumours and Allah denied them in the Quran. The hypocrites were punished but the leader managed to get away and his punishment is guaranteed in the Hereafter. The Prophet had a dream that he was performing the Umrah and told his friends. 1500 men set out to do the Umrah with no armour and weapons. The Makkans sent out spies to check on them and they said that they were coming peacefully. The Makkans did not want the Muslims coming into their city at any cost. They sent out Khalid ibn Waleed to sort the Muslims out. After receiving this information, the Prophet re-routed so that he went to a small town known as Hudaybiah. Khalid returned to Makkah. The Makkans received further information the Muslims was peaceful but they still did not want to let them in. Muhammad sent Uthman out to find out what was going on. He spoke to Abu Sufyan, and other nobles of Makkah to request entry, but they denied, saying that it would seem as if they had been defeated. They agreed on letting the Muslims coming the following year for three days. At this event, the treaty of Hudaybiah was drawn up. It was a peace treaty for ten years. It stated that:o Any man going to Muhammads camp from Quraysh would have to be returned but not vice-versa o That both parties could form allies without any hindrance. o That the Muslims could do their pilgrimage next year. Umar was not happy at this and thought it meant defeat but Abu bakr assured him that the Prophet could see further than them and knew what he was doing. The Prophet called down the Muslims who had moved to Ethiopia to help with the struggle and turned his attention to the north.

Allah promised the Muslims a victory in the Quran and Muhammad wanted to make sure the Jewish settlement of Khaybar would not cause them anymore trouble. He set of with a force of 1500 men. Khaybar had seven large fortresses protecting it. The Muslims strategically threw arrows at each fort until each fort surrendered. They offered peace to the Prophet and they agreed that Muhammad had conquered the city and they would give half of their date yield in exchange for their protection. Both North and South were now secure. When the Prophet returned to Medina, he met the people from Ethiopia, including his cousin, Jafar, who was extremely happy to meet. In November 629, the situation changed by the Quraysh breaking the treaty of Hudaybiah. The tribe of Bakr made a surprise attack on one of the Muslim tribes. The Quraysh realised that they had given away a reason for the Muslims to attack Makkah and sent Abu Sufyan to try to pacify the prophet. He ignored this request and planned a new campaign Prophet set out with huge army, including neighbouring tribes who had turns Muslim. Only the closest of friends were informed. The Quraysh leaders feared the worst and went to the Prophet. He prompted Abu Sufyan and Hudayl to become Muslim. They became Muslim but this did not inhibit the plan of the Prophet and he positioned Abu Sufyan to the gate of the valley The army was divided into four groups and reminded not to take any violent action. The Prophet then rode towards Makkah towards the Kabah. In full view of the Quraysh, he smashed all the idols around the Kabah and went round it seven times He them went inside the Kabah and smashed the paintings and idols. He came out and forgave everybody apart from 10 people About a year after this, there were rumours beginning in Medina that Hercules had prepared an army to attack Medina. The Prophet sent 30000 men, including Makkans and other allies, to Tabuk Some hypocrites did not want to go and made excuses

The army went to Hijr and stayed for a rest And water than camped a t Tabuk for 20 days The Byzantines were scared and his in their land, and the Prophet decided not to pursue them The Prophet did not want any hoo haaa so he sent Khalid ibn Waleed with 500 men to the Christian king call Ukadyir, who was planning to launch an attack when the Byzantines fished with their stuff. They captured Ukadyir and killed his brother and took lots of their belonging such as camels, horses, goats, and armour. They took the king to Medina where he converted to Muslim and became an ally. He then got his rights back. Hypocrites were not shouted at Allah will do the punishing.

Towards the end of 631, the Prophet set out with all his wives to do the farewell Hajj. He said labbayk here I am o lord, here I am He led them through the pagan rituals with a new significance. They circumambulated around the Kabah 7 times and went through Safa and Marwah 7 times to honour Hajar On the eighth day of Dhal Hijjah, he remained at Mina for day and after sunset, went to the plain of Arafat and gave a grand sermon. He mentioned about
"O People, lend me an attentive ear, for I know not whether after this year, I shall ever be amongst you again. Therefore listen to what I am saying to you very carefully and TAKE THESE WORDS TO THOSE WHO COULD NOT BE PRESENT HERE TODAY. O People, just as you regard this month, this day, and this city as Sacred, so regard the life and property of every Muslim as a sacred trust. Return the goods entrusted to you to their rightful owners. Hurt no one so that no one may hurt you. Remember that you will indeed meet your LORD, and that HE will indeed reckon your deeds. ALLAH has forbidden you to take usury (interest); therefore all interest obligations shall henceforth be waived. Your capital, however, is yours to keep. You will neither inflict nor suffer any inequity. Allah has Judged that there shall be no interest and that all the interest due to Abbas ibn 'Abd'al Muttalib (Prophet's uncle) shall henceforth be waived...beware of Satan, for the safety of your religion. He has lost all hope that he will ever be able to lead you astray in big things, so beware of following him in small things. O People, it is true that you have certain rights with regard to your women, but they also have rights over you. Remember that you have taken them as your wives only under Allah's trust and with His permission. If they abide by your right then to them belongs the right to be fed and clothed in kindness. Do treat your women well and be kind to them for they are your partners and committed helpers. And it is your right that they do not make friends with any one of whom you do not approve, as well as never to be unchaste. O People, listen to me in earnest, worship ALLAH, say your five daily prayers (Salah), fast during the month of Ramadan, and give your wealth in Zakat. Perform Hajj if you can afford to. All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over black nor does a black have any superiority over white except by piety and good action. Learn that every Muslim is a brother to every Muslim and that the Muslims constitute one

brotherhood. Nothing shall be legitimate to a Muslim which belongs to a fellow Muslim unless it was given freely and willingly. Do not, therefore, do injustice to yourselves. Remember, one day you will appear before ALLAH and answer your deeds. So beware, do not stray from the path of righteousness after I am gone. O People, NO PROPHET OR APOSTLE WILL COME AFTER ME AND NO NEW FAITH WILL BE BORN. Reason well, therefore, O People, and understand words which I convey to you. I leave behind me two things, the QURAN and my example, the SUNNAH and if you follow these you will never go astray. All those who listen to me shall pass on my words to others and those to others again; and may the last ones understand my words better than those who listen to me directly. Be my witness, O ALLAH, that I have conveyed your message to your people"

Then at Mina, he threw the stones at jamrat and sacrificed a sheep in memory of Ibrahim who was willing to sacrifice his son for Allah. When he returned from his pilgrimage, he would often feel ill and headaches. He said after prayer God has given one of his servants the choice between this world and the world that is with God and he has chosen the latter. Abu Bakr knew the Prophet was going to die soon. And began to cry. His companions became anxious and Aisha used to nurse him. He would still go to the Mosque and pray, until he was so ill Abu bakr did instead. He used to lie on Aishas lap and Prophet and Fatima shared secrets. The Prophets last few days still went to the ,mosque but Abu-Bakr led namaz

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