Process Chain Creation Using SAP BW 3

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Process Chain Creation using SAP BW 3.

Process chains are used extensively in SAP Business Warehousing for executing loads, running reports etc. sequentially or parallel. There can be number of steps ith in a process chain. !ou can also decide hat has to be done incase a particular step fails. "n case of failure you can decide to sent notification email to concern person ho can correct the issue. "n this section e ill see ho to create a process chain using SAP BW #.$. %sing this process chain e ill load data in "nfocube. &' (xecute transaction )SP* +' Press ,*reate,, enter ,-ame, and ,.escription, of the process chain, press ,*ontinue,

#' /irst step in the process chain be a ,Start, step, press ,*reate, to create a process variants


0' (nter ,-ame, and ,.escription, of the process variant

$' ,Save, process variant and go bac1, ,*hange selections, is used to schedule the process chain, e ill revisit this again later

2' Press ,*ontinue,

3' Select the "nfoPac1age used to load data in "nfocube, drag "nfoPac1age to right panel

hich is

4' Select the process variants as "nfoPac1age using fucntion 1ey /0

9) Select the InfoPackage ZAAA and press 'Continue'

&5' /ollo ing steps

ill be added in

the process chain

&&' 6oin ,Start, step

ith step ,"ndexes, by selecting ,Start, step and dragging

the line to ,"ndexes,

&+' 7o bac1 to ,Start, step and right clic1 to ,8aintain 9ariant,

&#' Select ,"mmediate, to schedule the process chain immediately

&0' ,*hec1, the process chain and ,Activate, the process chain

&$' (xecute the process chain, enter

the server name in the follo ing screen

&2' Process chain executing, to chec1 the status, Press

ill start

&3' Select ,!esterday and Today, to chec1 the status of the process chain

&4' /ollo ing screen sho s that load is still not completed

&:' ;nce completed, the status ill appear as follo s, incase there is any failure, the status ill appear as cancelled

Loading data into Infocubes

By Prashanth
1. Navigate to the Transaction Code RSA1.

2. Click on the Modeling button in the sidebar on the left. Choose nfo!rovider.

". #$%and the node ntegrated !lanning and also the node ntegrated !lanning "&'((. )%en the Area assigned to *ou indicated b* ntegrated !lanning Area ++ ,in this case its ((-.

.. Right click on the target nfoCube and select Real'Ti/e nfoCube 0oad 1ehavior.

(. Choose the first o%tion and %ress #nter.

2. Select 3es on the subse4uent dialog bo$.


6. Right click on the target nfoCube and select Create 7ata Transfer !rocess.

8. A ne9 dialog bo$ o%ens. Select the source nfoCube as %rovided to *ou b* the instructor.

1&. Select 3es.

11. !ress #nter

12. Choose e$traction /ode as :ull and activate the data transfer %rocess.

1". ;o to the #$ecute tab and %ress the #$ecute button.

1.. Select No.

1(. !erfor/ ste%s ( and 2. Select the second o%tion in ste% (.

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