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Operator Security 1 Running Head: OPERATOR SECURITY

Operator Security [Madnia M Madnia] [US ARMY]

Operator Security

Operator Security

Evaluate and discuss airport operator security responsibilities T!e re"pon"i#i$itie" o% air port "ecurity operator are &any a" airport "ecurity i" 'ery 'ita$ and i&portant %or t!e a'iation indu"try( One &u"t #e 'ery care%u$ )!i$e #eing on duty( T!e %o$$o)ing are t!e re"pon"i#i$itie" o% airport "ecurity o%%icer: T!e airport "ecurity operator "!ou$d !a'e at $ea"t one or &ore coordinator in !i" "ecurity progra& %or e%%icient and i&pro'ed "ecurity( *or t!i" purpo"e one or &ore per"on "!ou$d #e a""igned a" t!e airport "ecurity coordinator( Hi" pri&ary re"pon"i#i$ity "!ou$d #e t!e airport "ecurity and !e &u"t )or+ on it in any ca"e( T!e ASC &u"t per%or& !i" duty proper$y a" !i" pri&ary concern i" on$y airport "ecurity a$t!oug! t!e ASC can per%or& ot!er dutie" a" )e$$( T!e ASC &u"t #e on ca$$ and #e a'ai$a#$e %or any ,o# or )or+ re$ated to airport "ecurity( He &u"t +eep a c!ec+ on t!e "ecurity "y"te& o% t!e airport and &a+e "ure t!at a$$ t!e ot!er &e&#er" o% !i" tea& are )or+ing proper$y and !e i" doing !i" duty )e$$( He &u"t c!ec+ )!et!er t!e app$ica#$e "ecurity directi'e" are )or+ing proper$y or not( In ca"e o% e&ergency !e &u"t #e a)are o% !i" dutie" and #e proacti'e and a good deci"ion &a+er too( He &u"t +eep a c!ec+ on airport "ecurity e&p$oy&ent !i"tory and do !i" #e"t to en"ure

Operator Security proper "ecurity )it!in !i" a""igned pre&i"e"( He &u"t !a'e t!e aut!ority to +eep an eye on any &i"!ap and do correcti'e &ea"ure a" )e$$( He &u"t !a'e t!e aut!ority to +eep an eye on peop$e in t!e pre&i"e" and a"+ %or identi%ication i% and )!en nece""ary( T!i" i" 'ery i&portant in regard o% "ecurity o% airport( Unaut!ori.ed peop$e "!ou$d #e identi%ied and "!ou$d #e a"+ %or id a" )e$$( /Mudge 0012

Write an essay as to what you feel is the most likely form of terrorist attack on U.S. aviation and why.

Terrori"t" !a'e attac+ed t!e United State" aircra%t and a'iation in%ra"tructure in t!e recent %e) year"( T!e"e "ort o% oppre""i'e attac+" &ain$y co&pri"e o% t!e u"e o% dangerou" )eapon"3 #o&#"3 !ig! ,ac+ing o% p$ane" #y t!e co&&ando trained tea&"( Ma,or a'iation %aci$itie" !a'e #een a 'icti& o% t!e"e terrori"t attac+"( Terrori"t4" &ain ai& i" to capita$i.e on t!e "!oc+ o% t!e attac+ and do &ore da&age( Increa"e in incident" co&pri"ing o% !i,ac+ing o% aero p$ane" !a" #een o#"er'ed %ro& t!e 1560"( T!e rea"on %or i" t!at terrori"t group" !a'e #een "ucce""%u$ in de'e$oping ingeniou" )ay" to #reac! t!e !ig! "ecurity at t!e a'iation %aci$itie"( T!e Septe&#er 11 attac+" are t!e #igge"t e7a&p$e o% it )!ere terrori"t )ere "ucce""%u$ in getting !o$d o% an aircra%t and

Operator Security 8 u"ed it a" a )eapon to carry out a "uicida$ &i""ion( T!i" cau"ed t!e aut!oritie" to rea$i.e t!e %$a)" )!ic! )ere $e%t unattended and it c!anged t!e )ay !ig! ,ac+ing )a" 'ie)ed(/ 9ai$ey 0082

A$ :aeda3 a notoriou" terrori"t organi.ation )!ic! "!o)ed it" rea$ po)er and a#i$ity to carry out dangerou" terrori"t attac+" #y Hig! ,ac+ing an aircra%t and u"ing it a" a "uicide )eapon in t!e Septe&#er 11 attac+" )!ic! roc+ed t!e )!o$e )or$d( T!ey !a'e "!o)n t!eir e7pert a#i$itie" and contro$ o'er #o&#ing &et!od" and in t!e u"age o% &odern e7p$o"i'e de'ice"( A %e)

incident" in t!e $a"t decade !a'e %orced t!e a'iation "ector and t!e "ecurity aut!oritie" re"pon"i#$e %or t!e "ecurity o% t!e"e %aci$itie" to re'ie) t!eir "ecurity &ea"ure"( Ma,or i&pro'e&ent" !a'e #een &ade in t!e "creening proce"" o% pa""enger" and t!e "ecurity $e'e$" !a'e #een increa"ed a%ter a %e) incident"( An e7a&p$e i" t!e ;o,in+a incident3 in )!ic! t!e #o&#er in"ta$$ed a #o&# in a<%$ig!t( In an anot!er incident )!ic! too+ p$ace in 0013 t!e terrori"t tried to carry #o&# in !i" "!oe" on !i" )ay to #oard a %$ig!t )!ic! )a" "uppo"ed to tra'e$ to United State" %ro& *rance(/ ;rady 0002

More o'er A$ :aeda )!o i" a &a,or terror creator in t!e )or$d !a" "!o)ed it" potentia$ to de'e$op and recogni.e %$a)" in t!e "ecurity procedure" to "e$ect t!eir de"ired de"tination" to attac+( T!ey repeated$y try and )or+ to c!ec+ t!e "ecurity #arrier" at airport" in "earc! o% %$a)" and $oop!o$e" t!ey can

Operator Security = %ind to u"e again"t t!eir target"( Indi'idua$" in'o$'ing in terrori"t act" pre%er u"ing "&a$$ aircra%t" #ut it $i&it" t!eir attac+ing po)er a" t!ey are $e"" e%%ecti'e again"t &a,or %aci$itie"( On t!e ot!er !and $arge aero p$ane" can #e !ig! ,ac+ed and u"ed again"t #igger in%ra"tructure"( To counter t!e"e pro#$e&" airport "ecurity p$an" i&p$e&ented "!ou$d not #e predicta#$e and cu"to&( T!e u"e o% !i,ac+ing a" a %or& o% terrori"t attac+" on a'iation !a" #een a" a re"u$t o% t!e &a"" ca"ua$tie" in'o$'ed3 "y&#o$i"& o% t!e attac+3 econo&ic i&pact3 and t!e generation o% i&agery #y t!e &edia3 t!e acce""i#i$ity and opportunity %or attac+3 and t!e 'u$nera#i$ity o% t!e target(

Operator Security > Re%erence" Mudge 0013 U.S. Aviation: Making ood System !etter3 "age

pu#$ication"3 %ina$ report< 155 pp( ;rady 0003 "he American Aviation E#perience: A $istory3 o7%ord

uni'er"ity pre""3 Pp( 80> 9ai$ey 0083 "he "riumph of %nstrument &light3 Har'ard #oo+"3

--= pp(

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