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24th October 2013 Newsletter Issue 10


All our ?ear 3 Lo ?ear 6 sLudenLs sLarL
swlmmlng Lhls week. 1hey wlll go by bus Lo Lhe
Manurewa 8ecreauon CenLre, every lrlday for
Lhe resL of Lhe Lerm. Swlmmlng ls a parL of Lhe
new Zealand Currlculum and Lherefore all Lhe
?3-?6 sLudenLs are expecLed Lo paruclpaLe.

Summer ls here and Lhe hoL weaLher has sLarLed. 8emember LhaL
chlldren do need Lo wear a school haL lf Lhey are Lo keep Lhelr
skln safe.

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Cn Monday evenlng we held a hul Lo consulL wlLh whanau Lhe
dlrecuon Lhey would llke 1e 8eo Whlrla Lo Lake as we head lnLo
2014. Many Lhanks Lo Lhe whanau who auended Lhls hul.

We have places avallable ln boLh Lhe !unlor (?1-3) and Senlor
(?4-6) blllngual classes nexL year. lf you would llke Lo have your
chlld enrolled ln one of our blllngual classes, please leL Lhe omce
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1hank you Lo parenLs and Leachers for your
supporL and Lo Lhe wonderful chlldren
who make our days so brlghL and fun
uon'L forgeL LhaL 8PLuMA1lC lLvL8 ls an
lllness LhaL sLarLs wlLh a sore LhroaL caused
by Lhe sLrep germ whlch can lead Lo
serlous long-Lerm hearL problems lf noL
LreaLed. 8emember, Laklng all of your
anubloucs wlll prevenL 8heumauc lever.

A sore LhroaL needs Lo be checked every
ume, so durlng Lhe upcomlng long
weekend remember Lo go Lo your famlly
docLor or nearesL aer-hours cllnlc for
anyone who has a sore LhroaL.
1hls Lerm our Lheme ls Challenge-Wero. We wlll be looklng aL whaL Challenge means and key concepLs around
Lhls. We wlll also be looklng aL challenge Lhrough a Lechnologlcal focus. 1hls should be exclung as classes
underLake dlerenL challenges uslng Lechnology Lo asslsL Lhem. AL ML we Lry Lo lnLegraLe Lhe Lerm Lheme lnLo
oLher areas of Lhe currlculum as well so lL ls more Lhan llkely LhaL your chlld wlll be dolng "Challenge" ln wrlung,
readlng and maLhs noL [usL ln Loplc.

1he key concepLs around challenge LhaL we are looklng aL Lhls Lerm are:-
- Challenge ls hard- lf lL's easy Lhen lL's nC1 challenglng
- Challenge ls abouL overcomlng obsLacles, adverslLy and perseverlng Lo achleve someLhlng
- Challenge wlll confronL your bellefs, how you see Lhe world and yourself
- Challenge can be prlvaLe, personal, quleL, LoLally ouL Lhere, lnsLanL, llfe long, local or global

1hroughouL Lhe Lerm we have planned for dlerenL Lypes of challenges. Some of Lhese are mlnl wrlung
challenges, school aLhleucs, Senlor School Speech Compeuuon, ?ear 6 Camp, Lablolds challenges eLc. lL would be
awesome lf you could Lake Lhe opporLunlLy Lo Lalk abouL challenge aL home wlLh your chlldren and ask Lhem
whaL Lhey are learnlng ln class Lhls Lerm.
> arry on all Lhe way Lo Lhe end
) lke up a mounLaln
4 LLend every opporLunlLy you geL
C ure yourself all Lhe way Lo Lhe Lop
C lve llfe llke Lhere's no Lommorow
< very day ls a challenge
5 ourlsh yourself
D lve your body
< nergy
- Luke Walker 10yrs A2
> hange your easy ldeas
) arden up
4 lmosL ls never enough
C lfL yourself hlgher
C ess needs Lo be more
< asy's noL an opLlon
5 ever say no
D o sLralghL ahead
< nds are [usL beglnnlngs
- 1alyah Mlller 9yrs A2
> hallenge
) andle hard games
4 lways Lrylng my besL
C earnlng new skllls
< veryday Lry my hardesL
5 ever qulL
D eLLlng goals
< xerclslng
- ChrlsLopher Mualava 8yrs
Recycling in the Classrooms
Term 3s Winner was B4!!
Cnce agaln 84 were Lhe wlnners for recycllng correcLly
ln Lhe classrooms - CongraLulauons for dolng a greaL

lL ls a challenge for oLhers Lo recycle correcLly Lo be Lhe
wlnner Lhls Lerm. So keep on uslng Lhe blns correcLly
and encourage oLhers Lo reduce, reuse and recycle!
>E : We have been sLudylng lan Scou who ls a new
Zealand arusL. lan has spenL many years developlng a
serles of arLworks enuLled Lamce. As parL of our sLudy,
C2 creaLed Lhelr own arLwork based on lan's cross
haLch pauern. We used palnL as our medlum and chose
bold prlmary colours wlLh a splash of green and
>FG, H1/2%IJ : 1hls Lerm, C3's arusL was uon 8lnney.
uon 8lnney ls famous for palnung new Zealand nauve
blrds and landscapes.We skeLched a background for
our arLwork lncorporaung sky, clouds, Lrees, grass,
hllls and bushes.We palnLed Lhe sky uslng Lhe
Lechnlque of unung. We used dlerenL Lools
(sponges, LooLhbrushes, hesslan, scrappers, combs,
sLampers) Lo creaLe LexLure Lo make grass.We looked
aL plcLures of klwls and skeLched on paper wlLh
auenuon Lo body, beak, wlngs and feeL. Aer we
were happy wlLh our skeLches, we palnLed our klwls.
>K : We been sLudylng new Zealand-based Samoan
ArusL laLu leu'u. laLu leu'u was born ln Saval'l ln
Samoa and emlgraLed lnLo new Zealand Lo sLudy arL ln
1966. laLu leu'u ls known for hls paclc arL work, ln
whlch he has Lransformed Lradluonal deslgn moufs
lnLo fresh meanlngs.

Cne of Lhe paclc moufs whlch laLu leu'u uses ln hls
work ls Lhe Samoan ower. As parL of our sLudy, C1
creaLed Lhelr own arLwork based on Lhls ower
pauern. We used lndlan lnk, dye, and crayons as our
medlum Lo help us creaLe our arLwork.
8K - Cur chosen arusL was uanlella Pulme.
uanlella Pulme, ls an Auckland-based, full-ume
esLabllshed arusL slnce 1998. Per work reecLs Lhe
unlon of Lwo culLures, her own uuLch herlLage and her
husband's Samoan herlLage.

We declded Lo do self porLralLs lnsplred by uanlella
Pulme's arLwork. We have used Lhe beach as our

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