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URGENT NOTICE: Public prayer, as a long held freedom, is in dire jeopardy and this is one of the most crucial

moments in Americas history. On November 6th, the United States Supreme Court will begin hearing oral argumentsfor the first time in 400 yearsregarding a case that will determine the constitutionality of legislative prayer in public forums. Nine individuals have the power to decide, for every citizen, whether or not officials praying in a government setting is permissible. Consider for a moment the very Constitution that should be the pivot point in the Supreme Courts deliberations this week, was crafted by our Founding Fathers in a spirit and atmosphere of solemn prayer. After a contentious start to the Constitutional Convention of 1787 in Philadelphia, Benjamin Franklin implored the delegates to seek the face and benevolence of Almighty God. Thisappeal for Gods intervention suggested the appointment of a chaplain and beginning each days business with prayer for discernment and wisdom at a decisive period in our first steps as an independent nation. With George Washington leading the way, the result was the forging of one of the greatest documents the world has ever witnessed to guide and direct the affairs of men with just and balanced governance. Asking Gods blessing on public meetings is a cherished American tradition and is now in peril even though it neither imposes nor establishes a governmental form of religion. Yet, this practice is at great risk because of a challenge brought by just two citizens from the town of Greece in upstate New York, who claimed to be offended by the prayers that were given to open their city council meetings. For years, the Town Council has allowed volunteers from the community to begin its meetings with an invocation. However, rather than respect the simple and heartfelt prayers for divine guidance, these two individuals, along with the organization, Americans United for Separation of Church and State, filed a lawsuit to end the practice.This is unacceptable when reflecting on our rich spiritual heritage. In late 1800, Congress actually allowed church services to be held in the U.S. Capitol, something that continued until well after the Civil War and in the same building where our nations legislators still convene, debate and vote. Leaders throughout our history have regularly called the entire nation to days of prayer, fasting and repentance, and our most recognized monuments and capitol buildings are covered with declarations of our trust in God. The writings of our Founders clearly emphasized their collective belief that religion and morality were indispensable supports of this Constitutional Republic. Your First Amendment rights are at stake once again and decades of clashing worldviews have brought us to another July 4, 1776 moment. Members of the Congressional Prayer Caucus and the Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation have worked diligently to ensure the Supreme Court makes the right decision, and the upcoming ruling will either strengthen or shred our Constitution. Now

is the time to pray and fast for these justices and for Alliance Defending Freedom, who is representing the Town of Greece. The Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation is committed to ensuring that your right to pray and publicly express your faith will remain under the protection of law and not decided by the courts. Our growing nationwide network of government leaders and praying citizens are standing up for your religious freedoms. You and other citizens in cities and towns all across the country should have the same freedom to pray as our Founding Fathers did when they drafted the Constitution. If you believe in prayer and the right of every American to pray publicly, please join us . First, and above all else, we covet your prayers. Your continued financial support also helps us fight these critical battles and advance a proactive strategy aimed at protecting the right to call upon God for divine guidance on behalf of our nation. It only took two people to push this issue all the way to the Supreme Court. Imagine how thousands of praying and committed individuals just like yourself could begin to turn the tide. You can start today by becoming a Praytriot Member of the Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation. Every prayer, every gift, every letter to a legislator, every citizen showing up at a public forum will make a difference. With your help and Gods grace and providence, we are determined to recapture the heart of America. Thank you for joining hands with us! It is In God We Trust, Lea Carawan Executive Director Go to to learn more or get involved.
The Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation, Inc. is a non-profit organization established to protect religious liberty, preserve our nations spiritual foundation, and sustain the elected leaders who are uni ting in prayer and calling the nation to action. No funds are used for political or campaign activities. Become a Member Make a Donation

Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation, Inc. 524 Johnstown Rd. Chesapeake, Virginia 23322 United States (757) 546-2190

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