KAPOL Official Invitation

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The 3

Korean American Political Conference &
The Next Generation Leadership Forum
!3 " #$ %& '( )*+, - ./0 123 45
Looking to the Future. Learning from the Past.
November 23
, 2013


Head Office & Mailing
5361 Via Ricardo
Riverside, CA 92509

1368 W. Jefferson Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90007
Phone (213)385-1177
Fax (213)385-1166
E-mail: info@kaedc.org
uear lrlends,

Cn behalf of 1he korean Amerlcan uevelopmenL CenLer (kALuC) and Lhe co-hosLlng organlzaLlon of 8rlghL
World loundaLlon, 1he korea 1lmes, Lhe 1hlnk lorum Clobal korean, and 1he World korean ollLlcal
lederaLlon, we are dellghLed Lo lnvlLe you Lo Lhe Lhlrd annual !"#$%& ()$#*+%& ,"-*.*+%- %&/ 0$%/$#12*3
4"&5$#$&+$ 6!(,708 %&/ .2$ 9$:. ;$&$#%.*"& 0$%/$#12*3 <"#=) Lo be held on november 23rd, 2013 aL Lhe
Cxford alace PoLel ln Los Angeles, CA.

kACL's mlsslon ls Lo engage and bulld a neLwork of korean Amerlcans, young professlonals, and sLudenLs Lo
fosLer leadershlp, lncrease knowledge of pollLlcal lnvolvemenL, and Lo enhance economlc empowermenL
opporLunlLles. As you know, Lhe conference ls Lhe mosL excluslve naLlonal evenL focuslng solely on Lhe Loplcs
and lssues LhaL are lmporLanL Lo Lhe korean Amerlcan communlLy. 1he kACL conference has been an
lnvaluable opporLunlLy for parLlclpanLs Lo meeL and learn from currenL elecLed korean and Aslan Amerlcan
offlclals, educaLors and pollcy experLs.

We lnvlLe you Lo be a parL of Lhls powerful 1-day conference Lo provlde vlLal resources and Lo connecL Lhe
leaders of Loday and Lomorrow. keeplng ln llne wlLh our mlsslon, Lhe flrsL porLlon of Lhe evenL wlll be
dedlcaLed Lo educaLlng Lhe mlnds of Lhe young professlonals and sLudenLs Lhrough Lhe ollLlcal Leadershlp
Academy. "1he second parL of Lhe day wlll focus on Leachlng and empowerlng Lhe korean Amerlcan
communlLy Lhrough a serles of roundLable dlscusslons led by varlous esLeemed elecLed offlclals. Among our
dlsLlngulshed speakers and elecLed offlclal guesLs Lhls year, our dlsLlngulshed speakers and panellsLs are:

Pon. Lrlc CarceLLl, 1he Mayor of Los Angeles
Pon. Ld 8oyce, u.S. 8epresenLaLlve for Callfornla's 39
Congresslonal ulsLrlcL
Pon. !udy Chu, u.S. 8epresenLaLlve for Callfornla's 27
Congresslonal ulsLrlcL
Pon. Mark 1akano, u.S. 8epresenLaLlve for Callfornla's 41
Congresslonal ulsLrlcL
Pon. Mlchelle ark, vlce Chalr of Lhe Callfornla 8oard of LquallzaLlon
Mr. Charlle Woo, Chalr of CenLer for Aslan Amerlcan unlLed for Self-LmpowermenL (CAuSL)
ur. aul Song, LxecuLlve Chalrman, Courage Campalgn

1hls lnsplrlng evenL wlll provlde you wlLh Lhe opporLunlLy Lo noL only neLwork wlLh varlous korean Amerlcan
leaders of Loday buL Lo shape Lhe fuLure of Lhe korean Amerlcan communlLy.

lease revlew Lhe aLLached lnformaLlon packeL and please feel free Lo conLacL !ohn Suh aL 213-422-3913 for
any quesLlons relaLed Lo Lhls conference.


Conference Chalr Conference Chalr Crganlzlng Chalr

Myung M|ke nong Iae M|n Chang Iohn Suh
Chalrman/CLC Chalrman resldenL/CLC
8rlghL World loundaLlon 1he korea 1lmes kALuC

The 3
Korean American Political Conference &
The Next Generation Leadership Forum
!3 " #$ %& '( )*+, - ./0 123 45

1nLML: "Look|ng to the Iuture. Learn|ng from the ast."
CCNILkLNCL: November 23, 2013 (Saturday)
74S S. Cxford Ave.
Los Ange|es, CA 9000S

II. CLI1ICAL ICkUM 1:30 M - S:30 M
II. DINNLk 8ANUL1 S:30 M - 8:30 M

nCS1LD 8: 1he 8rlghL World loundaLlon, 1hlnk lorum Clobal korean, Cverseas ollLlcal Councll
CkGANI2LD 8: korean Amerlcan Lconomlc uevelopmenL CenLer (kALuC), 1he korea 1lmes

SCNSCkLD 8: Cverseas korean loundaLlon (Ckl), korean ConsulaLe Ceneral ln L.A.,
CenLer for Aslan Amerlcan SLudles aL uCLA, CenLer for korean Amerlcan SLudles aL uCLA,
CenLer for Aslan Amerlcans unlLed for Self LmpowermenL (CAuSL),
Aslan aclflc Amerlcan Leadershlp ro[ecL (AAL), uura CoaL roducLs, lnc.
LS AdverLlslng, lnc., Panml 8ank, lLLx ll1, Clenmark Poldlngs, lnland korean Amerlcan AssoclaLlon,
uosan Ahn Chang-Po Memorlal loundaLlon of Amerlca, C!k ConsulLlng, MCvL, lS8C

CCNILkLNCL CnAIk: Myung kl Pong, Chalrman, 8rlghL World loundaLlon
!ae Mln Chang, Chalrman, 1he korea 1lmes Los Angeles

CC -CnAIk: Pon. !ay klm, resldenL, kC8uS loundaLlon/lormer u.S. Congress Member
Pon. !ohn Llm, resldenL, Cverseas korean ollLlcal Councll/lormer Cregon SLaLe SenaLor
Pon. Sukhee kang, lormer Mayor, ClLy of lrvlne

nCNCkAk CnAIk: Pon. Ld 8oyce, u.S. 8epresenLaLlve for Callfornla's 39
Congresslonal ulsLrlcL
Pon. xavler 8ecerra, u.S. 8epresenLaLlve for Callfornla's 34
Congresslonal ulsLrlcL
Pon. !ohn A. erez, Speaker of Lhe Assembly, SLaLe of Callfornla
Pon. aul Shln, WashlngLon SLaLe SenaLor
Pon. Mlchelle ark SLeel, vlce Chalr, 8oard of LquallzaLlon, SLaLe of Callfornla

Crgan|z|ng Comm|ttee Cha|r: !ohn Suh, resldenL, korean Amerlcan Lconomlc uevelopmenL CenLer (kALuC)
Co- Cha|r]Leadersh|p: Charles klm, resldenL, lCAn
Co-Cha|r]8us|ness: Sandra Lee, resldenL, LS AdverLlslng
Co-Cha|r]Lducat|on: uavld k. ?oo, rofessor & ulrecLor, CenLer for Aslan Amerlcan SLudles, uCLA
Co-Cha|r]Lmerg|ng Leaders: 8uLh Chung, AssoclaLe rofessor, unlverslLy of SouLhern Callfornla
Co-Cha|r]Commun|ty: !any Lee, C.C. 1ourlsm Commlssloner, 8ecrulLmenL Supervlsor, Carden Crove ClLy
Co-Cha|r]o||t|cs: uavld 8yu, ulrecLor, kedren CommunlLy PealLh CenLer

Leslle Song Wlnner, eLer ak, Alexander klm, kaylnn klm, kookhl 8ae klm, Pyo Shln ?oon, 8lchard ?. klm, !ln Lee,
ChrlsLlne Lee, 8rad Lee, Alex Cha, !ames Lee, kyung Won Suh, !oon ?oung (!ay) ark

ln Soo klm, Andrew !oon Pak Lee, SLephan Lee, uennlse ?lm, ScoLL klm, 8lchard Cck, Clna Chung, Sally klm, !ln kyung ark,
LsLher Lee, Mln Woo !oo, ?lchan Chung, !ackle klm, kang Lock Lee, Angle Pan, Susan Pan, !lyoon Chung, Sun !ung Pan,
kyung Pwa ?oo

8lcky Chol, kay kang, !aneL Llm, !ames Pahn, Charles Chol, lnny klm, 1om klm, 8obln Lee, !ulle 8oh, !ay SoLo-klm, LsLher ko,
Amle Chung, uavld Shln, Marla ln Pwa Chung, Samuel koh, ArLhur ?oon, !oe Cweun, Alex Pur, Soo ?ong Lom, !oshua !eon,
Creen Sohn, Pyun Cheol Ch, Lunlce lm

The 3
Korean American Political Conference &
The Next Generation Leadership Forum
!3 " #$ %& '( )*+, - ./0 123 45


l. o||t|ca| Leadersh|p Academy
8 am - 9 am Check-ln / Leadershlp Academy ALLendees CrlenLaLlon

9 am - 10:30 am Sesslon l: Cvervlew of ollLlcs
Pow pollLlcs & pollLlclans make a dlfference"
Charles klm (resldenL of lCAn)

Case SLudy: korean Amerlcan CommunlLy Advocacy
koreaLown 8edlsLrlcLlng"
8oberL Ahn, 8edlsLrlcLlng Commlssloner

10:30 am - 12:30 pm Sesslon ll: ollLlcs 101
8unnlng for offlce & Lhe lundamenLals of Campalgnlng"
ModeraLor: 8on Wong (lounder of AAL)

12:30 pm - 1:30 pm Luncheon Speaker: ur. aul Song, LxecuLlve Chalrman, Courage Campalgn
Cbamacare & lLs lmpllcaLlons Lo Lhe kA communlLy"

ll. o||t|ca| Iorum
1:43 pm - 2:13 pm anel ulscusslon: MeeL Lhe LlecLeds"
1he Servlng Leaders"
Welcome Speaker: Pon. !udy Chu, u.S. Congresswoman (CA-27)
Pon. Mark Allan 1akano, u.S. Congress member (CA -41)
Pon. Mlchelle ark SLeel, vlce Chalr, 8oard of LquallzaLlon, CA

3:30 pm - 3:00 pm anel ulscusslon: MeeL Lhe rofesslonal"
CommunlLy LmpowermenL, ollLlcs and Lessons learned from pasL
Mr. 8aphael !. Sonensheln, LxecuLlve ulrecLor of Lhe Ldmund C.
aL" 8rown lnsLlLuLe of ubllc Affalrs
Charlle Woo, lounder of CenLer for Aslan Amerlcans unlLed for
Self LmpowermenL (CAuSL)
ModeraLor: Carrle Can, LxecuLlve ulrecLor, CAuSL

3:00 pm - 3:30 pm Sesslon lll: Closlng & nexL SLeps
Pow Lo geL lnvolved Lo make an lmpacL ln your communlLy"
ModeraLor: uavld L. 8yu, 8oard member, Aslan aclflc Amerlcan
Leadershlp ro[ecL (AAL)

lll. D|nner 8anquet
S:30 pm - 6:30 pm kecept|on
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm D|nner 8anquet:
* keynote Speaker: non. Lr|c Garcett|, Mayor, C|ty of Los Ange|es
* Leadershlp Award * CraduaLlon/CerLlflcaLe resenLaLlon

The 3
Korean American Political Conference &
The Next Generation Leadership Forum
!3 " #$ %& '( )*+, - ./0 123 45

Genera| keg|strat|on 6789:

name (Lngllsh) : _________________________________ korean ;<=> : ____________________________

Company/CrganlzaLlon/School ;"@=ABCADE> : ______________________________________________________________

oslLlon/1lLle ;FG> : ________________________________________________________________________________________

hone ;HI> : _________________________ Cell hone ;JKL> : _____________________ lax ;M,> :________________

L-Mall ;NOPQ> : ______________________________ WebslLe ;RSNT> : ________________________________

Address ;$U> : ____________________________________________________________________________________________

Conference Attendees 67V =B ;W& 4G>
name ;<=> 1lLle ;FG>
1. ____________________________________ __________________________________

2. ____________________________________ __________________________________

3. ____________________________________ __________________________________

4. ____________________________________ __________________________________

keg|strat|on Iee ;67X> keferra| Crg: _______________________

A. Genera| Iee: $30 x _____ person(s)=1oLal $______________
(Admlsslon Lo all conference evenLs lncludlng, academy, lunch and dlnner on SaLurday, 11/23/2013.)

8. Leadersh|p Academy: $30 x ______ person(s)=1oLal $______________
*** SLudenLs lree wlLh valld sLudenL l.u.
8eneflL: 1ulLlon for Lhe academy class, conference evenLs lncludlng lunch and dlnner on SaLurday.
CerLlflcaLe of Academy AccompllshmenL.
Crand 1oLal: $ ________________ SlgnaLure:__________________ uaLe: ___________

* lease send Lhls form vla fax, e-mall, or mall ;89:Y M,Z NOPQZ [\ ]^_` ab 7c>
* 8eglsLraLlon fee: lease make a check payable kALuC and mall ouL Lo :
3361 vla 8lcardo, 8lverslde, CA 92309 arklng: Cxford alace PoLel
hone (213)383-1177, lax (213)383-1166, lnfo[kaedc.org 743 S. Cxford Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90003

kALuC ls a 301 (C)3, non roflL lederal 1ax
LxempL CrganlzaLlon, lLln #20-2271667

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