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The Monash Executive MBA The MBA for experienced professionals

Are you prepared to make business better?







Top ranking Executive MBA offered by top ranking university

The Monash Executive MBA is one of the worlds top MBA courses, specifically developed for experienced professionals with the ambition to take their already successful careers to the next level. This sophisticated educational experience is designed to develop leaders: executives with a global perspective, who are transformational and socially responsible.
Monash University is ranked in the top one per cent of universities worldwide, according to the Times Higher Education World University Rankings. The Monash MBA programs are consistently ranked among the top MBA programs in Australia and are highly regarded by organisations and businesses worldwide. The programs international standing is reflected in its accreditation by the Association of MBAs (AMBA). It is just the third such program in Australia, the first in Victoria, and the only Group of Eight university to be recognised by AMBA.

A flexible approach

We have designed a course which will enable you to continue work full-time, with an expected absence of two days per month. Units are delivered in intensive block mode for four days per month (usually Thursday Sunday) for 15 months. During the final seven months of your studies, you will participate in the Corporate Project, which includes a total of seven weeks (nonconsecutive), in-company work.

Our unique Corporate Project

During the final seven months of your Executive MBA studies at Monash, you will participate in an experiential learning component. During the project, the qualitative and analytical skills covered in the preceding units of the program will be honed into practical, real-life activities.

Build a professional network

Delivering real outcomes

Triple crown for a world leader in business education and research

Monash University is the first Group of Eight university to have achieved the esteemed triple crown business school accreditation by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), the European Quality Improvement System (EQUIS) and the Association of MBAs (AMBA). These globally-recognised accreditations place the university in the elite ranks of one per cent of business schools worldwide with triple crown accreditation.

During the Monash Executive MBA you will develop the capabilities required to move into executive management roles. You will build on your existing management skills and knowledge, and gain experience in applying these in a variety of settings, allowing you to experience an immediate impact. You will do all this while considering how you can make business better. You will learn to approach business in a holistic way, guided by a professional and ethical framework. Innovative thinking and entrepreneurship will be encouraged and grown and management theories will be grounded in practical situations.

With the Monash Executive MBA you will have the opportunity to learn from the best: from world-class academics and captains of industry. You will share your learning experience with the best: dedicated and experienced professionals from a range of sectors and backgrounds, challenging you to share knowledge, insights and ideas. You will attend all your classes with the same group of like-minded and highly capable students, providing you with the opportunity to form an invaluable professional network. All Executive MBA units are exclusive to Executive MBA students and are taught in dedicated state-of-the-art teaching and social learning spaces at our Caulfield campus.

Leadership and Personal Development Program

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Leadership and personal development activities complement the academic units and are an integral part of the Executive MBA program. These activities are integrated within each unit of study, and are systematically delivered throughout.

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The Monash Executive MBA inspiring course content

The Monash Executive MBA aims to develop individual leadership and personal capabilities and provide a holistic approach to business challenges and issues alongside conventional discipline-based academic subjects. It integrates the academic content of the program with our Leadership and Personal Development Program. In the final seven months of the program, you will undertake a corporate project. During the Monash Executive MBA you will complete: Four integrating core units (context setting) Critical thinking for problem solving The strategic environment of business Negotiation and managerial judgement Strategic management Eight fundamental units in key business disciplines Business economics Business insights from data analysis Corporate finance Creating innovative organisations Creating sustainable organisations Interpreting accounting information Managing people for competitive advantage Strategic marketing leadership Corporate Project (equivalent to four units) In-company Community Corporate Project (one week) In-company Individual Corporate Project (six weeks over a seven-month period)

The unique Leadership and Personal Development Program forms an integral part of the Monash Executive MBA and is designed to complement the academic program. It aims to develop your leadership skills and promote your career through a series of workshops, seminars and career management activities.
The program is based on the belief that empowering Executive MBA students in the behaviour-based areas of leadership and personal development is of equal importance to the business and commercial skills gained from the academic curriculum. Key aspects of the program include: Your Personal Leadership Style and Advanced Leadership Workshop Series This workshop series reviews current perspectives on leadership and explores strategies that you can employ to improve your capabilities as a leader. A strong emphasis is placed on improving practical leadership skills and developing a wide repertoire of leadership styles that you can apply, depending on the context in which you are operating. Reflective Leadership and Critical Engagement Seminars These seminars enable you to develop a critical stance towards leadership in order to develop as a socially and ethically responsible leader. This stance is developed through reflecting on theories and practices of leadership. Elements include: keeping a reflective journal, attending seminars in which topics of interest to leaders are discussed, and in-unit assessments. People Leadership Connect Series This series, presented by one of the most respected and innovative minds in people networks, is a unique approach to networking. It focusses on understanding the united values, habits and strategies required to connect and collaborate with people and to optimise performance and brand, by remaining relevant and top of mind. Study Skills Seminar Program This program specifically caters to returningto-study professionals. It includes workshops designed and delivered by specialist librarians and learning skills advisers, and focusses on honing the research and academic skills that underpin success in the Executive MBA course. Career Management Directioneering a specialist career and leadership development consultancy will provide a framework for evaluating your career to date and to devise strategies for the future. There will be a particular focus on proactive career management and how to leverage your Executive MBA qualification. Media Training and Development Program This program is is specifically designed to assist Executive MBA students in effective communication whether presenting to a board, at a media interview, as a keynote speaker or communicating with an executive team or employees. The emphasis of the program will be on maximising opportunities to communicate and on developing communication techniques on and off camera. Cranlana Colloquium Monash Executive MBA students complete the prestigious Cranlana Colloquium as part of the leadership and personal development program. This one-week program is designed to enhance your understanding of the philosophical, ethical and social issues central to creating a just, prosperous and sustainable society. The seminars are led by expert moderators through a disciplined process, specifically designed to enable you to test your thinking against complex philosophical frameworks.

Our unique Corporate Project

The Corporate Project is a component of the Monash Executive MBA experience. It provides you with the valuable opportunity to apply academic knowledge to professional management and business practice.

The project will equip you with core consultancy and investigative skills, and provides an opportunity for in-depth exploration of a business or management problem of your choice. The corporate project program comprises three elements: A consulting skills unit which entails the development of a broad set of consultingspecific skills. The Community Corporate Project a group project (one week in-company) completed in the not-for-profit or community sector. This project fits in with the broader aims of the Monash Executive MBA program to develop future leaders and the recognition that business and its leaders are situated in the wider community and therefore have an obligation to that community. The Individual Corporate Project an individual in-company project students complete over six weeks in the corporate, public or community sector. This element of the Monash Executive MBA provides both a finishing school for students in the program, and a first look at managerial talent for our partner organisations.


I studied an MBA at Monash as a way of bridging the gap between engineering management and general management. It has allowed me to change careers from engineering/manufacturing to health and then government. The MBA has given me the confidence and tools to work across industries and apply good business thinking to a range of issues.

Ray Doyle General Manager, Victoria American Chamber of Commerce

Monash Executive MBA Program Sequence 2014 - 2015

MBA Program Induction [1-2 Feb] Module 1 Foundations of Business in a Global Context

Module 3 Mastering Business Fundamentals MBA5903


Module 2 Mastering Business Fundamentals MBA5904

Module 4 Leadership and Ethics MBA5500


LPD Program [31/1 & 1/2]

Module 5 Strategy in Practice MBA5400

MBA5008 Managing people for competitive advantage

The strategic environment of business

[6/2; 7/2; 13/3; 14/3. Exam: 20/3]

Interpreting accounting information

[Thursday - 10/4; 15/5; 19/6; 24/7]

Business economics

[Thursday - 28/8; 2/10; 30/10; 4/12]

Negotiation and managerial judgement


Corporate project 1


Critical thinking for problem solving


[8/2; 9/2; 15/3; 16/3. Exam: 27/3]

Managing people for competitive advantage



[Friday - 11/4; 16/5; 20/6; 25/7]

Creating sustainable organisations


Strategic management
[30/4; 1-3/5]


Corporate project 2

[Friday - 29/8; 3/10; 31/10; 5/12]

Business insights from data analysis


Corporate finance

[Saturday - 12/4; 17/5; 21/6; 26/7]

[Saturday - 30/8; 4/10; 1/11; 6/12]

Effective management of human capital has the potential to be a source of sustainable competitive advantage for high-performance organisations. This unit examines various ways in which organisations can effectively lead and manage human capital for growth and profits, innovation and sustainable competitive advantage. It consists of three modules: managing individual motivation, behaviour and engagement at work; managing people and the human resource function; and the design of high performance human resource systems. As well as drawing on contemporary research on strategic HRM and the high performance workplace, the unit covers a wide range of real-world case studies and practical challenges in managing people and human capital in diverse organisational settings.

MBA5520 Creating sustainable organisations

Environmental, social and ethical issues are increasingly influencing business decisions. The ability to create value from, and mitigate risks associated with, environmental, social and ethical issues increasingly impacts markets, access to capital, company reputation and shareholder value. Through the use of case studies, lectures and guest speakers, this unit will critically examine sustainability challenges across a range of industry settings and develop strategies to address these issues.

MBA5500 Negotiation and managerial judgement

MBA5905 Corporate finance

Strategic marketing leadership


[Sunday - 13/4; 18/5; 22/6; 27/7]

Creating innovative organisations

MBA5906 Strategic marketing leadership

*All classes are held from 8am-6pm

[Sunday - 31/08; 4/10; 1/11; 6/12]

MBA5510 The strategic environment of business

This case-based unit is designed to provide an overview of the strategic economic and legal environment of business at the global, market, and organisational levels and the role of individuals in such an environment.

MBA5907 Business insights from data analysis

The focus of this unit will be to investigate important socio-political/legal dimensions and the contemporary context of senior managerial decision making. To this end, students will examine the myriad of issues challenging the pursuit of sustainable business practice as a precursor to the more detailed consideration of functional methods that help inform these decisions that will follow in the subsequent module.

MBA5530 Critical thinking for problem solving

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This foundational unit focusses on the practice and development of key critical thinking and problem solving skills required by a business leader to achieve superior performance. Through interactive group work, role play, case studies and a variety of situational exercises, students will be able to understand and apply analytical reasoning to: (a) successfully manage business problems; and (b) interpret and produce clear and sound arguments in relation to business issues of general interest. Students will also develop questioning strategies to support a critical inquiry approach to their learning and research activities throughout the program.

The objective of this unit is for the executive to understand and apply data analysis techniques to address business problems through an applied approach. With the support of software, executives will learn how to apply various analytical tools but, more importantly, understand the findings and interpret their value in a business context. Sharing/communicating these analytically derived insights, so that they are readily accessible to, and actionable by management, is a further objective of this unit. Topics covered include data description and summation, data mining, confidence intervals and hypothesis testing, regression analysis, time series and forecasting and decision making under uncertainty. Software used will be Microsoft Excel, with Palisade add-ins.

MBA5904 Interpreting accounting information

This unit introduces students to financial and management accounting and examines how the two interrelated components of the accounting function are used to generate information that is used by internal and external stakeholders to aid planning, decision making and control. Through a focus on the application of accounting principles, concepts and practices, the unit aims to provide insight into the structure and content of financial and management accounting, as well as the interface between them. This can assist organisations to create sustainable economic, social and environmental value. Further, the unit examines how accounting information is used to gain intelligence about all aspects of business operations, both historic and projected.

This is a course aimed at fostering strategic marketing leadership in organisations. It will help participants refine their strategic and conceptual skills in marketing, augment their analytical toolkits, and encourage integrative thought and action. The key question it will seek to answer is: how should organisations strategically create and exchange market offerings effectively to enable value for themselves, their customers and clients, business partners, and society at large? The perspective held would be the management of markets, with a view to achieving and sustaining market leading positions. While anchored to the viewpoint of a focal organisation, analysis would include institutions that facilitate the consummation of market exchange in an economy, and the myriad of consequences of market management activity on society. The predominant pedagogy is case-based, and thus classroom discussion will emphasise strategic decision-making situations. The decision orientation will be supplemented with contemporary critical-ethical thought on marketing as a discipline of business and society.

This unit is designed as an introduction to finance theories and practices that can assist in the strategic management of decisions in for-profit firms. To achieve this the unit investigates the interrelated aspects of making decisions from an investing, financing and operating perspective. By applying the body of knowledge that comes from finance theories and practices, executives will learn the analytical skills required to solve these problems. The unit takes a value impacting approach to financially related strategic decisions that face executives. Further, the unit examines how financial and economic information is used to gain forward intelligence about impacts on the value of the organisation to create sustainable value.

This unit provides a practical and experiential introduction to principles of effective negotiation in diverse industry and functional contexts. Students will acquire knowledge and skills to develop and effectively utilise strategies for negotiations and decision making. In an increasingly complex and dynamic business environment, negotiation and decisionmaking have become core capabilities associated with effective management and leadership of organisations. Drawing on cross-disciplinary perspectives and recent advances in the field of negotiation, students will learn to recognise and overcome flaws in their negotiation and decision making processes and develop frameworks for analysing situations and making sound decisions.

MBA5005 Strategic management

Strategic management is concerned with building organisations that create value for all stakeholders in a turbulent world. This unit integrates material from earlier units in the Executive MBA degree, in particular from marketing, accounting, operations, individual and organisational behaviour, information technology and finance within a strategic framework. Students will develop the capacity to understand the key influences on the development of an organisations strategy, to analyse those influences, to propose appropriate strategic behaviour for an organisation and demonstrate an understanding of how strategic change can occur within an organisation.

MBA5540 Creating innovative organisations

MBA5903 Business economics

Students will be introduced to the methodology of microeconomics and the tools used by economists in problem solving. Topics include demand, supply and market analysis, cost concepts, price determination and pricing practices. The course aims to develop an understanding of the competitive environment facing firms through analysis of varying market structures (oligopoly, monopolistic competition etc). The knowledge gained will be applied to a range of microeconomic policy issues, including competition policy, regulation, microeconomic reform and privatisation.

This unit equips students with the knowledge to understand and the capacity to manage innovation at the operational and strategic levels. Innovation drives sustainable competitive advantage in organisations. It requires integration of multiple organisational functions but particularly those that impact product and process development. The operations function, in particular, provides a key focus for innovation that is both economically and technologically sound. Modern innovation for competitive advantage reaches beyond organisational boundaries into the realm of customer, supplier and third party integration. Innovation through supply chain integration increasingly occurs at both the product and the process level. This unit examines the foundations of innovation in product and process for the organisation and its supply chain. It explores innovation at the design, process and system level that is both user-led and technology-led. It explores concepts that include the nature of innovation and what drives it, new frontiers of innovation in operations and supply chains and future frontiers in social and environmental innovation.

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Key dates

Closing date for domestic applications Friday 6 December 2013*

Documentary evidence in the form of a letter or transcript is required from the institution at which the study was undertaken. You have undertaken an English language proficiency test within two years prior to your study commencement date and have achieved the following results:

How to apply

Domestic student applications

Closing date for international applications Friday 8 November 2013 Start date Monash Executive MBA Saturday 1 February 2014
* late applications may be considered

International student applications Monash Executive MBA applications must include: 1. A copy of your rsum 2. Certified copies of academic transcripts (including English language test results if required) 3. Statement of purpose A key characteristic of the Monash Executive MBA program is the experience that students bring to the classroom. As part of your application, you are therefore required to include a one-page statement of purpose outlining your reasons for applying to the Monash Executive MBA, and what you think you can contribute to the program. In addition, your statement of purpose should include whether you will be sponsored by your employer. 4. Employment references The Monash Executive MBA managerial or professional work requirement ensures that you will be sharing your experience with other proven performers and people already positioned to advance their careers.

Please send your rsum and your two original employment references, which should be presented on your companys letterhead and contain all of the following: Precise duties performed Duration (including dates) of employment Date of letter issue Full name, title and signature of the writer

IELTS minimum test score of 6.5 with no individual band score less than 6.

Entry requirements

Minimum entry requirements

An Australian bachelors degree or an equivalent qualification

A minimum of six years work experience with at least four years of professional/ managerial experience. Applicants will be ranked according to consideration of the following: a) employment experience b) the entire academic record (weighted average mark, WAM, of 60% or equivalent GPA preferred) Minimum English language requirements You should meet one of the following criteria: You have achieved a satisfactory level of performance in an English subject at Year 12 or equivalent level. This means a study score of at least 25 in units 3 and 4 in any VCE English subject. All other students should visit for entry requirements details.

Cambridge English Certificate in Advanced English (CAE) Minimum test score required: A grade of A Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English Minimum test score required: A grade of C

TOEFL minimum test score of 550 with a Test of Written English score of at least 4.5. Internet based TOEFL overall 79, Writing 21, Listening 12, Reading 13, and Speaking 18.


Domestic students (total course) $80,000 AUD* International students (total course) $84,000 AUD*

Study support

You have successfully completed the Monash University English Language Bridging Program, or equivalent programs, at the appropriate level. For further information about English language requirements at Monash University visit: postgrad/pg-english-requirements.html

The Monash Executive MBA Program provides study support in the form of a fee reduction to both domestic and international students. The number of students granted study support will vary from year to year. The minimum amount awarded is $10,000. To be eligible, you must commence studies in the MBA offerings in 2014. There is no need to apply; study support will be determined at the point of application by the MBA Program Management Team. All applicants for MBA programs will be considered.

Credit and preclusion

In your application, you must demonstrate that you have completed a minimum of six years full-time work experience.


You have studied in an institution where English is the language of instruction and assessment for the entire institution and have satisfactorily completed the equivalent of one and a halfyears full-time (three standard full-time semesters) of either: a university undergraduate award program, or a program that has been assessed as being taught at an equivalent level to Monash University undergraduate study

If you intend to apply for credit into the Monash Executive MBA program for previous postgraduate study, please email or call +613 9903 1400.

There are a number of scholarship opportunities on offer for current and prospective students. For more information, visit
* Fees are quoted at 2014 rates. For future years of your course Monash University reserves the right to adjust annual tuition fees in line with cost increases. The university guarantees that fees will not increase by more than 10 per cent from year to year.

International student visas

If you would like to receive more information, please visit or email: Alumni Ambassadors Monash MBA alumni and current students are available to speak with you about the MBA courses. For further details and contact information, please visit

Alternatively, you have studied in an institution where English is the language of instruction and assessment for the entire institution and have satisfactorily completed the equivalent of one full-time year (two standard full-time semesters) of postgraduate study.

International students should check the appropriate Postgraduate Course Guide for International Students or visit This guide contains important information regarding Australian Government requirements and conditions for study in Australia, living costs, course fees, health insurance, working while you study, work rights for your husband or wife and schooling for your children. Information about visa applications can be obtained from student-visa/ and

Find out more

We would be pleased to provide additional information regarding any aspect of the Monash Executive MBA. To find out more, you can contact us via phone or email, visit one of our information sessions, talk to one of our ambassadors, or complete the online contact form. Meet the Director We have organised a number of Meet the Director information sessions. During these sessions you will hear from Associate Professor Amanda Pyman, our MBA Programs Director, and you will be able to speak to corporate project facilitators, alumni and current students.

Postgraduate Student Services Ofce Faculty of Business and Economics Monash University Building N, Level 4 27 Sir John Monash Drive Cauleld East, Victoria 3145, Australia Telephone: (+613) 9903 1400 or (+613) 1300 784 990 Email: Contacts for international students International Recruitment Services Monash University 871 Dandenong Road Cauleld East 3145, Australia Telephone: +61 3 9627 4852 Email:

Monash University reserves the right to alter information, procedures, fees and regulations contained in this document. Please check the Monash University website for updates ( All information reects prescriptions, policy and practice in force at time of publication. Published September 2013.

CRICOS provider code: Monash University 00008C Executive MBA CRICOS code: 079045A

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