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President's Report
Midterms. Midterms
Page 6
Riding The Edge
MO"1 Important
Page 3
A Vie" From Tbe Left
Post Election Purge
fuels team
wins awards
WATERLOO, Ont. - The Universi ty of
Waterloo Alternative Fuels Team (UWAFT)
captured the Best Presentation Award and Best
Engine Out Emi ssions Award at the 1999
Ethanol Vehicle Challenge held recently at the
GM Proving Grounds in Michigan.
UW student s Nicole Dufour (mechanical
engineering) and Doug Suerich (systems design
engineering) walked away with top marks for
the presentation award.
The 12-member student team ranked fourth
overall, bringing home a total of $3,500 US in
prize money. Last year, working with a Malibu,
the alternative fuels team placed second overall.
Please see AWARDS on page 3
Coming Up!
26 Canada's Wonderland
trip I Soccer Tourney
28 EngSoc Exec Candidates
Class Visits Begin
I Canada Day
2/3/4 Rafting Trip
6 Brewery Tourl
Open Forum in POETS
for EngSoc Exec Candidates
7 Meeting #51
EngSoc Exec Elections
8 ChE Soc Cofl'ee House
9 Semi-Formal
10 Mudbowl
15 TalEng
17 Paintball
20 Director's Meeting
21 Potluck
23 EOT
24 Beach Volleyball
Tourney I Bowling
X Exam :P
"The difference between
'involvement' and 'commitment' is
like an eggs-and-ham breakfast: the
chicken wa 'involved' - the pig
was 'committed'."
- Unknown
Inside This Issue
A View From The Left 2
Signal or oise 2
Riding The Edge 3
Education and Industry 4
Executive Reports 6
The Big Picture 8
Volume 24 : Issue 3 J
$24 million
to be spent

on expanSIon
of student
The UW Board of Governors has approved a $24-million project to renew
residence facilities, build a new 300-bed residence for first-year students
and convert more than half of the existing UW Apartment Complex to
single rooms for upper-year students.
Bud Walker, UW's Director of Business Operation , said 80 per cent of
first-year students would like to live on campus, meaning that UW needs
3.350 beds for an expected "frosh" class of about 4,200 students. At present,
2,550 fir t-year spots are available on campus.
Briall Barry. President alld CEO o/Ericssoll Canada, ;peah in Ellgineering
Leetllre Hall as part 0/ this Sine/air Lectllre series. Please. ee
"The, expansion will allow us to accommodate over 3,400 first-year
students," Walker said.
Please see RESIDENCES on page 3

ew re eare e aIr 00 s a
UW NEWS BUREAU appointment, grad student teaching as istants,
startup costs and secretarial upport).
WATERLOO, Ont. - Using high-tech tools, a
A special event announcing the new chair was
new $2.3-mi llion industrial research chair at the
held today (June 7) after which there was a tour
University of Waterloo seeks to monitor and of the laboratory.
evaluate the health of fish as well a addres
"The growing sophistication of animal
environmental problems facing the fi shing industry
in Canada.
monitoring devices is opening up all kinds of
possibilities for learning about the health of wild
UW Profe or Scott McKinley, a fac ulty animals and about the quality of the environment
memberinUW's biologydepartment , i theholder they inhabit," said Janet Walden, SERC
of the Industrial Research Chair in Biotelemetry,
funded by the Natural Sciences and Engineering
Research Council of Canada (NSERC), Lotek
Engineering Inc. of Newmarket, Ont., and uw.
Director General of Partnerships and Networks.
"The scientific and commercial potential for
this research is extraordinary, hence our trong
support for the chair," she added.
Over a five-year period, the biotelemetry chair McKinley said funding for the biotelemetry
will receive $768,219 in funding from NSERC; chair will allow researchers to assess
$735,000 (including $60,000 for the assistance of environmental problems facing the fishing
a design engineer) from Lotek Engineering; and industry in Canada.
$881,666 from UW-derived sources (new faculty "Lotek is very pleased to be a partner in such
Take off, eh?
Ian Tien
The Waterloo Aerial
Robotics Group ha
succes fully completed testing
of its autonomous search and
rescue helicopter.
In two weeks, WARG will
compete in round two of the
Millenniallnternational Aerial
Robotics Competition in
Richland. Washington.
reconnaissance operations in a
simulated disaster area.
The WARG helicopter is
controlled by a Pentium 200
MMX processor and is
equipped with a differential
ground positioning system
accurate to within 2
Last year, WARG took
second place at the 1998
Internationat Aerial Robotics
Competition qualifier, beating
out team from MIT, Berkeley,
and GcorgiaTech.
Ish in Canada
a successful partnership," said Ron
Batten, vice-president of marketing and
sale at Lotek Engineering.
McKinley's research interests include
the developmcnt of techniques to measure
thc nutritional and reproductive condition
of fish, development of physiological
telemetry procedures to assess fi sh
performance and activity levels in the
wild; and the use of physiological
telemetry to evaluate chronic exposure of
fish to industrial effiuents.
He is also the director of the recently
formed Waterloo Biotelemetry Institute,
which conducts work on the design and
development of wireless communication
devices for monitoring the movement and
behaviour of frec-ranging animals,
particularly fi h.
Please see NEW CHAIR Oil page 2
During the competition,
autonomous robots (such as
the GhettoBird. shown top
right) will perform
For more information, visit

TOP: WARG during test flight. BELOW (right): GPS sa/elite uplink
2 Friday, June 18, 1999
Signal or Noise
T ..
Wouldn't it be cool if you could
ovcrclock your brain? If you could
just poke yourself in the head
someplace and get a couple extra
cycles per second like turning on
the turbo on an old 486.
Man, I sure could usc a turbo
There arc some really bright
people in my c lass. Ask them
anything, they compile a cohcrent
answer on the spot, without so much
as an Hurn".
They're like PlIl-750s in a world
of 486-33SXs.
Me? <' sigh> My brain 's a
frigging AND gate. No shortcuts
for this cowboy. Just gotlo take on
A View From the Left
In the wake of Ontario's
provincial election victory by the
Conservatives, there are many
questions to ask the people of this
province. Did the Conservatives
simply win because no one else wa
"up to the job"?
Does a 45% share of the popular
vote deserve to be rewarded with a
majority government? Is the NDP a
party on the decline, soon to exist
no longer?
It is clear that much of the
Conservatives win can be attributed
to the fact that there was no solid
alternative to M ike Harris. The NDP
is still stuck in the shadows of a Bob
Rae government which was much
maligned by the people of Ontario.
The Liberals put their support
behind a leader who showed little
charisma or independent thought
throughout the election campaign.
Granted, Mike Harris stuck to his
guns throughout his last term in
office and promised to continue
doing, if re-elected, what he had
always been doing.
Therein lies the concern. At the
beginning of the campaign, the
Liberals actually had a lead over the
Tories, but Dalton McGuinty could
not capitalize on the public's lack
midtenns the old fashioned way.
2:35pm Ready to rock. Textbook.,
course notes, old exam solutions, a
box of oatmeal cookies, and two 1.5
litre bottles of Montclair natural
spring water (ozonized and sodium
2:40pm. Entering hardcore study
3: 10pm. Bathroom break
3:46pm. Bathroom break
4: 19pm. Bathroom break
5:0 I pm. Bathroom break
5:03pm. Note to self: take it easy
on the bottled water.
5:04pm. Logging into POP
Server. Connecting to mail server
Coll ecting mail information (UIDL).
Messagcs left to download: 8.
Shulting down POP connection.
5: 12pm. The Word of the Day for
June 11 is: apheliona-FEEL-yuhn
(noun): the point in the path of a
celestial body (as a planet) that is
farthest from the sun
5:21 pm. Re-enter hardcore study
7:09pm. Sti ll working.
S: 19pm. Oh yeah baby, still
inspirational study music.
9:42pm. Dance around room.
9:47pm. Shut up and get back
to work as per roommate's
9:51pm. Read over more
homework problems.
10:3Ipm. Study break. Lie
down on floor and try to balance
water bottle on forehead.
10:35pm. More studying.
IO:57pm. The separation of
energy bands at a metalurglcal
junction is a direct function ofthc
electrostatic potential barrier. Ah,
yes, the punic is nearly complete.
II :56pm. Logging into POP
Server. Connecting to mail server.
Collecting mail information
(UIDL). Shutting down POP
connection. Sorry, you don't have
any new mail (OK). <sigh>
II :59pm. No, No, Yes, 0, Yes,
'! (cancelled), 0, No, Yes, 0,
No, Yes, '! , No, No, Yes, Yes, ?, ?
( cancell ed).
12: 1 Opm. 1998 midterm.
12: II pm. Random thought:
9:1 1pm. Swanson turkey meat
pic for dinncr. (Yum!)
When I was five, my mom took
me to a hair salon and permed my
head (This was back in Taiwan
around the time whcn Saturday
9: I I pm. " WARNI G: ight Fever was first hitting the
theatres). Overcooking may result in loss of
gravy." I went back to prc-school the
next day, a two-foot tall Chinese 9:40pm. Tum on tereo for some
of faith in the Common Sense
Revolut ion.
The leadership debate was
his undoing; he performed poorly
and never recovered from that.
It appears Harris' Conservatives
did not win the election. so much
as thcy fell backwards infO iL.
The fact that the Tories did
not win a landslide victory, and
did not even geta majority of the
popular vote has lead many to
complain that a .party must win
a clear majority of the popular
vote in order to form the
Add i tionally, there are
complaint that individual seats
s hould be won by a clear
majority. Pardon me for being
blunt, but that sounds like 10 er
talk .
Our political system is
founded in such a way that the
winning party is the one that
gains the most seats in
parliament, and a seat is
awarded to the candidate
amassing the greatest number of
votes in that riding.
The greatest argument being
thrown around is "how can a
party which 55% of the people
voted against govern?".
The clear answer to that
question is that 60% of the
people voted against the Liberals
and 87% of the people against
the NDP. As hard as it is to see
the results, we have to live with
When you put the NDP
numbers up on the board, they
are frightening: just over four
years after they last governed,
they received under 13% of the
popular vote, and 9 seats out of
Now some critics are saying
that this marks the beginning of
the end for Ontario's lone left
wing party. The party support
among their traditional allies,
the unions, is quickly eroding.
Specifically, Buzz Hargrove, head
of the Canadian Auto Workers Union,
and Bob Rae, former premier of
Ontario, have both lashed out at NDP
leader Howard Hampton, criticizing
his party's efforts.
In fact, Rae suggests uniting wilh
the Liberals to try and win the power
of the province back.
But was it not Hargrove who told
his unionized workers to vote
strategically, a process which cost the
NDP massive amounts of support?
And was it not Bob Rae who put
the NDP in this mess in the first
place, by not sticking to his socialist
guns during his time in office, instead
trying to please everyone, and ending
up pleasing no one?
T believe Mr. Hampton did as good
a job as could be expected by
someone who had to run an election
campaign with a gun to his head.
Granted, the NDP should look at
reinventing their ways, and adapting
their polices in order to better serve
the high growth industries in this
But by no means are they a dead
party. They speak to serve the people
who have little or no voice in our
corporate run society.
If this elections has shown up one
thing, it is this: Ontarians require a
leader with guts, someone they know
is going to do exactly what they say
and a party that is not living in the
murky shadows of its past.
There is no room for error, no
space to waver on your opinions. We
have learned that it doesn't always
take the support of everyone, or even
the majority to form government.
Finally, we have seen that the
NDP may be stuck in an old school
mentality and in need of a face lift.
But just imagine life without the
NDP: provincial elections would
simply be a race between cost cutting
Tories and do-nothing Liberals.
How exciting.
kid with a Jackson Five afro.
Naturally, the children made fun
of me untill couldn't stop crying.
Somehow, mom managed to
unperm my head and I was able
to grow up leading a somewhat
normal life.
But oh that perm, what an
12:12pm. nop
12: 13pm. nop
12:14pm. nop
12:15pm. BRA 12: 16pm
12:16pm. Back to 1998
12: 16pm-1 :30am. Work work
work. Okay, I'm done.
2:0 I am. Sleep now; exams
start tomorrow. The fact that they
begin on a Saturday doesn't even
phase me.
2:03am. Glance at day planner:
Three lab write-ups, a
programming project, five exams,
two interviews, lectures, tutorials,
and an IW issue, all in one week.
2:06am. Falling asleep is my
favourite part of the day.
Downtime. Ah.
The universe takes a breather
and you don't have a care in the
For a few precious hour every
night there's nothing to do, but
New research
chair in
looks at health
of fish in
NEW CHA1Rjrom poge I
Other UW colleagues in the
biology department involved in
the institute are Profs. Geoff
Power and George Dixon.
Among the problems the
institute has explored are:
swimming performance
relative to fish bypass design
and environmental factors ;
migratory behaviour of fish as
a result of hydroelectric
development , min ing and
forestry practices ; and the
effects ofhydroeleetric peaking
on nutritional condition in fish .
The institute is researching
effective ways of monitoring
animals in their actual
surroundings. Biotelemetry
allows scientists to validate
laboratory-based predictions
using the latest technical
system designs and
engineering solutions to
address problems in terrestrial
and aquatic ecology.
One of the main goals of the
institute is to train graduate
students, visiting scientists and
industrial representatives in
advanced surgical procedures,
animal physiology, behavioural
science, and statistical design
and data analysis.

Editor-in-Chi ef
Ian Tien
Assistant Editors
Diliny Dc Alwis
Phong Loi
Ryan Bayne
Raymond Ho
Jason Wong
Web Editors
Jessica Lee
April Blayock
Advertising Managers
Micah POlechin
Pamela Yau
. Layout Editors
Kris Vorwerk
Nitin Jain
Margaret Parkhill
Photo Ed itor
Dave Learmonth
Micah Poteehin
Jason Jackson
April Strau
Rob Harper
Aaron Egier
Ian Pollock
JacK Maynard
Alan Cannistraro
Greg Fyke
Jennifer Motuz
Mike Muffels
James Chang
DJ Swan
Mark Cesana
The Iron Warrior is a forum for editorial
and informal ion articles published by the
Engineering Society. Views expressed in The
Iron Warrior are those of the authors and
do not' necessari Iy reflect the opinions of the
Engineering Society. The Iron Warrior
encourages submissions from students,
faculty and members of the university
community. Submissions should reflect the
concerns and intellecrual standards of the
university in general . AU submissions, unless
otherwise stated, become the property of The
Iron Warrior, which reserves the right to
refuse publication of material which itdeems
unsuilable. The Iron Warrior also reserves
the right to edit grammar, spelling and text
that do not meet university standards. Mail
should be addressed to The Iron Warrior,
Engineering Society, University of Waterloo,
Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3G I. Our phone
nwnber is (519) 888-4567 x1693. Our fax
nwnber is (519) 725-4872. Email can be sent
10 VLSitus
on the web at www.eng.uwaterloo.calgroupsi
\\'aterloo 1 ews
Friday, June 18, 1999 3
UW alternative fuels car team wins awards
Waterloo Tax Masters
UW News Bureau
WATERLOO, Ont. -- The first
graduates of the new Master of
Taxation ("MTax") program receive
their degrees on Thursday (June 17)
during the University of Waterloo' s
four-day spring convocation.
The 10 tudents recently
completed an intensive 20-month
program of academic tudy and
practical work offered in Toronto by
the UW School of Accountancy.
"These grads have the broad range
A":4RD {mmpi/g,'1
Thi year. the \ chicle donated b
G\ I II as a ilverado truck. for \\ hich
the team performed a number of
modifications, such as changing the
computer programmll1g and altering
the cold-sian strategy.
The switch In \ehicles pro\ eLI
costly. said UW Prof. Ro) don !-raser.
mechanical engm 'enng. and [acult)
of kno\\ ledge and technical sl..ilL
required for a challenging. suc essful
arecr in taxation, \1 hether it's ill
industry, gOlernment or ta"\
practice," ays program director Jim
Barnett. a tax profes or in the School
of Accountancy.
Offered on a co t-reeovery basi
(tuition fee have no government
ubsidy), the innovative program ha
prepared these students to advi e
uw to construct new residences
To free up space for frosh, upper-
year students will be accommodated
in the revamped apartment complex,
as well as other existing student
This summer, work will begin on
the first phase of the project, creating
a "community space" in the East
Tower of the UW Apartment
Complex. The first new rooms will be
ready by September 2.000: about 240
rooms replacing 120 one-bedroom
apartments in the East Tower.
The new residence building, to be
located on a parking lot between
Village 1 and Ron Eydt Village, i
scheduled to be ready for September
Both the new air-conditioned
building and the renovated UW
Apartments are expected to meet
student demand for accommodation
in suites, with two to four bedrooms
sharing kitchen and bathroom pace.
Our Most Important Right
Riding the Edge
It's very difficult. The pen barely
fits in. your hand.
Even if it does fit, the string tied
to it is so short that you can't move
around freely to mark where you
want to mark.
lt's very difficult. The card has
so many names on it.
Even if you know what you want
the end result to be, none of the
names make any sense.
It 's very difficult. So much
You stand there, at the station,
knowing that after you draw two
short lines, less than a centimetre
long each, at right angles to each
other, you have had one five-
millionth of a ay about who you
would like to run Ontario.
And even though the process can
take less than two shonseeonds, the
impact of your vote will be seen for
many years to come.
This is what I thought when I was
standing polling station 99 in the old
Married Student Apartments on June 3.
my Waterloo
Who do 1 vote for? Mike? Dalton?
Alri ght, now whose name do I want
so I can vote fbrli11n?
Okay, now if] could just move the
pencil far enough to make my X.
Dammit, why didn't I bring my own
When you go to the polling station,
you are volunteering to hare in the
responsibility of electing our
You may be saying "[ am fed up
with the way things are, and 1 am
doing my part to change Ihem."
You may be saying "I have no
problem with the way things are being
run, and I'm a bit upset at people who
think they' re being run wrong."
Either way, you are saying "J am
helping run my community. "
Consider that in 1789, when the
Americans fought against their
perceived oppressors, the British, they
had one goal: to be allowed to control
their own fates. To be able to govern
themselves as an independent country,
and have a say as to how it would be
In America, they fought for that
right. In Canada, we waited patiently
until that right was given to us.
And a hundred-plus years after we
were given our right to vote, 70% of
us feel the need to exercise that right.
And Iwo hundred-plus years after
the Americans fought tooth-and-nail
for their right to vole, two hundred-
. plus years since their ancestors shed
their own blood and the blood of the
i'Ht ioNP IVIPt'17 _
SUj,.. wlrn r(, 1 waUL) 1oIA\E i
Go1"1"fJJ MotE -::

British for their right to vote, less
Ihan 50% of them decide to exerci se
their ri ght at each election.
the same path towards apathy that
our neighbours to the south have
Two hundred years ago, there was
no ballot in Canada.
The queen, or pOSSIbly the
queen's representative, made the
law , made us follow them, and
punished those who didn ' t.
We' ve come a long, long way
since then, but everyone hasn'l.
In a lot of places in this world,
even today, voting is not a right. It's
a privilege. In Cuba, there is one
name on the ballot.
In Australia, vo(jng is not a right ,
it's a duty. Even if you go to thc
talion and scribble all over your
ballot, you mu I vote, or the police
will find you and make you vote.
I feel sorry for them, because their
vote dQesn't come with the same
sense of power and responsibility
that our vote does.
In Canada, voting is not a
privilege, and it's not a duty; it's a
Be thankful that we live in
Canada, and always exercise your
right to vote, because it is the most
important right you have as a
And if you don't exercise your
right, who knows?
The option may not be around
later in case you change your mind.
ad\ isor for the Icmn.
.. ;\ se ond, nnd Derhups .:n:n fir:>t
phlce finish II u: \\Ilhlll UWArrs
Fmser smd.
the \ clucle SI:lllcd
for unknown reasons during the cold
sIan dm' 'ahilit) test. ,' uch stalls arc
uncommon but not rare en for
regular productlOll \ 'hicks. After
emissions test, cold sturt te:.ts
business 'Iienls on planning c0l11oratc
struclun:, deyclol'i ng 1:\"\-
minimintion strategies, tructuring
busin'ss transactions oilli other
The initiol graduates ar' in their
20s, Os and 40 . all with profe sional
earcer in the tax field.
Their in tructors included Samet!
and UW accountancy professors Stan
Laiken, Ken Kla s en and Alan
ontributc most to competition
. cVCl1hclcss by \1 inlllllg thc Best
Fngine Out rmissions Award. the
team managed to meet its primary
obJcclile of reducing emissions.
e.t year's team. T-rascr added,
will ha\c the advantagc of workll1g
on the same I ehick used tillS car,
rather than starting with a nelV model.
Macnaughton, plus experts from the
Canadian rax Foundation and the
"BIg Fi\"e" accounting firnls. Taxat ion
publisher Cars\\ e II and CCfI
Canadian have provided suppon.
The 1Tax lass or 1999 is James
Cooper, Douglas Christie, Ling Chu,
Tran-Khue Chung, Jonalhan Eckler,
Raymond lIui. Ilel en Hung. Lori-
Anne lemcnt s Ralston. Sandra nell
and Rainer Vietze.
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lIiver.,ily of WUltrllJu blll;/lfuillll.'iIJdNy lI11nli'/JUJ/1'
BUY AND SELL USED TEXT BOOKS ON-LINE - http://t!nH,fOc.uwuter/!
bookx/ - UW ElIl(llII'erinf( Soddy Uud B(JI)k ExchunHe.
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UW Engineer/nl{ Society On-Lint C/Jrk Board
4 Friday, June L8, 1999
Education and Industry
Banking on university-industry partnerships
Adwlnced manufaclurillg tecllflologie.f can improve productivity and save mone),. Bal "Ieall alld mean n jirm\ oftelliack Ihe to develop and take advantage of
them. Form in/: univer.lily-industry research partners!tipI is a wa)' to ".;pend .,mart" to brinK new technologies to the shop floor.
TI.\l Nn:, PHD, P.E. c.
It's no revelation that the
environment faced by Canadian
manufacturers has become increasingly
competitive partly because of foreign
rivals from jurisdictions that devote
much higher levels of expenditure to
research and development.
Firms need to squeeze all the
productivity they can from their
rc ources to gain an advantage.
Advanced manufacturing technologies
(AMTs) can often help.
Firms lacking the resources to
develop and take advantage of AMTs
call leverage their in-house expertise
by forming collaborations with
engineering researchers at Ontario
Graduate studies. Part-time
graduate degree studies arc a good
way for working engineers to
increasc their knowledge of AMT.
By providing some nexibility in
work hours to accommodate class
schedules, firms can benefit by
having their engineers work on in-
house AMT projects as part of their
thesis projects.
By making this investment,
firms can also benefit from having
engineers with upgraded skills.
Sponsored research. Largcr
projects normally involve an
cngineering professor, who
supervises the graduate student(s)
working on them as part of research
for their master's or doctoral
What does this mean for
successful AMT collaborations?
While companies are motivated to
achieve a positive bottom lllle,
university professors are motivated by
being able to work on "interesting"
research problems-that is problems
that will result in the discovery of new
knowledge and journal papers.
Routine, cut-and-dried projects
that require only the application of
standard e nginecring knowledge
provide little benefit to professors
(a lthough they may make great
student projects).
On the other hand, "bl ue-sky"
research efforts that don't solve real
problems arc of little benefit to
industry practitioners.
You should also bear in mind that
by its nature, research involves risks.
The desired outcome might not be
obtainable. For instance, a project to
develop a new fabrication process
might result in the finding that .the
process is not technically or
economically feasible.
On the other hand, serendipitous
discoveries may occur.
For example, the discovery that
radar sets operating at a particular
frequency (which turned out to be the
re onance frequency of water
molecules) suffer from dramatically
degraded performance during humid
weather led to the concept behind the
microwave oven.
On the upside, Ontario
manufacturers can enjoy many
benefits by collaborating with our
universities in developing and
applying AMTs.
Not only do substantial AMT
resources already exi t at Ontario
universities, but the costs of AMT
projects to industry can al 0 be
significantly reduced by the various
government grant and tax incentives
available for university research.
University-industry partner hips
can improve the training of
engineering students, further increase
the technological leadership of
universities and help manufacturers
competc more ucce sfully in the
global marketplace.
Tim Nye, PhD, P.Eng., is all assistant
professor 01 McMaster University'S
Mechanical Engineeritlg Department. This
article ",as reproduced witll permission
from Engineering Dimellsions May/June
1999. Volume 20, No.3.
References 1. Emst& Young. New On taJi 0
R&D Tax Incentives, Tax Brief 97-08,
September 1997.
A wide variety of AMT expertise
and research facilities exist ill the
engineering faculties across the
province (sec "Sources of Help" p. 24).
These resources can be used to
supplement in-house capabilities.
A ehief advantage of university-
industry re earch partnerships is the
availability of government funding
through R&D programs.
Aimed at developing new
knowledge, these projects benefit
from the substantial resources of the
univcrsity, and the essentially full-
time efTorts of the graduate students.
The level of support required
from the firm is therefore greater
than in some other options. Firms
may be expected to provide a
scholarship or scholarships to
support the student(s) doing thc
As in any venture, successful '
industry-university collaborations
depend on each party understanding
the motivations of the other, and only
going forward with tho e projects that
benefit both parties.
Yours, mine or ours?
When entering into a university-
industry research partner hip, it's
important to consider the issue of
intellectual property- that is who will
own the rights to the research results.
Universities typically have
established policies on the
confidcntiality of research results and
ownership of intellectual property
developed in conjunction with
The next generation
of machine tools
Such organizations as the Natural
Sciences and Engineering Research
Council and Materials and
Manu facturing Ontario provide
funding for AMT research projects at
Ontario universities.
Sub tantial tax advantages are also
available through the federal Scientific
Research and Experimental
Development and provincial Ontario
Business-Research Institute tax credit
Depending on a firm's
circumstances, the combined tax
benefit can cover up to 67.6'% of
A number of options arc available
for finns that would likc to work with
universities on AMT projects.
The options you choose will depend
on your fim,'s level of participation in
the project and the level of expected
Ollen, a smull project is useful to
make connections and "get your feet
wet." More significant projects will
frequcntly suggest themselves as a
Common options for working with
universities on AMT projects include:
Courserrhesis projects. Relatively
small problems can be turned into
either student projects in AMT courses
or standalone senior thesis projects on
AMT topics.
By investing the time required to
communicate a problem to instructors
and students, a firm can oilen obtain
novel solutions and knowledge of new
For instance, a firm interested in
getting started on simulation of its
manufacturing system could sponsor a
project in a simulation course.
The students involved would
benefit greatly from being able to work
on practical, real-world pro.blems.
The sponsoring firm would receive
a good introduction on how imulation
can be applied to its facility.
Hiring students. Many
manufacturers have important AMT
projects that are not completed simply
because their engineers lack the time.
Many companies employ summer,
co-op or internship students enrolled
in engineering programs, who can
devote themselves to these projects
full-time for a fixed term- up to 16
consecutive months in the case of
Finns also cover the university's
ovcrhead costs and direct costs of
the rcsearch, less any funding
obtained from public agencies.
Faculty conSUlting. Many
faculty members perform some
level of part-time consulting in their
This option can enable firms to
acquire very specific expertise
Consortium projects. These are
large-scale research efforts that
tackle common research problems
faced by several companies.
They are usually conducted by
groups of professors and graduate
students, oftcn from several
These projects will involve
substantial level s of participation
from mcmbers of the consortium,
but can leverage each firm's
inve tment ignificantly.
Finding the right project.
Universities' primary mission is the
creation and dissemination of
Activities that don't involve
research or training can probably be
done more efficiently by private
For example, although a research
collaboration might result in a new
machining process, the design,
construction and qualification of
production machinery using the new
process is not the type of work the
university partners are likely to be
intere ted in, or even capable of
Commercial machine tool and
automation systems builders excel
at these kinds of activities and are
a better choice.
The manufacturing re earchers
at Ontario universities are world
We know this because their work
is publishl!d in peer-re\ iewed,
international research journals.
In fact, much of a professor's
employce evaluation i based on the
quality of his or her research,
usually measured by the number of
papers published in respected
international journals.
This is the so-ealled "publi h or
perish" dilemma-for academics, no
publication leads to no job.
When research is funded by a
firm, the firm usually retains full
ownersh.ip ofthe intellectual property.
This is an issue that should be
addre sed, with the agreed temlS put
in writing, as part of agreements
between industry and university
research partners.
On the surface, there appears to
be a fundamental conflict betwecn the
goals of the university (i .e. to
disscminate research results) and
those of the industrial partner (i.e. to
control distribution of results).
In practice, however, this problem
can usually be ea ily overcome.
The type of material suitable for
publication in research journals by the
university partncrs tends to be more
theoretical and abstract.
Since the information deemed to
be confidential by the industrial
partner typically isn't of intere t to
the academic community, there is
often no need to include it in
published papers.
Mechanisms exist to protect
confidential information, such as
confidentiality agreements by
university and industry partners.
In addition, the industry partner
can ask to review material before
publication. If necessary, the
publication of theses containing
confidential information may also be
The pros and eons
lndu trial partners need to be
aware that, except for large, well-
funded projects with full-time staff,
projects in university research lab
arc part-time endeavours.
Professors may be engaged in
several re earch projects at a time,
along with teaching and
admini tralive commitments, while
students spend much of their time
With course work.
The timelines for collaborative
projects necessarily incfc,:asc
compared to what private con ulting
organizations will offer.
Projects that must be completed
quickly are not the best candidates
for collaborative work with
Located at McMaster
University, the Intelligent
Machines and Manufacturing
Research Centre (IMMRC) is
where engineers and engineering
tudents are dreaming up many of
tomorrow's manufacturing
technologies-including the next
generation of machinc tool s.
The IMMRC is also a vehicle
for university-industry-
governmcnt interaction ill the field
of intelligent machines and
Further, the IMMRC helps
transfer new technologies to
industry and di seminate
knowledge and research results
through contractual and
development projects, research
reports, short courses and
workshops/seminar .
It was established in 1992 by
Dr. Mohamed Elbestawi, P.Eng.,
who is its current director, and
professor and chair of mechanical
engineering at McMaster.
One of the IMMRC's current
advanced manufacturing projects
is the TIARA hexapod (see
diagram), which is aimed at
creating the technology for high-
speed, high-performance machine
The first machine tool of its
kind to be developed in Canada,
the hexapod comprises six struts
or legs connected in parallel,
which move the machine's spindle
through coordinated motion.
Several major machine tool
manufacturers around the world
have begun to commercialize
similar y tems.
Sponsored by Cobra Machine
Tools in Windsor. and Materials
and Manufacturing Ontario, this
project has provided IMMRC
members with a variety of re earch
areas to investigate, including
machine de ign, parallel
kinematics (movement), machine
dynamics, and machine tool
accuracy and controls.
The use of novel materials ,
specifically carbon composites, is also
under study.
Graduate students involved with
the hexapod are benefiting from
participating in a " real-life" industrial
project, and from the experience of
industry engineers.
According to Dick Lunn, manager,
advanced ine rin , obra
Machine Tools, the project should
bring all parties "up to date with
methods of producing five-
axis machines."
In conventional machine tools,
such as clas ical milling machine,
axes are arranged serially, which can
illhibit accurate performance.
To minimize deflection of the
cutting tool and improve accuracy,
machine components are made stiffer
by increa ing their size and mass.
However, this increases the
machine tool's inertia and can limit
its dynamic behaviour.
Unlike conventional machine
tools, parallel machine tools like the
hexapod have smaller masses to
accelerate and configurations that
make their structures quite rigid.
Lunn says dvantages of the
hexapod system also include faster,
lighter, more stable and cheaper
According to Cobra, the project
has the potential to put Canada in a
leading-edge position and provide the
company with technological and
economic gains.
A quarter-size prototype of the
TIARA hexapod machine tool is due
to be completed by December 2000,
with development of a full-scale
version to follow.
Paula Meyer, EfT, is a master's of
mechanical engineering student at
;\.(cMaster This article was
reproduced ... ith permiHion from
Engineering Dimellsions .\fuy/June 1999,
Volume 20, No.3.
References I . Week, Manfred and
Dammer, Michael. "Design, Calculation
and Control of Machine Tool Basedon
Parallel Kinematics," Proceedings of the
ASME Manufacturing Science arid
Engineering Division, 1998, vol. 8, pp.
THE IRO, WARRIOR Education and Industry
Friday, June 18, 1999 5
High-tech tricks in manufacturing
S.J. Ross
increasingly, Canadian
manufacturers are picking up high-
tech tricks to become more
technologically adept.
Statistics Canada studies indicate
that over 70 per cent of plants use at
least one advanced technology for
production, including robots,
numerically controlled machines, and
computer-aided systems for ciesign,
engineering and manufacturing.
Industries are also finding that
new tools created for the shop floor
and other industrial environments can
be big business.
Canada is world's fourth
lllrgest export er of advanced
manufacturing technologies. About
70 per cent oftbe new manufacturing
technologies we develop are exported
to other countries.
About 40 per cent ofPEO's 62,000
li censed membcrs work In
manufacturing, helping to develop
ingenious ways of making things,
speedi ng up production, cutting costs
and improving safety.
Here are three success stories:
Tba tar ent di c
Un iversi ty of Toronto's Pulp and
Paper Centre, it could be time to tum
up the heat on t he treatment' of
industrial waste.
Conventional thinking holds that,
to use biological treatments, pulp and
paper mills must cool effluent and
waste air first-a costly and ineffici ent
The problem is that effluent and
waste gases can reaches temperatures
of up to 70 Celsius during pulp and
paper making processes , a
temperature at which many types of
microorganisms can't survive.
"Most pulp and paper mills hav.e
biological treatment systems for
wastewater, while using non-
Paper Centre, who e research on the
chemistry of pollutant i upported
by a group of pulp and paper
companie . "What we are showing i
that you can treat both water and air
while they are hot using the arne
biological princip\cs, but two
different reactors."
Currently, paper mills use reactors
containing microbes to treat
wastewater that has been cooled to
about 35 C.
The organisms eat the pollutant ,
converting the waste into carbon
dioxide and water. The treated water
is then removed from the reactor, and
the bacteria is extracted and returned
to the rcactor.
Allen's team of researchers have
pinpointed a group of microorganisms
that not only survive but actually
thrive at higher temperatures.
treat ("muent and air emi ' 'Ions
without cooling. and the hot water lS
re laimed for use in the mill.
It probably goes without saying.
but miners want to be as careful a
possible, as precise as possible and
as far away as possible when dealing
with explosive underground.
With this i mind. ETl Canada
Inc., a orth Bay manufacturer of
explosive and pumping sy tern for
the mining indu try, and Maclean
Engineering and Marketing Co. Ltd.,
a manufacturer of mining drilling
equipment based in Collingwood,
have de igned an automated system
for loading explosives.
To load explosives manually,
miners must drill deep holes in the
mine ceiling and noor and u e brule
strength to push a 32-kilogram hose
'In nature, there are all sorts of to the end of thc holes.
interesting things that take place," he
explains. "The way you develop a
community [of microorganisms] that
will last in high temperatures is to
find a good start ing culture and
gradually raise the temperature.
Those that can survive, do survive.
Then yo u use the surviving
microorganisms in the waste
management process."
So far, the Pulp and Paper Centre's
research has shown that effluent and
wa t air c II b d t
temperatures of up to 70 C using the
heat-resistant microorganisms.
The centre has also found that the
ideal temperature for treatment is 45
C because it minimizes excess
bacteria. The next stcp is to continue
to test the treatment process in the
lab to ensure that it's feasible to use
in industry.
Raising the temperature of waste
They then gradually remove the
hose as they pump in the explosives.
It's a dangerous, messy job, which
often result s in a shower of rock
fragments and explosive emulsion (a
paste compri sing water and
ammonium nitrate) on the miner
when overhead holes are being loaded
with explos ives.
"It started with our customer,
Brunswick Mining, asking us to come
up with a system to toe load, or load
from the end of the hole, our emul sion
xp 0 iv. says Ian ooper, P.
Eng. , senior process and design
engineer, ETI. "The tradi. tional
system is not very reliabl e, because
you arc never sure you havc placed
the emulsion right to the end of the
holc. And. if you havcn't. you l11uy
leave valuable rock W011h $1.50,000
or more way above your head, with
no way to gel at it."
Hooper add that the most
dangerou part of using explosives in
treatment is just the first 'stage of mining is the loadi ng process, since
Allen's research. the pressure created by loading
In the second stage, he plans to
reclaim the treated water. "Right now,
you have to spend money to cool the
water down, discharge it, and then
heat it up to use it again," says Allen.
"Why cool it down and heat it up? It
explosives deep underground can
dctonate them. About five years ago,
explosive pumps had no safety
controls, and dozens of accident
occurred as a result.
biological systems for air emissions," . would be better to treat it hot and
says Grant Allen, P.Eng., a U of T bring it back to mill."
ETI approached, and was turned
down by, several fimls who didn 't
believe it was possible to develop an
automated system that would use the
loading method it had in mind.
chemical engineering professor and
associate director of the Pulp and
The solution? Allen envisions a
mill where two reactors are used to
ETI finally partnered with
laclean Engineaing, combinlllg lts
knowledge of and satet)
critena with Maclean Engineering's
e'\pC'rtisc in underground mining
Tog'ther. ETI and engineers at
Ma lean I d by chief engineer Rob 'rt
Rennie. P. Eng., dCYbc-d tin automated
system that controls the loading of the
emulsion. The "c'\plosi\'es pumping
machine" comprises a diesel carrier,
an emulsion hopper wilh a pumping
system underneath. a programmable
logic controller to control the proccs .
and a boom that holds the hose.
Here's how it works: The miner,
who can stand up to six mctres ll\\iay
frOI11 the hole. uses a rcmotely
controlled device to place the boom
at the mouth of the hole and control
the speed at which the hose is
in erted.
Sensors at the end of the hose
mea ure the length of the hole, so the
operator can calculate how much
emulsion to use. The pumping
mechanism then pumps the
explosives into the hole, while the
hose rerracts.
Hooper says the new system
requires less t ime and fewer people
to use and is more costeffeetive than
conventional systems for loading
explos ives . "It's a nice piece of
Brunswick Mining & Smelting in
Bathurst, New Brunswick, is
currently using, the automated ystem,
and E is talking to other mines
interested in purchasing it .
Today's l1Ianufa..:turers ur,' in 1\
ra,e agllinst lime to hnllg Ill'"
products to ll1url-.ct ahcud of the
Rapid prototyping iC'chnology
speeds product (il:veiopillent hy
enabling thl! creatioll of t.hree
dimensional models, which designers
can n:fine heforc production sturts.
However, thcse rapid prolotypes arc
rarely func tional.
Researchers at the Nationa l
Research Council's Int egrated
Manufacturing Technologies Institute
(IMTI) in London arc taking rapid
prototyping techniques a step further
through rapid tooling -a process that
enables the creation of functional
prototypes. One such project involved
tht: collaboration of Bell- orthern
Res 'arch for the telecommunications
indu try.
All rapid prototyping processes
work the same way. A 3-D CAD
modd is sliced in a computer,
OIl1CWhllt like a C r scan.
Each sliec is then playcd back one
on top of the other in the rapid
prototyping machine.
tCl'elllithogrnphy is a type of rapid
prolotyping proccs in which an
ultraviolel laser i uscd to draw "slice
by slice" a 3-D CAD design on a
photosensitive liquid monomer,
which solidifies wh\;l'ever it's touched
by the luser beam.
Although the process produces a
. olid 3-D model, it is not in the
material of choicc and therefore not
fully functional.
Comprised of acrylic or epoxy.
parts made by stereolithography are
fragile and do not hllvc the weight,
fcel, strcngth and other attribute
necessary to evaluate a new product
before it goes into production.
Using rapid prototyping
techniques, the IMTI research team
has devised a process that makes a
mould cavity and then applies to it a
hard nickel finish to produce an
injection mould.
The mould is used in a
conventional injection-moulding
machine to make functional plastic
"We demonstrated that we could
go from design concept, to making a
mould and producing 50 parts in four
011(\ a holf dllYs," Gerry 0('1 nl,
P 1'l1g , IIlllnil/-lCI, IIlnrkctlng and
bUsllless dt'\l'\optncnt \11 1M II
"Ikcnw,c we till' tilll\) down Irllm
the lI<:tll(l1 eight W rr,;qUIlr,;l! to
maChltll' .1 prototype ultll1linut\\
I1HlIlld, this WlIS a s lglliflcnnt
(eduction And the ellst WliS estunllh.:d
to be ot Ienst 25 (ler cent lower Ihllll
thai of u nu,chl1lcd tool.
Our plating procell . ., is fust lind
low cost, and it iii onc thnlnobodY'l>
bccII able to duplicate so far."
Plans arc cuncntly underway to
make the pat ented plating process for
injection moulds avui labJ c to
S.J. lIos.y Is a T"ronlo-bosed /rulance
",rller. Tills article was reproduCl'd with
permission/rom Engineer/nil
May/Junp 1,}99, Volume 10. No.3.
The Sandford Fleming Foundation
CPH 4306
Waterloo Campus Activities
July 5,6,7
11 :30 - 1 :00

FINALS: Friday, July 9
Please contact your department undergraduate office if you are interested in partiCipating in the Debates. The Winners of the faculty finals
receive $100 each and the runners-up receive $50 each. The faculty co-ordinator is Prof. Wei-Chau Xie.. Please contact the SFF office
at the above address if you have further questions.
Funding for this award comes from your student contributions and depends on it for continuation.
An organization devoted to the advancement of engineering education.
6 Friday, June 18, 1999
Executive Reports
Ericsson: Swedish For Common Sense?
A WIIOLE NEW WORLD - Brian Barry, Pre,ide'" and CEO of EricssfJ/l Canada Oil Ihefulure "flelee"",. Eries.von spends over S200 m;flioll a year at its Canadian researd'facilily, wlrich employs over 1100 people.
"There is more {if a dema"d for cllliineers loday Ilran tlrere I.v .vupply, worldwide. It 's a very exciting tillle from your perspective. "
IW: What characteristics does Ericsson
Canada look for in its new hires?
Brian Barry: When you recruit
somebody you look at their track
record, a lot of the track record of
course arc the grades ... but a lot of it
is personality, expectations, do they fall
in line with the company's.
.. . One thing you must remcmber
when you're starting off is that an
President's Report
Midterms, midterms, midterms.
Three midterms for me.
1 love fourth year.By now (ie: the
time you have read this), UW'1i new
president David Johnston will have
taken over, the ESSCO Annual General
Meeting will have taken place and the
Feds will have adopted a new logo.
ESSCO AGM was a success and
VPI Report
Hopefully by the time thi comes
out everyone will be finished midterm
and be ready for a break.
Fortunately our External Special
organization is made up of many
people; it' like a family.
I f one member doesn't fit in,
even if he's an incredible
resource- everybody has to fit
together, there arc a few R&D
people who can sit in their corner
and not communicate, but by and
large, you need people to fit in
culturally, that's vcry important.
IW: How does Watcrloo compare
among technical universities
Brian Barry: Ericsson, certainly in
Canada, values it very highly. We
invest more in the University of
Waterloo than we do in any other
university in Canada ...
r would say that Canadian
cngineers have a very good passion for
You've got a lot of interest, a lot
of dedication , but there's a lot of
balance-and that's very important.
... You're really creative. We see
that we're a lot more creative in
Canada than we are in the US,
believe it or not.
They're very good at the volume
thanks to Chris Bardon and Mike to begin planning where the about tbis, send them my way and
Hermann [or leading up the
organizing committee.
Lots was accomplished this
weekend-thanks to Greg's
organization of the week should go,
but rather to start getting people
thinking about the year 2000 Frosh
Week long before it ever happens.
I'll make sure to have them
Nominations for elections are
approaching VERY quickly, so if
"revolutionary visions" ESSCOwill If you're interested in being you're looking to run for any of the
be stronger than it ever was after involved in these brainstorming positions you had better decide
some strong mandates were passed sessions, drop me a line. soon.
taking the organization into a new In the past couple of weeks I've also There's another article in this
direction. started revisiting some ideas about issue detailing all the rules,
r want to thaflk everyone that
came out to a meeting held by
Professor Stubley and I.
Wc invited a handful of students
to talk about tbe direction of future
Frosh Weeks based on experiences
that we've all had in our own
The f};leeting's purpose was not
Events directors have planned a
Hick Trip tonight (Friday) to an
undisclo. ed location.
Get your tickets in the Orifice
because it's going to be a blast.
Thanks go out to all the directors
who have been busy organizing
great event lately.
The Rugby Tournament went
really well thanks to the athletics
Thanks go out to Will and Vivien
for organizing (almost) weekly
Internal Special Events to entertain
directions tb take the mascot into.
I put some effort into this during
the fall term and asked for some input
into the ideas.
It's time to take the next step now
and I'm hoping we can start the ball
rolling before the end of this term
comes and goes.
If you want to throw out any ideas
us during our lunch hours .
The next few weeks are going to
be really busy and a lot of fun.
Watch for ads for the Semi-formal,
mudbowl, Tal Eng, ChESoc coffee
house, Canada's Wonderland trip,
EngSoccer Tourney and, the largest
and most fun of all, Canada Day.
On a business note, the
Engineering Society has negoeiated a
new deal with Gino's pizza for large
Betty has the details in the Orifice
so if you're having a meeting, class
deadlines, etc. for those who are
interested in running.
I don't really have much else
to include in this article. With
midterms hovering about, that's
pretty much taken up the bulk of
my time. I'll have more to say in
1he next issue.
party or other large events we can
save you some money.
Last but not least, I'll be on the
auction block with the rest of the
exec for the GradComm slave
auction on June 23rd, so if you've
got some na ty work that needs
doing, or if *maybe* I went
overboard during the Scunt and
you want to return the favour,
come on out and buy one of us and
help out our fourth years.
Engineering Society
Slave Auction, June 23rd
Once in a while, the chance comes
along to both do something nice, and
utterly humiliatc one of your friends.
That chance is coming June 23.
Engineering students of all shapes,
size, and talents, arc selling
themselves as slaves-for-a-day, and
you could be the one to buy them.
or 12:30 in POETS.
For only a mall donation to
Gradcomm '00, you may be
able to get a slave to clean your
Or dress one up in a skirt and ,
have him serve you beer.
Or have a slave join your team
at the Nautical.
If you'd like to be a slave, sign
up in POETS or the Orifice. if
Come to the Engineering Slave you'd like to be a master,just show
Auction, Wednesday, June 23, at 11:30 up on the 23rd.
stuff, but the new creativity, the new
ideas, very fertile ground, and that's
why we have three product units-
we probably have 30 product units in
Ericsson, three of them are based in
Canada for that reason.
Some of our best experts, new
generation of new ideas, come from
our Canadian organization.
VP External
The ESSCO AGM was a huge
success, thanks to the organizers,
Chris Bardon, Mike Hermann and
Jacquline MeAra.
A great deal of work was
accomplished at tbis conference,
including the election of a new
ESSCO executive.
I am pleased to introduce to you
the new ESSCO president, Trina
Traini (McMaster), the VP
Communication, Kevin Cassidy
(Ryerson), the VP Education,
Monique Bergeron and
the VP Finance, Sarena Goldstein
We are const.antly trying to
improve the image of undergraduate
engineering societies across Ontario
while simultaneously taking on a
more business mannered approach.
This movement gathers
momentum every year as more
academic-oriented students enter the
enginecring program.
If you were to look back len years
ago, you would be amazed at how far
we have come.
It is conferences like the ESSCO
AGM, that help us to move us
The engineering society no longer
exist to ensure that the next keg
party gets organized, we volunteer our
time with the hope that we will be
ablc to make positive improvements
to our student life.
It will be your chance to make
these changes soon as the engineering
society elections teadily approach.
If you have any questions as fo
what the responsibilities of the VPX
are, I would be more than happy to
answer them.
Please come and talk to me.

THE IRO r WARRIOR Waterloo News
Midnight Sun V Unveiled
Diliny De AJwis
the second year spent building.
The Midnight Sun V will soon
participate in Sunrayce '99. This race
takes place from June 20th to the 29th
nightly at 6pm on CKCO news. in Australia this October. The
The lucky drivers of the car are team is looking for donations of
Ruth Allen (3A Chemical any denomination to help finance
Friday, June 18, 1999 7
n yeArs ago today the military
in the People's Republic of China
acted to suppress pro-democracy
protests by c;\ i1ian in Beijing.
Scwral hundred citi/ens died and
hundreds more were injured in the
I connict. The protests ,\'ere initiillt:d
by studcnts across the country who
were secking political rcronns . Tn
acknowJcgmclII ortht: unni"ersary of
the Tianul\JlIcn quare Massacre
lrnpnnt IIOW recollects the historical

On May 13. 1989. several hundred
students began a hunger-strike to
demand political rdonn. There was
widespread popular support for the
students. and fhe days later, an
estimated one million peopl.e
demonstrated in Beijing, the capital
of China, in suppol1 of them. Martial
law was imposed in the capital on
May 20 to "fimlly . top the unrest,"
to safeguard public order, and to
"ensure the normul function" of
government. In reaction'\o this
decision, around one million people
again took to the streets.
During the night of June 3,
hundreds of armoured military
vehicles, escorted by tens of
thousands of troops, marched into the
capital to enforce martial law. Troops
fired into the crowds of protesters,
resulting in hundreds being killed and
thousands more being wounded. The
pro-democracy protests were crushed
and the protesters dispersed. Official
What resembles a UFO but flies Engineering) and Simon Foo (4A the COSIly task of travelling down-
only Ol r? .... ilHfEeJElt-- (:looi!pl_ __ Wli.
spectators witnessed the final Washington D.C. to Orlando, Florida. team leaders are Steve Burany and For more information on
unveiling of Midnight Sun V. This Tune intoyourteLlies UW fans sioceour Mike Deutsch. this 100km/ hr light-weight Tiananmen Square of the thousands
unique solar vehicle of transport has car, and I mean this in the fullest pride Finally, the Midnight Sun V will solar powered car, check out and to "restore order." They further
been in the making for the last two for the MSV Team representing the be competing in the.: World Solar the MSV website at Irll/l.ll ChUJlII:dthlllu"C()Ulltt'l J\.'yolutiuillllY
years, one year spent designing and University of Waterloo, will be covered Challenge '99, which will be held mitls''''.UI1'U(,/'/OO.(' 1I rehcllion" h(ld occun 'd ulld thut II
WANTED: EngSoc Exec
(Nomination Opens Monday, June 21st)
Vanessa Choy (CRO)
Level : All levels for VP-I , VP-F, WEEF
Currently enrolled in 2B and up for Prez, VP-Ed, VP-Ex
Company Description:
UW Engineering Society is the largest student-run Engineering organization in Canada.
services such as POETS, cheap photocopying in the Engineering Student Office, C&D etc,
organizes all kind of extra-cirricular activities for Engineering students.
It provides
as well as
EngSoc also represents all UW Engineering students to the faculty, to the rest of University of
Waterloo, to Canada and the rest of the world.
Position Available
WEEF Director
Term 16 months
Skills Desired :
- Gets access to keys to the whole university,
- Gets to go to conference outside of Canada
- Gets to organize events within UW Engineering
- Gets full control over all the EngSoc money
- Gets to define your own job description/responsibilty
- Gets control 07er the 3 . 2 million worth of WEEF prinCiple
Outgoing and approachable
Committed to success (and to long hours of work)
Patience and good communication skills
Grace under fire
No previous experience required.
If this sounds interesting to you, please pick up a nomination form from Betty in the Orifice,
available starting Monday (June 21st ) and return it to the CRO box in the Orifice by Friday (June
25th) .
For more information, please email theChief-Returning-OfficerVanessaChoyat<vwchoy@engmail.uwaterloo. ca> .
" tillY hllndful" Ill' pcoph: hnd
cxploited lhe student JlIlI 'st with the
uim or llVCI1hrowi1l8 the govcrnment.
Arrcsts und executions contilllled
lIller June 4. 191N with at ICIISI6,OOO
people offkwlly reponed arrested
throughollt China in connection with
the protcsts. However, the number of
arrests in Beijing alone is believed
by some to be between 8,000 and
10,000. The arrests were widespread
and included students, peasants,
teltchers, writcrs, joumulists, artists,
academics, military officers, and
unemployed people. Eye-witnesses
reported seeing protesters being
severely beaten by soldiers and
police; some were reported to have
died as a result of torture.
The Chinese government officially
claims 274 people. 36 of them
students, died when the military took
control of Tiananmcn Square. but
several lion-governmental groups
estimate the number to be much
larger. Of the many protesters
arrested following the protests, at
least 24 J are thought to be still in
prison, ten years later. Today these
same concerns are being voiced once
again, and those who voice them -
workers, farmers, dissidents and
concerned citizens - are already the
targets of a new wave of repression.
Events are occurring all around the
globe today to remember what
happened at Tiananmen Square on
June 4. UW's Amnesty International,
a WPIRG action group, has a small
display in the Student Life Centre
with accounts of ten protesters who
are still in jail, ten long years later .
ft ' .Oel
8 Friday, June 18, 1999
The Ideal Elllployee
The Big Picture
RAY:\10'D Ho
This i my third time going through the
co-operativc education assembly line. Each
timc I pass through the ystem I gain morc
knowledgc and insight into what is going
on inside an cmployer ' s hcad. And 1 'vc
learned to play the "game". Many peoplc
will say that if you learn to play thc game
thcn you will do well in your career. My
quc tion to thcm: what if I want to play by
my own rules?
We all know the rules. As an employee
you are a team player who can work with
minimal supervision. You are a quick
learner who performs well under prcssure.
You do what is asked of you and you how
initiative. You have excellent written and
oral communication skill s, and you are a
well-rounded individuaL These arc the types
of t raits that empl oyer desire in their
You have a neat, easy-to-read, and error-
free resume that highlights your kill. You
write a cover letter that tells the employer
why the position is important to you and
how you can contribute to the company. You
are neatly dressed, well prepared, and
punctual for the job interview. Yo u know
the an wers to all the interview uestions
before they are even a ked. Practice thi s
routine over and over and you arc sure to
get a job.
Is this what employers are reall y looking
for? Do they merely want an individual who
emulates the "ideal" candidate? I should
hope not. That would make for a very dull
working world.
So employers will encourage creativity
and innovation. The path to sucecss require
that you do things diffcrently and try out
ncw ideas. But how does one tran form the
cookie cutter candidate into the conqueror
of new worlds? You can't do it easily. After
spending all that time Icarning how to be
an "ideal" employee, it is hard to brcak out
of the mould.
What exactly does an employer want,
then? Conformity or non-conformity? The
answer, of course, is that a balance
between the two is needed. A
nonconformist conformi t is de ired.
imply put, you mu t learn to play the
game but try to tretch the rules.
This term J am trying to hone the skills
of my nonconformist half. A a conformi t
you should not print your resumes by hand,
and preferably not on a stone tablet. As a
non-conformist, however, your resume
does not have to look like everyone else's.
Try something different. Over 80% of
employer ay thcy prefer a two-page
rcsume. So J decided to squi h my resume
down to one page.
As a conformist you hould know what
answers to give and what qucstions to a k
at a job interview. As a non-conformist,
you don't have to give the answcrs and a k
the que tions that the employcr might
expect. For example, I somctimcs like to
discuss things during an interview that are
totally irrelevant. I have been known to
inquire about the origins of a company's
name. When once asked about computer
experience, I answered by telling of orne
pranks I pulled in the past.
I have also contcmplated writing
different "types" of covcring letters. 1
wanted to write a letter consisting of a
single line that would read "Give me the
job." This would either intrigue or insult
the employer. 1 decided that the latter
would probably be the case and did not
ubmit such a letter.
By no means am I trying to paint myself
as the perfect balance betwecn conformity
and nonconformity. [will probably always
be more conformist than nonconformist .
ct c c once in a hil c I eel the lrge b
test the boundaries. 1 want to sec how many
different ways I can play thi s "game".
Employers do indeed have
expectation , and they are happy when
their cxpectations are met. Thcy get even
more excited , however, when their
expectations arc met in a totally
unexpected way, if you know what [ mcan.
If you remembcr on ly one thing from
this article, then remembcr this: you can
fill the cookie cutter in any way you want.
You can use any type of cookie dough, and
heck you can even deform the cookie cutter
if it pleases you. All that really matter is
that the cookie cutter cuts.
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SIIId us lOI' CIMI ""*' and teSIJIII in confideIa end let us know I
_., Join lIS on edge , 2' ....". We lhanhU
appIQnQ. but crUy thole '*'*' lor III imIrritw wi. be contactJd
VISit ollr wtd, slle .It 1.'1/1/,/1.'11 rill! 111'1
To Any Creatively Inclined Engineers
Did you ever have a great idea for a tory, but
never got around to writing it? Do you want to
explore your crcati ve tendencies?
A small group of people, myself included, are
trying to form a creative writing group for thi
semester. It will be vcry casual, and A Y type of
writing is welcome. We hope to share our work
with each other, criti quin g it, and po sibly
for publi hing connections. Joining
this group wi ll rekindle any crcative writing
tendcncies you evcr had.
Frequent meetings will keep your mind
creative, and writing. Join the group and express
your imagination.
Everyone is wclcomc. Tell your friends and
meet new people.
If you are interestcd, pica c cmail cither Mandy
Weickcr at mmweicke@?nhladm.lIl1'afer/ or
Aylwin Lo atji-ied
We look forward to hearing from you!
Un"enitY & Weber
I''''''' ... "" .... , IIItI
Fischer Hallman & Uniwersity
I"""" l1li ..... IhsQ
C .. atry Hils Dr",
ling & Fairway Rd.
1 ..... 1IlI_1o>1{III .. ltwl
Eagie & Concession
t1mIIIlIos",,' haI-t
'dARGI'" OF SAFETY - In the e.'ent of a system failure during tesring, the flight
control.\ of the WARG helicopter can be manually o.'t'rridden_ During the test flight,
the override was in the capable hands of thru rime national helicopter champion,
Seon Gra)' (shown top right piloting a test helicopter in an irn'erted ho,er).
IW4rrlor:'a engmall.u
.1'0111' words go here.
Up coming publication dates: FridmJu(1' 9, Friday July 23 I Up corning article deadlines: Th!lr.fdayJu(v I. Thur.,da,. Ju(.' /5

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