Lesson Plan - 23 - Thanksgiving in Ghana

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Music Education Department Lesson Planning Format Teachers Name: K Grade : Deidre Sheehan Kangaroos!

Title of Lesson: Process Objectives: 2hat learners /ill

o be able to do 3behavioral4 #t the end of one 56 min'te *eriod$ st'dents /ill be able to sing 7T'e T'e8 /ith 96: acc'rac1; #t the end of this 56 min'te *eriod and the last t/o class *eriods$ the st'dents /ill be able to create and *erform their o/n rh1thmic ostinatos; #s" the st'dents to thin"=*air=share some of their Than"sgiving traditions; #s" for vol'nteers to tell the /hole class some interesting ones; 0o/ did Than"sgiving get started in the >nited States? 2ho started it? 2h1? Does an1one have Than"sgiving tradition that comes from another co'ntr1? Listen to res*onses; Share /ith the st'dents: @ didnt "no/ that there /ere other Than"sgiving celebrations aro'nd the /orld 'ntil this /ee"; @ fo'nd an article in the &'sic ()*ress magaAines abo't a Than"sgiving celebration in Ghana and Nigeria in #frica;

Dat e:

22 November 2010

Problematize: (Honor THEIR world by beginning with an e

perience they bring to the classroom! Include time "or sharing and dialogue#

'nderstand 3cognitive4 St'dents /ill be able to e)*lain ho/ The Ne/ <am !estival is celebrated in 2est #frica; St'dents /ill be able to com*are a tradition from this festival to one of their classmates traditions; St'dents /ill be able to e)*lain /hat an ostinato is;

Prescribe: ($e%uence o" the lesson steps! Ta&e the learning "rom THEIR
world to the world o" the classroom! Present the in"ormation and allow time "or students to practice# Bass o't the m'sic e)*ress magaAines and allo/ st'dents to s*read o't on the floor; Sho/ st'dents /here Ghana and Nigeria are on a &a* of #frica; #s" st'dents to follo/ along /hile the teacher reads; Ba'se at the end of each *aragra*h to disc'ss im*ortant information; #s" reci*rocal teaching C'estions$ as"ing st'dents to restate information disc'ssed; .elate information to the st'dents$ as"ing for instance: 7# 1am is a lot li"e a s/eet *otato; 2ho li"es to eat s/eet *otatoes?8 7These *otatoes are 2 feet long! Sho/ me /ith 1o'r hands ho/ big 2 feet is;8 Donnect information read to individ'al ans/ers st'dents ma1 have given abo't their o/n Than"sgiving traditions$ for e)am*le in Ghana the1 have famil1 re'nions E 1o' can li"el1 connect this to a st'dent /ho sa1s that their /hole famil1 gets together for Than"sgiving; Disc'ss the significance of the *otato tossing in Ghana; 0ave t/o st'dents each toss one half of a *otato for the class to see ho/ their m'sic=class l'c" /ill r'n in the ne)t 1ear! Learn the song 7T'e T'e8: 0ave the st'dents first listen to the song as *erformed on the DD /ith voices and dr'm and finger *iano accom*animent; Then$ have the st'dents listen again Foining in on the res*onse *hrases after the /omans voice *erforms the call *hrases; Then$ go over the m'sic slo/l1 /ith teacher and *iano$ having the st'dents learn *hrase b1 *hrase; Berform again /ith the DD /hen st'dents are comfortable;

enco'nter 3e)*eriential4 St'dents /ill e)*erience m'sic from a different c'lt'ral tradition$ and /ill learn abo't ho/ *eo*le from another c'lt're celebrate festivals of giving

Focusing Question: @n /hat /a1s can m'sic hel* 's to e)*lore and 'nderstand the traditions of other c'lt'res?

Materials for this lesson

&'sic ()*ress +ctober,November 200% st'dent co*ies$ eno'gh for 2.a/ *otato$ halved 0and dr'ms$ rh1thm stic"s

!ran" #brahams$ 200%

Music Education Department Lesson Planning Format Teachers Name: K Grade : Deidre Sheehan Kangaroos! Title of Lesson: Dat e: 22 November 2010


(Ma&e the learning personal to the student! Pro'ide opportunities "or creati'ity and "or students to be

#s" the st'dents to recall the ne/ m'sical term /e learned last /ee"; #s" the st'dents to e)*lain to 1o' /hat an ostinato is; GGG2nd grade E #s" st'dents to recall the ostinatos the1 made /ith food /ords last /ee"; #s" if the1 can thin" of food /ords that might be a**ro*riate for this song; 0el* the st'dents organiAe an ostinato /ith the rh1thms from /ords li"e *otatoes$ 1ams$ etc; GGG5rd grade E as" the st'dents to thin" of /ords from the article or the song that have an interesting rh1thm; Bic" 2=/ords the st'dents s'ggest$ and hel* the st'dents organiAe these into a rh1thmic ostinato; #fter the st'dents have fo'nd /ords for an ostinato$ have the st'dents re*eat the ostinato 'ntil comfortable;


(Demonstrate the new learning through per"ormance( demonstration or e hibition#

#s" the st'dents to recall from the article /hat the most im*ortant instr'ment in the celebrations /as; 3Dr'ms4 Give the st'dents hand dr'ms$ a'gmented /ith rh1thm stic"s so ever1one has an instr'ment$ and have the st'dents *erform the song /ith the DD$ singing on the first re*etition$ and *la1 their ostinato on dr'ms d'ring the 2 nd and 5rd re*etitions;

Assessment and additional notes: D'ring the teaching of the song in call and res*onse mode$ 'se the so'nd of the st'dents voices to F'dge their readiness to *erform the song on their o/n or /hether the1 need more *ractice; 2hen 1o' as" the st'dents to revie/ the conce*t of ostinato$ F'dge b1 the n'mber of hands and readiness of ans/ers if the st'dents might need more revie/ on the s'bFect after Than"sgiving brea";

!ran" #brahams$ 200%

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