Read This Text Carefully and Answer The Questions Below !: ST ST ND ND

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Read this text carefully and answer the questions below !

The Rafflesia Arnoldi is the biggest flower in the world. It is unusual because of its large size. The flower is almost 100 centimetres in diameter 140 centimetres in height. Rafflesia is derived from the name of British Governor General, Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles, who once governed and built the botanical garden in Bogor. Though it is called Rafflesia after Raffle, the man who discovered the plant was Beccary, an Italian botanist who visited Sumatra in 1928. Rafflesia consist of two parts : The stick-like part which grows in the middle and the petals around and below it. While the flower is blossoming, it has a very unpleasant smell which affects insects, especially green flies. They seem eager to exposure the flower. But if the flies touch the bottom part of the stick-like centre, they die. 1. What is the suitable title for the text ? a. Stamford Raffles c. Rafflesia Arnoldi b. Italian Botanist d. Botanical Garden 2. The identification of the text can be found in a. 1st sentence of paragraph 1 c. 1st sentence of paragraph 2 b. 2nd sentence of paragraph 1 d. 2nd sentence of paragraph 2 3. Which statement is correct based on the text ? a. Rafflesia Arnoldi has a very nice smell b. Beccary built the Botanical Garden c. Stamford Raffles is an Italian botanist d. Beccary discovered Rafflesia Arnoldi 4. Rafflesia Arnoldi is unusual because of its .. size. a. Small c. Big b. Tiny d. Long 5. The word They in the last paragraph refers to . a. The green flies c. The parts of Rafflesia b. The petals d. Stamford Raffles and Beccary
Please come and celebrate with us at a surprise Graduation Party in honour of our sons hard work and effort! Mathew has gained a BA (Hons Graphic Design From Glasgow School of Art) Join us on Saturday March 30th,2013 at 7.30 pm The Castle Rooms, Udingston. See you there! Tony and Louise Gates Please RSVP by Monday March 18th. Proud Mum Louise Gates, Orchardlton Cottage, Main Street, Rothesay, Isle of Bute.

6. Where is the party will be held ? a. Orchardlton Cottage c. Rothsay, Isle of Bute b. Glasgow School of art d. The Castle Rooms, Undingston 7. Based on the text we can say that a. The party will be held in the morning b. Tony is Mathewss son c. Mathew must work hard to hold the party d. You should confirm whether or not you can attend the party

Borobudur is a Hindu-Buddhist temple. It lies in Magelang. The temple is constructed on a hill 46 meters high and consist of eight steplike stone terraces, one on top of the other. The first five terraces are square and surrounded by walls adorned with Buddhist sculpture in bas-relief; the upper three are circular, each with a circle of bell-shaped stupas. The entire edifice is crowned by a large stupa at the center of the top circle. 8. What is the purpose of the text ? a. To tell the history of Borobudur temple b. To tell what Borobudur temple is like c. To describe how Borobudur temple was built d. To advertise Borobudur temple 9. Which one is the identification of the text ? a. It lies in Magelang. b. Borobudur is a Hindu-Buddhist temple. c. The temple is constructed on a hill. d. The entire edifice is crowned by a large stupa at the center of the top circle. 10. It lies in Magelang.It refers to a. Borobudur c. Sculpture b. Magelang d. Stupa 11. The entire edifice is crowned by a large stupa What does large mean ? a. Short b. Long c. Small d. Big 12. What are the top of Borobudur ? a. Buddhist sculpture in bas-relief c. Steplike stone terraces b. Hindu-Buddhist temple d. A large stupa Look at the picture below and answer these question ! 13. You can probably find the notice at the . a. Police station c. Gas station b. Railway station d. Bus station 14. The notice warns us that we our cell-phones.

a. Must not bring b. Must not use

c. Should keep d. Can only use

Rearrange these word to be good sentence ! 15. Than food Milk nourishing is any more other. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 a. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 c. 3-8-5-6-2-1-4-7 b. 3-5-7-4-1-6-8-2 d. 2-5-6-1-7-8-4-3 16. Other boy as no Irgi is tall as. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 a. 4-1-2-6-3-7-8-5 c. 4-1-2-5-3-6-8-7 b. 4-5-8-3-6-7-2-1 d. 4-5-1-2-8-7-3-6 17. Mayas ruler is than Fickys ruler. a. Longest c. Longer b. Most long d. more long 18. Raqelitas car is as .. as Luqmans car. a. Expensiver c. Expensivest b. Expensive d. Expensiverst 19. Watching Spongebob . Than Doraemon a. Interestest c. Interesting b. Interester d. More interesting

20. Rifqi is among the boys in his class. a. Inteligentest b. More inteligent c. Most intelligent d. Intelegenter 21. The boys . In the school yard. a. Run b. Runs c. Running 22. Ryan a photographer. a. Am b. Are c. Is

d. Runded d. To

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