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With Deep gratitude and profound regards I would would like to extend my heartiest thanks to the entire Management of Management information team of Mobilink Pakistan call center Karachi , specially to the head of Department M ! Danish Ikram for making this learning experience extremely meaningful and enriching! Despite the staff"s indi#idual load of personal and professional duties each and e#ery member contributed towards my career growth and fulfilled all my needs morally, making this experiences a really memorable one! My special thanks to my course teacher $sir i%wan ur asheed It was because of his guidance and super#ision that I am able to come this far and complete my pro&ect! 'e not only made my initial apprehensions and fears fade away but also showed me the direction and the path which led to the pro&ect completion! (ast but not least i would like to thank my parents for their endea#oring support and guidance to make this &ourney worth remembering!

Introduction Of Mobilink Pakistan

M)*I(I+K PAKI,-A+, is a subsidiary of )rascom telecom holding is Pakistan .s leading cellular and blackberry ser#ice pro#ider with more than /0 million subscriber Mobilink maintains market leadership trough cutting edge , integrated technology , the strongest brand and the largest portfolio of #alue added ser#ices in the industry , a broadband carrier di#ision pro#iding next generation internet technology as well as the country .s largest #oice and data network with o#er 1222 cell sites !

$-o be the leading -elecommunication ,er#ices Pro#ider in Pakistan by offering inno#ati#e 3ommunication solutions for our 3ustomers while exceeding ,hareholder #alue 4 5mployee 5xpectations6

-he Mobil ink 7oundation supports pro&ects focus on four main areas including 5ducation, 'ealth, 5n#ironment and Disaster elief! We seek to promote education to the marginali%ed as education remains the only tool that ensures sustainable human de#elopment! Mobilink also in#ests in health programs and belie#es that e#eryone should ha#e access to primary healthcare, irrespecti#e of their financial strength and background! We aim to bring about progressi#e impro#ements to the li#ing standards of the underpri#ileged by working with closely with local community! At Mobilink, we stri#e to safe guard the en#ironment, and consciously work toward conser#ing the nature! Pakistan has unfortunately witness multiple natural disasters o#er the past few years! We take a pride in the fact that Mobilink has proacti#ely contributed in the humanitarian response and relief efforts, and has had a remarkable impact on the li#es of the effected!

Mobilinks Values
Total Customer Satisfaction
Customers are at the heart of our success. They have placed their trust and confidence in us. In return, we strive to anticipate their needs and deliver service, quality and value beyond their expectations.

Business Excellence
We strive for excellence in all that we do. We aspire to the highest standards and raise the bar for ourselves everyday. This commitment to delivering world-class quality translates into unmatched service and value for our customers and all sta eholders.

Trust and integrit

!t "obilin , we ta e pride in practicing the highest ethical standards in an open and honest environment, and by honoring our commitments. We ta e personal responsibility for our actions, and treat everyone fairly, and with trust and respect.

!es"ect for Peo"le

#ur relationships drive our business. We respect and esteem our employees and all sta eholders. We believe in teamwor , empowerment and honor. $esponsibility.

Cor"orate social res"onsibilit :

!s the mar et leader, we recogni%e and fulfill our responsibility towards our country and the environment we operate in. We contribute to worthy causes and are dedicated to the development and progress of the society.

#ierarc$ of Management Informatio n S stem at Mobilink Call centre %arac$i

,enior managers

7loor super#isor

Analysis scheduler

Management information s stem de"artment

As it has been gi#en on the pre#ious page the hierarchy of management information system at Mobilink Pakistan call centre Karachi, there are two designations, analysist and scheduler assigned to highly professionals to deal with management information system related matters of call centre Karachi ! -his team of Management information system reports to the floor , senior managers and super#isors of call centre Karachi ! As it is based on highly professional analy%er and schedulers , the team perform alla the tasks for management I information system , they use to change the roles , we can say it like there is not certain conditions , and the team ha#e a strong co ordination between them so they can perform , or change their roles according to there needs ! -he functions8 responsibilities of the team has been defined as under!

&nal 'er:
An analy%er has been assigned for reporting lines ! It prepares 8 presents hourly, daily, weekly, monthly all the periodic performance reports of call center ! It con#erts the periodic performances of the department into the form of tables and statistical charts! -eam eports to the high authorities about all the statistical reports of the performance on the indi#idual and group bases !

Maintains all the head accounts of the call centre Karachi !

-he team of schedulers prepares all the daily , weekly , monthly schedules for the call centers ! Designs shifts according to the daily re9uirementents , in other words it also manages workforce according to daily re9uirements!

(ueue management:
-he team of management information system also performs the task of 9ueue management information system w , it manages the rate of landing calls , controls the call flow , records and reports the call flow of the day , has li#e monitoring of all the acti#ities , and records the whole at the rate of e#ery second , and has a strong enough fastest system which performs in the speed of pulses !

Mobilink call centre is been using the fastest ad#ance , world known software , $3 M ,I5*5( $, for #oice o#er IP , trunks of :,M , are the soft ware for landing of calls , all the cellular networks use internet base prorated system to control the call flow ! ,iebel is the main software for Mobilink uses in its three call centers in Pakistan , it is a costly licensed software all o#er the world , this software is been using to manage all the customers data , from their msisdn to the transaction of 2!20 ! Management information department is also been using their home made soft wares to perform their tasks according to the re9uirements , the department has designed , or we can say has modified the software according to their re9uirements , ,ome homemade software at Mobilink are being using in blue pumpkin, it contains, or manage to record all the history of at least last ten years -he Mobi ink Pakistan has some i!t professional who are been specially hired to help in performing acti#ities of Management information system , the team performs tasks for designing soft wares , or de#elop software according to the re9uirements of MI, department , it also designs +! t i!ds for the employees to access their systems or links! I*M is the #endor of Mobilink , Management information system has also resident engineers to handle their tasks related to system issues !

Co gnus:
-'5 department also is also using a software called $cognus 6 , it is a software which controls , and reports about work codes , it tells that how many calls of

a 9uery land on the line , it can gi#e report in stats that how often a number land for the same 9uerey or for other , as e#ery call has to be punched a work code , the soft identifies the number of use of a particular work code ! I is t an oracle base software , it pro#ides the 73, ; first call resolutions report < of at least =1 hours !

#ard )are:
-he department is using (aptops, A#aya one of the expensi#e and fastest hardware of the world , -hink lines connected to the ser#er, keyboards, mouse! Intel Dual 3ore with >0!?@ Display! IBM (eno#o *0A2 B 2>2> IntelC 3ore Duo Processor *D?2 ;EM 3ache, E!E2 :'%<, E :* DD /, /E2 :* 'ard Dri#e, ... A#aya gi#es reports of pulses , it records data of all the happenings , MI, department takes all the reports and then manipulate it on the excel to find a refined data report! MI, team also has a team of it professional who are purely dedicated to call centre department , it helps the department in designing +! - ids of agents , software installation , software related issues are being chandelled by the team , all the configuration and maintenances of software as well hardware is dedicated by the team !

+etworking is warless at the department , all the thin lines are connected to the main ser#er and are support by it , it is highly confidential and secured designed a system access is only allowed to authentic person

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