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Homeopathic First Aid for Infants and Children

Robert Medhurst

One of the areas where first aid is most often used is in the management of accidents and ailments suffered by children and infants. Because of the speed with which homeopathy can work in acute conditions, and the responsiveness of children to this modality, homeopathy can provide some truly outstanding results. Following is a list of well-used aid remedies for some of the more commonly presenting problems seen in children and infants. Please note that these are intended as a guide, and are for educational purposes only. They are not meant to replace the services of a suitably qualified person.
Condition Anxiety Suggested Remedy Chamomilla- better for being held Gelsemium- with weakness Aconite- with hyperactivity Asphyxia* Bed wetting Birth injury Bites and stings Aconite Equisetum Arnica Apis- from bees and wasps Ledum-from mosquitoes, animal bites Rhus tox- from plants (nettles etc) Bruising Arnica- worse for damp cold Ledum- better for cold Burns Chickenpox Cantharis Aconite- where there is fever, restlessness and increased thirst Antimonium tart- drowsy, short of breath, sweats freely and has copious salivation Apis mel- lesions itching and stinging, worse from heat and better for cold Rhus tox- most commonly prescribed for this condition- there is intense itching, worse at night and worse from scratching Colds Causticum when chronic Aconite during the first stages ColicColocynthis- better for bending double, better for heat, better for hard pressure, worse before and after urination Mag phos- better for bending double, better for heat, better for hard pressure, worse for touch Senna- where child is full of wind Constipation Nux vom- Ineffectual urging, or alternation with diarrhoea Silica- stool recedes when partially expelled Sulphur- large painful stools Plumbum met- from atonic bowel


Ipecac- productive cough Bryonia- dry, hard cough Nux vomica- dry, ticklish cough

Croup Cuts and grazes Diarrhoea

Spongia Calendula and Hypericum tincture Calc carb- diarrhoea of undigested food, worse from cold or exertion Rheum- stools smell sour Veratrum alb- with profuse loose stools, pale and exhausted


Aconite- with sensitivity to noise Belladonna- with redness Chamomilla- worse for heat Ferrum phos- for the initial symptoms Pulsatilla- hot, red and swollen, worse at night

Ear infection

Ferrum phos- best in the first stages, better for cold applications, worse for cold drinks Pulsatilla- right-sided, thirstless, better for cool, fresh, open air, worse at twilight Aconite- fast onset, very high fever, restless and thirsty Chamomilla- better for being carried, worse at night Belladonna- face is bright red, high fever, face is hot while extremities are cold

Eyelid inflammation Fever

Graphites Aconite- generally Belladonna- with red face and delirium, also for milk fever Chamomilla- fever during teething Gelsemium- with drowsiness

Flu German Measles (Rubella) Icterus (Neonatal jaundice) Indigestion with wind Insomnia Mumps

Anas barb (200C- 1 dose every 4 hours) Pulsatilla


Carbo veg Chamomilla Belladonna- in the early stages Phytolacca- if glands become hard

Night terrors

Chamomilla- frightful dreams- sleeps with half-open eyes Calc carb- fear or dreams of monsters

Nosebleeds Regurgitation of food Ringworm Sore throat

Millefolium Ferrum met Sepia Aconite- at the beginning Apis- throat swollen and red Belladonna- throat is dry, red and shiny

Lachesis- left sided Lycopodium- right sided or starts on the right side Teething Chamomilla- the main remedy for this complaint where there is irritability, inflamed gums, drooling and a desire to insert the fingers in the mouth Aconite- where high fever is present Testes, undescended Aurum mur nat (whilst not necessarily an acute situation, there are few non-surgical measures which are as effective as this remedy) Borax Agraphis- with suppuration Baryta mur- with suppuration, coldness and poor muscle power Vomiting Ipecac- nausea unrelieved by vomiting Aethusa- vomits milk, regurgitates food, weak and sweating Veratrum album- pale and exhausted Argentum nit- from anxiety Whooping cough* Drosera- the principal remedy for this condition Aconite- restless, thirsty, where fever predominates Hyoscyamus- worse at night, worse when lying down Belladonna- worse at night, red face, hard, barking cough Wounds Ledum- puncture wounds Staphysagria- cuts, wounds from incisions Silica- for expulsion of foreign bodies from wounds Echinacea ang- infected wounds Vaccines, ill effects from Thuja (also consider Ledum, Silica, Malandrinum and Vaccininum) use a single dose of 200C

Thrush Tonsillitis

* Must be treated as a medical emergency Dosage (unless specified): Children 2-12 years : 5 drops, 2 pilules or 1 tablet of 6C potency every half-hour for up to 6 doses. Children under 2 years : Half of the above dose.

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