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M.Pharm (Quality Assurance)

Contact Details: Address: G-1, Madel-Mahanagar,Near KT Mobile: #$1$%&'())**(, Phone: (+&'&-&)%'')(,) E-mail:"m Personal Details: Date of irth : &%th Aug 1$%+ Marital stat!s : /nmarried Nationalit" : 0ndian #an$!a$es Kno%n : 1nglish, 2indi, Marathi and K"n-ani Permanent Address : &-3, 4ai 4hri A5artments, Mainde 46uare, 7a8atmal-))*((1(Maharashtra). Contact N!mber : (+&'&-&)%'')(,), ($%&'())**( Professional E&'erience: Anal"tical De(elo'ment) *lobal *eneric R+D) ,e(a'harm -ndia P(t. #td) *oa Desi$nation: 19ecuti8e-Analytical :e8el"5ment D!ration: 4e5t &(11 t" till date. (& 7ears and 1 m"nth) .ob Profile: Analytical Meth"d :e8el"5ment and ;alidati"n. Analytical meth"d "5timi<ati"n. AP0-19ci5ient c"m5ati!ility studies such as 4tress Pre-screen, 3inar and :esign => 195eriment studies. Pharmac"5eial 16ui8alency studies. 4"l8ing the analytical 6ueries "!tained >r"m di>>erent sites. Pre5arati"n "> in8estigati"n re5"rts. Pr"cess 8alidati"n !atch analysis. Pr"duct :e8el"5ment Testing li-e :iss"luti"n Assay, / and ,elated 4u!stance analysis "> 8ari"us drug 5r"ducts. 0n 5r"cess, >inished 5r"duct, 4cale u5 sta!ility !atch analysis. 2andling "> ==4 and ==T results. ,e8ie? "> :e8el"5ment and 4cale u5 4ta!ility data. @iterature re8ie? >"r 5atents and regulat"ry as5ects. !us stand, Madga"n.(G"a)

Anal"tical De(elo'ment) /anofi-A(entis De(elo'ment Centre) *oa. Desi$nation: Trainee-A55rentice D!ration: Ae! &(11 t" Aug &(11 (B M"nths) .ob Profile: Pr"cess 8alidati"n !atch analysis. Pr"duct :e8el"5ment Testing li-e :iss"luti"n, Assay, drug 5r"ducts. 0n 5r"cess, >inished 5r"duct, sta!ility !atch analysis. leaning ;alidati"n using s?a! analysis. 2andling "> ==4 and ==T results. ,a? material sam5ling. ,otal E&'erience: 0 "ears and 1 months. -nstr!ments and soft%are Handled: Agilent 11((, 1&(( 2P@ system ?ith =5en la! s">t?are and 1m5"?er s">t?are 8er. &. Caters 2P@ and /P@ ?ith 1m5"?er s">t?are 8er. &. @a!india &(((, &((% :iss"luti"n a55aratus ?ith % stati"ns and 1) stati"ns. 1lectr"la! 1) stati"n :iss"luti"n a55aratus. /;-;04 s5ectr"5h"t"meter (4himad<u-1+((, Analytic Gena). Karl-Aischer A55aratus (4ch"tt). 1lectr" la! disintegrati"n a55aratus. A!dits 2aced: Gl"!al Quality Audit (German A:A), Gl"!al ,is- Assessment audit (0nternal). Ed!cational Details: "m5leted Master of Pharmac" 30445-667 ?ith s5eciali<ati"n in 8!alit" Ass!rance >r"m Amra(ati Uni(ersit" ?ith Airst class (14.94:) "m5leted achelor of Pharmac" 3044;-457 >r"m Amra(ati Uni(ersit" ?ith Airst class (<0.0;:) / "> 8ari"us

Research E&'erience d!rin$ Academics: Dissertation ,o'ic: D:1;1@=PM1NT AN: ;A@0:AT0=N =A ANT027P1,T1N40;1 :,/G P,=:/ T 37 4TA30@0T7 0N:0 AT0NG A44A7 M1T2=:E Name of Com'an" : 4an">i-A8entis, :e8el"5ment centre, ;erna, G"a. Research *!ide : :r. Nitin K"char . -nd!str" *!ide : Mr. 4hirish Patel.

-nd!strial ,rainin$: 2a8e underg"ne "ne m"nth in-5lant training in li6uid, ta!lets, "intment, A:@, Q FQA and st"resF 5ac-aging de5artments at E#DER Pharma, Na8i Mum!ai. (Gune &((%) Conference Attended: 2a8e attended D-nternational Conference on Ad(ances in 2ree Radicals Research) Nat!ral Prod!cts) Antio&idants and Radio 'rotectors in Health H $th annual meeting "> 4A,, 0ndiaE. Acti8ely 5artici5ated in DNati"nal 4eminar "n Pharmace!tical Nanotechnolo$"E P!blications: Meth"d de8el"5ment and 8alidati"n "> ,ami5ril and Aml"di5ine 3esylate !y ,P-2P@ . A@I210M1,4: A G,=C0NG 2A@@1NG1 T= T21 C=,@:, 0PP,, ;"l. (1, 0ssue (1, N"8em!er - Ganuary &(1(. DA 3rie> ,e8ie? "n *astro Retenti(e /"stem Usin$ 2loatin$ Micros'hereE in ,esearch G"urnal "> Pharmaceutical :"sage A"rm and Techn"l"gy, ;"l. & 0ssue 1, Gan- Ae!. &(1(. Presentations: D0nternati"nal "n>erence "n Ad8ances in Aree ,adicals ,esearch, Natural Pr"ducts, Anti"9idants and ,adi" 5r"tect"rs in 2ealth H $ th annual meeting "> 4A,, 0ndia and 5resented 5"ster "n D /t!d" of =&idati(e /tress in Different ,iss!es of Rats in Di(erse ,h"roid /tatesE. Acti8ely 5artici5ated in DNati"nal 4eminar "n Pharmaceutical Nan"techn"l"gyE And 5resented 5"ster "n DDe(elo'ment of *astro retenti(e /"stem Usin$ 2loatin$ Micros'hereE. Com'!ter ='erations : Reference: Mr. /andee' ,ale>ar /hirore Dr. Pra(in "m5uter =5erati"ns ?ith M4-=>>ice.

4cientist-00, Analytical :e8el"5ment, "ntr"l, N"8artis, =T . 2ydera!ad. "ntact N": #$1++$$*1%&(1 #$1$$1B)*&*%* Declaration:

:e5uty Manager- Quality 3ic"n. 3angal"re. "ntact N":

0 here!y declare that the in>"rmati"n >urnished a!"8e is true t" the !est "> my -n"?ledge. Ma"!r N. Daha>e

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