Jazakallah To Contributors: Alert!

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1) Weekend Off is postponed to Friday, 29th Nov 2013

2) Final Exam is brought forward to Monday, 25th Nov 2013

3) Graduation Jalsa will be on Saturday, 21st Dec 2013

4) End year Holiday (release time) : Saturday, 2:00 p.m.

Jazakallah to Contributors
Alhamdull ll ah, we would l lke Lo express our slncere
graLl Lude Lo Lhose who have responded and conLrlb-
uLed Lo Lhe Madrasah. 1hese conLrlbuLlons has made
lL easl er for us Lo l mprove our facl ll Ll es for Lhe sLu-
denLs. Some of our recenL addlLl ons are:
ConsLrucLlon of a more spaclous eaLlng area
kl Laabs for Lhe l lbrary
SeL of curLal ns for Lhe surau
A dlglLal azan wall clock (surau)
We pray LhaL All ah 1aala places barakah and ln-
crease ln your wealLh, and may Al lah 1aala al so re-
ward you conLl nuously unLll Lhe day of Clyamah..

vl slL our blog Lo see Lhe plcLures of Lhese l aLesL
addl Ll ons!
lL ls noL bemng Lhe LralLs of a sLudenL of ueen Lo color
Lhelr halr or cuL lL Lo Lhe exLenL LhaL lL resembles LhaL of a
Madrasah would llke Lo clearly sLaLe LhaL boLh of Lhese are
prohlblLed and dlsclpllnary acuons wlll be Laken lf Lhe halr
ls cuL above Lhe shoulder llne or colored. 1hls ls regardless
wheLher Lhe colorlng ls Lemporary or permanenL, and
wheLher Lhe producL used ls of naLural or synLheuc orlgln.
As far as henna/lnal (for nalls only) ls concerned, please
noLe LhaL lL may only be applled aL home or durlng long
holldays. Any color besldes red ls sLrlcLly prohlblLed.
Issue 3
November 2013 Dzul Hijjah 1434 H
Madrasah Contact Details
lor lnqulrles, suggesuons, or feedbacks, we may be
conLacLed Lhrough Lhese numbers:-
019-236 7926 : usLaz Abdul kadlr
019-392 1614 / 019-317 0233 : usLazahs
MondayIr|day:- 10 AM 12:30 M & 3 M 7 M
Important Dates
Our First Jalsa!
WlLh Lhe grace and bounLy of Allah 1aala, Madrasah
Al-Plkmah wlll hold lLs rsL omclal graduauon !alsa
on SaLurday, 21
uecember, 2013. 1hls evenL wlll
surely be a momenLous one for us as 2 sLudenLs wlll
graduaLe as Aallmahs. We look forward Lo see you
Lecuve november 2013, we are allocaung ume sloLs for
parents Lo call ln so LhaL sLudenLs may plan Lhelr ume ac-
cordlngly and do noL recelve phone calls aL odd hours.
SLudenLs aecLed by Lhls change (forelgners) are requlred Lo
lnform Lhelr respecuve parenLs of Lhe allocaLed ume so as
noL Lo cause any lnconvenlence. arenLs may sms and ln-
form us Lhe ume sloL Lhey wlsh Lo call so LhaL Lhe usLazah ln
charge can lnform Lhe sLudenL ln advance.
Sesslons are as follows:-
Morn|ng :- 9 a.m. - 11 a.m.
Lven|ng :- S p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
N|ght :- 8 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.
lease noLe LhaL phone calls made on Sunday, aher S p.m
wlll noL be enLerLalned/ conveyed Lo Lhe sLudenL.
Phone Calls @ Holiday
Hair Cutting & Coloring

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