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To accomplish this semester requirement, I have to complete all the subjects projects and assignments, and one of them is Total Quality Management (MEM678). This subject is one of the special topics that being offered by Faculty of Mechanical Engineering to their students. In this subject, students should be applying their fundamental understanding and principle in comprehensive and structured approach to organizational management that seeks to improve the quality of products and services through ongoing refinements in response to continuous feedback. There are seven tools of Total Quality Management (TQM). TQM tools are essential for continuous improvement kaizen in an organization. These tools can be easily utilized to solve everyday problems. If employees are to identify and correct quality problems, they need to understand its assessment procedures using the TQM tools. The seven TQM tools consists of Flowcharts, Cause and effect diagram (Ishikawa diagram / Fishbone diagram), Check sheets, Pareto charts, Histograms, Scatter diagrams and Run charts.

In any organisation, human beings are the most difficult to manage. As a matter of fact that it is easier to manage the financial and material components of any organisation than to manage the human component. They insinuate that it is easier to manage even animals than to manage human beings. Thus, in the education system, whether in school, college or university, the management was confronted with numerous problems created by students and one among the famous problems is being late to class.


CAUSE OF STUDENTS BEING LATE TO CLASS There are numerous causes of lateness to class. Amongst others, the following are the

major causes of lateness to class: 2.1 Watching football at midnight One of the reason students being late to class is watching late football game especially among male students. They are crazy of football and each of them has their own favourite football club across the globe. Even female students nowadays have their own favourite football club. Normally European football game started around 2am-3am, and for diehard fan they wont miss out to watch their favourite club played. The consequences are they will late for tomorrow classes or even worst miss all the classes. 2.2 Traffic jam It is normal for congested city like Shah Alam to have a massive traffic jam in early morning especially in peak hour around 7am- 9am. The number of transportation users increase day by day. Due to traffic jam, the student will stick in the middle of this traffic especially for car users and they will late being to class.


Limited parking space

Even the student arrives early, more time had to be spent just to look for a safe and available parking spot if the parking space provided are limited. People too tend to look for parking spaces which are close to the place they intended to go. Time will be wasted only to find the suitable parking spot and they will late for class.


Elevators maintenance problem

Elevators were broken frequently because of dealing with poor maintenance service. Students have to push each other and fighting for limited functioning elevator service. Most of the classes at level 7 until 11 and most of the students choose to go there through to stair. In worst case scenario, even the lecturers will face the same problem if all the elevators system is not functioning.


Poor time management

Some of the students just not realize them actually having a negative attitude which is poor time management. They just love being late, not only being for classes but late in everything in their daily life. This attitude or habit is something that someone builds in times and not easy to distinguish from themselves. If students have made it a habit to come late to class thus it is hard to stop doing so.


Heavy assignments and tasks

Sleeping well is not an option for students nowadays. They have a lot of commitments in completing their study especially for engineering students. They were faced with massive assignments and projects every day. Students have to spend the day time with classs session and finish up all the assignments on the evening until midnight. Then they will late to wake up and being late to class.

Watching football at midnight

Traffic jam Crazy of European football especially male student

Limited parking space Heavy traffic jams around peak hours 7am-9am

People tend to look for parking spaces which are close to place

Time will be waste only to find parking space Watching football match around 2am- 4am Stuck in the middle of traffic especially cars user

Poor maintenance service

They just love being late in everything


Students have to fight for limited functioning elevator

Have to finish them all until midnight Natural negative attitude

Most of students choose to use stair

Hard to distinguish the habit from themselves

Wake up late

Elevators maintenance problem

Poor time management


Heavy assignments and tasks



Lateness disorganises can causes distraction to the individual and the whole system. There are various effects of being late to class;

(a) The individual that came late to class is just gives problem to himself, fellow students, lecturer, and others. When he or she walks into the class when the lecture already started, spontaneously the lecturer and other students will turn to look at the person who just came in. Automatically the flow of lecture is distracted and distorted. (b) Waste others time when the lecturer have to start the whole lecture again from the beginning when a lot of student came late to class. (c) The individual himself will be confuses when come late to class. He or she will thinks, Where do I have to start to catch up? (d) The person who being late to class will disturbing the other students focuses on class when they will start craving for early note and asking for helping to understand better. (e) If this attitude always being applied by the students, they will continue this habit in the working life later. This can cost the company from losing some profit because for the most company outside the time is money.



There are several ways of solution for avoiding coming late to class:

i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi.

Wake up early. This is the key and very important point. Try to settle all the assignment early or in the day time. Do come to class by motorcycle and not by car. Try harder to change the negative attitude inside yourself. To avoid massive traffic jams, try going to class as early as 6.30am. The management of the university have to make sure all the facilities around the campus are in good condition especially the parking and elevator system.


Avoiding watching late night live football match. Just do watch the replay on the next day.


The parent should stress out the important of the punctuality to their children.



In conclusion, the student himself must play a big role to avoiding being late to class. Beside, the education management and the parent also have to help the student by provide first class facilities around the campus and stress out the important of punctuality to their children. Moreover, if left unchecked, lateness can spread a lot of negative things and this unpleasant behaviour will be carried to the future when the students already in working life and one hundred percent sure that this habit surely can affect their career soon. Since there are a number of possible causes of students arrive late to class, considering which causes is the root of the problem, and kill them off and distinguish it from our life style.

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