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Fiienus anu Family,

It's been a couple of months since we saw most of you anu much has happeneu heie
in Khon Kaen, Thailanu. Please continue to piay foi oui time with people so the
gospel may go foith in amazing ways. Without youi piayeis anu suppoit we coulu
not be heie. Thank you foi loving my family anu the Thais!
Women Community Team Binnei at 0ui Bouse

Am anu Tuong's Weuuing
The boy eating a lime
Bianuon & Amanua Biown }oin the Team!
Sophie(Left) Flowei uiils
Lunch with Stuuents
Chuich Retieat. "We Seive"
Naic, Sheiiy, Sophie(6), anu Nate(2) Lewis
FB Page: Lewis Family in Thailanu

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