The Legend of Telaga Warna

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wertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuio TELAGA WARNA pasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghj klzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbn mqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwerty uiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdf ghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxc vbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmrty uiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdf ghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxc
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TELAGA WARNA Narrator: Once upon a time, there was a kingdom which was very peaceful and prosperous in West Java. The kingdom led by a good and wise king. It is not surprisingly, when the country was prosperous and peaceful. There was no hungry people in the country. The king called Raja Prabu. Although their country was big and peaceful, they still have one big problem. The royal family did not have a crown prince. So to prevent a civil war, the royal Advisors suggest the king and queen to raise a child.

Royal advisors: "Your Majesty, your servant suggest that His Majesty raise a child to become the next king in this kingdom." The King: "No! a real child is better than an adopted child, it will be disgraceful. " Royal advisors: But King ...we have to prepare for the most bad outcome. The King: No! I will find a way to have a child. Royal advisors: ok, my lord. let me take my leave.

Narrator: The Queen is often moody and crying on palace because of their next heir. The king fell sorry to see her cry.

The King: "just be patience my queen, we will have a child later." The Queen: "of course, my lord."

Narrator: in order to get a child, The king plan to go into the woods to pray for a child. Before that, he come to the queen to say a goodbye.

The King: "I will go into the woods to pray tomorrow. I hope your healthiness" The Queen: "All right. Be careful in the woods my lord.

Narrator: After a few months later since King Prabu pray in forests, The Kings wish become true, the queen became pregnant.

The Queen: "Your Majesty, I'm pregnant ..." (with a beaming face). The King: "Is it true???" (With a slight tone of disbelief). Queen: "Yeah right .. I've been to a royal physician, and the physician said that I was pregnant. " King: "Really?? It will be a big news to our kingdom. "

Narrator: After 9 months old queen was pregnant, she gave birth to a beautiful daughter. The queen named her Nirwarna. The people were really happy about that and sent her many toys.

The Queen: "Look at the child, she was very cute and pretty. I hope she grows into a fine princess and kind like his face." The King: "Yes .. I am sure our daughter will grow up to be a very beautiful princess. "

Narrator: the King and Queen, who always gives everything desired by the princess has made her grow up to be a very spoiled princess. When the Princess's wishes not granted then she will be angry and not infrequently she said rudely to her parents. But the people and their parents still loves her.

Princess: "Mother, I want a horse!" The Queen: "We already have a lot of horses on the ranch, dear." Princess: "No, I dont want that in the breeder! I want a white horse with a beautiful coat. " The Queen: "You already have the many horses. Play with your horse that already there. " Princess: "I dont want to, you stingy old man." Queen: "Ahhh ... what you say." Daughter: "Huh, useless old man."

Narrator: The princess abandon The Queen that cry after seeing her daughter behavior. There was already almost 17 years of age the princess, he grew into a most beautiful princess in the land. All the people went to the palace to give a gift to the princess. The Gift it so many and be gathered in the palace. The King take some gold and jewels and go to a jeweler to forge him a necklace for his daughter. (Arriving in a jeweler) The King: tokk.tokkk ..(Knocking) Wife jeweler: yess .. (While opening the door) The King: hmm this a jeweler place?

Wife jeweler: yes, indeed my lord. please enter my lord, I'll call my husband, please wait. Expert jewelry: my lord? (out of room) The King: "Sir, can you make a beautiful necklace for my daughter?" Expert jewelry: "Of course my lord, i would gladly do so, please wait a little." The King: "Thank you very much." Expert jewelry: "You're welcome my lord." Bening .... ?? Bening: yes father ... what is it? Expert jewelry: can you give me the hammer ..? Bening: okay ..wait a minute, this is it father. Expert jewelry: oh yes, thank you ..

Narrator: After a while of waiting,it finally finished. the necklace was very beautiful. The King: "Well. This is the most beautiful necklace I've ever seen, you made it very well. " Expert jewelry: "Thank you my Lord."

Narrator: Then the king returned to the palace and save it for his beloved daughter. The next day, the birthday of the princess arrived. Then the King take the necklace, and immediately gave it to his daughter.

The King: "My daughter Nirwarna, today is your 17th birthday." Daughter: "Yes dad .. I expect the most wonderful gift on my birthday which is 17th." The Queen: "Happy birthday to my daughter." Daughter: "Yes mother ..." The King: "My daughter, father was preparing a multilayered most beautiful gift, here's the most beautiful necklace in the world just for my beloved princess."

Narrator: The King immediately gave the necklace to his daughter, but the daughter does not like the necklace. Daughter: "Hemm. What is this necklace father. This necklace is so ugly, I do not want to wear this necklace, the necklace is just going to make my neck itch later! "

Narrator: No one is likely to think the princess would say that, everything fell silent, no one's talking, suddenly heard the Queen's sobs then followed by the cries of everyone.

Queen: "huhuhuhu, what happened to my daughter?" Daughter: "I will not wear that necklace!"

Narrator: The daughter immediately discarded the necklace to the courtyard, a broken necklace and gems scattered throughout the courtyard. Daughter: "Huh ugly necklace."

Narrator: Suddenly, a spring emerged from the palace courtyard, splashing water makes a puddle in the courtyard. Everyone was very scared and blame it to the princess.

People: "What have you done evil princess!"

Narrator: The princess was so scared. she was sorry for all his evil deeds. But the puddle has become a huge lake and drown the whole palace.

By the people around, the lake is called "Colour Lake". The lake is located in the summit area. On a sunny day, we could see the lake is full of beautiful colors and amazing. The color comes from the shadow of the forest, plants, flowers, and sky around the lake. But people say, the colors came from Princess necklace scattered at the base of the lake.

Telaga Warna Narator: Dahulu kala, adasebuah kerajaanyang sangatdamaidanmakmur diJawa Barat. Kerajaanyang dipimpin olehseorang rajayang baik danbijaksana. Hal ini tidakmengherankan, ketika negara itumakmur dandamai. Tidak adaorang lapardi negeri ini. RajadisebutRajaPrabu. Tapikeluarga kerajaantidakmemiliki anakharus. PenasehatPrabumenyarankanraja dan ratuuntuk membesarkan anak. Penasehat: "Yang Mulia, hambamenyarankan bahwaYang Muliamengangkatanak sendirian." RajaRaja: "Tidak Bagi kamianakyang sebenarnyalebih baikdaripada anak-anakyang diadopsi.!" penasehat: TapiRaja... King King: tidak adatapi, tapi, oh yeah, akubanyakurusan. Penasehat: RajaNah, alasanhamba.. Narator: Ratuseringmurung danmenangisdi balkonistana. Rajapun'mThekasihan melihatdia menangis. RajaRaja: "Mari bukita akanmemiliki anaksuatu harinanti." Ratu:". Ya tentu saja, Tuanku" Narator: Jadi, suatu hariRajaRajahendakpergi ke hutanuntuk berdoa bagidikaruniai seorang anak. RajaRaja: "Aku akan pergike hutanuntuk berdoa." Ratu:. "Baiklah Hati-hati di hutan tuanku. Narator: Setelah beberapa bulan kemudian karena Raja Prabu berdoa di hutan, Raja pun mengabulkan permohonan tersebut, ratu hamil. Ratu: "Yang Mulia, aku hamil ..." (Dengan wajah berseri-seri).

Raja Raja: "??? Apakah benar" (Dengan nada sedikit tidak percaya). Ratu: ". Ya benar .. Aku pernah ke dokter kerajaan, dan dokter mengatakan bahwa aku hamil" Raja: "?? Sungguh Ini akan menjai paling indah berita kerajaan kita." Narator: Setelah 9 bulan Ratu tua hamil, melahirkan Ratupun putri putri yang sangat cantik bernama Nirwarna. Penduduk pun banyak keuntungan putri yang dikirim mainan nya Ratu: "Lihatlah anak yang sangat lucu dan cantik, saya berharap dia tumbuh menjadi seorang putri cantik dan baik seperti wajahnya." Raja Raja: "Ya .. Saya yakin putri kami akan tumbuh menjadi seorang putri yang sangat cantik dan baik."

Narator: Cinta mengatakan Raja dan Ratu yang selalu memberikan segalanya yang diinginkan oleh sang putri telah membuatnya tumbuh menjadi seorang putri yang sangat manja. Ketika keinginan sang Putri tidak diberikan maka dia akan marah dan tidak jarang dia berkata kasar kepada orang tuanya. Tetapi orang-orang dan orang tua mereka masih mencintainya. Purti: "Ibu aku ingin kuda!" Ratu: "Kami sudah memiliki banyak kuda di peternakan Sayang." Putri: "Tidak, aku tidak ingin bahwa di peternak saya ingin seekor kuda putih dengan bulu yang indah!." Ratu: ". Anda sudah memiliki 54 kuda Bermain dengan kuda Anda yang sudah cinta." Putri: "Saya tidak mau, Anda dasar orang tua pelit." Ratu: "Ahhh ... Sayangnya apa yang Anda katakan." Putri: "Hah, dasar orang tua tidak berguna." Narator: Putripun meninggalkan menangis saat ia duduk setelah melihat perilaku anaknya. Ada sudah 17 tahun putri, ia tumbuh menjadi seorang putri paling cantik di negeri ini. Semua orang pergi ke istana untuk memberikan hadiah kepada sang putri. Karunia begitu banyak dan dikumpulakan di istana. Raja mengambil emas dan perhiasan sdikit dan pergi ke toko perhiasan untuk menempa dirinya menjadi kalung. Sesampainya di toko perhiasan. Raja: tokk.tokkk .. Istri perhiasan: iyaa .. (Saat membuka pintu) .. Raja: hmm .. ini adalah perhiasan nya? Perhiasan Istri: ya memang Tuanku, silahkan masukkan tuanku, saya akan memanggil, tunggu dulu. Ahli perhiasan: (keluar dari kamar), melakukan apa yang Tuanku? Raja: "Pak, Anda bisa membuat kalung yang indah untuk puriku paling dicintai." Ahli perhiasan: "Tentu tuanku, hamba akan dengan senang hati melakukannya, harap tunggu kalung tuan sedikit perintah master budak akan segera membuat." Raja: ". Terima kasih banyak" Ahli perhiasan: "Kau Tuanku." Bening .... ??

Bening: yeah well ... apa itu? Ahli perhiasan: Anda memberi saya nakk palu ..? Bening: yeah yeah .. tunggu sebentar, ini ayah dari palu .. Ahli perhiasan: oh ya anak,, terima kasih .. Jelas: ayah .. Narator: Setelah beberapa saat menunggu akhirnya selesai kalung itu sangat indah kalung. Raja: ". Nah Ini adalah kalung yang paling indah yang pernah saya lihat, Anda membuat sangat baik." Ahli perhiasan: "Terima kasih Tuhan, untuk hamba busuk akan melakukan yang terbaik." Narator: Lalu raja kembali ke istana dan menyimpannya menjadi sebuah kalung yang sangat indah untuk putri tercinta ketika ia ulan tahun depan. Keesokan harinya, hari ulang tahun putripun tiba. Raja Raja segera mengambil kalung yang sangat inah, dan langsung memberikannya kepada anaknya. Raja Raja: "Anakku putri Nirwarna, hari ini adalah ulang tahun Anda yang ke-17." Putri: "Ya .. Ayah saya berharap hadiah yang paling indah pada hari ulang tahunku yang ke-17." Ratu: "Happy birthday to anak saya." Putri: "Ya ibu ..." Raja Raja: ". Anakku, ayah sedang mempersiapkan hadiah yang paling indah berlapis-lapis, inilah kalung yang paling indah di dunia hanya untuk putri tercinta" Narator: Raja Raja segera memberi kalung itu kepada putrinya, tapi anak tidak terlihat seperti kalung itu. Putri: ".. Hemm Apa ayah kalung kalung ini begitu jelek saya tidak ingin memakai ini leher yang indah, kalung itu hanya akan membuat leher saya gatal nanti!" Narator: Tidak ada kemungkinan untuk berpikir sang putri akan mengatakan bahwa, semua terdiam tidak ada yang berbicara, tiba-tiba mendengar isak tangis kemudaian Ratu diikuti dengan teriakan orang. Ratu: "hu hu hu hu, apa yang terjadi pada anak saya?" Putri: "Saya tidak akan memakai kalung itu!" Narator: Putri segera dibuang kalung itu ke halaman, sebuah kalung permata rusak dan tersebar di seluruh halaman. Putri: "Hah dasar kalung jelek." Narator: Tiba-tiba, sebuah mata air muncul dari halaman istana, percikan air membuat genangan air di halaman. Semua orang sangat takut dan menyalahkan kepada sang putri. Orang: "! Apa yang telah Anda lakukan putri jahat Anda memiliki orang-orang Anda terlihat membayakan smua Anda lakukan!" Narator: Sang putri begitu takut ia menyesal atas semua perbuatan jahatnya. Tapi genangan air telah menjadi danau besar dan menenggelamkan istana keseluruhan.

Oleh orang-orang sekitar, danau ini disebut "Telaga Warna". Danau ini terletak di daerah puncak. Pada hari yang cerah, kita bisa melihat danau itu penuh warna yang indah dan menakjubkan. Warnanya berasal dari bayangan hutan, tanaman, bunga, dan langit di sekitar danau. Namun orang mengatakan, warna-warna berasal dari kalung Putri yang tersebar di dasar danau.

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