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Exposed 9/11 Commission Warned About 'Line' It 'Should Not Cross' By Sahil Kapur Senior Bush administration officials

sternly cautioned the 9/11 Commission against probing too deeply into the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, according to a document recently obtained by the ACLU. === Why The Facts of 9/11 Must Be Suppressed By Guns and Butter Understanding the Ruling Group Mind Behind the War Without End" with Dr. John McMurtry. Dr. McMurtry was one of the first academics to analyze 9/11 and the 9/11 wars. He is Professor of Philosophy Emeritus at the University of of Guelph, Ontario. === Bin Laden Will Never Face US Trial, Be Caught Alive: Attorney General By AFP During a heated exchange with Republican congressmen, Holder predicted that "we will be reading Miranda rights to the corpse of Osama bin Laden" rather than to the US public enemy number one in captivity. === "The 9/11 Commission now tells us that the official version of 9/11 was based on false testimony and documents and is almost entirely untrue. The details of this massive cover-up are carefully outlined in a book by John Farmer, who was the Senior Counsel for the 9/11 Commission." Podcast #43 Tuesday, September 29, 2009 10:15 AM One on one with Prof. David Ray Griffin, focusing on the two most recent of his 35 books: The Mysterious Collapse of World Trade Center 7: Why the Final Official Report About 9/11 is Unscientific and False and Osama bin Laden, Dead of Alive? Building 7 is the gateway to busting the myths of 9/11 embraced by the discredited 9/11 Commission. Dr. Griffin talks about how Van Jones was vilified just for signing a petition calling for a new investigation, and about the effort to pass a NYC referendum enabling a new inquiry. He offers many examples of the NIST reports exaggerations and fabrications, and concludes that WTC was brought down in a controlled demolition. In the bin Laden book, he details all of the reports of bin Laden's death, evaluates the credibility of video and audio releases attributed to bin Laden, and concludes that he is probably dead. Media file: PBC_20090925.mp3 (MP3 Audio, 39.3 MB)

-----------------------------------------------------------------------Charlie Sheens Letter to the President

One of the Main Sources for the 9/11 Commission Report was Tortured Until He Agreed to Sign a Confession that He Was NOT EVEN ALLOWED TO READ
-------------------------------------------------------------------------Another War in the Works America Is Led And Informed By Liars By Paul Craig Roberts The president of the United States and his European puppets are doing what they do best -- lying through their teeth. The US "mainstream media" repeats the lies as if they were facts. The US "media" is again making itself an accomplice to wars based on fabrications. === Don't Israel's Nuclear Weapons Count? Netanyahu has what he wants to keep up the idea of his plucky, vulnerable little state By Yasmin Alibhai-Brown Freedom of expression, we were given to understand, is one of the valves in Europe's heart that must remain open to keep our continent alive and healthy. In good faith I exercise that freedom in this column. Let us see if readers and interest groups will support my right to write what follows even if they violently disagree with my observations.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Trailer for the 2008 Research Edition of Blueprint for Truth. v=isTGuaaln9A&eurl= DVD available at

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Loose Change Final Cut Part 2

Loose Change - Final Cut - New Chapter - Planes

Peter B Collins on 9/11 CPROG=PCAST&MARKET=SANFRANCISCOCA&NG_FORMAT=progressivetalk&SITE_ID=5257&STATION_ID=KKGNAM&PCAST_AUTHOR=Green_960__Peter_B_Collins&PCAST_CAT=Podcasts&PCAST_TITLE=Green_960_-_Peter_B_Collins

Richard Gere on Tibet:


Eventually, hopefully during our lifetime, Pandora's Box will be fully opened regarding the 9/11 cover-up and the world will reel in shock and awe ~ when the monstrous truth is known to one and all : Allen L Roland Every six months I return to the 9/11 scene, not to fan the flames but, instead, to review apparent truths ~ particularly in light of the growing awareness of the ongoing deceptions and lies of the Cheney/Bush Administration. Americans are not quite ready to look into the Pandora's Box of 9/11 because the implications are truly breathtaking and staggering but as each shocking abuse of power of the Cheney/Bush regime is revealed to America ~ the public becomes more open to the possibility of a monstrous deception beneath the unanswered 9/11 miracles. If one accepts the " Official Version " of the events that occurred on 9/11 or in the days leading up to it, one must conclude that a series of miracles occurred ~ suggesting factitiously the hand of higher powers. Here they are ( Courtesy of Alex James ) Allen L Roland THE MIRACLE On the day of the hijackings the US Government is running drills with its Air Force where it is simulating "Multiple Hijackings of Aircraft" within the United States of America. This drill causes great confusion amongst Air Traffic Controllers as it provides a "Cover" for the real Hijackings. Without these drills it is very possible that the Aircraft that were hijacked could have been intercepted far earlier. Certainly one has to consider this some sort of "Miracle" Surely "The hand of ???" The Miracle Months prior to the hijackings the US Government changes the rules of engagement for hijacked Aircraft. Now in order to send up planes to intercept, the approval of the Defense Secretary, one Donald Rumsfeld, is required. Unfortunately he goes missing for 30 minutes, on the morning of the attacks, again impeding the ability of intercepts to be flown. Not only this but on the day of those intercepts, supersonic US fighter aircraft that are

New Evidence that the Official Story about 9/11 is Indefensible by David Ray GriffinEarly in 2007, Interlink Books published

my Debunking 9/11 Debunking: An Answer to Popular Mechanics and Other Defenders of the Official Conspiracy Theory. The stimulus for my writing this book was the appearance in August 2006---just before the fifth anniversary of 9/11---of four publications intended to bolster the official account by debunking the alternative view, according to which 9/11 was an inside job. The most explicit and well-known of these publications was a book by Popular Mechanics entitled Debunking 9/11 Myths. 2007/10/08/01871.html

Debunking 9/11 Debunking: An Answer to Popular Mechanics and Other Defenders of the Official Conspiracy Theory.

David Ray Griffin is not offensive, I think. Here is one of his talks .. it is one hour long: docid=6837001821567284154&total=43&start=0&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=0

911: The Greatest Lie Ever Sold - By Anthony Hilder

Only by"Exposing the Creators" of the first World Trade Center bombing in (1993), could we have prevented the creation of the second bombing of the World Trade Center on 9-11! We failed to make it ... "PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE" that the 1993 bombing was - Encouraged by "AGENT PROVOCATUERS" of the FB-LIE The fact is U.S. taxpayers "bought the bomb." Worse still, since September 11, 2001 most of America's sheeple "BOUGHT THE LIE" that 19 angered Arabs & Osama bin Laden carried out the greatest act of terror in U.S. history. The stark, raw reality is that the 9-11 "story" is THE GREATEST LIE EVER SOLD.

Americans are being prepped for the next "staged event". Agents of the CIA, FBI, NSA, and the propaganda press will then whitewash "USAMA BIN BUSH!". Rumsfeld, Cheney, Ashcroft, Kissinger & crew will blame the innocent to protect the guilty

What's it all about? Bush & zee Boys from der "Brotherhood of Death," "Skull & Bones" are preparing us for a POLICE STATE. Bush will try to surrender the Constitution & Bill of Rights. His goal? - establish a "New World Order". WARNING: This video contains no lies, or "White House" spin!

University of Massachusetts Professor Calls For New 9/11 Investigation University of Massachusetts Professor Calls For New 9/11 Investigation

The 9/11 tragedy is the most successful and most perverse publicity stunt in the history of public relations. I arrive at this conclusion largely as the result of the research and clear writing by David Ray Griffin in his fabulous books about 9/11. I first met him when he was a speaker at a scholarly conference unrelated to 9/11. He immediately impressed me as a brilliant, outstanding philosopher - theologian - author, a Whiteheadian scholar motivated by an intense curiosity to know everything possible about the world. On the plane home and for the next two days I did little else but read Griffins first book about 9/11, The New Pearl Harbor. From there I went on to read his even more disturbing account of the bogus 9/11 Commission Report, The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions, which provides overwhelming evidence that the official story is contradictory, incomplete, and unbelievable. It is clear to me that David Ray Griffin and his fellow critics are correct: the 9/11 "new Pearl Harbor" was planned in astonishing detail and carried out through the efforts of a sophisticated and large network of operatives. It was more complex and far more successful than the Allende assassination, the US bombing of our own ship the "Maine" that began the SpanishAmerican war (and brought us Guam, Puerto Rico, Cuba, and the Philippines), the Reichstag fire that was used to justify the suspension of most civil liberties in Germany in the 1930's, and even Operation Himmler, which was used by Germany to justify the invasion of Poland, which started World War II. Whoever is responsible for bringing to grizzly fruition this new false-flag operation, which has been used to justify the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq as well as unprecedented assaults on research, education, and civil liberties, must be perversely proud of their efficient handiwork. Certainly, 19 young Arab men and a man in a cave 7,000 miles away, no matter the level of their anger, could not have masterminded and carried out 9/11: the most effective television commercial in the history of Western civilization. I suggest that those of us aware and concerned demand that the glaringly erroneous official account of 9/11 be dismissed as a fraud and a new, thorough, and impartial investigation be undertaken." Lynn Margulis Distinguished University Professor


Debunking the 9/11 Myths: Special Report

Popular Mechanics examines the evidence and consults the experts to refute the most persistent conspiracy theories of September 11.
Introduction The Planes The World Trade Center The Pentagon Flight 93

Background | Podcast | Blog | Book | FAQ | Sources Where's The Pod? | No Stand-Down Order | Flight 175's Windows | Intercepts Not Routine Widespread Damage | "Melted" Steel | Puffs of Dust | Seismic Spikes | WTC 7 Collapse Big Plane, Small Holes | Intact Windows | Flight 77 Debris The White Jet | Roving Engine | Indian Lake | F-16 Pilot

By The Editors Published in the March 2005 issue.

It's been five years since the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon yet a growing chorus of conspiracy theorists accuses the U.S. government of carrying out the attacks. Popular Mechanics executive editor David Dunbar, contributing editor Brad Reagan and editor-in-chief Jim Meigs join me for a detailed discussion of reporting behind the new Popular Mechanics book Debunking 9/11 Myths: Why Conspiracy Theories Can't Stand Up To Hard Facts in this special edition of The Popular Mechanics Show. Also joining us to help walk us through a detailed analysis of World Trade Center conspiracy theories is former Deputy Fire Chief of the New York City Fire Department Vincent Dunn. Benjamin Chertoff

THE NEW 9/11 HIJACKERS Posted by: "CAMPAIGN" ecologynews

Thu Sep 6, 2007 10:19 pm (PST)

The New "9/11 Hijackers"? [image: PDF]<> [image: Print]< option=com_content&task=view&id=28&pop=1&page=0&Itemid=60> [image: E-mail]< option=com_content&task=emailform&id=28&itemid=60> 9/11 It Controls Our Lives

BY ANDREW JOHNSON (UK) After 5 years, many aspects of domestic and foreign policy in both the USA and UK are based on a false premise that the 9/11 attacks were committed by Islamic fundamentalist hijackers in a plot to "attack the freedom" enjoyed by people living in Western Democratic Societies. 9/11 Truth Campaigners, like me, now know that this story is false and that we must, as quickly as possible, make as many people as possible aware of the depth of this falsehood, and its implications. We know that WTC Towers 1, 2 and 7 were *not *destroyed by jet fuel and jet impacts. More and more people are beginning to realise the official story is a gigantic lie. We are now battling to get the truth out to people who need to understand that they are being spoon-fed a diet of fear and misinformation. Mainstream media will not treat the issue seriously, and the language they use to describe our efforts to expose the truth is usually tainted with ridicule and/or disbelief, though recently, in the USA, things have begun to take a slightly different direction. For those of us engaged in this battle, it is sometimes easy to think that we now know enough about the realities of what happened on 9/11 to campaign and we should focus on that and keep our momentum going. However, perhaps we should remember, too, that the 9/11 perpetrators ("perps") are still at work they didn't just "disappear" or "go underground" when the 9/11 Truth Campaign began to get some traction (more so in the USA than the UK). We should realise that the perps' tactics are to infiltrate, decoy, distract, trash and ridicule and those tactics will be applied to 9/11 Truth Campaign groups in exactly the same way as they are applied to other protest groups such as Amnesty International and Stop The War. (These groups, for example have not, to my knowledge, yet made any public statements about the proof that 9/11 was an Inside Job.) When we join a campaign such as the one for 9/11 Truth, perhaps there is an expectation that all fellow campaigners especially those who become prominent are involved for the same reasons we are. Also, because of the particularly fundamental nature of 9/11 truth, we possibly assume fellow campaigners will be open-minded enough to dispassionately evaluate pertinent evidence regarding the events of 9/11 in an effort to determine what really happened. This expectation is perhaps brought about by our change in attitude from "believing what the media spoon-feeds us" to an attitude of looking more critically at evidence, from different sources, and deciding why and how this evidence is being brought to our attention, and what its meaning is. One of the key phrases that we come across is "Cui Bono?" "Who Benefits?". Additionally, we learn to "follow the money" - i.e. an unfolding agenda can often be seen to be orchestrated by bodies with a large amount of cash. A Personal Perspective Recently, I seem to have found myself to be involved in what I think are pivotal matters in the 9/11 Truth Arena. I am not entirely sure how this happened - I did not actively seek to be involved, nor do I have any desire to gain any recognition for this involvement, other than as someone who is honest, tries to be balanced and who dislikes conflict. To be frank, I would rather get on with my own life and I wish that there wasn't a need to campaign vigorously for these matters to be exposed. As Korey Rowe has been

heard to say "I had a nice life before this." A number of laughable allegations have been made against me on the UK 9/11 Forum <>, which only upset me to the extent that those making them could have spent their time more productively (for example, in completing activities which they accuse me of "distracting" others from doing by writing articles like this!). In order that the risibility of the allegations can be appreciated, let me describe my background - I am now 42 and was born in Skipton, North Yorkshire, UK - in (essentially) a working-class family and I am the youngest of 9 children. My Dad had no formal education and was an orphan at 12 years old. My Mum also had little formal education but has always had an interest in science, the arts, and literature and has a very active and open mind. I was educated at Ermysted's Grammar School<>(Skipton) and left in 1983 with 'A' Levels in Maths, Physics, Chemistry and General Studies. I went on to Lancaster University<>do a degree in Computer Science (with a minor module of Physics) and graduated in 1986. I then worked in Software Engineering (real-time software process control and telecommunications) for about 6 years. I developed an interest in teaching and education and ended up spending 2 years as a lecturer on BTEC National and Higher National Diploma Courses at West Notts College <>. Dissatisfied with working conditions, I then moved back into industry (1995-1997) working in the field of Mobile Data <>. Following an attractive offer of work from a friend, I started to work at home<>, just before my daughter was born. I now do a range of part time jobs, earning most of my income from assessing disabled students for access to assistive technology for higher education<>. I got into this work through the Open University <> I tutor part time on a course called T224 (Computers and Processors)<>. I began actively campaigning about 9/11 (writing letters, speaking to people in the street<>etc) in about September 2004. In approximately December 2005, I received a surprise invitation from Steven E Jones to join a loose association called "Scholars for 9/11 Truth", which had several types of membership "Full", "Associate" and "Student". As I wasn't a full-time academic, I requested to join as an associate, but surprisingly Steve suggested I join as a full member (I thought at the time this may have been because I had previously posted a "challenge" on a popular Physics forum <>for people there to explain the freefall collapse times of WTC 1 & 2.) As I had been privately campaigning for about 1 year, I was greatly encouraged, at the time, that the academic community might finally be waking up to the serious flaws in the Official 9/11 Story what with the likes of Prof David Ray Griffin, Prof Jim Fetzer, Prof Kevin Barrett and others beginning to speak out. The fact that Jim Fetzer and Steve Jones seemed to be bringing these people together seemed to be a super development giving

real hope. I was prompted to write to my own University<>to ask for permission to give a presentation at the Main Campus in Milton Keynes (the request was denied). At around the same time, Prof Jones had discovered (or been advised of) some unusual footage from the Camera Planet Archive (posted on Google Video) which apparently showed Molten Metal<>flowing from the South Tower prior to its collapse. He had asked for help in extracting this from Google Video format to one that could be used on a Web Page or PowerPoint presentation (so it could be shown side-by-side with a staged thermite experiment as a comparison<>). I had the software to make this a relatively simple task, so I was happy to help out. I was pleased to see that Steve Jones originally referenced this in his paper ("*Why Indeed did the World Trade Center Towers Collapse?"*)< %20Completely%20Collapse?> And so, at the time, it seemed that thermite played a role in the destruction of the WTC towers we seemed to have an answer to *part* of the mystery the use of thermite was enough to prove it was an Inside Job. Even at that time, though, it seemed clear that the thermite could only have been used to cut the steel beams and that *something else* must have been used as an explosive (as seen in the squibs, for example). Indeed, Prof Jones does mention the use of "other explosives" in the destruction of WTC 1 & 2. He also mentions the Controlled Demolition of WTC 7 again enough to show that 9/11 was an Inside Job. However, more than a year after the publication of Steve Jones paper, we are still (apparently) no further forward in engaging other members of the academic community with the evidence. During the discussion of Steve Jones' paper, I learned of Prof Judy Wood's "Billiard Ball" example paper<> much shorter and simpler than Steve Jones paper, which focused on the freefall aspect of the collapse of the towers (the same evidence I had focused on in my "physics forum challenge", but using a more basic and less complete analysis). Later I learned from Judy that Steve Jones had disclosed her name in a lecture he gave when she had requested that he did not do this. This seemed an unfortunate oversight perhaps a simple slip of the tongue? Sometime later, I read the article by Morgan Reynolds and Rick Rajter "We Have Some Holes in the Plane Stories<>" which, in an evidence-based manner, raises serious questions about what really hit the WTC buildings. I had already read the heated debates on our UK forum about the so-called "No-planes" issue and I hadn't really studied the evidence before reading the Reynolds/Rajter article, therefore hadn't come to any conclusions other than "well, I find it really hard to believe that big jets *didn't* hit the WTC!!" I couldn't ignore Morgan Reynolds highly significant credentials, nor those of Rick Rajter a Materials

Science graduate. Also, there were many posts on various forums that were characteristically dismissive, rude and included remarks about the poster's intelligence when the ideas that there were indeed some serious problems with the video evidence for the WTC plane impacts. (The "delayed fireball" of the 2nd impact being, to me, the most obvious, which has nothing to do with interpolated frames, frames rates or video compression artefacts.) Once I had seen this evidence for myself, like understanding that the WTC had undergone explosive demolition, it was so obvious that I was surprised I could have missed it for 3 or more years. However, some people think "the delayed fireball" is perfectly normal and does not break any laws of physics<> . The Reynolds/Rajter article later lead me to another by Profs Reynolds and Wood - originally entitled "The Trouble With Steve Jones" (now re-titled "Why Indeed Did the WTC Buildings Disintegrate?" < page=911&subpage1=trouble_with_jones>) Whilst I found some of the language a little abrasive, and perhaps desultory in places, I could not ignore the facts and evidence presented. Indeed, a realisation that the main thrust of what is stated in the article must be correct made me understand why such language had been used. (I would not have chosen to use such language myself, but unlike the authors, I was not directly involved in the events that had "played out".) The article raised serious questions about the thermite evidence that Jones had presented, and some of the other conclusions he had drawn. It also made me question how far Steve Jones was prepared to go in studying evidence of what really happened that day. He was, in my view, unduly dismissive of evidence presented in the We Have Some Holes in the Plane Stories < page=911&subpage1=we_have_holes> article, and there were certain other questions he seemed unduly unwilling to attempt to answer <> . So, as I began to understand the evidence presented, I gradually became less and less supportive of what Steve Jones was saying. I added a link on my "thermite" comparison page <> to Morgan Reynolds' and Judy Wood's critique of the Jones' paper because I felt it was important that people be given the opportunity to study all the evidence for themselves. (I notice that the latest version of Steve Jones' paper no longer includes a link to my page< WhyIndeedDidtheWorldTradeCenterBuildingsCompletelyCollapse.pdf> .) Previously, Steve Jones, in his discussion of how he got involved in 9/11 Truth research, mentioned Jim Hoffman several times. Though I had referenced Jim Hoffman's comprehensive website quite a few times prior to my involvement with ST911 - for example, in preparing a leaflet targeted at audiences of the Paul Greengrass fantasy film *United 93*<> * - *I found it surprising when Hoffman seemed to be suggesting that cellphone calls *could* have been made successfully from Flight 93, in the light of my own knowledge about the "hand-off<>" problem, and the study completed by Kee Dewdney (Project

Achilles)<>. Also, I found Hoffman's mention of a "hoax theory<>" that Flight 93 landed at Cleveland Airport to be equally puzzling, when there was some news coverage of this at the time. Also, Hoffman's essay about Scholars for 9/11 Truth's website<>( cannot be ignored and seems to be designed to distract and decoy people looking for authoritative information. In this essay, even though Jones was a co-chair of ST-911, Hoffman says: *"Despite the evidence, has thus far failed to acknowledge that the promotion of nonsensical claims is part of a deliberate strategy to undermine the Truth Movement."* He also inaccurately describes Loose Change 2 as *promoting* *"the idea that the Twin Towers were not hit by jetliners"*when it does no such thing! Additionally, he seems to imply that Rick Siegel's video 9/11 Eyewitness <> has been produced only to make money (even when it is freely available on Google Video <>). As I was learning more about "little things" Jones had said, I became involved in an ongoing e-mail exchange between Morgan Reynolds, Judy Wood, Gerard Holmgren, Nico Haupt, Jim Fetzer, Thomas Mattingly and several others. Quite a few unpleasant and heated remarks were exchanged between some of these people, but I tried to filter out the important information and viewpoints presented. This was all around the time that the schism in ST911 was developing, and criticisms seemed to being targeted at both Fetzer and Jones. I became more suspicious when Jones refused Fetzer's invitations to discuss aspects of the thermite hypothesis in public forums. His actions seemed to be characteristic of someone who had something to hide and was afraid his evidence and arguments may be deconstructed with close scrutiny. However, I tried to remain "neutral" in case there was information I wasn't aware of. We later then learned, from a year 2000 documentary<>of Steve Jones links to the energy cover up<>, which involved him publishing a paper around the time Pons and Fleischman published their pivotal Cold Fusion research. We learned that Steve Jones had connections to Los Alamos National Laboratories (where some of the development for the Atomic Bomb took place) and the Department of Energy. This wasn't looking good at all we seemed to be seeing some kind of infiltration of the campaign by a person or people who were adopting a "limited hangout" position regarding what happened on 9/11. They were happy to say 9/11 was an Inside Job, but stopped short of analysing all the evidence available to them, to then try and determine the answers to the "who" and "how" questions. Alex Floum ** Then, another person, Alex Floum, came into the picture seemingly in defence of Steve Jones. I had previously corresponded with Alex when I was posting more regularly on the ST911 forum. He had written an article

summarising the Law Suits which had been started in relation to 9/11 evidence <>. I found this to be a good summary and, I had presumed, a useful basis on which to initiate further legal cases. I was later to realise there was a low likelihood of Alex Floum being involved in any such initiations. A long debate then ensued which was based around the assumption that Jim Fetzer, by supporting the research of Prof Judy Wood, Morgan Reynolds and others, was damaging the reputation of Scholars for 9/11 Truth. It was implied that it was clear to everyone else that Steve Jones' paper "was the most widely accepted" and any discussions considering the anomalous evidence of what happened to the planes at the WTC was divisive and probably "disinformation". I had already studied enough of the evidence (mentioned above) to know that this was a sweeping generalisation and it seemed like a tactic being used to discourage or prevent analysis of this evidence. Fred Burks* * Around this time (late December 2006), another character entered the debate of whom I had never heard Fred Burks. (He was not, at the time I checked, listed as a member of ST911, however, he had joined the society early on and had assisted Jim briefly with the web site. Now, however, he was claiming to be some kind "trustee"). Jim has explained to me that he later removed Fred from the Membership List. Burks had formerly worked as an interpreter for the Bush Administration. <> He sent out a number of messages to the Scholars' e-mail list expressing the concerns described above. In at least one message he closed with "Deeply committed to what's best for all of us and to personal & global transformation through love & empowerment." He instigated a vote among the scholars as to whether the web site should be run by its members. The domain name had been acquired by Alex Floum at Jim's direction and on behalf of the society. This meant that, even though Jim had managed the site from its inception, Alex was in the position to control it. When Jim insisted that Alex turn the domain names over to him on behalf of the society, Alex instead gave them to Fred Burks, who now suggested that the way in which the society had been run should be changed or hits redirected to a new site (essentially to "save" Scholars for 9/11 Truth). The list which Fred Burks used was originally compiled by the ST911 membership secretary on behalf of Steve Jones and Jim Fetzer. While the Society has members, it is not *run *by its members, and there are no procedures for voting. Jim Fetzer had not given permission for the list to be used and I had seen no messages from Steve Jones to support what Burks was doing or asking Jim's agreement for such a vote. Burks conveyed the impression that Jim had entered into some kind of agreement with him about voting, which Jim has told me was not the case (I saw many of the e-mails in which this story unfolded). Some of the other Scholars such as Nick Newton seemed to express support for what Burks was doing (which essentially amounted to changing the Website content against the wishes of its rightful owner or, to put it another way theft and/or defacement). Jim Fetzer did not agree with what Fred Burks was doing, but suggested that, if anything like that were to be done, the right person to entrust with the domain names was Kevin Barrett. (Some of the messages which were sent were very critical of Jim Fetzer for even discussing any of this. Jim has advised me that he acted the way he did because he wanted to accommodate as wide a

range of views as possible. Not all of the members of ST911 supported the research of Judy Wood and Morgan Reynolds some of them were openly critical of the supposed ad hominems against Steve Jones (but not those against Wood and Reynolds) and were not apparently willing to dispassionately analyse the other evidence which Wood and Reynolds were highlighting. Alex Floum also supported Burks and Jones, and complained that Fetzer had threatened to report Floum for abuse of Intellectual Property laws (in seizing control of the Floum seemed to think this was unfair, but Jim had consulted an attorney and learned that converting a property acquired for another party to personal use violates legal ethics. Some also criticised Floum for stating he "helped to found Scholars for 9/11 Truth" and pointed out that all he did was register the domain name on Jim Fetzer's behalf. But Jim Fetzer has advised me that he, Carl Weis, and Steve Jones were members of the original "steering committee" advising him in the conduct of the society from early on. An agreement about what to do with the web page was never reached, in spite of discussion that it might include an agreed statement explaining the schism. Fred Burks, however, had now frozen the site for the second time and, after conducting a second "vote", put up the the existing page <http://the%20existing%20page/> (archived here<>) which neatly embodies the (apparently engineered) schism in (Jim, who was forced by the freeze to move the scholars' web site to, has now submitted the issue for a formal resolution and expects that the domain names will be turned over to him as the outcome.) One sensed "mission accomplished", as all the e-mail exchanges dropped off and, soon after, ("Scholars for 9/11 Truth and Justice" belonging to Steve Jones' et al.) received an expensive-looking website make over. Further background on these issues can be found in the statements on the website [1]<>and [2] <>. Of Molten Metals One of the key issues of evidence that Steve Jones was being criticised for were statements he made about molten aluminium. He essentially stated that, in the pictures and videos of the South Tower which showed a flowing orange metal, that metal could only be molten iron, because aluminium is silvery when molten. This statement is only partly true. Judy Wood and her student Michael Zebuhr had set up a demonstration showing that aluminium can glow orange if heated to approximately the same temperature as molten iron<>. This therefore negated one of the basic assertions Steve Jones had made and represented a basic flaw in his thermite hypothesis. Shockingly, at around this time, Michael Zebuhr was murdered<>and another of Judy Wood's students had a fire in their apartment. Since that time, some people have tried to suggest that Judy Wood and even Jim Fetzer might be somehow linked to these terrible events. However, there is

no evidence that I am aware of which gives credence to these views<>. It basically seems like a smear campaign against Wood and Fetzer. Sometime after this, Judy received personal threats around the time she published the highly controversial "Beam Weapon" paper<>. (This paper, however, is founded on basic photographic evidence, seismic data and visual observations of the actual event, as well as an analysis of the profound level destruction observed. The scale of this destruction was not really portrayed well on TV. With the scale of destruction, one would have expected to see some kind of conventional "nuclear" or large volume of visible "hot" explosions. None of these things were seen.) Ostracism ** From an observer's stand point, it seemed to me that people like Rosalee Grable, Nico Haupt, Gerard Holmgren, Morgan and Judy seemed to have unveiled an "additional layer" of the 9/11 Cover Up. Also, it seemed that tactics of ridicule and "trashing" were being used against this group of people in a disturbingly similar pattern to those used, for example, by people in the "mainstream" who won't accept that 9/11 was an Inside Job. One example of this happened more recently, when Prof Reynolds was "booted" from SPINE because the rest of the group did not seem to like him discussing the evidence that something other than planes hit the WTC buildings<> . In message board discussions, whenever the evidence that something other than Big Boeings might have hit the WTC, or that some type of unconventional technology may have also been used in the destruction of the towers, "trolls" invariably appear usually anonymous and often very promptly. One can imagine that, if this evidence is important and does indeed indicate advanced technologies were used in the perpetration of the "9/11 illusion", elements of the Military Industrial Complex would both have the means and the motive for covering this up. This can be done both by "paid agents" and unwittingly by those people who are unwilling to examine the evidence that people like Steve Jones are not necessarily working to expose all aspects of the cover up. If people have, after the shock of 9/11, "placed their faith" in someone like Steve Jones, there is perhaps an understandable reluctance to "step back again", examine the evidence and see if the same old games are still being played. "Meet the No Planers"* * In September 2006, as discussion of what hit the WTC was raging, a media Hit Piece was published in the UK in The New Statesman< newTemplate=NSArticle_NS&newDisplayURN=200609110028>. This targeted David Shayler's brief remarks about the "No Big Boeings" (NBB) evidence as a way of debunking the other "9/11 Inside Job" evidence he discussed with the reporter. This article caused considerable consternation among UK campaigners - some people blamed our lack of progress at exposing 9/11 as an Inside Job squarely on David Shayler's shoulders for speaking out about the NBB evidence. Some even said this proved he must still be working for MI5, because he was clearly working "against the wider interests of the

movement". This sort of thinking seemed to ignore the very powerful commitment that Shayler had repeatedly shown travelling all around the UK, giving talks describing how 9/11 was an inside job - for no fee - and staying with friends and other campaigners (myself included).<> Jerry Leaphart and NIST/NCST Review Meeting ** On Dec 14th 2006, I received a message from Judy Wood advising me that NIST/NCST were holding a conference call meeting with some people at NIST to review the plan for production of a report detailing how WTC 7 was destroyed. This meeting had allowed public depositions to be made and was going to be Webcast. Judy asked me to record the Webcast< %20Dec14%20-%202006%200900-1100%20EST.mp3>, especially as she had been contacted by an attorney, Jerry Leaphart, who had seen Judy's analysis of the WTC destruction and what to make a deposition to the Conference Group. As part of his deposition, Jerry wanted to make comments to the NIST/NCST panel about the destruction of the WTC. Public depositions were limited to 5 minutes duration. This day was significant for the reason that no representation was made to the NCST/NIST panel by either Steve Jones or anyone directly associated with "his group". Indeed, Alex Floum would seem to have been a prime candidate for making such a representation, if not Steve Jones himself (as he refers to the NIST studies repeatedly in his own paper). So, the question remains, why did Steve Jones not bother to participate or in the event, or even comment on it? This, to me, seemed like another strong indicator that the parameters under which Steve Jones was working had either been "preset", or he had decided not to venture beyond a certain point in his quest to uncover how 9/11 was perpetrated. Ironically, Steve's group is called "9/11 Scholars for Truth and Justice", and yet there was no mention of this event, or a representation made by any member of that group (as far as I am aware). Was this just incompetence? (Maybe but where have we heard this idea before?) Hustler Article and The Thermite theory * * In January 2007, US *Hustler* magazine published an article "Was 9/11 An Inside Job?" <>. Apparently Judy Wood was initially contacted by the author, who later contacted Steve Jones. The article exaggerated the qualifications of Gordon Ross (who has an article posted on the Journal of 9/11 Studies) whilst diminishing those of Prof Judy Wood. It also quoted that Jim Hoffman was a physicist when he is not. Though I was glad that more exposure was being given to 9/11 being an Inside Job, it was interesting to see the thermite theory being presented in a mainstream publication, and that some basic errors and omissions were evident. I decided to compile a short rebuttal article<>with the comments supplied by Profs Wood and Reynolds, Jeff Strahl and Veronica Chapman. Rick Siegel and the 9/11 Mysteries film Recently, it has been brought to my attention by Rick Siegel how subtle changes have been made to his footage from *9/11 Eyewitness* when it was used in the film *9/11 Mysteries*.

For example, Rick has discovered these problems with the film: 33:50 - Shows the first of Rick Siegel's footage of the North tower "This video was shot from New Jersey. Smoke rises from the base of the building as an explosion is heard" (Basically this is OK and with original sound from DVD) 34:08 - Second time around the same footage but the sound is replaced! Just after the dark filter effect we see the north tower collapse but the sound has been replaced with something completely different. A siren can be heard to distinguish that this is not the original sound. MAJOR DISINFO #1 Rick makes several other important observations about this film, which should be studied carefully <>. This does not look like "artistic licence" rather, it looks like a deliberate attempt to distort or change the evidence. This film also includes a presentation of the thermite theory, though it does also cover the level of destruction at the WTC quite well (but not does mention directed energy weapons as a possible cause, although this concept was embryonic before the recent work of Judy Wood). Black Projects and Alex Floum ** When I had read Judy Wood's Beam Weapon (now often termed Direct Energy Weapon - DEW) paper <>, it seemed clear to me that the evidence she compiled showed clearly that Black Technology had been used in the destruction of the WTC to me, there was no other possible way the sheer scale of destruction as indicated by the surprisingly small pile of debris seen following the decimation of the towers could have been caused. The problem was that she/we couldn't say exactly what had been used or how. Nevertheless, in essence, this was little different to saying that WTC 7 underwent controlled demolition (and even Steve Jones agrees with this), even if we couldn't say how the explosives were planted or by whom or what explosives were used. Following an e-mail from Alex Floum complaining about the conduct of Jim Fetzer and asking the list/group members whether the ST911 domain should be transferred to a "new society", I replied that I thought that Steve Jones should proceed with his Journal of 911 Studies domain/site whilst Jim's site should remain in his control. I also stated my thoughts that Black Technology was used on 9/11 and we were seeing an orchestrated "damage limitation" operation to prevent people from considering or delving deeper into this controversial area. <> I was surprised that no one attempted to ridicule my statements and I was also marginally surprised by Floum's response. He asked me if I was the same person who started the thread on PhysOrg regarding the freefall times of the towers. This thread had closed months ago, and had attracted many thousands of views and responses <>. Why he should have asked me this question in relation to any of the points I made, I do not know. He asked if I could send him links to information about the

use of "high tech" on 9/11 I referred him to Judy's paper (as if he wasn't aware of it already). I received no response to this. Steve Jones' Request to Me ** In the same message that had prompted a response from Floum, I mentioned Steve Jones apparent inability to address the basic points of evidence that Judy Wood had raised. Soon after, I received a message from Steve Jones asking me which questions he couldn't answer, so I pointed him at the list that Judy Wood had prepared<>. I expressed my unhappiness at what had happened with ST911 and my dislike of personal attacks. He suggested that I get together with other researchers and write a paper about Directed Energy Weapons being used on 9/11 and submit it to his Journal of 9/11 Studies for peer review. He mentioned that "personalized attacks would not be allowed". I then replied to him saying that I was not a research scientist (and I had made this clear to him when I joined ST911) so even if I did write a paper, it would not have any real credibility. I also then pointed out that Judy's paper, though unfinished, would qualify as a Scientific paper and contained no personalised attacks on Steve Jones. I received no response from Steve Jones to these points. Fetzer Jones Debate - Jan 17 2006* * Following repeated requests, Steve Jones finally agreed to talk with Jim Fetzer on Jim's "Dynamic Duo" show on GCN Live< %20Duo%20-%2017%20Jan%202007.mp3>. Feelings were obviously strong and this seemed to have a significant impact on the quality of the discussion. Jim Fetzer talked unnecessarily over Steve Jones and voices were raised on many occasions. However, on listening to the broadcast (linked above), I made the following notes, referenced by the elapsed times shown below. 43:38 Steve Jones shouts there was "significant damage" (twice) to the bathtub (but lower Manhattan still didn't flood). He talks about quantifying data, but in this context what does "significant" mean? He didn't say what volume of water flowed he merely listed a number of news reports which described some damage to the slurry wall (the bath tub). Such news reports didn't seem to me to constitute a sufficiently quantified rebuttal to what Judy had written it seemed to me more like a set of statements intended to debunk the basic evidence. 45:58 - Steve Jones mentions the paper about WTC dust particle sizes by Paul Lioy et al<>. Though Steve talks about a table of dust particle sizes, his use of this data is rather misleading, in my opinion he seems to be trying to say that the pulverisation and dustification which Judy had discussed did not really happen only large particle sizes resulted. However, a look at the abstract (my emphasis) of the paper above seems to indicate this paper, alone, would not be a good basis on which to judge the level of pulverisation:

*Abstract* The explosion and collapse of the World Trade Center (WTC) was a catastrophic event that produced an *aerosol plume* impacting many workers, residents, and commuters during the first few days after 11 September 2001. Three bulk samples of the *total settled dust and smoke* were collected at weather-protected locations east of the WTC on 16 and 17 September 2001 ; *these samples are representative of the generated material that settled** *immediately after the explosion and fire and the concurrent collapse of the two structures. We analyzed each sample, not differentiated by particle size, for inorganic and organic composition. In the inorganic analyses, we identified metals, radionuclides, ionic species, asbestos, and..... 54:00 Steve Jones states that the "Spire shakes and falls"<>but he doesn't explain how - we can't see any additional explosions on the video, so what is the energy causing this shaking and falling? 55:00 - Steve makes strong, repeated emphasis on sulifdation of the steel and makes a vague reference to the use of RDX but does not offer any other specific details of explosives. He then mentions "supercoarse dust" an odd term because it is clear that some of the dust was very fine fine enough to be visibly suspended in the air for many minutes or hours. 55:52 - Steve states that he wishes NIST would release more videos of collapse. It seemed odd to me that he did not report that he had asked them to release such videos seeing as he is considered by many as the foremost researcher from the academic community who has looked at this area. 59:00 - Steve asks if Judy's paper explains the destruction of WTC 7. This is a curious question it seems that most researchers agree on conventional Controlled Demolition being used on WTC 7! So, whilst I was uneasy about Fetzer's conduct of the interview (which was perhaps partly understandable after the "goings on" with the assault on ST911), I was very uneasy about some of the points Steve Jones made and the apparent tactic of debunking the evidence for the amount of pulverisation or related destruction of the WTC complex. *You need to a flashplayer enabled browser to view this YouTube video* "Ambushed!" (by Greg Jenkins) ** Some time ago, Prof Wood advised us of an impromptu interview<>which had been sprung on her after she had given a presentation at the NPCC. She had driven 600 miles and had previously not slept for 48 hours. People can watch this interview and form their own opinion of it. I will take the liberty of suggesting, however, even though the questions and information exchanged in the interview are revealing in themselves, Prof

Wood would likely have been even more congenial under different circumstances. [Edit: Judy did not actually give a presentation herself that day - please see this article< option=com_content&task=view&id=46&Itemid=60>for more details.] John Albanese Signs Up for UK 9/11 Forum!* * Recently, John Albanese signed up for our UK forum to post information about a new film he has produced about disinformation. He then seemed to make allegations about Profs Wood and Reynolds<>, which I challenged him about. I have yet to see any evidence to support these serious allegations. 9/11 *WAS* an Inside Job so what? ** It has to be said that despite the many great efforts and significant sacrifices made my many individuals who are trying to campaign for the truth behind 9/11 to be revealed, little has changed in the last 5 years. The "police state agenda" has unfolded before us and enough measures are already in use to see that it is real. It seems that the perpetrators are not really bothered that we know 9/11 was an Inside Job. What can we do about it? They can still unfold their agenda without any significant resistance. "Ding, Ding Round Two!"* * It would be nice to think that the fight to uncover 9/11 as an Inside Job only had "one round" and that we were well on our way to winning it. However, it seems to me, that we have now come to the end of "round one" and "round two" is now in progress. The perps are well-resourced and well-trained and are now beginning to land many more punches on those who are the closest to uncovering the links between the 9/11 Cover up and the other areas (like black technology and the energy cover up) which would undermine their power base. Cui Un-Bono? ** I have summarised in a table below who seems to have benefited and who seems not to have benefited in the "goings on" described above: Judy Wood identified against her will Steve Jones lauded and applauded for his "Why Indeed" paper. Judy Wood lost her job at Clemson Steve Jones retired and still salaried. Judy Wood's student Michael Zebuhr murdered Steve Jones described in CBS News Piece as founder of ST911<>(see

also response from 911Scholars <>) Judy Wood receives death threats Steve Jones featured in "Improbable Collapse" Judy Wood attacked for promoting "wild theories" Steve Jones thermite hypothesis evidence featured in 9/11 Mysteries<> Jim Fetzer's stolen/defaced gets a glossy make-over Conclusion* * Most of us agree that the hijackers that supposedly took control of the supposed planes on 9/11 were not real. However, I would suggest we now seem to have some real hijackers in our midst some of them already appear to have taken control of parts of Scholars for 9/11 Truth, for example and others have suggested that other campaigning groups have been similarly "hijacked"< %20Dynamic%20Duo%2004%20Jan%2007.mp3>. Others seem to be at work trying to limit the parameters of 9/11 research, as that research now takes those who look at the evidence into even more contentious and controversial areas of study. I felt that enough people would be shocked and reviled by 9/11 Truth to see through the tactics of pernicious debunking, discrediting and ridicule - but we now seem to have formed something like "The Official 9/11 Truth Campaign's version of 9/11 Truth" - anyone who begins to challenge this "official version" is said to be "damaging the movement". It seems that even very loose associations/organisations like ST911, once they begin to gain some traction, are targeted with the same old "divide and conquer" tactics. Some members of these organisations seem more attached to the idea that "unity and truth" are the same thing when, all too often, those claiming to speak the truth, as history should teach us, usually have a particular agenda. Maybe the truth is that we should all be able to follow our own threads of research and paths of evidence, without the pernicious debunking by others and we should be allowed to draw our own conclusions. Perhaps as the links between the 9/11 scam and the many others that have been played out on the general population over the last few millennia will now become exposed, and this will lead to a new era in human understanding, with access to surprising new technologies which can be used in ways beneficial to many more people than just the ruling elite. Acknowledgements I would like to thank:

! Prof Judy Wood for her incredible insights, research, tenacity and dignity in the face of severe adversity. ! Prof Jim Fetzer for his continued efforts to maintain ST911 as a credible entity under very difficult circumstances. ! Prof Reynolds and Rick Rajter for their superb analyses of the plane crash evidence and also Prof Reynolds for graciously publishing, on his Website, the Hustler rebuttal we compiled ! Rick Siegel for his amazing contributions to the fight for the truth and his lyrical and deeply insightful analysis of the evidence and the events as they have unfolded. ! Thomas Mattingly for his "mediation" and provision for public exposure of Reynolds/Fetzer/Wood's evidence and analysis via The McClendon Group. ! Jeff Strahl for his concise and focused comments and contributions. ! Veronica Chapman for her succinct and acutely observed points. ! Jerry Leaphart for his diligent work from a legal perspective and for being a lone dissenting voice at the NIST/NCST panel conference. ! CB Brooklyn for his collation of evidence re Steve Jones and his willingness to post to the various message boards in order to expose this information. ! Gerard Holmgren, Nico Haupt and Rosalee Grable for being at the forefront of analysis of some of the evidence mentioned here long before many others were "on the case". ! Many others for looking at the evidence and diligently working to expose it in ways they see as appropriate. Comments, corrections and feedback welcomed.

- Press Release - Professors Make Legal Challenges to NIST 9/11 World Trade Centre Report <http://> - CRITIQUE / REBUTTAL - HUSTLER MAGAZINE - "WAS 9/11 AN INSIDE JOB?" <http://>

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& This is a public domain 9/11 Truth documentary about the controlled demolition of the World Trade Center complex.

36 minutes

This compilation of previously released material shows that THREE (3) World Trade Center buildings (Twin Towers and Building 7) were brought down by controlled demolition. What will you do about it?

Compilation exposing 9/11 Truth 59 min - Jun 1, 2005

Re: Colonel Bob Bowman's open letter to US Military Officers Posted by: "galen" Wed Sep 19, 2007 5:43 pm (PST) Bob, you are most welcome. You're a true American hero! I think history will remember you and your timely letter as key to the rising groundswell for truth which averts WW III and stops the New World Order from destroying humanity. Have you heard about the US spy satellite that was shot down yesterday by the US military?! The struggle between the good people in the military and the ruling pathocrats has been fully engaged it would seem. Blessings -- galen Bob Bowman wrote: > galen, > > Thanks for your support. When I retired, Jimmy Carter was president, > and I felt good about what we in the military did -- preventing a > nuclear war. When I was on active duty, there was no need to write > such a letter. And while a civilian might theoretically be able to > arrest someone, he isn't going to be there when the top brass are > given an illegal order. Also, only active-duty officers can bring > court-martial proceedings against the Commander-in-Chief. By the way, > I DID speak out while on active duty. That's why I never got past Lt > Col. :) And tell Robert today's my birthday and I'm 73. (Guess he > thinks that's ancient.) I'm glad he's on our side and thinking, but > he sure seems to jump to conclusions about somebody he hasn't met. We > should meet some time over a couple of beers. He might find I'm not

> such a bad guy (for an old fart!). > > Bob > >

Overwhelmed or Upset with This Material? Special Note: On exploring this material, some people may know or come to understand that one of the main reasons they are here now is to help usher in a new paradigm for humanity. If you are one of these people, we invite you to take a look at our Transformation Team website at This message is available online at 070920mysteryplane911returnslaverychinesesurveillance Dear friends, Below are one-paragraph excerpts of important news articles you may have missed. These news articles include revealing information on the mystery plane seen over the White House on the morning of 9/11, the return of slavery to the United States, Wall Street's funding of Chinese domestic surveillance systems, and more. Each excerpt is taken verbatim from the major media website listed at the link provided. If any link fails to function, click here. Key sentences are highlighted for those with limited time. By choosing to educate ourselves and to spread the word, we can and will build a brighter future. With best wishes, Tod Fletcher and Fred Burks for PEERS and the Team

"One of the Eeriest Moments Amid the Carnage of 9/11"

September 12, 2007, CNN
JOHN KING: Today, six years after 9/11, a mystery endures about just what happened in the skies over the White House that terrible day. A plane flew right over it, but why, and what was it? For conspiracy theorists, the image is a gold mine. It appeared overhead just before 10 a.m., a four- engine jet ... in the nation's most off-limits airspace. On the White House grounds and the rooftop, a nervous scramble. And still today, no one will offer an official explanation of what we saw. Two government sources familiar with the incident tell CNN it was a military aircraft. They say the details are classified. This comparison of the CNN video and an official Air Force photo suggests the mystery plane is among the military's most sensitive aircraft, an Air Force E-4B. Note the flag on the tail, the stripe around the fuselage, and the telltale bubble just behind the 747 cockpit area. MAJ. GEN. DON SHEPPERD (RET.), U.S. AIR FORCE: There are many commercial versions of the 747 ... that look similar, but I don't think any of them that have the communications pod like the ... Air Force E-4 does behind the cockpit. KING: The E-4B is a state of the art flying command post, built and equipped for one reason: to keep the government running no matter what, even in the event of a nuclear war, the reason it was nicknamed the doomsday plane during the Cold War. Ask the Pentagon, and it insists this is not a military aircraft, and there is no mention of it in the official report of the 9/11 Commission. [In] sum: the lack of any official explanation feeds an ominous conspiracy. This is from an online discussion about the plane on the web site "I have always thought these planes were exactly that, mission control for the 9/11 attack on our country." Note: For many other anomalous major media reports which collectively suggest that the official story of 9/11 may be a cover-up, click here.

9/11 Cover-up Two-Page Summary

Verifiable Media Reports on 9/11

To verify statements, click on links to articles on major media websites Join in powerfully building a brighter future for all by spreading the word
For a 10-page summary of the 9/11 cover-up, For a powerful, engaging video revealing lots more on 9/11: For reliable resources on the 9/11 cover-up and what you can do: 9/11 information center
9/11: Press for Truth can be viewed free on Google Video and YouTube (rated five out of five stars by viewers): Google Note: if unavailable, click here and search for an 84-minute version of "9/11: Press For Truth" Order this most excellent 9/11 video documentary (in DVD format) and share it with colleagues and friends: ($12.99) or the official movie website ($14.95) .
Thanks, Philip, Your words make a difference. Sometimes I get into the thought that there may be no solution, that it is all over. Then I meet people like you .... and many others. I was surprised when my chiropractor was talking to me about stress, and I mentioned that I did think a lot about 9/11/01 and how our government is being led by the big corps and and others whose names may never be known ... and my chiropractor lets me know that he has never believed the official line about 9/11 -- and the guy is a Vietnam veteran. Look, share with me any ideas you may have from time to time, esp. on the matter of how to awaken Mr. Average American to what is happening -- and what we can do about it. Philip, what else can we do about it? Another wave of violence is not the answer. Here, I'll leave you with this: &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& What Really Happened on 9-11? The events of 9-11 are seared into the collective psyche of this generation. We have all been affected by the catastrophes of that fateful day, but what really happened on 9-11?

Some people believe an outlandish conspiracy theory involving 19 Arab hijackers who allegedly: commandeered four commercial jets with nothing more than their cunning, wit, resolve, hatred of America, and some box cutters; then proceed to fly these aircraft around US airspace unfettered for a total lapsed time of over an hour; on three of the planes, pulled stunning flight maneuvers beyond the capability of even expert pilots; and, managed to cause damage to their targets one of which just happens to have been the most heavily defended building in the world so extreme as to be in clear violation of several well understood laws of Physics, Chemistry, and Thermodynamics. This amazing conspiracy theory is even more suspicious and bizarre in that it is the one proffered by the United States Government (USG) and the 9-11 Cover-Up Omission Commission. In the 9-11 Truth Movement we call it the Official Conspiracy Theory (OCT). Thankfully, despite the best efforts of the corporate-controlled media and virtually the entire US Congress, there are literally millions of people in this country and millions more around the world who do not believe that these 19 Arabs, as clever as they purportedly were, could have somehow suspended the laws of Physics on 9-11. Are There Competing Conspiracy Theories? We just observed that the official story of 9-11 is in fact a "conspiracy theory" and a wacky one at that, one that happens to be physically impossible! There must be another explanation, one that doesn't require us to rewrite most of Newtonian Physics. There is, in fact, another explanation that is supported by the empirical evidence, the observed events of the day. It is more than a 'conspiracy theory' at this point. It has been sufficiently verified, tested, and refined to be rightly called a 'conspiracy reality'. True, there are competing conspiracy "theories", but they only compete with the OCT not the conspiracy reality, as they all have anomalies, inconsistencies, improbabilities, and out right impossibilities that will keep them forever in the realm of "theory" unsupported by fact. These conspiracy 'theories' that eschew the OCT only to embrace other utter nonsense (like: planes didn't hit the WTC, holograms and "video trickery" were used instead; the three WTC skyscrapers demolished on

9-11 were destroyed by exotic, space-based, directed energy beam weapons; a commercial jet really did hit the Pentagon) are in reality all part of a concerted COINTELPRO-style USG disinformation campaign designed to splinter and marginalize those of us who have solved the Rubik's Cube of 9-11. These "theories" don't compete with what is known to be true by the vast majority of the 9-11 Truth Movement, they are deliberate and elaborate disinformation campaigns designed to make those of us who do know the truth look foolish by association. What Is The Real Conspiracy? Here is a synopsis of what the best and brightest researchers around the world have gleaned over the past five-plus years from the best evidence available: * yes, 9-11 was a 'terrorist' attack, but it was not perpetrated by 'angry Arabs', it was a State-sponsored 'inside job', a 'false flag' operation planned, executed, and covered up by elements of the USG and operatives from at least two other countries it was the greatest act of psychological warfare ever perpetrated; * the alleged 19 Arab 'hijackers' were 'patsies', several are still alive, several were under the care and feeding of USG operatives and were being 'trained' at CIA-operated flight schools; * FBI field agents who discovered the plot were told by their superiors not to investigate the "suspicious Arabs in flight schools"; * no interceptor jets were launched in a timely manner on 9-11 because of the five to seven overlapping war games "games" simulating a simultaneous hijacking of several planes that were taking place on 9-11; * the planes that hit the Twin Towers were most likely remotely controlled to their intended targets; * WTC 1 and 2 (the Twin Towers) and WTC 7 were all destroyed by preplanted charges a combination of Thermate and high-powered explosives in controlled demolitions; * the Pentagon was hit by a military drone painted to look like American Airlines flight 77, possibly in combination with a cruise missile;

* the cell-phone calls allegedly made from the 'hijacked' flights were not possible with the technology available on 9-11 from the altitude and speed at which the jets were traveling; these calls were faked to help sell the OCT; * the fate of United flight 93 is still up for debate at this time; it seems to have been intended to hit Congress and was likely shot down by a "rogue" air force interceptor, but some reports claim it landed in Cleveland (one way or another, all passengers are dead). Why Kill Your Own People? This is the toughest part for the uninitiated to understand. The people who planned and executed the treasonous, heinous crimes of 9-11 are largely drawn from a handful of people known as NeoCons. Many of these are current or former members of PNAC (Project for the New American Century). Many are disciples of Leo Strauss, a German-born, fascistic, political philosopher who taught at the University of Chicago. Strauss thought that the average person was too stupid to decide what is in their best interest and that a ruling elite should govern all of humanity. Taking a long-term perspective, 9-11 was conceived as a "stepping stone" to eventually enable the creation of a New World Order (NWO), the ultimate goal of the ruling elite one global, fascistic, police state in perpetual war against an unseen enemy terrorism. There were also several short-term objectives of 9-11: to push the USA Patriot Act through a compliant and complicit Congress; to declare war on Afghanistan and Iraq; to create a "siege mentality" in the USA and around the world; to eliminate the Constitution and in doing so eliminate Constitutional Rights and civil liberties; to dramatically increase military and 'security' spending; to further divide the country; to rapidly militarize local police; to set the stage for the next '9-11'; and, ultimately, to prepare for martial law. How Could They Keep It Secret? Most people assume that for insiders to have pulled off 9-11 would have taken so many people that someone would have talked by now. First of all, it seems likely that there were as few as roughly 140 people who were intimately involved in the details of 9-11. On this

site, you can see pictures and a short bio of the 90 people who are highly likely to be the top criminal co-conspirators guilty of the planning, execution, and subsequent cover-up of the treason and mass murder that took place on 9-11. As far as why no one has confessed, look at it this way: Everyone involved in 9-11, even those only involved in the cover-up, are guilty of crimes for which they could possibly receive a death sentence if convicted. If that isn't enough incentive to remain silent, I don't know what is! How many times has a criminal ever confessed to a crime for which they were not even a suspect?! Criminals will only confess if they're convinced they've been caught and they're willing to make a deal for leniency if they reveal their cohorts. Furthermore, when you read the names on the list of suspected perpetrators, you'll see right away what a tight-knit little group it is. If there were even a shadow of a doubt about someone's loyalty, they would not have been invited into this cabal. About the List of Suspected 9-11 Criminal Coconspirators. This list was compiled after many hours of research. Many, if not most, of the people named here were very likely criminally involved in the planning, execution, and cover-up of the crimes of 9-11 crimes which include mass murder, accessory to mass murder, and treason. There is a slim possibility that a few people named here should not be on this list. If evidence surfaces that would exonerate someone named here, their name will be removed. Clearly, there are people who were involved who are not on this list; for instance, the people on the small team of demolition experts who actually wired WTC 1, 2, and 7 for demolition. We won't have a final verdict on all of the perpetrators until a new and fully independent 9-11 investigation is launched that has the ability to subpoena documents and question suspects under oath. If you would like to offer someone to be added to the list of suspected perpetrators, you can submit pertinent information to . Please note: In an effort to reclaim the meaning of certain highly-charged words, the word 'defense' has been replaced by the word 'war' in all USG department names, position titles, and policy boards. For instance, 'Secretary of Defense' is retitled 'Secretary of War' to

more accurately reflect the true nature of the position. .
What Can We Do? Once you know the truth of what really happened on 9-11 and you realize that a handful of people at the highest levels of the USG and the corporate world committed mass murder and treason on 9-11, it's impossible to simply look the other way and carry on as if the OCT fairy tale were true. The perpetrators of the 'false flag' attack of 9-11 committed an abominable crime and have, so far, escaped prosecution. If they are not removed from power in the very near future it is virtually assured that they will do another 9-11-style attack. The biggest difference is the next one will be much worse, most likely involving a nuclear device, and the outcome will be much worse as well. Expect the following: casualties in the tens, if not hundreds, of thousands; an immediate declaration of martial law; the total suspension of the Constitution and all civil rights; the abolition of Congress; and the hasty coronation of George W. Bush as Dictator of the Americas. Don't let anybody tell you, "One person can't make a difference"! Tell your friends and family the uncomfortable truth about 9-11. Pass out copies of DVDs like "9-11 Mysteries". Organize talks about 9-11 in your community. Demand your elected officials launch a new and independent investigation of 9-11. Vote for 9-11 Truth Candidates for public office. Individually and together we can, must, and will see that the perpetrators of 9-11 are removed from power and brought to justice. .
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& PERSONAL FROM JAMES I am proud to be a conspiracy theorist. I am glad I am not an 'Outrageous' conspiracy theorist, like G W Bush and his mind-numbed followers.

It is outrageous to accept one theory that ignores most of the observable evidence, and to replace it with one that follows the script. We have to get beyond the name-calling, however, and find ways to communicate to the people who are living in fear of the terrorist ... It is right out of Orwell. Maybe we could move for a revival of the film '1984' ... but would they make the connection? My name is Bob Brunner with We Are Change I was one of those out at Montlake this morning. Here is an article that ran in the PI in regards to the Whitehouse editing the EPA reports: Feal Good Foundation John Feal ( 1st responder, veteran) and also I would also encourage you to see the presentation by William Rodriguez, The last man out of the WTC. And this interview with John Schroeder FDNY engine company 10. +fdny&total=5&start=0&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=4
Firefighter John Schroeder, assigned to Engine Company 10 directly across the street from the World Trade Center complex, holds back tears and describes his first-hand experience on Sept. 11th. His story directly contradicts many aspects of the National Commission on Terrorist attacks and corroborates many other eyewitnesses testimony. Standing outside the firehouse with my buddies, we were talking about how beautiful the day was. Then just like that, our lives changed forever. Some of those guys I would never see again. In this exclusive interview, Firefighter Schroeder recollects in great detail how he was one of the first firefighters to rush to the complex. We first assembled on West Street, where we saw someone burnt beyond recognition. We were like What is going on here? and then went straight into the Marriot building From there, Firefighter Schroeder made his way to the lobby of the North Tower. It looked like a bomb went off, and we started making our way up the stairs to rescue as many people as we could. As they were making there way up the floors, Firefighter Schroeder heard a huge explosion. The elevators just blew right out. We couldnt believe it. The plane hits 80 floors up but the elevators explode at least five minutes later? It was unreal.

Firefighter Schroeder made it all the way up to the 23rd floor before barely hearing on the failing radios that another plane was coming in. That plane would hit the South Tower though for some reason We were tossed like a rag doll by another explosion in our building. People were making there way down the stairwells burnt like you couldnt believe. We were all shocked because it seemed as if there was fire everywhere, on so many floors. It just didnt make sense. John Schroeder, we want to thank you for being as brave as your job requires in speaking out about your experiences on Sept/ 11th. You have set the historical record straight by explaining your story. This Nation is forever grateful to you as your account will help to save and protect many more lives. RSVP Today for the 9/11 First Responder Fundraiser in NYC on 09/11/2007:

Israel Conducted Air Strike Inside Syria Agence France-Presse Israel carried out a rare air strike inside Syria last week targeting a shipment of arms, CNN reported Tuesday quoting US government and military sources. C === 9/11 As A License To Kill By Norman Solomon From the outset, the warfare state has exploited "9/11," a label at once too facile and too laden with historic weight -- giving further power to the tacit political axiom that perception is reality. === 9-11, Six Years Later By Paul Craig Roberts When faced with disturbing events, the Romans asked a question, "Cui bono?" Who benefits? This question was conspicuously absent from the official investigation. === Remembering The Atrocities Of 9/11 - 34 Years Ago By NY Transfer Some of us have been marking the atrocities of September 11 for 34 years. On September 11, 1973, Nixon, Kissinger and their pals at ITT went beyond "making the Chilean economy scream" and enjoyed a full-blown military assault against Chile which began the bloody fascist coup there. Here is a very brief history of that September 11.

=== Bin Laden and 'Azzam the American': Al-Qaeda with American characteristics By Sukant Chandan To find such radical pronouncements as those from Bin Laden when he calls on people who have 'previously liberated yourselves before from the slavery of monks, kings, and feudalism', to liberate themselves from 'the deception, shackles and attrition of the capitalist system', a system he continues to argue that 'seeks to turn the entire world into a fiefdom of the major corporations under the label of "globalization" in order to protect democracy.' === Bin Laden is Right? The Unwarranted Influence of America's Global "Defense" Corporation By Brian Bogart You know your country's "democratic" leadership and rationale for war are in trouble when the anointed most-evil enemy makes more sense than they do. == Is the U.S. Responsible for a Million Iraqi Deaths? By Patrick McElwee and Robert Naiman Just Foreign Policy Unfortunately, the debate over whether the U.S. military should end its occupation of Iraq remains largely uninformed by accurate estimates of Iraqi deaths, at least here in the United States. Worse, there seems to be a lack of interest in how many Iraqis have been killed even as many who oppose withdrawal warn of the deaths that would ensue if the troops left. === 'Swear Him In' By Ray McGovern If Petraeus is so honest and full of integrity, what possible objection could he have to being sworn in? Should generals be immune? Or did Petraeus' masters wish to give him a little more assurance that he could play fast and loose with the truth without the consequences encountered by Scooter Libby? === Report From Iraq Al Jazeera Video Report U.S. Fueling Sectarian Civil War in Anbar by Funding Former Insurgents to Fight Al Qaeda. ===

Refuse to Fight By William Blum Okay, Bush ain't gonna get out of Iraq no matter what anyone says or does short of a)impeachment, b)a lobotomy, or c)one of his daughters setting herself afire in the Oval Office as a war protest. A few days ago, upon arriving in Australia, "in a chipper mood", he was asked by the Deputy Prime Minister about his stopover in Iraq. "We're kicking ass," replied the idiot king.[1] Another epigram for his tombstone. ===


By L.K. Samuels "I am right, you are wrong, and you will do as I say!" This attitude, essentially a belief in one's own moral superiority, is the root case of war. The authoritarian mindset demands enforcement. However, opinions are subjective and points of view vary. Why should one rule over another? Why should any individual be compelled to follow the convictions of another? And yet, governments and community leaders routinely force their prejudiced opinions on others with little or no recourse. They believe they are right and therefore everyone else is wrong. They have succumbed to the Machiavellian notion that "ends justify the means," contending that any violent act -- murder, robbery and so forth -- is permissible providing that their end-goal is a "greater good." Whether a particular opinion is good or bad is immaterial -- nobody should impose their convictions on another. True, some ideals are superior to others, but this gives no legitimate authority to commit aggression. The best road to peace is to allow citizens to structure their own lives. When citizens are denied this freedom, conflict flares. History is littered with examples. The Peasant War in Germany in the 16th Century, often cited as a religious war, erupted due to heavy taxes and inflexible policies. Each German prince demanded that only one religion could exist within his domain. The decrees forced peasants of unrecognized or outlawed religious groups to pay taxes for the upkeep of the state-sanctioned church. The German peasants were outraged at paying for a religion not of their choosing. Bloody war soon erupted. In their infinite wisdom, governments habitually impose their policies on society. This aggression often leads to conflict and civil discord. Only a small, unobtrusive government ("minimist" or "night-watchman government") can reduce inter-societal conflict. Only a free society where citizens freely choose their own personal/economic lifestyles can ensure a peaceful way of life. War is aggression. If the authority-elite achieves supremacy in their own nation, their power-lust often overspills borders in the form of invasion. Until voluntarism is embraced, there will be no let-up of warring on both domestic and foreign battlefields. "If men want to oppose war, it is statism that they must oppose. So long as they hold the tribal notion that the individual is sacrificial fodder for the collective, that some men have the right to rule others by force, and that some (any) alleged "good" can justify it -- there can be no peace within a nation and no peace among nations."

Have We Become An Empire?

Empires strike at other nations for gain. Republics protect their citizens in defense. With a handful of exceptions, wars are political power grabs at home and territorial conquests abroad. During his farewell address in 1796, George Washington warned Americans against getting involved in "entangling foreign alliances." Washington knew that it was not the duty of Americans to be in constant warfare on behalf of other nations. Until World War II, the American public was generally unwilling to get involved in endless wars around the world. But the attack on Pearl Harbor changed that. The once non-interventionist nation became determined to

police the world. We now have over 700 military bases around the world. As Randolph Bourne wrote in 1918, "War is the health of the state." Government thrives off war and its hysteria. Without such conflicts they could not justify increased spying on citizens and suspension of citizens' rights. Government needs war the way a heroin addict needs drugs. They need it to justify increasing taxes and expanding debt, and to inflame nationalistic fervor. Governments need foreign conflict to prop up sagging popularity and economic policies. For instance, some economists now believe that Hitler's real reason for invading other nations in the late 1930's was his failing domestic economic policies; he had to do something to prevent an unpopular recession in his homeland. The true culprit for war is a staunch belief in state-ism. To accept the legitimacy of the state is to embrace the necessity for war. Governments are the quintessential war machine. They are constantly preparing for armed conflict with foreign opponents as well as domestic ones. They seek to protect their status, their power, their right to rule over others; their moral convictions that they are right and therefore everyone else is wrong which creates an US versus THEM mentality that knows no bounds. And in doing so, they have made war the greatest threat to human liberty, life and civilization. War is the ultimate weapon to destroy individual liberty and free trade. War turns peaceful republics into violent empires. FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL JAMES: 707 921 8423

9/11: Press for Truth Released September 8th, a video from the families who fought to create The 9/11 Commission -- and succeeded. This documentary presents the many-faceted events that led up to, and then scrutinizes, the 9/11 Commission hearings. Massive injustices and misrepresentations are brought to light and "exposed" by respected members of the mainstream American media, and from the families themselves in the narrative of events that shaped most greatly our world today. "9/11: Press for Truth" The families present their 2 1/2 year struggle to create an investigation and inquiry into the events of 9/11 -- which was at first heavily resisted and even explicitly prohibited by the President and Vice-President. __________________
9/11 Cover-up Ten Easily Verified Facts from Major Media Websites
Here are ten important facts on 9/11 that you can quickly and easily verify on the informative website You can verify each statement by using the links provided to the original articles on major media websites. These statements raise the question, "Was 9/11 allowed to happen?" This message is sent with the hope of strengthening democracy and building a brighter future for all of us. Americas top military leaders approved plans to commit acts of terrorism and kill innocent citizens in US cities to trick the public into supporting a war against Cuba in the early 1960s. One proposal even involved hijacking planes as a false pretext for war. [ABC News, 5/1/01, Pentagon Documents] 15 of the 9/11 hijackers should have been denied entry to the US for faulty visa documents. [Washington Post, 10/22/02, ABC, 10/23/02, more] Two top Republican senators say that if State Department personnel had merely followed the law, 9/11 would not have happened. [AP, 12/18/02] Before 9/11, the military conducted exercises simulating hijacked airliners used as weapons to crash into targets including the World Trade Center and Pentagon. Yet after 9/11, the White House and security officials repeatedly said they were shocked that terrorists crashed airliners into landmark buildings. [USA Today, 4/19/04] [Military District of Washington, 11/3/00] [NY Times, 10/3/01, more]

In the three months prior to 9/11, German intelligence warned the CIA that Middle Eastern terrorists were training for hijackings and targeting American interests, and Russian President Putin alerted the US of suicide pilots training for attacks on US targets. In August, Israel warned of an imminent Al Qaeda attack. [Fox News, 5/17/02, Independent, 9/7/02, more] On Aug 6, 2001, President Bush received an intelligence briefing warning that bin Laden might be planning to hijack commercial airliners. Titled Bin Ladin Determined To Strike in US, the briefing specifically mentions the WTC. Yet Bush later claimed it said nothing about an attack on America. [Washington Post, 4/12/04, White House, 4/11/04, Intelligence Briefing, 8/6/01, more] On Sep 10, 2001 top Pentagon officials canceled travel plans for the next day, which was 9/11. [Newsweek, 9/13/01, Newsweek, 9/24/01, more] Bin Laden's family was taken under FBI supervision to a secret assembly point where they left the country on a private charter plane three days after the 9/11 attacks. [New York Times, 9/30/01][Boston Globe, 9/20/01, more] A shocking book by the 9/11 Commission co-chairmen Thomas Kean and Lee Hamilton outlines repeated deceptions by the Pentagon and the FAA, including the timelines of Flights 77 and 93. "The fact that the government would...perpetuate the lie suggests that we need a full investigation of what is going on." [CNN, 8/9/06 , more] Several 9/11 hijackers later mentioned in the 9/11 Commission Report turned up alive. Alleged 9/11 pilot Waleed Al Shehri, on seeing his name and photograph, says that he is alive. Abdulaziz Alomari states the name and date are his, but his passport was stolen. [London Times, 9/20/01, BBC, 9/23/01, more] A growing number of top government officials and public leaders have rejected the official story of 9/11. 100 prominent leaders and 40 9/11 family members have signed a statement calling for an unbiased inquiry into evidence that suggests high-level government officials may have deliberately allowed the attacks to occur. [Various Publications]

For more on these and other eye-opening facts, go to the two-page 9/11 summary at 9-11cover-up Or even better, go straight to the information-packed 10-page summary at 9-11cover-up10pg For other reliable resources on the 9/11 cover-up, visit our 9/11 Information Center. To understand why all these facts arent getting extensive media coverage, go to If these facts were reported in headline news where they belong, caring citizens would be astounded and demand to know more. This has not happened, which is why we feel compelled to provide them here. The entire website at is dedicated both to providing a concise, reliable introduction to important information that is being hidden from us, and to inspiring us to work together to strengthen democracy and to build a better world. You can help to build a brighter future right now by educating yourself on these vital issues, and by forwarding this message to your friends and colleagues and asking them to do the same. Thank you for caring. Together we can and will build a better world for ourselves and our children. The team is a group of dedicated researchers from around the world who compile and summarize important, verifiable facts and information being hidden from the public. You can reach us by visiting http://

The Ground Zero Grassy Knoll

A new generation of conspiracy theorists is at work on a secret history of New Yorks most terrible day.
By Mark Jacobson

Free fall: The speed at which the towers came downthey were almost in free fall suggests controlled demolition rather than catastrophic collapse. (Photo: Jim Collins/AP)

1. 11/22 and 9/11

They keep telling us 9/11 changed everything. But even in this Photoshopped age of unreliable narrators, much remains the same. The assassination of President John Kennedy, the Crime of the Last Century, occurred in plain sight, in front of thousandsyet exactly what happened remains in dispute. The Warren Commission found that Lee Harvey Oswald, fellow traveler of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee, shot Kennedy with a cheap Mannlicher-Carcano rifle from a sixth-floor window of the Texas School Book Depository. The commission found that Oswald, who two days later would be murdered by nightclub owner Jack Ruby, acted alone. The Plane Truth A list of 9/11 conspiracy theories, from nuts to soup. Yet, as with so many such events, there is the sanctioned history and the secret historyplayers hidden from view. In the Kennedy murder, the involvement of shadowy organizations like the Mafia and the CIA came into question. This way of thinking came to challenge the official narrative put forth by the Warren Commission. It is not exactly clear when the grassy knoll supplanted the sixth-floor window in the popular mind-set. But now, four decades after Dallas, it is difficult to find anyone who believes Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone gunman. But if Oswald didnt kill the president, who did? So 11/22 remains an open case, an open wound. Now here we are again, contemplating the seemingly unthinkable events of September 11. An official explanation has been offered up: The nation was attacked by the forces of radical Islam led by Osama bin Laden and his Al Qaeda jihadists. Again, this narrative has been accepted by many. But not all.

2. War Without End

Just your average wild-eyed, foaming-at-the-mouth conspiracy nuts, Father Frank Morales told me as he surveyed the 200 or so graying beatniks and neighborhood anarchist punks sporting IS IT FASCISM YET? buttons who had assembled in the basement of St. Marks Church for the weekly Sunday-night meeting of the New York 9/11 Truth Movement to hear a lecture by Webster Tarpley, author of 9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA.

Saying he was in New York to debunk the outrageous myth . . . the absurd fairy tale that the tragic events of September 11, 2001, were the work of nineteen fanatics with box cutters sent by a bearded man in a cave, the 60-year-old Tarpley projected a slide designated State-Sponsored False Flag Terrorism, depicting a Venn diagram of three interconnected circles. Circle one was labeled patsies, comprising dupes, useful idiots, fanatics, provocateurs, and Oswalds. Included here were the demonized bin Laden and alleged lead hijacker Mohammad Atta. The second ring, marked MOLES, contained government officials loyal to the invisible government, such as Paul Wolfowitz, Tony Blair, Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, and, of course, George W. Bush. The third circle, PROFESSIONAL KILLERS, encompassed technicians, CIA special forces, old boysthe unnamed ones who did the dirty work and kept their mouths shut. September 11 was the true face of corporatized terror, said Tarpley, graduate of Flushing High School, class of 1962 (also Princeton), and author of an unauthorized biography of George Herbert Walker Bush. The book paints the Bush-family patriarch, Senator Prescott Bush, as knowingly profiting from Hitlers Third Reich in his role as a director of the Union Banking Corporation, where, Tarpleys book says, the Nazis kept their money. According to Tarpley, this, roughly, is how it went down on September 11: Cheney, Rumsfeld, and the Pet Goatengrossed president played their assigned roles enabling the strange events of the day, including the wholesale stand-down of the multi-trillion-dollar American air-defense system. Cued by fellow mole Richard Clarke, the main players made sure the CIA-owned-and-operated Osama and his alleged 72-virgin-craving crew got the blame, the towers collapsing not from fire, as reported by the brainwashed mainstream media, but thanks to a well-planned controlled demolition. Laying out his scenario, Tarpley touched on many of the unanswered questions that make up the core of the 9/11 Truth critique of the so-called Official Story. Like: How, if no steel-frame building had ever collapsed from fire, did three such edifices fall that day, including 7 World Trade Center, which was not hit by any airplane? And why, if hydrocarbon-fueled fire maxes out at 1,800 degrees Fahrenheit and steel melts at 2,700 degrees, did the towers weaken sufficiently to fall in such a short timeonly 56 minutes in the case of the South Tower? And why, if the impact destroyed the planes supposedly crash-proof flight-recorder black boxes, was the FBI able to find, in perfect condition, the passport of Satam al Suqami, one of the alleged American Airlines Flight 11 hijackers? And how to explain the nonperformance of the FAA and NORAD? How could they, an hour after the first World Trade Center crash, allow an obviously hostile airplane to smash into the Pentagon, headquarters of the entire military-industrial complex, for chrissakes? And why did the Defense Department choose to stage an extraordinary number of military exercises on 9/11occupying matriel and spreading confusion about who was who on that day?

Sky commander: The fact that Bush spent much of 9/11 in the air while Cheney was in de facto control in the White House leads some to suggest the VP was ringleader. (Photo: Doug Mills/AP)

And why was it so important, as decreed by Mayor Giuliani, to clear away the debris, before all the bodies were recovered? And what about the short-selling spree on American and United airlines stock in the days before the attacks? Betting on the stocks to go downwas this real sicko Wall Street insider trading? There were so many questions. But when it came to the big why of 9/11, there was only the classic conspiratorial query: Who benefits? For Tarpley and others, this was a slam dunk: September 11 was a holocaust-as-ordered by the neocon cabal Project for the New American Century, which, like its Svengali, Leo Strauss, recognized the U.S. masses to be meth-addled, postliterate, post-logical lard-asses, a race of sheeple that would never rise to inherit the mantle of postCold War world-dominators without some catastrophic and catalyzing eventlike a new Pearl Harbor. In other words, a new Pearl Harbor like the old Pearl Harbor, which Roosevelt was supposed to have known about and used as an excuse to get us into World War II. Pearl Harbor, the Reichstag fire, take your pick. What mattered was that 3,000 human beings were dead, freeing Manchurian Candidate Bush to decree his fraudulent War on Terror, a Social Darwinian/Hobbesian/with-us-or-against-us struggle to corner the planets dwindling bountya global conflict without end in which only the strong, the white, and the Republican would survive.

3. Your HOP Level

In his paper What Is Your HOP Level? Nick Levis, who co-coordinates the N.Y. 9/11 Truth meetings with Father Morales and Les Jamieson, categorizes the basic narrative theories about September 11. The options essentially boil down to four. (A) The Official Story (a.k.a. The Official Conspiracy Theory). The received Bushian line: Osama, nineteen freedom-haters with box cutters, etc. As White House press secretary Ari Fleischer said, there was no warning. (B) The Incompetence Theory (also the Stupidity, Arrogance, Reno Wall Theory). Accepts the Official Story, adds failure by the White House, FBI, CIA, NSA, etc. to heed ample warnings. This line was advanced, with much ass-covering compensation, in The 9/11 Commission Report. (C) LIHOP (or Let It Happen on Purpose). Many variations, but primarily that elements of the U.S. government and the private sector were aware of the hijackers plans and, recognizing that 9/11 suited their policy goals, did nothing to stop it. (D) MIHOP (Made It Happen on Purpose). The U.S. government or private forces planned and executed the attacks. Tarpleys conception of a far-flung, supragovernmental alliance of intelligence agencies (he reserves a key spot for Britains MI6) and military forces is only one of many MIHOPs floating around 9/11 Truth circles. Popular are various configurations of a Cheney-Bush MIHOP, with most asserting that the vice-president, who appeared to be in charge on 9/11, was the main actor in the plot. Also ambient is the ecodoomsday Peak Oil MIHOP, the idea that the peaking of petroleum reserves required a false provocation to start an oil war in the Middle East. More controversial is Mossad MIHOP: the conjecture that Israeli intelligence (and kowtowing by the U.S. to the Israel lobby) played a crucial role, attempting to draw the U.S. into a prolonged struggle with Israels enemies. Notable in this is the white van story: Five men observed filming the attacks from Liberty State Park were later pulled over by cops near Giants Stadium. One man was found to have $4,700 in his sock. We are Israelis, the men reportedly told the cops. We are not your

problem. The men were quickly deported to Israel, after which the Forward claimed that the company that owned the van, Urban Moving Systems, was a Mossad front. Mossad MIHOP dovetails with the baseless rumor, widely believed in Arab countries, that 4,000 Jewish World Trade Center workers were told to stay home that day, showing that conspiracy theory can be tricky terrain. Mossad MIHOP easily morphs into Zionist MIHOP or Jewish MIHOP, leading to the charges of anti-Semitism that have dogged the 9/11 Truth movement. Do I believe Israel has undue influence over U.S. foreign policy? asks one activist. Absolutely. But there are people in this movement who are fucking Nazis. You have to draw the line at Holocaust denial. Deeper into late-night-talk-radio, Da Vinci Code territory are numerous incarnations of the New World Order MIHOP, defined by Nick Levis as the work of a global ruling elite seeking greater control of the world Zeitgeist. Ever elastic, NWO MIHOPs often date back to secret societies like the Knights Templar, founded in 1118 during the First Crusade. (Bushs alleged slip of calling the terror war a crusade was a key hint to the real, if surreal, agenda.) The continuity is clear to any student of the hidden history. The Templars begat the Freemasons (look at the pyramid-meeting-the-eye on every dollar in your pocket, fool!), from whom emerged the nefarious Illuminati, and onward to current standard-bearers like Yales Skull and Bones society (both Bushes are Bonesmen; John Kerry, too), the Council on Foreign Relations, and the blue-helmeted armies of the United Nations.

Cave man: Fundamental to the theorists worldview is that bin Laden, living in primitive conditions half a world away, could not have orchestrated such a complex plot. (Photo: Al Jazeera/AP)

Less-cited scenarios include Sino MIHOP, claiming the attack was a first strike in the inevitable conflict between China and the West. Scientologists have suggested a Shrink MIHOP, imagining evil Thetan psychologists as culprits. In the postmodern battle of paranoid narratives, we get to choose our terror dream, identify our own evil genius.

4. Inevitable MIHOP

For me, MIHOP was inevitable, because the more you know, the more you know, says Les Jamieson, a friendly, eminently reasonable 51-year-old from Brooklyn who remembers the moment the scales of Official Story hallucination fell from his eyes. I read a story in Newsweek, which said these generals were told earlier that week not to fly. Obviously, someone knew. My reaction was, Holy shit. This process has been one holy shit after another. Father Frank Moraless conversion was more dramatic. Raised in the Jacob Riis Projects, Morales, who if not for his priest collar could be mistaken for an East Village hipster, is a longtime Lower East Side hero, primarily for his work with local squatter communities. The day after 9/11, the diocese asked if hed go to ground zero to perform last rites. They said be prepared, because were not talking bodies, Frank, were talking body parts. I could feel myself getting madder and madder, not the way a priest is supposed to feel, says Morales. Sitting with a fireman, Morales called out, If I had somebody in this mess, Id wanna get

those motherfuckers. It was then, Morales says, that the fireman whispered, Hey, thats not it. You wanna know something? Bush and bin Laden have the same banker. It was everything that happened afterward, the Patriot Act and Iraq, that turned him into a 9/11 Truth activist, says Morales, who likewise sees little alternative to MIHOP. To me, Morales says, this is about history. History and truth, the nature of truth in a not particularly truthful age. Were like the minutemen of Revolutionary times, prosecutors in the discovery phase for a trial that is sure to come, says Jamieson, who on Saturday afternoons can often be found at ground zero holding up a banner proclaiming that 9/11 was AN INSIDE JOB. As 9/11 Truth advocates know well, the veracity they seek is unlikely to meet the ontological standards of Saint Anselm. Theyve got people on their side like the WebFairy, who runs a site proving the towers were not hit by planes but holograms, or ghost planes. Still, the truth movement wields one irrefutably puissant weapon in its struggle. As Nick Levis says, Would you believe anything George W. Bush told you?

5. A Fast-Moving Meme

Google 911 conspiracy and the bytes bury you. The first great conspiracy theory of the Internet Age imagine JFK assassinationology with the Web!9/11 Truth is a fast-moving meme. The thicket of truth sites is myriad. There is,,,,,,,, and hundreds more. It can be argued that a whole new kind of politics is being waged in the 9/11 Truth assault. Apocalyptical survivalists and extreme Bush-haters are equally attracted to the movements blanket Jaccuse. Be you a Starbucks-window breaker or John Bircher, you dont need a weatherman to know which way Thomas L. Friedman and his globalist windbaggery blows. This is not a movement that takes its Nagra tape recorders to document Dealey Plaza acoustics to ascertain which bullet came from what angle. When 9/11 Truth researchers cite the physical evidence, they usually mean the referred reality of photographs or videos posted on the Net. Paul Thompson, whose 9/11 timeline has become the undisputed gold standard of Truth research, does all his work on the Net. I dont have to be any particular place to do this, says Thompson, who for a while moved to New Zealand so it would be easier for him to concentrate. Yet it is difficult to deny the allure of this movement. The conspiracist has always relied on a degree of magical thinking. As Marshall McLuhan would swear if he werent dead, there has never been a more conspiracy-ready medium than the Net. It is an exhilarating serendipity that every surfer has felt: the glorious synchronicity in the way one link handshakes the next, the sensation of not knowing how you got there but being sure this is the right place. Such miraculous methodology cannot simply be random. For the moment, it feels like Truth.

Coincidences are rife. What is to be made of reports that prior to September 11, parties unknown purchased the domain names,, and Was this Mohammad Attas idea of a cyberjoke?

Theres reality, and theres illusion, says William Rodriguez. When illusion becomes reality, thats a problem; 9/11 is a giant illusion.

Consider Pammy Wynant, protagonist of the novel Players, by Don DeLillo. Published in 1977, the book describes how Pammy, working for a firm called Grief Management Council, which has its offices in the World Trade Center, at first thought the WTC was an unlikely headquarters for an outfit such as this. But she changed her mind as time passed. Where else would you stack all this grief? Later, DeLillo writes, to Pammy the towers didnt seem permanent. They remained concepts, no less transient for all their bulk than some routine distortion of light.

Mystery Plane: The plane that hit the Pentagon isnt seen in any photographs. Some ask if it existed at all. (Photo: AP)

Even dismissing numerological smutlike how 9+1+1=11 and there are eleven letters in both George W. Bush and The Pentagon, for which ground was broken September 11, 1941, exactly 155 (=11) years after the Masonic-dominated Founding Fathers opened the Constitutional Convention on September 11, 1786, not to mention, for CIA MIHOP fans, that Kissinger and the Langley boys chose September 11, 1973, to overthrow Chilean socialist president Salvador Allendewe appear to have entered the realm of the precognitively strange. Does it matter that the pilot for the conspiracy-themed Lone Gunmen (a short-lived Fox knockoff of The X-Files), which aired on March 4, 2001, tells the story of a U.S. government agencys plot to crash a remote-controlled 727 into the World Trade Center as an excuse to raise the military budget and then blame the attack on a tin-pot dictator who was begging to be smart-bombed? And why does every 9-year-old know how to fold a $20 bill so it forms a likeness of the burning Pentagon on one side and the Trade Center on the back? (See German composer Karlheinz Stockhausen may have been roundly chastised for calling 9/11 the greatest work of art ever. Yet what is the conspiracists obsessive attempt to make sense where there is no sense but a kind of (paranoid) art? No wonder Jungian shrinks, who churn out copious papers on the topic, are so crazy about 9/11. Its got so much archetype. Perhaps one of these learned men will pen a monograph on mandala-like smoke patterns ( in the burning South Tower, which seem to form a likeness of Lucifer?

6. Inside the Truth Vacuum

People are always coming up with stuff about holograms and planes shooting pods. Thats what happens when the truth is systematically suppressed, says Monica Gabrielle, whose husband, Richard, was killed in the attacks. Monica, who describes herself as being a completely normal housewife paying my taxes, raising my children before 9/11 and who now lives on Long Island with my dog, my alarm, and some plants, testified before the 9/11 Commission. She ended her statement saying she hoped this commission understands the need to leave a legacy of truth, accountability, and reform as a tribute to all of the innocent victims . . . We look to you for leadership. Asked if she ever expected to get a legacy of truth, Monica, who manifests an endearingly New Yorkish manner, laughs. I must be an idiot because, yeah, I did. I was brought up to believe in things like the U.S. government. But we got screwed. The commission was whitewash, a stonewall. Maybe 3,000 people dead wasnt enough to do the right thing. Did they need 5,000, or 10,000?

They had these people come in, made them promise to do better next time, and gave them medals. Rich was dead, and nobody was at fault. To me, thats a sin . . . With them, everything is fake. The government gave out ceremonial urns to the victims families. It had beach sand inside. From Coney Island or somewhere. They could have at least used the dust from the Trade Center. Something real. Asked about 9/11 Truth, Monica laughs again. You want tinfoil-hat-wearing nutters? I get these emails from this woman. Shes nice, supportive. Then she says to be careful because our thoughts, feelings, and bodily functions are being controlled 100,000 percent by electromagnetic waves. But I write back. I know she means well. Everyone needs a friend. Conspiracy theories, says Lorie Van Auken with a sigh. Shes one of the Jersey girls who pushed the Bush administration to convene the 9/11 Commission. Her husband, a Cantor Fitzgerald employee, was killed in the North Tower. She says, Thats why we demanded the commission, so there wouldnt be any conspiracy theories. Now, when I hear Philip Zelikow [the 9/11 Commissions executive director] wrote a book with Condi Rice or was seen with Karl Rove, it drives me crazy. I feel like Im trapped in a truth vacuum. One thing that has changed over Lories career as a 9/11 widow is that shes come to appreciate these conspiracy nuts, or whatever you want to call them. At first, we widows didnt want to be seen with conspiracy people. But they kept showing up. They cared more than those supposedly doing the investigating. If you ask me, theyre just Americans, looking for the truth, which is supposed to be our right.

7.Why 7 WTC Fell

Talking to these women was not unlike watching the Zapruder film, I thought. The famous 8-mm. movie shot by ladies-garment manufacturer Abraham Zapruder has been used to justify any number of Kennedy-assassination theories. Think the driver of the limo was the actual shooter, as a few nutbags have postulated? Its in the Zapruder film, if youre stoned and squint enough.

Hot Zone: The fact that people, like the woman in this picture, could survive near the impact zone suggests the fires werent hot enough to melt structural steel. (Photo: Amy Sancetta/AP)

However, you always get to the part where the presidents head explodes in a flash and shower of blood. It remains a horrible, frozen moment. One look and I am back in geometry class at Francis Lewis High School, the principals voice on the loudspeaker saying that the president had been shot, that he was dead. Speaking with the widows, or simply walking by a firehouse, was a teleportation back to the raw unspun brutality of the Day. This isnt as much of a stretch as it sounds, since I was there on September 11. Id just walked right into what would come to be called ground zero. No one stopped me. I knew the towers had fallen, seen it on TV. Still, I didnt expect things that big to totally disappear, as if the ground had swallowed them up. Where are the towers? I asked a fireman. Under your foot was the reply.

Hours later, I sat down beside another, impossibly weary firefighter. Covered with dust, he was drinking a bottle of Poland Spring water. Half his squad was missing. Theyd gone into the South Tower and never come out. Then, almost as a non sequitur, the fireman indicated the building in front of us, maybe 400 yards away. That building is coming down, he said with a drained casualness. Really? I asked. At 47 stories, it would be a skyscraper in most cities, centerpiece of the horizon. But in New York, it was nothing but a nondescript box with fire coming out of the windows. When? Tonight . . . Maybe tomorrow morning. This was around 5:15 p.m. I know because five minutes later, at 5:20, the building, 7 World Trade Center, crumbled. Shit! I screamed, unsure which way to run, because who knows which way these things fall. As it turned out, I wasnt in any danger, since 7 WTC appeared to drop straight down. I still have dreams about the moment. Even then, the event is oddly undramatic, just a building falling. Now the 9/11 Truth movement tells me I saw much more. According to Jim Hoffman, a software engineer and physicist from Alameda, California, where he authors the site, what I saw was a classic controlled demolition. This was why, Hoffman contends, 7 WTC dropped so rapidly (in about 6.6 seconds, or almost at the speed of a free-falling object) and so neatly, into its own footprint. For 7 WTC to collapse unaided at that speed, Hoffman says, would mean its 58 perimeter columns and 25 central columns of structural steel would have to have been shattered at almost the same instant, so unlikely as to be impossible. What happened at 7 WTC might be the key to the entire mystery of September 11, contends Hoffman. The $500 million insurance profit made by Larry Silverstein is a garden-variety motive, but the list of 7 WTC tenants sets conspiracy heads spinning. To wit: The IRS, the Department of Defense, and the CIA kept offices on the 25th floor. The Secret Service occupied the ninth and tenth. The Securities and Exchange Commission (home to vast records of bank transactions) was on floors 11 through 13. The 23rd floor was home to Rudy Giulianis Office of Emergency Management, his crisis center. If this wasnt enough, the mortgage of 7 WTC was held by the Blackstone Group, headed by Pete Peterson, chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations, stalwart players in any NWO MIHOP. In the 9/11 Truth cosmology, the destruction of 7 World Trade Center is akin to Jack Rubys shooting Lee Harvey Oswald. Seven WTC was the home of secrets. It had to go. Central to the scenario is a comment made by Silverstein in a 2002 PBS documentary.

Weve had such a terrible loss of life, he quotes himself as saying on 9/11. Maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it. Pull it, as Truth people never tire of repeating, is the term usually used for controlled demolition. These were vexing questions, especially since 7 WTC is not even mentioned in The 9/11 Commission Report. Nor is the building given much shrift in the subsequent Final Report on the Collapse of World Trade Center Towers, compiled by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). And there I was, thinking all I saw was a building falling down.

Were like the minutemen of Revolutionary times, prosecutors in the discovery phase of a trial thats sure to come, says Les Jamieson.

8. The Magician and the Expert

A few days after the St. Marks meeting, I went to a Community Board No. 1 forum where the NIST

report would be discussed. The meeting was in the Woolworth Building, the worlds tallest structure when it was completed in 1913. Since it was still standing, it seemed a good place to talk about the only former worlds tallest building(s) to fall down. I was with William Rodriguez, who, as he always does, brought along his video camera, so they know Im watching them.

Smoke Bomb: Could this puff of smoke be evidence of an internal explosion consistent with controlled demolition? (Photo: Jerry Torrens/AP)

As a boy shining shoes in Puerto Rico, William dreamed of being wrapped in a straitjacket and suspended upside down from a flaming rope. That was going to be my big trick. It was my goal to become a magician, the greatest illusionist in the Caribbean basin. Later, Rodriguez met James Randi, a.k.a. the Amazing Randi, the magician best known as a debunker of supernatural claims, offering the One Million Dollar Paranormal Challenge to anyone able to demonstrate verifiable evidence of psychic powers. Randi was my mentor, said William. I admired him for his tricks but also because he never said they were anything but tricks. He separated the truth from the phony. William moved to New York, but beyond some gigs at Mostly Magic, his career did not take off. He started working for a cleaning company in the World Trade Center. Hed stay there twenty years. On 9/11, William was late. Instead of mopping the stairwells on the 110th floor, where he almost certainly would have died, he was chatting with the maintenance crew on level B-1 in the basement. I heard this massive explosion below, on level B-2 or 3. I saw this guy come up the stairs. The skin on his arms was peeled away . . . hanging. Then I heard another explosion, from above. That was the first plane, hitting the building. In possession of one of the few master keys in the building, William led firemen up the stairwells. He was responsible for getting at least a dozen people out of the towers. Trying to escape as the North Tower fell, he found himself beneath a half-buried fire engine. I told myself this is going to be a slow death, but I should make it last as long as I could. My training as an escape artist helped me. I knew to be calm. They found me just in time. I understood my whole life had been pointing to this moment. Acclaimed as the last man pulled from the rubble, William became a hero of 9/11. I was at the White House. They took my picture with President Bush. Four years later, after repeatedly being rebuffed in his attempts to tell officials his story about the basement explosion, William is suing the U.S. government under the rico statute, legislation drafted to prosecute Mafia families. The suit reads like an Air America wet dream, with Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Condoleezza Rice, John Ashcroft, George Tenet, Karl Rove, and others (the Diebold Company is thrown in for good measure) listed as defendants. They say Im a conspiracy theorist; I call them conspirators, too, William says. It is like Randi said. Theres reality, and theres illusion. When illusion becomes reality, thats a problem. Nine-eleven is a giant illusion. Besides, what can they do to me? Im a national hero, Bush told me so himself.

Thats him, the NIST guy, William said, indicating Dr. S. Shyam Sunder, head of the institutes Trade Center report. An elegantly attired man in his fifties, Dr. Sunder, holder of degrees from the Indian Institute of Technology in Delhi and MIT, took his seat beside Carl Galioto, a partner at Skidmore, Owings and Merrill, architects of the new $700 million replacement for 7 WTC. Behind them was a slide of the new downtown skyline, dominated by another Skidmore project, the Freedom Tower, which, at an iconic 1,776 feet, is next in line to be the worlds tallest building. Like the new 7 WTC, which Galioto said featured a two-foot-thick vertical core encasing the elevators, utility infrastructure, and exit stairs, the Freedom Tower will be among the safest buildings ever built. This was important, the architect said, because constantly building and rebuilding was what New York was all about. After Dr. Sunders presentation (planes and fire did it), a woman from N.Y. 9/11 Truth stood up and said she hadnt been able to sleep at night since her best friend had died at the WTC. She had hoped NIST would clear up doubts, but this was not the case. I have here a report which contradicts much of what you say. The woman put a paper by Steven E. Jones, a physics professor from Brigham Young University, in front of Dr. Sunder. Jones makes the case for controlled demolition, claiming the persistence of molten metal at ground zero indicates the likely presence of high-temperature cutter-charges . . . routinely used to melt/cut/demolish steel. I hope you read this; perhaps it will enable you to see things a different way, the woman said. Actually, I have read it, Dr. Sunder said with a sigh. Later, asked if such outbursts were common, Dr. Sunder said, Yes. I am sympathetic. But our report . . . it is extensive. We consulted 80 public-sector experts and 125 private-sector experts. It is a Whos Who of experts. People look for other solutions. As scientists, we cant worry about that. Facts are facts.

Brother Act: One of many eerie 9/11 coincidences is that Marvin Bush, the presidents brother, worked for a firm that handled security for the WTC, and United and American airlines. (Photo: Pablo Martinez Monsvais/AP)

I asked Dr. Sunder about 7 WTC. Why was the fate of the building barely mentioned in the final report? This was a matter of staffing and budget, Sunder said. He hoped to release something on 7 WTC by the end of the year. NIST did have some preliminary hypotheses on 7 WTC, Dr. Sunder said. We are studying the horizontal movement east to west, internal to the structure, on the fifth to seventh floors. Then Dr. Sunder paused. But truthfully, I dont really know. Weve had trouble getting a handle on building No. 7.

9. Can 49.3 Percent of the People Be Crazy?

Late in the summer of 2004, as the Republicans in Madison Square Garden extolled George Bushs staunch protection of the homeland, a Zogby poll asked New Yorkers if they believed that some of

our leaders knew in advance attacks were planned on or around September 11, 2001, and consciously failed to act. Of city residents, 49.3 percent said yes. A year and a half later, doubt had increased, at least according to my own informal canvassing. Per Nick Leviss HOP paper, I offered four choices: (A) the Official Story; (B) the Official Story plus incompetence; (C) LIHOP; (D) MIHOP. Of the 56 respondents, 28 said C, 23 picked B, with 4 (including two Muslim cabdrivers) opting for MIHOP. Almost every white person with a straight job said B. Many disliked Bush but said they couldnt bring themselves to believe the U.S. government would take part in the death of 3,000 of its countrymen. Typical was the opinion offered by an investment banker at a downtown bar. I can see them wishing it would happen, secretly happy it did. But on purpose? Look at the way theyve managed Iraq. Theyre boobs. They couldnt have pulled off 9/11 without getting caught. Not possible. Uptown, responses were different. Yeah, they knew, said a retired transit worker on 116th Street, one of the 17 of 22 black people questioned who picked C. He said hed heard Marvin Bush, the presidents younger brother, was a director of Securacom, a firm that on 9/11 was in charge of security not only at the World Trade Center but also for United and American airlines as well as at Dulles airport, where Flight 77 took off. That true? he asked. Yeah, I said. Thats what I heard. There anywhere he aint got no brother? Bushs cousin, Wirt Walker III, worked there, too. Wirt? The third? Youre shitting me. This was pretty much the opinion. If Katrina proved the government was willing to let people die, right there on TV, why should 9/11 have been any different? Only one person picked A, the official story. This was a fireman, who was smoking a cigarette outside a downtown engine company. Truth be told, I wasnt keen on quizzing firemen about 9/11 Truth, but I knew the guys brother from high school. Not answering that, he said, warning not to ask others in the company, which had lost men on 9/11. This didnt mean he wasnt of the opinion that if he lived to be a million hed never see anything as corrupt, bullshit, and sad as what happened at the WTC. They got their gold and shipped us to Fresh Kills, he said. Call it one more conspiracy theory, but many uniformed firefighters believe the powers that be cared more about finding the gold reserves held in vaults beneath the Trade Center than the bodies of their fallen brothers. Still, the fireman said, if he had to pick a letter in my poll, it would be A. Osama fucking bin Laden, like Bush says. If I thought it was someone else, then Id have to do something about it. And I dont want to think about what Id do.

10. Disinformation

It weighs on you, thinking about 9/11, the day and the unremitting aftermath. Being a supposedly unflappable New Yorker offers little solace. The wound remains unhealed, emotions close to the surface. Certainly there was an urgency as activists gathered at the Veselka restaurant after the Tarpley meeting. With all the saber-rattling about Iran, this was no time to decrease vigilance, said Nick Levis, proposing a toast: That in 2006, we will crack the Official Story so we can stop being 9/11-heads and

return to normality. A classically hermetic New York conversation ensued, quickly moving from snickers about bin Ladens supposed CIA code name, Tim Osmond . . . as in Donny and Marie, to speculation about the role of Jerry Hauer, Giulianis former OEM guy, in the post-9/11 anthrax threats. Talk came to a halt, however, with the mention of whether it was American Airlines Flight 77 that hit the Pentagon on 9/11.

Father Frank Morales outside St. Mark's Church on Second Avenue and 10th St. (Photo: Jeff Mermelstein/For New York Magazine)

Broached in 2002 by Thierry Meyssan in his French best-seller LEffroyable Imposture (The Appalling Fraud), the idea that the Pentagon was struck by a missile instead of a 757 is the most controversial tenet of 9/11 Truthiana. The claim is based on Meyssans reading of photographs (Hunt the Boeing at supposedly showing the hole in the building to be no more than fifteen to eighteen feet widefar too small to fit a plane with a 125-foot wingspan. But there are problems, such as the many eyewitnesses who saw a plane flying low near the Pentagon shortly before impact. Disputing the no-crash theory, Jim Hoffman has argued, This is just the sort of wackiness defenders of the Official Story harp on to show how gullible and incompetent we conspiracy theorists are supposed to be. In other words, Meyssan and other no-plane believers were either wrong, unknowing dupes or spreaders of disinformation. The D-word is nothing to take lightly in conspiracy circles. For, as Thomas Pynchon notes in his Proverbs for Paranoids, if they can get you asking the wrong questions, they dont have to worry about answers. At Veselka, the question was, if Flight 77 did not crash, what happened to the 56 people on the plane? This query did not sit well with Nico Haupt, a thin, black-clad man from Cologne, Germany, compiler of the 9/11 Encyclopedia ( Gassed, he hissed. Have you ever heard of gassing? It is very easy. You open the door of the plane, and it spreads. You think they gassed them? Would even the Illuminati stoop this low? Haupt cast a withering look. That, or some other method of murder. Assholes!

Nico, calm down, said Tarpley. This is tactics. Theres no reason to make an enormous moral issue out of everything. But Haupt was past consoling. You are motherfuckers. Stupid motherfuckers. Slamming the tabletop, he gathered his things and stormed out. Nico is so emotional, said one activist, returning to her plate of pierogi.

11. 250 Greenwich Street

After dinner, I stopped at ground zero. Before the towers were built, my father took me here when the area was called Radio Row and sold tubes cheap. After 9/11, I spent many nights watching the great plume of water, shining in the vapor lamps, raining onto the smoking pit. Now I was in front of the replacement for 7 WTC, Silversteins $700 million baby, a nifty parallelogram with a stainless-steel finish like a Viking stove in a Soho loft. According to the Web brochure, 7 WTC collapsed probably as a result of the ignition of Con Edison diesel stored in the base. To avoid this hazard in the new building, the diesel is stored under the new plaza across from the reopened Greenwich Street. Another change is the offering of an alternative address, 250 Greenwich Street. Apparently, Silverstein felt this would play better in the trendy Tribeca neighborhood. Call it real-estate MIHOP. When the new 7 WTC opens, N.Y. 9/11 Truth plans a demonstration here. Now, however, it being late Sunday night, the place looked like a neutron-bomb landscape, lights on in the finished lobby, gleaming card-reading security gates in place, but no sign of humanity anywhere. A giant LCD screen scrolled various alphabetical fonts, one after another. It was numbing watching this, thinking that time was moving on, new fortunes would be made here, and like 11/22, it would never be known who did what on 9/11. A cop car pulled up. They wanted me to move on. Cops always want you to move on. Not that I was in any hurry. Larry Silverstein didnt own the sidewalk. I had as much right to the disaster as anyone. Then I remembered one more factoid. David Cohen, who headed the CIA office at 7 WTC on September 11, was the same guy hired by Ray Kelly as deputy commissioner of Intelligence. It was Cohen who instituted the subway bag search, one more chimera of security in the post-9/11 world. Who knew what a guy like that might be up to? So I moved on. Cant trust anyone nowadays.

The Plane Truth

9/11 conspiracy theories, from nuts to soup. Mossad Did It A common theory, especially in the Arab world, holds that Israel orchestrated the attacks in order to bring the U.S. into conflict with Israels enemies. Evidence cited ranges from the arly spurious and deeply anti-Semitic (the oft-heard, oft-refuted canard that Jews were told to leave the towers before the attacks) to the apparently true but unexplainable. (Five men who were seen filming the attacks in Liberty Park were later apprehended and found by the Forward to have ties to Mossad.) Oilmen Did It A theory based on the idea that worldwide oil production, having reached its peak, is beginning a long decline, leading to surging energy prices and global economic collapse. The 9/11 attacks, goes this scenario, were orchestrated by Cheney, Bush, and their friends in the oil industry and government, in order to begin a process that would secure further reserves in Iraq and increase the U.S. military presence in the Persian Gulf. Bush and Cheney Did it The most basic of conspiracy theories. Bush and Cheney orchestrated the attacks, for much the same reason Roosevelt was sometimes said to have orchestrated Pearl Harbor: in order to begin the conflict that would allow them to realize their global ambitions.

The New World Order Did It After winning a long struggle against the old Kissingerian pragmatists and balance-of-power devotees, neocon idealists centered at the Council on Foreign Relations initiated the conflict in order to establish the United States as the sole global power. A Rogue Network Did It A secret government used Bush and Cheney as patsies in carrying out the attacks. Bush was kept on the run in Air Force One (code-named Angel) by an anonymous call saying, Angel is next. Bin Laden and his henchmen were CIA plants and double agents. Britains MI6 intelligence service was involved. The towers were blown up from inside, by teams of secret government assassins. Even Bush and Cheney are in the dark about why the attacks took place. Shrinks Did It Scientologists believe that psychiatry (through a mechanism that remains murky) helped give birth to the suicide attackers through drugs and psycho-political methods. Reported by Janelle Nanos

The Ground Zero Grassy Knoll

A new generation of conspiracy theorists is at work on a secret history of New Yorks most terrible day.
For a powerful video on all this:

9-11 Review
A Resource for Understanding the 9/11/01 Attack
9-11 Review is divided into 3 main sections.

The Attack and Cover-Up

Provides a factual overview of the attack Reviews the major elements of the official mythology

Examines many facets of the subsequent cover-up

Means, Motive, and Precedent

Examines possible means used to execute the attack Outlines some of the likely motives of the perpetrators

Reviews historical precedents to the attack viewed as an inside job

Information Warfare

Deconstructs campaigns designed to sabotage inquiry into the attack Exposes common errors in the "9/11 skeptics" literature

Chronicles highlights of mainstream press attacks on the 9/11 Truth Movement

... and provides the following resources.

Critiques Articles Letters Links

Contents Recently Added and Updated Pages about/contact/fair use Sitemap

Benefits for the Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance

Grand Lake Theater 3200 Grand Avenue, Oakland, California 510-452-3556 $5-10 Donations requested. None turned away for lack of funds. Free popcorn. Hosted by Bonnie Faulkner of KPFA's- Guns and Butter Monday, September 10, 2007Afternoon Program 1:00- Remembrance Janette MacKinlay (20 minutes) 1:20- Hijacking Catastrophe- 9/11 Fear and the Selling of the American Empire (1 hour 4 minutes) 2:25- Mickey Huff Discussing Hijacking Catastrophe and the Media (20 minutes) 2:45 NYC- Ground Zero 9/11/2006, We Were Also Killed- First responders Speak, "HASTA LA VICTORIA SIEMPRE!" with William Pepper" (58 minutes) 4:05- Zeitgeist- Parts 2 & 3 ( 1 hour 29 minutes) Evening Program 5:40- Let's Get Empirical 7:10- Film Maker Ken Jenkins Discussing Let's Get Empirical (20 minutes) 7:30- Special Preview Screening The Reflecting Pool (1 hour 50 minutes)

Followed by Discussion with filmmakers/writer/director/actors Jarek Kupsc and Joseph Culp Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Afternoon Program 1:00- Remembrance Janette MacKinlay (20 minutes) 1:20- 9/11 Press for Truth (1 hour 24 minutes) 2:45 - Paul Rea Discussing Press for Truth (15 minutes) 3:00- 9/11 Mysteries (1 hour 31 minutes) 4:31- Jim Hoffman Discussing 9/11 Mysteries (19 minutes) 4:50 - Special Preview Screening The Reflecting Pool (1 hour 50 minutes) Followed by Discussion with filmmakers/writer/director/actors Jarek Kupsc and Joseph Culp 15 minutes Evening Program 7:00- 9/11: Blueprint for Truth 130 Architects & Engineers Examine the Evidence with Richard Gage, AIA, Architect Details and Links on the Speakers and FilmsMonday, September 10, 2007 Afternoon Program

1:00 pm - Remembrance Janette MacKinlay, a 9/11 survivor, artist, author, organizer of 9/11 A Call to Action, the February 23, 2006 Benefit

Janette will recount her journey of healing through her Ikebana floral designs and her involvment as an activist with the Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance. Janette's personal story will include past and present images of Ground Zero, an Ikebana demonstration, and a tribute to the heroes she has encountered in the Truth movement.

1:20 pm - Hijacking Catastrophe- 9/11, Fear & the Selling of American Empire (64 minutes) Followed by Mickey Huff

Hijacking Catastrophe: 9/11, Fear & the Selling of American Empire examines how a radical fringe of the Republican Party used the trauma of the 9/11 terror attacks to advance a pre-existing agenda to radically transform American foreign policy while rolling back civil liberties and social programs at home. The documentary places the Bush administration's false justifications for war in Iraq within the larger context of a two-decade struggle by neoconservatives to dramatically increase military spending in the wake of the cold war, and to expand American power globally by means of military force. At the same time, the documentary argues that the Bush administration has sold this radical and controversial plan for aggressive American military intervention by deliberately manipulating intelligence, political imagery, and the fears of the American people after 9/11. Narrated by Julian Bond, Hijacking Catastrophe features interviews with more than twenty prominent political observers, including Pentagon whistleblower Lt. Colonel Karen Kwiatkowski, who witnessed first-hand how the Bush administration set up a sophisticated propaganda operation to link the anxieties generated by 9/11 to a pre-existing foreign policy agenda that included a preemptive war on Iraq. At its core, the film places the deceptions of the Bush administration within the larger frame of questions seldom posed in the mainstream: What, exactly, is the agenda that drove the administration's pre-war deceptions? How is 9/11 being used to sell this agenda? And what are the stakes for America, Americans, and the world if this agenda succeeds in being fully implemented during a second Bush term? Produced by the Media Education Foundation Mickey S. Huff, MA, is adjunct faculty in history and critical thinking at Berkeley City College, Chabot College, and Diablo Valley College where he has taught over 100 courses in the past 6 years. He was co-director of the alternative polling group Retropoll ( and is a Community Evaluator for Project Censored at Sonoma State University ( He has been teaching the course "America, 9/11, and the War on

Terror: Foreign/Domestic Policy, Media, and Propaganda" as part of critical thinking in history classes for the past 4 years as well as "History of U.S. Media" and other U.S. History courses. Most recently, he has organized and participated at a number of conferences on 9/11 issues including "Deconstructing Deceit: 9/11, the Media, and Misinformation" at Berkeley City College; "Lifting the Fog: The Scientific Method applied to the World Trade Center Disaster" at UC Berkeley; the Project Censored Annual Media Accountability Conference on "Suppression of Information and Post-9/11 Invasions;" the ACME Coalition Conference, Champlain College in Burlington, VT, "Facing the Media Crisis: Media Education for Reform, Justice, and Democracy" on "9/11 and Media Literacy in Critical Thinking Courses;" and at St. Mary's College public lecture series on "9/11, Propaganda, and the Culture of Fear." He is currently planning a 9/11 lecture and debate series as part of his course at Berkeley City College this fall as well as working on an article on 9/11, collective memory, and the propaganda of grand historical narrative. He blogs at

2:45 pm NYC- Ground Zero 9/11/2006, We Were Also Killed- First responders Speak, "HASTA LA VICTORIA SIEMPRE!" with William Pepper" produced by Snowshoe Films (58 minutes)

WE WERE ALSO KILLED ON 9-11: FIRST RESPONDERS New York City 9-11 2006 Truth weekend, 1st responders speak out about the sick and dying in NYC due to the toxic cloud that the EPA refused to warn about, saying the air was safe to breathe. They covered up the dangers as they covered up the rogue elements of our government being involved in the attacks of September 11, 2001. Also shown are snips of Ralph Schoenman and Alex Jones. 9/11/2006. NYC- Ground Zero 9/11/2006 Several thousand 9-11 truth activists and official story skeptics came to New York for a series of lectures, public rallies and music. They were at Ground Zero on the 11th to expose the official mythology and the criminals responsible for the false flag terrorism conducted by "our" government and the cover-up by the corporate and gatekeeper press. Comments from Alex Jones, Gabriel Day and Corey Rowe (of Loose Change). Music by Immortal Technique. Sponsors include & "HASTA LA VICTORIA SIEMPRE!" with William Pepper" An international human rights lawyer and author now based in London, Pepper offers a political briefing of the highest order. He begins by calling for Bush's impeachment, describes the Five Elephants in the Room and declares "the time for speaking truth to power is over. Power doesn't listen when you speak to it." Pepper's address to the NYC September 11, 2006 weekend 9/11 event concludes with the words of Che Guevera, "for the poor people of the world."

4:05- Zeitgeist - Parts 2 and 3

Zeitgeist was created as a not for profit expression to inspire people to start looking at the world from a more critical perspective and to understand that very often things are not what the population at large think they are. The information in Zeitgeist was established over a year long period of research and the website lists the sources used / referenced. The three parts look at Religion, 9/11, The Monetary System It's important to point out that there is a tendency to simply disbelieve things that are counter to our understanding, without the necessary research performed. For example, some information contained in Part 1 and Part 3, specifically, is not obtained by simple keyword searches on the Internet. You have to dig deeper. For instance, very often people who look up "Horus" or "The Federal Reserve" on the Internet draw their conclusions from very general or biased sources. Online encyclopedias or text book Encyclopedias often do not contain the information contained in Zeitgeist. However, if one takes the time to read the sources provided, they will find that what is being presented is based on documented evidence. Any corrections, clarifications & further points regarding the film are found on the Clarifications page. Downloadable formats are also now available. That being said, the film-maker's hope is that people will not take what is said in the film as the truth, but will find out for themselves, for truth is not told, it is realized. Evening Program

5:40- Let's Get Empirical Followed by Film Maker Ken Jenkins Discussing Let's Get Empirical (20 minutes)

Let's Get Empirical is the title of a lecture given by Professor David Ray Griffin, based on his new book Debunking 9/11 Debunking An Answer to Popular Mechanics and the Other Defenders of the Official Conspiracy Theory By virtue of his previous four books on the subject, David Ray Griffin is widely recognized as one of the leading spokespersons of the 9/11 truth movement, which rejects the official conspiracy theory about 9/11. Although this movement was long ignored by the US government and the mainstream media, recent polls have shown that (as Time magazine has acknowledged) the rejection of the official theory has become "a mainstream political phenomenon." It is not surprising, therefore, that the government and the corporately controlled media have shifted tactics. No longer ignoring the 9/11 truth movement, they have released a flurry of stories and reports aimed at debunking it.

In the most recent book, David Ray Griffin shows that these attempts can themselves be easily debunked. Besides demonstrating the pitiful failure of Debunking 9/11 Myths (published by Popular Mechanics and endorsed by Senator John McCain), Griffin riddles recent reports and stories put out by the US Department of State, the National Institute of Standards and Technology, the New York Times, Vanity Fair, and Time magazine. He also responds to criticisms of these efforts by left-leaning and Christian publications which one might have expected to be supportive. Griffin shows that the charge that is regularly leveled against critics of the official theorythat they employ irrational and unscientific methods to defend conclusions based on faithactually applies more fully to those who defend the official theory. David Ray Griffin is professor of philosophy of religion and theology, emeritus, at Claremont School of Theology and Claremont Graduate University in Claremont, California, where he remains a co-director of the Center for Process Studies. His 30 books include The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions about the Bush Administration and 9/11 (2004), The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions (2005), and 9/11 and American Empire (2006, with Peter Dale Scott).

7:10- Film Maker Ken Jenkins Discussing Let's Get Empirical

Film Maker Ken Jenkins has produced a large number of the early 9/11 Truth documentaries, and most of the David Ray Griffin videos. He helped to organize the San Francisco International Inquiry into 9/11 and publicly speaks about the psychological aspects of 9/11. He also helped found the Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance ( and, which sends 9/11 truth documentaries to be shown on community access television stations across the country.

7:30-Special Preview Screening The Reflecting Pool (1 hour 50 minutes)

The Reflecting Pool (synopsis) An investigation of the 9/11 events by a Russian-American journalist and a father of a 9/11 victim implicates the US government in the attacks. ALEX PROKOP (JK Baltazar), a successful journalist, receives a rare 9/11 video tape revealing missilelike bursts of light on the hijacked planes as they hit the Twin Towers. The footage was sent by PAUL COOPER (Joseph Culp), a driven researcher, whose daughter died on 9/11. Sensing a good story, Prokop travels with Cooper to New York and Washington, DC, where they uncover suppressed information implicating the US Government in the attacks. As Cooper introduces Prokop to key eyewitnesses, the faade of the "official story" begins to crumble. Prokop hears accounts of underground explosions in the Twin Towers moments before their collapse, and learns of mysterious "engineers" who rendered the WTC security systems inoperative the weekend before 9/11. To his astonishment, he discovers that the firm providing WTC security was run by immediate family members of the President. We follow Alex and Cooper as they investigate the inexplicable collapse of the 47-story WTC Building Seven, disprove the implausible airliner "attack" on the Pentagon, and uncover the illegal destruction of physical evidence from Ground Zero. The pressure builds as the FBI intimidates Alex's editor, McGUIRE, (Lisa Black) to reveal key sources while the magazine's corporate investors threaten to kill the entire story. Plagued by the ghosts of his Communist childhood and trying to uphold the independence of American journalism, Alex's search for the truth leads to a dangerous and shocking realization! THE REFLECTING POOL is an intense, sobering investigation into the most controversial tragedy of our time. Drawn from established sources and based on verifiable facts, THE REFLECTING POOL is a thought-provoking study of a search for truth and the profound consequences of not looking for it any further than the nightly news. (View the new trailer at-


Followed by Discussion with filmmakers/writer/director/actors Jarek Kupsc and Joseph

Culp Jarek Kupsc- Born in Warsaw, Poland, Jarek has been involved in independent film production since 1983. He studied art and history in his native Warsaw, Poland, learned Byzantine Icon painting techniques in Greece, and received his BA in Film Writing/Directing from San Francisco State University. He authored and illustrated "The History of Cinema for Beginners," a comic film history textbook in 1980. As a writer/director/producer, Jarek completed numerous short films, including the Rosebud Awardwinning "Dog." He debuted in 2001 with "Recoil" in the feature film category, following with "Slumberland" in 2005 (Winner of Special Jury Prize, 2006 Gdynia Film Festival, Poland; First Prize, 2007 Oskariada FF, Poland; Best Screenwriter, 2007 Young Film Festival, Poland. "The Reflecting Pool" is his latest project. He was interviewed on August 6th, 2007 on the Questioning War- Organizing Resistance Radio Show. The archive is here an article was posted here. Joseph Culp Joseph's film credits include leading roles in Alan J. Pakula's "Dream Lover," Monte Hellman's "Iguana," "The Secret Life Of Houses" on PBS, and Maria Novaro's "El Jardin del Eden." Joseph won critical acclaim at the San Francisco Film Festival for his performance in "Hunger," an adaptation of Nobel winner Knut Hamsun's novel, which he produced with director Maria Giese and which featured his father, veteran actor Robert Culp. He recently starred in the New York stage premiere of "Foul Shots" by Raymond J. Barry. Joseph is a founder of the L.A.-based Walking Theatre Group, integrating theatre and transpersonal work for actors, writers, and directors. Tuesday, September 11, 2007 Afternoon Program

1:00 pm - Remembrance Janette MacKinlay, a 9/11 survivor, artist, author, organizer of 9/11 A Call to Action, the February 23, 2006 Benefit

Janette will recount her journey of healing through her Ikebana floral designs and her involvment as an activist with the Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance. Janette's personal story will include past and present images of Ground Zero, and a tribute to the heroes she has encountered in the Truth movement.


1:20- 9/11 Press for Truth (1 hour 24 minutes) Out of the grieving thousands left behind on September 11th, a small group of activist families emerged to demand answers. In 9/11 Press For Truth, six of them (including three of the famous "Jersey Girls") tell for the first time the powerful story of how they

Press for Truth The story-

took on the powers in Washingtonand won!compelling an investigation, only to subsequently watch the 9/11 Commission fail in answering most of their questions. The families eventually found an ally in Paul Thompson. Dissatisfied with the incomplete picture of September 11th presented in most news reports, Thompson became a citizen journalist of sorts. He stitched together thousands of rare overlooked news clips, buried stories, and government press conferences into a definitive Complete 9/11 Timeline (published by Harper Collins as The Terror Timeline). Press For Truth is adapted in part from his acclaimed work, which revealed to the families a very different picture of the road that led to the attacks and the resulting War on Terror, one that still today raises important and pressing questions. Press For Truth premiered theatrically in September 2006 in New York City and the San Francisco Bay area. With the help of Robert Greenwald's Brave New Theaters, it was rolled out for a limited release in over fifty cities across America as well as Canada, Great Britain, the Czech Republic, Australia, and Japan. The movie was immediately hailed by critics and enthusiastically embraced by a groundswell of concerned people worldwide who felt that the 9/11 Commission and the western news media had failed to account for many important issues. On the fifth anniversary of the attacks, Press For Truth aired throughout the Middle East on the Al Jazeera television network. It was soon purchased by TV stations in Spain, Norway, Poland, and all of South America.

2:45 - Paul Rea Discussing Press for Truth (15 minutes)

Paul Rea, researcher/writer, author of Still Seeking the Truth about 9/11. He has taught "The Politics of Age" and "Science, Technology, and Human Values" at St. Mary's College in Moraga, CA. Paul is working on an updated, much-expanded overview of the issues surrounding 9/11."


3:00- 9/11 Mysteries (1 hour 31 minutes)

Mysteries 90 minutes of pure demolition evidence and analysis, laced with eye-opening witness testimonials. Moving from "the myth" through "the analysis" and into "the players," careful deconstruction of the official story set right alongside clean, clear science. The 9/11 picture is not one of politics or nationalism or loyalty, but one of strict and simple physics. How do you get a 10-second 110-story pancake collapse?

A movie that might actually reach our complacent mainstream. No agenda. No finger-pointing. Just the facts and the "mysteries." Look at that. Think about this. A story of people: Willie Rodriguez's strange recollection of noises on the 34th floor. Who was up there, bumping around? Scott Forbes' similar story, weeks before the towers fell. A story of blasting itself. Here's how shaped charges slice through steel beams to control the way they fall.

4:31- Jim Hoffman Discussing 9/11 Mysteries (19 minutes)

Jim Hoffman created,, and www. The focus of his work has been to disprove the official account that the total collapses of the Twin Towers and Building 7 were the result of the plane crashes and fires. He believes the core of the crime were the explosive demolitions of the Twin Towers.

4:50 - Special Preview Screening The Reflecting Pool (1 hour 50 minutes) Followed by Discussion with Jarek Kupsc and Joseph Culp

The Reflecting Pool (synopsis) An investigation of the 9/11 events by a Russian-American journalist and a father of a 9/11 victim implicates the US government in the attacks. ALEX PROKOP (JK Baltazar), a successful journalist, receives a rare 9/11 video tape revealing missile-like bursts of light on the hijacked planes as they hit the Twin Towers. The footage was sent by PAUL COOPER (Joseph Culp), a driven researcher, whose daughter died on 9/11. Sensing a good story, Prokop travels with Cooper to New York and Washington, DC, where they uncover suppressed information implicating the US Government in the attacks. As Cooper introduces Prokop to key eye-witnesses, the faade of the "official story" begins to crumble. Prokop hears accounts of underground explosions in the Twin Towers moments before their collapse, and learns of mysterious "engineers" who rendered the WTC security systems inoperative the weekend before 9/11. To his astonishment, he discovers that the firm providing WTC security was run by immediate family members of the President. We follow Alex and Cooper as they investigate the inexplicable collapse of the 47-story WTC Building Seven, disprove the implausible airliner "attack" on the Pentagon, and uncover the illegal destruction of physical evidence from Ground Zero. The pressure builds as the FBI intimidates Alex's editor, McGUIRE, (Lisa Black) to reveal key sources while the magazine's corporate investors threaten to kill the entire story. Plagued by the ghosts of his Communist childhood and trying to uphold the independence of American journalism, Alex's search for the truth leads to a dangerous and shocking realization! THE REFLECTING POOL is an intense, sobering investigation into the most controversial tragedy of our time. Drawn from established sources and based on verifiable facts, THE REFLECTING POOL is a thought-provoking study of a search for truth and the profound consequences of not looking for it any further than the nightly news. (View the new trailer at-

6:40- Followed by Discussion with filmmakers/writer/director/actors Jarek Kupsc and Joseph Culp

Jarek Kupsc- Born in Warsaw, Poland, Jarek has been involved in independent film production since 1983. He studied art and history in his native Warsaw, Poland, learned Byzantine Icon painting techniques in Greece, and received his BA in Film Writing/Directing from San Francisco State University. He authored and illustrated "The History of Cinema for Beginners," a comic film history textbook in 1980.

As a writer/director/producer, Jarek completed numerous short films, including the Rosebud Award-winning "Dog." He debuted in 2001 with "Recoil" in the feature film category, following with "Slumberland" in 2005 (Winner of Special Jury Prize, 2006 Gdynia Film Festival, Poland; First Prize, 2007 Oskariada FF, Poland; Best Screenwriter, 2007 Young Film Festival, Poland. "The Reflecting Pool" is his latest project. He was interviewed on August 6th, 2007 on the Questioning War- Organizing Resistance Radio Show. The archive is here an article was posted here. Joseph Culp Joseph's film credits include leading roles in Alan J. Pakula's "Dream Lover," Monte Hellman's "Iguana," "The Secret Life Of Houses" on PBS, and Maria Novaro's "El Jardin del Eden." Joseph won critical acclaim at the San Francisco Film Festival for his performance in "Hunger," an adaptation of Nobel winner Knut Hamsun's novel, which he produced with director Maria Giese and which featured his father, veteran actor Robert Culp. He recently starred in the New York stage premiere of "Foul Shots" by Raymond J. Barry. Joseph is a founder of the L.A.-based Walking Theatre Group, integrating theatre and transpersonal work for actors, writers, and directors. Evening Program

7:00- 9/11: Blueprint for Truth 130 Architects & Engineers Examine the Evidence with Richard Gage, AIA, Architect

Bay Area Architect Richard Gage, AIA, will discuss the features of all 3 World Trade Center building collapses. Not only the Twin Towers, but also 47-story World Trade Center Building #7, not hit by an airplane, completely "collapsed" on September 11, 2001 at nearly free-fall speed. Architects and engineers are especially invited to attend this event. "The tall, strong Twin Towers were broken into very small pieces and massive clouds of dust long before anything hit the ground," Gage observes. "We did not see them 'collapse' that morning we saw them explode into dust and individual steel components. Watch the videos for yourself they are widely available on the Internet (including ours at and they all show the same essential features. Flashes of light and sounds of explosions were witnessed by 118 first responders recorded by the FDNY. Huge rubble clouds formed immediately and symmetrically outside the buildings as they fell. The destruction was of amazing speed, evenness, and thoroughness, that it could only have been very carefully engineered and planned in advance."

Tons of molten iron "flowing like lava" was found by demolition crews and by Leslie Robertson, the World Trade Center structural engineer. This observation can only be explained by the use of thermite, an incendiary used by the military to cut through steel. Chemical analysis on the steel and the dust performed by physicist Steven Jones, Ph.D., and 3 other scientists found the classic signature traces of thermite. Gage has been joined by more than 130 architects and engineers who have signed an online petition to the members of the House of Representatives and the Senate demanding a truly independent investigation with subpoena power. Gage has made his presentation to several California architectural firms, colleges, and universities. At the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg, Canada, he and author Barrie Zwicker spoke to over 500 people at two events. More than 90% of those in attendance agreed with his conclusions.

Endorsed by the Green Party of Alameda County Progressive Democrats of the East Bay Donate to the Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance

This is not a video -- It is something for people who have enough of an open mind to stop for ten minutes and read something.
Or you can read it right here... Painful 9/11 Truth Written by Joel S. Hirschhorn Published September 04, 2007

Many technical analyses cast doubt on the official explanation of the collapse of three World Trade Center buildings, including those presented by an impressive new group: Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth. More difficult than discovering the truth, however, is convincing most of the public to accept the bitter truth. Americans easily block out painful truths. Powerful societal forces keep much of the population distracted and uninterested in complex issues. Entertainment-oriented mainstream media contribute to mass ignorance. And the political establishment often buries the truth, uses propaganda and manipulates citizens. Intelligent, strong-willed people can fight all these. But on a deeper level, many truths are blocked psychologically, because they produce too much pain. This results when truths sharply disagree with strongly held beliefs. The conflict produces cognitive dissonance that can block full acceptance of the disturbing truth. People fall victim to self-manipulation and self-delusion. Truths are dismissed and false beliefs remain embedded. When it comes to 9/11, we face the strong belief that only al-Qaeda caused 9/11. But analyses by many experts reveal the collapse of the three WTC buildings was not caused by the two airplanes exploding into the twin towers. Without getting into details that one can spend many hours

examining on a number of websites, the general view is that the buildings were brought down by controlled demolition. If correct, the immediate reaction is like a cosmic big bang. It would have taken considerable effort by a number of people with expertise and access to the buildings to rig them so that they could be intentionally collapsed when the two jets hit the towers. Tough questions flood in: Who could have engineered all this? Could foreign agents accomplish such complex actions - and if they did, why not take credit for it? If Americans did it, why would they intentionally inflict inevitable mass death and devastation? Worse, they seemingly knew about the plan to fly the jets into the towers. Post-9/11, why have the government and official investigations not come to the same controlled demolition conclusion? This makes sense if the government was involved. Pull one string and the whole 9/11 story unravels as your imagination triggers unending questions. Can Americans support a reinvestigation and rethinking of the 9/11 event? Or would they rather avoid even more pain and preserve the official account that places all blame on al-Qaeda? After all, the new truth would be so shocking that we would have to question our political and government system. Could there have been such malevolence somewhere in our government? Did a monumental conspiracy push us into attacks on Afghanistan and Iraq? Did petroleum and corporate interests shape 9/11? Like other groups, Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth wants a new, honest and comprehensive study that considers all the evidence for controlled demolition. As a former engineering professor with growing skepticism about the official WTC story I share their concerns. First, let the technical truth emerge. Then, if necessary, cope with the inevitable political, conspiracy and other questions. But let us not allow a possible painful truth block the primary task of determining once and for all what caused the collapse of the WTC towers and building no. 7. If there were non-Muslim forces - possibly U.S. government ones - that played a major role in the WTC catastrophe, then let us have the courage to face the truth. Suppose some element of our government played a secret, awful role. If we do not uncover it, then we are vulnerable to repeat nefarious and unimaginable activity in the future - possibly to impact the 2008 presidential election. Discovering 9/11 truth would enshrine the wisdom of the old adage: the truth hurts. That means suffering the pain of revealing lies and cover-ups. Mourning over the deaths of building victims and heroic first responders would expand with new anger. And another reason to hate and oppose the Iraq war would surface. If those that believe the official 9/11 story - especially elected officials - trust their views, then let them support a serious effort to test the validity of the controlled demolition hypothesis. If they fear and reject doing so, then let us see that as suspicious and unacceptable. To sum up, horrific possible answers can cause us to shun a question. But clearing our minds of the fear of painful truths is essential to clearing our nation of destructive lies. Otherwise, we stay stuck in a delusional democracy.

Welcome Truth Seeker to a quick course on the shortest paths to 9/11 truth...

Community Organizes 9/11 Video Festival For the full poll and demographic breakdown of results, see: http://www. Contacts: Mike Berger (Press Contact) 314-308-4893, David Kubiak 650-619-0013, (9/6/2007)
911: In Plane Site - The Directors Cut - Full High Quality Video A groundbreaking documentary about 911 which chiefly covers the Pentagon evidence of conspiracy as well as that at the World Trade Center. Brilliantly done with an excellent soundtrack which keeps the video moving along a quick yet well paced and documented pace. Part 1 of 1. The entire Documentary is here, and in a higher quality than is available elsewhere on the Internet. Probably the most watched 911 Documentary done on 911, seen by perhaps as many as 50 MILLION people worldwide. Has shown on National TV stations in over a dozen different countries! Our great nation in is dire danger, so please make sure you post this video on your websites and blogs and help spread the word that 911 was an inside job, and a conspiracy of significant proportions, and we, as Americans need to stand up and fight the terrible lies and injustice of 911 as well as demand those truly responsible be held accountable, arrested, tried and convicted. Our very Freedoms depend on this!
A groundbreaking documentary about 911 which chiefly covers the Pentagon evidence of conspiracy as well as that at the World Trade Center. ... Brilliantly done with an excellent soundtrack which keeps the video moving along a quick yet well paced and documented pace. Part 1 of 1. The entire Documentary is here, and in a higher quality than is available elsewhere on the Internet. Probably the most watched 911 Documentary done on 911, seen by perhaps as many as 50 MILLION people worldwide. Has shown on National TV stations in over a dozen different countries! Our great nation in is dire danger, so please make sure you post this video on your websites and blogs and help spread the word that 911 was an inside job, and a conspiracy of significant proportions, and we, as Americans need to stand up and fight the terrible lies and injustice of 911 as well as demand those truly responsible be held accountable, arrested, tried and convicted. Our very Freedoms depend on this! The_Third_Stage.mp4
Take Action for 9/11 Truth
9/11: Press for Truth is about the wives of victims who are trying to find out what happened and who made it happen....
That is the first of four videos all available through this link.

Or if you prefer Google video you can catch 9/11: Press for Truth here:
Here is a link to a radio program that interviews David Ray Griffin; I like it because you can listen without having to watch a video. mp3/20070825_clout_griffin.mp3

---------- Forwarded message ---------From: < > Date: Aug 27, 2007 9:28 PM Subject: David Ray Griffin's Best DVD! To: undisclosed-recipients

Almost a year ago Ken Jenkins premiered his DVD 9/11: The Myth & the Reality. It features author Dr. David Ray Griffin speaking at the SF Commonwealth Club. Many on the Visibility Project list may already have it and know of its quality. For those that don't, David's framing of the subject, which consists of deconstructing the various

myths that keep the official story afloat, is very effective for convincing newcomers about 9/11 truth. It is his best presentation and is heavily illustrated with graphics and video clips. The following email is from a couple recommending this DVD:

Dear Friends, We've sent out a number of messages regarding 9/11, because we have been convinced for a few years now that the official story is not true and that our own government was complicit in the events of that day. The person we trust most in this regard is Dr. David Ray Griffin, a world-renowned theologian and a person of great personal and professional integrity who has been able to remain sane and objective in a field that is full of controversy and extremes. He's written a number of books on 9/11, and has been recorded on several DVD programs. The most recent of these, and in our opinion the best, is 9/11: The Myth & the Reality, produced by Ken Jenkins. We especially recommend this program because David's presentation is so clear and because the video clips that Ken inserted to illustrate David's points are particularly effective. Also, there is a 30-minute Question & Answer period at the end during which David addresses many of the questions that people most often ask us. If you are interested, you can order "9/11: The Myth and the Reality" from Ken Jenkins at . Peace & Love, Sheila & Denny

9/11 - The Myth and the Reality

Edition 2 featuring

Dr. David Ray Griffin

author of The New Pearl Harbor, The 9/11 Commission Report - Omissions and Distortions, Christian Faith and the Truth Behind 9/11, Debunking 9/11 Debunking, and coeditor of 9/11 and American Empire - Intellectuals Speak Out.

DVD: 95 minutes including 30 minutes of Q & A, plus a short bonus interview. This is David's newest and finest DVD. Just as many consider The New Pearl Harbor to be the best of the 9/11 books, 9/11 - The Myth and the Reality is already considered by many to be one of the best 9/11 Truth DVDs available. This lecture was videotaped with six cameras at two

locations: March 30, 2006, at Grand Lake Theater in Oakland, and the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco on April 3. Griffin's stellar talk is generously illustrated with many graphics and video clips. The talk opened thus: Although I am a philosopher of religion and theologian, I have spent most of my time during the past three years on 9/11---studying it, writing about it, and speaking about it. In this lecture, I will try to make clear why I believe this issue worthy of so much time and energy. I will do this in terms of the distinction between myth and reality. Griffin continued: Given the role the official account of 9/11 has played and continues to play, the most important question before our country today is whether this accountis a myth in the pejorative sense--that is, whether it is simply false. Griffin then outlined and detailed nine of the many myths in the official story of the 9/11 attacks that are demonstrably false. He concludes: The official story of 9/11, serving as a national religious Myth, has been used to justify two wars, which have caused many tens of thousands of deaths; to start a more general war on Islam, in which Muslims are considered guilty until proven innocent; to annul and violate civil rights; and to increase our military spending, which was already greater than that of the rest of the world combined by hundreds of billions of dollars, partly so that weapons can be put into space.
Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for 9/11 Truth:

Congress needs to put the implementation of these policies on hold until there is a truly independent investigation, carried out by qualified individuals who are not members of the very circles that, if 9/11 truly was a false flag operation, planned it, carried it out, and then covered it up. To order: $20 with free shipping. Mail your shipping address and a check made to "LightWork" to: Ken Jenkins 312 A Auburn St. San Rafael, CA 94901

Quantity wholesale pricing available. Contact: or 415-485-4491 SPEAKING OUT - An interview with Craig Bartmer "Former NYPD Officer Craig Bartmer was a 9/11 First Responder and a committed worker at Ground Zero. He, like many others who worked to clean Ground Zero, has developed respiratory illnesses as a result of the toxic dust inhaled at the site. Also, like many others who were physically affected by the attacks, Craig Bartmer is now combating Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. In this interview he details his eyewitness account of the collapse of World Trade Centre Building 7. He also speaks out against the official 9/11 story, the lies told by the EPA about the air quality at Ground Zero and the critical need for a fresh independent investigation into the 9/11 attacks."

Brasscheck TV
Imagine...TV about what's really going on
Here's the video that Google Video pulled down!
9/11 Flight 93 Rare Footage

9/11 Kevin Cosgrove

----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------From: Juss Jimmy Date: Aug 8, 2007 10:10 PM RE: DIAL THE PHONE - HELP REMOVE A WAR CRIMINAL FROM OFFICE House Resolution 333 has to get through this committee before it can be voted on in the House. Phone numbers are here: 202 225 3951 1 (800) 828 - 0498 1 (800) 459 - 1887 Bush and Cheney have committed the most serious crimes against humanity from wars of aggression and threats of more to political corruption and the corruption of justice at home that is unprecedented in our history.. George W has laid waste to Iraq bringing death to hundreds of thousands, injuring millions, destruction that will require billions to rebuild and decades to do it; driven one in ten of the people, out of their own country to refugees camps, poverty and uncertain futures and 2 million more to homeless exile within Iraq where all who remain live in constant fear of death without essential food, water, electricity, jobs, schools, or future. He has occupied Iraq with a surging military force he intends to be permanent and demands of the government of Iraq, he installed and supports, that it give long term ownership of 2/3 of all Iraq's oil to foreign oil companies, a major Bush benchmark of progress in

Iraq. This while Iraq loses 14 billion annually in oil revenue from corruption and limited production and imports $2.6 billion in refined fuel products from you know who. A senior official of the U.S. Government Accountability office asked if he had ever seen anything like the U.S. failure to end high level corruption in the Iraqi oil sector and bring its oil exports up to target goals, replied "Not in the 25 years I've worked for the GAO." He said smuggling of refined oil out of the country lines the pockets of "all levels" of the Iraqi government.

----------------- Bulletin Message ----------------From: LoNDoN Date: Aug 9, 2007 12:08 AM

PNAC Rebuilding America's Senses DL Lecture PostModern Times 2012 PLEASE PASS THIS ON!!! It is the TRUTH about our world unfiltered by the corrupt media conglomerates. Peace My Friends. We Will PREVAIL!!! LoNDoN _______________________________________________

I would like to share this most important three part movie with the group. (Zeitgeist is originally a German expression that means "the spirit of the age")

EXPLOSIVES PUT IN WTC CONCRETE WHEN CONSTRUCTED-1 Posted by: "Cal" calgirlsddd85021 Date: Mon Aug 6, 2007 12:51 pm ((PDT)) Go into the following URLs (Melnick-Suskind-Stern) before reading the piece on 'Get Smart'. It will show you the world-wide standings of the men involved in the creation of this TV program. Stern is listed in the top 300 richest men in the world. Dan Melnick

Leonard Stern David Suskind EXCERPT: It was clear from the start that the White House understood that information was power as they carefully choreographed every message with visual images or slogans such as "Clear Skies" that moderated the actual substance being conveyed. With David Suskind's 2002 interview with a White House aide, however, we discovered that in the Bush administration basing policy on a "discernible reality" was a thing of the past. "[W]e create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality . . . we'll act again, creating other new realities." >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> EXPLOSIVES PUT IN WTC CONCRETE WHEN CONSTRUCTED- 1 http://www.rumormil cgi-bin/archive. cgi?read= 25146 http://www.rumormil cgi-bin/archive. cgi?read= 25147

EXCERPT: By the time of "Get Smart," Talent Associates consisted of Dan Melnick and Leonard Stern, in addition to founder Susskind. The story goes that it was Melnick who wanted to spoof Bond (yet another MI6 creation, designed to glorify spying for the British monarchy, etc.). The above mentioned episode 52 was written by a man named Arne Sultan. Being the writer of this episode, some aspects of his life could really provide some more clues, but he is really covered up well and I can't find out anything about him. EXPLOSIVES PUT IN WTC CONCRETE WHEN CONSTRUCTED-1 Posted By: Jedediah_Smith Date: Tuesday, 29 October 2002, 10:43 p.m. Agent 86 Prevents Kaos' Destruction of D.C. Government Buildings or How the WTC Was Really Demolished

I almost spat my morning cereal across the room at the TV. I knew all along it had explosives! But what I had just seen and heard actually told how they did it! Ever since I first saw pictures of the WTC catastrophe, it was obvious that explosives had been detonated in the collapse, similar to a controlled demolition. There were too many unanswered questions, too many "coincidences," too many inconsistencies between the evidence and "expert" opinions, and even among their own explanations. But what clinched it for me was, of all things, an episode of the 1960s television comedy "Get Smart." Before you dismiss me as insane, recall the old intelligence rule, "If you want to hide something, put it out in the open," which was never more true than in this case. I was still half-asleep munching my breakfast, watching "Get Smart." This show was supposed to have been a "spoof" of James Bond movies, featuring Don Adams as Maxwell Smart (Agent 86), but in actuality it was closer to reality than one might think. For starters, the show was a fight between the good guys, "CONTROL," and the bad guys, "KAOS." This was a perfect portrayal of the Hegelian dialectic, the creation of a problem, i.e. Kaos, to provide the opportunity for a solution, Control. The "solution" of course is continual, creeping enslavement of the populace as our liberties are eroded. The show also featured high-tech gadgetry as gags that sometimes didn't seem quite so laughable, if you paused to think. Even the producers of the show publicly admitted that the CIA called them and wanted to know where they were getting some of their ideas. And because "truth is stranger than fiction," when you want to introduce the truth to the public, sometimes you have to do so by mixing truth and fiction. It is also an axiom of criminal psychology that, upon completing his crime, a criminal will be so proud of his "accomplishment" that he must brag about his feat. He will either leave clues and/or purposely tell people, because he perceives his evil behavior as being intelligent and can't keep his mouth

shut. In the case of the WTC, the criminals spilled the beans in episode 52 of "Get Smart," entitled "Smart Fit the Battle of Jericho" (whatever that means) which was initially aired on Saturday, February 18, 1967 at 8:30 P.M. on NBC. In this episode, a Kaos front, the Joshua Construction Company, is run by Kaos agent Frank Lloyd Joshua. Their buildings have a bad habit of blowing up. The Chief, head of Control, gives Smart his orders to infiltrate the company and find out how they were hiding nitroglycerine used to blow up the buildings. I was still half-asleep and had failed to grasp the episode's significance until the point where Smart infiltrates a construction site and picks up a brick, only to discover it is hollow. He then realizes that they were hiding the nitroglycerine in the hollow bricks. After seeing this, it hit me like a ton of (nitro-filled) bricks, "Of course, they blew up the WTC by putting explosives in during construction!" Furthermore, as part of their plot, Kaos was constructing government office buildings in Washington, D.C., and waiting until the office buildings were fully occupied to detonate the explosives with all the workers inside. They were purposely underbidding all the other contractors because Kaos was subsidizing the company so that they could get the government contracts, even at a loss. A German Baron who owned an explosives company that supplied the Germans in WWI and WWIII was supplying the explosives. Joshua told Smart that all Kaos had to do was shoot a bullet at the bricks to initiate a chain reaction detonation of the explosives to bring down the whole building (a miniature version of 9/11). At the end of the episode, the Chief and Max are at the site and the Chief asks, "Where did you put the nitroglycerin?" Smart replies, "Oh, don't worry, Chief, I put it in a safe place. I put it in the cement." The workers were just mixing the cement then. I could swear that the first time I saw the episode, the show then closed with a big explosion. But the second time I saw it several months later, the show ended less dramatically, with Smart and the Chief realizing that the building would still blow up when occupied. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

American/Iraqi Jewish Girl Dr. D.Wasfi condemns occupation The Wave of Love

---------- Forwarded message ---------From: Suzy Star <> Date: Aug 4, 2007 12:14 PM Subject: [Ye Shall Know The Truth] A Beautiful Website To: Suzy Star <> Dear Ones, I received an email a couple of years ago from the owner of this website who wanted to post my story. ... am continually amazed at the love, wisdom and tenderness that went into putting this site together. I visited the site again this morning and am again so moved that I felt compelled to share it again for those of you who may have missed it or need another reminder of just how beautiful it is. I have posted an excerpt below to give you a "peek" of what I refer to and then provided the link where you can enjoy the site in its entirety. TOGETHER WE HAVE HEALED OUR WORLD WITH OUR KNOWLEDGE, LOVE, COMPASSION, FORGIVENESS & INTENT! Love, blessings & peace, Suzy Star

"The new adventure that awaits the (human) race is a tremendous one of excitement, of achievement, of learning and of loving - loving not just each other, but all the creatures that God has made: an outpouring of affection for Creation that will never have been equaled in all the histories of all the planets of all the systems of this universe. And it is scheduled to happen here, on this tiny planet, millions of light-years from the central hub where the spirit of this galaxy resides. We are allowed to say that even the mightiest of solar and galactic entities aware of the plan for mankind are amazed that God should have selected this far-flung bit of cosmic dust for His greatest demonstration of spirituality. And yet it will come to pass just as the prophets have foreseen. And in that coming to pass, a model of love and beauty beyond anything ever experienced in Creation will manifest." --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Group "yeshallknowthetruth".

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Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for 9/11 Truth: http://

Co-chair of the 9/11 Commission doesn't know very much about subject Posted by: "J. Austin" dogbonz99 Date: Sat Aug 4, 2007 11:22 pm ((PDT)) Lee Hamilton, who was Co-Chair of the 9/11 Commission, is interviewed by the CBC. His answers show an incredible lack of knowledge about the case. (long) -John A *9/11: TRUTH, LIES AND CONSPIRACY* *INTERVIEW: LEE HAMILTON August 21, 2006* /CBC News: Sunday's Evan Solomon interviews Lee Hamilton, 9/11 Commission co-chair and co-author of the book "Without Precedent: The Inside Story of the 9/11 Commission"./ *Evan Solomon:* Tell me why you felt the need, with Thomas Kean, to write this book "Without Precedent"? *Lee Hamilton:* We felt we had an important story to tell, 9/11 was a traumatic event in our history, every adult in America will remember exactly where they were on that day when they heard the news. We felt that the Commission's work gave a lot of insights into how government works, and particularly how government in the national security area works. We had hundreds of people tell us, or ask us, how the Commission did its work, and so we responded by writing the book and tried to let people know the story, the inside story of the 9/11 Commission. *Solomon:* Do you consider the 9/11 Commission to have been a success, and if so, under what ways do you measure that success? How do you call it a success? *Hamilton:* The 9/11 Commission was created by statute. We had two responsibilities - first, tell the story of 9/11; I think we've done that reasonably well. We worked very hard at it; I don't know that we've told the definitive story of 9/11, but surely anybody in the future who tackles that job will begin with the 9/11 Commission Report. I think we've been reasonably successful in telling the story. It became a best seller in this country and people showed a lot of interest in it. Our second task was to make recommendations; thus far, about half of our recommendations have been enacted into law, the other half have not been enacted. So we've got a ways to go. In a quantitative sense, we've had about 50% success there. In a qualitative sense, you could judge it many different ways. But we still have some very important recommendations that we think have not yet been enacted that should be. *Solomon:* Now, one of the stipulations, you write in the book, one of the ways that you thought that this ought to be successful, this report,

the Commission Report, is on page 23, you said if the American people would accept the results as authoritative, and the recommendations. And when I measure that against a Zogby poll done in May, that says now 42% of Americans say that "the U.S. government, and its 9/11 Commission, concealed or refused to investigate critical evidence that contradicts the official explanation of September 11th, saying there's a cover-up" 42%, Mr. Hamilton - what does that say to you about the efficacy of the Commission's report? *Hamilton:* Well, it's dispiriting, it's an unusually high number, but if you look at polls judging government reports in the past - the Warren Commission, the reports on Kennedy assassination, even the reports on Abraham Lincoln's assassination - you find a very high level of people who are skeptical. And you have that in this case. When you conduct a major investigation, you cannot possibly answer every question, you just do the best you can. But for every question you leave unanswered, you create an opening to a conspiracy theory, and a good many of them have popped up here. The only thing I ask in the future is that the conspiracy theory people do not apply a double standard. That is to say, they want us to make an airtight case for any assertion we make. On the other hand, when they make an assertion they do it often on very flimsy evidence. But conspirators are always going to exist in this country. Tom Kean and I got a flavour of this everytime we'd walk through an audience - they would hand us notes, hand us papers, hand us books, hand us tapes, telling us to investigate this, that or the other. You cannot possibly answer all these questions, you just do the best you can. *Solomon:* Some of the families have joined that chorus. We've talked to one father who says, 'my son was killed by George W. Bush', as if the government had foreknowledge of the attacks. What would you say to someone like him and other family members who have been dissatisfied with the explanation? *Hamilton:* Many families supported the report - very strongly - and have been instrumental in helping us on the implementation stage. A lot of the people that have doubts about the report - not all of them - are strongly anti-Bush, for a variety of reasons. Many of them are just anti-government, in other words, they don't believe anything the government says. All I ask of these people is: give me your evidence. If you thought George Bush or Lee Hamilton or Tom Kean blew up those buildings, let's see the evidence. *Solomon:* I wouldn't mind just.. there's a few things, but I want to know, interestingly enough, if you've seen a film that's so popular now on the internet, ten million people apparently have seen a film called

Loose Change, which makes some startling allegations. It's a film made by three very young students out of a New York University. Have you seen that movie, and if so, what are your thoughts on it? *Hamilton:* I have not seen it. *Solomon:* Yeah... 10 million people, I mean, some of them.. now, and it's interesting that you write in one of your chapters, I think it's Chapter 12, deals specifically with conspiracy theories. One of them, as you know - probably one of the most persistent - is that the buildings were brought down by controlled explosion, controlled demolition. One of the bits of evidence that is often cited is the collapse of World Trade Center Building Number 7, which was not hit by any plane. One question that people have is: why didn't the Commission deal with the collapse Building 7, which some call the smoking gun? Why did this collapse at all? *Hamilton:* Well, of course, we did deal with it. The charge that dynamite, or whatever, brought down the World Trade Towers, we of course looked at very carefully - we find no evidence of that. We find all kinds of evidence that it was the airplanes that did it. Don't take our word on that: the engineers and the architects have studied this thing in extraordinary detail, and they can tell you precisely what caused the collapse of those buildings. What caused the collapse of the buildings, to summarize it, was that the super-heated jet fuel melted the steel super-structure of these buildings and caused their collapse. There's a powerful lot of evidence to sustain that point of view, including the pictures of the airplanes flying into the building. Now, with regard to Building 7, we believe that it was the aftershocks of these two huge buildings in the very near vicinity collapsing. And in the Building 7 case, we think that it was a case of flames setting off a fuel container, which started the fire in Building 7, and that was our theory on Building 7. Now we're not the experts on this, we talked to the engineers and the architects about this at some length, and that's the conclusion we reached. *Solomon:* Let me just ask you one more question on that. One counter-argument - or there's two, I guess - one is that that fire very rarely, and has never, forced buildings constructed like the World Trade Centers to ever collapse, because steel doesn't melt at temperatures that can be reached through a hydro-carbon fire, and that there's other.. in other words, there are countless cases of other buildings that have been on fire that have not collapsed. *Hamilton:* - but not on fire through jet fuel, I don't think you have any evidence of that. But here again, I'm not the expert on it. We relied on the experts, and they're the engineers and the architects who examined this in very great detail. *Solomon:* A question which has remained: Why did the debris of World

Trade Center 7, of which nobody died there, so there was no real urgency to move the debris away, and that there have been questions: why wasn't it examined closer? Why was essentially evidence from what could have been a crime scene - or was a crime scene - removed very quickly from there? *Hamilton:* You can't answer every question when you conduct an investigation. Look, you've to got to remember that on this day, chaos and confusion were the mark, and peoples' overwhelming concern was to try to save as many lives as possible, not to explain why a particular building collapsed. So it's not unusual to me that we, and the Commission - and anybody else, for that matter - cannot answer every question. I go back to what I say earlier: whenever you conduct an investigation, you cannot answer every question. *Solomon:* But should the Commission have .. I guess the question some people keep asking, should the Commission have asked more questions about the removal of the debris? *Hamilton:* Look, you can say that about almost every phase of our investigation, 'you should have asked this, you should have asked that, you should have spent more time' - you're conducting an investigation, you have a time limit, you don't have unlimited time, you have a budget limit, you cannot go down every track, you cannot answer conclusively every question. The members of the families that you referred to a minute ago submitted 150 questions to us - we answered a good many of them, we didn't answer them all. You come to a point in an investigation where you have to say to yourself, 'what's our responsibility, given the resources we have, how much can we do?' And you end up with a lot of questions unanswered. Look, I 've got a lot of unanswered questions in my mind. *Solomon:* What are yours? What are your unanswered questions? *Hamilton:* Well, at the top of my list happens to be a personal one, and that is, I could never figure out why these 19 fellas did what they did. We looked into their backgrounds. In one or two cases, they were apparently happy, well-adjusted, not particularly religious - in one case quite well-to-do, had a girlfriend. We just couldn't figure out why he did it. I still don't know. And I think one of the great unanswered questions - a good topic for investigative reporters - would be: why did these 19 do what they did? We speculated in the report about why the enemy hates us, but we simply weren't able to answer the questions about the 19. *Solomon:* You know, just on that point, and again, there are so many of these questions about the 19. There have been some questions about - and I'm talking about sources here like the London Times and Le Figaro, sort of major newspapers - that some of these guys, some of these hijackers were still alive after the day of the event, that there are reports of their whereabouts. What did the Commission make of those kind of reports?

*Hamilton:* (Laughs) What's the evidence? Look, I had a woman come up to me who said she was a lover of Mohammed Atta. And I said, 'do you know that he's dead?' And she said, 'I'm his lover.' .. (raises eyebrows) You get all kinds of comments like this, you can't trace everything down. *Solomon:* Where there any notion there was... The NTSB recently released the flight path of United Flight 93 in the past two weeks. One of the interesting things that that showed was, during the flight path, and I think the flight path of that, I think that plane crashed, according to the Report, at 10:03 am. And one of the interesting things it showed - this is just recently declassified - that it flew well over 10,000 feet - 30,000, 40,000 feet - from about 9:30 onward. Now, a lot of the cell phone calls that were made from that plane, that ended up being in the movie, were from, you know, people phoning from the plane. And one allegation that's recently come out since the release of that is: cell phones don't work above 10,000 feet, so how could people get on their cell phone on a plane and phone their relatives? *Hamilton:* I'm no expert on that. I've been told cell phones work sometimes - above 10,000 feet, and as high as 30,000 feet. So it may have been that some of the calls went through and some didn't, I just don't know. *Solomon:* Let me ask you another thing. I'm just asking because, you know, in the wake of this, there's lots of these questions. *Hamilton:* There surely are. *Solomon:* The Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory at Columbia University, which is about 20 odd miles away from New York, they released a report on seismic data coming from Manhattan on that day. And they released a spike in seismic data at 8:46:26, and they thought that was the moment of impact of the plane on the first World Trade Center, of American Airlines 11. But the plane didn't hit until 8:46:40, and there are several of the same kind of early seismic spikes for the second flight. I guess the question is: how do we explain those discrepancies? When the public looks at that, how can we explain that kind of thing? *Hamilton:* I haven't seen that report. I don't know the answer to your question. They didn't come forward with that evidence while we were at the Commission - so far as I know. Now, staff filtered a lot of these things, so not necessarily would I know. I don't know what happened with regard to the.... What did they conclude? I don't know what they concluded. *Solomon:* They had no conclusion; the evidence is sitting out there. You write about, in Chapter 12 of the book - and again it's one of those allegations that have come up - about who had foreknowledge of it? One piece of evidence that many critics have said is: 'well, there is lots of 'puts' - which is a form of financial stock trading. In other words, people are buying up stock, hoping that the airline stock would plunge, and there was an unusually large number of puts on American Airlines and United stock, and

therefore people profited from this. What did you make of that theory? *Hamilton:* That's one we did investigate. We looked at that pretty carefully, and all I can indicate at this point is that we do not think anybody profited from manipulation of airline stock prior to 9/11, there's no evidence of that, I don't think. *Solomon:* Even though there's unusual, high... *Hamilton:* That's correct. It's not unusual in the stock market to have a lot of activity in a given stock, or industry, as you did here. The question is: did any of them have foreknowledge and profit from it? We don't think so; we looked at it pretty carefully. *Solomon:* There's also allegations that the Pakistani Secret Service, called the ISI, the head of which met here in the United States right before 9/11, and there's some allegations and evidence to show that they paid Mohammed Atta $100,000. The reason this is important is: who funded the people who conducted the attacks, the terrorist attacks? What did the Commission make of payment from the ISI to Mohammed Atta of $100,000? *Hamilton:* I don't know anything about it. *Solomon:* Did the Commission investigate any connection between ISI, Pakistani intelligence, and.. *Hamilton:* They may have; I do not recall us writing anything about it in the report. We may have but I don't recall it. We did estimate that Osama bin Laden spent about $500,000 for the 9/11 attacks. We did not identify all the sources of that money. *Solomon:* And how it got to the ... *Hamilton:* That's right, you simply can't trace it, so far as I know, because $500,000 in international financial markets is not even a blip on the radar screen. So we do not know precisely where that money came from. *Solomon:* Questions about foreknowledge, especially as to when Vice President Dick Cheney knew when he went down to the protective bunker: there was some suggestion that the Secretary of Transport Mineta testified in front of the Commission that he in fact talked to Dick Cheney at 9:20 am. Cheney claims he hadn't been there.. gotten down there until close to 10 am. That was eventually omitted from the final report,. Can you tell us a bit about about what Secretary of Transport Mineta told the Commission about where Dick Cheney was prior to 10 am? *Hamilton:* I do not recall. *Solomon:* And we don't know exactly where that.. *Hamilton:* Well, we think that Vice President Cheney entered the bunker shortly before 10 o'clock. And there is a gap of several minutes there, where we do not really know what the Vice President really did. There is the famous phone call between the President and the Vice President. We could

find no documentary evidence of that phone call. Both the President and the Vice President said that the phone call was made, and in that phone call, the order was supposedly was given, allegedly given, to shoot down an airliner - if necessary Now, there are a lot of things not answered about that period of time. The order never got to the pilots and when it did get to the pilots, it didn't get to them in time, and when it did get to them, they claimed it was not an order to shoot it down, but to identify and track an airliner, not to shoot it down. What you had on this day, of course, was a lot of confusion, and a lot of confusion in communications, at the very highest levels. When the President went from the school in Sarasota to Air Force One, he was trying to get communications with the White House, he used a cell phone, in part. When he got to Air Force One, the communications didn't work all that well. Well, this is all very disturbing, and I'm told has now been corrected. *Solomon:* Disturbing in what way? *Hamilton:* Well, disturbing that, at this particular time, the Commander in Chief lost communications with the White House, and with his chief aides there, right in the middle of a crisis - that's very disturbing. I hope that's been corrected, I've been told that it has been. But the fact of the matter is, if you look at 9/11, all the way through, FAA communications, NORAD communications, White House communications, there was just a lot of confusion, and a lot of gaps. *Solomon:* So, just in terms of Mineta, just because I think that's sort of interesting, when Secretary Mineta made at your Commission hearing, I think he did this May 23rd, that he arrived and talked to Dick Cheney at 9:20 - that would show that Mr. Cheney had had some earlier knowledge that planes had been hijacked and they wanted to take action. That was not *Hamilton:* What did the Secretary say at that time to the Vice President? *Solomon:* They talked about a plane being hijacked, according to the testimony that I've seen, according to the Mineta report. But there's another one, in Richard Clarke's book, "Against All Enemies", and I know Richard Clarke took the stand very famously - not the stand, but testified before the Commission very famously - he says he received authorization from Dick Cheney to shoot down Flight 93 at about 9:50 am. In the Commission's Report, it said the authorization didn't come from Dick Cheney until 10:25, and Richard Clarke's testimony that he and his book, isn't mentioned in the Commission's .. Why didn't you mention that? *Hamilton:* Look, you've obviously gone through the report with a fine-toothed comb, you're raising a lot of questions - I can do the same thing... *Solomon:* Yeah.. *Hamilton:* ..all I want from you is evidence. You're just citing a lot of things, without any evidence to back them up, as far as I can see. *Solomon:* No, I'm just asking why they weren't *Hamilton:* I don't know the answer to your question.

*Solomon:* I guess part of the reason is.. *Hamilton:* I cannot answer every question with regard to 9/11. I can answer a good many of them, but I can't answer them all. *Solomon:* I guess, Mr. Hamilton, I don't think anyone expects you to have all the answers... *Hamilton:* Well, you apparently do, because you have asked me questions of enormous detail from a great variety of sources. You want me to answer them all - I can't do it (laughs) *Solomon:* I guess part of the reason is I want to know, not necessarily what the answer is, but if the Commission considered, you know, what made it into the report, in terms of the discussion. And of course, what we're trying to understand is, if the commission simply said 'you know, those kinds... there was huge amounts of data, and we couldn't put everything in'. So I guess, you know, in questions about what happened on 9/11 as we approach the fifth anniversary of that day, and this being the kind of most extensive document that the public has, there are questions as to what made it in and what you heard, and what you didn't. And that, I think, those are the nature of the questions. *Hamilton:* Yeah. A lot of things that came to the attention of staff did not come to the attention of the Commission. Some of the things did come to the attention of the Commission, and we didn't put 'em in, or at least we put 'em in at a lower level. But many of the things did not come directly to my attention. *Solomon:* Part of what you write in the book is that one of the key goals here was to be as transparent and as open as possible, because you say 'without light, the conspiracy theorists jump in.' *Hamilton:* That's right. *Solomon:* Now, one place that you shed a lot of light on - and you write about it in this book ["Without Precedent"] as well - is a place where conspiracy theorists, as you call them, have jumped in, which is the plane that hit the Pentagon. As you and I both know, there's a number of publications that [say] the hole in the Pentagon was too small to accomodate a plane of that, you know, 125 foot wingspan, 40 feet high, and that it was a missile. What did you make - what did the Commission, when it heard all those kind of ideas, how did you consider those, and what investigation went on around those? *Hamilton:* Well, we said an airplane went into the Pentagon. And we said that jet fuel there too caused an awful lot of the damage and the injury. We had one member of the staff who had been badly burned by jet fuel, and as you know, jet fuel causes specific kinds of burns, and these burns were from jet fuel. So all of our evidence indicated a plane went in, and that's what the eyewitnesses said that we saw. *Solomon:* And you know, this notion - and this is maybe one of the most popular theories, and you

see it all over - is that reports initially came back from the Pentagon that there was no debris at all, that the plane simply disintegrated inside the Pentagon. To those people, those of us who have seen aviation accidents, that sounded in some ways difficult to believe, because there was such a huge plane, and the maneuvre that it would require the pilot to make would have been, you know, to fly into it seemed so astonishing. What did the commission make of the debate, such as it is, that surrounds that? *Hamilton:* We thought it was an airplane *Solomon:* Straight up? *Hamilton:* Straight up. *Solomon:* Was there any debris? *Hamilton:* My recollection is, the answer's yes. Was there a lot of debris? I don't think so. To say that there was no debris strains my recollection, I didn't remember it that way, I thought there was some debris. But you know, you have relatively little experience with planes highly loaded with jet fuel crashing, (chuckles) and reconstructing exactly what happened on the basis of the crash. We did the best we could on it. We thought it was an airplane. There were a number of eyewitnesses, of course, who saw the plane go into the Pentagon, a number of people, for example, who were driving on the roadway - I forget the number of it right now - who had the airplane fly over their cars into the building, and they stopped their car, and saw the plane going into the Pentagon - that was not one, that was a number of eyewitnesses. We relied upon that, of course. *Solomon:* And you know, when you.. You've spoken with many of the witnesses, your Commission heard testimony from all sorts of different people. So when you hear these kind of ongoing allegations that there was conflicting reports of the witnesses; that the FBI confiscated tapes from the gas station across the road, that supposedly saw it within a day of it; that some of those witnesses disappeared.. what do you make of those kind of... *Hamilton:* I don't believe for a minute that we got everything right. We wrote a first draft of history. We wrote it under a lot of time pressure, and we sorted through the evidence as best we could. Now, it would be really rather remarkable if we got everything right. So far, of the things that have been brought up challenging the report, to my knowledge, we have more credibility than the challenger. But I would not for a moment want to suggest that that's always true, either in the past or in the future. People will be investigating 9/11 for the next hundred years in this country, and they're going to find out some things that we missed here. So I don't automatically reject all the evidence you cite. It may be we missed it, it may be we ignored it when we shouldn't have - I don't

think we did, but it's possible. *Solomon:* You write.. the first chapter of the book is 'the Commission was set up to fail.' - my goodness, for the critics - who suggest that it was indeed set up to fail as some kind of obfuscation - you certainly dangled a juicy piece of bait out there in the river. Why do you think you were set up to fail? *Hamilton:* Well, for a number of reasons: Tom Kean and I were substitutes - Henry Kissinger and George Mitchell were the first choices; we got started late; we had a very short time frame - indeed, we had to get it extended; we did not have enough money - 3 million dollars to conduct an extensive investigation. We needed more, we got more, but it took us a while to get it. We had a lot of skeptics out there, who really did not want the Commission formed. Politicians don't like somebody looking back to see if they made a mistake. The Commission had to report right, just a few days before the Democratic National Convention met, in other words, right in the middle of a political campaign. We had a lot of people strongly opposed to what we did. We had a lot of trouble getting access to documents and to people. We knew the history of commissions; the history of commissions were they.. nobody paid much attention to 'em. So there were all kinds of reasons we thought we were set up to fail. We decided that if we were going to have any success, we had to have a unanimous report, otherwise the Commission report would simply be filed. *Solomon:* I guess the question is, you know, if forty odd million dollars were spent investigating President Bill Clinton's sexual infidelities, why did the American people and the world have to wait 441 days for a commission that was originally budgeted for 3 million dollars and given barely a year, and as you write in the book and document so well, was... had to fight to get access to even use its subpoena power very judiciously, for fear that there'd be a backlash against the Commission. I mean, an event as cataclysmic as 9/11, it begs the question: why was the administration so unwilling to budget this thing, and then Congress so unwilling to give money and let you guys go whole hog to do more? *Hamilton:* (Laughs) I think basically it's because they were afraid we were going to hang somebody, that we would point the finger, right in the middle of a presidential campaign - 'Mr. Bush, this was your fault' - or even Mr. Clinton. President Clinton was wary about this report too. Now I want to say, eventurally both presidents cooperated, but it took a while. And it's not too unusual for me to understand that they were skeptical. A commission that is created does not have automatic credibility - we had to work at that, we had to produce a lot of reports which were recognized, fortunately, to be professionally done, seriously done - and not out to hang anybody.

*Solomon:* Sorry, but why not out to hang anybody? This idea, 'they didn't want to point fingers', that you weren't out to 'hang anybody'.. Good God, I thought the families were saying, 'let's find out not just what happened, but who is accountable' - you know, that famous testimony of Richard Clarke, in front of your commission, when he said, "I failed you." Weren't people wanting you to point fingers and make someone accountable? *Hamilton:* Yes I think they were. And we say, in the book, that there was a thirst for accountability. Now, part of that thirst was just to tell the story. This traumatic event occurs and they wanted to understand why it occurred, and we tried to tell that as best we could. Government's not very good at looking back and criticizing itself, and one of the things that impressed us over and over again, as we talked to one agency after the other, is: they had not really met and turned this over in their mind; government is always operating on the Inbox, and we were critical of almost every agency, in not looking back and asking what went wrong. So I think that's a powerful factor in government, and... *Solomon:* It does also suggest - I mean, there is that factor - but you know, what the public often.. now, and again, I talk about the 9/11 families, who were so instrumental in getting the Commission going.. *Hamilton:* That's correct. *Solomon:* They said, 'listen, is one of the reasons they're not getting funded, and it's so late, is that someone's got something to hide. *Hamilton:* There is... well, a lot of people have things to hide. *Solomon:* Well who in this case? *Hamilton:* Look, you can go down the list and probably identify a hundred people who made mistakes that day: the ticket-taker at the Boston Logan airport; the customs official who let these fellows in, not one but many times, right up to Bill Clinton or George Bush. *Solomon:* What were their errors? *Hamilton:* They didn't pay enough attention to terrorism. They didn't treat it with enough urgency. They didn't really anticipate this, even though there were many voices, you mentioned Richard Clarke a few times, who were clearly urging them 'do it' - he served both presidents. What we decided was two things: the mandate did not ask us to identify people or even did not use the word 'accountability'. We did not want to go beyond our mandate. Secondly, what we thought was really important in all of this was not so much that a particular person failed in their responsibility, whatever that responsibility might be, but that there were systemic problems in the government that we really thought need to be identified and corrected.

We believe that, had we gone into the question of identifying a hundred people here who goofed up on 9/11, or prior to 9/11, and did not do their job responsibly, we would have gone outside the mandate of the Commission, we would absolutely have destroyed any opportunity for unanimity of view, because the Commission would have bogged down with whether Jim Smith or Sally Jones had done their job right, and that's an unending task. *Solomon:* In retrospect, one of the criticisms that you level in this book "Without Precedent" is aimed at both the FAA and NORAD, both of whom representatives testified before the Commission, and both of whom gave what to me - and I'm allowed to be much more impolite than you - sounded to me like lies. They told you testimony that simply... the tapes that were subsequently.. that have subsequently been revealed, were simply not true. *Hamilton:* That's correct. *Solomon:* And it wasn't just lies by omission, in some senses lies of commission, they told you things that basically didn't happen. What do you make of that? *Hamilton:* Well, I think you're right. They gave us inaccurate information. We asked for a lot of material and a lot of documentation. They did not supply it all. They gave us a few things. We sent some staff into their headquarters. We identified a lot more documents and tapes, they eventually gave them to us, we had to issue a subpoena to get them. Eventually they told us we had the story right, they had it wrong, it took a while to get to that point, but we eventually got here. Did they lie to us or was it inadvertent? We are not a law enforcement agency, we did not have that kind of authority, going back to the mandate again. All of us had our suspicions here, but we simply did not have the staff and we were right up against the deadline when this came out, that we didn't have the time to say that these officials had willfully and intentionally lied. So we punted - and we said, 'we can't do this, we don't have the statutory authority, we don't have the staff', we don't have the time'. We will tell the story as we understood it - they did mislead us. Was it wilful? We don't know. We'll turn it over to the authorities, and that's what we did. *Solomon:* And they're investigating? *Hamilton:* They are now still investigating. *Solomon:* The recently released transcripts of what happened at NEADS, which is the Northeast Air Defence, paints a startling picture of confusion. *Hamilton:* I think that's the right word: enormous confusion, two of these airplanes that crashed were never identified. At one point, they had the American military jets chasing a phantom jet out in the Atlantic Ocean - in other words, going in the wrong direction.

The military had very little warning, I think, 2 minutes on one plane and 11 minutes on the other, if my recollection serves me right, and the disappointing thing here is that our, in a sense, first line of defense didn't work. *Solomon:* So is the story - and again, and I talk about those polls, 42% of Americans - your report very much... and subsequent things that have been released, subsequent tapes from places like NORAD, the air defence systems, suggest a mass failure of the first line of defense, which is incompetence and confusion which led to the lack of prevention of this. *Hamilton:* Yeah. ... *Solomon:* Now what happens when you get on to these [talk radio] shows, and you talk about that, and you get every - because you understand that the landscape is now littered with that stuff. What do you say to all these reports that are coming in - constantly? *Hamilton:* I think people do not sufficiently understand how complicated conducting a major investigation is, and how difficult it is, in an event of this kind, to chase down every answer to every question, and... Look, I can go before any audience in America today and I can raise so many questions about 9/11 - raise questions, not answer questions, raise questions - about the investigation. And everbody in the audience will walk out saying 'the government misled us or lied to us.' It's a very easy thing to do! I can raise questions about our own report! *Solomon:* Like what? What would you raise? *Hamilton:* Well, like I just said, about the 19 hijackers, we didn't answer that question. We had to tell that story as best we could, and we did, and we made a lot of judgments about the credibility of evidence. Were we right in every case? I suspect not. Were we right in most cases? I think so. I do not know at this point of any factual error in our report, that I would absolutely say 'we just plain missed it.' Now, maybe I need to review it more carefully, but I cannot recall right now at this instance any fact that we just plain missed. *Solomon:* Not that you got wrong, but the fact that was omitted? *Hamilton:* Well, I know there were a lot of questions that we could not answer, with regard to FAA and NORAD and White House activity, and a lot of other things, we just can't answer 'em.

*Solomon:* Is there anything in retrospect.. I mean, your deadline was so tight, and you say that forced you to make some very tough decisions as to how far ranging the investigation could be. In retrospect, if you'd had more time, what would you have investigated more thoroughly? *Hamilton:* I would have, I think we spent - if I were critiquing the work of the Commission - I think we spent too much time on the question of access. And I would have liked to have gotten that over with, say, in the first half of the Commission's work, so that we could have spent more time in putting the story together, maybe trying to answer some of the questions you raise that I can't answer - and polishing the recommendations. But you don't... everything doesn't go like you want it to go, and we were fighting the question of access right up to the end of the Commission's work. *Solomon:* One last thing before we go: you had, of course, Vice President Dick Cheney and President George Bush testify together - not under oath, with no transcript that would be made to the public. For a lot of the family members, and a lot of the public, they thought 'so many other people testified under oath, so many other people had public testimony - why not the President and the Vice President?' That again looked as though they were trying to obfuscate or hide something what's your view on that? *Hamilton:* I don't remember any time that a President of the United States, on a non-criminal matter, testified under oath. I do recall when President Johnson was asked to testify to the Warren Commission, he just flat out told him, 'I am not going to do it. Presidents of the United States don't do that sort of thing.' *Solomon:*He wrote a 3 page letter. *Hamilton:* He wrote a letter. Now, we asked President Bush and Vice President Cheney to testify, they said no. We went back to it, we said, 'look, we will have no credibility as a commission if we do not hear from you.' They considered that. They came back to us and said, 'we will talk to you - Tom Kean and Lee Hamilton - but not the other commissioners.' We said that was not satisfactory, 'you had to talk to all ten of the Commission.' I go into this detail just to tell you there was a long course of negotiation here. Eventually they said they would both testify - not testify but meet with us - all ten commissioners - in the White House. There would be note takers, but no transcript taken. Tom and I asked the question, 'can we get the information we need under this arrangement? We answered that 'yes'. In the actual appearance with the President and the Vice President, they were exceedingly co-operative. The president sat there for four hours

and responded to questions. At one point, Tom Kean interrupted one of the Commissioners, Richard Ben-Veniste, as I think we tell in the book, and said, 'Richard, we have got to respect the President's time.' And the President said, 'look, I'm in charge here, I'll take the time, and let Richard ask his questions.' We felt like we got a very extended long period of time with the president. He was completely candid. He did almost all the talking. Vice President Cheney talked only with reference to what happened at the White House on 9/11, because the President was not in the White House then, and took any question we had, and we had a lot of questions. *Solomon:*Do you wish there was a public transcript of that? *Hamilton:* If we had our preference, would there be a public transcript? It's fine with me. But it was a White House call. *Solomon:* I just want to clarify something that you said earlier. You said that the Commission Report did mention World Trade Center Building 7 in it, what happened. It did mention it or it didn't? *Hamilton:* The Commission reviewed the question of the Building 7 collapse. I don't know specifically if it's in the Report, I can't recall that it is, but it, uh.. *Solomon:* I don't think it was in the report. *Hamilton:* OK, then I'll accept your word for that. *Solomon:* There was a decision not to put it in the report? *Hamilton:* I do not recall that was a specific discussion in the Commission and we rejected the idea of putting Building 7 in, I don't recall that. So I presume that the report was written without reference to Building 7 at all, because all of the attention, of course, was on the Trade tower buildings. *Solomon:* And the black boxes on the planes: one bit of evidence I just got asked about, if it came up, was: the last 3 minutes of the black box on Flight 93 has not been made public or is missing, or I don't know what's happening. Was there any discussion as to what happened to those last three minutes? *Hamilton:* I do not recall any reference to the black box. *Solomon:* Were they all found? *Hamilton:* I do not know, off hand, I do not know. *Solomon:* Mr. Hamilton, I want to thank you so much for taking the time..

*Hamilton:* Yes, sir. *Solomon:* ..and for discussing the book. What's the reaction, by the way, from the families to this book? *Hamilton:* Well, the families are a lot of different people. And many of them have been very enthusiastic. I understand there is a book coming out which will be quite critical of the work of the 9/11 Commission. You had all kinds of reactions among the families: some people would just want to forget the whole thing and move on with their lives people react differently to tragedy. Others, as you know, were enormously supportive of the Commission. Some began very supportive of the Commission, and became critical of what we did, and and they ended up not liking our recommendations - I don't know that they criticized the report itself so much. But everybody has a... When you say 'the families', it includes a lot of different attitudes and viewpoints. *Solomon:* What keeps you up at night about 9/11 still? *Hamilton:* Not very much, I've turned my attention now to homeland security, and a lot of things bother me there. *Solomon:* Thanks a lot. *Hamilton:* Yup. ------------------------------------------------------

Because we know that there is disinformation out there, maybe we ought to have some discussion about the best websites. Personally, I prefer Steven Jones, and recommend the Journal of 911 Studies at and its sister site http:// . I do this because I believe their scientific approach is the most sound, although it may be too technical for some people. Peter Hollings

Complete 911 Timeline

Google Video:

Published in the September 2001 issue of The Progressive

The Secret Behind the Sanctions

How the U.S. Intentionally Destroyed Iraq's Water Supply
by Thomas J. Nagy Over the last two years, I've discovered documents of the Defense Intelligence Agency proving beyond a doubt that, contrary to the Geneva Convention, the U.S. government intentionally used sanctions against Iraq to degrade the country's water supply after the Gulf War. The United States knew the cost that civilian Iraqis, mostly children, would pay, and it went ahead anyway. The primary document, "Iraq Water Treatment Vulnerabilities," is dated January 22, 1991. It spells out how sanctions will prevent Iraq from supplying clean water to its citizens. "Iraq depends on importing specialized equipment and some chemicals to purify its water supply, most of which is heavily mineralized and frequently brackish to saline," the document states. "With no domestic sources of both water treatment replacement parts and some essential chemicals, Iraq will continue attempts to circumvent United Nations Sanctions to import these vital commodities. Failing to secure supplies will result in a shortage of pure drinking water for much of the population. This could lead to increased incidences, if not epidemics, of disease." The document goes into great technical detail about the sources and quality of Iraq's water supply. The quality of untreated water "generally is poor," and drinking such water "could result in diarrhea," the document says. It notes that Iraq's rivers "contain biological materials, pollutants, and are laden with bacteria. Unless the water is purified with chlorine, epidemics of such diseases as cholera, hepatitis, and typhoid could occur." The document notes that the importation of chlorine "has been embargoed" by sanctions. "Recent reports indicate the chlorine supply is critically low." Food and medicine will also be affected, the document states. "Food processing, electronic, and, particularly, pharmaceutical plants require extremely pure water that is free from biological contaminants," it says. The document addresses possible Iraqi countermeasures to obtain drinkable water despite sanctions. "Iraq conceivably could truck water from the mountain reservoirs to urban areas. But the capability to gain significant quantities is extremely limited," the document states. "The amount of pipe on hand and the lack of pumping stations would limit laying pipelines to these reservoirs. Moreover, without chlorine purification, the water still would contain biological pollutants. Some affluent Iraqis could obtain their own minimally adequate supply of good quality water from Northern Iraqi sources. If boiled, the water could be safely consumed. Poorer Iraqis and industries requiring large quantities of pure water would not be able to meet their needs." The document also discounted the possibility of Iraqis using rainwater. "Precipitation occurs in Iraq during the winter and spring, but it falls primarily in the northern mountains," it says. "Sporadic rains, sometimes heavy, fall over the lower plains. But Iraq could not rely on rain to provide adequate pure water." As an alternative, "Iraq could try convincing the United Nations or individual countries to exempt water treatment supplies from sanctions for humanitarian reasons," the document says. "It probably also is attempting to purchase supplies by using some sympathetic countries as fronts. If such attempts fail, Iraqi alternatives are not adequate for their national requirements." In cold language, the document spells out what is in store: "Iraq will suffer increasing shortages of purified water because of the lack of required chemicals and desalination membranes. Incidences of disease, including possible epidemics, will become probable unless the population were careful to boil water." The document gives a timetable for the destruction of Iraq's water supplies. "Iraq's overall water treatment capability will suffer a slow decline, rather than a precipitous halt," it says. "Although Iraq is already experiencing a loss of water treatment capability, it probably will take at least six months (to June 1991) before the system is fully degraded." This document, which was partially declassified but unpublicized in 1995, can be found on the Pentagon's web site at (I disclosed this document last fall. But the news media showed little interest in it. The only reporters I know of who wrote lengthy stories on it were Felicity Arbuthnot in the Sunday Herald of Scotland, who broke the story, and Charlie Reese of the Orlando Sentinel, who did a follow-up.) Recently, I have come across other DIA documents that confirm the Pentagon's monitoring of the degradation of Iraq's water supply. These documents have not been publicized until now. The first one in this batch is called "Disease Information," and is also dated January 22, 1991. At the top, it says, "Subject: Effects of Bombing on Disease Occurrence in Baghdad." The analysis is blunt: "Increased incidence of diseases will be attributable to degradation of normal preventive medicine, waste disposal, water purification/distribution, electricity, and decreased ability to control disease outbreaks. Any urban area in Iraq that has received infrastructure damage will have similar problems."

The document proceeds to itemize the likely outbreaks. It mentions "acute diarrhea" brought on by bacteria such as E. coli, shigella, and salmonella, or by protozoa such as giardia, which will affect "particularly children," or by rotavirus, which will also affect "particularly children," a phrase it puts in parentheses. And it cites the possibilities of typhoid and cholera outbreaks. The document warns that the Iraqi government may "blame the United States for public health problems created by the military conflict." The second DIA document, "Disease Outbreaks in Iraq," is dated February 21, 1990, but the year is clearly a typo and should be 1991. It states: "Conditions are favorable for communicable disease outbreaks, particularly in major urban areas affected by coalition bombing." It adds: "Infectious disease prevalence in major Iraqi urban areas targeted by coalition bombing (Baghdad, Basrah) undoubtedly has increased since the beginning of Desert Storm. . . . Current public health problems are attributable to the reduction of normal preventive medicine, waste disposal, water purification and distribution, electricity, and the decreased ability to control disease outbreaks." This document lists the "most likely diseases during next sixty-ninety days (descending order): diarrheal diseases (particularly children); acute respiratory illnesses (colds and influenza); typhoid; hepatitis A (particularly children); measles, diphtheria, and pertussis (particularly children); meningitis, including meningococcal (particularly children); cholera (possible, but less likely)." Like the previous document, this one warns that the Iraqi government might "propagandize increases of endemic diseases." The third document in this series, "Medical Problems in Iraq," is dated March 15, 1991. It says: "Communicable diseases in Baghdad are more widespread than usually observed during this time of the year and are linked to the poor sanitary conditions (contaminated water supplies and improper sewage disposal) resulting from the war. According to a United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)/World Health Organization report, the quantity of potable water is less than 5 percent of the original supply, there are no operational water and sewage treatment plants, and the reported incidence of diarrhea is four times above normal levels. Additionally, respiratory infections are on the rise. Children particularly have been affected by these diseases." Perhaps to put a gloss on things, the document states, "There are indications that the situation is improving and that the population is coping with the degraded conditions." But it adds: "Conditions in Baghdad remain favorable for communicable disease outbreaks." The fourth document, "Status of Disease at Refugee Camps," is dated May 1991. The summary says, "Cholera and measles have emerged at refugee camps. Further infectious diseases will spread due to inadequate water treatment and poor sanitation." The reason for this outbreak is clearly stated again. "The main causes of infectious diseases, particularly diarrhea, dysentery, and upper respiratory problems, are poor sanitation and unclean water. These diseases primarily afflict the old and young children." The fifth document, "Health Conditions in Iraq, June 1991," is still heavily censored. All I can make out is that the DIA sent a source "to assess health conditions and determine the most critical medical needs of Iraq. Source observed that Iraqi medical system was in considerable disarray, medical facilities had been extensively looted, and almost all medicines were in critically short supply." In one refugee camp, the document says, "at least 80 percent of the population" has diarrhea. At this same camp, named Cukurca, "cholera, hepatitis type B, and measles have broken out." The protein deficiency disease kwashiorkor was observed in Iraq "for the first time," the document adds. "Gastroenteritis was killing children. . . . In the south, 80 percent of the deaths were children (with the exception of Al Amarah, where 60 percent of deaths were children)." The final document is "Iraq: Assessment of Current Health Threats and Capabilities," and it is dated November 15, 1991. This one has a distinct damage-control feel to it. Here is how it begins: "Restoration of Iraq's public health services and shortages of major medical materiel remain dominant international concerns. Both issues apparently are being exploited by Saddam Hussein in an effort to keep public opinion firmly against the U.S. and its Coalition allies and to direct blame away from the Iraqi government." It minimizes the extent of the damage. "Although current countrywide infectious disease incidence in Iraq is higher than it was before the Gulf War, it is not at the catastrophic levels that some groups predicted. The Iraqi regime will continue to exploit disease incidence data for its own political purposes." And it places the blame squarely on Saddam Hussein. "Iraq's medical supply shortages are the result of the central government's stockpiling, selective distribution, and exploitation of domestic and international relief medical resources." It adds: "Resumption of public health programs . . . depends completely on the Iraqi government." As these documents illustrate, the United States knew sanctions had the capacity to devastate the water treatment system of Iraq. It knew what the consequences would be: increased outbreaks of disease and high rates of child mortality. And it was more concerned about the public relations nightmare for Washington than the actual nightmare that the sanctions created for innocent Iraqis.

The Geneva Convention is absolutely clear. In a 1979 protocol relating to the "protection of victims of international armed conflicts," Article 54, it states: "It is prohibited to attack, destroy, remove, or render useless objects indispensable to the survival of the civilian population, such as foodstuffs, crops, livestock, drinking water installations and supplies, and irrigation works, for the specific purpose of denying them for their sustenance value to the civilian population or to the adverse Party, whatever the motive, whether in order to starve out civilians, to cause them to move away, or for any other motive." But that is precisely what the U.S. government did, with malice aforethought. It "destroyed, removed, or rendered useless" Iraq's "drinking water installations and supplies." The sanctions, imposed for a decade largely at the insistence of the United States, constitute a violation of the Geneva Convention. They amount to a systematic effort to, in the DIA's own words, "fully degrade" Iraq's water sources. At a House hearing on June 7, Representative Cynthia McKinney, Democrat of Georgia, referred to the document "Iraq Water Treatment Vulnerabilities" and said: "Attacking the Iraqi public drinking water supply flagrantly targets civilians and is a violation of the Geneva Convention and of the fundamental laws of civilized nations." Over the last decade, Washington extended the toll by continuing to withhold approval for Iraq to import the few chemicals and items of equipment it needed in order to clean up its water supply. Last summer, Representative Tony Hall, Democrat of Ohio, wrote to then-Secretary of State Madeleine Albright "about the profound effects of the increasing deterioration of Iraq's water supply and sanitation systems on its children's health." Hall wrote, "The prime killer of children under five years of age--diarrheal diseases--has reached epidemic proportions, and they now strike four times more often than they did in 1990. . . . Holds on contracts for the water and sanitation sector are a prime reason for the increases in sickness and death. Of the eighteen contracts, all but one hold was placed by the U.S. government. The contracts are for purification chemicals, chlorinators, chemical dosing pumps, water tankers, and other equipment. . . . I urge you to weigh your decision against the disease and death that are the unavoidable result of not having safe drinking water and minimum levels of sanitation." For more than ten years, the United States has deliberately pursued a policy of destroying the water treatment system of Iraq, knowing full well the cost in Iraqi lives. The United Nations has estimated that more than 500,000 Iraqi children have died as a result of sanctions, and that 5,000 Iraqi children continue to die every month for this reason. No one can say that the United States didn't know what it was doing. See for Yourself All the DIA documents mentioned in this article were found at the Department of Defense's Gulflink site. To read or print documents: 1.go to on "Declassified Documents" on the left side of the front page 3.the next page is entitled "Browse Recently Declassified Documents" on "search" under "Declassifed Documents" on the left side of that page 5.the next page is entitled "Search Recently Declassified Documents" 6.enter search terms such as "disease information effects of bombing" on the search button 8.the next page is entitled "Data Sources" on DIA on one of the titles It's not the easiest, best-organized site on the Internet, but I have found the folks at Gulflink to be helpful and responsive. Thomas J. Nagy Thomas J. Nagy teaches at the School of Business and Public Management at George Washington University. ###

Are you brave enough to watch? Salees Story 4 Minute Video The failure of the media to tell stories such as Salee's has deprived the American people of the ability make informed judgments about US foreign policy. Click to view

The planes were tracked on radar for some 45 minutes, on course, as expected, then completely off course, heading back to where they came from. If those planes didn't hit the buildings, what happened to them? I think there's more than enough to wonder about with the mountain of physical evidence that directly contradicts the official government conspiracy theory: collapse speed of the buildings, perfectly symmetrical collapse (all THREE times), the small hole in the Pentagon, 9/11 interviews with Bush and Giuliani intimating they somehow had knowledge of events soon to happen that day, Building 7 ("pull it ..."), the molten metal in the basement for week afterward, the collapse of the steel inner supports (which should still have been standing, even in a pancake collapse), the absence of a criminal investigation of the evidence at the crime scene (all steel quickly sent to China to be melted), stunning expert flying abilities of the hijackers, the complete defenseless of the entire U.S. military that day, etc., etc. We don't need to get distracted with the kind of questionable minutia that some people focus on. Just repeat over and over the irrefutable contradictory physical evidence of the day. That's enough to convince anyone with a brain and an open mind. Chris Borland Hello, I tend to believe things that are credible when we attempt to share them with others. As far as video evidence, I like: Have a good day! Warm Regards,

9-11 Ripple Effect From the White House Patriot Act The Long History of Lies for War By David Gordon Zeitgeist ZEITGEIST, The Movie - Official Release - Full Production (including the 'Overture') What does Christianity, 911 and The Federal Reserve all have in common?
Overture: 0:00-9:34 Part 1: 9:35-35:53 Part 2: 35:54-1:09:16 Part 3: 1:09:17-1:56:23 Please visit for information and the full source list for this work.

Friday, July 27th, 2007

Should Impeachment Be Off the Table? A Debate with Peace Mom Cindy Sheehan, Ex-CIA Analyst Ray McGovern and Democratic Strategist Dan Gerstein 11 minutes video David Ray Griffin James F Holwell - Web presence

Michael Moore breaks his silence This is a public domain 9/11 Truth documentary about the controlled demolition of the World Trade Center complex. Pass this link on! 9/11 Mysteries (Full Length, High Quality) 1 hr 31 min
What follows is Prof. David Griffin's response to a person who contacted him about the newly released "Inside Job" posters ... There are ominous signs that the Bush-Cheney administration is planning another false-flag attack---the warnings that al-Qaeda has regained its strength and is determined to strike America again, Chertoff's "gut feeling" that another strike is coming, and National Security Presidential Directive 51, according to which President Bush will assume virtually dictatorial powers if if the United States, in his judgment, has suffered a "catastrophic emergency." The best way to prevent this eventuality is is getting the idea that 9/11 was an inside job into the public sphere, thereby making them fear they will not get away with another one. David Ray Griffin By virtue of his previous four books on the subject, David Ray Griffin is widely recognized as one of the leading spokespersons of the 9/11 truth movement, which rejects the official conspiracy theory about 9/11. Although this movement was long ignored by the US government and the mainstream media, recent polls have shown that the rejection of the official theory has become "a mainstream political phenomenon." No longer ignoring the 9/11 truth movement, the government and the

corporately controlled media have released a flurry of stories and reports aimed at debunking it. In his latest book, Debunking 911 Debunking, Prof. Griffin shows that these attempts can themselves be easily debunked. Besides demonstrating the pitiful failure of Debunking 9/11 Myths (published by Popular Mechanics and endorsed by Senator John McCain), Griffin challenges recent reports and stories put out by the US Department of State, the National Institute of Standards and Technology, the "New York Times", "Vanity Fair", and "Time" magazine. This book, by debunking the most prevalent attempts to refute the evidence cited by the 9/11 truth movement, shows that the movement's central claim -that 9/11 was an inside job -- remains the only explanation that fits the facts.

You need to keep this article in mind as things unfold in the next few months. There are statements being made and Executive Orders initiated that could be a glimpse of what they have in store for us.. Don't believe the mainstream media. They are bought and paid for. A good example is how they refuse to recognize Ron Paul in the Presidential race. Ray ________________________________________________________________ How can Congress be so cowardly that they won't vote to impeach Bush and Cheney? Impeach Now Or Face the End of Constitutional Democracy 07/17/07 By Paul Craig Roberts Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan administration. He was Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal editorial page and Contributing Editor of National Review. He is coauthor of The Tyranny of Good Intentions. He can be reached at:

Unless Congress immediately impeaches Bush and Cheney, a year from now the US could be a dictatorial police state at war with Iran.

Bush has put in place all the necessary measures for dictatorship in the form of "executive orders" that are triggered whenever Bush declares a national emergency. Recent statements by Homeland Security Chief Michael Chertoff, former Republican senator Rick Santorum and others suggest that Americans might expect a series of staged, or false flag, "terrorist" events in the near future.

Many attentive people believe that the reason the Bush administration will not bow to expert advice and public opinion and begin withdrawing US troops from Iraq is that the administration intends to rescue its unpopular position with false flag operations that can be used to expand the war to Iran.

Too much is going wrong for the Bush administration: the failure of its Middle East wars, Republican senators jumping ship, Turkish troops massed on northern Iraq's border poised for an invasion to deal with Kurds, and a majority of Americans favoring the impeachment of Cheney and a near-majority favoring Bush's impeachment. The Bush administration desperately needs dramatic events to scare the American people and the Congress back in line with the militarist-police state that Bush and Cheney have fostered.

William Norman Grigg recently wrote that the GOP is "praying for a terrorist strike" to save the party from electoral wipeout in 2008. Chertoff, Cheney, the neocon nazis, and Mossad would have no qualms about saving the bacon for the Republicans, who have enabled Bush to start two unjustified wars, with Iran waiting in the wings to be attacked in a third war.

The Bush administration has tried unsuccessfully to resurrect the terrorist fear factor by infiltrating some blowhard groups and encouraging them to talk about staging "terrorist" events. The talk, encouraged by federal agents, resulted in "terrorist" arrests hyped by the media, but even the captive media was unable to scare people with such transparent sting operations.

If the Bush administration wants to continue its wars in the Middle East and to entrench the "unitary executive" at home, it will have to conduct some false flag operations that will both frighten and anger the American people and make them accept Bush's declaration of "national emergency" and the return of the draft. Alternatively, the administration could simply allow any real terrorist plot to proceed without hindrance.

A series of staged or permitted attacks would be spun by the captive media as a vindication of the neoconsevatives' Islamophobic policy, the intention of which is to destroy all Middle Eastern governments that are not American puppet states. Success would give the US control over oil, but the main purpose is to eliminate any resistance to Israel's complete absorption of

Palestine into Greater Israel.

Think about it. If another 9/11-type "security failure" were not in the works, why would Homeland Security czar Chertoff go to the trouble of convincing the Chicago Tribune that Americans have become complacent about terrorist threats and that he has "a gut feeling" that America will soon be hit hard?

Why would Republican warmonger Rick Santorum say on the Hugh Hewitt radio show that "between now and November, a lot of things are going to happen, and I believe that by this time next year, the American public's (sic) going to have a very different view of this war."

Throughout its existence the US government has staged incidents that the government then used in behalf of purposes that it could not otherwise have pursued. According to a number of writers, false flag operations have been routinely used by the Israeli state. During the Czarist era in Russia, the secret police would set off bombs in order to arrest those the secret police regarded as troublesome. Hitler was a dramatic orchestrator of false flag operations. False flag operations are a commonplace tool of governments.

Ask yourself: Would a government that has lied us into two wars and is working to lie us into an attack on Iran shrink from staging "terrorist" attacks in order to remove opposition to its agenda?

Only a diehard minority believes in the honesty and integrity of the Bush-Cheney administration and in the truthfulness of the corporate media.

Hitler, who never achieved majority support in a German election, used the Reichstag fire to fan hysteria and push through the Enabling Act, which made him dictator. Determined tyrants never require majority support in order to overthrow constitutional orders.

The American constitutional system is near to being overthrown. Are coming terrorist" events of which Chertoff warns and Santorum promises the means for overthrowing our constitutional democracy?

9/11 Mysteries (Full Length, High Quality) 1 hr 31 min - 15-Sep-2006 %28Part+1+of+3%29&

Ron Paul Cindy Sheehan Alex Jones Richard Gage Barry Zwicker David Ray Griffin Dennis Kucinich Paul Craig Roberts Janeane Garofalo Michael Moore Charlie Sheen Rosie O'Donnell Daniel Sunjata William Rodriquez Lionel

July 25, 2007 1:30 CST - Breaking News! - Korey Rowe Jailed!

Loose Change Producer Korey Rowe Arrested

Korey Rowe, July 25, 2007 Alex Jones Show Loose Change Producer, Jailed by Military 3:29 410K

Iraq, Afghanistan veteran handed over to military officials by police under charges of "deserting the Army" Paul Joseph Watson / Prison Planet | July 25, 2007 Loose Change producer and Iraq and Afghanistan veteran Korey Rowe has been arrested and handed over to military officials without bail for allegedly "deserting the Army". According to a report in the New York Daily Star, Rowe was arrested on Monday night at a county Route 47 residence in Oneonta. Rowe was arrested on a "military warrant" that Devlin said was brought to the attention of deputies by the Oneonta Police

Department, who received information from a source outside of that department. This is a video in which Korey speaks of his active duty in Afghanistan and Iraq: july2007/250707rowearrested.htm Listen to Alex Jones on Korey Rowe Korey Rowe released ***********************************************

A Wake-up Call
By Paul Craig Roberts 07/19/07 This is a wake-up call that we are about to have another 9/11-WMD experience. The wake-up call is unlikely to be effective, because the American attitude toward government changed fundamentally seventy-odd years ago. Prior to the 1930s, Americans were suspicious of government, but with the arrival of the Great Depression, Tojo, and Hitler, President Franklin D. Roosevelt convinced Americans that government existed to protect them from rapacious private interests and foreign threats. Today, Americans are more likely to give the benefit of the doubt to government than they are to family members, friends, and those who would warn them about the governments protection. Intelligent observers are puzzled that President Bush is persisting in a futile and unpopular war at the obvious expense of his partys electoral chances in 2008. In the July 18 Los Angeles Times (Bush the Albatross), Ronald Brownstein reminds us that Bushs behavior is disastrous for his political party. Unpopular presidents have consistently undercut their party in the next election. Brownstein reports that 88% of voters who disapproved of the retiring presidents job performance voted against his partys nominee in past elections. . . On average, 80% of voters who disapproved of a presidents performance have voted against his partys candidates even in House races since 1986. Brownstein notes that with Bushs dismal approval rating, this implies a total wipeout of the Republicans in 2008. A number of pundits have concluded that the reason the Democrats have not brought a halt to Bushs follies is that they expect Bushs unpopular policies to provide them with a landslide victory next year. There is a problem with this reasoning. It assumes that Cheney, Rove,and the Republicans are ignorant of these facts or are content for the Republican Party to be destroyed after Bush has his warmonger-police state fling. After me, the deluge Isnt it more likely that Cheney and Rove have in mind events that will, once again, rally the people behind President Bush and the Republican Party that is fighting the war on terror that the Democrats want to lose? Such events could take a number of forms. As even diehard Republican Patrick J. Buchanan observed on July 17, with three US aircraft carrier battle groups in congested waters off Iran, another Tonkin Gulf incident could easily be engineered to set us at war with Iran. If Bushs intentions were merely to bomb a nuclear reactor, he would not need three carrier strike forces.

Lately, the administration has switched to blaming Iran for the war in Iraq. The US Senate has already lined up behind the latest lie with a 97-0 vote to condemn Iran. Alternatively, false flag terrorist strikes could be orchestrated in the US. The Bush administration has already infiltrated some dissident groups and encouraged them to participate in terrorist talk, for which they were arrested. It is possible that the administration could provoke some groups to actual acts of violence. Many Americans dismiss suspicion of their government as treasonous, and most believe conspiracy to be impossible because someone would talk. There is no basis in any known fact for this opinion. According to polls, 36% of the American people disbelieve the 9/11 Commission Report. Despite this lack of confidence, and despite the numerous omissions and errors in the report, it has proven impossible to have an independent investigation of 9/11 or to examine the official explanation in public debate. Even experts and people with a lifetime of distinguished public service are dismissed as conspiracy theorists, kooks, and traitors if they question the official explanation of 9/11. This despite the fact that war in the Middle East, a long-planned goal of Bushs neoconservative administration, could not have been initiated without a new Pearl Harbor. That powerfully constructed steel buildings could suddenly turn to dust because they were struck by two flimsy aluminum airliners and experienced small fires on a few floors that burned for a short time appears unexceptionable to a majority of Americans. Moreover, people have talked. Hundreds of them. Firefighters, police, janitors, and others report hearing and experiencing a series of explosions in upper floors and massive explosions in the underground basements. This eyewitness testimony was kept under wraps for three or more years until the official explanation had taken root. The oral histories were finally forced loose by freedom of information act suits. The eyewitness reports of explosion after explosion had no effect. Larry Silverstein, who received billions of dollars in insurance payments for the destroyed buildings, talked. He said on public television that the order was given to pull building 7. His stunning admission had no effect. The Bush administration is preparing us for more terrorist attacks. The latest intelligence report says that Al Qaeda has regrouped, rebuilt, and has the ability to come after us again. Al Qaeda will intensify its efforts to put operatives here, says the report.

Security operatives, such as Michael Chertoff, and various instruments of administration propaganda have warned that we will be attacked before next years election. Chertoff is not a person who wants to be known as Chicken Little for telling us that the sky is falling. Bush has the Republican Party in such a mess that it cannot survive without another 9/11. Whether authentic or orchestrated, an attack will activate Bushs new executive orders, which create a dictatorial police state in event of national emergency. ] The UK government is hand-in-glove with the Bush administration and will provide cover or verification for whatever claim the Bush administration advances. So will the right-wing governments in Canada and Australia. That takes care of the English-speaking world from which contrary explanations might reach the American people.

It is possible that Bush is now too weak, that suspicion is too great, and that there is too much internal resistance in the federal bureaucracy and military for any such scenario. If so, then my prediction prior to the invasion that the US invasion of Iraq will destroy Bush, the Republican Party, and the conservative movement will be proven true. The Democrats strategy of doing nothing except making sure Bush gets his way will produce the landslide that they expect. However, this assumes that Cheney, Rove, and their neoconservative allies have lost their cunning and their manipulative skills. It is difficult to imagine a more dangerous assumption for Democrats and the American people to make. Once the US experiences new attacks, Bush will be vindicated. His voice will be confident as he speaks to the nation: My administration knew that there would be more attacks from these terrorists who hate us and our way of life and are determined to destroy every one of us. If only more of you had believed me and supported my war on terror these new attacks would not have happened. Our security efforts were impaired by the Democrats determined attempts to surrender to the terrorists by forcing our withdrawal from Iraq and by civil libertarian assaults on our necessary security measures. If only more Americans had trusted their government, this would not have happened. And so on. Anyone should be able to write the script. Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan administration. He was Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal editorial page and Contributing Editor of National Review. He is coauthor of The Tyranny of Good Intentions. He can be reached at:

Headlines for July 20, 2007

- Admin: Exec. Privilege Trumps Congressional Contempt Efforts - General: Push Back Iraq Assessment to November - US Ambassador Downplays Benchmarks in Iraq Marked by Fear - House Caucus to Bush: No More Funding for War - Judge Dismisses Wilson Suit Against Cheney, Rove - Blair Begins Post as Mideast Envoy - News Corp.s Murdoch 24th Member of Blair Cabinet - Dow Board Member Resigns Over Murdoch Bid - FEMA Suppressed Warnings on Toxic Gas in Evacuee Trailers - Researchers: Underground Lake Could Bring Peace to Darfur - Chertoff: Border Wall Construction Begins This Year - House Rejects Cuts to Corp. for Public Broadcasting

Welcome to Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth!

Bush Directive for a "Catastrophic Emergency" in America: Building a Justification for Waging War on Iran? by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky

9/11 Survivors and Family Members Question the 9/11 Commission Report

Engineers and Architects Question the 9/11 Commission Report

1 - 10 of about 32,352 (0.098 s) -


9/11 Mysteries (Full Length, High Quality) 1 hr 31 min - Sep 15, 2006 (14124 ratings) This is a brand new public domain 9/11 Truth documentary about the controlled demolition of the World Trade Center complex. It's excellent. Pass this link on Watch video here - Related videos 9/11 Revisited: Were explosives used? 56 min - Mar 12, 2006 (802 ratings) Visit for the DVD or to download this video. Please share this information with your friends. UPDATE: There Watch video here - Related videos 9-11 Justice 18 min - Feb 20, 2007 (2636 ratings) Available in dvd at, a brief but carefully presented and supported criminal indictment of George Bush, Dick Cheney, Richard Myers, and Condoleeza Rice Watch video here - Related videos 9/11 Flight 93 Rare Footage 2 min - Apr 21, 2006 (1255 ratings) Ultra-rare news footage from the crash site of United Flight 93 which has never been seen again since 9/11. Watch video here - Related videos

Martial Law 9/11: Rise of the Police State (Alex Jones) 2 hr 36 min - Feb 14, 2006 (2712 ratings) Martial Law: 9/11 Rise of the Police State was filmed primarily during the Republican Party's 2004 national convention in New York City. The Republican Party's choice Watch video here - Related videos Compilation exposing 9/11 Truth 59 min - Jun 1, 2005 (829 ratings) Alex Jones, Eric Hufschmid, et al Watch video here - Related videos THE TRUTH & LIES OF 9/11 2 hr 18 min - Jan 1, 2001 (2465 ratings) This pioneering, groundbreaking expose of 9-11, now two years old, painted a stark and accurate picture of our world today and TOMMORROW. Mike's new Watch video here - Related videos 9/11 3 min - Jan 29, 2006 (11604 ratings) Audio: Hands By Jewel Creator: Brian Bezalel (Skyracer90) Date of Creation: 2003 Download link: Watch video here - Related videos Loose Change 2nd Edition Recut 1 hr 29 min - Aug 16, 2006 (34794 ratings) Dylan Avery, Korey Rowe, and Jason Bermas bring you the most powerful 9/11 Documentary yet. Updated!!!! Watch video here - Related videos 9/11 Revisited 56 min - Feb 26, 2006 (1214 ratings) 9/11 Revisited - Were explosives used? Visit to get the dvd of this movie!...Dustin Mugford
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& alexjonesfan has just posted a new topic entitled "Real 9/11 Heroes Speak Out Against Rudy" in forum "September 11th, 2001". Real 9/11 Heroes Speak Out Against Rudy New York City firefighters are out to set the record straight on Rudy Giuliani's 9/11 legacy. It's been nearly six years since the 9/11 attacks and six months since former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani has decided to grace the race for the Republican presidential

nomination with his presence. Now unions representing New York's Bravest are popping a tough question. What on Earth did this man do on 9/11 and in its aftermath that was so breathtakingly heroic? More accurately, they are campaigning to expose how Giuliani short-changed and endangered the city's 11,000 firefighters over the course of two terms, and then went on to exploit their heroism during and after the 9/11 attacks for his own political advantage.

San Diego 9/11 Grand Jury Indictments Jurors Vote To Charge Sixteen With 'Conspiracy To Commit Mass Murder' On 9/11/01 CONVENING on Saturday, April 14, 2007, the 23-member San Diego Citizens Grand Jury on the Crimes of September 11, 2001 in New York City heard more than six hours of presentations by Chief Prosecutor Don Paul, Chief Investigator Jim Hoffman, and Expert Witnesses Richard Gage, Ted Muga, Steven Jones and Kevin Ryan at the Student Council Chambers in the Aztec Center of San Diego State University

audio attached 3&act=Attach&type=post&id=20056 s=291f55968278d5d7ef1b96893f101f0 3&act=Attach&type=post&id=20056 FariasShow__10_07_2007__griffin_new_evidence.mp3

-------------------A comparison between what we are told and what we can see, with our own eyes. World Trade Center 7 collapsed after having been damaged by fire and falling debris, but the collapse looks very much like a controlled demolition.

Posted by: "Deanna Spingola" spingola1 Date: Mon Jul 9, 2007 5:23 pm ((PDT))

7 World Trade Center Why did so many videographers have their attention directed on 7 World Trade Center precisely at 5:20:33pm on 9/11/01? Now that we have discovered fossil fuel will demolish steel and concrete skyscrapers with the same effect as well placed explosives, why haven't demolition companies gone out of business with the advent of this new technology? Thomas Potter Olmsted Falls, Ohio __________________________________________________________ Lets focus on what to share with people so they will know what it is when the next false flag attack occurs. It is coming; we have no time for irrelevant debates over the definition of a word. Back to Basics then... Let's talk about how to share this with people who are living in fear of the terrorist... from galen denzen@... to date Jul 3, 2007 2:13 PM subject: Zeitgeist... What is the Spirit of this Age? Friends of Truth, i just finished watching a movie called "Zeitgeist", a feature-length film you can view in three parts at: http:// .

The home page of the movie is: . Regardless of your socio-political, spiritual persuasion, I think you will find Zeitgeist educational and provocative. For Truth galen -=-=-=-=-=From emails I receive it's clear we all know diehard skeptics out there who'll continue to deny 9/11 was an inside job no matter what. May I suggest you forward the following article to these individuals, wish them well, and move on... 9/11 Wasn't that Hard. The 9/11 attack has been getting a lot of windshield time lately in my day to day. I'm not thinking about it any more than usual, it just seems to come up. One of the objections I hear a lot from people who haven't done any research, or are prone to `not want to know', is that the `inside job' perspective of the attack and ensuing cover-up would be impossible without thousands of people being aware of it. I'd like to address that feature today and provide some links that will clarify so many other questions that may be out there. First some links. Here is a movie called "Zeitgeist". It is a feature length film and at this site If you still aren't clear whether 9/11 was an inside Job after you see this film then you really don't want to know or lack the capacity to. Here is the home page of the movie, You can view it in 3 parts or any sequence you like. England that dovetails into the mix Now to my point. First off, in order for the attacks to have been carried out with a minimum of notice all that had to be accomplished was controlling the access points into the planes; that's all. It should be noted here that the same security firm was in charge at all of the 9/11 airports, The London Tube and Madrid train station on the days of the attacks. That's one hell of a coincidence isn't it? That security firm is ICTS. You can do the background check on them. It's more effective for you that way. Just stick `ICTS' and `911' into Google and see what you come up with.

Once whoever is on those planes is on those planes then it doesn't matter any more, because no one is getting off any of those planes to do any interviews and no one who isn't on those planes has any idea who is on those planes, especially when all the communications from those planes are under control. Most of us now know that at least 7 of the hijackers purported to be on those planes were discovered later, by ABC News, among others, to be alive and well in their home countries. You can check this out as well if you are of a mind to. Concerning the actual attacks and who was involved, all that has to be done is to control the access points to the planes. That's it. because there was no remaining evidence (that wasn't planted) and that brings me to the cover-up. Everything, at all the sites where an attack occurred, or a plane hit a government building, or crashed into a field, was carted away and kept away from the curious. There are some site photos, here and there and before and after. They tell us a great deal, but all that evidence, black boxes, melted steel, surgically cut girders, parts of planes, bodies, etc. they're gone. All the evidence is gone. Whenever a crime is committed in America there is a very heavy emphasis upon physical evidence and the chain of evidence. This time nada. That alone should tell you a lot. Also what should tell you a lot is what evidence was found; the absurd presence of Mohammed Atta's undamaged passport on a New York Street, Korans and flight simulation training DVDs in a car at Logan airport, certain eyewitness reports and alleged cellphone conversations a casual watcher of network TV dramas should be savvy enough to see through that BS. Then comes the media. Let's talk about the media a little. A majority of the American people believes that either 9/11 was an Inside Job or that the government knew it was coming and stood back and let it happen. To what degree do you see this vast public perception addressed on TV? When you do see it addressed, it is done in a dismissive manner or involves a media attack dog going after some occasional expert trotted out for humiliation. That's rare enough but it does happen. The media has shut down on the matter and focuses instead on the constant occurrence of terrorist activity that is the constant focus of the leaders who have brought you all of the repressive institutions that have stolen your constitutional rights: Homeland Security, telephone and email and wire tapping, airport body searches and assaults on free speech. If you haven't noticed any of this what can I say? Where have we learned what we know today? The Internet and the people on the street who talk about what they saw and heard. You aren't getting it anywhere else. And it isn't as if the questions aren't valid. Nowhere in history has even a single skyscraper come down as a result of a fire, much less 3 buildings, all within a few hours of each other, all designed to take a hit from the very planes that hit them, all falling at the impossible rate of free fall and one of them not even hit by anything and also coming down at the rate of free fall and all of them into their

own footprint. What are the odds? Ten trillion to one would be good odds. I would think it would be more than that. And that is only one piece of evidence from one event that is patently ridiculous. The amount of irreconcilable coincidence and absurd official explanation is vast indeed. But the government, the media, the religious community and business world are all arm in arm lockstep, walking in blindfolded denial and side of the mouth talking BS when they talk at all. Control of the points of access to the planes and control of the media in the aftermath, that's all it takes. It's all been done before, a number of times, prior to all of the big wars and whenever somebody wants to invade somewhere; like Afghanistan and Iraq and then bomb Iran and Syriacoming to a theater near you soon. What about the members of Congress? That's a good question, isn't it? Well, some people were making annoying noises here and there; Cynthia McKinney, what happened to her? What happens to someone in Congress that does speak out? What happens to a reporter who works for major media and speaks out? So, what happens is that the only people that get into certain positions are those vetted by the controlling interests. Politicians are among the most self-serving individuals on the planet. It is self interest that attracts them to the game in the first place. Look at the crimes committed by various people in various professions and notice how their choice of employment put them into contact with what they were after; money, power, underage sex, drugs. check it out. What difference does it make to you if 9/11 was an Inside Job or if Iraq didn't have WMDs? What difference does it make to you if you are being strip searched as a result of a terror attack that wasn't committed by terrorists? What difference does it make to you if hundreds, thousands of people are arrested and held without charge or counsel and tortured into confessing to things they know jack about? What difference does it make to you if soldiers are dying in an illegal and unnecessary war? Some of you are wandering around going, "I don't know, I don't know, just leave me alone!" Some of you are saying, "The government wouldn't do that!" even in the face of what you can clearly see the government is doing every day. Some of you are screaming, "Nyah, nyah, I can't hear you." with your fingers in your ears. Some of you are shopping or chatting on cell phones and don't give a damn what happens to anyone as long as it doesn't happen to you. Some of you are drunk, or stoned, or up against economic crisis. Some of you just want to get laid and then you can die happy. A lot of you care but you don't know what you can do about it. What do we do about it, or anything? As the song says, "Let your conscience be your guide." We're not here to put an end to every evil and dry every tear. We're here to do our best and demonstrate the courage of our convictions whether we win or we lose.

We are defined by what we think and say and do. Maybe this matters to you and maybe it doesn't. That's for you to decide. But whether 9/11 was an Inside Job or not, they covered it up and went on a profit binge in the aftermath.? That's easy, yes, it was. Yes, they did and, yes,... they did. What are you going to do about it? ######################################################## "The official story of 9/11 is a bunch of hogwash. It's impossible. High levels of our government don't want us to know what happened and who's responsible." Colonel Robert Bowman, PhD, former head of President Reagan's Star Wars' program, Caltech PhD in nuclear engineering and astronautics, and decorated combat fighter pilot Demand a new investigation. Stand up. Be counted.

Posted by: "J. Austin" dogbonz99

Tue Jul 10, 2007 11:03 am (PST) wrote: > So who knows the truth about laser weapons and WTC 1 and 2? > For me it is moving from the realm of suspected DISINTELPRO into the > possibility stage of theory evolution. > Here is a sample that looks a lot like real evidence. > __________________________________________________________ >

There are basically two forms of high energy that are being worked on: Microwave, just like your oven. That energy does not pulverize, but instead raises the energy in what ever you direct it at. There is a version that the Army has, that basically burns your skin - this, to break up crowds. Although I'm sure that it has higher power capability. The drawbacks ? Get behind a building and you are OK. Line of site only. And it doesn't "pulverize" anything. It's related brother is EMP, the Electromagnetic Pulse weapon. This is designed specifically for taking out electronic installations; computers, radar systems, anything that is electronic. Quite effective for it's purpose, it also does not apply to the destruction of the WTC. The second major weapon that's being worked on, is Laser / Mazer technology. Word has it that this is part of the 'Star Wars' technology. This is also linear, but recall that organized light is almost free of mass. In order for it to allegedly work, scientists have found that it needs incredibly fast pulsing. Up to millions of times per

second. When that happens, it can be useful for shooting down missiles. It has the advantage of speed (light speed) that can be accurately aimed and track a target. It has a major disadvantage, however. Smoke and fog can interrupt the line of sight, and can overcome the little power it has. It has been successful in clear, line of site tests. In order to give it maximum 'punch', it requires a fairly massive power supply, although I understand that because of the 'pulsing' used, the power supplies have been made small enough to be on a large aircraft, and can be damaging to other aircraft or missiles, if tracked properly. However, 'punching' through the skin of a missile is far different than punching through solid steel I-Beams. Hence, Laser weapons would not be very effective against the WTC. There was also too much smoke and dust to be effective. How would you see the target areas ? And refractions of the Laser would rob it of much of its power. So Judy Wood comes up with this theory that some unknown form of energy was used. She doesn't identify this form of energy, nor does she describe the type of weapon, or it's deployment. That's the big hole in her story. "Invisible Beams from space"? Not very scientific and totally devoid of evidence. She's also incorrect as far as the steel goes. We don't see 'dustified' steel, we see concrete pulverized by massive explosions. We see steel beams thrown up to 500 ft away from the explosions in the cores of the buildings. And concrete is famous for turning to fine dust when subjected to high energy explosions. There was a LOT of concrete in those buildings; in the Core and in the outside shell. Watching them come down in a classic 'banana peel' shape, explosions are the only thing that explain that configuration. Those buildings were incredibly strong, the 47 beam cores, reinforced with concrete, had their strength in the vertical. The outer perimeter was largely glass and aluminum, with very thin steel at the height they were struck (104th and 80th floors respectively). This was mainly to allow some flexibility in very high winds. There were explosions witnessed just before and after the plane hits in the basements of the buildings. It is thought that those explosions were to weaken the rock-based foundations in both Towers. Certainly, those areas were unreachable by any "space beam" technology. Professor Steven Jones has found traces of Thermate in some of the wreckage. Thermate is capable of cutting through solid steel in seconds. I believe that cutter charges were also used to destroy the super-strong core, possibly C-4 in shaped charges. The core was destroyed well below the 'collapse line', allowing the building to nearly free-fall down.

Finally, the government story that it was a gravity collapse doesn't withstand scrutiny. Remember that below the fires (not hot enough to weaken steel), the rest of the building was at room temperature and intact. Also consider that gravity would simply pull straight down, with the mass finding the easiest path down. The government seems to say that the mass of the building CHOSE to come down the strongest point, the cores, as it came down - and, without any resistance at all. This defies common sense. The one point Judy Woods makes that has some validity, are the burned cars, some partially melted. But even this question has problems. First, it's unclear how many cars were involved in that 'melting' and where they were during the collapse. There were certainly cars on the streets directly below, and certainly some in the basement levels. I tend to think that some of them were hit with still white-hot Thermate as the buildings came down upon them. The Woods' people say there were 1400 cars, but do not provide any evidence at all for that figure, or what cars were directly under the buildings. But as for her 'space beam' theory ? She's provided no evidence of it, yet people jump to this non-conclusion without thinking it through. Regards, -John Austin

9/11 Issues
New 9/11 Truth Statement from Daniel Sunjata Yes, there are issues with 9/11!

Suspected 9-11 Criminal Coconspirators

The 9/11 Official Conspiracy Theory
The official story of what occurred on September 11, 2001, was presented on the day of the attack. It is a conspiracy theory, and it was accepted without question despite the lack of verifiable evidence to support it, and much evidence contradicting it. It includes a long series of anomalies - extremely improbable events, amazing coincidences, and contradictions. Here are some of the more glaring of them. Indications of Foreknowledge - Although Condoleezza Rice later said "I don't think anybody could have predicted that these people would take an airplane and slam it into the World Trade Center", officials did, in fact, consider the scenario of planes being used as guided missiles against targets such as the World Trade Center. - Some high officials and celebrities were warned not to fly. - War game scenarios targeted the WTC and Pentagon. - Put/call ratios on AA and UA stock increased five-fold and twenty-fold, apparently anticipating post-attack stock declines. Military's Non-Response - FAA's inexplicably long delays in notifying the military - Jets were not scrambled from nearest bases. - Jets in the air were not vectored to intercept jetliners. - Military jets flew at small fractions of their top speeds. - After presiding over the worst air defense failure in US history, the commander of NORAD, head of the Joint Chiefs, and Secretary of Defense were awarded with promotions and budget increases. Total Destruction of the Twin Towers - The falls showed features of controlled demolitions - symmetry, thoroughness, rapidity. - They began precipitously after loud explosions were heard by dozens of firefighters. Total Collapse of WTC Building 7, untouched by airplanes - In under seven seconds Building 7 was transformed from a skyscraper to a tidy rubble pile. - This is the only case of total collapse of large steel-framed high-rise building blamed on fire.

- Its collapse had all the features of a controlled demolition implosion. It fell straight down. Its rapid fall was within 10 percent of gravitational free-fall speed. Pentagon Attack Anomalies - The Pentagon, surely the best-defended building in the world, was left undefended until after being hit at 9:38 - more than 80 minutes into the attack. - The attack maneuver required extreme piloting skill, but none of the alleged hijackers had flown jets, and the alleged pilot of Flight 77 was a notoriously bad pilot. Suppression and Destruction of Evidence - The WTC steel was systematically destroyed. Most of it was shipped to Asia for recycling. - Investigators were barred from the crime scene, and saw little of the steel. - None of the contents of the eight black boxes from the hijacked jetliners has been released. - Scores of videos from around Pentagon were confiscated and never released. Overt Omissions in Official Reports. - The 9/11 Commission made hundreds of glaring omissions. Its report makes no mention of Building 7. It called the structural cores of Twin Towers "hollow steel shaft [s]." - NIST avoided the core issue of the 'collapses'.
This resum is largely based on material from from 9-11 Research , anomalies.html

Suspected 9-11 Criminal Coconspirators


URL Description Features A Resource for Understanding the 9/11/01 Articles, critiques, Attack. A good place to start your research. links. 9-11 Research is a kind of encyclopedic reference FAQs, essays, about the many facets of the September 11th reviews, talks, papers, attack books, videos, extensive web resourceseven a misinformation links page.

Information and activism.

Essential reading list, articles by topic, Mission includes videos, news archive, - to expose the official lies and cover-up research, activism surrounding the events of September 11th, 2001, news, and more. - to promote the best in investigative reporting, scholarly research and public education regarding the suppressed realities of 9/11, its aftermath and exploitation for political ends, ... - to seek justice and redress for those wronged on 9/11 ...

- to end the regime that made 9/11 happen... 911 Blogger Looking for Truth in Credentials: The WTC Experts by (whistleblower) Kevin Ryan. Scholars for 9/11 Truth Scholars for 9/11 Truth and Justice

Blogs, news, activism, a rich links list.

Extensive resources section (books, articles, videos, etc.) Diana Castillo C/Granvia 22 dcdo 4-dcha 28013 Madrid-Spain Tel : 00-34-913604039 Ext 216 Fax : 00-34-915228673 email: Web :

Academics, experts, and scholars who have examined the physical evidence and considered this event within its historical context tend to converge in agreement that the inside-job hypothesis is, in fact, strongly supported by the available evidence, while the version advanced in The 9/11 Commission Report is not only false but provably false and in crucial respects physically impossible. Journal of 911 Studies is a peer-reviewed, openaccess, electronic-only journal covering the whole of research related to 9/11/2001. All content is freely available online. Pilots for 9/11 Truth. Aviation professionals and pilots throughout the globe commited to seeking the truth surrounding the events of the 11th of September 2001. Concentrates on the 4 flights. WTC 7 was the third skyscraper to be reduced to rubble on September 11, 2001. According to the government, fires, primarily, leveled this building, but fires have never before or since destroyed a steel skyscraper. ... Why did the government rapidly recycle the steel from the largest and most mysterious engineering failure in world history, and why has the media remained silent? Stand Down contains a minute-by-minute chronology from 7:59 till 10:06:05 and explains exactly what happened between the time AA Flight 11 lost voice contact with air traffic control, till the time UA Flight 93 crashed. A lively activist site. Book list, videos, links.

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