Circle Time Weekly Schedule 2009-2010 Term 1

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Circle Time Weekly Schedule

2009-2010, Term 1
Week 1
-Manner of the Week: The Etiquette of Love
-“Forgive, and ye shall be forgiven.” (Lk. 6:37)
-Concept of forbearance, patiently suffering with each other, remember that we each need
-Work on memory verses
-Little Pilgrim’s Progress
-Poem: One each day, Oxford Book of Children’s Verse
-Song: The Drinking Gourd

-Review manner & verse
-Additional verse on forgiveness: I John 1:5-9
-Work on memory verses
-Singing Songs
-Hymn: Jesus Paid it All
-Folk: The Jam on Gerry’s Rocks
-Poem: One each day, Oxford Book of Children’s Verse

-Review manner & verse
-Additional verse on forgiveness: Hebrews 10:14-23
-Work on memory verses
-Art study:
- The Knight’s Dream (1504) by Raphael Sanzio
-First excerpt from The Book of Art for Young People (circa 1909)
“The Knight, clothed in bright armour and gay raiment, bearing no
relation at all to the clothes worn in 1500, rests upon his shield
beneath the slight shade of a very slender tree. In his dream there
appear to him two figures, both of whom claim his knightly allegiance
for life: one, a young and lovely girl in a bright coloured dress with
flowers in her hair, tempts him to embrace a life of mirth, of

Jest and youthful Jollity,

Quips and Cranks and wanton Wiles,
Nods and Becks and wreathed Smiles.

The other resembles the same poet's

Pensive Nun, devout and pure,

Sober, steadfast, and demure.
She holds sword and book, symbols of stern action and wise
accomplishment. Which the knight will choose we are not told…”
-Second excerpt from the same:
“In the 'Knight's Dream' there is a simple beauty in the pose and
grouping of the figures. You can hardly fancy three figures better
arranged for the purpose of the subject. There is something inevitable
about them, which is the highest praise due to a mastery of design
in the art of composition. Raphael's surpassing gift was in fitting
beautiful figures into any given space, so that it seems as though
the space had been made to fit the figures, instead of the figures
to fit the space.”
-Poem: One each day, Oxford Book of Children’s Verse
-Song: Be Thou My Vision
-Nature journal entries

-Review manner & verse
-Additional verse on forgiveness: Colossians 3:12-14
-Work on memory verses
-Bible Story: One story from The Jesus Storybook Bible
-History: Beacon Lights reading
-Poem: One each day, Oxford Book of Children’s Verse
-Song: How Firm a Foundation

-Review manner & verse
-Additional verse on forgiveness: Matthew 6:9-15
-Work on memory verses
-Poem: One each day, Oxford Book of Children’s Verse
-Song: The Old Oaken Bucket

Week 2
-Manner of the Week: The Etiquette of Love
-“Love thy neighbor as thyself.” (Mt. 22:39)
-To love another is the second-greatest commandment.
-Make sure they know that Jesus said this.
-Matthew Henry said we must deny ourselves for the good of others.
-Remind them of the sacrifice of the cross, and how our love for others echoes that
ultimate love of the Savior for His children.
-Work on memory verses
-Little Pilgrim’s Progress
-Poem: One each day, Oxford Book of Children’s Verse
-Song: Victory in Jesus

-Review manner & verse
-Additional passage on love: John 13:34-35
-Singing Songs
-Hymn: Jesus Paid it All
-Folk: The Jam on Gerry’s Rocks
-Work on memory verses
-Poem: One each day, Oxford Book of Children’s Verse

-Review manner & verse
-Additional passage on love: I Corinthians 13:4-8
-Art study:
- The Knight’s Dream (1504) by Raphael Sanzio…show the drawing first!
-First excerpt from The Book of Art for Young People (circa 1909):
“You can see from the drawing of the 'Knight's Dream,' which is hung
quite near the painting in the National Gallery, how carefully Raphael
thought out the detail of the picture before he began to paint. He
seems even to have been afraid that he might not be able to draw it
again so perfectly; therefore he placed the drawing over the panel
and pricked it through. The marks of the pin are quite clear, and it
brings one nearer this great artist to follow closely the process of
his work.”
-Show the painting
-Second excerpt from the same:
“The colouring of the picture, too, is jewel-like and lovely, but the
uncoloured drawing is itself full of charm. The grace of line, which
was to distinguish all the works of his mature years, is already
manifest in this effort of his boyhood.”
-Work on memory verses
-Poem: One each day, Oxford Book of Children’s Verse
-Nature journal entries
-Song: Come Thou Fount

-Review manner & verse
-Additional passage on love: James 1:27
-Work on memory verses
-Bible Story: One story from The Jesus Storybook Bible
-History: Beacon Lights reading
-Poem: One each day, Oxford Book of Children’s Verse
-Song: The Drinking Gourd

-Review manner & verse
-Additional passage on love: Eph. 4:1-3
-Work on memory verses
-Poem: One each day, Oxford Book of Children’s Verse
-Song: Be Thou My Vision

Week 3
-Manner of the Week: The Etiquette of Love
-“The LORD detests lying lips, but he delights in men who are truthful.” Pr. 12:22
-Discuss: What does the LORD hate? What does the LORD love?
-God Himself is truthful, His Word is always truthful, and His people should honor Him
by being truthful, too.
-Work on memory verses
-Little Pilgrim’s Progress
-Poem: One each day, Oxford Book of Children’s Verse
-Song: How Firm a Foundation

-Review manner & verse
-Additional passage on truth: I Sam. 12:23-25
-Work on memory verses
-Singing Songs
-Hymn: Jesus Paid it All
-Folk: The Jam on Gerry’s Rocks
-Poem: One each day, Oxford Book of Children’s Verse

-Review manner & verse
-Additional passage on truth: Psalm 51:6
-Work on memory verses
-Art study:
-St. George and the Dragon (1504-06) by Raphael
“St. George.—St. George, on horseback, fights with the legendary dragon. He has
already broken his lance against it, and is about to strike it with his sword. This is
quite a small picture, but singularly great in its character, thought and style. The
saintly warrior, clad in steel armour and wearing a plumed helmet, rises in his
stirrups, reins back his charger with his left hand, and raises his right, armed with
a sword, against the monster that is pursuing him, and on which he casts a
backward glance of contempt.”


Notwithstanding the impetuous speed (the rapidity of which is shown by the

drapery of the mantle which is violently agitated), and notwithstanding the
imminence of the danger, the Christian hero preserves a regal tranquillity. He
carries with him something of the power and majesty of a God.”
--F. A. Gruyer
-Poem: One each day, Oxford Book of Children’s Verse
-Song: The Old Oaken Bucket
-Nature journal entries

-Review manner & verse
-Additional passage on truth: John 17:15-21
-Work on memory verses
-Bible Story: One story from The Jesus Storybook Bible
-History: Beacon Lights reading
-Poem: One each day, Oxford Book of Children’s Verse
-Song: Victory in Jesus

-Review manner & verse
-Additional passage on truth: Eph. 4:24-25
-Work on memory verses
-Poem: One each day, Oxford Book of Children’s Verse
-Song: Come Thou Fount

Week 4
-Manner of the Week: The Etiquette of Love
-“Do all things without grumbling or disputing.” (Phil. 2:14)
-Read context, explain how this adorns the doctrines of God
-Matthew Henry says that this proves we serve a good Master
-Christ is pleased by cheerfulness and kindness, not argument and complaint
-Work on memory verses
-Little Pilgrim’s Progress
-Poem: One each day, Oxford Book of Children’s Verse
-Song: The Drinking Gourd

-Review manner & verse
-Additional passage on cheerfulness or complaining: I Peter 4:9
-Work on memory verses
-Singing Songs
-Hymn: Jesus Paid it All
-Folk: The Jam on Gerry’s Rocks
-Poem: One each day, Oxford Book of Children’s Verse

-Review manner & verse
-Additional passage on cheerfulness or complaining: II Cor. 9:6-7
-Work on memory verses
-Art study:
-St. George and the Dragon (1504-06) by Raphael
“Finally, for the background of this picture, we have a landscape with suave and
harmoniously cadenced lines, fresh, springlike, and virginal, in which the
verdurous valleys melt into the azure distances of the mountains which
themselves fade and are lost in the blue of a pure and luminous sky. There is
nothing present that is not of exquisite grace and delicious sentiment, even to the
little female figure, robed in rose, and fleeing in the distance. Thus, everything in
this picture is of the very first order. Under modest appearances, the forms have a
firmness of accentuation which is the work no longer of a student but of a master.
As for the colour, limpid, transparent, and of a tempered harmony, it reveals a
state of preservation that nearly four centuries have not been able to injure.”

--F.A. Gruyer
-Poem: One each day, Oxford Book of Children’s Verse
-Song: Be Thou My Vision
-Nature journal entries

-Review manner & verse
-Additional passage on cheerfulness or complaining: Phil. 2:3-8
-Work on memory verses
-Bible Story: One story from The Jesus Storybook Bible
-History: Beacon Lights reading
-Poem: One each day, Oxford Book of Children’s Verse
-Song: How Firm a Foundation

-Review manner & verse
-Additional passage on cheerfulness or complaining: Col. 3:15-17
-Work on memory verses
-Poem: One each day, Oxford Book of Children’s Verse
-Song: The Old Oaken Bucket

Week 5
-Manner of the Week: The Etiquette of Love
-“Honor one another above yourselves.” (Rom. 12:10)
-Let us not have too great an opinion of ourselves.
-Let us consider that as each person here was made in God’s image, and as God loves
each person here, so ought we to consider each other first
-Think what a happy house we would have if each person considered others above
themselves and worked hard at serving others!
-Work on memory verses
-Little Pilgrim’s Progress
-Poem: One each day, Oxford Book of Children’s Verse
-Song: Victory in Jesus
-Review manner & verse
-Additional passage on humility or respect: Gen. 1:26-27
-Make sure they realize that ALL men are made in God’s image, not just them
-Work on memory verses
-Singing Songs
-Hymn: Jesus Paid it All
-Folk: The Jam on Gerry’s Rocks
-Poem: One each day, Oxford Book of Children’s Verse

-Review manner & verse
-Additional passage on humility or respect: Proverbs 3:5-7
-Work on memory verses
-Art study:
-Young Woman with the Unicorn (1506) by Raphael Sanzio
-Tell the children about the mystery surrounding this painting. For hundreds of
years, this painting was hidden beneath another painting, a painting designed to
look like a famous Christian, Saint Catherine. In the 1920s, the painting was
cleaned, and at that time, it was discovered that there was another, more beautiful
painting underneath. Once the entire painting was revealed, the historians knew
that it was so perfect it had to be painted by Raphael. But for hundreds of years,
no one saw this painting because it was a secret, underneath the other painting.
-Poem: One each day, Oxford Book of Children’s Verse
-Song: Come Thou Fount
-Nature journal entries

-Review manner & verse
-Additional passage on humility or respect: Phil. 2:3-4
-Work on memory verses
-Bible Story: One story from The Jesus Storybook Bible
-History: Beacon Lights reading
-Poem: One each day, Oxford Book of Children’s Verse
-Song: The Drinking Gourd

-Review manner & verse
-Additional passage on humility or respect: Prov. 11:2
-Work on memory verses
-Poem: One each day, Oxford Book of Children’s Verse
-Song: Be Thou My Vision

Week 6
-Manner of the Week: The Etiquette of Love
-“Be generous and willing to share.” (I Tim. 6:18)
-Read extended passage—I Tim. 6:17-19
-Matthew Henry: We come into this world with nothing. Anything we obtain during our
time here is given to us by God. We can take nothing with us when we die. We share the
things we have been given during our time here.
-Clarify: TAKING from another is stealing, not forcing someone else to share.
-When is it okay not to share? (i.e., don’t share with the baby things that are not
appropriate for him to play with)
-Work on memory verses
-Little Pilgrim’s Progress
-Poem: One each day, Oxford Book of Children’s Verse
-Song: How Firm a Foundation

-Review manner & verse
-Additional passage on sharing: Prov. 22:9
-Work on memory verses
-Singing Songs
-Hymn: Jesus Paid it All
-Folk: The Jam on Gerry’s Rocks
-Poem: One each day, Oxford Book of Children’s Verse

-Review manner & verse
-Additional passage on sharing: Deut. 15:7-9
-Help them understand that God’s people have always been generous
-Work on memory verses
-Art study:
-Young Woman with the Unicorn (1506) by Raphael Sanzio
-Ask them what they see, what the like, what they think.
-Poem: One each day, Oxford Book of Children’s Verse
-Song: The Old Oaken Bucket
-Nature journal entries

-Review manner & verse
-Additional passage on sharing: Gal. 6:6
-Importance of taking care of our pastors and teachers
-Work on memory verses
-Bible Story: One story from The Jesus Storybook Bible
-History: Beacon Lights reading
-Poem: One each day, Oxford Book of Children’s Verse
-Song: Victory in Jesus

-Review manner & verse
-Additional passage on sharing: Eph. 4:28
-Work on memory verses
-Poem: One each day, Oxford Book of Children’s Verse
-Song: Come Thou Fount

Week 7
-Manner of the Week: The Etiquette of Love
-“Listen to counsel and accept discipline, That you may be wise the rest of your days.”
(Pr. 19:20)
-Do not insist on being right when it becomes apparent you are wrong.
-Be teachable, for this is how one becomes wise
-Learn to listen to the wise people in your life
-Learn to accept discipline in its many forms, for it will correct you and keep you on the
path of Wisdom.
-Work on memory verses
-Little Pilgrim’s Progress
-Poem: One each day, Oxford Book of Children’s Verse
-Song: The Drinking Gourd

-Review manner & verse
-Additional passage on listening and being teachable: Prov. 13:1
-Work on memory verses
-Singing Songs
-Hymn: Jesus Paid it All
-Folk: The Jam on Gerry’s Rocks
-Poem: One each day, Oxford Book of Children’s Verse

-Review manner & verse
-Additional passage on listening and being teachable: Prov. 12:15
-Work on memory verses
-Art study:
-Sistine Madonna (1512-1514) by Raphael Sanzio
-Remind them that “Madonna” is always referencing Mary the mother of Jesus

“As we turn to the picture, famous the world over as the Sistine Madonna,
we seem to be looking through a window opening into heaven. Faint in the
background, yet filling the whole space, is a cloud of innumerable
cherubs; out of this cloud, and enveloped by it, appear the Mother and

They are taking their way seemingly from heaven to earth. A curtain has
been drawn aside that we may see them, and two figures are on either side,
as if to await their passing, one gazing into their faces while he points
outward, the other also kneeling in devotion yet looking intently down.
The mother's robes are blown back by the wind as she moves steadily

Underneath is a parapet, as if this were indeed a window, and two

beautiful boy-angels lean upon it, adoration on their faces and rest in their
position, as if they were everlastingly praising, and were the very
embodiments of cheerful innocence.”

--Estelle Hurll

-Poem: One each day, Oxford Book of Children’s Verse

-Song: Be Thou My Vision
-Nature journal entries

-Review manner & verse
-Additional passage on listening and being teachable: Prov. 15:31-33
-Work on memory verses
-Bible Story: One story from The Jesus Storybook Bible
-History: Beacon Lights reading
-Poem: One each day, Oxford Book of Children’s Verse
-Song: How Firm a Foundation

-Review manner & verse
-Additional passage on listening and being teachable: Prov. 19:27
-Work on memory verses
-Poem: One each day, Oxford Book of Children’s Verse
-Song: The Old Oaken Bucket

Week 8
-Manner of the Week: The Etiquette of Love
- “Better a dry crust with peace and quiet than a house full of feasting, with strife.” (Pr.
-Food and behavior together make a good family mealtime. It is therefore important not
to argue, or be loud and silly, during the meal.
-Remember the previous lesson on listening to counsel, and take the opportunity to listen
to your father speak.
-Work on memory verses
-Little Pilgrim’s Progress
-Poem: One each day, Oxford Book of Children’s Verse
-Song: Victory in Jesus
-Review manner & verse
-Additional passage on peace versus strife: Pr. 20:3
-Work on memory verses
-Singing Songs
-Hymn: Jesus Paid it All
-Folk: The Jam on Gerry’s Rocks
-Poem: One each day, Oxford Book of Children’s Verse

-Review manner & verse
-Additional passage on peace versus strife: Titus 3:9
-Work on memory verses
-Art study:
-Sistine Madonna (1512-1514) by Raphael Sanzio
-Ask them what they remember, what they like, who they see. Figures are St. Sextus, on
the one hand, and St. Barbara on the other.
-Poem: One each day, Oxford Book of Children’s Verse
-Nature journal entries
-Song: Come Thou Fount

-Review manner & verse
-Additional passage on peace versus strife: Rom. 12:18
-Work on memory verses
-Bible Story: One story from The Jesus Storybook Bible
-History: Beacon Lights reading
-Poem: One each day, Oxford Book of Children’s Verse
-Song: The Drinking Gourd

-Review manner & verse
-Additional passage on peace versus strife: Titus 3:1-7
-Work on memory verses
-Poem: One each day, Oxford Book of Children’s Verse
-Song: Be Thou My Vision

Week 9
-Manner of the Week: The Etiquette of Love
-“A gentle tongue is a tree of life, but perverseness in it breaks the spirit.” (Pr. 15:4)
-Your words to one another and to your friends should be healing words.
-If you say unkind things to one another, you are crushing one another, and the Lord is
not pleased.
-Work on memory verses
-Little Pilgrim’s Progress
-Poem: One each day, Oxford Book of Children’s Verse
-Song: How Firm a Foundation

-Review manner & verse
-Additional passage on words and tongue: Pr. 21:23
-Work on memory verses
-Singing Songs
-Hymn: Jesus Paid it All
-Folk: The Jam on Gerry’s Rocks
-Poem: One each day, Oxford Book of Children’s Verse

-Review manner & verse
-Additional passage on words and tongue: James 1:26
-Work on memory verses
-Art study:
-1st: Read John 21:1-14
-The Miraculous Draft of Fishes (1515) by Raphael Sanzio
-Explain that this is from a collection of cartoons used to design tapestries for the Sistine
Chapel. He worked very hard on these because this chapel was supposed to be the most
beautiful chapel in the world. These were painted with glue on lots of paper fastened
together because they were designs for these tapestries.
-Poem: One each day, Oxford Book of Children’s Verse
-Song: The Old Oaken Bucket
-Nature journal entries

-Review manner & verse
-Additional passage on words and tongue: James 3:5
-Work on memory verses
-Bible Story: One story from The Jesus Storybook Bible
-History: Beacon Lights reading
-Poem: One each day, Oxford Book of Children’s Verse
-Song: Victory in Jesus

-Review manner & verse
-Additional passage on words and tongue: Col. 4:6
-Work on memory verses
-Poem: One each day, Oxford Book of Children’s Verse
-Song: Come Thou Fount

Week 10
-Manner of the Week: The Etiquette of Love
-“…overflowing with gratitude…” (Col. 2:6-7)
-Gratitude is grounded in a realization of what God has done for us
-Work on memory verses
-Little Pilgrim’s Progress
-Poem: One each day, Oxford Book of Children’s Verse
-Song: The Drinking Gourd

-Review manner & verse
-Additional passage on gratitude: Heb. 12:28
-Work on memory verses
-Singing Songs
-Hymn: Jesus Paid it All
-Folk: The Jam on Gerry’s Rocks
-Poem: One each day, Oxford Book of Children’s Verse

-Review manner & verse
-Additional passage on gratitude: Col. 3:15-16
-Work on memory verses
-Art study:
-The Miraculous Draft of Fishes (1515) by Raphael Sanzio
-Discuss the different human characters: Christ and Peter, foremost
-Study the birds, especially the herons in the forefront
-Poem: One each day, Oxford Book of Children’s Verse
-Song: Be Thou My Vision
-Nature journal entries

-Review manner & verse
-Additional passage on gratitude: Ps. 52:8-9
-Work on memory verses
-Bible Story: One story from The Jesus Storybook Bible
-History: Beacon Lights reading
-Poem: One each day, Oxford Book of Children’s Verse
-Song: How Firm a Foundation

-Review manner & verse
-Additional passage on gratitude: Eph. 5:4
-Discuss: Who do we give thanks to? How do we do this?
-Work on memory verses
-Poem: One each day, Oxford Book of Children’s Verse
-Song: The Old Oaken Bucket

Week 11
-Manner of the Week: The Etiquette of Love
-“Rest in the LORD and wait patiently for Him…” (Ps. 37:1-11)
-Discuss why we should be patient. What are things that we wait for?
-Work on memory verses
-Little Pilgrim’s Progress
-Poem: One each day, Oxford Book of Children’s Verse
-Song: Victory in Jesus

-Review manner & verse
-Additional passage on patience: I Cor. 13:4
-Work on memory verses
-Singing Songs
-Hymn: Jesus Paid it All
-Folk: The Jam on Gerry’s Rocks
-Poem: One each day, Oxford Book of Children’s Verse

-Review manner & verse
-Additional passage on patience: Col. 3:12-13
-Work on memory verses
-Art study:
-1st: read Ezekiel 1:4-28
-Ezekiel’s Vision (1518) by Raphael Sanzio
-Compare the painting to what we read
-Poem: One each day, Oxford Book of Children’s Verse
-Song: Come Thou Fount
-Nature journal entries

-Review manner & verse
-Additional passage on patience: I Thess. 5:14-15
-Work on memory verses
-Bible Story: One story from The Jesus Storybook Bible
-History: Beacon Lights reading
-Poem: One each day, Oxford Book of Children’s Verse
-Song: The Drinking Gourd

-Review manner & verse
-Additional passage on patience: II Tim. 2:24
-Work on memory verses
-Poem: One each day, Oxford Book of Children’s Verse
-Song: Be Thou My Vision
Week 12
-Manner of the Week: The Etiquette of Love
-“…the Fruit of the Spirit is…faithfulness…” (Gal. 5:22)
-Not mere blind loyalty, but conviction of truth is involved
-Greek word here is pistis
-Work on memory verses
-Little Pilgrim’s Progress
-Poem: One each day, Oxford Book of Children’s Verse
-Song: How Firm a Foundation

-Review manner & verse
-Additional passage on faithfulness/loyalty: Hos. 6:6
-Work on memory verses
-Singing Songs
-Hymn: Jesus Paid it All
-Folk: The Jam on Gerry’s Rocks
-Poem: One each day, Oxford Book of Children’s Verse

-Review manner & verse
-Additional passage on faithfulness/loyalty: Pr. 21:21
-Work on memory verses
-Art study:
-Ezekiel’s Vision (1518) by Raphael Sanzio
-Explain symbolism: The Lord (who looks a lot like Jupiter or Jove) is surrounded by
creatures representing the four evangelists. The eagle is John, lion is Mark, bull is Luke,
and the angel is Matthew, lifting His arms that He might bless the world.
-See how far below the earth looks?
-Poem: One each day, Oxford Book of Children’s Verse
-Song: The Old Oaken Bucket
-Nature journal entries

-Review manner & verse
-Additional passage on faithfulness/loyalty: Acts 5:25-29
-Loyalty first to the kingdom of God
-Work on memory verses
-Bible Story: One story from The Jesus Storybook Bible
-History: Beacon Lights reading
-Poem: One each day, Oxford Book of Children’s Verse
-Song: Victory in Jesus

-Review manner & verse
-Additional passage on faithfulness/loyalty: Ps. 89:2
-Faithfulness and loyalty involve adherence to duty
-Work on memory verses
-Poem: One each day, Oxford Book of Children’s Verse
-Song: Come Thou Fount

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