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Displacement Measurement Principle Using Fiber Optic Sensors An Introduction to the Fotonic Sensor

FIGUR E 1: MTI-2100 Fotonic Sensor

The Fotonic Sensor is a non-contact instrum ent which uses the fibe r optics le ve r principle to pe rform displaceme nt, vibration and surface -condition m easureme nts.(See Figure 1) The Fotonic Sensor transm its a beam of light through a fle xible fibe r-optic probe , re ceives light re fle cted from a targe t surface , and conve rts this light into an ele ctrical signal proportional to the distance be twe en the probe tip and the targe t be ing measured. A simplified ex ample of the fibe r optic principal is shown in Figure 2. The output signal voltage from the fibe r optic sensor is the n use d to de te rm ine position, displaceme nt, vibration amplitude , freque ncy and wave shape of a targe t surface .

FIGUR E 2: Fibe r O ptic Probe Principle s

The ope ration of the Fotonic Se nsor is illustrate d in Figures 3 and 4. Figure 3 shows that whe n a fiber optic probe is mounted close to a targe t, the amount of refle cte d light (A) seen by the re ce iving fibe rs (B2) is small. Howe ve r, as the targe t moves furthe r away from the probe (Figure 4), the amount of light illum inate d on the re ce iving fibe rs (B2) incre ase s rapidly. Even sm all targe t m oveme nts in this range cause a significant incre ase in the amount of re ce ived light.

FIGUR E 3: Se nsor Refle cte d Light is Low, C lose to Targe t

FIGUR E 4: Max imum R efle cte d Light from Fibe r Optic Sensor

If you plot a curve of the voltage output (proportional to the light inte nsity re ceived) ve rse s the distance be twe en the targe t and the fibe r optic se nsor you will find that the re lationship is ve ry se nsitive whe n the probe is close to the targe t. This highly se nsitive area is calle d the front slope of the pe rformance curve (Figure 5), typical value s as listed as Range 1 in Table 1.

FIGUR E 5: Fibe r O ptic Probe Response C urve

Increasing the distance furthe r causes the illuminated area (A) in Figure 4 to enlarge, increasing the amount of re fle cted light se en by the re ce iving fibe rs (B2). Eve ntually, area B2 be come s saturated indicating that the fibe rs are acce pting the max im um amount of light possible . At this point, the MTI-2100 Fotonic Se nsor ge ne rate s the max im um voltage output. This apex is called the optical pe ak . The displacem ent range ove r which the initial voltage rises and whe re the maximum output occurs is a function of the probe diam e te r and num e rical ape rture (N.A.) of the fibe rs, not the surface re fle ctivity.

Adjusting the amplitude of the optical peak provides the output se nsitivity require d for inspe ction and com parison of surface conditions. It is also used to calibrate each fibe r optic probe to duplicate the sensitivity factors e stablishe d at MTII. Figure 6 shows three diffe re nt re fle ctive surfaces.

FIGUR E 6: Fibe r O ptic Probe Response C urves to Diffe re nt Targe t Re fle ctance

C urve A: Instrument response curve if targe t refle ctance is high.

C urve B: Calibrated instrume nt re sponse curve .

C urve C: Instrume nt response curve if targe t refle ctance is low.

Note that the optical peak occurs at the same ope rating distance for each of the three sample s. By adjusting the am plitude of this pe ak to match the amplitude se t at MTII during the calibration process (C urve B) the front slope and back slope s can be re plicated. This slope , or sensitivity value , is store d in the me mory of the MTI-2100 plug in m odule and use d to conve rt voltage to a displacement or position. The MTI-2100 has a calibration proce ss that allows you to duplicate this curve and se lf calibrate to your spe cific targe t

re fle ctivity. If the targe t refle ctance is e ithe r too high (Curve A) or too low (C urve C ), com pare d to the calibrate d curve (B), the use r sim ply adjusts the transmitted light inte nsity by pushing the cal button.

If highe r se nsitivity is require d the light inte nsity can be increased e ven furthe r. For example , a 20X increase in lamp intensity proportionally incre ase s the fibe r optic probe sensitivity by 20X. This can easily be accomplishe d by e le ctronic circuitry that monitors the lam p inte nsity via a silicon photodiode . The silicon photodiode is linear ove r se ve ral orde rs of magnitude light inte nsity so a wide range of se nsitivitie s may be sele cte d entire ly by e le ctronic control. Additionally, the lamp m onitor photodiode can be used in an e le ctronic se rvo control to k eep the lamp intensity constant, e nsuring a stable displaceme nt reading.

Furthe r targe t m ovem ent away from the probe cause s a loss of re fle cted light inte nsity seen by the re ce iving fibe r (B2) in Figure 4 and produces a de cre ase in the voltage output. This area of the curve is calle d the back slope re gion (Figure 5), typical value s as listed as Range 2 in Table 1. Each plug-in m odule stores the se nsitivity factor of the front and back slope providing two distinct ope rating regions pe r fibe r optic sensor. O ne highly se nsitive area with a sm all standoff and m easure ment range and anothe r le ss se nsitive area with a large r standoff and m easurement range .

The Fotonic Sensor can also ope rate at gre ate r standoff distances through the use of MTIIs KD-LS-1A Optical Ex te nde r2 (Figure 7). This focuses the light from the fibe r optic probe to a point about 0.32 inche s (8mm ) be yond the front of the most forward le ns.

FIGUR E 7: KD-LS-1A Fibe r Optic Probe Ex tende r

W he n the distance from the front of the KD-LS-1A to the re fle cting targe t is approx im ate ly the same as the focal le ngth of the lens assem bly, an im age of the probe face will appe ar on the surface of the refle ctive targe t. This image is transm itted back through the KD-LS-1A and is re imaged onto the fibe r optic probe face . This cause s the re turning light to e nte r the transm itting fibe rs and significantly reduces the light proje cted onto the re ceiving fibers. The de cre ase in light create s a sharp null in the instruments output signal as seen in Figure 8.

FIGUR E 8: KD-LS-1A Fibe r Optic Probe Ex tende r Re sponse Curve Compare d to Standard Probe

W he n the targe t distance is displace d slightly in eithe r dire ction from the focal point, the image is blurre d and the re turning light begins to e nte r the re ce ive fibe rs again. This action ge ne rates a pe ak in output signal at e ithe r side of the null. The displaceme nt/output re lationship will be sim ilar to that which would have be en obtained with the same probe look ing dire ctly at the refle ctive surface -ex cept that the standoff distance is now on the orde r of 100 times gre ate r than be fore. O the r m ode ls of the Optical Ex te nde r can incorporate a magnification factor to obtain e ve n gre ate r sensitivity while still re taining the advantage of incre ase d ope rating gap.

Fiber-Optic Probes

The ke y e lem ent of the Fotonic Se nsor is the flex ible fibe r optic probe which consists of two se ts of fibe r optic filam ents jacke te d toge the r to form one. Active diame te rs can be as small as 0.007 inch (0.177mm ), m ak ing them ideally suited to measure sm all targe ts. To provide a wide varie ty of se nsitivitie s and measureme nt range s MTII provide s three standard fibe r optic probe configurations as shown in Figure 9. The se configurations are de te rm ine d by the distribution of the transm itting and re ce iving fibe r optic filame nts in the probe tip.

FIGUR E 9: Fibe r O ptic Probe Configurations

A random fibe r distribution is a random m ix of the transm itting and re ceiving fibe rs. Fibe r optic se nsors with a random fibe r patte rns demonstrate high displacem ent sensitivity be cause of the close inte raction be twe en ne ighboring fibe rs, but have a short m easurement range .

A hemisphe rical fibe r distribution separate s the transm itting and re ce iving fibe rs into two distinct groups, with one half of the probe tip compose d of transm itting fibe rs and the othe r half all re ce iving fibe rs. Hem isphe rical probe tips offe r a long range , but low displace ment sensitivity.

A concent ric transm it inside fibe r distribution contains a group of transmitting fibe rs locate d at the cente r of the probe tip surrounded by a conce ntric group of rece iving fibe rs. This fibe r optic probe arrangement offe rs an inte rm ediate choice be twe e n the high-se nsitivity/short-range random probe fibe rs and the long-range /low-se nsitivity hem isphe rical probe fibe rs. Be cause of the ir symm e trical arrangeme nt this style of probe is le ss affe cte d by tilted targe ts.

Figure 10 outlines the re lative pe rformance of the diffe rent fibe r optic configurations.

FIGUR E 10: R e lative Pe rform ance of Diffe re nt Fibe r O ptic Se nsor Configurations

MTII also offe rs spe cial fibe r optic e dge (or shadow) probe s. In these arrangeme nts the fibe r distribution contains a transmit group of fibe rs opposing a re ceive group of fibe rs. Both transm it and re ce ive bundles can be e ithe r random or he misphe rical, de pe nding on the application pe rformance re quire d. A thin or narrow targe t is placed in the gap be twe en the fibe rs bundles. As a targe t moves be twee n these bundle s a shadow is cast on the re ce ive fibe rs causing a change in light inte nsity re ceived. Like standard fibe r optic probes this conve rts to a change in the voltage output of the MTI-2100 Fotonic Se nsor, which is re lated to the e dge position. This configuration is particularly e ffe ctive m easuring runout of compute r disk s, m agne tic tapes or displacement of thin ultrasonic horns. Bundle diam e te rs range from 0.02 (.5mm ) to 0.09 (2.3m m) with a re sponse typical to that shown in Figure 11.

FIGUR E 11: Shows a Typical Re sponse Curve for a Fibe r Optic Edge Probe

In addition to using custom ized edge probes, standard fibe r optic re fle ctance types can also be used to me asure the late ral m oveme nt or vibration of a targe t edge . Since the optical peak is a point of infle ction on the pe rform ance curve it is an area whe re the re ce ived light of the fibe r optic se nsor does not change with sm all targe t displacem ents. Tak ing advantage of this characte ristic allows the sensor to be use d to m easure changes in refle ctivity or position of an e dge , independe nt of motion in the normal dire ction. By trave rsing a targe t across the probe face a unique output curve is ge ne rate d and can be used to pre cise ly de te rm ine position. Figure 12 shows two examples of the output from a fibe r optic sensor ve rses late ral edge position. Note that diffe re nt se nsitivitie s can be obtained by orie ntating the probe 90 de grees. Diffe rent fibe r distributions also produce diffe rent sensitivities, allowing sensors to fulfill a varie ty of application require ments.

FIGUR E 12: Fibe r O ptic Se nsor Response C urve to Late ral Targe t Motions

Reflectance compe nsate d fibe r optic probe s consist of thre e se ts of fibe rs as shown in Figure 13. The first se t consists of a random bundle locate d in the cente r. Flank ing this bundle are two se ts of re ce ive fibe rs, each with diffe rent num e rical ape rtures. The two separate re ce ive bundles pe rm it compe nsation for diffe rent surface refle ctivities, e lim inating the ne ed for calibration as is done with standard fibe r optic probe s. Be cause of their re fle ctance compe nsation ability the y are particularly e ffe ctive m easuring displaceme nts of targe ts that have late ral moveme nt. Refle ctance com pensate d probe s also work through optical ex tende rs, offe ring sim ilar incre ase s in the probe ope rating standoff, with the adde d be ne fit of refle ctivity compe nsation.

FIGUR E 13: Typical Response C urve for a Refle ctance C ompensate d Fibe r O ptic Se nsor

The sele ction of a particular probe configuration de pends on the application requirements. Table 1 outline s the pe rformance of diffe re nt probe diame te rs and fibe r arrangeme nts. From the table you will see that the sensitivity for random style probe s is approx imate ly 5-10 tim es be tte r than hem isphe rical probes. A sim ilar de cre ase in linear range also ex ists. It is also im portant to note that the signal to noise ratio increases with large r diame te r fibe r bundle s. This is be cause of the increased num be r of fibe rs within the probe , re sulting in im proved light colle ction.

TABLE 1: Fibe r Optic Probe Module Spe cifications

C ustom probe configurations are available for spe cialize d applications. Ple ase contact MTIIs Application Enginee rs for assistance .

Surface Reflectivity And Pressure

The Fotonic Sensor can be use d to monitor changes in surface re fle ctivity and/or change s in light transm ission through a me dia. This is useful for surface finish comparison and surface flaw-de te ction applications. Additionally, fibe r optic se nsors m ay be em ploye d in pressure monitoring application whe re varying pre ssure changes the position or re fle ctance of a targe t. The non-contact, no-hyste re sis characte ristics of fibe r optic se nsors make the m particularly suitable for transduce rs and high freque ncy applications. Fibe roptic sensors may also be ope rated in nearly any gaseous or liquid m edia. Vacuum or pre ssure bushings can be built along the fibe r optic probe buncle, or e ve n on the probe tip itself allowing the Fotonic Se nsor to be used in pressure /vacuum applications.

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