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General keyboard shortcuts CTRL+C CTRL+X CTRL+V CTRL+Z DELETE SHIFT+DELETE Copy. Cut. Paste. Undo. Delete.

Delete selected ite pe! anently "it#out placin$ t#e ite in t#e Recycle %in. Copy selected ite .

CTRL "#ile d!a$$in$ an ite CTRL+SHIFT "#ile d!a$$in$ an C!eate s#o!tcut to selected ite . ite F& Rena e selected ite . +o,e t#e inse!tion point to t#e -e$innin$ o. t#e ne/t CTRL+RI'HT (RR)* "o!d. +o,e t#e inse!tion point to t#e -e$innin$ o. t#e CTRL+LEFT (RR)* p!e,ious "o!d. +o,e t#e inse!tion point to t#e -e$innin$ o. t#e ne/t CTRL+D)*0 (RR)* pa!a$!ap#. +o,e t#e inse!tion point to t#e -e$innin$ o. t#e CTRL+UP (RR)* p!e,ious pa!a$!ap#. CTRL+SHIFT "it# any o. t#e Hi$#li$#t a -loc1 o. te/t. a!!o" 1eys Select o!e t#an one ite in a "indo" o! on t#e SHIFT "it# any o. t#e a!!o" 1eys des1top2 o! select te/t "it#in a docu ent. CTRL+( Select all. F3 Sea!c# .o! a .ile o! .olde!. (LT+E0TER Vie" p!ope!ties .o! t#e selected ite . (LT+F4 Close t#e acti,e ite 2 o! 5uit t#e acti,e p!o$!a . (LT+Ente! Displays t#e p!ope!ties o. t#e selected o-6ect. (LT+SP(CE%(R )pens t#e s#o!tcut enu .o! t#e acti,e "indo". Close t#e acti,e docu ent in p!o$!a s t#at allo" you CTRL+F4 to #a,e ultiple docu ents open si ultaneously. (LT+T(% S"itc# -et"een open ite s. (LT+ESC Cycle t#!ou$# ite s in t#e o!de! t#ey "e!e opened. Cycle t#!ou$# sc!een ele ents in a "indo" o! on t#e F7 des1top. Display t#e (dd!ess -a! list in +y Co pute! o! F4 *indo"s E/plo!e!. SHIFT+F89 Display t#e s#o!tcut enu .o! t#e selected ite . (LT+SP(CE%(R Display t#e Syste enu .o! t#e acti,e "indo". CTRL+ESC Display t#e Start enu. (LT+Unde!lined lette! in a enu Display t#e co!!espondin$ enu.

na e Unde!lined lette! in a co na e on an open enu F89 RI'HT (RR)* LEFT (RR)* F: %(C;SP(CE


Ca!!y out t#e co!!espondin$ co


ESC SHIFT "#en you inse!t a CD into P!e,ent t#e CD .!o t#e CD<R)+ d!i,e Dialog box keyboard shortcuts CTRL+T(% CTRL+SHIFT+T(% T(% SHIFT+T(% (LT+Unde!lined lette! E0TER SP(CE%(R (!!o" 1eys F8 F4 %(C;SP(CE

(cti,ate t#e enu -a! in t#e acti,e p!o$!a . )pen t#e ne/t enu to t#e !i$#t2 o! open a su- enu. )pen t#e ne/t enu to t#e le.t2 o! close a su- enu. Re.!es# t#e acti,e "indo". Vie" t#e .olde! one le,el up in +y Co pute! o! *indo"s E/plo!e!. Cancel t#e cu!!ent tas1. auto atically playin$.

+o,e .o!"a!d t#!ou$# ta-s. +o,e -ac1"a!d t#!ou$# ta-s. +o,e .o!"a!d t#!ou$# options. +o,e -ac1"a!d t#!ou$# options. Ca!!y out t#e co!!espondin$ co and o! select t#e co!!espondin$ option. Ca!!y out t#e co and .o! t#e acti,e option o! -utton. Select o! clea! t#e c#ec1 -o/ i. t#e acti,e option is a c#ec1 -o/. Select a -utton i. t#e acti,e option is a $!oup o. option -uttons. Display Help. Display t#e ite s in t#e acti,e list. )pen a .olde! one le,el up i. a .olde! is selected in t#e Save As o! Open dialo$ -o/.

Natural keyboard shortcuts =*indo"s ;ey> Display o! #ide t#e Sta!t enu. =*indo"s ;ey> +%RE(; Display t#e Syste P!ope!ties dialo$ -o/. =*indo"s ;ey> +D S#o" t#e des1top. =*indo"s ;ey> ++ +ini i?e all "indo"s. =*indo"s ;ey> +S#i.t++ Resto!es ini i?ed "indo"s. =*indo"s ;ey> +E )pen +y Co pute!. =*indo"s ;ey> +F Sea!c# .o! a .ile o! .olde!. CTRL+ =*indo"s ;ey> +F Sea!c# .o! co pute!s. =*indo"s ;ey> +F8 Display *indo"s Help. =*indo"s ;ey> + L Loc1 you! co pute! i. you a!e connected to a net"o!1 do ain2 o! s"itc# use!s i. you a!e not connected to a net"o!1 do ain. =*indo"s ;ey> +R )pen t#e Run dialo$ -o/. =*indo"s ;ey> +U )pen Utility +ana$e!.

Accessibility keyboard shortcuts Ri$#t SHIFT .o! ei$#t seconds S"itc# Filte!;eys on and o... Le.t (LT +le.t SHIFT +PRI0T SCREE0 S"itc# Hi$# Cont!ast on and o... Le.t (LT +le.t SHIFT +0U+ L)C; S"itc# +ouse;eys on and o... SHIFT .i,e ti es S"itc# Stic1y;eys on and o... 0U+ L)C; .o! .i,e seconds S"itc# To$$le;eys on and o... =*indo"s ;ey> +U )pen Utility +ana$e!. Windows Explorer keyboard shortcuts E0D H)+E 0U+ L)C;+(STERIS; on nu e!ic 1eypad @AB 0U+ L)C;+PLUS SI'0 on nu e!ic 1eypad @+B 0U+ L)C;++I0US SI'0 on nu e!ic 1eypad @<B LEFT (RR)* RI'HT (RR)* Display t#e -otto o. t#e acti,e "indo". Display t#e top o. t#e acti,e "indo". Display all su-.olde!s unde! t#e selected .olde!. Display t#e contents o. t#e selected .olde!. Collapse t#e selected .olde!. Collapse cu!!ent selection i. itCs e/panded2 o! select pa!ent .olde!. Display cu!!ent selection i. itCs collapsed2 o! select .i!st su-.olde!.

Co!e & Duad is t"o Co!e & Duo p!ocesso!s placed to$et#e!. E +% o. S#a!es L& Cac#e 8977 +H? .!ont<side -us Ho" it all sta!tedF Pentiu 4 Pentiu Dual Co!eF T"o Pentiu 4 Placed To$et#e! Co!e & DuoF T!ue Dual Co!e P!ocesso! Co!e & DuadF T"o Co!e & Duo Placed To$et#e!

T#e pe!.o! ance di..e!ent -et"een Co!e & Duo and Co!e & Duad is not ost o. t#e cu!!ent applications do not use all t#e 4 co!es e..iciently.

uc# -ecause

8. Update G patc# (LL you! so.t"a!e e,e!y no" and t#enH &. C#ec1 G ad6ust (LL you! settin$s so t#ey a!e sa.e2 since t#ey (RE0T -y de.aultH 3. Use .i!e"all2 li1e Zone(la! H 4. Use $ood pass"o!dsF at least 83 a!1s lon$2 containin$ -ot# lette!s and nu -e!s. Re e -e! to c#ance you! pass"o!d e,e!y .e" ont#s atleastH :. 'et a $ood anti,i!us p!o$!a F F<Secu!e o! 0o!ton (nti,i!us and 1eep it updatedH 7. DonIt open o! e/ecute .iles t#at you a!e not 899J su!e a!e a-solutely sa.e no atte! "#e!e o! #o" you $et t#e . K. *ipe you! #isto!y.iles @li1e coo1ies2 inte!net #isto!y and te po!a!y .iles2 etc.B2 lo$s and pe!sonal .iles2 "it# speci.ic "ipin$ p!o$!a @li1e E!ase!B instead o. 6ust deletin$ t#e . E. Use enc!yption to en#ance you! p!i,acyH Use enc!ypted e ail @li1e Hus# ail o! ZiplipB and enc!ypt sensiti,e .iles on you! co pute! @P'PB. L. DonIt use pu-lic co pute!s .o! anyt#in$ you need to type in you! lo$ins2 t#ey usually #a,e T!o6an #o!ses t#at captu!e you! pass"o!ds. 89. DonIt assu e anyt#in$. I. you donIt 1no"2 .ind outH I. you cant o! donIt unde!stand2 as1 so eone "#o 1no"sH T#e!eIs not#in$ o!e dan$e!ous t#an doin$ so et#in$ you donIt !eally 1no" anyt#in$ a-out. T#atIs t#e -est "ay to c!ipple you! syste o! $et a T!o6an #o!se on you! co pute!H

Windows X A to ! < #ttpFGG""".so.t"a!etipsandt! G"indo"s/p +onito! #ttpFGG""".so.t"a!etipsandt! G"indo"s/pGa!ticlesG748G8G+onito! Supe! (d in %y Supe! (d in Pu-lis#ed on 97G&KG&99: 'one a!e t#e days "#e!e you a!e .o!ced to sta!e at "#ite -lips on -lac1 sc!eens. (s .a! as co pute! displays a!e conce!ned2 a PC use! can c#oose .!o a "ide !an$e o. slee1 and sna??y odels. +onito! *#et#e! you a!e c!unc#in$ .i$u!es at a .!ont 6o- o! c!ouc#ed o,e! a -lood and $o!e ,ideo $a e in so e deep !ecess o. you! !oo 2 t#e!e is t#e !i$#t 1ind o. sc!een a,aila-le to suit you! needs. +onito!s a!e one se$ ent "#e!e you a!e t!uly spoilt .o! c#oice. %e it a 8:<inc#2 8K<inc# o! 8L<inc# CRT t#e!e is a "ide !an$e to .it you! -ud$et. Si"e and resolution T#e!e a!e t"o aspects you !esolution. ust conside! "#en selectin$ a onito!F p#ysical si?e and onito!A o! a slee1e! !an$e o. LCD sc!eensA2

Sc!een si?e is t#e dia$onal sc!een easu!e ent2 usually in inc#es. Fo! instance2 a co pute! onito! display i$#t -e 84 inc#es "ide and 88 inc#es tall. T#is sa e sc!een #as a dia$onal easu!e ent o. 8L inc#es2 "#ic# is t#e sc!een si?e. +onito!s also #a,e an aspect !atio. T#is is t#e !atio -et"een t#e #o!i?ontal di ension and t#e ,e!tical di ension @#o!i?ontal di ension di,ided -y ,e!tical di ensionB. Co on onito! aspect !atios a!e 4F3 @8.3333B and :F4 @8.&:B. ( 4F3 aspect !atio eans t#e pictu!e is 4 units "ide .o! e,e!y t#!ee units o. #ei$#t.

*ide sc!een

onito!s a!e easie! on t#e eye @and


o!e e/pensi,eB.

T#e #i$#e! t#e !esolution2 t#e $!eate! t#e a-ility to !ende! o!e detail. I. you "o!1 "it# $!ap#ics o! en6oy $!ap#ic<intensi,e $a es2 you "ill need a onito! "it# #i$#e! !esolution. *it# ost cu!!ently a,aila-le odels -ein$ .lat sc!eened2 t#e di..e!ence is in t#e si?e and pictu!e 5uality. ( !esolution o. 89&4 / K7E is a $ood one .o! ost use!s. #$% &onitors I. youC,e decided to $et a ne" CRT2 a1e su!e it #as a su..iciently #i$# !e.!es# !ate. T#is !e.e!s to #o" o.ten t#e sc!een is !ed!a"n pe! second. *it# lo" !e.!es# !ates you can $et sc!een .lic1e! and eyest!ain. (i .o! a !ate o. K: H? .o! a onito!. onito! up to 8K inc#es in si?e and E: H? .o! any la!$e!

(not#e! conside!ation .o! CRTs is dot pitc#. T#e s alle! t#e dot pitc#2 t#e s#a!pe! t#e i a$e. )pt .o! a dot pitc# o. 9.&7 o! s alle!. CRTs .unction ,e!y "ell at ultiple !esolutions2 can display detailed $!ap#ics and can -e ,ie"ed co .o!ta-ly .!o "ide! an$les. '#D screens )ne o. t#e p!i a!y disad,anta$es o. LCDs "#en co pa!ed to CRTs is t#ei! li ited ,ie"in$ an$le. *#en ,ie"in$ a LCD st!ai$#t on2 it loo1s $!eat. %ut t#e sc!een "ill appea! "as#ed<out i. you o,e you! #ead o,e! to t#e side and loo1 at it .!o a "ide! an$le. (lso2 LCDs a!e opti ised to pe!.o! at a sin$le !esolution. Lo"<end LCDs #a,e ,ie"in$ an$les o. only 899 de$!ees2 "#ic# "onCt $i,e e,e!yone c!o"ded !ound you! des1 a clea! ,ie". Fo! a standa!d 8:<inc# LCD2 t!y to $et a 849 de$!ee ,ie"in$ an$le. Inc!ease t#at -y &9< 49 de$!ees "#en s#oppin$ .o! an 8E<inc# LCD. T#e -!i$#tness o. LCD onito!s is an i po!tant .acto!. LCD onito!s #a,e se,e!al -ac1li$#ts t#at p!o,ide illu ination. T#e -ac1li$#ts in a LCD a!e $ood .o! 892999 to :92999 #ou!s o. ope!ation. Ensu!e t#at t#e -ac1li$#ts co e "it# at least a one<yea! "a!!anty. (aking a choice LCD sc!eens $ene!ally cause lesse! st!ain to eyes t#an CRT onito!s.

CRTs #a,e -ette! $!ap#ics2 -ut t#ey tend to occupy .i,e ti es as

uc# space.

I. you a!e a $a in$ .!ea12 t#en a CRT is a -ette! option as it is -est .o! any $!ap#ic inte!.ace. I. you "ant t#e slee1 loo12 an LCD is t!easu!y and t!adin$ !oo s. %he price CRTs a!e nea!ly #al. t#e p!ice o. LCD sc!eens. Sa sun$ is one o. you! -est -ets .o! des1top sc!eens2 in te! s o. !elia-ility and se!,ice. T#e p!ice "ould -e a!oundF CRT Sa sun$ 8K inc# Sync+aste! KL3sF M8:9 CRT Sa sun$ 8: inc#F M899 CRT I%+ 8K inc#F M8:9 I%+ @Leno,oB2 HP and P#ilips a!e t#e co petiti,e -!ands2 p!iced sli$#tly #i$#e! t#an Sa sun$. I. you "ant an LCD sc!een2 -e p!epa!ed to al ost dou-le t#e p!ice. So donCt let you! ac#ineCs display -e an incidental pu!c#ase. Put so e t#ou$#t into it. (.te! all2 i. youC,e put do"n t#e oney .o! t#at #ot ne" PC $a e2 you i$#t as "ell put in so e in,est ent to ,ie" it -ette!. ACRT stands .o! Cat#ode Ray Tu-e and is a co on type o. co pute! display #a!d"a!e. T#e ot#e! display tec#nolo$y -ein$ used o!e and o!e o.ten in tele,ision sets is LCD2 an a--!e,iated .o! o. Li5uid C!ystal Displays. eant .o! you. It is "idely used in -an1s and

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