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Pine Forest Property Owners Association

Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors and the

Architectural Control Committee
May 19, 2009

President Ed Skarnulis called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m., in the Aqua
Water Community Room. The following members were present:
Ed Skarnulis, President
Bill Haschke, Treasurer
Loretta Hennard, Secretary
Sue Lane McCulley, Assistant Secretary
John Clark, Road Committee Chair
Tom McCulley, ACC Chair
Wayne Hulshof, ACC
Bruce Martin, ACC

Bill Haschke moved, and John Clark seconded, that the minutes be
approved as presented. Motion passed.

Bill Haschke presented the treasurer’s report (attached). John Clark

moved, and Loretta Hennard seconded, that the report be approved. Motion
passed. Haschke announced that collections of past dues have just begun,
with Adam Pugh in charge.

Tim McCulley presented his report from the ACC:

• Construction of the Birdwell garage was approved.
• Tim Rupp was consulted regarding various issues.
• Concern for the temporary driveway on Tall Forest was discussed.

Sue Lane McCulley reported on her work on the By Laws; it was suggested
we ask Goodwin for POA guidelines for rewriting those documents.

Paul Jameson has been paid for his work on the website, which should be
finished soon; he plans to stop using Yahoo for the list serve, moving it to
POWWEB. The issue of including ads on our website was discussed,
including the question of how much to charge. Jameson will work on
accounting for the number of hits on the website. Skarnulis, Haschke, and
Jim Mack will be able to access the website in order to post information for
the property owners.
John Clark presented the Road Committee report (attached). Considerable
discussion regarding repairing Briar Forest ensued. Skarnulis will call
Cynthia and Johnny Sanders since they had expressed concerns during a
previous meeting.

Regarding Unit 6, it was suggested that we check on the “road fee” that used
to be the “water fee” and discuss next month.

The need for 3-way stop signs at several intersections was discussed. Clark
moved, and Sue Lane McCulley seconded, that Tall Forest/Colovista and
Oak Shadows/McAllister have the stop signs installed; motion passed.
Willie Pina will be asked to present this request to the County
Commissioners. (This motion was subsequently amended to exclude the
Tall Forrest/Colovista stop signs.)

Clark suggested Willie Pina be invited to the next meeting.

Clark also said that he will prepare a report on any remaining roads that need
to be paved.

Haschke moved, and Clark seconded, that the meeting be adjourned at 9

p.m. Agreement was unanimous.

Respectfully submitted,

Loretta A. Hennard

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