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A.JANANI III-ECE Selvam college o !ec"#olog$ Nama%%al Ema&l'(a#a#&a)*+gma& S.KIRUTHIKA III-ECE Selvam college o !ec"#olog$ Nama%%al Ema&l'%e,ava#%&-.!"&+gma&

VLSI based Accident information and car security system deals with the concern of saving the victim, who get trapped in accident and also about the car security. Accident of the car is detected using pressor sensors which are fixed in car. Accident information to the nearest hospital is carried out with the help of R communication. !he location of the car is found using the "#S techni$ue. !he security of car is ensured by using password. !he theft information is sent to the owner%s mobile using "S& module. !he ultimate design of the pro'ect is in VLSI. #"A is used to interface these modules. Ke$0o-1,( Very Large Scale Integration, "lobal #ositioning System, "lobal System for &obile )ommunication.

!he existing methods of car security are,Remote starters for car doors, )ar with door loc* module facility, +sing motion sensors, +sing tilt sensors and etc.,!he drawbac* of these methods is that they fail to provide almost the higher security to the car. Similarly there is only manual information of accident to the hospital. !here is no automatic accident information system. So our wor* fulfils these re$uirements. ,ur system uses the #"A as the basic module to interface the "#S, "S&, R modules.


!he "lobal #ositioning System -"#S. is a location system based on a constellation of about /0 satellites orbiting the earth at altitudes of approximately 11,222 miles. "#S was developed by the +nited States 3epartment of 3efense

-3,3., for its tremendous application as a military locating utility. "#S has proven to be a useful tool in non4military mapping applications as well. "#S satellites are orbited high enough to avoid the problems associated with land based systems, yet it can provide accurate positioning /0 hours a day, anywhere in the world. +ncorrected positions determined from "#S satellite signals produce accuracies in the range of 52 to 122 meters. 6hen using a differential correction techni$ue, the users can get accurate positions within 5 meters or less. A. Triangulation: In a nutshell, "#S is based on satellite ranging 4 calculating the distances between the receiver and the position of 7 or more satellites -0 or more if elevation is desired. and then applying some good old mathematics. Assuming the positions of the satellites are *nown, the location of the receiver can be calculated by determining the distance from each of the satellites to the receiver. "#S ta*es these 7 or more *nown references and measured distances and 8triangulates8 an additional position. B. Location determination by gps satellites: "#S satellites are orbiting the 9arth at an altitude of 11,222 miles. !he 3,3 can predict the paths of the satellites vs. time with great accuracy. urthermore, the satellites can be periodically ad'usted by huge land4based radar systems. !herefore, the orbits, and the locations of the satellites, are *nown in advance. !oday:s "#S receivers store this orbit information for all the "#S satellites in an almanac. )onsider the almanac as a 8bus schedule8 advising you about the position of each satellite at a particular time. 9ach "#S satellite continually broadcasts the almanac. !he "#S receiver will automatically

collect this information and store it for future reference. C. Calculation of the position from the gps satellites: "#S determines the distance between a "#S satellite and a "#S receiver by measuring the amount of time ta*en by a radio signal -the "#S signal. to travel from the satellite to the receiver. Radio waves travel at the speed of light, which is about 1;<,222 miles per second. So, if the amount of time it ta*en by the signal to travel from the satellite to the receiver is *nown, then the distance from the satellite to the receiver -distance = speed x time. can be determined. If the exact time of the transmission, reception of the signal is *nown, the signal:s travel time can be determined. In order to do this, the satellites and the receivers use very accurate cloc*s which are synchroni>ed so generate the same code exactly at the same time. !he code received from the satellite can be compared with the code generated by the receiver. ?y comparing the codes, the time difference between the satellite generated the code and the receiver generated the code can be determined. !his interval is the travel time of the code. &ultiplying this travel time, in seconds, by 1;<,222 miles per second gives the distance from the receiver position to the satellite in miles. D. Increased accuracy by using differential gps: A techni$ue called differential correction is necessary to get accuracies within 1 45 meters, or even better, with advanced e$uipment. 3ifferential correction re$uires a second "#S receiver, which is a base station, collecting data at a stationary position at a precisely *nown point -typically it is a surveyed benchmar*.. ?ecause the physical location of the base station is *nown, the correction factor can be computed by comparing the *nown location with the "#S location determined by using the satellites. !he differential correction process ta*es this correction factor and applies it to the "#S data collected by a "#S receiver in the field. 3ifferential correction eliminates most of the errors listed in the "#S 9rror ?udget discussed earlier.


!he "lobal System for &obile )ommunications -"S&. is the most popular standard for mobile phones in the world. "S& service is used by over / billion people across more than /1/ countries and territories. !he ubi$uity of the "S& standard ma*es international roaming very common between mobile phone operators, enabling subscribers to use their phones in many parts of the world. "S& differs significantly from its predecessors in that both signaling and speech channels are 3igital call $uality, which means that it is considered a second generation -/". mobile phone system. rom the point of view of the consumers, the *ey advantage of "S& systems has been higher digital voice $uality and low cost alternatives to ma*ing calls such as text messaging Li*e other cellular standards "S& allows networ* operators to offer roaming services which mean subscribers can use their phones all over the world. !he modulation used in "S& is "aussian minimum shift *eying -"&S@., a *ind of continuous4phase fre$uency shift *eying. In "&S@, the signal to be modulated onto the carrier is first smoothed with a "aussian low4pass filter prior to being fed to a fre$uency modulator, which greatly reduces the interference to neighboring channels -ad'acent channel interference.. IV.RADIOFRE4UENCY

R itself has become synonymous with wireless and high4fre$uency signals, describing anything from A& radio between 575 *A> and 1<25 *A> to computer local area networ*s -LABs. at /.0 "A>. Aowever, R has traditionally defined fre$uencies from a few *A> to roughly 1 "A>. If one considers microwave fre$uencies as R , this range extends to 722 "A>. A wave or sinusoid can be completely described by either its fre$uency or its wavelength. !hey are inversely proportional to each other and related to the speed of light through a particular medium. As fre$uency

increases, wavelength decreases. or reference, a 1 "A> wave has a wavelength of roughly 1 foot, and a 122 &A> wave has a wavelength of roughly 12 feet. A. Operation at Higher re!uencies: !ypically, data is structured and easily represented at low fre$uenciesC how can we represent it or physically translate it to these higher R fre$uenciesD or example, the human audible range is from /2 A> to /2 *A>. According to the By$uist theorem, we can completely represent the human audible range by sampling at 02 *A> or, more precisely, at 00.1 *A> -this is where stereo audio is sampled.. )ell phones, however, operate at around ;52 &A>. V.FIELD-3RO2RAMMABLE


A field programmable gate array - #"A. is an integrated circuit -I). that includes a two4 dimensional array of general4purpose logic circuits, called cells or logic bloc*s, whose functions are programmable. !he cells are lin*ed to one another by programmable buses. A field4 programmable gate array comprises any number of logic modules, an interconnect routing architecture and programmable elements that may be programmed to selectively interconnect the logic modules to one another and to define the functions of the logic modules. !he basic device architecture of an #"A consists of an array of configurable logic bloc*s -)L?s. embedded in a configurable interconnect structure and surrounded by configurable IE, bloc*s -I,?s.. An I,? allows signals to be driven off4chip or optionally brought onto the #"A onto interconnect segments. !he I,? can typically perform other functions, such as tri4 stating outputs and registering incoming or out4 going signals. !he configurable interconnect structure allows users to implement multi4level logic designs. In addition, #"As typically include other speciali>ed bloc*s, such as bloc* random access memories -?RA&s. and digital signal processors -3S#s.. !hese speciali>ed

bloc*s perform more specific tas*s than the )L?s, but can still be configured in accordance with a variety of options to enable flexible operation of the #"A. ield programmable gate arrays may be classified in one of two categories. ,ne category of #"A devices is one4time programmable and uses elements such as antifuses for ma*ing programmable connections. !he other category of #"A devices is reprogrammable and uses devices such as transistor switches as the programmable elements to ma*e non4permanent programmable connections. An #"A can support hundreds of thousands of gates of logic operating at system speeds of tens of megahert>. !o implement a particular circuit function, the circuit is mapped into the array and the appropriate programmable elements are programmed to implement the necessary wiring connections that form the user circuit. !he #"A is programmed by loading programming data into the memory cells controlling the configurable logic bloc*s, IE, bloc*s, and interconnect structure. A field4programmable gate array - #"A. is an integrated circuit designed to be configured by the customer or designer after manufacturing Fhence 8field4programmable8. !he #"A configuration is generally specified using a hardware description language -A3L., similar to that used for an application4specific integrated circuit -ASI). -circuit diagrams were previously used to specify the configuration, as they were for ASI)s, but this is increasingly rare.. #"As can be used to implement any logical function that an ASI) could perform. !he ability to update the functionality after shipping, and the low non4recurring engineering costs relative to an ASI) design -not withstanding the generally higher unit cost., offer advantages for many applications. #"As contain programmable logic components called 8logic bloc*s8, and a hierarchy of reconfigurable interconnects that allow the bloc*s to be 8wired together8F somewhat li*e a one4chip programmable breadboard. Logic bloc*s can be configured to perform complex combinational functions, or merely simple logic gates li*e AB3 and G,R. In

most #"As, the logic bloc*s also include memory elements, which may be simple flip4 flops or more complete bloc*s of memory. A. Security considerations: 6ith respect to security, #"As have both advantages and disadvantages as compared to ASI)s or secure microprocessors. #"As: flexibility ma*es malicious modifications during fabrication a lower ris*. or many #"As, the loaded design is exposed while it is loaded -typically on every power4on.. !o address this issue, some #"As support bitstream encryption.


A .#&ve-,al a,$#c"-o#o., -ece&ve-5!-a#,m&!!e-usually abbreviated UART. is a type of 8asynchronous receiverEtransmitter8, a piece of computer hardware that translates data between parallel and serial forms. A +AR! is usually an individual -or part of an. integrated circuit used for serial communications over a computer or peripheral device serial port. +AR!s are now commonly included in microcontrollers. A dual +AR! or DUART combines two +AR!s into a single chip. &any modern I)s now come with a +AR! that can also communicate synchronouslyC these devices are called USART, -universal synchronousEasynchronous receiverEtransmitter.. A.. Transmitting and recei"ing serial data: !he +niversal Asynchronous ReceiverE!ransmitter -+AR!. controller is the *ey component of the serial communications subsystem of a computer. !he +AR! ta*es bytes of data and transmits the individual bits in a se$uential fashion. At the destination, a second +AR! re4assembles the bits into complete bytes. Serial transmission of digital information -bits. through a single wire or other medium is much more cost effective than parallel transmission through multiple wires. A +AR! is used to convert the transmitted information between its se$uential and parallel form at each end of the lin*. 9ach +AR! contains a shift register which is the fundamental method of conversion between serial and parallel forms. !he +AR! usually does

not directly generate or receive the external signals used between different items of e$uipment. !ypically, separate interface devices are used to convert the logic level signals of the +AR! to and from the external signaling levels. 9xternal signals may be of many different forms. 9xamples of standards for voltage signaling are RS4/7/, RS40// and RS40;5 from the 9IA. Aistorically, the presence or absence of current -in current loops. was used in telegraph circuits. Some signaling schemes do not use electrical wires. 9xamples of such are optical fiber, Ir3A -infrared., and -wireless. ?luetooth in its Serial #ort #rofile -S##.. Some signaling schemes use modulation of a carrier signal -with or without wires.. 9xamples are modulation of audio signals with phone line modems, R modulation with data radios, and the 3)4LIB for power line communication.)ommunication may be Hfull duplexI -both send and receive at the same time. or Hhalf duplexI -devices ta*e turns transmitting and receiving.. B.Asynchronous recei"ing and transmitting: In asynchronous transmitting, teletype4 style +AR!s send a 8start8 bit, five to eight data bits, least4significant4bit first, an optional 8parity8 bit, and then one, one and a half, or two 8stop8 bits. !he start bit is the opposite polarity of the data4line:s idle state. !he stop bit is the data4line:s idle state, and provides a delay before the next character can start. -!his is called asynchronous start4stop transmission.. In mechanical teletypes, the 8stop8 bit was often stretched to two bit times to give the mechanism more time to finish printing a character. A stretched 8stop8 bit also helps resynchroni>ation. !he parity bit can either ma*e the number of 8one8 bits between any startEstop pair odd, or even, or it can be omitted. ,dd parity is more reliable because it assures that there will always be at least one data transition, and this permits many +AR!s to resynchroni>e. Asynchronous transmission allows data to be transmitted without the sender having to send a cloc* signal to the receiver. Instead, the sender and receiver must agree on timing parameters in advance and special bits are added to each word which are used to synchroni>e the sending and receiving

units. 6hen a word is given to the +AR! for Asynchronous transmissions, a bit called the 8Start ?it8 is added to the beginning of each word that is to be transmitted. !he Start ?it is used to alert the receiver that a word of data is about to be sent, and to force the cloc* in the receiver into synchroni>ation with the cloc* in the transmitter. !hese two cloc*s must be accurate enough to not have the fre$uency drift by more than 12J during the transmission of the remaining bits in the word. -!his re$uirement was set in the days of mechanical teleprinters and is easily met by modern electronic e$uipment.. After the Start ?it, the individual bits of the word of data are sent, with the Least Significant ?it -LS?. being sent first. 9ach bit in the transmission is transmitted for exactly the same amount of time as all of the other bits, and the receiver Hloo*sI at the wire at approximately halfway through the period assigned to each bit to determine if the bit is a 1 or a 2. or example, if it ta*es two seconds to send each bit, the receiver will examine the signal to determine if it is a 1 or a 2 after one second has passed, then it will wait two seconds and then examine the value of the next bit, and so on. !he sender does not *now when the receiver has Hloo*edI at the value of the bit. !he sender only *nows when the cloc* says to begin transmitting the next bit of the word. 6hen the entire data word has been sent, the transmitter may add a #arity ?it that the transmitter generates. !he #arity ?it may be used by the receiver to perform simple error chec*ing. !hen at least one Stop ?it is sent by the transmitter. 6hen the receiver has received all of the bits in the data word, it may chec* for the #arity ?its -both sender and receiver must agree on whether a #arity ?it is to be used., and then the receiver loo*s for a Stop ?it. If the Stop ?it does not appear when it is supposed to, the +AR! considers the entire word to be garbled and will report a raming 9rror to the host processor when the data word is read. !he usual cause of a raming 9rror is that the sender and receiver cloc*s were not running at the same speed, or that the signal was interrupted. Regardless of whether the data was received correctly or not, the +AR! automatically

discards the Start, #arity and Stop bits. If the sender and receiver are configured identically, these bits are not passed to the host. If another word is ready for transmission, the Start ?it for the new word can be sent as soon as the Stop ?it for the previous word has been sent. ?ecause asynchronous data is Hself synchroni>ingI, if there is no data to transmit, the transmission line can be idle. A data communication pulse can only be in one of two states but there are many names for the two states. 6hen on, circuit closed, low voltage, current flowing, or a logical >ero, the pulse is said to be in the 8space8 condition. 6hen off, circuit open, high voltage, current stopped, or a logical one, the pulse is said to be in the 8mar*8 condition. A character code begins with the data communication circuit in the space condition. If the mar* condition appears, a logical one is recorded otherwise a logical >ero. !he start bit is always a 6 -logic low., which is also called a ,7ace. !he start bit signals the receiving 3!9 that a character code is coming. !he next five to eight bits, depending on the code set employed, represent the character. In the AS)II code set the eighth data bit may be a parity bit. !he next one or two bits are always in the ma-% -logic high, i.e., :1:. condition and called the stop bit-s.. !hey provide a 8rest8 interval for the receiving 3!9 so that it may prepare for the next character which may be after the stop bit-s.. !he rest interval was re$uired by mechanical !eletypes which used a motor driven camshaft to decode each character. At the end of each character the motor needed time to stri*e the character bail -print the character. and reset the camshaft. VII.SYSTEM DESI2N' A. Accident information and car security system #$ %ystem functions K !o start the engine of the car, the password should be given. K If it is correct, the car will be started normally. K 6henever the engine gets started, the alert message is sent to the owner%s mobile.



Second attempt will be given incase of misspelt of password in first attempt. If it is continued in second attempt also, the doors will be loc*ed, bu>>er will start to beep, and alert message will be sent to the owner%s mobile. If the password is given in reverse manner, the theft information will also be sent to nearest police station. !he accident is detected by the pressure sensors. "#S receiver sends the data via R modem to the nearest hospital.

Avoiding the alert message to the hospital when there is none in the car.

K !hus the accident location will be detected -using "#S. and will be communicated to the nearest hospital -using R communication.. !heft information is sent to mobile -using "S& modem..

8.REFERENCE L1M S. !rimberger, 9d., ield4#rogrammable "ate Array !echnology, @luwer, Academic #ublishers, 1NN0 L/M O. ,ldfield, R. 3orf, ield #rogrammable "ate Arrays, Oohn 6iley P Sons, Bew Qor*, 1NN5. L7M O. Rose, A. 9l "amal, A. Sangiovanni4 Vincentelli, HArchitecture of ield4 #rogrammable "ate Arrays,I in #roceedings of the I999, Vol. ;1, Bo. R, Ouly 1NN7,
pp. 1013-1029.

fig. 1 ?loc* diagram &$ Ad"antages of the system Able to rescue the persons who get trapped in the accident as soon as possible. )ar security is maintained perfectly. )ar theft is detected and avoided before it happens.



K Automatic information to the traffic police, to clear the accident spot, as soon as possible.

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