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TABLE OF CONTENTS....................................................................................................................................................2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.................................................................................................................................................4 1 PURPOSE..........................................................................................................................................................................5 2 BACKGROUND / CONTEXT.........................................................................................................................................5 3 EXPECTED BENEFITS SUMMARY............................................................................................................................5 4 INFORMATION NEED(S) SUMMARY........................................................................................................................5 5 SCOPE / BOUNDARIES.................................................................................................................................................. DEPENDENCIES / RELATIONS!IPS.......................................................................................................................... " IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGY................................................................................................................................" 7.1 GENERAL APPROACH...................................................................................................................................................7 7.2 ESTABLISH AND MAINTAIN MEASUREMENT CAPABILITIES........................................................................................7 7.2.1 Measurement Policy............................................................................................................................................7 7.2.2 Roles & Responsibilities......................................................................................................................................7 7.2.3 Requisite Skills & Abilities..................................................................................................................................7 7.2.4 Resources............................................................................................................................................................8 7.3 RISK(S).........................................................................................................................................................................8 7.4 SCHEDULE AND WBS..................................................................................................................................................8 # INFORMATION NEED TO INDICATOR MATRIX..................................................................................................# $ INDICATOR TO DERIVED MEASURE MATRIX.....................................................................................................$ 1% DERIVED MEASURES TO BASE MEASURE MATRIX........................................................................................$ 11 BASE MEASURE SUMMARY...................................................................................................................................1% 12 GLOSSARY OF TERMS.............................................................................................................................................1% 13 APPENDIX A(%)& INFORMATION NEED TEMPLATE / SAMPLE...................................................................11
Exa Exa Exa Exa Exa Exa Exa Exa Exa Exa !"#$ !"#$ !"#$ !"#$ !"#$ !"#$ !"#$ !"#$ !"#$ !"#$ P%&'#() P%&*+(),-,)..........................................................................................................................................11 /01 P%&'#() Ma2a3#%.....................................................................................................................................11 P%&'#() O4'#(),-# )& ##) 5(6#*+"# (& ,) #2).............................................................................................11 C&*#................................................................................................................................................................11 L#-#" &7 E77&%).................................................................................................................................................11 L,2#5 &7 C&*#..................................................................................................................................................11 H&+%5...............................................................................................................................................................11 POC$ /01 M#a5+%# #2) POC.......................................................................................................................11 8%#9+#2(.$ :+a%)#%". PMR............................................................................................................................11 W6#2 )6%#56&"*5 a%# #x(##*#*........................................................................................................................11

14 APPENDIX B(%)& INDICATOR TEMPLATE / SAMPLE......................................................................................12 15 APPENDIX C(%)& DERIVED MEASURE TEMPLATE / SAMPLE......................................................................13 1 APPENDIX D(%)&BASE MEASURE SPECIFICATION TEMPLATE / SAMPLE...............................................14 1" APPENDIX E(1)& MEASUREMENT GENERAL GUIDANCE.............................................................................15

1# APPENDIX E(2)& CMMI MEASUREMENT RELATED MATERIAL................................................................1# 1$ APPENDIX F& CMMI ' PSM ' ISO15$3$ COMPLIANCE MATRIX..................................................................2% 2% APPENDIX G& SOURCE MATERIAL.....................................................................................................................21

Executive Summary
This one page section provides an opportunity to summarize the measurement e ort or management! The ocus shou"d #e a summary o the e$pected #ene its% associated investment% and schedu"e or the e ort! Ans&ers to the o""o&ing 'uestions can provide materia" or this section( )hy shou"d &e e$pend time and e ort to imp"ement measurement* )hat other activities +pro,ect p"anning% pro,ect management% customer status revie&s% process improvement% etc!- &i"" #ene it rom measurement resu"ts* )ho &i"" #e using the resu"ts o the measurement activities* I &e don.t imp"ement measurement% &hat e$isting cha""enges &i"" persist* +a / month schedu"e s"ip 0 &ee1s #e ore schedu"ed re"ease% on"y /23 o schedu"ed unctiona"ity &i"" #e de"ivered at re"ease% e$cessive escapes4de ects &i"" #e discovered #y our customerThe nature and e$tent o senior management invo"vement shou"d a"so #e identi ied here!

1 Purpose
This section is intended to give the reader a sense o 5&hy. this document e$ists! )ho is inc"uded in the target audience* )ho are the 1ey sta1eho"ders* +Those a ected #y this p"an- To #e e ective% it needs to #e short and to the point!

2 Backgroun

! Context

This section is an overvie& o the signi icant historica" events that may impact this measurement e ort! Past successes shou"d #e identi ied to #ui"d con idence or this e ort! )hat "essons "earned rom past ai"ures and successes cou"d #e #ene icia" in preparation or this e ort* )hi"e dredging up past ai"ures is genera""y not a hea"thy practice% ignoring signi icant events that may cause covert resistance to the e ort is &orse!

" Expecte

Bene#its Summary

This section is a summary o the e$pected #ene its rom the use o the measurement resu"ts and shou"d #e a summary o the reasons or the e orts! This section can #e a summary o the impact measurement resu"ts are e$pected to ma1e on other e orts such as pro,ect p"anning% pro,ect management% process improvement% etc! Speci ica""y% it may #e he"p u" to note that integrating measurement activities into pro,ect processes supports the o""o&ing( 6#,ective p"anning and estimating Trac1ing actua" per ormance against esta#"ished p"ans% o#,ectives% and #ase"ines! Identi ying process re"ated issues!

$ %n#ormation Nee &s' Summary

The irst step in se"ecting measures is to identi y and document the In ormation Needs that are driving the measurement e ort! This section provides the opportunity to document those in ormation needs and the source or each in ormation need! In ormation is typica""y needed to gain re'uired insight and4or to enhance decision-making! Sources o in ormation needs may #e issues% goa"s% o#,ectives% etc! They may come rom the 6rganization% 7usiness unit% Pro,ect% or Technica" personne"! 8or pro,ect speci ic measurement e orts% in ormation needs may come rom #oth management +cost% schedu"e% per ormance% etc!- and technica" personne" +'ua"ity% per ormance% etc!-! 9ua"ity typica""y re ers to the 5goodness. o the product +de ects% comp"e$ity% etc- &here as per ormance typica""y re ers to the degree to &hich the product u" i""s its re'uirements!

6nce in ormation needs are documented it is necessary to as1 the 'uestion :Is the va"ue o satis ying the in ormation need &orth the investment re'uired to p"an% co""ect% ana"yze% etc! the re'uisite measures*; This may or may not #e a simp"e 'uestion to ans&er! 8or critica" in ormation needs such as cost and schedu"e variance% the ans&er &i"" #e easier than or the mu"titude o 'ua"ity measures avai"a#"e! Simp"e or not% it is a 'uestion that shou"d #e ans&ered! A pointer to a document that has captured the rationa" or se"ecting &hich in ormation needs are going to #e satis ied shou"d a"so #e inc"uded here! The se"ected in ormation needs may need to #e re ined and c"ari ied! Initia" in ormation needs may "ac1 the c"arity necessary to proceed &ith identi ying the indicators! It is the c"ari ied and prioritized in ormation needs that are to #e summarized here!

( Scope ! Boun aries

This section identi ies the #oundaries or the measurement e ort! Ans&ers to the o""o&ing 'uestions can provide materia" or this section( )hat groups +product "ines- are e$pected to participate* )hich pro,ects +ne&% e$isting- are e$pected to participate* )hich processes &i"" #e partners in this e ort +<on iguration Management% Pro,ect Management% 9ua"ity Assurance etc!)ho are the sta1eho"ders*

) *epen encies ! +e,ations-ips

This section summarizes the re"ationship+s- #et&een the measurement e ort and other initiatives! Ans&ers to the o""o&ing 'uestions can provide materia" or this section( I the measurement e ort is part o a "arger improvement e ort% &hat are the e$pected dependencies #et&een those e orts and this one* I this measurement e ort is primari"y driven #y pro,ect managers% &hat are the re"ationship+s- to the pro,ect management process+es-* I the inputs +in ormation needs- or the measurement activities come rom a standard process% identi y those process e"ements! I the resu"ts o the measurement activities eed #ac1 into a standard process% identi y that process here a"so! I the resu"ts o the measurement activities eed #ac1 into organizationa" process per ormance mode"s or #ase"ines% identi y those process e"ements!

. %mp,ementation Strategy
This section out"ines the strategy or imp"ementing measurement &ithin the a#ove=de ined #oundaries!

>!? Genera" Approach

This section out"ines the genera" approach or imp"ementing measurement! )i"" this #e a Pi"ot @ Ro""out approach &here you pi"ot each measure )i"" the measures #e imp"emented incrementa""y% or a"" at once! )i"" a"" the pi"ots #e conducted in para""e" or &i"" it #e a phased approach*

>!A Esta#"ish and Maintain Measurement <apa#i"ities

As &ith a"" management support activities% Measurement re'uires a minimum amount o in rastructure! The o""o&ing sections he"p identi y the re'uired e"ements to esta#"ish and then maintain a core measurement capa#i"ity! >!A!? Measurement Po"icy Is there a &ritten organizationa" po"icy or p"anning and per orming measurement activities* I so% this section is a summary and then pointer to that po"icy! >!A!A Ro"es B Responsi#i"ities Cave the ro"es &ith associated responsi#i"ities or per orming the measurement activities #een identi ied* Ro"es and responsi#i"ities or such things as 7ase Measure Data <o""ection% Derived Measure Ana"ysis% Indicator Deve"opment and Presentation etc! need to #e identi ied! >!A!0 Re'uisite S1i""s B A#i"ities This section provides an opportunity to identi y the s1i""s and a#i"ities re'uired to u" i"" the ro"es and responsi#i"ities "isted a#ove! This section can a"so #e used as input into a training program! I no training program e$ists% the training re'uired to ensure that the peop"e per orming measurement unctions have the s1i""s and a#i"ities they need can #e identi ied here! S1i"" ? Ro"e ? Ro"e A Ro"e 0 Ro"e E S1i"" A S1i"" 0 S1i"" E S1i"" F S1i"" / S1i"" > S1i"" G

Ro"e F Training E$amp"e( Cigher order ana"ysis methods +Statistica" Process <ontro"% etc!- re'uire a higher degree o 1no&"edge on the proper use o those methods! A"so% moving rom a re"iance on"y on e$pert estimation to a #a"anced approach using #oth e$pert 1no&"edge and process per ormance mode"s created rom historica" data is not an easy or automatic process! The proper use o process per ormance mode"s or #ase"ines is not a trivia" matter! Improper use o measurement resu"ts &i"" cause harm to the current e ort and discredit uture #ene its as &e""! >!A!E Resources This section identi ies the resources re'uired #y e$ecuting the measurement p"an! The Measurement e ort shou"d #e p"anned% and thus resourced% "i1e a pro,ect +or part o a pro,ect-! Are any ne& too"s re'uired or data co""ection% ana"ysis% reporting etc!* Does the ana"ysis s1i""s o e$isting personne" e'ua" or e$ceed those re'uired #y each derived measure*

>!0 Ris1+sThis section ocuses on ris1+s- that may impact the entire e ort! I a Ris1 Management p"an e$ists% this may #e a "in1 to that e ort! I not% the o""o&ing 'uestions may provide materia" or this section! )hat presumptions have #een made a#out resource avai"a#i"ity% management commitment% practitioner #uy=in etc!* )hat is the impact to the e ort i those presumptions are incorrect*

Individua" measure ris1s are dea"t &ith in the #ase measure speci ication!

>!E Schedu"e and )7S

This section either contains% or more "i1e"y points to the "ocation or% the Gantt chart +or e'uiva"ent- and &or1 #rea1do&n structure or the measurement imp"ementation approach out"ined a#ove! The )7S shou"d #e de ined to the managea#"e tas1 "eve"!

/ %n#ormation Nee

to %n icator 0atrix

This section provides an opportunity to map the In ormation Needs documented a#ove to the Indicators designed to satis y those In ormation Needs!

In ormation Need+s- Indicator+s-H <ost Per ormance Inde$ +<PISchedu"e Per ormance Inde$ +SPIDe ect Density #y Phase +DDpRe'uirements Speci ication Jo"ati"ity +RSJ-

Are &e &ithin our cost variance parameters* I

)i"" &e meet our ne$t de"ivera#"e mi"estone*

)i"" me meet our 'ua"ity standards*

)i"" &e meet e$pectations on per ormance*


1 %n icator to *erive

0easure 0atrix

This section provides an opportunity to map the Indicators identi ied in the a#ove section to Derived Measures!
Indicator Derived Measure <PI% Actua" <PI% P"anned Thresho"ds SPI% Actua" SPI% P"anned Thresho"ds DDp% Actua" DDp% Estimated Re'uirements <reep% Actua" +R<aRe'uirements <reep% P"anned Thresho"ds +R<pt-






12 *erive

0easures to Base 0easure 0atrix

This section provides an opportunity to identi y &hich 7ase Measures are used to deve"op the Derived Measures!
Derived Measure 7ase Measure H A<)P% <urrent <PI% Actua" <PI% P"anned Thresho"ds SPI% Actua" SPI% P"anned Thresho"d s R<a R<pt

7<)P% <urrent A<)S% <urrent 7<)S% <urrent K Re'uirements Speci ications% <urrent K Re'uirements Speci ication% L Last 7ase"ine


11 Base 0easure Summary

This section shou"d "ists the 7ase Measures that are% or have #een co""ected and a P6< or each! The P6< shou"d #e 1no&"edgea#"e a#out the historica" use o the #ase measure! This section provides the historica" 1no&"edge #ase o the 7ase Measures that have #een co""ected in the past!

12 3,ossary o# Terms
This section de ines the terms used in the measurement program! The de initions provided here are rom the terms used in this measurement p"an temp"ate! 7ase Measure( MA distinct property or characteristic o an entity and the method or 'uanti ying itM Derived Measure( MData resu"ting rom the mathematica" unction o t&o or more #ase measuresM Indicator( A Derived Measure or Measures in a visua" ormat designed to ans&er the in ormation need! Ris1( A potentia" pro#"em +&ith reasona#"e pro#a#i"ity o occurring and impact su icient to cause concern-!

1" APPEN*%4 A&2'5 %NFO+0AT%ON NEE* Temp,ate ! Samp,e

? T%TLE NUni'ue Identi ierO E$amp"e( Pro,ect Productivity A *escription NSource o and )ho needs the in ormationO E$amp"e( IPQ Pro,ect Manager E$amp"e( Pro,ect 6#,ective to meet schedu"e commitment " Expecte Bene#its E$amp"e( Improved customer satis action through met commitments E$amp"e( Repeat #usiness #ecause o meeting current commitments E +e,evant Entities N)hat cou"d #e measured*O E$amp"e( <ode E$amp"e( Leve" o E ort F 0easura6,e Attri6utes N9uanti ia#"e 8eatures 4 Attri#utesO E$amp"e( Lines o <ode E$amp"e( Cours / Perio ic +eporting +e7uirements NPeriodic is #y cyc"e% event% or mi"estone etc!O E$amp"e( P6<( IPQ Measurement P6< E$amp"e( 8re'uency( 9uarter"y PMR > Exception +eporting +e7uirements NE$ceptions typica""y identi ied #y thresho"dsO P6<( E$amp"e( IPQ Ris1 Management P6< 8re'uency E$amp"e( )hen thresho"ds are e$ceeded! Upper and "o&er thresho"ds as de ined in the Pro,ect P"an are( E3 report to Pro,ect Manager /3 report at PMR ?23 re'uires mitigation R?23 on critica" path re'uires re=p"anning &4 customer / +e7uire %n icators E$amp"e( Pro,ect Productivity #y deve"opment phase and #y #ui"d

1$ APPEN*%4 B&2'5 %N*%CATO+ Temp,ate ! Samp,e

? Name NUni'ue Identi ierO E$amp"e( <PI #y deve"opment phase and #y #ui"d A Ana,ysis 0et-o s N)hich methods are used to ana"yze the Derived Measure* E$amp"e( <omparison &ith Industry 7enchmar1s E$amp"e( Statistica" Process <ontro" +I=7ar <hartsE$amp"e( <omparison &ith historica" process per ormance " +eporting 3ui e,ines E$amp"e( Periodic NPeriodic is #y cyc"e% event% or mi"estoneO Disp"ay Type NCo& do you &ant the Indicator to "oo1O E$amp"e( Type( Jertica" 7ar <hart &4 historica" va"ues or pro,ect Disp"ay 8ormat NCo& &i"" the Indicator #e presentedO E$amp"e( PMR S"ide &4 "egend E$amp"e( E$ception Disp"ay Type NCo& do you &ant the Indicator to "oo1O E$amp"e( Type( Jertica" 7ar <hart &4 thresho"d va"ues or pro,ect Disp"ay 8ormat NCo& &i"" the Indicator #e presentedO E$amp"e( S"ide &4 "egend

1( APPEN*%4 C&2'5 *erive Samp,e

0easure Temp,ate !

? Tit,e( NUni'ue Identi ierO E$amp"e( <ost Per ormance Inde$ +<PI2 Function&s' E$amp"e( <ost Per ormance Inde$ is de ined as( Actua" <ost o )or1 Per ormed +A<)P7udgeted <ost o )or1 Per ormed +7<)P" Base 0easure Name &1' E$amp"e( Actua" <ost o )or1 Per ormed $ Base 0easure Name &2' E$amp"e( 7udgeted <ost o )or1 Per ormed ( 0easure 8a,i ation C-ecks E$amp"e( Are 7ase Measure aggregation structures compati#"e* E$amp"e( Are the units o measure consistent* ) +e,ate *erive 0easure&s' E$amp"e( Schedu"e Per ormance Inde$ E$amp"e( <ost Jariance E$amp"e( Schedu"e Jariance > *erive 0easure +isk&s' 9Presumptions% Impact4Pro#a#i"ity resu"ts% MitigationO

1) APPEN*%4 *&2'5BASE 0EAS:+E SPEC%F%CAT%ON Temp,ate ! Samp,e

? Name NUni'ue Identi ierO E$amp"e( L6<=S< 2 0easurement 0et-o E$amp"e( <ount Semi=<o"ons " Aggregation Structure E$amp"e( 7y component $ :nits o# 0easure E$amp"e( Line ( *ata 8eri#ication 0et-o E$amp"e( Independent e$ecution o Automated Line <ounter ) +isk&s' E$amp"e( > Attri6utes NLanguage% P"at orm% <oding Standard% etc!O E$amp"e( <RR Jersion A!? E$amp"e( MS )indo&s SG G Co,,ection 0et-o o,ogy NCo&% )hen% )here% )hoO E$amp"e( Co&( Source code E$amp"e( )hen( Month"y E$amp"e( )here( <ode 7ase"ine in <M Li#rary E$amp"e( )ho( Automated "ine counter e$ecuted #y <M Li#rarian! S Context NSca"e% Type o Sca"e% Type o Measurement MethodO E$amp"e( Sca"e( 2 to In inity E$amp"e( Type o Sca"e( )ho"e num#ers E$amp"e( Type o Measurement Method( 6#,ective

1. APPEN*%4 E&1'5 0easurement 3enera, 3ui ance

PSM Practica" So t&are and System Measurement v0!?a has S Princip"es upon &hich the PSM guidance is #ased! Those are( ? Pro,ect issues and o#,ectives drive the measurement re'uirements A The deve"oper.s process is a constraint on the measures avai"a#"e 0 Data co""ection and ana"ysis shou"d #e conducted at a "eve" o detai" su icient to identi y and iso"ate pro#"ems E Imp"ement an independent ana"ysis capa#i"ity F Use a systematic ana"ysis process to trace measures to decisions / Measures shou"d a"&ays #e interpreted in conte$t &ith other pro,ect in ormation > Integrate measurement throughout the pro,ect management "i ecyc"e! G Measurement shou"d provide a #asis or o#,ective communication S Pro,ect "eve" in ormation is the #asis or organizationa" measurement! Start at the pro,ect "eve"! <MMI The <MMI Measurement B Ana"ysis Process Area identi ies eight +Gspeci ic practices that de ine the core measurement process! They are( SP ?!?! Esta#"ish Measurement 6#,ectives Measurement o#,ectives document the purposes or &hich measurement and ana"ysis are done% and speci y the 1inds o actions that may #e ta1en #ased on the resu"ts o data ana"yses! The sources or measurement o#,ectives may #e management% technica"% pro,ect% or process imp"ementation needs! The measurement o#,ectives may a"so #e constrained #y deve"opmenta" processes% avai"a#"e resources% or other measurement considerations! Tudgments may need to #e made a#out &hether the va"ue o the resu"ts &i"" #e commensurate &ith the resources devoted to doing the &or1! Modi ications to identi ied in ormation needs and o#,ectives may% in turn% #e indicated as a conse'uence o the process and resu"ts o measurement and ana"ysis! SP ?!A! Speci y Measures Measurement o#,ectives are re ined into precise% 'uanti ia#"e measures! Measures may #e either 5#ase. or 5derived. SP ?!0! Speci y Data <o""ection and Storage Procedures E$p"icit speci ication o co""ection methods he"ps ensure that the right data are co""ected proper"y! It may a"so aid in urther c"ari ying in ormation needs and measurement o#,ectives! Proper attention to storage and retrieva" procedures he"ps ensure that data are avai"a#"e and accessi#"e or uture use! SP ?!E! Speci y Ana"ysis Procedures Speci ying the ana"ysis procedures in advance ensures that appropriate ana"yses &i"" #e conducted and reported to address the documented measurement o#,ectives +and there#y the in ormation needs and

o#,ectives on &hich they are #ased-! This approach a"so provides a chec1 that the needed data &i"" in act #e co""ected! SP A!?! <o""ect Measurement Data The data co""ected or ana"ysis are chec1ed or comp"eteness and integrity! SP A!A! Ana"yze Measurement Data The measurement data are ana"yzed as p"anned% additiona" ana"yses are conducted as necessary% resu"ts are revie&ed &ith a ected parties% and necessary revisions or uture ana"yses are noted! SP A!0! Store Data and Resu"ts Storing measurement re"ated in ormation ena#"es the time"y and cost e ective uture use o historica" data and resu"ts! The in ormation a"so is needed to provide su icient conte$t or interpretation o the data% measurement criteria% and ana"ysis resu"ts! The stored in ormation contains or re erences the in ormation needed to understand and interpret the measures and assess them or reasona#"eness and app"ica#i"ity +e!g!% measurement speci ications used on di erent pro,ects &hen comparing across pro,ects-! Data sets or derived measures typica""y can #e reca"cu"ated and need not #e stored! Co&ever% it may #e appropriate to store summaries #ased on derived measures +e!g!% charts% ta#"es o resu"ts% or report prose-! Interim ana"ysis resu"ts need not #e stored separate"y i they can #e e icient"y reconstructed! )hen data are shared more &ide"y across pro,ects% the data may reside in an organizationa" measurement repository! SP A!E! <ommunicate Resu"ts The resu"ts o the measurement and ana"ysis process are communicated to sta1eho"ders in a time"y and usa#"e ashion to support decision ma1ing and assist in ta1ing corrective action! A ected sta1eho"ders inc"ude intended users% sponsors% data ana"ysts% and data providers! It is especia""y important to provide meaning u" eed#ac1 to those &ho are responsi#"e or providing the ra& data on &hich the ana"ysis and resu"ts depend!

IS6 <D?FS0S descri#es a undamenta" paradigm or &ay o thin1ing a#out measurement! The o""o&ing diagram sho&s the re"ationships #et&een individua" measurement entities! &nformation 'eeds Indicator
Estimate or Evaluation that Provides a Basis for Decision Ma!ing Algorithm %om#ining Measures and Decision %riteria


Derived Measure

Derived Measure

Value Resulting From Applying the Algorithm to Two or More Measures


Algorithm %om#ining Two or More Base Measures

7ase Measure

7ase Measure

Value Resulting From Applying the Method to "ne Attri#ute

Method Entities Attri#ute


"perations mapping an Attri#ute to a $cale


Property Relevant to &nformation 'eeds


1/ APPEN*%4 E&2'5 C00% 0easurement +e,ate 0ateria,

<MMI Measurement B Ana"ysis Process Area Goa" ? A"ign Measurement and Ana"ysis Activities SP ?! Esta#"ish Measurement 6#,ectives SP A! Speci y Measures SP 0! Speci y Data <o""ection and Storage Procedures SP E! Speci y Ana"ysis Procedures Goa" A Provide Measurement Resu"ts SP ?! <o""ect Measurement Data SP A! Ana"yze Measurement Data SP 0! Store Data and Resu"ts SP E! <ommunicate Resu"ts <MMI Pro,ect P"anning Process Area Goa" ? Esta#"ish Estimates SP E Determine Estimates o E ort and <ost <MMI Pro,ect Monitoring B <ontro" Process Area Goa" ?! Monitor Pro,ect Against P"an SP ?! Monitor Pro,ect P"anning Parameters SP A! Monitor <ommitments SP 0! Monitor Pro,ect Ris1s SP E! Monitor Data Management SP F! Monitor Sta1eho"der Interaction <MMI Pro,ect B Process 9ua"ity Assurance Goa" ?! 6#,ective"y Eva"uate Processes and )or1 Products SP ?! 6#,ective"y Eva"uate Processes Goa" A! Provide 6#,ective Insight <MMI 6rganizationa" Process De inition Process Area Goa" A Ma1e Supporting Process Assets Avai"a#"e SP ? Esta#"ish and Maintain An 6rganizationa" Measurement Repository <MMI 9uantitative Pro,ect Management Process Area Goa" ? 9uantitative"y Manage the Pro,ect SP E Manage pro,ect per ormance Goa" A Statistica""y Manage Su#process Per ormanc SP ? Se"ect Measures and Ana"ytic Techni'ues SP A App"y Statistica" Methods to Understand Jariation SP 0 Monitor Per ormance o the Se"ected Su#processes SP E Record Statistica" Management Data <MMI 6rganizationa" Process Per ormance Process Area Goa" ? Esta#"ish Per ormance 7ase"ines and Mode"s SP A De ine Process Per ormance Measures SP 0 Esta#"ish 9ua"ity and Process Per ormance 6#,ectives SP E Esta#"ish Process Per ormance 7ase"ines SP F Esta#"ish Process Per ormance Mode"s

<MMI <ausa" Ana"ysis B Reso"ution Process Area Goa" A Address <auses o De ects SP A Eva"uate the E ect o <hanges <MMI 6rganizationa" Innovation Dep"oyment Process Area Goa" A Dep"oy Improvements SP 0 Measure Improvement E ects <MMI Generic Practices GP A!? +<6 ?-! Esta#"ish and Maintain an 6rganizationa" Po"icy GP A!A +A7 ?-! P"an the Process GP A!0 +A7 A-! Provide Resources GP A!E +A7 0-! Assign Responsi#i"ity GP A!F +A7 E-! Train peop"e GP A!/ +DI ?-! Manage <on igurations GP A!> +DI A-! Identi y and Interact &ith Re"evant Sta1eho"ders GP A!G +DI 0-! Monitor and <ontro" the Process GP A!S +JE ?-! 6#,ective"y Assess Adherence GP A!?2 +JE A-! Revie& Activities and Resu"ts &ith Management GP 0!? +A7 ?-! Esta#"ish and Maintain De ined Process GP 0!A +DI E-! <o""ect Improvement In ormation

11 APPEN*%4 F5 C00% ; PS0 ; %SO1(1"1 Comp,iance 0atrix

The o""o&ing ta#"e4matri$ is a mapping o the e"ements o this measurement temp"ate to the e"ements o Practica" So t&are 4 Systems Measurement +PSM-% <apa#i"ity Maturity Mode" Integration +<MMI-% and Internationa" Standards 6rganizations +IS6- <ommittee Dra t <D?FS0S PLANN%N3 ELE0ENT
E In ormation Needs Summary F Scope 4 7oundaries > Imp"ementation Strategy >!A Measurement <apa#i"ities >!A!? Measurement Po"icy >!A!A Ro"es 4 Responsi#i"ities >!A!0 Re'uisite S1i""s 4 A#i"ities >!A!E Resources G In ormation Need to Indicator Matri$ S Indicator to Derived Measure Matri$ ?2 Derived to 7ase Measure Matri$ ?? 7ase Measure Summary ?0 In ormation Need Temp"ate ?E Indicator Temp"ate ?F Derived Measure Temp"ate ?/ 7ase Measure Temp"ate Part ?% Section 0!0 Part ?% Section 0!0 Part ?% Sections 0!0 4 0!E SP?!A% ?!0% B ?!E SP?!A% ?!0% B ?!E SP?!A% ?!0% B ?!E E!A!E E!A!E E!A!E Part ?% Section F!0 Part ?% Section F!E!A Part ?% Section F!E Part ?% Section 0!0 Part ?% Section 0!0 Part ?% Section 0!0 GPA!? GPA!E GPA!F +Partia"GPA!0 SP?!? SP?!A SP?!A SP?!A E!?!?!A E!?!A!?% E!A!/ +Partia"E!?!A!?% E!A!> E!?!?!A% E!?!A!A% E!A!> E!A!0 E!A!0 E!A!0 E!A!0

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<apa#i"ity Maturity Mode" or S) v?!? <apa#i"ity Maturity Mode" Integration% Staged Representation v?!2 IS64IE<=TT<?4S<> <ommittee Dra t ?FS0S dated >8e#A222 Practica" So t&are and Systems Measurement J0!? STS< Measurement Guide SEI So t&are Engineering Measurement Activity +SEMA-

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