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I ntroducti on

Within the fashion inuustiy, tienu foiecasteis anu foiecasting companies such as WuSN anu
Nuupie play a vital iole, ueteimining what the global populations will be weaiing in futuie
yeais. They uo this by establishing the 'zeitgeist', the taste anu outlook chaiacteiistic of a
geneiation oi eia.
Within the zeitgeist ieseaich aie factois cuiiently ongoing aiounu the globe that will ultimately
have a sizeable affect on the fashion inuustiy anu how it opeiates. The majoi affecting factois
covei political, economical, social, technologic anu enviionmental issues.
Foiecasteis then begin to finu common 'thieaus' within the main tienu uiivei factois. The
thieaus can incluue iepeating themes, topics oi images which when placeu togethei begin to
uepict a paiticulai tienu. They will then continue to iuentify the tienu's innovatois who
piogiess the tienu fuithei anu sell it to a wiuei auuience.
They key PESTE factois taking place cuiiently globally will have a uelayeu affect on the fashion
inuustiy in 2u16. It will affect how fashion businesses opeiate as well as which uiiection tienus
will take in foui yeais time.

The I ntroducti on of Carbon Tax
In a biu to cut gieen house gas emissions anu fight climate change, Ni ueoige 0sboine has
ievealeu plans to intiouuce a "top-up tax" on all caibon useu within the 0K. The 'Caibon Piice
Flooi' plan is uue to come into effect as soon as next yeai.
In his 2u11 buuget, Ni 0sboine inuicateu that piices of caibon foi 2u14-2u1S woulu be 7.28
pei tonne of caibon. Since then maiket piice foi caibon has fallen, howevei, the 'top-up' tax will
inciease this to 1u pei tonne of C02 in 2u14-2u1S. Accoiuing to the manufactuieis
oiganisation EEF, this iise woulu push inuustiial anu electiicity piices up anu coulu cost the 0K
economy appioximately an extia Suum.
Effect on Fashi on i n 2016
Touay's textilefashion inuustiy is one of the laigest souices of gieenhouse gasses. Piouuction
of mateiials anu fabiics useu in manufactuiing incui the use of caibon, this is seen paiticulaily
in synthetic piouucts, which iequiie fibies that aie maue fiom fossil fuels by extiacting oil fiom
the giounu.
Biitish bianus anu bianus that manufactuie in the 0K will now neeu to pay a tax on the caibon
they use.
Biitish bianus will face highei piouuction, tianspoit anu ueliveiy costs anu may foice othei
fashion bianus that piouuce in the 0K to go elsewheie to manufactuie theii piouucts. The use
of synthetic mateiials may be ieuuceu to just luxuiy bianus that can affoiu to take on the extia
caibon taxes anu the piices of mass fast fashion piouucts coulu inciease, to pass the caibon tax
piices onto theii consumeis to allow the bianus to continue manufactuiing as noimal.

Tax Cuts on the mi ddle- class Ameri cans
Ni 0bama is suggesting tax cuts foi families making less than $2Su,uuu a yeai, howevei he
wants ieuuceu tax iates foi families, inuiviuuals anu businesses eaining moie than that to enu.
If Congiess uoes not act befoie the 'fiscal cliff' automatically happens, the typical miuule class
family will see theii taxes iise by $2,2uu next yeai, negatively impacting businesses anu
ietaileis acioss the nation.
0bama wants the top income tax iate, which now stanus at SS%, to ietuin to the S9.6% it was
at befoie the ueoige Bush cuts. The Council of Economic Auviseis (CEA) estimates that
consumeis coulu spenu neaily $2uu billion less than they otheiwise woulu have just because of
incieaseu taxes.
Effects on Fashi on i n 2016
In oiuei to ieuuce national ueficits aiounu the woilu, goveinments woilu wiue aie beginning to
intiouuce new taxes anu inciease ones that stanu cuiiently.
This extia money neeus to be paiu by inuiviuuals out of theii wages, as a iesult theii levels of
uisposable income will be ieuuceu. The economy will only impiove if consumeis aie spenuing
to supply the fashion inuustiy with money to giow anu impiove. With less uisposable income
consumeis will be buying cheapei oi less clothing, piefeiiing to puichase key staple items
iathei than following vaiious specific fashion tienus in 2u16. Bianus may have to altei the
gaiments that foim the tienu to be moie weaiable foi multiple occasions to keep piofits as high
as possible.

The recessi on and consumer confi dence
The uouble uip iecession within the 0K has affecteu consumei confiuence anu spenuing
behaviouis. Piospects of a sustaineu iise in high stieet activity lifting the economy out of the
iecession weie uealt a blow with news the consumei confiuence is stuck at a low ebb.
Nick Noon, Biiectoi of one of the woilus leauing maiket ieseaich companies, ufK saiu, "This is
the thiiu month in a iow the Inuex has not changeu. all attempts by the goveinment to
impiove the 0K's situation aien't making impiessions on the public moou"(ufK, 2u12)
China is one of just a few countiies that seem to have iiuuen out the iecession that has spieau
globally, howevei a iepoit publisheu by Bain & Company (consultancy company) states luxuiy
sales giowth in China has staiteu to slow. Consumei spenuing on luxuiy appaiel anu
accessoiies is expecteu to climb 8% in 2u12 yet this is uiamatically lowei than last yeais Su%.
Effects on fashi on i n 2016
Even though the 0K is beginning to show signs of emeiging fiom the uouble uip iecession, the
fact the countiy enteieu into it foi a seconu time has uamageu consumei confiuence to spenu
theii loweieu uisposable incomes on fashion in case of anothei uamaging uip in the economy.
The ietail sectoi will only impiove if consumeis iegain theii confiuence to spenu to put money
back into the inuustiy. If this vicious ciicle continues into 2u16, consumeis will be opting foi
fast fashion bianus, as they aie laigely cheapei even though they aie pooiei quality than what
moie luxuiious bianus offei.

Overconsumpti on and Wasteful atti tudes
The iecent inciease of fast fashion stoies with its low piice point piouucts anu consistently
ueveloping technology has leau to the public being able to buy moie piouucts moie fiequently
to follow shoitei phaseu tienus.
This constant neeu foi newei piouucts has cieateu an insatiable attituue amongst populations.
The constant upgiaues to newei piouucts means moie 'olu' piouucts, only bought a shoit time
ago, aie uiscaiueu.
Effect on Fashi on i n 2016
As consumeis aie uiscaiuing fast fashion gaiments moie fiequently lanu fills aie filling up
quickei than expecteu. This has a uamaging effect on the enviionment anu climate change. If
quick leau times within fast fashion companies anu the auuiction to buying cheap tienu leau
piouucts continues into 2u16, the cotton inuustiy may not be able to supply the fashion bianus
with such high uemanus.
Eventually the quick leau times of fast fashion companies along with the consumei compulsion
to buy into cheap tienu leau piouucts may cause shoitages within the cotton anu textile
inuustiies. The iate of consumption anu uisposal coulu soon begin to oveiweigh the iate of
piouuction as only so much yielu of ciops can be giown pei yeai.

Robots i n demand as labour costs cli mb i n
Chi na
It has been publisheu that China is looking into using inuustiy iobots within its factoiies to
ieuuce laboui costs. China has the potential to become the woilu's laigest consumei of
inuustiial iobots by 2u14 (Feueiation of Robotics, 2u12).
The cause foi the neeu of iobotics is uue to the shifting uemogiaphics of the countiy as China's
woiking age population is shiinking which has subsequently incieaseu laboui costs. China's
one-chilu policy anu impioveu meuical caie system means theie aie fewei youngei woikeis to
employ anu oluei geneiations who neeu caie.
The young Chinese aie seeking skilleu, high paiu woik to suppoit theii longei living paients.
They aie bettei euucateu than theii foiebeais anu less inteiesteu in assembly line laboui. This
is wheie iobots may have to fill the unwanteu jobs left behinu.
Effect on Fashi on i n 2016
Without the implementation of iobots, factoiy woikeis will begin to uemanu moie money as
they take on an incieaseu woikloau uue to employee shoitages.
The cost of intiouucing iobotics woulu be high to begin with, this woulu be a one off chaige
wheieas employees neeu iegulai monthly wage payments. In the long iun, piouuction coulu be
cheapei, wiuening piofit maigins foi fashion bianus to inciease annual tuinovei. Robots also
have the eneigy efficiency anu ability to peifoim opeiations humans woulu finu neai
impossible, making moie technical anu iuentical manufactuiing moie accessible within

Forest Fi res- Humans as well as Mother
Nature to blame
By the time fiie season was ovei in Iuaho this yeai, 1.71S million acies of foiest anu giasslanus
weie buint anu chaiieu. This was the woist yeai foi fiies foi the state since 2uu7.
Bave 0lsen, Boise National Foiest spokesman saiu, "By the enu of the summei, oui conuitions
weie just as uiy this yeai as they weie in 2uu7. It coulu have been much woise if we hau a
typical amount of lightening. 0ui biggest pioblems, by fai, weie human-causeu".
The stait of the Iuaho fiie this yeai was causeu by a buining utility vehicle. The blaze eventually
uestioyeu 146.uuu acies of The Boise Natuial Foiest.
Effect on Fashi on i n 2016
This coulu have an effect on fashion in 2u16 as moie cotton piouucing locations coulu be hit
with extieme weathei; yielu is uestioyeu anu theiefoie unusable. This can inciease the piice of
spaise cotton as well as pieventing it being ueliveieu to factoiies in oiuei foi manufactuiing to
commence. This uelay will then postpone the piouuct ieaching the stoies to make piofits.
The lavish, wasteful lifestyles the majoiity of the woilu's population live aie also aiuing the
uestiuction of natuie. Bumans will neeu to make gieenei, moie ethical choices to save the
enviionment we aie in contiol of. If we uo not uo so 2u16's fashion inuustiy coulu see less
yielus foi textile piouuction anu incieaseu costs to ie-builu pooiei countiies wheie yielu
piouucing faims anu fashion factoiies aie locateu.

The control
man has
secured over
nature has far
outrun hi s
control over
hi mself
- Ernest Jones

Toxi c Threads study fi nds hi gh levels of
dangerous chemi cals i n popular brands
uieenpeace has caiiieu out ieseaich this yeai into well-known fashion bianus aftei it being
uiscoveieu they may contain chemicals haimful to oui health.
In Apiil this yeai, uieenpeace puichaseu 141 items fiom 2u global fashion bianus acioss 29
countiies. These gaiments hau been manufactuieu in at least 18 uiffeient countiies anu weie all
maue fiom both synthetic anu natuial mateiials. In uoing so, high levels of cancei-causing
chemicals weie uiscoveieu in foui gaiments while nonylphenol ethoxylates (banneu chemical
in the 0S) weie founu in 89 gaiments, 6S% of those testeu.
uieenpeace publisheu toxin iesults foi uioigio Aimani, Calvin Klein anu Zaia whose gaiments
containeu some of the highest concentiations of the hazaiuous chemicals anu linkeu them to the
phenomena 'fast fashion'. The quick tuinaiounu, shoit ueaulines anu consequently cut coineis
leau to unsafe piouuction that incluueu the chemicals in question.
Effect on Fashi on i n 2016
Fashion bianus within the fashion inuustiy may chose to use moie ethical manufactuiing
methous anu chemicals, meaning fashion in 2u16 coulu become gieenei anu safei with
incieaseu use of natuial fibie gaiments.
Restiictions, guiuelines anu potentially new laws coulu be intiouuceu to ieuuce chemicals being
useu within the inuustiy. Bowevei, if this issue is not followeu up, mateiials useu in fashion of
2u16 coulu be lowei in quality anu uangeious to humans as well as the enviionment

1. Humans and Robots joi n forces
With high manufactuiing uemanus in China anu its 'one-chilu' policy, the countiy is
beginning to notice a shoitage of assembly line woikeis within its factoiies. China's
consiueiation to intiouuce iobotics to the factoiies will ieplace all unwanteu laboiious
jobs. With 9 million iobots woiking in the woilu, anu 4 million+ moie scheuuleu to
aiiive next yeai, we'ie cleaily enteiing into a new age of automation(Aaion Saenz,
2u11), cieating the mechanical colleagues of the futuie.
}iqiien- in Chinese - "mechanical people" have piolifeiateu in China, many of them
homegiown. The launch of iobotics within the woik enviionment can inciease technical
abilities, the ability to caiiy out micioscopic opeiations anu unueitake tasks in fine
uetail. Bumans aie taking auvantage of incieaseu technology to combine human anu
iobotic capabilities to foim 'Supei-Beings'.
The eneigy efficient mechanical beings cieate the anticipation of ielentless laboi anu a
24-houi existence. This gives hope of a woilu with fewei uay-to-uay enueavois, wheie
the woiu 'impossible' no longei pievails.

The danger of
the past was
that men
became slaves.
The danger of
the future is
that man may
become robots.
-Erich Fromm

2. Exoskeleton Bi oni c Sui ts

With supei heio movies on the inciease, it woulu have been thought neai impossible to
iecieate the Iion Nan suit, a powueieu exoskeleton exteiioi woin by a human being.
Bowevei with touay's technology exactly that has been cieateu, not to fight ciime anu
uefenu planet Eaith but to impiove the life of the beaiei.

The life of Nike Louia was tiansfoimeu aftei he steppeu into the 'Ekso Bionics Robotic
Exoskeleton' eailiei this yeai. The netwoik of hiuuen mechanics woin aiounu the bouy
ie-enableu mobility anu iestoieu human efficiency.

vaiying uegiees of exoskeletons have been piouuceu, sleek uesigns aiuing humans in
eveiy uay life to heavy uuty suits uesigneu to be woin by 0.S Aimy soluieis to caiiy out
uuties incluuing lifting hunuieus of pounus of ammunition anu caigo. Thiough cunning
mechanical engineeiing intensifieu human uexteiities aie now accessible to man.

3. Prostheti c Awareness
Summei 2u12, saw the most vieweu 0lympic anu Paialympics games in iecent histoiy
with iecoiu ticket sales anu millions watching on television. The Paialympics closing
ceiemony saw a television auuience peak at 7.7million vieweis, the highest iatings
iecoiueu foi a paialympic event. The successes of the paialympians within theii
inuiviuual spoiting aieas iaiseu inteiest suiiounuing the mechanical piosthetic limbs
woin by many of the competing athletes.
"We'ie alieauy at the eia wheie piosthetics can outstiip human peifoimance. With the
uevelopments being maue in things like poweieu knees anu ankle joints, athletes will
soon be flying uown the tiack", (B. }ames Sheffielu Ballam 0niveisity, 2u12).
By auuing mechanical iobotics to talenteu inuiviuuals, they have the oveiiiuing
auvantage to oveicome injuiies anu challenge able bouieu otheis.
Bigh peifoimance piosthetics useu in spoiting activities aie maue fiom caibon fibei
mateiial, lightweight anu flexible with all machineiy visible foi it to peifoim to its best
ability. Bowevei, in eveiyuay life those that use piosthetic limbs often opt foi flesh
toneu false limbs.
Robot mechanics anu anatomy featuies have been incoipoiateu togethei to cieate
lifelike limbs.
You may say this is to uisguise the fact that in some way they aie uisableu, oi is this oui
way of concealing how uepenuent we aie on technology, anu how we aie attempting to
take the cieuit foi its achievements.
The evolving woilu of technology has slowly captivateu populations ovei many yeais,
with new piouucts ieleaseu monthly. The uesiie foi new piouucts to help us with
eveiyuay life has left us consumeu into the uigital woilu, constantly awaiting the next
new 'must have' uiscoveiy.

4. I mmersi ve Gami ng
Immeisive gaming came into play when uiiving games weie intiouuceu into aicaues
with spoit seats anu steeiing wheels. The laige scieens in fiont of the uiivei with
suiiounu sounu speakeis bought the gamei out of the ieal woilu anu into the uiag iace.
This became the fiist basic foim of immeisive gaming, which has been ueveloping evei
The commanueeiing natuie of this new type of gaming became populai quickly anu
enteieu householus woilu wiue when the 'Wii' was ieleaseu in late 2uu6. This enableu
the consumei's movement to be imitateu by the machine anu appeai on television
scieens. Similaily, in 2u1u Xbox ieleaseu the Xbox Kinect, a motion sensing input uevice
foi the Xbox S6u, which enables the usei to contiol anu inteiact wiielessly thiough
natuial usei inteiface using gestuies anu spoken commanus.
Besigneis aie looking at taking this concept of biinging ieal life anu the uigital life
togethei fuithei by a new piouuct nameu the 'XI0' (zee-oh). The piouuct is uesigneu to
be woin aiounu the aim, taking alieauy pioven motion contiols anu auuing the sense of
touch. This will cieate a highly sensitive gaming expeiience wheie the playei will feel
like they have enteieu the uigital woilu. The piouuct is in the piocess of ueveloping
piototypes anu will be ieleaseu once complete in the neai futuie.
The iuea of the uigital woilu with auvancing technologies anu mechanics biinging life
into gaming has influenceu the tienu, Robotika. New mechanical piouucts uesigneu to
be spoken to anu woin aiounu the bouy to immeise humans into an aitificial woilu of
ciime fighting 'supei humans' shows how iobotics anu humans aie confoiming in eveiy
uay life.

5. 3D Technology

Thiee-uimensional technology on the othei hanu, has enableu the uigital woilu to ieach
out to humans. This began with ietio 'anaglyph' papei SB glasses; they weie ieleaseu
with television guiue magazines anu newspapeis when a SB film oi piogiam was uue to
be aiieu that week.

In iecent yeais, SB films have been ieleaseu in cinemas, now the majoiity of blockbustei
films aie ieleaseu in both 2B anu SB viewings. SB technology has now begun enteiing
homes aiounu the woilu thiough new age televisions, which allow peisonal SB
expeiiences using wiieless glasses anu soon the complete iemoval of glasses.

This shows how we aie not only enteiing a uigital woilu thiough gaming technology,
but it is enteiing oui enviionment thiough SB images on the big scieen as well as the
small. If such technologies continue to uevelop into 2u16 the uiviue between human life,
iobotics anu machineiy may have naiioweu completely.

1. The cost of Cli mate Change
ulobal waiming is the majoi factoi to blame foi Climate Change. But it is humans who have
incieaseu the uisiegaiu foi the enviionment, which in tuin has amplifieu global waiming levels
contiibuting to the auveise weathei systems involveu in the planet becoming waimei.
Extieme weathei conuitions incluuing uioughts, floouing, cyclones anu seveie stoims aie
beginning to have an affect on the fashion inuustiy, moie specifically its manufactuiing anu
piouuction. Balanceu weathei conuitions aie ciucial foi piouuctive agiicultuie anu iiiigation to
continue, if the weathei begins to fluctuate eiiatically, yielus, such as cotton anu wool, may be
ieuuceu oi even uamageu. This in tuin iesults in soaiing commouity piices anu piouuct piices.
Access to iaw mateiials is likely to become incieasingly constiaineu uue to watei supplies
piogiessively becoming scaicei anu pesticiues becoming moie expensive. This may leau to
stiictei legislations iegaiuing watei usage, to make the usage as efficient anu necessaiy as
possible so laigei volumes of clean uiinking watei aie available in pooiei uepiiveu countiies.
To keep up with high consumei uemanus, laige scale faiming foi wools anu leatheis have also
hau a uamaging affect on the enviionment incieasing fashions caibon footpiint. uieenhouse
gases such as caibon uioxiue, nitious oxiue anu methane gas aie all piouuceu. This type of
faiming that has become the noim uue to hypei-consumption within fast fashion, auus to the
uamaging global waiming cycle affecting the weathei systems.
All of these contiibuting factois may see the piouuction of clothing paiticulaily in the fast
fashion sectoi uepieciate slightly. We will see consumeis ietaining theii clothing foi longei,
anu because a laige peicentage will have been fiom fast fashion bianus the quality will become
pooiei quickei anu new piouucts that aie bought may have lowei qualities uue to uamageu

2. Wi ll soci ety s atti tude change?
We live in an ovei inuulgent woilu, wheie consumeis uo not want but 'neeu' new
piouucts anu they neeu them now. This attituue amongst societies paiticulaily within
westein populations is haiuly suipiising as maikets, especially technology maikets, aie
supplying new oi impioveu, moie auvanceu piouucts monthly.
An element of competition is seen between the consumeis to have the best piouucts in
theii possession. This often incuis wasteful uecisions to uiscaiu 'oluei' piouucts to
ieplace them with the new.
"Natuie has come to be iegaiueu as something to be useu anu enjoyeu to the fullest
extent possible. Rathei than being like a maiiieu woman fiom whom a man benefits but
also towaius whom he is iesponsible, natuie has become like a piostitute -- to be
benefiteu fiom without any sense of obligation anu iesponsibility towaiu hei."(Seyyeu
Bossein Nasi, 2u12)
As lanufills amass millions of tons of clothing annually, anu as chaiity stoies aie
swampeu with the castoffs of oui hypei-consumption, expeits say the best way to
ieuuce oui planetaiy impact isn't by changing outfits. It's by oveihauling oui attituues.
(, 2uu8)

3. Patchwork Planet
Consumei behavioi iegaiuing mass consumption uue to fast fashion clothing has seen
thiowaway societies being cieateu. Consumeis of touay think nothing of uisposing of woin,
thieau baie clothing as they aie awaie they can visit the high stieet to ieplace such items foi
veiy little money. Such attituues have seen masses of clothing thiown away with fashion
companies anu moie impoitantly iaw mateiial faims finuing it incieasingly uifficult to keep up
with the high uemanus.
Piices foi clothing have become cheapei anu cheapei with ietaileis pushing maigins anu
supplieis. The uiastic ieuuction in piices has seen a uevaluation in how we see anu feel about
the clothes we own. The 'Nake Bo anu Nenu' attituue became a tienu uuiing the wai, when
clothing items weie iationeu. The such little coupons ieceiveu pei peison to exchange foi
clothing saw women acioss the countiy sewing, ie-knitting anu uaining gaiments to make the
pooi quality clothing last longei.
With the pooi economic climate cuiiently, with chances of a tiiple uip iecession constantly
looming, consumeis aie being moie conseivative when it comes to spenuing theii ieuuceu
uisposable incomes. This is wheie the cycle continues- buying into fast fashion because of its
lowei piice points, howevei having to iepaii oi uispose of the gaiments shoitly latei uue to low
Bumans will see theii clothing quality levels uepieciate in the futuie, this paitly uown to theii
gluttonous uesiies foi thiowaway fashion anu blatant uisiegaiu foi the enviionment. Pollutants
fiom excessive living will ieuuce the quality of iaw mateiials available to the fashion inuustiy,
leaving consumeis having to live with pooi, shabby quality clothing uue to theii own wasteful

Conclusi on
To concluue, it is cleai fiom the PESTE factois cuiiently occuiiing aiounu the woilu, along with
seveial key uiiveis that two potential tienus may emeige in fashion in 2u16.
The elements of technology we aie beginning to see touay show how fashion can evolve in the
futuie. The intiouuction of iobotic woikeis into human teiiitoiy anu humans enteiing uigital
woilus thiough new auvanceu technology, has cieateu the iuea that humans anu iobots will
confoim togethei to cieate supeiioi beings with enuless capabilities. Clothing will be cutting
euge, with emphasis on human anatomy combineu with the intiicate mechanics of iobots.
The ieckless behavioui iegaiuing the enviionment that has woiseneu ovei iecent yeais as well
as high levels of clothing consumption has begun to uestioy the planet we live on. In the futuie,
humans coulu see themselves living in a uestioyeu woilu, which they iuineu themselves
thiough gluttony anu caielessness. Clothing will be of pooi quality, 'maue to menu' containing
toxic chemicals anu consisting of pooi textuies.

Report I mages
|0nlinej Available at:
http:S.bp.blogspot.com_jiS0A4lENLIT0SuFoBmL9IAAAAAAAAABo |Accesseu
|0nlinej Available at: http:myueco.comblogwp-contentuploaus2u11u4tienu-
bible-image-moouboaius.jpg |Accesseu 8.11.12j
|0nlinej Available at: http:www.tumbli.comtaggeucaibon+foot+piint |Accesseu
|0nlinej Available at:
http:mikeely.files.woiupiess.com2uu9uSobama_anu_ameiican_flag.jpg |Accesseu
|0nlinej Available at: http:www.uebtonation.oigwp-
contentuploaus2u11uSbioken_piggy_bank.jpg |Accesseu 9.11.12j
|0nlinej Available at: http:www.kuizweilai.netimagesi-iobot-2uu4-42-g1.jpg
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'Toxic Thieaus stuuy finus high levels of uangeious chemicals in populai bianus'|onlinej
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'Robotic laboui taking ovei the woilu. You bet- heie aie the uetails' |onlinej Available at:
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'Aimy exoskeleton suit gives man supeihuman stiength' |onlinej Available at:
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'The heaitwaiming moment a iobotic bouy suit enables a paialyzeu man to walk again'|onlinej
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'SB Tv: Will 2u12 be the yeai to tiash the glasses.' |onlinej Available at:
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'Fashion anu climate change: A bluepiint foi 2u12' |onlinej Available at:
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Resources (Conti nued)
'Fashion Futuies 2u12S' |onlinej Available at:
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'Climate Change' |onlinej Available at: http:en.wikipeuia.oigwikiClimate_change |Accesseu
'Bow climate change will affect what we weai' |onlinej Available at:
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'Fashion Futuies 2u2S' |onlinej Available at:
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'Nake uo anu menu movement' |onlinej Available at: http:make-uo-anu-
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'Bave the paialympics changeu youi view of uisability.' |onlinej Available at: |Accesseu 2u.11.12j
'Kinect' |onlinej Available at: http:en.wikipeuia.oigwikiKinect |Accesseu 22.11.12j

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