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WAJ3103 English Language Proficiency II


Writing for Different Text Types

4.0 This topic intends to assist course participants to be aware of different ty es of re ort writing and that they !ay be able to write these re orts accurately. "ourse artici ants will also be aware of how to write #arious ty es of su!!ary$ for!al and infor!al letters effecti#ely. 4.1 Learning Outcomes %tudy different te&t organisations for re orts and discuss the ur ose'ob(ecti#e$ language used and audience Write effecti#ely different )inds of reports namely newspaper reports, events, minutes of meeting and writing reports based on graphs or charts Write different types of summary effectively based on guidelines given Identify the for!at of letter writing *se correct and a ro riate language$ tone and for!at in letter writing Assess own language rogress through self and eer e#aluation

4.2 Content


4.2.1 Writing Reports

4.2.2 Writing Different Types of "ummary

4.(.( Writing #orma% an) Informa% Letters

4.2.1 WRITIN


Descriptions +his for! of writing is used to organise and record infor!ation Its ur ose is to describe or classify the way things are or a ear to be #ormat $ "ty%e +his genre begins with a general state!ent. ,e orts then !o#e on to being !ore s ecific and technical in nature +hey describe certain -ualities$ functions$ habits and beha#iours$ for e&a! le$ Lift is roduced because of the sha e of an aircraft wing. Air ta)es longer to tra#el o#er the


WAJ3103 English Language Proficiency II

u er surface of the cur#ed wing. +his causes a difference in ressure between the to and the botto! of the wing. *ses the Present +ense. 0escri ti#e language is used that is both factual and accurate. ,e orts use action #erbs such$ using the first erson 1I$ we2.

!xamp%es 3ews a ers$ schools$ acade!ic research$ etc. i. Reporting "ports *ain O+,ecti-e ,ecognise bias and ob(ecti#ity$ distinguishing facts fro! hy otheses$ theories or o inions. .))itiona% focus Analyse the o#erall structure of a te&t to identify how )ey ideas are de#elo ed. T/in0 a+out 4ow does fact differ fro! o inion5 6act is truth$ reality$ infor!ation that is #erifiable 7 inion is a #iew$ belief or an assess!ent 6act8 9Ibro& Par)$ :lasgow;$ 9<0$000 eo le had asse!bled;$ 9on a %aturday afternoon; 7 inion8 9a shoc)ing accident;$ 9the scene was one of wild disorder; 7ne cannot reasonably disagree with a fact It is reasonable to disagree with an o inion =a)e a list of words > nouns$ #erbs$ ad(ecti#es > that could be used in a news a er re ort on a football ga!e or any other s ort that has !ass a eal$ for e&a! le$ 9s ectator;$ 9crowd;$ 9cheers and (eers;$ 9roar;$ 9a lause; Rea) an) un)erstan) ,ead 9:randstand "ala!ity at Ibro& Par); and identify arts of the te&t that are out of date. 4ow would you write this re ort to a eal to resent?day readers5 Would you o =a)e the sentences and aragra hs shorter5 o Edit the language to !a)e it !ore direct$ si! le$ recise5 o "hange the headline to one !ore dra!atic5 o Introduce subheadings where !eaningful5 Writing Tas0 @ou ha#e (ust watched a #ery i! ortant tea! ga!e at the local stadiu!. Write a re ort to be ublished in the s orts section of a news a er. In your re ort$ clearly show What ha ened during the ga!e 4ow the s ectators beha#ed and +he outco!e of the e#ent


WAJ3103 English Language Proficiency II

Disaster at I+rox +he following re ort is fro! the 0aily +elegra h on =onday$ < th A ril$ 1/0A. It describes a tragedy at Ibro& during a %cotland?England football ga!e the re#ious %aturday. +wenty?si& eo le were )illed and hundreds in(ured when a section of the stand colla sed. ran)stan) Ca%amity at I+rox Par0 IB,7C PA,D$ :LA%:7W$ was on %aturday afternoon the scene of a shoc)ing accident$ in#ol#ing the loss of !any li#es and in(uries to o#er 100 eo le. +o witness the annual Association football !atch between England and %cotland fully <0000 eo le had asse!bled there$ but as the ground is arranged to acco!!odate E0 000$ the resence e#en of so #ast a gathering as that of %aturday occasioned no an&iety. lay between the forcing of a corner )ic) and the ta)ing of it. Within a few !inutes the scene was one of wild disorder$ the olice being -uite o#er? owered in their endea#ours to )ee eo le off the laying area. % ectators dashed !adly across the field and$ al!ost before it could be realiFed$ there !ust ha#e been 10000 eo le in the !iddle of the ground. +he white shirts of the English layers could still be distinguished$ but$ clad in dar) blue$ the %cots!en were at once Before the start of the ga!e the ressure swallowed u $ and #ery soon the layers on beca!e so great that the s ectators began to both sides !ade their way to the a#ilion. 6or cla!ber o#er the iron railing in front of the fully A0 !inutes the field re!ained in the huge unco#ered stand. In this rush se#eral ossession of the crowd. eo le were hurt and recei#ed !edical attention. +he in(uries so far were few and not "o! arati#ely few eo le$ a art fro! those on #ery se#ere. +he in#ading s ectators$ the stand$ )new what had ha ened to cause howe#er$ s read out in all directions$ crowding such an uncontrollable rush. What had u to the goal line and the touchline on one occurred was this. 7n the highest art of the side of the ground. It see!ed as if no lay stand a ortion of the lan)ing had ro#ed would be ossible$ but the efforts of the olice une-ual to the strain to which it was being e#entually resulted in the eo le being dri#en sub(ected$ and$ gi#ing way$ had reci itated bac) to the cinder ath. the s ectators standing there to the earth. 7ne or two eo le were )illed outrightG others +he ga!e was accordingly co!!enced$ and recei#ed such terrible in(uries that they had been in rogress so!e se#en or eight succu!bed during the e#eningG and a nu!ber !inutes$ when fro! the unco#ered stand had their li!bs fractured or sustained serious eo le swar!ed on to the field in thousands$ internal da!age. the rush being so tre!endous that it sto ed Report Language 1. Write down two facts and two o inions fro! the assage. 6acts 8 HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

WAJ3103 English Language Proficiency II


+he difference between a fact and an o inion is that


WAJ3103 English Language Proficiency II

4ere are so!e facts fro! the assage about the Ibro& disaster

4ere are so!e o inions

%o!e e&a! les of dated e& ressions used in the assage are

I re laced the! with these !odern e& ressions


WAJ3103 English Language Proficiency II

4ere is the first aragra h of a re ort of the tragedy in the style of a !odern news a er

ii. Ne1spaper .rtic%e 2 Ne1s Item +he ur ose of a news a er article is to resent the news clearly and ob(ecti#ely. A re orter !ust state the facts$ rather than his or her own #iews. A news a er !ust also be #ery careful not to rint anything libelous. +his could result in the news a er being ta)en to court and sued. A (ournalist !ust be articularly careful when writing about cri!es. Peo le who ha#e been arrested are Isus ectsJ$ since they ha#e not yet been ro#ed guilty. +hey should not be called IrobbersJ$ I!urderersJ$ etc. 3o facts should be gi#en that cannot be substantiated 1gi#en substance$ ro#ed2. As well as being accurate in content and neutral in tone$ news a er articles !ust be interesting. Pay articular attention to the beginning of the story$ so that eo le want to read on. *o)e% Summarise the most important facts first Use adjectives to add detail "O O #IR! 3ILL" TWO +wo eo le were )illed and 1K in(ured when fire swe t through the two base!ents of the %ogo 0e art!ent %tore in "auseway Bay yesterday. +he u ?!ar)et Ja anese?owned store$ which o ened only three years ago$ was ac)ed with custo!ers attracted by the 3ew @earJs sales. At about <.1K .!. a fire started in a store?roo! on the lower ground floor. 9+he fire s read #ery -uic)ly because of all the coo)ing oil in that area of the store$J said "han$ 1/$ a art?ti!e coo) in the fast?food area. I+here was absolute chaos$J said =rs. =a) %hu)han$ a +ai)oo %hing housewife$ who was in the base!ent at that ti!e. IE#erything ha ened so -uic)ly. Peo le started running and shouting and s!o)e began to fill the air. +he sta! ede for the escalators was frightening. IJ! sur rised

Use quotations to supply further detail Use direct speech to add tension and excitement

WAJ3103 English Language Proficiency II

!ore eo le werenJt tra! led to death.J +he fire brigade arri#ed at about <.AK. At first it was difficult for the! to get their !en and e-ui !ent down to the fire because of the crush of eo le. By <.30 the u er base!ent was also ablaFe$ and the fire was u graded to third alar!. State the official position +he %enior 0i#isional 6ire 7fficer 1Wanchai2$ =r 4u Wai? shing$ said that he was afraid for a while that the fire would s read to the ground floor. IBasically we started to flood the base!ents as the -uic)est way to ut out the fire. Luc)ily$ although the fla!es s read -uic)ly$ there was not #ery !uch infla!!able !aterial around. +he storeJs s rin)ler syste! was also of so!e hel des ite its being slow to start wor)ing.J When fire!en finally enetrated to the lower?base!ent$ two badly burnt cor ses were found. 6ifteen other eo le were in(ured in the sta! ede or suffered burns. +hey were ta)en to +ang %hiu Din 4os italG where se#en were treated and discharged. 6our eo le were )e t in for obser#ation and four were transferred to the Burns *nit of Lueen =ary 4os ital. +he dead ha#e not yet been na!ed. +he cause of the fire has not yet been established. +he olice in#estigating the case ha#e refused at this stage to rule out arson$ although faulty wiring in the store?roo! is considered a !ore li)ely cause. +his is the second fire in a de art!ent store in 4ong Dong this year.

Standard formula for such reports

Avoid making judgements !t"s not your job and it could land you in court Add any additional facts that are relevant "ty%e an) Content 1. A. 3. 4.

K. .. <.

A#oid the word IIJ. 7nly a few to (ournalists are aid to gi#e their #iews rather than to resent the facts. Be i! ersonal. :i#e a lot of details > eo leJs ages$ the nu!bers in#ol#ed$ the recise ti!es. A news a er is usually concerned with what ha ened yesterday. ,e!e!ber this$ and donJt (ust write a short storyM *se a fairly e&citing style. @ou are trying to interest the reader. *se ad(ecti#es freely > I a huge e& losionJ$ I an enor!ous crowdJ$ IdaFFling sunlightJ$ etc. 4el your readers to i!agine what ha ened and to feel so!e of the e!otions in#ol#ed. 6or e&a! le$ donJt write $ I=r "han said NJ. Instead$ write so!ething li)e I=r "han$ with tears in his eyes$ begged the )idna ers to return his daughter.J *se direct s eech. Include short -uotations fro! witnesses$ s o)es!en$ etc. *se short$ unchy aragra hs. :i#e any rele#ant statistics and infor!ation. @our (ob is to ro#ide the reader with the facts so that he or she can for! their own (udge!ent.

4oca+u%ary +he following words and hrases are often used in news a er articles.

WAJ3103 English Language Proficiency II

a spokesman for witness passer#by established the cause investigations are proceeding in a statement the government said an inquiry will be held $ospital % admitted treated discharged certified dead on arrival in a fair & serious& critical condition




WAJ3103 English Language Proficiency II

HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH "o!!ent by olice s o)es!an. HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Action to be ta)en > in-uiry etc. HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 7ther recent accidents. HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH iii. Writing a Report 5ase) on an !-ent 4ow to write an e#ent re ort 1. "tart t/in0ing on ma0ing your report /appen as soon as t/e e-ent is sure /appening. A. 3. 4. K. Ta0e pictures of a%% t/e main parts of t/e )ay. et reaction 6uotes from peop%e in t/e cro1) )uring an) after t/e e-ent. 5efore an) after t/e e-ent7 ta%0 to t/e peop%e responsi+%e for p%anning an) spea0ing at t/e e-ent. *a0e notes of pertinent stats suc/ as t/e num+er of peop%e atten)ing7 t/e %ocation7 t/e time7 t/e t/eme7 as 1e%% as anyt/ing e%se t/at stan)s out or ma0es t/e e-ent )istinct. et a c%ose up picture of e-eryone you get a 6uote from. ( /ours to ( )ays after t/e e-ent7 sit )o1n an) compi%e a%% t/e information onto one page. Inc%u)e t/e important stats in a prominent %ocation :top rig/t corner; . % rin)le the age liberally with scaled?down ictures of the e#ent. Include A?4 of the best -uotes you found along with ictures of the erson who said it. Write out a paragrap/ %engt/ summary of t/e )ay7 /ig/%ig/ting a%% t/e most exciting an) meaningfu% e%ements so t/at anyone can get a genera% o-er-ie1 of t/e scope an) sc/e)u%e of t/e )ay.

.. 8. 9.



WAJ3103 English Language Proficiency II

Writing Tas0 @our college had (ust organiFed a successful (ogathon recently to raise funds for the college library. Write a re ort describing the (ogathon for your college !agaFine. %)etch the !a for the said (ogathon and use that and the guidelines below to write your re ort. 10 )! (ogathon %tart 8 6lagged off by +he 0irector of the college "hec) oints 8 Write at least K chec) oints based on your !a PriFe?gi#ing cere!ony % eech ? +he 0irector of the college i-. Writing *inutes of a *eeting +he secretary of a co!!ittee ta)es down notes on what is being discussed during a !eeting. +hen the notes are written in a for!al !anner using a articular for!at. +his written official record is called the =inutes of =eetings. :uidelines for writing !inutes8 1. +he na!e and the society A. +he date$ lace and ti!e of the !eeting 3. 3a!es of ersons resent at the !eeting 4. 3a!es of ersons absent 1with or without reasons2 K. List of things to be discussed at the !eeting .. "onfir!ation of issues raised during re#ious !eeting <. ,e orts fro! sub?co!!ittee E. Person or ersons assigned to a gi#en tas) /. Issue or issues brought to the attention of the co!!ittee 10. +he ti!e the !eeting ad(ourned 11. %ignature of the ersons who re ared the !inutes and his or her osition 1A. +he date when the !inutes were re ared $eadings used when writing 'inutes of a 'eeting *inutes of t/e #ourt/ Committee *eeting !ng%is/ Language "ociety7 IP 3ampus Ra,a *e%e1ar7 "erem+an 0ate Oenue +i!e Present 8 8 8 8


WAJ3103 English Language Proficiency II

Absent with a ologies Agenda

8 8 1. A. A. 3. Welco!e % eech by "hair!an "onfir!ation of !inutes of the last !eeting ,e orts fro! sub?co!!ittee 7ther !atters arising

1. A. 3. 4.

Welco!e % eech by "hair!an 1.1 "onfir!ation of =inutes of the +hird "o!!ittee =eeting held on A.1 ,e orts fro! %ub?co!!ittee 3.1 7ther =atters Arising 4.1

+he !eeting was ad(ourned at NN with a word of than)s to the chair. 13a!e 1"a s2 %ecretary 0ate8 Writing Tas0 'ou are t/e secretary of t/e !ng%is/ Language "ociety of your co%%ege. Write t/e minutes of t/e meeting /e%) at t/e +eginning of t/e semester. -. Writing Reports +ase) on rap/s 2

!nformation in (raphs and )harts Infor!ation can be deri#ed easily by analyFing charts and gra hs. :ra hs and charts are often used to8 1. %how changes of things o#er a eriod of ti!e A. %how arts of whole things 3. =a)e a co! arison of things effecti#ely and -uic)ly (uidelines 1. %tudy the gi#en gra hs or charts carefully. A. Pay attention to the following details8 1i2 title or to ic 1i#2 @ears 1ii2 Dey 1#2 +he attern of the gra h 1if it is a line gra h2 1iii2 %ource 3. A re ort should include the following oints8 1i2 An introduction ? what is the chart about

WAJ3103 English Language Proficiency II

1ii2 1iii2 1i#2 1#2

An analysis of the chart or gra h ? Inter reting and identifying the attern of the gra h "lassification of the infor!ation in the gra hs and charts. +hen clarify it by gi#ing roof fro! the charts and gra hs as well as logical and a ro riate e& lanation. Additional notes$ if any. "onclusion ? +his includes o inions$ co!!ents and suggestions. If it is a line gra h you ha#e to !a)e rediction on the future trend of the gra h. +he redictions you !a)e need not necessarily be true or accurate.

Remem+er to write in a for!al tone or language and always refer to the chart or gra h when you are writing your re ort to a#oid writing out of oint.

Writing Tas0 Based on a chart or gra h that you ha#e$ write a re ort based on what is shown on it. *ore tas0 ,ead u on ot/er forms of report 1riting and !a)e notes on each re ort based on te&t organisation$ the ty e of language used$ the audience. +hen co! ile your notes in your folio.

5i+%iograp/y 6ournier$ P. 1A0042. Strategies for correct writing. 3ew @or)8 Long!an :reen$ =. 1A0032. *nglish writing workshop Analyse, review, comment. +: Building$ %inga ore8 Learners Publishing Pte Ltd. 4ow to write an e#ent re ort. 1n.d.2. ,etrie#ed fro! htt 8''www.wi)!'Write?an?E#ent? ,e ort Langan$ J. 1A00E2. )ollege writing skills. <th ed. 3ew @or)8 =c:raw?4ill International Edition. 7shi!a$ A. and 4ogue$ A. 11///2. Academic *nglish. 3rd ed. 3ew @or)8 Long!an. ,ose +un)u Is!ail. 11//.2. A student"s guide to writing resumes, reports, memorandums and minutes of meetings. =inden$ Penang8 Pusat Pendidi)an Jara) Jauh *ni#ersiti %ains =alaysia


WAJ3103 English Language Proficiency II

4.2.2 "<**.R' WRITIN W/at is a summary=

A summary is a condensation or a shortened #ersion of a te&t. +he ur ose of writing a su!!ary is to capture t/e 0ey i)eas of another author. A su!!ary has to be +rief because the su!!ary writerJs (ob is !ainly to con#ey the infor!ation contained in a eice of writing in as few words as ossible. A su!!ary has to be o+,ecti-e because the su!!ary is concerned with stating the ideas of so!eone else and showing your understanding of the! and is definately not the lace for you to res ond to the writerJs ideas. T'P!" O# "<**.R' +here are different ty es of su!!aries8 T/e one>sentence summary is fre-uently used in acade!ic writing as a way to introduce the reader to the authorPs central idea or thesis state!ent. T/e informati-e summary e& resses the original authorPs !ain ideas$ !ain su orting details$ data and argu!ents. It is !uch longer than the one?sentence su!!ary and is often incor orated into longer wor)s. T/e precis condenses the original te&t to a s ecific length$ usually one?third or one? fourth the length of the te&t. In recis writing$ you )ee to the authorPs a roach$ organisational sche!e and se-uencing of ideas. OOD "<**.R'

C?.R.CT!RI"TIC" O# .

A good su!!ary has the following characteristics8 1. A. It gi#es a ro er citation. +he title$ author and source of the te&t are gi#en as an in?te&t citation within the sentence or at the end of the sentence. It includes the !ain ideas. +he central idea or thesis state!ent is su!!arised clearly and accurately. Dey ideas that the author !a)es are included without adding your ersonal o inions$ #iews and (udge!ents. % ecifics such as e&a! les$ illustrations$ descri tions and detailed e& lanations are o!itted 1unless the conce ts of the original are co! le& and could only be understood with e&a! les2. It uses ara hrases. +he authorPs ideas are restated using your own words and sentence structures. Language 1#ocabulary$ gra!!ar$ unctuation2 is chec)ed to ensure that the original


WAJ3103 English Language Proficiency II


!eaning of the te&t is retained. It is of a ro riate length. A su!!ary is !uch shorter than the original te&t. +he length of the su!!ary will de end on the ur ose of su!!arising and the length of the original docu!ent. If the ur ose is to concisely state the !ain infor!ation 1the thesis state!ent2 of the te&t$ then a oneor two?sentence su!!ary is a ro riate. An infor!ati#e su!!ary of a short te&t will include a little detail for each !ain oint. A recis will condense the te&t to one?third or one?fourth of the original length.

?OW TO "<**.RI"! . T!&T

"T!P 1 Rea) t/e artic%e carefu%%y se-era% times. =a)e sure you understand the ideas resented

"T!P 2 Write one -ery +roa) t/esis statement. As) yourself what the te&t is about. +hen$ write one #ery broad state!ent about the te&t$ as if telling your friend about the article you ha#e(ust read.

"T!P ( I)entify t/e main points of t/e artic%e. What are the !ain oints of the article5 Identify the ri!ary idea$ assertion or finding that is being discussed. Loo) out for the !ain su orting details$ the !ost effecti#e e&a! le$ the !ost telling statistics and the !ost i! ortant authority cited. ,ead each aragra h carefully and use one or !ore of the following hel ful techni-ues to identify the !ain oints8 *nderline or highlight the !ain ideas that you belie#e are i! ortant. =a)e !argin notes of the !ain ideas that you belie#e are i! ortant. =ar) the to ic sentence of each aragra h. 17ften$ the first and'or the last sentence of a aragra h ca tures the )ey idea of the aragra h.2


WAJ3103 English Language Proficiency II

"T!P 4 Write t/e first )raft of t/e summary. Put away the original te&t. *sing only your notes fro! ste 3$ write your first draft. =a)e sure you ara hrase the original sentences. Begin the su!!ary with an in?te&t citation. 3e&t$ write a sentence using your own words stating the central idea. 1identified in ste A2. "o!bine all the !ain ideas you ha#e identified 1in ste 32. *se discourse !ar)ers 1e.g. therefore$ howe#er$ because2 to show the coherence. relationshi s between the ideas. "hec) with the original te&t for accuracy of !eaning.

"T!P @ Re1rite your summary When rewriting your su!!ary$ focus on the !eaning of the original te&t$ correcting the content or tone of the draft to ensure you do not distort the authorPs !essage. =a)e sure your language is clear and ob(ecti#e. ,e!e!ber$ your final su!!ary should be a shortened #ersion that is co! rehensi#e$ concise$ neutral and accurate.

!xamp%e of "ummarising
%te 1. ,ead and understand ideas resented. 6or !any years$ =alaysian "hinese were hardly interested in tracing their ancestors who had !igrated to this country. In recent years$ howe#er$ !any "hinese ha#e de#elo ed an a#id 1interest in their fa!ily tree or descent and their cultural bac)ground for !any reasons2. 6irstly$ !any "hinese beca!e in-uisiti#e and highly interested in their descent$ their long lost relati#es and the culture of "hina because tra#el to and fro! "hina has beco!e !ore liberalised and easy. %econdly$ the culture and the eo le of "hina are constantly featured on satellite T+ # ,iscovery Travel and Adventure which is #iewed by !illions. As a result of these two reasons$ a new assion has been created for thousands of "hinese !igrants in =alaysia.


WAJ3103 English Language Proficiency II

%te A .Write one #ery broad thesis state!ent.

Many Chinese have developed an avid interest in their family tree or descent and their cultural background.

%te 3. Identify the !ain oints of the article and !a)e outline notes. 6or !any years$ =alaysian "hinese were hardly interested in tracing their ancestors who had !igrated to this country. In recent years$ howe#er$ !any "hinese ha#e de#elo ed an a#id 1interest in their fa!ily tree or descent and their cultural bac)ground for !any reasons2. 6irstly$ !any "hinese beca!e in-uisiti#e and highly interested in their descent$ their long lost relati#es and the culture of "hina because tra#el to and fro! "hina has beco!e !ore liberalised and easy. %econdly$ the culture and the eo le of "hina are constantly featured on satellite T+ # ,iscovery Travel and Adventure which is #iewed by !illions. As a result of these two reasons$ a new assion has been created for thousands of "hinese !igrants in =alaysia.

=a)ing outline notes8

1. Malaysian Chinese's recent interest in their background: (a) Family trees (b) Cultural background . !easons for interest: (a) "ravel to and from China has become more liberalised and easy (b) Discovery Travel and Adventure # features China

%te 4. Writing out the first draft of the su!!ary

!ecently$ many Malaysian Chinese have developed a keen interest in their family tree or descent and the cultural background for many reasons.

Writing out i! ortant su

orting details8

'... because of ( liberalisation %f travel to and from China and the televised programme featuring China on Discovery Travel and Adventure

%te K. ,ewrite your su!!ary and !a)e sure the content and tone of the author is not distorted.
!ecently$ many Malaysian Chinese have developed a keen interest in their descent and cultural background because of liberalisation of travel to and from China and "& programmes featuring China's culture and its people.


WAJ3103 English Language Proficiency II

!xercise 1
+he i! ortant oints in the assage ha#e been underlined. 1a2 *se these i! ortant oints to !a)e outline notes. 1b2 *se the outline notes to8 i. write out the thesis state!ent with controlling ideas ii. write out so!e i! ortant details 7ur drea!s do not co!e fro! Panother worldP. +hey are not !essages fro! so!e outside source. +hey are not a loo) into the future$ nor do they ro hecy anything. All our drea!s ha#e so!ething to do with our e!otions$ fears$ longings$ wishes$ needs$ !e!ories. But so!ething on the PoutsideP !ay influence what we drea!. If we are hungry$ or tired$ or cold$ our drea! !ay include this feeling. If the blan)et has sli ed oft our bed$ we !ay drea! we are on an iceberg. +he !aterials for the drea! we ha#e tonight is li)ely to co!e fro! the e& eriences we will ha#e today. %o the content of our drea! co!es fro! so!ething that affects us while we are slee ing 1cold$ noise$ disco!fort$ and so on2 and it !ay also use our ast e& eriences and the urges and interests we ha#e now. +his is why #ery young children are li)ely to drea! of wiFards or fairies$ older children of school e&a!s$ hungry eo le of food$ ho!esic) soldiers of their fa!ilies$ and risoners of freedo!. Psychoanalysts$ eo le who study 7ur !inds$ ha#e !ade a s ecial study of why we drea! what we drea!$ and what those drea!s !ean. +heir inter retation of drea!s otters an interesting a roach to the roble!. +hey belie#e that drea!s are e& ressions of wishes that didnPt co!e true$ or of frustrated yearnings. In other words$ a drea! is a way of ha#ing our wish fulfilled.

!xercise 2
Write a su!!ary of about one?third the length of the assage. "lassroo! teachers can encounter s eech and language roble!s in se#eral for!s in children. +he first of these$ language delay$ is co!!only lin)ed with !ental retardation$ or slowness of the !ind. "hildren with oor !ental cogniti#e de#elo !ent or oor learning ability !ay show a slow rate of language de#elo !ent as well. Another for! of s eech roble!$ stuttering$ see!s to in#ol#e s eech roduction !ainly$ and to a lesser e&tent$ the o#erall thin)ing ability. %tuttering occurs when a erson finds it difficult to say the first sound of a word and so often hesitates or re eats it two or three ti!es. +he causes of stuttering are still unclear$ though it does beco!e worse if the children beco!e stressed and e&cited. But this does not !ean that teachers should a#oid at all costs to e&cite

WAJ3103 English Language Proficiency II

children who stutter. lt does !ean$ howe#er$ that teachers should e& ect fluctuations or changes in a!ount of stuttering roduced de ending on the degree of e&cite!ent in different circu!stances. A third for! of s eech roble!$ s eech or articulation disorders$ is the !ost co!!on a!ong school children. %uch children !ay !i& u $ o!it$ or substitute certain sounds of language$ gi#ing their s eech aPbabyishP -uality$ I a #ewy fuwwy beawP$ they !ay say$ instead of Pa #ery furry bearP. Although such error occur !ost co!!only a!ong younger children$ they can ersist well into adolescence for a few eo le.

*se this chec)list when double?chec)ing your su!!ary. 1. A. 3. 4. K. .. <. E. /. 10. 11. 4a#e you read the original te&t carefully and understood it co! letely5 If the authorPs na!e and the title of the source is !entioned$ ha#e you included it in the o ening section of the su!!ary5 4a#e you included the thesis state!ent of the original te&t5 4a#e all the !ain ideas of the original te&t been included5 4a#e all the i! ortant findings$ ideas and argu!ents been accurately and ob(ecti#ely ara hrased5 4a#e you chec)ed that you did not include your ersonal o inions$ #iews and (udge!ent5 4a#e you o!itted s ecifics such as e&a! les$ descri tions and detailed e& lanations5 Is your su!!ary co! rehensible e#en after cutting down words to condense it5 4a#e you chec)ed your su!!ary against the original te&t for accuracy5 4a#e the tone and intention of the original te&t been !aintained5 0oes your su!!ary !a)e sense to so!eone who has not read the original te&t5

3eyA !xercise 1 =a)ing outline notes8 0rea!s ? not !essages fro! outer source ? not a loo) into future ? not ro hecy 0rea!s are related to e!otions$ fear$ longings$ wishes$ needs$ !e!ories influenced by en#iron!ent. "ontent of drea! ? influenced by ast e& eriences$ urges and interests$ aunfulfilled wishes$ yearnings. A drea! is a way of ha#ing our wish fulfilled Writing out the thesis state!ent with controlling ideas8 0rea! are a way of ha#ing our wish fulfilled$ not a ro hecy$ or !essages fro! an outer source.


WAJ3103 English Language Proficiency II

Writing out so!e i! ortant details8 All drea!s are !ade of unfulfilled e!otions$fears$ longings$ wishes$ needs !e!ories influenced by ast e& eriences$ urges and interests. !xercise 2 "lassroo! teachers often encounter different for!s of s eech and language disorders in children li)e language delay$ stuttering and articulation disorder. Language delay is lin)ed to slow !ental and language de#elo !ent$ while stuttering affects s eech roduction but hardly affects thin)ing ability. Articulation disorder on the other hand$ occurs when children !i& u $ o!it$ and substitute certain sounds of language.

5i+%iograp/y 3g$ D. %.$ Li!$ %. D. and +an$ L. 4. 1A00/2. (etting ahead with *nglish (rammar and writing. %hah Ala!8 6ederal =arshall "a#endish Education. Drishna)u!ari Daruthan$ 3or AFni Abdullah and Ah!ad =aFli =uha!!ad. 1A0102. -riting with sources A guide book for academic writers %hah Ala!8 =c:raw?4ill Education.


WAJ3103 English Language Proficiency II

4.2.( L!TT!R WRITIN +here are basically two ty es of letter writing na!ely for!al letter and infor!al letter. 6or!al letters are such as letter of co! laint $ letter to order stationery$ letter to rotest$ etc whereas Infor!al letters are such as letter to a friend$ letter to fa!ily !e!bers$ etc. .A #OR*.L L!TT!R 1i2 Language features 6or!al tone Words which tell us how$ when or where Words which e& ress (udge!ents Words such as IbecauseJ$ Ias a resultsJ to establish cause 'effect relationshi . 1ii2 6or!at 5usiness Letter #ormat Bloc) 6or!at8 Business Letter ,eturn Address Line 1 1 ,eturn Address Line A 0ate 1=onth 0ay$ @ear2 2 =r.'=rs.'=s.'0r. 6ull na!e of reci ient. ( +itle'Position of ,eci ient. "o! any 3a!e Address Line 1 Address Line A 0ear =s.'=rs.'=r. Last 3a!e8 4 %ub(ect8 +itle of %ub(ect @ Body Paragra h 1.................................................................. ................................................................... ..................................................... Body Paragra h A.................................................................. ................................................................... ..................................................... Body Paragra h 3.................................................................. ................................................................... .....................................................B


WAJ3103 English Language Proficiency II

"losing 1%incerely...2$ 8 %ignature 9 @our 3a!e 1Printed2 C @our +itle Enclosures 1A2 1D +y ist Initials. 11 +he bloc) for!at is the si! lest for!atG all of the writing is flush against the left !argin. 'our .))ress 1 +he return address of the sender so the reci ient can easily find out where to send a re ly to. %)i a line between your address and the date. 13ot needed if the letter is rinted on a er with the co! any letterhead already on it.2 Date 2 Put the date on which the letter was written in the for!at =onth 0ay @ear i.e. August 30$ A003. %)i a line between the date and the inside address 1so!e eo le s)i 3 or 4 lines after the date2. Insi)e .))ress ( +he address of the erson you are writing to along with the na!e of the reci ient$ their title and co! any na!e$ if you are not sure who the letter should be addressed to either lea#e it blan)$ but try to ut in a title$ i.e. Q0irector of 4u!an ,esourcesQ. %)i a line between the date and the salutation. "a%utation 4 0ear =s.'=rs.'=r. Last 3a!e8$ 0ear 0irector of 0e art!ent 3a!e8 or +o Who! It =ay "oncern8 if reci ientPs na!e is un)nown. 3ote that there is a colon after the salutation. %)i a line between the salutation and the sub(ect line or body. "u+,ect Line 1o tional2 @ =a)es it easier for the reci ient to find out what the letter is about. %)i a line between the sub(ect line and the body. 5o)y B +he body is where you write the content of the letterG the aragra hs should be single s aced with a s)i ed line between each aragra h. %)i a line between the end of the body and the closing. C%osing 8 LetPs the reader )now that you are finished with your letterG usually ends with %incerely$ %incerely yours$ +han) you$ and so on. 3ote that there is a co!!a after the end of the closing and only the first word in the closing is ca italiFed. %)i 3?4 lines between the closing and the rinted na!e$ so that there is roo! for the signature. "ignature 9 @our signature will go in this section$ usually signed in blac) or blue in) with a en.


WAJ3103 English Language Proficiency II

Printe) Name C +he rinted #ersion of your na!e$ and if desired you can ut your title or osition on the line underneath it. %)i a line between the rinted na!e and the enclosure. !nc%osure 1D If letter contains other docu!ent other than the letter itself your letter will include the word QEnclosure.Q If there is !ore than one you would ty e$ QEnclosures 1R2Q with the R being the nu!ber of other docu!ents enclosed$ not including the letter itself. Reference Initia%s 11 If so!eone other than yourself ty ed the letter you will include your initials in ca ital letters followed by the ty istPs initials in lower case in the following for!atG A:'gs or A:8gs. 1i2 E&a! le :ii; A0A0 Jalan %i)a!at <0400 %ere!ban January K$ A01A =r. Bruno Accounts Payable +he 0elicious %tore 1010 Jalan =ega!all <0100 %ere!ban 0ear =r. Bruno8 It has co!e to !y attention that your co! any$ +he 0elicious %tore has been late with aying their in#oices for the ast three !onths. In order to encourage our custo!ers to ay for their in#oices before the due date$ we ha#e i! le!ented a discount !odel where we will gi#e you AS off your in#oice if you ay us within < days of recei#ing the in#oice. I ho e that e#erything is going well for you and your co! any. @ou are one of our biggest custo!ers$ and we a reciate your business. If you ha#e any -uestions$ feel free to contact !e at 10.2 EEE?EEEE %incerely$ Signature =ars Accounts ,ecei#able "amp%e 5usiness Letter


WAJ3103 English Language Proficiency II

5A IN#OR*.L L!TT!R 1i2 Language features Infor!al tone %ocial e& ressions Language for!s and functions.

1ii2 6or!at
#rien)%y Letter #ormat ,eturn Address Line 1 1 ,eturn Address Line A 0ate 1=onth 0ay$ @ear2 2

0ear 3a!e of ,eci ient$ (

Body Paragra h 1.......................................................................... ............................................................................ .. Body Paragra h A.......................................................................... ............................................................................ .. Body Paragra h 3.......................................................................... ............................................................................ ..4 "losing 1%incerely...2$ @ %ignature B

P.%. 8

In the friendly letter for!at$ your address$ date$ the closing$ signature$ and rinted na!e are all indented to the right half of the age 1how far you indent in is u to you as long as the heading and closing is lined u $ use your own discretion and !a)e sure it loo)s resentable2. Also the first line of each aragra h is indented. 'our .))ress 1 All that is needed is your street address on the first line and the city$ state and Fi on the second line. 13ot needed if the letter is rinted on a er with a letterhead already on it.2


WAJ3103 English Language Proficiency II

Date 2 Put the date on which the letter was written in the for!at =onth 0ay @ear e.g. August 30$ A003. %)i a line between the date and the salutation. "a%utation ( *sually starts out with 0ear so and so$ or 4i so and so. 3ote8 +here is a co!!a after the end of the salutation 1you can use an e&cla!ation oint also if there is a need for so!e e! hasis2. 5o)y 4 +he body is where you write the content of the letterG the aragra hs should be single s aced with a s)i ed line between each aragra h. %)i A lines between the end of the body and the closing. C%osing @ LetPs the reader )now that you are finished with your letterG usually ends with %incerely$ %incerely yours$ +han) you$ and so on. 3ote that there is a co!!a after the end of the closing and only the first word in the closing is ca italiFed. "ignature B @our signature will go in this section$ usually signed in blac) or blue in) with a en. %)i a line after your signature and the P.%. P.". 8 If you want to add anything additional to the letter you write a P.%. 1 ost scri t2 and the !essage after that. @ou can also add a P.P.% after that and a P.P.P.%. after that and so on. 1iii2 E&a! le "amp%e #rien)%y Letter K0. "ountry Lane 3orth Bays#ille$ "A K3AE. 0ece!ber 0A$ A011

0ear %a!atha$

It feels li)e such a long ti!e since the last ti!e I saw you. I )now itPs only been a !onth since I saw you. %o far !y holidays ha#e been greatM I s end all !y wee)ends at the beach. I a! getting a nice tan and you can no longer say I a! aler than you. I ha#e been laying lots of #olleyball$ surfing and building a nice collection of sea shells. Just this ast wee)end I too) second lace in a sandcastle building contestM 7n the wee)days I wor). I dri#e an ice crea! truc) around and sell ice crea! to the )ids. It is so cool. It is a co!bination of the two things I lo#e !ost$ ice crea! and )ids. +he ay isnPt too great but I lo#e the (ob so !uch. I ho e the holidayJs been going well for you too. +herePs only a !onth left before itPs bac) to school. Would you li)e to !eet u so!e ti!e before school starts5

WAJ3103 English Language Proficiency II

P.%. Willia! says hi.

@our friend$ Signature

Writing Tas0s 1a2 A Letter of "o! laint @ou are a resident of +a!an %inar 4ara an. @ou and se#eral of the residents in your area are unha y with the resence of nu!erous stalls in your area' @our co! laints are about8 %talls s rawling onto the roads *nhygienic conditions at the stalls Lac) of ar)ing s ace "logged drains

Write a letter to the town council co! laining about the conditions When writing the letter$ you shouldG =ention the co! laints :i#e suggestions on how to o#erco!e the roble!s Include any other rele#ant infor!ation.

1b2 A Letter to a 6riend Write a letter to a friend tellinghi!'her about a frightening e& erience.

5i+%iograp/y =aryann$ %.$ and ,oy$J. 1A00<2. 'odel compositions and summaries. 3rd ed. Duala Lu! ur 8 7&ford 6a(ar . Letter writing guide. 1A004?A011! 2. Sample business letter. ,etrie#ed htt 8''!'sa!! Letter writing guide. 1A004?A011! 2. Sample friendly letter format. ,etrie#ed fro! htt 8''!'friendlyletterfor!!


WAJ3103 English Language Proficiency II


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