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Human Resources Management Policy Solicitation and Distribution

Policy 41 NOTE: THIS POLICY, LIKE ALL OTHER MUSC HUMAN RESOURCES POLICIES, IS NOT A CONTRACT OF EMPLOYMENT AND SHOULD NOT BE RELIED UPON AS SUCH. THIS POLICY MAY BE CHANGED AT ANY TIME BY THE MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA. The Medical University of South Carolina is legally responsible for promoting the efficiency of the public services it performs. Rules are, therefore, promulgated in furtherance of that legal responsibility. I. POLICY The Medical University of South Carolina is legally responsible for promoting the efficiency of the public services it performs. Rules are, therefore, promulgated in furtherance of that legal responsibility. INFORMATION AND PROCEDURES A. Solicitation or Distribution by Persons Other Than Employees 1. Solicitation or distribution in those areas of the Medical University which are not open to the public is prohibited. 2. Sales Representatives (Vendors) a. To avoid unnecessary interruptions and excessive demands upon personnel, all vendors must receive approval and permission from the Director of Procurement to engage in solicitation of any nature. This shall include solicitation for the sale of goods, such as supplies and equipment, and services such as equipment rentals and insurance. b. Vendors are not permitted to offer, nor are employees permitted to accept, supplies or equipment for tests or evaluation purposes without the consent and/or permission of the Director of Procurement. c. In the event a member of the University staff desires to discuss specific requirements with a vendor, or if, in the



opinion of the Director of Procurement a discussion would be pertinent, arrangements for such discussions must be made through the Procurement Office. 3. Coordination of the solicitation or distribution policy shall be through the office of the Vice President for Finance and Administration or his designated representative. . Solicitation or distribution in areas of the Medical University which are open to the public is prohibited to the extent that such solicitation or distribution results in substantial disruption of, or material interference with, educational, research, administrative or treatment activities. a. Any charitable fund drive must be approved by the Vice President for Finance and Administration and must be conducted under the direction and supervision of the department heads or supervisors of the Medical University. Nonsupervisory employees will not be responsible for a charitable fund drive. b. Distribution of literature in areas not open to the public is prohibited, and distribution of literature or goods at any time in patient care areas is strictly prohibited. Patient care areas are defined as patients= rooms, operating rooms, and places where patients receive treatment, i.e., x-ray and therapy areas. c. Any person found soliciting funds without the permission of the Vice President for Finance and Administration shall be escorted from the premises by the University Department of Public Safety and shall be referred to the Office of the Vice President for Finance and Administration. An incident report shall be completed immediately and forwarded to the Vice President for Finance and Administration. Solicitation or Distribution by Employees of the Medical University 1. Distribution of literature by employees other than that required in the performance of their official duties on Medical University property is prohibited during working time. Working time is defined as the time an employee is scheduled to work and has reported to the assigned work area, but does not include the time before work begins, scheduled breaks, meal breaks, and/or after work time ends. 2. Solicitation at any time in patient care areas is prohibited. Patient care areas are defined in Section A.3.c of this policy. 3. Solicitation on Medical University property during work time is prohibited. 4. This policy shall include, without limitation, the sale of cosmetics, cleaning products, plastic food storage products, food services, and charitable fund drives not approved by the administration.

5. 6.


No employee shall accept any gratuity from a vendor or assist a sales person in solicitation of any nature at any time. When the administration finds at any time that any solicitation or literature has been distributed, either by its contents or by the manner of distribution itself, and such distribution is determined to interfere with the proper and orderly operation and discipline of the Medical University or is found to violate the policies of the Medical University, it will be prohibited. Any employee or student found to be in violation of the nosolicitation policy will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action.

Approved by: Robert C. Gallager Vice President for Finance & Administration

Information Contact


Office of Procurement

August 1999

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