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Tutorial for making a three dimensional origami lotus using triangular paper units is explained here.

Ive tried to make the steps as clear as possible. Hope you enjoy making this beautiful paper lotus.

How to make an Origami Lotus:

We will need a total of 734 units for making this origami lotus model. The split up of the units by color !reen " #$% units &ight 'ink " ()* units +ark 'ink " $(, units -ellow " .* units The tutorial for making the triangular units is given here.

/ disclaimer before we begin The 0uality of the images are not great1 something wrong with my lighting2 Step 1: We will start by making the leaves of the lotus flower. 3tart with one green units and increment the number of units by $ for every row.

Step 2: 4eep increasing the number by $ and inserting rows till you have 5 units in a row.

Step 3: 6ow start reducing the number of units by $ for every row till you have one unit. -ou will get this kind of a rhombus shaped structure. We would have used up 49 units for one leaf.

Step 4: 7epeat steps 1 to 3 and make . more such leaf units.

Step 5: /ttach two units together as shown. We will use ) connecting units for two leaves. /t least ) connecting units become necessary to hold the structure well.

Step 6: 3imilarly attach the six leaf units together.

Step 7: 6ow we will start making the lotus flower. The step to make the flower is going to be a little different than usual. !enerally we start from the bottom of the structure and move upwards. Here we will take a top down approach. We will be using light pink color units here. 8ust like how you made the leaves9 start for the flower " begin with $ unit and keep increasing by $ for the next row.

4eep adding the units till you have . units in a row and then start decreasing the number of units by $.

Step 8: :ake . more such units. We will need a total of , such units for one flower.

Step 9: 6ow connect two light pink units together using 1 ark pink unit. +o you see the dark pink unit at the center;

Step 1!: 6ow fill in using +ark pink units as shown.

Step 11 3imilarly keep connecting the light pink pieces together.

Step 12: <inally join the ends together in the same manner.

The round structure gets formed as you can see below.

Step 13: 6ow add a row of light pink. 3! units will get used up here.

/nd 1 ( more such rows. The flower is completed.

8ust shape the flower a bit at the bottom. I set the flower at the center of the leaves to see how it looks1already pretty2

Step 14: <or the center of the flower9 make a ring out of $* yellow units in each row. Here are the first ( rows.

Step 15: /dd one more row.

Step 16: =ring the last row downward.

Step 17: /dd ( more rows of yellow. /ll the .* yellow units are consumed.

Step 18: 3et the yellow modules piece at the center of the lotus flower.

Here is another look of the completed three dimensional modular lotus flower.

I was happy with the way the lotus came out. 8ust wish I had taken better pictures1 next in my to>do list is learning ?basic photography2

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Home @ /rt A Braft +I- C :odular Drigami @ #+ Drigami 'enguin " Instructions

3D Origami Penguin Instructions

'osted by 7amya Dn /pril $)9 (*$# In /rt A Braft +I-9 :odular Drigami ( Bomments The #+ Drigami 'enguin is an easy modular origami model that is suitable for beginners and can be done with a total of just $)5 units2

How to make a #+ Drigami 'enguin

We will need a total of 147 units comprising of > 1!1 =lack units 45 White units 1 DrangeEF-ellowG unit

Step 1: 3tart by making the first two rows of the model. Two triangular units are connected together making connector units.

Step 2:

4eep linking connector units together. /s it can be seen9 %ow 1 uses . =lack units and 5 White units. %ow 2 uses , =lack and , white units.

Step 3: 7ow # inserted " 5 =lack and . White units.

Step 4: 7ow ) made using ) White and % =lack units.

Step 5: 7ow . inserted using # White units and H =lack units. 7ow , inserted using ( White units and $* =lack units.

Step 6: Invert the model.

Step 7: 6ow insert the next row E7ow 5G. Invert each unit and insert the next row.

Step 8: Inverted units E# White and H =lack unitsG are inserted to form 7ow 5.

Step 9: 7ow % is now made by inserting units in the usual way Enot in the inverted mannerG with ) White and % =lack units.

Step 1!: 6ext row " row H is done using . White and 5 =lack units.

Step 11: <or 7ow $*9 insert ) White and % =lack units.

Step 12: Insert one black unit at the center of the white units at the top.

Step 13: Insert one white unit on either side of the black unit.

Step 14:

The rest of 7ow $$ consists of =lack units.

Step 15: 7ow $( " the last row is inserted using black units only.

The body of the 'enguin is done.

Step 16:

<or the 'enguins flippers9 insert one black unit on either side of the body. Ise glue when inserting the units.

as shown..

Step 17: /pply glue and insert one orange unit for the bill.

Step 18: <inally9 glue on a pair of eyes1

/nd the #+ Drigami 'enguin is complete2

This modular origami panda bear assembly is 0uite simple and the steps are similar to the Hello 4itty +oll we made sometime before. The tutorial follows..

How To make a #+ Drigami 'aper 'anda

We will need a total of 8!8 units for this modular origami model. These %*% units would comprise of 198 &la'k (&) units and 61! *hite (*) units. The model is split into Head E)$, units J 48 & K 368 *G and =ody E#H( units J 15! & K 242 *G of the =ear. The tutorial on making a triangular units for modular origami is available here. Step 1: Typically any modular origami model with triangular units starts with making a ring of units. Here too9 we will start by making %ow 1 with #( W EWhiteG pieces. Step 2: We will continue adding %ows 2 to 4 in the same manner with #( white units in each row.

/nother view at this point to show how the units have been inserted.

Step 3: %ow 5 would have pieces as shown i.e.9 #= " )W " #=. The rest of the row would all be white units. We have started making the black eye patches of the bear.

Step 4: 6ow add units on top of the three black units Eof %ow 5G for making each eye patch. /s you can see we have inserted a total of 24 +la'k units for one eye patch.

Step 5: 7epeat the above step for the other eye patch.

/dd white units to complete each row.

Step 6: / total of $# rows with #( units in each row complete the head of the bear.

Step 7: 6ow9 to make the body of the bear9 we will start adding units in the same way as we made the head. =ut here9 we will be using (% units in each row.

:ake the base with % rows " (% W EwhiteG units in each row.

Step 8: The next row E%ow 9) would have 5 W units and ($ = units.

Step 9: /dd %ows 1! an, 11 as shown. %ow 1! - , W and (( = units %ow 11 " . W and (# = units

Step 1!: %ows 12. 13 and 14 added fully with =lack units.

The body of the bear is done. Step 11: 3hove the body into the head of the bear. -ou can use glue to secure the model.

Step 12: 6ow for some black construction paper ears1



/nd eyes1

The modular origami panda bear is complete.

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