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1 Section A [ 30 marks ] Answer all questions. The time suggested for this section is 45 minutes.

If you are unable to answer any question, proceed to the next question. 1. Figure 1 shows am insect X .

FIGURE 1 In which one of the following is X in the correct position in the food chains ? A ! " # $. Plants X Frog agle X agle Plants Frog Frog Plants X Plants agle Frog agle X

%retions is defined as discharging A ! " # urine from the human &od' faeces from the human &od' water (apour from the human &od' unwanted su&stances from human &od'


P ) * ) + and , are four t'pe of fruit

-hich fruit are disperse &' wind ? A ! " # . P and * * and + + and , + onl' Figure $ shows a food we&. Animal P Plants Animal * Animal + FIGURE 2 0ow man' carni(ores in the food we& ? A ! " # 1 $ 3 . Animal / Animal ,

3 1. /he following information shows the characteristics of a plant. /hic3 stem which is a&le to store water 9er' long roots ,mall si:ed lea(es

!ased on the a&o(e characteristics) where is the most suita&le place for this plant to grow? A ,wamp ! 2a3e " #esert # +i(er &an3. 4. /he following information shows the characteristics of a seed. A -ater ! -ind " Animal # 5. %plosi(e mechanism I am small and light I ha(e wing too I can disperse far awa' from m' parent After I fall) I will germinate

-hat is the dispersion agent for the seed ?

/he pictures a&o(e show four t'pes of plants.

2 A " 2 and 7 2 and 6

6 ! #

8 6 and 8 8 and 7

-hich of the following reproduce &' seeds ?

. ;. -hich of the animals &elow used the same wa's to protect themsel(es from enemies ?

I A ! " # < I and II onl' II and III onl' II and I9 onl' I ) II ) II and III




/he diagram &elow shows the different groups of animals. Animals

la's its eggs in the ground X

la's its eggs in the cage Y

-hat are animals X and = ?

A B C D earthworm mos>uito tortoise turtle

&ird scorpion cra& coc3roach


-hat are the special characteristics of the eggs of the animal a&o(e to 3eep them safe? I II III I9 A B C D laid in slime laid on roc3s laid in hundreds laid in the soil I and III onl' I and I9 onl' II and III onl' I) II and III onl'


/he diagram show a food we&s. &ird Plants grasshopper deer tiger hen eagle

0ow man' food chain can &e found &ased on the food we&s shown? A ! " # 1$. 1 $ 3 .

-hat is the characteristic of the coconut fruit ? A B C D its dispersal agent is an animal its s3in is waterproof its fruit smells sweet it has man' small seeds

4 13. -hich of the following is true a&out microorganisms? A B C D 1.. /he' are small non?li(ing things. 6icroorganisms are found onl' in moist places. /he' can &e seen through a magnif'ing glass. /he' can &e plant or animal cells.

-hich of the following is not the harmful effects of microorganisms? A ! " # Illness 6a3ing tempe Food poisoning /ooth deca'


-hat are the similarities &etween the animals a&o(e? I II III I9 A B C D the' la' eggs with hard shells the' sit on their eggs to warm them the' ta3e care of their 'oung the' la' man' eggs I and II onl' III and I9 onl' I) II and III onl' I) II) III and I9

5 14. -hich of the following pairs is wrong? Animals rhinoceros millipede &at whale Reprod ce gi(es &irth la's eggs la's eggs gi(es &irth

A ! " #


-hich of the following foods are produced &' using microorganisms ? I II III I9 A ! " # &un doughnut tapai mil3

I and II onl' I ) II and III onl' I ) II and I9 onl' I ) II ) III and I9 onl'


-hich of the following is a microorganism ? A ! " # 9irus -orm 6os>uito !utterfl'


/he information &elow shows the characteristics of seed. 0a(e smells ) !rightl' colour ) Flesh' /he seeds are dispersal &' @@@..

; A ! " # $0. wind animal water e%plosi(e mechanism

-hich of the following animals are omni(ores ?

! A ! " # $1. P and * * and , and + P + and ,


-hich of the following is a producer ? A ! " # +at agle Arass ,na3e


-hich of this appliances does not in(ol(e the use of heat energ' ?




< A ! " # $3. I onl' I and III onl' II ) III and I9 onl' I) II ) III and I9

/he information &elow shows the relationship &etween the height of three plants. /he height of plant # is greater than plant $ /he height of plant % is e>ual to plant $

-hich of the following represent the information a&o(e ? # $ %



-hich of the following is not a source of energ' ? A ,un

10 ! " # Food !atter' ,witch


/he picture &elow shows an alarm cloc3.

-hich of the following shows the correct energ' transformation of the appliance ? A ! " # $4 Potential energ' Binetic energ' ,olar energ' "hemical energ' Binetic energ' lectrical energ' lectrical energ' lectrical energ' ,ound energ' "hemical energ' Binetic energ' C ,ound energ'

-hich of the follow pairs is correct.. Form o& energ' Binetic energ' 0eat energ' "hemical energ' lectrical energ' ()*ects !oo3 -ood Food -ire

A ! " # $5

-hich or the following is a source of renewa&le energ' ? A ! " # !iomass "oal Petroleum 8atural gases



" will not )e replaced a&ter it is sed p-hich of the following represents * ? A ! " # $< -a(es Petroleum !iomass 0eat and light from the ,un

-hat is meant &' renewable energy ? A ! " # nerg' that can &e replenished when used up. nerg' caused &' (i&rations. nerg' produced &' light . nerg' from the ,un.


-hich of the following is not a reason wh' we should use energ' wisel' ? A ! " # /o a(oid wastage /o reduce pollution /o sa(e cost /o sa(e time.

E+D (F SEC,I(+ A

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